The threshold in the country. We arrange the entrance to the country house: how to make a wooden porch with your own hands

The porch is the first thing that guests see, it can be considered the hallmark of any home. The design of the porch gives the impression not only of the house, but also of its owner. And the neater and more attractive it looks, the better.

For decorative purposes, sculptures, flowers, columns, carved balusters are often used. But at the same time, you need to take into account the general style. Let's say a chic stone porch is not suitable for a simple wooden house, and, on the contrary, for a huge brick structure, a small wooden porch will look ridiculous.

The main components of the structure are:

  • Steps;
  • Railing;
  • Visor;
  • Area.

Varieties of porches

There are many types of porches. They differ in size, materials from which they are made, additional elements and functionality.

Let's start with the most common. It is suitable for a small house or summer cottage. The easiest way to build it.

Brick porch will look organically next to a brick house. However, with the right decoration, you can do this for a wooden house and buildings sheathed with other materials.

Column porch not suitable for every home. First, because it is not easy to fit into the overall design. Secondly, not many materials in style are combined with the columns. Columns will fit well in a brick or stone building.

Glazed porch especially important for cold climates. It is more difficult to design it than usual, but in terms of its functionality, such a porch surpasses the main types.

Porch design

Before proceeding directly to the construction, it is necessary, at least, to have in mind the entire construction plan. But it is better to depict it on paper and calculate all sizes, pay attention to all the nuances.

It is important for the project to provide for:

  • Location of adjacent parts (doors, paths);
  • Building materials;
  • Instruments;

An example of a project is shown in the figure. This porch consists of:

  1. support part;
  2. steps;
  3. handrail;
  4. side part in the form of a flower bed;
  5. canopy.

The porch, as a rule, is made so that it is on the same level with the 1st floor of the house, but you need to take into account the margin for the front door, which should be at least 5 cm from the porch site (since, in accordance with fire safety techniques, the front door should open outward).

When designing, you should consider a canopy or a full roof for protection from precipitation. You definitely need to think about fences, since in winter the steps often become icy. It will be dangerous to move along them without support at this time.

How to choose materials for the porch

When choosing materials for a porch, it is best to rely on what the main building is made of. As already mentioned, a tree will suit a wooden house, a brick will suit a brick one. At the same time, it is possible to choose compositions from different materials. But for this they need to be properly assembled and adjusted. So, for example, a porch of typical staircase steps will harmoniously fit into a spacious stone house, and ceramic cladding will make such a structure original.

A wooden structure is easiest to build, since it does not require a large support, which means that you can do without a foundation. But this material also has obvious disadvantages - low strength.

As an additional material, metal will do quite well. It is usually mounted on a concrete base.

Important! Do not forget about waterproofing, in humid and cold climates this plays a big role.

How to calculate your porch size

It would seem that you don't have to bother too much about the size, but this is not so, because the porch must first of all be safe. And it's also convenient.

The area at the door. Let's start with observation: to open a door, a person first walks to the door, turns, inserts the key, opens, and then takes a step back. To do all these actions, you need a certain space to the left and right of the door, as well as in front of it.

There are building codes that govern the size of the porch. They differ depending on whether the door is single or double.

For the first, the depth should be at least one and a half meters, width from one and a half to one meter and sixty centimeters. For the second at the same depth, the width should be over two meters. Of course, these parameters should not be taken as an ideal. It will be better if they become even slightly exceeded. You should definitely take care of this if the porch is high.

Steps. Their width differs from structures inside buildings, external ones should be more comfortable and safe. It is recommended to tread at least 30 centimeters.

While the number of steps is often small, their height, on the contrary, should be reduced in comparison with internal staircases. A good height in this case is between 14 and 17 centimeters.

Railings and fences... If the porch is more than 3 steps high, then it is necessary to make fences on it. The standard size of the railing is suitable - 80-90 centimeters.

Light . Lighting is important when building a porch, as this is a place of special injury risk. The same rule of 3 steps applies here, that is, if there are 4 or more steps in a staircase, then one lamp is not enough. You need to hang at least two so that they illuminate the porch from different sides. This is due to the fact that the lighting fixture located above the door gives a large shadow, as a result of which the steps are not viewed properly.

Visor. What is it for? The first answer that comes to mind is to hide from the rain. But, besides this, it is also designed to protect the steps from precipitation, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, the visor should be made wider than the porch. It is recommended that it be at least 30 centimeters longer than the porch on all sides.

Such a large canopy reduces the amount of light, especially if there are windows underneath. To solve this problem, polycarbonate can be used for the purpose of building such a roof.

