What materials to make inexpensive cosmetic repairs. Stages of cosmetic repair

In this article, you will learn:

  • What are the stages of redecorating a room
  • How to prevent reoccurrence of cracks after cosmetic repairs
  • How can you save money by renovating a room?
  • How much does a redecoration of one room cost?

Quite often, redecorating a room in Moscow drags on for many months, it begins to seem too costly, impracticable and boring. However, any routine can be turned into an interesting and even exciting activity. Redecorating a room is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to think carefully about everything in advance and strictly follow the drawn up plan.

Stages of redecorating a room

Redecorating a room involves only updating the finish. The redecoration of the room does not include any major changes in heating, power supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Small-scale repair work is possible to replace door and window blocks.

Carrying out the correct redecoration of a room is subject to several principles:

  1. Redecorating a room is always done from the ceiling to the floor, that is, from top to bottom.
  2. The sequence of operations "from dirty to clean": the most laborious and dirty first.
  3. If the repair is carried out in a multi-room apartment, you should start from the room farthest from the front door and gradually move towards the exit, the final stage is a loggia or balcony.
  4. You can start repairing a one-room apartment right from the kitchen or room.

First, draw a sketch of the room

The sketch will help you imagine the future interior and draw up a plan for redecorating the room.

If you are not familiar with a computer program for constructing volumetric images, then you can simply print a photograph of a room and overlay a sheet of tracing paper on it. Then, using pencils and markers, experiment and find the right shades for the ceiling and walls. Decide which room you want to get by color: warm or cold, variegated or monochromatic. Decide if ornaments are needed in the future interior, and if yes, then what kind and size.

When sketching, you will probably want to rearrange furniture, upholstery or curtains. The resulting drawing will help you see where you need to focus, supplement or diversify the space with decor items.

In the drawing of the future interior, it is desirable to indicate:

  • The location of the furniture. Select walls that will constantly be in your field of vision in order to decorate them with the highest quality, pleasing to the eye, finishing materials.
  • Optimal placement of lamps and chandeliers for the best illumination.
  • Availability of electrical outlets in places where household appliances are installed, so that later you can design a competent installation of electrical wiring in all rooms.
  • Carefully thought out arrangement of various decor items(such as paintings, posters, mosaics, etc.).

The correct plan for redecorating a room contains information about the chosen finishing option: wallpapering, painting, etc. The division of the premises into separate zones is also reflected in the sketch. For example, for visual zoning, they sometimes focus on one of the walls, painting it in a different color.

Prepare your room for a facelift

Before starting a cosmetic repair, you need to take out the furniture or cover it with plastic wrap, moving it to the center of the room.

In order to additionally protect the already repaired premises from construction dirt, dust and damage, a plastic film is hung and fixed on the outside of the door.

Before redecorating a room, it is necessary to prepare all surfaces that are planned to be painted or pasted over with wallpaper. Old wallpaper, after being abundantly wetted, is removed with a spatula. The paint is also peeled off with a spatula. If irregularities, cracks or dents are found, they are putty. After that, the surface is primed.

The walls and the stream for painting are prepared especially carefully. Sometimes it is necessary to putty several times, followed by grinding with sandpaper (dry method) or with a damp sponge (wet).

When redecorating a room involves finishing with overhead building materials (drywall, panels, plywood, etc.), it is enough to make sure that the surfaces do not need additional leveling.

In preparation for the redecoration of the room, the frames are removed from the electrical outlets and the baseboard from the floor. Window sills, door and window panels are sanded with sandpaper, putty and primed if necessary.

How to make an inexpensive redecoration of a room with your own hands

Not everyone has the funds to hire a construction crew. In addition, where are the guarantees that the specialists found on the ad will perform the work with high quality. Therefore, if a radical "revolution" of the interior is not planned, then you can make cosmetic repairs with your own hands. This is a fairly simple and interesting job. The most important thing is to buy the necessary materials in advance, strictly follow the sequence of actions and do everything neatly and in a good mood.

