An example of a receipt for receiving funds. IOU

Very often people want to approve their relationship with each other with a receipt. Handwritten receipt is the most convenient and fast option when you do not need to use the services of a notary. Nevertheless, citizens often wonder whether such a document has legal force.

A receipt is a document written in an arbitrary form that confirms that one party provides any services or transfers funds to another. A clearly fixed form, which such a document must correspond to, is not provided for by law.

This handwritten document is a more simplified form of a contract that does not require you to spend time going to a notary and money to pay for his services. The place of drawing up such a receipt is a place convenient for both parties, which does not provide for any mandatory criteria. This concept is in Russian law, so if the debtor refuses to fulfill his obligations, you can restore your rights through the courts.

Circumstances in which it is possible to draw up a receipt by hand

Despite the convenience of drawing up and a number of advantages of a handwritten receipt, it can not be used in every situation. Before drawing up such a document, it is important to know whether it will have legal force in this case. Since there is a list of contracts, for example, a contract for the sale of real estate, a real estate donation contract and others, which are valid only after certification by a notary.

A handwritten receipt can be limited if the borrowed amount does not exceed ten minimum wages. It is also better to record amounts less than the above in this document so that unpleasant situations do not arise. BUT large sums must be certified by a notary.

When rendering different types services, such a receipt also continues to operate.

It will also be relevant when renting / renting an apartment. In this case, the two parties can protect themselves in this way: one - from dishonest landlords, the other - to exclude the option of terminating the transaction in a short time, which was not originally expected. In such a situation, all financial relations must be specified and fixed in the contract. It is necessary to indicate the amount of transfer of money for the apartment and the period during which the tenants have the right to use the housing.

How to write a receipt so that it is valid in court

Most receipts that are written by hand are of a financial nature. For example, a domestic situation where a friend or relative borrowed a large amount of money for a certain period.

In order for just paper to turn into a document and be evidence, you need to know some:

  1. The receipt is written in the presence of both parties.
  2. It should be drawn up in legible handwriting to the person who borrows money or uses any service, and not to the one who provides any benefit.
  3. In the event that a citizen opposes the fulfillment of his obligations, through a handwriting examination in court, it is possible to establish the person who wrote this document.
  4. Citizens who do not know prefer to print a receipt on a printer, because they believe that a handwritten receipt has no obligations. This is a misconception, moreover, when applying to the court, difficulties may arise in the process of identifying the person who wrote this document.
  5. The form printed on a computer can be used for certification by a notary.

When using a handwritten document, it will be more profitable if the debtor draws it up with his own hand.

When compiling a document, you must follow the following instructions:

  • A prerequisite for drawing up a receipt is to indicate the full name of the person. Otherwise, in the event of a dispute, such a document will not have any force in court.
  • An obligatory criterion by which it is possible to recognize which person wrote this receipt is the indication of the borrower's passport data. Hoping that it is impossible to meet a person with the same full name is imprudent. Therefore, the presence of passport data will be indisputable evidence when establishing identity in court.
  • If the debtor turns out to be dishonest and still have to look for ways to get in touch, the receipt should indicate the place of residence, phone number and other similar information.
  • The receipt must detail all the circumstances of the provision of services. The purpose of its writing should be accessible and understandable. If we are talking about the provision of a sum of money in debt, then it is necessary to indicate how much is transferred - in numbers and in words.
  • Record the receipt of money. The indication of the amount in words is a mandatory criterion, which the court draws attention to.
  • Indication of the currency in which the money is transferred. If these are not Russian rubles, then it would not be superfluous to indicate the rate at which the money should be returned.
  • Special attention dates must be given. The full date of preparation of the document and the date of the return of funds or the provision of services must be indicated.
  • The receipt must be written without strikethroughs, corrections, so that there are no multiple interpretations.
  • You should pay attention to the signature of the recipient in the passport and the one that he puts in the document. This will eliminate the slightest doubt of the court in the authenticity of the person.
  • The last thing you should pay attention to is the pen with which the document will be written. There are types of ink that lose their brightness over time, smear the text - it is better not to use them. A regular ballpoint pen will do just fine.

If you use the above rules, then if you need to go to court, it will be much easier for the creditor to protect his rights.

What is the effect of a handwritten receipt?

In order to avoid doubts that the receipt has legal force, you can familiarize yourself with Russia.