We build a porch for the house with our own hands

Consider the option of building a porch, the price of which is most consistent with the quality. To do this, it is necessary to make a base from a conventional foundation, reinforced with reinforcement and in several layers of cement filled with a solution.

Such a porch can be finished with tiles, stone or any other suitable material.

Preparatory work

The construction of a porch, like any other object, begins with clearing the place and marking. This is done in order to save time later. All the necessary tools and materials (reinforcement, sand and cement) are also purchased.

Concrete foundation

It is easy to guess that it all starts with the creation of a foundation, under which the first step is to dig a pit (the depth is equal to the size of the foundation of the house itself). Then, according to the rules, you should fill in a pillow of gravel and sand, and then pour concrete, setting the formwork.

The rules and regulations must be followed so that the porch does not have to be restored in the next few years.

For the base of the foundation, you will need a broken brick, on top of which a mesh of ribbed reinforcement is installed. This will strengthen the foundation and bond it to the foundation of the main building. Next, you need to take out the reinforcement from the foundation of the building, the future threshold will be poured along it. After the finished “floor” under the base has been obtained, you need to drive in more vertical pieces of reinforcement into it, which we fill from above with a good cement solution.

Porch base

After the base of the foundation is poured, it's time to move on to forming the base of the porch. A backing brick is suitable for this purpose. They should lay out the base of the structure, taking into account the required dimensions. At this stage, do not forget about waterproofing, since the brick is sensitive to high humidity. We need both horizontal and vertical types of waterproofing - the base is cut off from the porch, the whole base is treated with aquasol or a double layer of roofing material.

Masonry steps

The moment has come to lay the steps. A high-quality brick will come in handy here, it is not recommended to take already used ones. In principle, almost any type of brick will do. It is put on a regular mortar, in a way convenient for the builder. This stage should be approached with special care, because the steps are the main part of this structure.

Finishing and decoration

There is no big difference whether it is a wooden or brick porch, because the main thing is ease of use, high quality, reliability and durability. But also not in the last place is the aesthetic component.

Therefore, it is also necessary to decorate the porch of the house. To increase the service life, it is worth trimming the edges of the steps with a metal corner.

For the integrity of the architectural ensemble, it is necessary to carry out coordinated color solutions in the decoration. So, if there are elements of forging in the enclosing structures, then it would be nice to use similar elements in the design of the railings and pilasters for the canopy.

Various directions in the decor of the porch

Examples of beautiful design can be seen in the video

Classics. In this case, a gable canopy, chiseled railings and round balusters are required. Stone or tiles are suitable as cladding.

In the "castle" style. A fairly massive structure, decorated with natural stone. For decorative purposes, you can use torches, lattices, heavy furniture.

Old Russian era... In Russia, the main entrance of a traditional wooden house was made high, on large heavy supports, and at the same time it was quite spacious. It was customary to use patterns and carved elements in large quantities as decorations.

Patio porch. Such a structure looks like an open terrace adjacent to the house. There are benches, tables, chairs on it. Moreover, not in all cases a roof is made over the structure.

European style... This design is characterized by restrained lines and regular features. As a rule, such a porch is a low structure. For cladding, take ceramic tiles or a suitable type of stone.

French style... A special feature here is the "French window". Although in fact this is a door made with an openwork lattice design. To complement, flowers are used in hanging pots, wicker and wooden furniture.

Whatever design of the porch is chosen, it is important to remember the observance of construction technologies and the quality of materials. Provided these requirements are met, the porch will last a long time. And finally, I would like to post photos of various designs of porches for wooden, brick and other houses.

03.09.2016 30961

The porch to the house is considered the logical completion of the building structure, it has steps, since the level of the first floor is above ground level. When building this element, it is worth considering the required area for comfortable accommodation of two people and the presence of a canopy.

Everyone can do it with their hands, the main thing is to know the nuances of construction depending on the construction. The article discusses the main questions of how to build a porch to the house with your own hands.

  • The construction work plan begins with the design. This includes the type of construction, design, material, step and handrail heights. When choosing these elements, it is taken into account what material the building is made of;

Important: when calculating the steps, it is worth considering that a person must finish a step with the leg with which he started, that is, an odd number.

  • Before building steps with your own hands, you should know that a comfortable height is 15-20 cm, and a depth of 30 cm, with an increase in these indicators, it is inconvenient to walk;
  • You will need to make a slight slope so that when precipitation falls, water does not accumulate on the surface;
  • Railings and fences are required not only in the structure of more than 0.5 meters, the use serves as an additional decorative decoration. Railing height within 80-100 cm;
  • If the area is sufficient, then you can equip it with a bench or a veranda;
  • The design of the structure is selected based on the exterior of the building and the surrounding area;
  • You can build a porch as a separate element from the building, and after the construction process, dock with the house, but it is recommended to make a single foundation. If you performed it as a separate monolithic structure, then you do not need to attach it to the foundation of the house, since cracks will appear during the shrinkage process, which will lead to destruction.