Before redecorating a room, you must purchase:

  • Wide and narrow spatulas.
  • Primer.
  • Dry putty or ready-made.
  • Wallpaper.
  • Flat brush, rag.
  • Ceiling and floor skirting boards.
  • Floor covering (linoleum, laminate, etc.).
  • Roller with a long handle.
  • Cuvette.
  • Linoleum adhesive (if necessary).
  • Plastic wrap and tape to cover furniture.

Preparatory work, wallpaper dismantling

To make it more convenient to carry out redecoration of the room, it needs to be freed from furniture. Non-lifting cabinets can be disassembled or moved away from the wall and carefully covered with foil, fixing it with tape or a stapler.

When everything superfluous has been taken out of the room, you can proceed to dismantling. The first step is to remove the baseboards: wooden - with a nail driver, and plastic - with a screwdriver or screwdriver.

Then remove the old wallpaper by prying it with a spatula at the bottom. If they are difficult to remove, then they are moistened with hot or warm water using a roller. In about ten minutes the wallpaper is torn off with a "light movement of the hand". A special tool is now being sold that can be used to facilitate this work.

Aligning the walls

This process is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is also quite addicting. With self-redecorating a room, you can be sure of this. The required amount of primer is poured into the cuvette, the roller is lowered into it. The primer is applied to all walls.

The primer dries quite quickly, after an hour you can proceed to the putty of the walls. You can buy ready-made mixture in the store. It is sold in sealed bags.

Dry putty is also sold in paper bags. Before use, it is poured into a bucket, poured with water in the ratio indicated in the instructions, and thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. In the absence of a mixer, the putty mixture is prepared in small portions using a spatula.

After a short infusion of the composition, you can start leveling the walls. To do this, use a small spatula to apply the mixture to the entire blade of a large spatula, then apply it to the wall and spread it over the surface with an even layer. They continue to do this until the irregularities are completely eliminated.

At the end of the leveling of the walls, the putty should dry out within 24 hours. Cracks appearing at this time are moistened with water and rubbed with a spatula. After 24 hours, you can start wallpapering the walls.

  1. Ceiling update.

Without wasting time, while the walls dry up, you can do a cosmetic repair of the ceiling. The easiest way is to paste over it with PVC panels. Work begins from the center, having previously drawn a straight line that divides the ceiling in half.

You need to apply glue to the back of the tile around the entire perimeter and in the center. Then attach the panel to the marked line on the ceiling. Then, having smeared the second tile with glue, install next to the first, trying to make the seam less noticeable. If the room is redecorated by one person, then it is more convenient to apply the adhesive to several tiles at once and then attach them to the ceiling.

Seeing that a solid tile will not fit near the wall, you need to cut off a piece of the desired size. The tiles are easily cut with a construction knife. Likewise, the tiles near the window and on the opposite side are trimmed. After gluing, the tiles can be painted with water-based or latex paint. This coating retains its original appearance longer and attracts less dust.

Wall decoration

Having planned the redecoration of the room, they purchase wallpaper in advance for pasting the walls. You need to buy taking into account a small stock, so that there will definitely be enough. If the wallpaper is patterned, their consumption increases to fit the pattern.

The industry now offers a huge assortment of wallpapers. It's a good idea to read the information online and see samples before buying. This will help determine what is needed for the redecoration of the room: paper wallpaper, non-woven, vinyl or paintable. For each of these types, special adhesives are sold. A universal wallpaper glue is also available, suitable for any type of wallpaper.

Begin wallpapering by measuring the height of the wall from ceiling to floor. It should not be forgotten that you need to glue the wallpaper from the window to the right.

The resulting wall height is laid on the wallpaper and cut off. In accordance with the instructions, prepare an adhesive composition and apply it with a brush to the seamy side of the wallpaper. When gluing wallpaper that is dense in texture, it is recommended to coat with glue the section of the wall where the prepared section is applied.

Making redecoration in the room with your own hands, it is more convenient to glue the wallpaper together. In the event that the redecoration of the room is carried out by one person, you can move the table closer to the wall to be pasted over or put a step-ladder.