Is notarization necessary or not?
Russian legislation, namely the Civil Code (Article 163), says that receipts must be notarized without fail if both parties to the contract so desire or in cases provided for by law.

There are no clear requirements that the receipt must be certified. The legislation distinguishes certain types of transactions, for example, those related to real estate or if the subject of the contract is a large amount of money, which must be carried out only in the presence of a notary.

Doubts in the execution of a receipt without a lawyer are not justified. The reliability of signing by a notary lies only in the fact that often people, having written by hand, believe that they can not fulfill their obligations. But this is only bad faith, and in any case, all rights can be protected through the courts. The only disadvantage of a handwritten receipt can be considered a waste of time and money for an examination and court hearings.

If an IOU confirms the transfer of money to the debtor in an insignificant amount, then the notary has the right not to certify such a document at all. Only if it is issued as an annex to the loan agreement.

Whether it is necessary to certify, everyone decides for himself, since a handwritten document is a full-fledged legal act. In court, he is evidence, like any other, . The presence or absence of a notary's signature is not a basis for disputes. The legislation allows the use of this form without the involvement of witnesses and a notary when drawing up and signing the contract.

  1. When drawing up a receipt, it should be clarified whether it is possible not to certify the subject of the contract in a notary's office. Compliance with all the recommendations specified in this article guarantees that if the debtor does not repay the debt, provide services, then they can be demanded through the court. You can get a free consultation on how to draw up a contract of this type correctly on the Internet, in the public domain.
  2. As a creditor, you must keep the receipt until the full repayment of the debt. It should be remembered that exists in three years. Therefore, if the debtor does not try, then there is no need to delay going to court. It can be quite difficult to restore your rights after the statute of limitations has expired.
  3. Do not forget that even with a simple form of receipt it is possible to demand not only the principal amount of the debt, but also a fine from the debtor for the delay.
  4. If the debtor violated his obligations, did not fulfill the terms of the contract, then the creditor must write a letter addressed to the debtor. In this letter, you need to demand the entire amount of the debt from the debtor and indicate the date of return - usually this is a thirty-day period. It is better to send this document by registered mail so that there is confirmation of receipt.
  5. If the debtor ignored this message, then the next step will be to go to court, to the justice of the peace. It is necessary to write an application in which you need to demand g, attach a receipt and a document confirming the payment of the state fee.
  6. The presence of both parties to the transaction in court is not mandatory. A court order may also be granted in the absence of the debtor. After a decision is made, according to which he is obliged to pay the debt, the documents are transferred to the bailiffs. They, in turn, are required to make appropriate inquiries to find out the availability of real estate, information about wages, information about bank accounts - everything that can compensate for official obligations.

Today we have to figure out what an example of a receipt looks like. What kind of document is this anyway? Why is it needed? What rules and recommendations will help to correctly compose and issue paper? By answering all these questions, every citizen will be able to protect himself from scammers. After all, receipts in themselves are very important documentation.


The first step is to understand what kind of paper will be discussed. What can be called a receipt?

This document is a paper that confirms the transfer of something to a citizen or organization. Most of the time it's about money. Therefore, a little later, an example of a receipt for receiving funds will be given.

An incorrectly drawn up document will bring a lot of problems to the parties who have entered into an agreement of one type or another. After all, a receipt is a means of protecting citizens. It often confirms the transfer of money to the seller or lender. This should not be forgotten.

Presentation form

It is important to understand that any evidence must have a specific form. At the receipt it is one - written. It is in this interpretation that the seller/creditor issues the paper. The oral form of the receipt does not take place.

With development information technologies The document was issued in printed form. This is not prohibited by law. But the paper under study is not provided in electronic form. Only in exceptional cases - in the presence of an electronic digital signature. Otherwise, the receipt cannot be considered reliable.

It follows that you will either have to write the document yourself, or use a computer with a printer to print it. The person who issues the receipt must sign it without fail.

Legal force

Many are interested in whether the document under study has legal force. The example of a receipt offered below is a small template that every citizen can rely on. Can such a paper be called legally significant?

Yes. To do this, it is enough to refer to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 808 states that the receipt serves as confirmation of the loan agreement concluded between the parties. The presence of this paper does not replace the agreement. But this is enough to endow the receipt with legal force.