Stages of building a porch to a one-story house

Before creating a project, it is worth considering the proportions of the house and doors in order to end up with a beautiful porch, since the construction of a small structure with large doors looks inappropriate and vice versa. Consider construction above 1.5, taking into account the fact that a single foundation was not initially provided. The complex goal set will make it possible to simplify the task when erecting light systems.

The construction of the porch to the house begins with the foundation, brick is used as the basis in this project.

Required tools and material:

  1. Twine;
  2. Cement for masonry and foundations;
  3. Roofing material;
  4. Trowel;
  5. Capacity for mixing the mixture;
  6. Building level;
  7. Brick;
  8. Armature;
  9. Crushed stone;
  10. Shovel;
  11. Sand.

In order for the foundation with the building, you will need to go down below the freezing point of the soil. You also need to go down below the foundation of the building and you will need to break the integrity of the foundation of the house.

Important: Many builders argue that it is possible to install a foundation on the surface of the soil without deepening, on the one hand, such a process is real, but it should be borne in mind that the material for such a system will need to be selected with high performance characteristics, which will lead to additional costs. This is due to the high loads that occur annually during the thawing of the soil after winter, when the soil is not stable. Using pads against heaving of the soil will also not help. The use of an unburied foundation is permissible in regions with a dry climate. And if you use an unburied foundation in this case, the porch will float.

Step-by-step algorithm:
  • To build a reliable porch to a one-story house, brickwork occurs in a full brick, that is, the thickness will be from 30 cm;
  • At this stage, according to the project, markings are made, the twine is pulled and pegs are installed;
  • A trench is dug and filled with fine gravel or crushed stone and a thorough compaction takes place;
  • We reinforce the resulting structure;
  • The mixture for the construction is prepared as follows: one part of cement, 5 crushed stone and 3 sand is taken;

Recommendation: when preparing the mixture, the resulting mass should have a dense structure, since the plastic solution will begin to exfoliate and peel over time. While stirring, add water in small portions.

  • The foundation is poured and left alone for 20 days. During drying, the porch extension to the house is periodically moistened with water or previously covered with a film for 7 days;
  • If another material is used as a cladding, then when laying a brick, you should not worry about joining;
  • At this stage, there is a waterproofing material - roofing felt, laying occurs over the entire area;
  • The waterproofing process is done in 2 layers. The first ones are installed with overlap and in parallel;
  • The masonry process takes place using a building level or pre-stretched twine;
  • The internal space is filled with construction waste, for example, brick breakage, the remaining mortar or fine gravel and gravel 25-30 cm thick, the layers are sprinkled with sand. It is carefully compacted so that, as a result, the voids between the material are minimal;
  • The porch for the house in the inner space is filled until 20-25 cm remains to the edge and covered with sand;
  • After laying 10-15 cm with a layer of gravel or fine crushed stone, a screed is made;
  • When performing this process, do not forget about the design of the railing, and what kind of fastening they have;
  • The porch to the house is almost complete. On a pre-laid roofing material, a screed is poured from the total area. Going to the steps after, starting from the top.

Foundation, as a cladding, depending on the design, it is possible to lay tiles. There are dozens of design options, the floor on the porch is decorated with decorative stone and, but only frost-resistant material is required, for example, porcelain stoneware. The masonry is done so that there are no voids, they are detected by tapping, in this case the tiles are repositioned.

It's not that hard, the main thing is to stick to the technology. The facade is finished with plaster for outdoor use, decorative stone, and other materials suitable for outdoor use. The choice of facing material for finishing the structure remains at the discretion and taste of the owner, but, most importantly, in order to make a beautiful porch, you need to take into account the style of the building and site.

Construction of a concrete porch

To make a porch with your own hands from concrete, you should follow the algorithm. Key questions and recommendations:

  • It is recommended to build a concrete structure at the stage of building a house to create a single foundation and waterproofing. Since properly installed waterproofing affects the durability;
  • If the building has already been built, then attach a porch, 5 cm lower from the front door. The number of steps depends on the height of the door;
  • The material for construction is selected high quality, moisture resistant and for outdoor use.

We build a porch to the house in 3 stages:

  1. A building material is selected, and preparatory work is carried out on the site;
  2. The main stage will be the calculation and construction of the formwork;
  3. Concrete paving.

