Adjustment of safe doors. Types of problems in the entrance group and their elimination, instructions on the steps of adjusting metal doors

Entrance doors are made from different materials. Most often it is metal. This design is reliable and durable, able to resist break-ins. There are many manufacturers on the market that promise protection against external intrusion. The structure is heavy and can sag over time. How to adjust an entrance metal door? This question begs every owner. Even if the installation is done by professionals, the hinges are loosened, which is why the product does not fit snugly. From this, the lock sticks, deformation occurs.

This is a small problem that is cleared up by adjustment. Is it realistic to cope with the task without a master? The process is simple, and it will be easy to do it yourself. In this case, any available instruction and the necessary tools are taken as a basis. But before you adjust it, you have to find out the reason. From this, the course of action is built and the necessary adaptations are prepared.

The appearance of a gap

This is the most common violation. You can see a gap formed between the canvas and the block. It is not difficult to see this deviation, although it is easier to feel - drafts appear. This happens for various reasons.

The seal breaks

Before adjusting the hinges of the entrance metal door, it is worth visually assessing the integrity of all materials. You will have to purchase a new tape, dismantle the old one, treat the surface with alcohol, fix the whole seal. With strong wear of this component, the blade moves from its place. Skew adjustment will be required.

The canvas sank under its weight

Pay attention to the hinges of the structure, the bolts will need to be unscrewed or tightened. Both locations are up, down. Before adjusting the entrance metal door, a washer is placed under the screws. This will prolong the performance.

Each manufacturer uses its own hinges, so it will become clear locally what to change or add.

Sometimes it is necessary to replace a part, only after that make a decision on how to adjust the front door hinges. The system consists of several components:

  • The loop itself is a metal construction.
  • Special heat-treated ball.
  • Axis or base.
  • Two screws.
  • Top and bottom hinge.

It is not difficult to adjust in case of violations of this format - the lower screw is unscrewed. By turning the top screw, the door is lined up in the desired position so that opening and closing is easy. Next, the lower screw is returned to its original position.

What deviations are common?

The question often arises: "If the entrance metal door does not close properly, how to adjust it?" The problem is common, because even the most reliable design fails. Basically canvases on the box, traces appear on the surface of the material. For work, tools are taken:

  • Socket wrench, depending on the size of the fastener.
  • Candle wrench.
  • Hexagon.

Everyone will find these tools at home. It is worth paying attention to the loops - the repair process will depend on their number. The twisting of the two located in the middle is weakened. The move is checked. The upper and lower hinges are further regulated. After which the canvas is slightly pushed back, put in place, the fasteners are screwed into place. The door opens and closes several times. If there is no result, the process is repeated.

This often happens due to planting at home. Private buildings are being built quickly. When laying the foundation, they do not give it time to land. After completing all the finishes, he can begin to walk, so the skew of the box appears, and the canvas begins to shuffle. We'll have to take the level and check the evenness. In case of an error, it is required to disassemble the box, install and re-foam. But it is better to call the masters.

Closes tight

There are often questions about how to adjust the entrance metal Chinese door. It is often installed because it is considered a budget option. It is not made of high-quality metal, as a result, there are many problems during operation. At the same time, there are enough reasons why the door walks tightly:

  • New design. It may be difficult to open / close immediately after installation, nothing should be done. In the process of operation, after a few days, this problem will go away by itself.
  • Illiterate selection of accessories. Craftsmen sometimes make mistakes; during installation, a too thick seal is taken. As a result, it is difficult to open or close doors. Before adjusting the front door closer, it is worth checking the canvas for distortions. If they are absent, you will have to change the laying cord. It's too long to wait for him to hesitate a little.
  • Tongue and plate touching. The problem is solved together with sandpaper. Before this, the box and the canvas are checked for the correct position using a building level. Always before adjusting the front door lock, hinges, door closer, make a check. The plate is slightly grinded, after which the movement of the structure returns to normal. When the antennae are located at the plate, they are bent, and the problem goes away.