Document execution

You should pay attention to the fact that the studied document must be correctly formatted. Any wrong action leads to the fact that the paper loses its legal force. And to prove its validity becomes problematic.

By law, receipts must be in simple written form. But in order to protect yourself, you need to turn to the help of a notary. He will be able to give a 100% guarantee of the safety and authenticity of the paper. What would an example of a cash receipt look like? This will be discussed a little later. First you need to understand the procedure for processing the document.

Every citizen must:

  1. Collect a small package of documents. Usually, the identity of the parties and the agreement under which the transfer takes place are sufficient. Money.
  2. Compose and write the text of the receipt. The rules to be followed will be discussed later.
  3. Come to the notary and confirm the fact of the transfer of funds. An employee of the notary's office will put his signature as proof of the authenticity of the document.
  4. Transfer the receipt to the buyer/borrower.

About structure and content

Every correct example Receipts for receiving funds should have their own structure. Fortunately, the laws established in Russia do not regulate how exactly the documentation under study is presented. It may be presented in free written form.

However, the unspoken rules for content still apply. Nobody canceled legal literacy. Accordingly, each example of a receipt should have the following structure:

  • Title of the document;
  • personal data of the creditor or seller (recipient of money);
  • information about the buyer (about who transfers the funds);
  • information about the document, according to which there is a need to transfer money;
  • the passport details of the parties;
  • the amount transferred to the citizen (indicating the currency in which the funds are transferred);
  • date of issue.

At the very end, without fail, the lender or seller must put his signature. If the document is issued in the presence of a notary, the authorized person stamps and also signs the receipt.

How best to arrange

It has already been said that there are several options for paper design. You can issue a receipt in a simple written form, or you can contact a notary. Which scenario is better?

It all depends on the preferences of the citizens. As a rule, a visit to a notary serves as a guarantee of the security and authenticity of the issued document. In addition, if a citizen does not know how to draw up a paper, an authorized person can offer finished example money receipts. But such a process takes a lot of time and costs - you will have to pay for the services of a notary.

A simple written form is usually considered a formality. It will be necessary to prove the authenticity of such a receipt in court. Moreover, the main problem is the provision of irrefutable facts indicating the transfer of money to the recipient.

Accordingly, if there are any risks of litigation, it is recommended to contact a notary. Otherwise, you can prefer a simple form.

Now a little about how the correct example of a receipt for receiving money should look like. There are a number of recommendations that can help citizens secure the transaction and protect their rights.

  1. Compose a document following the previously specified structure. That way he will be smart.
  2. Keep in mind that a receipt can be created on any piece of paper, but it is best to use a separate sheet for this purpose.
  3. Always provide a handwritten document. This technique will help prove the authenticity of the paper.
  4. The transferred amounts of money should be written both in words and in numbers. This rule applies to any business letters.
  5. Prescribe mandatory deadlines for the return of money. Especially when working with a loan agreement.
  6. write document ballpoint pen. This rule is due to the fact that an independent examination in this case can be carried out a maximum of 3 years after the issuance of the receipt. If you use gel pen, then the test cannot be carried out after 10 months.
  7. Have witnesses when issuing papers. As already mentioned, the most suitable option development of events is an appeal to a notary.

The above rules are not mandatory. But they are recommended to be taken into account. After all, if there is a need to prove the transfer of funds, then these points will contribute to this. They will make the task much easier.

loan template

Now you can see what an example of an IOU will look like. This document is a small template that may change depending on the situation. Therefore, it cannot be said that it is in this form that it is mandatory to provide appropriate evidence of the transfer of money.

Here is the most correct example of a receipt for the issuance of money:

“I, (data about the borrower - full name, date of birth, information from the passport), confirm with this document that the citizen (information about the creditor) transferred me funds in the amount of 14,500 rubles (fourteen thousand five hundred rubles). Interest is accrued on the loan in the amount of 15% (fifteen percent) per annum. I undertake to repay the full amount of the loan, together with interest, no later than February 14, 2018."

Sample letter of receipt of money

Now a little about how an example of a receipt for money transferred, for example, when selling an apartment, will look like. This option is common in practice. The paper will somewhat resemble the previously proposed sample. But it still has its differences.