Work order:

  • At the first stage, a pit is dug with a depth of 20-30 cm, and is 2.5 cm wider than the area of ​​the site;
  • Gravel or fine gravel is poured into 2.5 cm, and sand is laid on top to fill the voids;
  • To correctly calculate the height of the steps, the height of the structure is taken and divided by their number;
  • At this stage, formwork is erected with a height of at least 30 cm, relative to the structure itself;
  • The steps are located at right angles, and the platform itself has a slope of 0.6 cm, a drain of 30 cm. The steps also have a slope of 15 degrees;
  • For the formwork, stiffeners will be required;
  • Installation of shields occurs after the indentation from the wall surface;
  • The stakes are driven into a depth of 25 cm and spacers are installed. The resulting base is filled up and carefully compacted;
  • Pre-cut boards are nailed to the formwork according to the parameters of the steps, nails are used as fastening material.

To attach a porch to a brick house, use the same technology before pouring mortar. It should be borne in mind that the construction of a brick structure will cost more than the construction of a concrete base.

Construction of a porch to a wooden house

Wood is considered an environmentally friendly material, but do-it-yourself timber must meet certain requirements, since the structure will be exposed to atmospheric influences and mechanical stress all year round. At the first stage, preparatory work is carried out:

  1. When creating a drawing, staircases, construction and surface parameters and design are taken into account;
  2. The foundation during the design phase should be thought out so that it is subject to minimal environmental influences;
  3. The extension area must be of sufficient size for the simultaneous movement of several people;
  4. There are no requirements and norms to build a porch from a bar;
  5. Options and style are selected based on the type and design of the house;
  6. The surface of the porch should be located 3-5 cm below the door leaf, otherwise, when precipitation falls, the door will deform, which will lead to creaks when opening and closing, and a complete structural failure is possible.

We build a porch made of wood - a step-by-step algorithm:

  • You will need boards with parameters 15 cm by 5 cm;
  • A support is made from the prepared material, fastening to each other occurs with self-tapping screws;
  • A depression is made under the sole of the support in the ground;
  • The support is created from improvised material, it can be flat stones or nickels, filled with cement mortar with gravel or fine gravel;
  • Wooden supports are installed on these dimes. All elements made of wood are treated with an antibacterial primer against mold and rot 15 cm from the soil, but it is better to saturate the entire structure;
  • If there is no primer available, drying oil or used car oil is used as an impregnation, bitumen is inappropriate to use here, since after application an airtight film forms and wood rotting will go from the inside;
  • Self-tapping screws are used as a fastening material for the platform. The more firmly the flight of stairs and the platform are connected, the more reliable and durable the structure will be;
  • The staircase is built after the completion of the installation of the site. It is worth paying attention to the bowstring, since this element is considered the most difficult, because it is presented in the form of a carrier board. Installation of steps takes place on it.

Creating a canopy:

  1. A common material for a canopy is polycarbonate, it has high performance, which allows you to increase the service life, as well as a low cost;
  2. A frame of several consoles is made from an aluminum profile;
  3. To mount the frame, metal clamps are required as fastening material. Rubber gaskets are used to seal the washer attachment points;
  4. For the screws, holes are made several times more parts for installation, since polycarbonate tends to expand in the sun. It is impossible to use sharp material for fastening: self-tapping screws and screws, since there is a high probability that a chip will form, and subsequently a crack will go along the surface.

The article considered several types of porch construction from different materials. Also, after construction, you can conduct electricity so that it is comfortable to move in the dark.

The porch is an external extension in front of the entrance to the house.

Have you ever seen buildings (logically complete) without it? Unlikely. After all, a porch is a functionally significant part of any residential (and non-residential) structure; it contributes to a comfortable transition of a person from ground level to the level of the floor plane.

Since the floor in the house cannot be level with the ground, steps are an obligatory "component" of the porch. Directly in front of the door, there should be a platform large enough to accommodate several people. Above the extension, you can equip a canopy that protects it from precipitation.

Do-it-yourself porch construction - where to start?

Before you build a porch, you should definitely correctly plan all your activities, in particular, think over the appearance and design of the "structure", its dimensions, optimal proportions, the number of steps, the height of the handrails, etc.

And also learn some of the technical tricks of building a house porch. So, the number of steps and their height should be calculated with the reference to the fact that a person should take a step onto the platform from the same foot from which he began the "ascent".

The optimal number of steps is three, five or seven (odd number). The recommended step height is 15-20 centimeters, the depth is about 30. If you make the depth deeper, it will not be very comfortable to walk.