Adjustments are not always made immediately. It will not help when a sound is heard when opening / closing. The situation is standard - with careless operation, each moving part requires periodic maintenance and repair, tightening, etc. How to fix it:

  • Sheds are well cleaned of old plaque.
  • Degreasing is done, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol are taken. After which the element is purged.
  • If there are traces of rust, additional impregnation is done.

There are special compounds that soften rust and other deposits. This substance is applied, left on for 15 minutes, and the awnings are cleaned and rinsed. A protective layer is applied, then grease. After installation, the owner receives recommendations for use. When installing the structure with your own hands, machine oil is suitable.

A squeak often occurs due to dust entering the mechanism. Installation is a messy procedure, so the new door is already making hysterical sounds. It is enough to rinse each mechanism, wipe and lubricate well. When the craftsmen do the work, they should do it right away.

When choosing a lubricant, pay attention to the temperature at which it is used. If the hinges go outside, a mass is required that does not freeze in the cold:

  • "Litol". Not afraid of low and high temperatures from -45 to +100 degrees Celsius.
  • "Solidol" is no less effective. From -30 to +60 degrees.

When installation is carried out in the opening that opens onto the staircase, into the staircase, several options are suitable. This is a machine oil and grease, as well as a universal composition of WD-40. The latter type not only removes the squeak, but also creates a barrier to corrosion.

Adjusting the plastic door

Before you adjust the plastic entrance doors yourself, find out the reason for the deviation. Problems are identical to metal ones:

  • friction against walls and threshold;
  • creak;
  • loose or excessive abutment.

What to do?

The process is standard, no wizard is required. After a certain period of operation, there is a slight sagging of the structure. The canvas begins to touch the threshold or box, a sound is made and the plastic is erased. It is impossible not to pay attention to this. If there is no violation according to the level, the canvas rises up. Adjustment is made in the upper part of the lower hinge.

The lock is open, the door is the other way around. A hex wrench is taken from the tool. It is inserted into the hole and made several turns. To avoid a new problem, the procedure is checked. When the door hits the box, you have to move it to the side. At the bottom, in the same hinge, there is hardware that is visible when open. It is adjustable with a key clockwise or counter-clockwise. A check is performed after each turn. When the problem is gone, work is stopped.


The entrance door made of plastic is adjustable with several turns:

  • Height changes. Moving the eccentric, the height is changed from -1 to +5 mm.
  • Horizontal adjustment. By turning the eccentric, change from plus to minus.
  • Changing the pressure. The position changes from +2 to -2 mm.

Accordingly, the location of the loop goes from the bottom, from the side, from the top. If there is a problem with the lock, the striker is corrected. If the plastic door is installed correctly, then its service life is long. It is not difficult to make elementary suspenders of the loops when an incorrect operation is found. Any minor damage cannot be ignored. This leads to serious problems.

What will help?

Locks often malfunction. Before you adjust the lock of the entrance metal door, you should figure out what is wrong. In case of distortion, sagging, squeak, the lock does not close tightly or it is done with difficulty.

When such a situation occurs, do not immediately change the shutter device itself. The door is checked - a canvas, a box. Experts know how to behave in such situations:

  • Before you start disassembling the hinges, inspect the box and canvas. The very first sign of such a change is a shine on the iron at the points of contact. If a sign is found, check the position and tighten the awnings.
  • Front door hinges can be of different designs. There are collapsible options. In such a situation, the canopy and sash are removed. It takes a lot of time to work, but the result is better.
  • The sealing washer is not durable. The appearance of a squeak indicates its destruction. There are many parts on sale, they need to be replaced.
  • Installation, carried out in accordance with all the rules, eliminates many breakdowns. Violation of the operating instructions will lead to serious deviations from the norm.
  • There are many manufacturers on the market, each using its own production technique and material. Doubtful suppliers are not responsible for the goods sold, you should not trust them. Those who have been on the market for more than one year are trustworthy. If there is a warranty period, there is a hope that the door will serve for a long time.
  • If there is a door from Chinese manufacturers at the entrance to the dwelling, then, having performed the adjustment, you may not get the desired effect. Because the metal is soft and deforms quickly. New loops won't help. Even experts will not fix the breakage, but will give advice to change the canvas or completely the entire structure.