The upper part of the wallpaper is applied to the top of the wall, carried out over this area with a clean, dry soft cloth. Then, using the same cloth, gently press the wallpaper in the middle and, making movements from the middle downward at an angle of 45 degrees, glue the middle and lower parts. Then, having adjusted the drawing, the next piece is measured and cut off and glued in the same sequence.

This is how all the walls are pasted over. Special attention is paid to the places where the wallpaper is joined. It is better to stick the wallpaper not with an overlap, but end-to-end - this way the seams are less noticeable. Insufficiently high-quality gluing of joints can be corrected with a special glue for seams.

When pasting sections of the wall where electrical sockets and switches are located, turn off the voltage in the network and remove the cases of electrical appliances. At the end of the cosmetic repairs, the rooms are mounted in their original place.


When making cosmetic repairs to a room in which the flooring parquet boards are in excellent condition, but the varnish is already old and uneven, the floor is cycled. Manual loops are difficult to operate, so it is better to buy or rent an electric one. After removing the old varnish, the parquet is thoroughly vacuumed. Then, to improve its appearance, a piece of painting net is drawn along the boards in the direction of the fibers.

Parquet scrapping must be carried out after all cosmetic repairs in the room, but before wallpapering... Otherwise, it will be possible to cycle the floor only with manual cycles or glass, and this is too time-consuming process. The thing is that during the operation of the electric cycle, a lot of dust is formed, which is almost impossible to remove from the wallpaper.

It is better to cover the parquet floor with water-based varnish. It is odorless, dries quickly and is not as harmful as synthetic. After applying the first coat of varnish, it is allowed to dry for 40 minutes, then covered with a second coat. Four hours later, the parquet is varnished for the third time.

Laying laminate flooring is a great alternative for redecorating a room when there is no way to scrape the floor and buy expensive construction equipment. By the way, laminate flooring can be laid on an old base if it is flat enough.

With self-cosmetic repairs in a small room (for example, in a Khrushchev), you can save money if you lay linoleum. Before laying, he is allowed to straighten, then glue is applied and glued. If the floor is uneven, use a hard backing (eg plywood sheets).

Skirting boards

For cosmetic repairs of the room, after the final drying of the wallpaper, ceiling plinths are mounted. On the seamy side of the plinth, PVC tile glue is applied, pressed against the wallpaper in the right place and held for 10-15 seconds. Then the next one is glued in the same way.

The floor plinth is fixed with screws, wires are placed in its groove, then the upper part is put on.

How to prevent the formation of cracks after cosmetic repairs in the room

As practice shows, on ceilings with rustication (joints of floor slabs), after cosmetic repairs, cracks often appear. Therefore, experts recommend using a "cobweb" - a fiberglass wallpaper, the loose structure of which prevents cracks. It is up to 2mm thick and is sold in rolls.

In case of wooden floors or large irregularities, it is recommended to completely cover the surface with a painting net with 2x2 mm cells before gluing the "cobweb". It is putty, polished, primed with diluted wallpaper glue and pasted over with a "gossamer". This "pie" reliably protects the ceiling from cracking.

How to save money by redecorating a room

To save money when performing cosmetic repairs to a room, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Work hard and not be lazy, and also not be afraid of new types of work.
  2. Anything capital that has lost its appearance, if possible, does not need to be changed, you can slightly retouch, update.
  3. You should try to extract the maximum savings in redecorating a room where it is not conspicuous and does not impair the quality of work.
  4. Distribute money and labor costs over time. For example, when planning a redecoration of a room in the summer months, up to this point you need to gradually prepare in order to do everything quickly at the appointed time. In addition, the cost of redecorating 200-300 thousand rubles is quite significant for the budget, and breaking them up into parts and investing small amounts during the year is quite feasible.


It's no secret that good professional tools make work easier. However, they cost a lot of money, so it's not profitable to buy them. It is less costly to rent all building equipment for redecorating a room.


The best time of the year for redecorating a room is early and mid-autumn. It is still warm outside during these months, and you can do outdoor work, while interior decoration - open the windows. In addition, before the winter recession of repair work, the cost of building materials is significantly reduced. Consequently, savings can be up to 15% in the sale of summer illiquid assets. These are large sums. For example, if the planned cost of redecorating a room is 200 thousand rubles, you get a good "bonus" of 30 thousand.