An appropriate solution for the construction of a wooden porch would be the formation of a slope of several degrees. This will prevent water from stagnating on surfaces.

Fencing the porch with handrails is a controversial issue. Experts believe that for a high structure (from one and a half meters) the railings at least to some extent justify themselves, but for a low extension it is rather an excess. It is clear that when you are not limited in funds, you can be creative, assign them the role of a decorative, aesthetically pleasing exterior detail. With a modest budget for a small-sized structure, it is better not to spray on the railing.

Important! From the point of view of ergonomics, the height of the railings is 80-100 centimeters most acceptable for the average owner.

The porch, if desired, can be equipped with a bench (it is not an obligatory element).

As for the area of ​​the site, there are no SNIPs or recommendations for all occasions from professional builders. The site can be made absolutely in size - large, small ... but at least encircling the whole house, like a terrace. Some of the original projects involve the porch as a veranda. In a word, before starting the construction of the porch, it will not be superfluous to look at photos of houses with interesting exterior solutions. There are a lot of options for arranging the extension.

The porch is often made in the form of an independent structure, docked to the finished house. But it can be (this is even better) and an integral part of the building, to have a foundation in common with it from the very beginning.

For the first case, there is one very important recommendation - to connect the extension to the monolith of the building, as they say, "tightly", is categorically not recommended. This is due to the fact that the structures have different weights, and, as a result, different shrinkage. Do you want to admire the deformation and cracks at the junction? So, do not tempt fate.

Materials for building a porch

It is highly desirable that the porch be designed in the same style as the house. Agree, a wooden house with a stone porch will look ridiculous, as well as vice versa.

When decorating a porch, you can combine stone and wood, but this must be done very carefully and carefully. It is important that the extension (especially if it is "outstanding") forms a harmonious combination with external attributes - a fence, gates, etc. when decorating the pilasters supporting the visor or the railing of the porch itself. The annex can be lit with fixtures identical in style to those that illuminate your property at night.

As for the size of material investments, the price for the construction of the porch will directly depend on what materials you choose and what "beauties" you want to refine it.

How to build a concrete porch correctly?

Before you build a porch with your own hands near a house made of concrete blocks or a brick house, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. First of all - dig a hole for the foundation and form an extension site. The depth of the foundation pit should be approximately 100-120 centimeters. A sand cushion 20 centimeters high is formed at its bottom. Next, you should build a wooden formwork and fill the base with a solution.

The next stage of building a porch with your own hands is the creation of a concrete staircase. It is built using formwork, designed taking into account each of the steps. To make the porch more reliable and durable, you need to reinforce it with special frames (made of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 millimeters). The steps are formed one after the other: the first has dried up - the second has been filled in, etc. The corners of the steps are reinforced with metal corners, "recessed" into the still uncured solution.

In the process of work, do not forget to take care of the hydro and vapor barrier of the extension.

The porch area should be made 5 centimeters below the level of the door.

When all the concrete work is completed, you can start finishing the extension. For these purposes, porcelain stoneware or tiles are the best fit.

Note! The main mistake of many inexperienced owners is the use of tiles for interior work for decorating the porch. And a sincere surprise why in the cold season it is terribly slippery.

Use only materials recommended for outdoor use.

Now for the railing. If your house is brick-built, metal or brick railings with wooden handrails are the best option. Wooden, well-finished handrails are optimal for use at any time of the year. Even in winter.

If you plan to make a visor (roof), then keep in mind that it should cover the entire porch with a margin (protection of the entrance from rain and snow).

Making a brick extension

The initial stage of building a brick porch is exactly the same as that of a concrete one - from preparing a pit for the foundation to pouring mortar into the area under the porch. Then the brickwork is created, "layer by layer" - as if building a house. In terms of strength, a brick extension is no worse than a concrete one, only it will cost more.

How to build a wooden porch?

A wooden porch is a great decoration for any wooden structure. It can be built in two ways.

The first (simple) method is to install a stepped wooden box on a concrete foundation, support the porch platform for strength with two beams protruding from the wall of the house. The lowest boards in contact with concrete are recommended to be treated with bitumen or machine oil - this is a critical procedure for extending their life.

The second one is realized with the help of kosour. As in the first case, the porch area rests on the beams. And the stairs - on these same kosoura (reinforced concrete sleepers or beams). It is connected to the foundation of the kosoura by cutting it out, but they are fastened to each other with a support board (fixed with through thorns). A waterproof concrete support should also be provided.

Building a Porch: An Expert Video on Major Technological Mistakes

We construct a canopy

To create a canopy, you can use modern high-tech polycarbonate material. The frame for it, as a rule, is made of an aluminum profile. Two consoles are used to support the structure.