In order to prevent breakdowns, you need to carry out a preventive check. Making adjustments, lubricating, leveling. It is enough to do this once every six months if the door is of high quality. When it is within the warranty period, you cannot make any reconstruction yourself.

Sections of the article:

Metal doors were invented to protect the home from thieves, and are one of the primary means of protecting homes. Such a door has high strength, is reliable and serves for a long time, and in the assortment you can find a design for every taste. But even a reliable design can start to creak, close badly. In this case, it will be helpful to know how to adjust a poorly functioning metal front door.

The process is quite easy and you can do it yourself using a simple set of tools. If you are not sure how to adjust the entrance metal door, we advise you to study the video with the adjustment process.

Basic methods

Door adjustment is a complex of measures that combines the repair of problems and their prevention. The required procedures include:

  • Lubrication and adjustment of the locking mechanism;
  • Cleaning from dust and other contamination of the functional parts of the door;
  • Regulation of hinges and awnings;
  • Checking and replacing the sealing gum;
  • Closer mechanism adjustment;
  • Twisting loose fittings.

Almost all of the above processes are quite simple to carry out without large expenditures. The result will be a smooth operation of the door, which will perform all functions and look beautiful. How can this result be achieved? More on that later.

Setting up reason mechanisms

Now the springs for closing doors are in most cases replaced by door closers, which give the doors a longer service life. The closer design is also based on a spring, which is located in a body full of oil. Including the closer also ensures the smooth closing of the door. But at the same time, the closer, being a more complex system, requires maintenance, like many other parts of the door, and with its help you can adjust the metal door.

Closer mechanism.

The better the door closer works, the more convenient the door will be to use. The initial adjustment of entrance doors and similar elements is done during the installation phase. But during operation, the oil in the vessel thickens and must be replaced, and the mechanisms are upset and require maintenance.

How to adjust the closer

To change the speed of the door slamming, you just need to turn one of the adjustment valves in a certain direction. If your door opens and closes quickly or slowly, you also
you will have to use the adjusting nodes, but for this you need to know how to properly and professionally adjust the front door.

Closer adjustment scheme.

To adjust the tension level of the spring, it is necessary to use a special adjusting nut. In the process of servicing or in a life situation, there are times when the door must be left open, for this a special lock was created. You just need to open the door 90 degrees and tighten the latch a little. To adjust the valve against a sharp opening of the door, turn the regulation nut counterclockwise, if, on the contrary, we want to open the door abruptly, turn it clockwise. Such adjustment of aluminum doors will significantly improve the operation of the doors and prevent them from failing for a long time.

If you still do not understand how to adjust a metal door, videos from professionals in their field are at your service.

Cleaning and adjusting the lock

Sometimes the lock starts to work poorly even if there is no visible problem with hinges and other systems. Almost all of this is the fault of the castle itself.

General cleaning and adjustment of your old metal front door can give it a life reserve, such procedures are especially noticeable on the lock, after which it begins to work like new. The overhead locks can be easily removed from the door, and it is quite easy to clean and lubricate such a device. And it is better to give other types of locks to the master for repair, because they are quite complicated.

The frequency of maintenance measures for locks depends entirely on the operating conditions of the latter and the frequency of use. For example, a lock in an apartment door will live without maintenance for about a year, and for a lock in a country house, maintenance is acceptable once every three months. For maximum effect, it is necessary not only to know how to adjust and maintain an entrance iron door, but also to be able to do it efficiently. This will be helped by a wide selection of special products that can not only help in removing dirt, but even help melt the ice.

When choosing a lubricant, it is important not to make a mistake, and choose, depending on the type of mechanism. So, the cylinder lock can not be lubricated at all, but one of its varieties is the crossbar, it is necessary to coat it with machine oil in order to reduce the friction of the parts during operation.