Construction sales

Separately, mention should be made of non-liquid assets. The main expenses for redecorating a room are spent on finishing materials (putty, plaster, assembly glue, sealant), which have a limited shelf life. Construction firms try to sell them before the expiration date. Sometimes the prices are just "symbolic", watch the sales. For example, professionals will not take a package for 50 kg of Aquasloy, which will become unusable in a couple of months, and this amount is quite enough for you for redecorating a room, and you will also save some money.


When redecorating a room with your own hands for beginners, one of the most pressing issues is the replacement of plumbing. If it has lost its aesthetic appearance, but functions normally, it can be cleaned and painted. But if there are cracks and chips, you will have to change.

Often new settlers (especially elite new buildings), moving into a new apartment, make major repairs and change the installed plumbing fixtures to more prestigious and expensive ones. And completely new equipment ends up in a landfill. On this, landfill garbage collectors have created a profitable business.

Of course, they do not advise strangers on the phone. Only through "our friends" are invited to the back room and offered a choice of carefully washed sanitary ware at a cost equal to 1/3 or 1/2 of the market price.

Construction garbage

An equally acute issue that arises when performing a major overhaul of a room on your own is the removal of construction waste. The procedure is quite costly and troublesome. An easier and more method is to collect the garbage in bags of plastic sackcloth at the end of the redecoration of the room and put it in the shed, closet, etc. Then, little by little, throw it into the local trash can, there is no crime in this.

Slats, boards, beams and plywood

During the redecoration of the room, plywood and wooden slats will be required for the lathing. In order to save money, you can buy non-planed slats, slabs. The croaker is sold raw. It is necessary to purchase it in advance in March-April and keep it until autumn in a dry room. Then you will receive raw materials that are not inferior in quality to edged sawn timber.

Redecorating a room may require plywood. Waste packaging plywood from used containers can be made water-resistant as follows:

  1. We buy a ten-liter canister and two PVA putties; it is cheap and resembles a very liquid PVA glue in consistency.
  2. We cover the floor in a non-residential area (in the country, in a barn, etc.) with plastic wrap. The air temperature should be at least + 13 degrees.
  3. We lay the plywood, pour a puddle of putty in the center and disperse it over the entire sheet with a brush.
  4. We cover the plywood with plastic, lay the next sheet, putty, etc.
  5. On the resulting pile of plywood, impregnated with PVA, we put a heavy load (pieces of concrete, metal, bricks, etc.), evenly distributing it over the entire area.
  6. A week later, we repeat the procedure, turning over each sheet of plywood.
  7. After two weeks, the waterproof flat plywood will be ready for use. Additional exposure under pressure will only improve its quality.

Quite often, advertisements for the sale of used pallets are posted. It is easy to get thick timber and boards from them, which may be needed when redecorating a room.

Materials for redecorating a room

Sheathing walls and ceilings with laminate or MDF is a very cheap option for redecorating a room. When using wooden slabs, in most cases, leveling of surfaces is not required, which also saves money, time and effort.

You will get an even more profitable option for redecorating a room if you sheathe the wall with laminate only up to half, and cover it with non-woven wallpaper to the ceiling. Here, there is savings, ease of labor and practical benefits - the most problematic sections of the wall are reliably protected by durable material.

The most profitable material for covering the floor during redecoration of a room is marmoleum. In the overwhelming majority of cases (90%), preliminary preparation is not required. However, it is absolutely not suitable for bathrooms and toilets.

If you want to have a plank-like floor in the room, you can use laminate flooring. It is a little more expensive and requires leveling of the base.

The walls of the bathroom during cosmetic repairs can be pasted over not with tiles, but with laminated hardboard. It is quite hygroscopic and does not require preliminary surface preparation.

Where it is difficult to save

When redecorating a room, there is a type of work where it is impossible to do without specialists - this is the replacement of electrical wiring. You can hire an electrician to maintain your home. Then it will turn out to save a little, and hack-work is not in his interests.