Thus, a receipt for receiving money for an apartment looks like this:

"I, (information about the seller along with passport data), confirm with this receipt that money was transferred to me in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles (two million rubles) under the contract for the sale of apartment No. (agreement number) by a citizen (data about the buyer) "The funds have been received in full. I have no claims against the buyer."

Nothing difficult, special or incomprehensible. Before the proposed samples on the receipt, it is necessary to write the word "Receipt" in the center of the sheet. And at the end - put the date and signature. Witnesses or a notary sign there.

Instead of a conclusion

We have considered an example of writing a receipt. This document is not so difficult to compose. Following the suggested tips and recommendations, even a person without a legal education will cope with the task.

It is important to remember that a receipt is issued only in the original. Copies are not accepted as evidence of the transfer of money to a citizen. Therefore, in court proceedings, you will have to present the original paper or its notarized copy.

Many people are interested in the question of how a receipt for money is written, where to find a sample, and whether the receipt has legal force. Today, we will talk about how to correctly draw up a receipt so that it is accepted in court, and you can download a sample further on our website.

How to write a receipt for money

Before talking about the power of a receipt, you should understand its purpose, and why such a document is needed. This is one of the types of personal documents. A receipt certifies the fact of the transfer and receipt of money or documents, personal property or cargo, as well as the provision and performance of services.

Receipts are provided at the time of the conclusion of transactions, upon receipt or transfer of funds from one person to another, during purchase and sale transactions and upon transfer of property for storage.

The receipt should be taken with all seriousness, because if this document is not drawn up legally correctly, then it will not be of any use in court.

How to write a receipt - the necessary data

How to write a receipt, there is a sample on our website, but it should be noted that each receipt is individual and must contain mandatory data. So, let's talk about this in more detail. Firstly, the document is written by hand, and secondly, they indicate the name of the document. The main data should be written in the text:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • The series and number of the identity document, as well as by whom and when issued
  • Full address of registration and address of residence, if they are not identical.

Then indicate the data of the person transferring the money or property, it can be an individual or entity. Prescribe:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic
  • Company name, position - if organization.
  • And the data indicated above, if - an individual.
  • After the main text goes description what is transferred - property, money or the provision of a service. If we are talking about money, then the amount must be written in numbers, then in words, in brackets.
  • The receipt should also indicate the time of return of the property or loan.
  • Under the text on the left, indicate the date of the document. The originator of the receipt puts his signature on the right.

As a rule, it is not certified by a notary. If a person does not inspire confidence, then when transferring funds to him, before issuing a receipt, several witnesses should be called who can prove the fact of transfer in court, if such a need arises.

If the receipt is drawn up in front of witnesses, then they, under the signature of the constituent, must indicate their personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, address of registration and residence and sign. If you need a forwarding receipt, then for this type of document there is a form approved by law.

How to write an IOU - a sample, what is important to indicate

There is such a thing as an IOU. It proves that one person transferred funds to another person on credit.

A debt receipt is drawn up by the borrower manually and remains with the lender in storage until the debt is repaid, then given to the borrower.

The debt statement states:

  • Document's name
  • Then, personal data - last name, first name, patronymic
  • Passport data - series, number, by whom and when issued.
  • Place of registration and residence. Phone number.
  • The amount of the debt is written first in numbers, and then in brackets, in words.
  • The date of return for a long time should also be indicated. It ends with the date and signature of the borrower.

A promissory note, like others, is not certified by notaries, if you transfer money to a borrower, then it is better to call witnesses who, if the debt is not returned, will be able to certify the fact that the money was provided in court. It is better that there are two or three witnesses.

Witnesses, under the personal signature of the borrower and the date, indicate their personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, addresses of residence and registration and sign.

A receipt signed not only by the borrower, but also by witnesses, can be used in court, as it will have legal force.

How to write a receipt for receiving money (sample)

A receipt for receiving money is often used in the execution of a real estate purchase and sale transaction. In this case, the receipt will confirm the fact that the seller received and the buyer transferred the money for the property.

If the property is owned by several sellers, then each seller draws up a separate receipt for receiving money from the buyer. The amount of money depends on the share of the property. The seller of real estate draws up a receipt by hand, exclusively in the presence of the buyer. The document must indicate - last name, first name, patronymic, address of the place of registration and residence. Data of an identity document - passport - number, series, by whom and when issued. This data must be provided by both the seller and the buyer. They also indicate the number of the contract, a description of the property, the full address of the location, the property being sold, and the amount. The amount is indicated in figures, and then in brackets in words.