Thus, having a cylinder lock, you practically do not have to think about adjusting the doors.

You will need an ordinary pencil to lubricate the lever locks. We slightly crumble the lead, and pour the resulting crumb into the castle. For more effect, you can try blowing the lead into the lock. This non-trivial way of adjusting the door with a stylus is very useful, because ordinary locking grease for a lever lock will only be harmful, since it will help the mechanism become more dirty, which will subsequently disable it.

Lubricate the cylinder lock

We spray the necessary cleaning agent into the cylinder until a little of it flows out of the container. After that, you need to insert the key into the lock and remove it, but do not turn it, otherwise the mechanism may jam and you will have to look for how to adjust the aluminum door, broken by carelessness.

Cross-shaped cylinder lock.

Next, wipe the lubricant key with a clean rag, then inject more oil into the cylinder and insert and remove the key again. After the oil has completely spread over the cylinder, insert the key and turn it in different directions several times. Ordinary machine oil can be used to clean and lubricate the cylinder.

How to set up loops?

When adjusting most iron doors, the following tips will be helpful:

    • It is very important to carry out the installation work, taking into account the size of the gap between the curtain and the upper platband. The gap on the side of the door should be larger than the gap on the side of the awnings, which will make the adjustment process easier in the future;
    • Sometimes, immediately after installing the door, there may be a small, but over time, increasing squeak. This happens when the door rubs against the platbands, and it is because of this that the door trim wears out more. To prevent this, it is necessary to adjust the awnings with the screws on them;
    • To adjust the doors, loosen the screws on the hinge, they are located near the place of friction, if necessary, loosen the screws of all hinges;
    • Using a flat screwdriver, move the hinges to the side to obtain a gap, this position is fixed with a screw, and after the procedure, the door closes with the handle pressed all the way;
    • If this helped to remove friction, fix the other screws, if the friction has moved to the other side, move the movable part of the loop to the other side and secure. Doors are adjusted until friction is lost.

Torments the draft

If a draft “walks” through the front door, the recent adjustment of the door hinges, made due to a defect in the entrance doors, is not necessarily to blame. Often the air escapes thanks to the old seal always present on iron doors.

To adjust the door, you will need to replace the sealing rubbers, for which you need to purchase a replacement strip of the same thickness.

Such a product is always available in any hardware store, as well as instructions for it. After purchase, you should fix the seal along the edges of the porch and the draft will recede.

During the operation of the door, it sometimes ceases to close tightly. Just as in the case of a draft, replacing the seal will help. Before changing, make sure that the rebate is the same along the entire length of the door, if so, attach a new tape around the perimeter. After completing this procedure, there should be another control check, and in case of problems, the aluminum doors are re-adjusted by hand.

Any mechanism sooner or later requires adjustment and doors are no exception. Adjusting the doors is not the easiest thing, but if you wish, you can master this science. Next, we will try to figure out how to adjust the hinges, blade pressure, lock problems, and more. We will pay special attention to the question of how to adjust the doors made by our Chinese friends.

Competent adjustment of the door will extend the service life of the mechanism at times.

In this case, it is not so important what kind of doors we are talking about, if the structure began to creak, something needs to be done about it. There can be 2 reasons for the squeak:

  1. You are very lucky if the structure is poorly lubricated, you can eliminate this misunderstanding yourself and rather quickly. You can read about different types of door grease and the intricacies of using certain compositions;
  2. The second reason for the squeak is an unbalanced mechanism and here a fine adjustment of the door hinges is already required, but in front of it, in any case, the mechanism needs to be lubricated.

Keep in mind, if you have recently installed your iron door and the warranty has not yet come out, you should not adjust the doors with your own hands, call the master, but again, do not pull with the call of the masters, otherwise a slight creak can "crawl out" into a big breakdown.

A loop that is not lubricated or adjusted in time can lead to disastrous consequences.

If it is clearly visible that the hinges are completely rusted, and besides the squeak, they also move badly, there is no need to try to develop them by force or knock off the rust, for this there is such a good tool as WD40, splash a couple of times and after half an hour it will go faster.