To cooperate with the "My Repair" Company is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" works throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Every apartment owner wants to perform cosmetic repairs inexpensively, but with high quality. This can be done realistically if professionals are involved in this process. Most often, inexpensive minor repairs of premises involve only changing the cladding - gluing wallpaper, painting walls and ceilings, installing laminate, etc. To carry out these works, budget materials are purchased that may be slightly inferior in quality and appearance to their expensive counterparts. Regardless, the tiled surfaces will look great and will last for several years or more.

Cheap repair in the company San Sanych

If you want to renovate your home in Moscow, please contact us. The company deals with all types of repairs - cosmetic, capital, euro, budget and others. In each case, we will select the best method for solving the assigned tasks, taking into account the optimal cost. Our craftsmen are distinguished by their high professionalism and vast experience in this field. The customer can count on the company's employees to adhere to the technology when performing all the necessary operations. This reduces the likelihood of defects that must be subsequently eliminated, which entails additional material costs.

Name of worksScope of workPrice, rubAmount, rub

What kind of work is done during an inexpensive redecoration?

If you decide to order a redecoration of your apartment, please note that the company can perform the following operations:

  • replacing the cladding on the walls - painting with water-based paints or gluing wallpaper (most often);
  • putty and painting of the ceiling, sometimes wallpapering;
  • installation of ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum on the floor - the most budgetary options;
  • replacement of plumbing fixtures and water pipes;
  • laying of electrical wiring and other operations.

How are the renovations carried out?

Most often, any repair, including cosmetic, begins with the preparation of the base. They remove old wallpaper, paint, close up small cracks and eliminate other defects. As a result, you need to get a solid, even base, which is the key to a long service life of the finish. Surface priming is equally important. It prevents the appearance of fungus and improves the adhesion of the surface. It is such a base that is used for further cladding in the chosen way.

How are measurements taken during cosmetic repairs of an apartment in Moscow?

Dear Customers! We are a small team, and you can call us just by calling our direct phone number, or by leaving your coordinates in the feedback form.

Even knowing the scope of work from your words, the final cost of repair work after I arrive at the facility and complete all measurements, as well as get acquainted with the premises, may differ. Sometimes you can't even imagine what kind of work is required to solve the finishing task exactly how, how you want and achieve exactly the visualization that is in your wishes.

How to start redecorating an apartment or room?

Modern redecoration of a turnkey apartment in Moscow, first of all, should begin with planning. Ideally, this is a compiled design project with the locations of all communications: switches, sockets, lights, the location of household appliances, the location of plumbing fixtures. If there is a project, technical assignment, the implementation of cosmetic repairs to the apartment by our efforts will be easy and simple!

Project apartments you can perform do it yourself without any problems... You can easily choose the colors of the tiles and wallpaper yourself in any store, and you can easily draw up a plan for redevelopment, electricians and plumbing on any free website for drawing up an apartment project online. Give me a call and I will send you links to good resources.

Who controls the quality of work at the facility?

We work with our son together, and I personally do all types of work. Unlike large firms, where one designs, another commands, performs a third, checks a fourth, and an apartment is rented to you by a person who, in principle, has never been present at this facility.

This means that one person is responsible for absolutely all types of work. It’s easier for me too: I don’t need to stand above my soul at every wall, as is the case with large volumes of work. And in case of any problems, the foreman does not even always know who is to blame for the poor work.

What materials do you use in your work?

Unlike firms, we do not sell materials, but we will purchase them together with you in construction stores and markets in Moscow and the Moscow region: Leroy Merlin, OBI. In the process of rough work, I make a list of the required materials and you can independently purchase all the rough materials from the necessary manufacturers at the best price you can find.

Again, I do not impose any of my stores, but only recommend. While firms engaged in the redecoration of turnkey apartments in Moscow earn up to 25% of their cost from the sale of materials, I give you an excellent opportunity to optimize your budget.

How is the lifting of materials into the apartment, as well as the removal of construction waste carried out?

Within the specified tariffs we lift materials from the entrance to the apartment with an elevator. In the absence of an elevator, the lifting of materials is negotiated separately.