The polycarbonate is attached to the frame with metal clips. It is better to use rubber washers in the attachment points - they will prevent leakage in bad weather. The dimensions of the holes for the screws should be two to three times the dimensions of the parts themselves: this recommendation aims to provide polycarbonate with free expansion under the summer sun.

Aesthetics and more aesthetics: how to build a beautiful porch in various styles

And finally, let's talk about the aesthetic side of the issue. There are a lot of options for building a porch from a constructive and stylistic point of view. Let's try to highlight the main porch styles that can be found in our cottage villages.

Classic porch

Lined with ceramic tiles or natural stone. The canopy is most often gable, there are railings and decorative posts. The presence of a large number of designer pieces is unacceptable. It is undesirable to paint such an extension in bright colors. A classic porch is a purely practical solution in "neat colors".

Gingerbread house porch

This is a combination of decorative elements made of bricks and metal gratings. Cover such an extension with a gable roof. Wild grapes, ivy (other climbing plants) are used for decoration. Wooden parts painted in colors close to the plant world are not excluded.

European type of porch

It is characterized by regular strict forms. Such an extension can be decorated with a wide variety of accessories.

In the question of how to build a porch, photos of various finishes and decorations can be very useful. So you can more clearly imagine what kind of extension you would like to see in the end.

At the entrance can be located street lamps, decorative garden figurines (animals, gnomes).

Porch patio

It is a kind of open terrace adjoining the house. Tables, benches, armchairs can be located here. A visor or roof is not always covered.

Fortress porch

Such an extension is made massive, trimmed with natural stone. Corresponding details in its design are torch lamps, forged lattices. Pots with flowers will look great on forged lattices - they will further emphasize the massiveness and contrast of the design.

Romantic annex

This is a kind of symbiosis of a gazebo with a porch. Such a structure is ideal for communication, smoke breaks, short dates. On the porch in a romantic style, there must be benches, if you wish, you can arrange coffee tables. It is highly desirable to have flowers and several fixtures at different levels.

Whatever type and design of the porch you like, remember, the main thing is to use high-quality materials and adherence to the technology for performing work at all stages of the process.

Wood will always remain our favorite material, because it is alive and natural; stone, even natural, does not have this property, and even more so, glass and concrete do not. As long as a person lives, they will build with their own hands. A wooden house has a peculiarity - a porch made of wood will easily fit it, but almost never - made of metal and plastic. You have to be a great specialist in the design of wooden houses in order to organically integrate the modern "metallic" style into the facade of a wooden house. And it is even more difficult to make a beautiful porch with your own hands without a project.

Choosing a porch project for a wooden house

The task for working with your own hands is greatly simplified if you take into account several rules for the mutual combination of the features of the porch and the facade of the house:

  1. A porch for a wooden house can be made in the same style as the house itself. But not to make a small copy of the house, but to make its structure look like an integral part of the building. Take a look at a few photos. In all cases, a beautiful porch looks harmonious because of its functionality and thoughtfulness of style;
  2. You can make a contrast between the beautiful texture of the porch and the standard look of an ordinary wooden house. Against the background of a boring, neat look of a wooden house, the porch will look more impressive.

Important ! Most beautiful projects attract with their simple and stylish designs, which do not have unnecessary elements or "empty" decorations.

Please note that in the above photos you can choose a whole photo gallery of the most successful projects with a minimum amount of decor, beauty is achieved only thanks to the natural characteristics of wood.

Interesting designs of a porch for a house made of wood

The bulk of projects of wooden houses with their own hands were made either in the old "chopped" style, or stylized as wooden ones with extensive use of metal, ceramics, and wooden beams. The houses of both styles are very beautiful, and with the right selection, the porches take on the appearance of a piece of art.

House and porch in "chopped" style

Much of the beauty of a house and a porch depends on the right style of wood construction. For example, a standard cottage, which does not have any special delights in shape and design in the photo, changes dramatically in perception after vertical stands from tree trunks were added. Their unusual shape made it easy to stylize the entire building of the house under an unusual "forest" look. Style "hut on chicken legs".

Often, wooden houses are built with their own hands using the old grandfather's method from large wooden logs. Almost always, these "log cabins" are large two-storey buildings, reminiscent of medieval Siberian houses. But with the correct location of the porch and the observance of the general style, the house can greatly benefit if you make a beautiful carved porch "antique", as in the photo.

Oddly enough, but most of the houses built of wood repeat modern architecture, which is poorly combined with the old "chopped" style. The desire to make a complex roof and a log vault of walls leads to the appearance of a kind of "remake" - the texture of an old wooden house, mechanically transferred to a new architectural look. In such variants, a beautiful carved porch practically saves the whole ensemble.