The easiest way to look after conventional garage hinges such as dad / mom (as pictured). Ideally, it is better to remove the door leaf, but the metal structure is heavy and it is problematic to do it alone, so you substitute some kind of timber under the leaf and, leaning on it, slightly lift the doors with a crowbar, and then pump grease into the hinges.

The easiest way to remove old grease is with a rag or sponge.

Many people advise blowing the loops with air, for example, with a hairdryer, in order to remove old grease; this is an ineffective and often useless exercise. It's easier to take a clean rag and wipe everything that is possible with your hands, there will be more sense.

Front door adjustments begin by removing the old grease and applying a new one.

Methods for adjusting entrance doors

The question of how to adjust the front door is not as straightforward as it might seem at first glance, because doors can not close well for several reasons.

  • In half of the cases, the reason is really in the hinges, and here adjustment of the hinges is necessary;
  • The second in the rating of breakdowns is the skew of the door frame;
  • Among other things, the reason may lie in the castle.

What to do if the hinges are not adjustable

Hinges are adjustable and non-adjustable. The simplest dad / mom garage hinges are considered non-adjustable. A part of the mechanism with a pin (dad) is welded to the door frame, and the second part is welded to the door leaf.

Such hinges are deservedly considered one of the most reliable, but over time, the door leaf slightly sinks under its own weight and begins to cling to the threshold of the box.

This problem can be solved in two ways. If the canvas has literally sagged by 1 - 2 mm, then you need to find a grower of a suitable diameter and put it on like a gasket on a pin. Steel growers have a fairly high quality metal and can withstand both pressure and friction, a simple washer will quickly fray and become unusable.

If the door has sunk significantly, then there is another way to raise the hinges. You will need to find a bearing ball of a suitable diameter and lay it inside the hinge. Fill the hole in the hinge with grease, insert the ball there and put the door leaf on the hinges. The metal in these balls is even stronger than in the growers.

Adjusting the hanging hinges

On relatively inexpensive, but still fairly high-quality doors of domestic production, an adjustable version of hinged hinges is installed. Thus, you can center the door leaf horizontally, that is, right - left.

When the door is open, from the inside you can see a small turnbuckle screw on the side of the hinge, it loosened first. As a rule, an internal hexagon is used for this purpose.

As soon as the gimbal screw is loosened, go to the front side of the doors, after which the doors close and you will need to slightly loosen the adjusting screw, which is located at the bottom. Now the door leaf can be moved up to 3 mm to the right or left.

When leveling the web, it is not necessary to loosen the adjusting screws on all hinges, usually the upper or lower loop is left clamped, only the middle one is weakened and the one closer to which the problem arose.

Having aligned the door leaf, everything is repeated in the reverse order, that is, first clamp the adjusting screw, and then fix it with the tilting screw.

Adjustment of entrance plastic doors

Plastic doors are entrance and so-called balcony doors. If the balcony door does not close well, then there are a number of reasons and ways to eliminate them, you can read about this in detail, and also look at the video in this article. We will analyze a simpler option for adjusting the entrance doors.

The hinge mechanism on plastic doors is closed by a box and the adjustment of the entrance doors begins with the removal of this box. To remove the box you need to open the doors and remove the small screw on the inside of the hinge. In almost all models, there is a screw for an internal hexagon.

To remove the protective box from the hinge, you need to unscrew the screw from the inside.

When the box is removed, at the end of the mechanism you will see an adjusting screw, it is also made for an internal hexagon only of a larger section. When unscrewing or tightening this screw, this sector of the door leaf will move to the right or left, respectively.

But that's not all, with the same hinges you can set the gap at the top, bottom and the clamp. To get to the adjustments, you will need to remove the decorative hinged plugs. Such plugs can be unscrewed with a screwdriver or simply pulled out.

Then everything is just as simple, the corresponding hex number is inserted inside and with its help the mechanism is adjusted. Do not forget to lubricate the door hinges after completing all adjustments; engine oil is usually used for plastic doors.