As for construction waste, we will, of course, take out all construction waste. However, you should discuss this with your management company in advance. It happened that we were forbidden to throw bulky waste into common containers. If this is prohibited by your management company, make sure to order a separate container. Unfortunately, we don't have much time to wander around the area and shove bags of bricks into the various trash bins.

How is the payment for work going?

Payment for redecorating an apartment is carried out in stages. We divide the entire volume of work into stages, and then you pay for each stage of the work after its completion. It is convenient for both parties: you see the work done, and we get the customer. After all, most firms demand to pay more than half of the cost of work at once. In this case, you will not be able to influence the course of work in any way if you do not like the quality.

The only exception is the first stage of work. There have been very cunning customers in my memory who, in response to my adequate request to receive payment for the work performed, tried in every possible way to delay the moment of payment - they say, then, you first make the repair, and then I will pay you. That's why to strengthen faith in the customer at the first stage, we work only on an advance system. The advance payment will be purely nominal -10,000 rubles.

What is the difference between a major overhaul of an apartment and a cosmetic one?

When redecorating an apartment, doors and windows are not replaced, walls, ceilings and floors are aligned, and old electrical wiring and plumbing services remain. Overhaul of the apartment includes the implementation of a significant amount of work: dismantling the old finish, installing new electrical wiring, new polypropylene plumbing pipes, aligning all types of surfaces with laser precision, adjusting surface distortions. This will be a comprehensive renovation of your premises, which will not only change the color of the wallpaper, but will completely transform your apartment, up to redevelopment.

What is the cost of redecorating an apartment in Moscow?

The price of redecorating an apartment per square meter is difficult to determine unambiguously. The total cost of our services is influenced by many factors. For example, one customer needs redevelopment, while another does not need it at all. This means that, all things being equal, the volume of work on the second object will be less for us. And there are a lot of such moments. We tried to determine the cost of redecorating an apartment empirically, but it's still a conditional cost.

Redecoration is a concept that is interpreted by everyone in different ways. I call a cosmetic repair a complex of work that does not affect the capital structures in the room, and also is not related to the replacement of communications (electrical wiring, water supply and sewerage) in the room. Redecoration does not affect the floor screed, does not imply the installation of drywall structures, the replacement of doors, the installation of drywall arches.

Stages of cosmetic repair

The stages of cosmetic repairs, which I will discuss in this article, include the restoration of the previous state of the apartment without carrying out work on changing the types of finishes. This includes re-gluing old wallpaper, re-painting ceilings, painting window frames, painting doors, skirting boards and platbands if necessary, and replacing simple flooring (linoleum or laminate flooring). All the work included in a simple cosmetic repair, if desired, free time and basic skills, it is quite possible to do it yourself. In the article, for example, consider the renovation of a room.

Preparing for repair

1. Remove furniture from the room (if possible). Place the remaining furniture in the center of the room and carefully cover it with plastic wrap. This will provide free access to the walls around the perimeter and provide access to the entire ceiling area. 2. If you do not plan to change the floor covering, also protect it from construction debris and dust, as well as mechanical damage. Be sure to cover parquet, laminate with sheets of hardboard or thick cardboard. Lay a thick plastic wrap on top with an overlap of 10 cm, glue the joints with tape. It is advisable to fix the protective film with tape also around the perimeter of the room. 3. Dismantle the skirting boards when replacing the floor covering or scraping the parquet. Use masking tape to protect individual parts that do not require repair. Masking tape is a special adhesive paper tape that can be easily removed after completion of work. 4. Remove the front panels from the sockets and switches, and cover the sockets and switches with paper masking tape. Do not forget to disconnect all electrical circuits from the voltage beforehand.

stages of cosmetic repair: Dismantling work

Dismantling old coatings for cosmetic repairs

Old wall, ceiling and floor coverings are removed.

Ceiling preparation for redecoration

Start by removing existing coatings. There are ceiling coatings with water-dispersion paint, and lime whitewash in old buildings. Ceilings painted with enamels (oil or alkyd) are rare.

Ceiling blur and rustic jointing

Water-dispersion paint and enamels cannot be washed off with water (they do not dissolve with water). Therefore, remove the flaking areas of the coating with a steel trowel, and cover the cracks with the corner of the trowel. Sand the enamel with coarse sandpaper to roughen and increase adhesion to new coats of finish.