Some lovers prefer a classic wooden house following the patterns and canons of the 18th century. Variants typical for the northern latitudes of the country are especially interesting. Even in the photo, such projects look simple and very functional, there is nothing superfluous in the construction of the roof and walls, but one feels that the house is unusually strong and reliable. An openwork porch with beautiful staircases very accurately complements the beauty of a wooden house.

Almost always, the porch looks very beautiful and organic, it can complement and emphasize the beauty of the house if it is small in size, due to which the design of a small porch is not lost, but correctly complements the main building, as in the photo.

Stylization for "chopped" buildings

The proportionality effect forces lovers of large houses to artificially increase the size of the porch in order to maintain the correct proportions in the house. In the appearance of the front part of a beautiful wooden house, the main role is assigned to the porch, it is made of wood, but it looks very modern and stylish, thanks to the laconic and beautiful design and well-chosen toning of the bearing supports and the wooden cladding of the house. The achieved effect speaks for itself in the photo.

The most successful and attractive are wooden houses not of a "chopped" style, but stylized as a log frame. The architecture of such a house turns out to be more elegant and modern. In the photo you can see how to use a beautiful carved ornament, organically combined with the general ideology of the wooden structure of the house. The porch turned out to be very spacious and light, the carved ornament goes very well with the general decor of the wooden house.

The walls and porch made of wood look more modern and stylish, and there is no excess in the use of antique decorative elements. Moreover, the porch itself is very beautiful and well complements the facade of a wooden house, in the photo. But in such decisions, in order to maintain the overall style, the porch was faced with ceramic tiles, a very well-chosen shade. In such a design, the monumentality of the building and the decoration of the timber for expensive types of wood require an exquisite texture of the material for the wooden porch, therefore the stone steps are made with ceramic cladding.

Not a wooden porch for a house made of wood

There are many successful options when builders and architects manage to combine the warm style of a wooden house with the cold modern style in which the porch of the house is built with their own hands. Wood goes very well with stone and ceramic tiles

The metal and plastic from which the porch is built do not in the least spoil the appearance of the wooden house, although the structure itself looks a little unusual, but not alien, thanks to the successful wooden texture of the cladding and the design of the house itself.

It is not always possible to harmoniously combine a house made of wood and a non-wooden porch. The complexity of this approach lies in the need to painstakingly select a compromise between the bright appearance of the wooden facade and the discreet style of the porch. Sometimes this is possible thanks to the use of a minimum of metal and glass in the porch. For example, in the photo, it was possible to solve the compatibility problem thanks to the use of forged elements and a delicate openwork construction scheme. In addition, the shading formed by the pine trees growing around it favorably affects the general background of the house.

Advice ! One of the secrets to building a porch correctly with your own hands is to use the right color scheme.

For open and brightly lit areas, a wooden house is usually performed in light colors, they try not to highlight the porch. In conditions when most of the facade is covered by trees, it will be more organic to use more restrained tones and a minimum of varnished surface.

A simple solution, beautiful and tasteful

A beautiful porch does not necessarily have to amaze with the size and richness of the decor. For small houses, you can use the simplest solutions of stairs and side rails. In this case, the main emphasis should be placed on reliability and comfort due to a wide upper platform, comfortable steps and a very beautiful exterior finish using special varnish and wax compositions, as in the photo.

The option below in the photo will be optimal for a summer residence or a country house. Such a porch can already be considered a whole terrace. Often, due to the beautiful natural shade, the details of the porch are not even painted, but are treated with wax mastics, due to which the texture of the elements resembles freshly sawn wood.

A simple design does not mean squalor; one of the nicest projects is the option of a porch with several steps for an ordinary residential building in the city.

The natural color and good sun lighting very well underline the classic porch design. This is a typical version of the attached scheme, when the staircase is, as it were, completed with your own hands to the site in front of the front door of the house. At the same time, the visor and the porch itself turned out to be very small in size, do not take up much space, and are absolutely organically combined with the appearance of the house itself.

Important ! For the construction of such options, many construction companies produce standard porch designs in ready-made kits, which can be assembled and built in front of the entrance to the country house or small house with your own hands.


The most successful options for a porch for a house with your own hands are obtained by an individual selection of a visor, stairs, railings and an upper platform in front of the door. But even with this approach, the best choice would be to make a simple and beautiful wood structure with a reliable visor made of modern materials.

The construction of a solid and reliable porch protects against the effects of winds, snowstorms, precipitation. In addition, the porch plays an aesthetic role at the main entrance to the house and is one of the significant foundations of the home.