Adjusting aluminum doors is somewhat similar to adjusting plastic doors, moreover, sometimes similar hinges are installed on them, but in most cases there are special hinges there, and how to set them up is shown below in the video in this article.

Another headache with aluminum and plastic doors is the lock area. Often you don't need to do anything with the lock itself, you should adjust the strike plate, it is not difficult to do this, the process is shown in the video below.

The counter and clamping bar of the lock is quite easily adjustable with screws.

How to adjust a Chinese door

The most attractive characteristic of Chinese doors is their affordable price, everything else is, to put it mildly, not very high quality. Such a door cannot be called an iron door; it looks more like a constructor made of aluminum, polymer, and it is not yet known what the parts are made of.

Most craftsmen do not undertake to repair these structures at all, so the economical owners of such a miracle have to do everything with their own hands.

We will not argue that absolutely all door assemblies can be configured here, but we will tell you in detail how to adjust the hinges on the Chinese cloth so that the door closes normally.

Such doors first need to be lubricated and then adjusted. As we already mentioned, the easiest way to lubricate hard-to-reach mechanisms is by lifting the door a little with a crowbar.

By the way, when buying Chinese doors, you need to carefully look at the equipment. So under the bearing pins of the hinges, compensating washers are installed, in each mechanism there should be 2 such washers.

Quite often, the Chinese put 2 washers on only one or two hinges, the rest of the hinges come with one washer, as a result, the load is not evenly distributed and the doors warp.

Each pin must have 2 expansion washers at the bottom.

There are internal hinges in Chinese doors, there are 4 fixing screws for an internal hexagon around the perimeter, so these screws must be loosened first.

Unscrew carefully, some of these screws are not tightened at all, but the second part is screwed tightly and when you try to unscrew, the key can "lick" the edges. If the screw does not give way, try splashing WD40 and wait, this measure often helps.

As shown in the diagram below, an adjusting screw is installed in the center of the hinge; in normal hinges, this screw is clamped with a 17 nut. The nut must be loosened, after which the mechanism is adjusted with the screw. Inside, such a screw is made in the form of an eccentric, and due to this, the design is adjustable.

To adjust the hinges, you must first loosen the fixing screws for the internal hexagon.

But since we are talking about Chinese designs, from experience we can assure you that in most of these doors this screw does not affect anything, although you still need to release the nut.

To move the doors to the side, you can insert a powerful flat screwdriver alternately above and below the hinge and wielding it like a lever to try to slowly move the plates of the structure. When you are satisfied with the result, tighten all the hexagons around the perimeter, and then fix the nut on the adjusting device in the center.

How the door leaf pressure is regulated

Door problems can be caused by improper installation or even overly thick sealing tape. So if your new door is closing tightly, with effort, then it is better to endure a couple of weeks, perhaps the thick sealing tape will sit down a little and everything will fall into place.

The sealing tape around the perimeter of the door must adhere tightly to the door leaf.

It is worse when the masters made mistakes during installation and the clamping of the canvas along the perimeter of the box is not uniform. To find out, you first need to visually inspect the box with the doors closed, an uneven gap is usually visible.

Once you spot the inconsistency you need to figure out the extent of the problem. To determine the size of the gap, a regular A4 sheet of paper is used, it is inserted into the problem area and the doors are closed, if in any place the sheet is freely pulled out, then in this place the box needs to be leveled.

It is not easy to level the box, usually craftsmen attach such structures to anchor bolts, plus this method is that, if necessary, the bolts can be loosened or even unscrewed, after which some manipulations with the doors can be carried out.

But if iron crutches are driven in instead of anchors, then they will have to be cut off with a grinder, and then re-drilled through holes in the fasteners and the wall in order to drive normal anchors there at the end of the repair.

It is better to fasten the door metal box with anchor bolts.

When the anchors are loosened, the metal box can be bent a few millimeters. If the rack is squeezed out towards the wall, then you can bend it with a crowbar or a pry bar, in much the same way as we raised the doors while lubricating the hinges.