Wash off lime whitewash to the base. The bottom layer of putty does not need to be removed. The technology of this process is not complicated, but laborious and dirty. Using a roller, moisten the ceiling with water, then scrape off the whitewash with a spatula. After cleaning the entire ceiling, rinse the ceiling with a sponge with warm water solution.

Preparing walls for cosmetic repairs

The technology for removing old wallpaper does not differ from the technology for removing lime whitewash. Peel off the peeled fragments of wallpaper "dry", soak the rest of the firmly glued areas with warm water and remove with a spatula. If there are many layers of wallpaper, be patient and peel off layer by layer to the primary base.

Cleaning paint before redecorating

Remove old paint, platbands, window frames and doors only if it is severely peeled off. The process is laborious, but necessary.

Choose from two methods of removing oil (alkyd) enamel: chemical and thermal. In the chemical method, the paint is softened by special chemical compounds, they are called "removers", and the paint is removed with a hard spatula or scrapers. Ready-made washes are sold in hardware stores. With the thermal method, the softening of the old is carried out with a jet of hot air from a special construction hair dryer, do not confuse with a hair dryer. The paint softens in small patches and can also be removed with a scraper or trowel.

Preparation of surfaces for finishing for high-quality cosmetic repairs

After removing the old ceiling and wall coverings, it is necessary to repair the defects of the walls and ceiling. Expand (stitch) the cracks. Remove loose and dull-sounding "bubbling" areas of the plaster completely. The surfaces prepared in this way must be treated with a primer. Primers provide uniform drying of the applied materials and their better adhesion to the surface.

Sealing cracks with gypsum plaster

Plaster is part of a cosmetic repair

After the primer has dried, seal deep potholes and places with broken plaster on a gypsum base such as Rotband, Prospectors, TIGI Knauf. Perform this operation with a rectangular stainless steel trowel. For large plastering areas, use the building rule of the required length.

stages of cosmetic repair: Plastering work

Stages of cosmetic repairs - compulsory putty

Prime the plastered areas and level the surfaces, for example, "Vetonit KR" (up to 1 mm) or "Vetonit LR +" (up to 3 mm) (Weber). This operation removes small surface irregularities and fills in small cracks.

Remember, a large thickness of the putty layer is provided by applying several layers, with each subsequent layer being applied after the previous layer has completely dried.

I recommend gluing serious cracks in the ceiling with strips of plaster fiber mesh with a cell size of 2 × 2 mm. The technology for gluing the tape is as follows: a layer of putty is applied to the ceiling section, the fiberglass mesh is pressed into the putty with a spatula and rubbed in. Remove the excess putty, squeezed out through the mesh cells, with a spatula and return to the container for further use.

Plastered walls

Ceiling putty

Do you need to putty the walls and ceiling completely during cosmetic repairs, or you can limit yourself to leveling individual sections.

My answer is as straightforward as possible. Completely putty the ceiling at least once. When gluing dark and heavy wallpaper, walls can be limited to partial putty, with light and thin wallpaper, putty at least 1 time, when painting the walls, the topic is not a cosmetic repair.

Ways to prevent the formation of cracks again, after the completion of cosmetic repairs

The likelihood of cracks appearing on ceilings with rustication (rustic connection of floor slabs), as my practice shows, is very high. For your peace of mind, I recommend using the "cobweb". "Gossamer" is a fiberglass ceiling wallpaper. The spider web is sold in rolls and has a thickness of up to 2.0 mm. The considerable thickness and loose structure of the cobweb does not allow the resulting cracks to appear on the ceiling.

The technology of gluing "spider web" is the same as gluing wallpaper in a joint.

For very uneven surfaces, as well as wooden floors, I recommend that before gluing the cobweb, completely cover the ceiling surface with a painting net with 2 × 2 mm cells. The mesh is putty, sanded, primed with diluted wallpaper glue and pasted over with a cobweb like wallpaper. This multi-layer "cake" will provide maximum protection against further ceiling cracking.