Designing a wooden porch in a private house

The design of a porch should begin with the selection of a design that matches the exterior of the building. It is important to keep the proportions in relation to the size of the house. If the house is built of timber or logs, strong wood will be the best option for making a porch.

Then, depending on your wishes and structural features of the structure, you need to decide on the shape of the porch, which can be:

The exact size and shape of the porch is calculated using hammered pegs along the estimated perimeter of the future structure.

The next step is to design the steps and railings. If the porch has more than 3 steps, then a handrail is required. The structure itself can be of two types:

All dimensions and features of the structure must be recorded on paper in the form of a schematic drawing, which will avoid errors and mistakes during construction.

The porch is considered an outdoor structure, which is actively influenced by natural factors. Therefore, the wood for its manufacture must be durable and properly processed. Used materials, especially those with visible defects, are not recommended.

The main mistakes when building a wooden porch are the following violations:

The optimal material for the construction of a wooden porch is considered to be high-quality wood from coniferous trees, oak.

Structural and technological features of the stairs

The number of steps for a staircase made of wood depends on the height of the basement of the building. The structure must meet the safety requirements when moving at a certain angle to the horizontal. The best option would be to make a staircase with wide and shallow steps. However, each specific case of installation of the structure requires the adjustment of certain parameters, namely:

  • lifting height of the product;
  • type of construction;
  • plan area;
  • the steepness of the stairs;
  • width, height and number of steps.

It is worth noting that the construction of wooden stairs in terms of safety should be taken into account first of all when building a structure.

As a result of many years of practice, architects and architects around the world have come to the conclusion that the safety of a staircase, first of all, depends on the ratio of the height and width of the steps, regardless of the accessory and place of installation of the product. For comfortable movement on the stairs, the ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection should be 1: 2 - 1: 1.75 (not steeper than 30 degrees). A staircase with a steeper steepness becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous.

As a rule, the height of the steps is made no more than 20 and not less than 12 cm. Their width is observed within the size of a person's foot, but not less than 25 cm. In addition, the dimensions of the steps along the entire flight of stairs must be identical with each other. In order to calculate their number, the height of the basement part should be divided by the selected step height. When designing a staircase, it should be borne in mind that the material for manufacturing must have an increased coefficient of friction.

From ice in winter, the surface of the staircase can be partially protected by installing a canopy. The best solution to eliminate this problem is electrical heating. It is worth remembering that the number of steps in one march must be an odd number.

To extend the life of wooden coatings, including stairs, it is necessary to treat them with antiseptics. In this case, you should periodically test and inspect the structure. Whatever the strength of wood, it is subject to rotting due to atmospheric influences and deformation due to bark beetles.

Original and classic coatings of entrance areas

Wooden houses are often insulated with siding. It is reasonable to make decor in the appropriate style for the porch. The presented coating is used mainly in white or cream shades. It gives the building a pleasant appearance, additional insulation. In addition, siding, with its practicality, has a low cost.

The main advantages of entrance porch siding are the following:

Decorating a porch with a terrace board is still the most popular method for decorating an entrance area. This material fits organically into any facade.

Decking is perfect for all types of porches. This material has three main characteristics:

  • difference in thickness (from 18 to 48 mm);
  • varying degrees of surface roughness (smooth version, velveteen, scar);
  • difference in profile (beveled models, grooved and straight standard).

Decking can be made of various materials (larch, a composite of tropical tree species, wood-polymer components). The most durable is a board made from selected tropical wood. Its service life ranges from 50 to 80 years.

The main advantages of decking are the following:

  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • not susceptible to damage as a result of exposure to insects and fungal formations;
  • rough surface.

There are also some disadvantages to the use of decking. These include:

  • the possibility of the formation of resinous substances and splinters in larch materials;
  • difficulties in processing board options from durable tropical trees;
  • wood-polymer composite is less resistant to mechanical stress than a board made of natural wood.

Instructions in the photo, as a step-by-step implementation of a project for decorating a wooden porch

The presented photos clearly show the processes of making a porch with your own hands. Also, there are several options for finishing, arranging stairs (with and without railings), including the original samples of the porch for a country house.

Brick porch

For those wishing to create a porch for the house with their own hands, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

Observing simple tips and applying imagination, you can create an exclusive porch made of wood with your own hands, which will emphasize the overall exterior of the building and become its real decoration.

The project of the porch of a wooden country house: drawing, porch design, calculation of the size of the step height for an external staircase, how to decorate the finished entrance platform in front of the house with siding or decking, photo