If the box is bent inward or vice versa outward, then you need to take a powerful hammer and some kind of board as a spacer. After that, apply the plank to the problem area and level the stand with a hammer. When the desired result is achieved, the anchors are clamped back.

Such a radical impact can cause cracks in the polyurethane foam, which is blown around the perimeter to seal. So, so that the gap does not appear on the other side of the box, "walk" for reliability again with polyurethane foam.


It is quite possible for a normal home craftsman to adjust the doors with his own hands. In conclusion, I would like to note that sometimes people mistakenly take the poor work of the door closer (if any) for door breakage, you can find out the subtleties of setting up the closers.

Since the weight of the steel sheet is significant, even after professional installation of the structure, over time, problems arise caused by the weakening (deformation) of the canopies. As a result, a loose fit of the door, its loosening, jamming of locks, crossbars and a number of other shortcomings. In most cases, the defects that arise are eliminated by the trivial adjustment of the metal door.

Having understood the cause of the malfunction, you can eliminate it yourself. And depending on what caused the problem, the necessary techniques, tools and materials are selected.

Gap formation

Simply put, gaps appear between the block and the canvas. The main symptom of this malfunction is drafts in the room, even with a tightly closed sash, although the cracks are easy to detect visually. There are several probable reasons.

  • Worn seal. Adjusting the front door alone does not solve the problem: the rubber goods should be replaced. It is not difficult to do this - the old material is removed, the place of its fixation is carefully cleaned, degreased and a new tape or tube is glued. The nuance is that you first need to check the position of the canvas. Perhaps the increased wear of the rubber is just caused by its distortion.

  • Sagging of the canvas. To eliminate such a defect, it is necessary to adjust the hinges of the entrance door. For this, the fasteners of the canopies (lower and upper) are slightly screwed in / unscrewed. Since the limit of their movement along the axis is limited, it is advisable with increased wear of the hinges under the screws, bolts, place a washer or a grover.

In place, it will become clear what exactly needs to be done, since the hinges differ in design features. Perhaps one of them (or both) is advisable to replace, and only then think about how to adjust the front door.

Tight pretend

And in this case, the reasons for the poor closing of the door may be different.

  1. New seal. This occurs if the block structure has just been mounted. The rubber goods have not yet "spread", and therefore, when closing / opening the canvas, you have to make some efforts. Nothing needs to be done here; in just a few days, this defect will be leveled by itself.
  2. Large thickness of the tape (cord). As a rule, the result of an incorrect selection of material in size. If the canvas does not have distortions, then it is hardly worth waiting for the rubber goods to wear out. If the parameters (thickness, section) are significantly exceeded, the error must be corrected and the sealant replaced.
  3. The tongue touches the plate. As a rule, with such a defect, the adjustment of the entrance metal door is done using a file. But subject to the correct position, without distortions. The plate only needs to be sharpened a little, and there will be no difficulties in the process of closing / opening. If it has antennae, then it is enough to bend them slightly, and the position of the part will change.

The appearance of a squeak

Adjustment is unlikely to help here. This is most likely the result of neglect of maintenance issues. Like any device with moving parts, it also needs regular inspection and maintenance. What needs to be done?

  • Clean awnings from old grease, dirt, metal dust.
  • Flush the hinges with petrol or blow with compressed air.
  • If signs of rust are found, treat with WD-40, more commonly referred to as "liquid wrench".

Attention! WD-40 is not a lubricant, as many mistakenly believe. This composition is used only to soften solid fractions (salt deposits, rust, and so on).

  • Remove metal oxide residues and rinse the awnings again.
  • Apply a special compound to the rubbing parts - a rust converter.
  • Grease all hinge parts thoroughly. Recommended remedies are indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. If the door is made by yourself, then it is quite enough to process it with machine oil.