At the end of the receipt, it is required to put the date, signature and surname, name, patronymic of the seller. A receipt for receiving money does not need to be certified by a notary.

A receipt is a confirmation of receipt of money, documents, valuables and other items by the person who wrote it. In the event of disputes, such a document may be considered in court. The receipt is drawn up in free form, but there are certain requirements for the content and design of the text.

Particular attention is paid to writing a promissory note. It happens that people give large sums of money to someone for a while, and the debtor subsequently refuses or “forgets” to repay the debt. Or a transaction is made about the sale and purchase of valuable property without financial documents (checks, receipts, receipt orders). To protect yourself from losing money as much as possible, be sure to draw up a receipt, even if you are dealing with a close friend or relative. The receipt is made by the one who receives something. It is advisable to write by hand in case you have to identify the handwriting when resolving a dispute. Please include the following information on your listing:
  • the name of the document - "Receipt";
  • date and place of drawing up the document;
  • Full name, date of birth, full passport details, registration address and actual address of the person who receives and who gives the money;
  • the amount of money - first in numbers, then in words;
  • the date of repayment of the money, if the loan is fixed;
  • maximum detailed description goods, if a sale is fixed;
  • the text must clearly indicate that the money was transferred at the time the receipt was drawn up;
  • put the signatures of both parties as they appear in the passport;
  • if the process of transferring money took place in the presence of witnesses, include in the text their full name, passport details, addresses, signatures.

You can download sample receipts:

It is not necessary to describe the purpose of the loan, moreover, in some cases it may be unprofitable. For example, if it is noted that the money was transferred for commercial purposes, while the business did not justify itself, then with such a wording the debtor will have legal grounds not to repay the debt. A receipt can confirm the receipt of valuable items, documents, gifts and other things, if this necessary condition any agreements or transactions. The more important the received thing is, the more information about the participants and the transferred item should be indicated in the receipt. With the help of a receipt, you can fix the intention to perform an action or provide a service. In addition to the data, in paragraph 3 indicate the exact date of execution, and if it is provided for by the agreement, the penalty for delay - in figure and words. The one to whom the service is provided will have to record its receipt in full - the corresponding text is written on the receipt sheet, under the main text.

Be sure to check the drafted document for errors and typos. Particular attention should be paid to passport data (including the validity of the passport at the time of signing the receipt), amounts and dates.

A receipt certified by a notary is of great value if it comes to litigation in court.

A receipt with blots and corrections may be considered invalid. If a mistake was made in its preparation, the document will have to be rewritten.

A receipt is usually issued when it is necessary to indicate a specific fact. Or is it a document that indicates that a particular person assumes some obligations. The essay is written in the first person.

One of the most common situations for writing a memo is getting something in hand. For example, property, some documents or money.

Anyone who receives any value must issue a receipt in which he writes down the fact of its receipt. In addition, the text usually also indicates the obligations that the recipient guarantees to fulfill. A prime example is the writing of an IOU. In it, the recipient records that he borrowed a sum of money and undertakes to return it within the specified time frame.

The importance of such a document as a receipt is undeniable, since it can be attached as evidence if there is a trial regarding non-return of funds. It is important to compose it correctly.

Rules for issuing a receipt

The receipt will not be legally valid if it is not endorsed by the signatures of at least two witnesses who will speak in support of what is recorded in the receipt. In addition to the signature of the witnesses, this document must contain information about the names of the witnesses and basic data about them: the number and series of the passport, the place and date of issue. Sometimes it is required to indicate both the address of registration and actual residence.

How to prepare a receipt?

  • The receipt form must clearly state what exactly was received, who received it and who handed it over.
  • The document is drawn up on a clean sheet. The name of the document is written at the top of the sheet. At the bottom - the signature of the person who wrote the receipt, his full name and date of issue. It also contains the data of witnesses and their signatures.
  • The main information is recorded in the center itself:
    • information about the recipient (full name, passport details, address of permanent registration and address of actual residence);
    • data of the person who transfers the values ​​(in a similar manner);
    • the transferred values ​​​​are registered - the amount of money in words and numbers, property (name and main characteristics), documents (list with names, assigned numbers and dates).
  • The obligations that the one who accepts the values ​​assumes are prescribed.