  • Before tackling the hinges, you need to carefully inspect the frame. A squeak can also be caused by a skewed door. It is easy to determine by the characteristic shine of the metal in a separate area. If this is the case, then first you should adjust the position of the canvas, and only then service the awnings.
  • Hinges differ in design, and some models are collapsible. In this case, it is advisable to dismantle both the sash and the canopy. It will take more time, but the cleaning of its components will be of the highest quality.
  • In older hinges, squeaking can be caused by extreme wear on the sealing washer. The recommendation is unambiguous - to replace.

It remains to add that if a cheap door "made in China" is installed at the entrance to the dwelling, then the adjustment may not help. Soft metal often deforms, which causes squeaks, snags, and similar malfunctions. Even professionals do not undertake to eliminate them and recommend changing the canvas. And although this is an extreme case, you need to know.

To less often encounter problems with the incorrect functioning of the door, its condition should be systematically monitored. Adjust if necessary. But at least twice every six months, during the so-called off-season, lubricate both the loops (with oil) and rubber goods (technical vaseline). This significantly extends their useful life and service life.

Metal entrance doors have long established themselves as reliable protection for an apartment or house and are characterized by high strength and durability. When purchasing a metal front door, it is better to take a higher quality copy so that there are no problems in the future with the functionality of the product. But over time, even the highest quality metal entrance doors may have operational problems, not to mention cheap Chinese counterparts.

In cases where the front door does not close well, the lock sticks, hinges creak or other problems arise, this does not mean that the door needs to be changed - it just needs to be adjusted. You can do this with your own hands, without resorting to a call from specialists.

How to adjust an entrance iron door with your own hands

Self-adjustment of iron or aluminum doors should not cause difficulties even for a novice master, if you use video tutorials or step-by-step instructions.

Problems that may arise:

  • Unpleasant grinding that occurs when opening and closing the entrance iron door;
  • Door leaf play (not tightly covered);
  • Stiff movement of the door leaf (you have to make an effort to close).

Eliminating the creak of the door leaf

Loose or dirty hinges are common causes of doors squeaking or grinding. Poorly adjustable worn hinges can also cause not only sharp squeaky sounds, but also sagging of the door leaf. The adjustment consists of the following actions:

  • Cleaning and lubricating clogged hinges.
  • Looseness of the hinge fastening.

The hinges should be cleaned from dust and dirt using directed air jets. A regular household hair dryer will do. Regular machine oil is the best choice for lubrication.

If the cleaning and lubrication procedures have not resolved the problem and the door still squeaks, loosen the hinge fasteners. The adjustment is as follows:

Special tools will be needed to adjust the hidden hinges. But the hidden hinges also have to be adjusted much less often than the usual ones.

How to adjust the vestibule

If the door fits too tightly into the frame, then there may be several reasons:

  1. New seal. If the doors are completely new and recently installed, then temporary problems in the course of the door leaf are possible: the door leaf fits too tightly into the frame and the handle turns with difficulty. In this case, you do not need to adjust anything - the new seal will eventually take the desired shape and the door will close effortlessly.
  2. Inaccurate hit of the lock tongue in its place in the door frame. This is often the case with Chinese metal products. To solve this problem, you need to find a special plate in the hole where the tongue goes. The plate should be bent in such a way as to achieve unhindered entry of the tongue.
  3. Inconsistency of the size of the tongue and the reciprocal groove on the rebate of the door frame. There are cases, possibly a manufacturing defect, when the tongue cannot enter the hole due to the fact that the bar is incorrectly positioned or does not correspond to the dimensions of the tongue. The problem can be solved with a file, expanding the hole to the required size.

Fixing a free porch

A draft running under the door indicates that it does not close tightly and there is a problem with the backlash of the door leaf. To fix this flaw, you need to do the following:

  • Check the seal. A possible reason for the door closing too loosely lies in the deterioration of the seal. The way out of the situation is to replace the sealing tape.
  • Adjust the strip that is located on the door frame plate.

All methods of adjusting the front door with your own hands will only give a result if the door was originally installed correctly, without distortions. Otherwise, it is necessary to reinstall the door or even replace it.