Preliminary result. After the works listed above, you will receive:

  • Plastered wall and ceiling defects.
  • Cracks glued with a paint (plaster) mesh or all surfaces (it rather depends on your desire).
  • The surfaces are putty in 1-2-3 layers (the amount depends, also on the expected result). They turned out to be smooth and white. It's time to paint the ceiling!

Redecoration is not possible without painting the ceiling

Finish the ceiling with a new medium-bristled polyamide paint roller. I do not recommend using foam and velor rollers. Foam rubber curls, velor does not stain. When painting, use a special tray (cuvette) to squeeze out excess paint.

stages of cosmetic repair: Painting the ceiling

Prime the prepared ceiling with water-dispersion paint diluted with water. This is done in order to identify defects almost imperceptible on the putty. After filling and sanding ("zero" sandpaper) defective areas, paint the ceiling with undiluted paint.

Determine the paint consumption in advance. This is important when painting the ceiling with colored paints. The amount of pre-tinted paint should be enough for 3 stains. Do not re-tint the paint. When using a spider web, paint consumption is increased by 25%.

Wallpapering the final stage of cosmetic repairs

After painting the ceiling in 2-3 layers, proceed to wallpapering. If you are planning to glue the ceiling plinth.

1.Coating the walls before wallpapering

Before gluing the wallpaper, prime the entire surface of the walls with wallpaper glue, diluted as indicated on the package with the glue: preparing the glue for priming the surface.

2.Marking before wallpapering

Using a long building level or plumb line, draw a vertical line to guide the first blade. Wallpaper is traditionally glued from the window, but with modern butt-gluing, this does not matter. Can also be glued from the door.

3.Preparation of wallpaper before gluing

Wallpaper is cut into canvases with an allowance (5-7 cm) along the length. When cutting canvases, consider the frequency of repetition of the pattern (rapport). Be careful when selecting adjacent canvases in height to match the pattern. If the wallpaper is "no match" then you are a little lucky.

4.Packing wallpaper

The wallpaper is glued in two ways.

Pasting paper and vinyl wallpaper

Cover the sheets of wallpaper with glue (with a paint roller or with a paintbrush), naturally from the end side. Fold the canvases in half (glue inward, edges in the middle). Soak in this state for the time indicated on the glue package (usually 3-7 minutes). Do not hold the canvases. Better not to hold than to overexpose. Be especially careful and attentive when using thin paper wallpapers. If they get too wet, they will simply creep in the hands.

The canvases impregnated with glue are applied to the wall at a previously marked vertical level. Smooth out wrinkles and bubbles with a pressure roller or stiff brush. I do not recommend using a rag, because some types of paper wallpaper may erode paint.

Bonding non-woven wallpaper

Pasting walls with wallpaper

When gluing non-woven wallpaper, the glue is applied to the wall. The wallpaper itself can be cut into canvases according to the size and selected pattern. Apply the glue to the wall with a roller and glue the canvases back to back, making sure to align the pattern of adjacent canvases.

5 wallpaper undercut

Since the pieces were cut with an allowance along the length, after gluing the canvases under the ceiling and near the baseboard, cut off the excess wallpaper with a construction knife along a metal ruler or with a special wallpaper cut that resembles a spatula. Watch the sharpness of the canvas. The dull canvas tears and pulls the paper of the canvases.

6.Applying the wallpaper border

Glue the upper part of the canvases, up to the planned curb. Beat the horizontal marks of the level of the curb around the entire perimeter of the room. The "end" of the line should meet the "beginning". Using a sharp knife, use a metal ruler to cut the canvases around the perimeter. Glue the border to the cut edge. When doing this, do not glue the bottom of the curb. Glue the lower canvases, winding them under the curb. Glue the lower part of the border, after cutting off the excess from the canvas.

You can glue the border without such "bother" - in the "overlay". In this case, use a special glue for gluing the borders.

Glue the wallpaper border

Clean up the room. Don't open windows! Avoid drafts until the wallpaper is completely dry! Wallpaper glued!

10.Repairing the floor for cosmetic repairs

These are all stages of cosmetic repair. That's all!

Photo gallery "Kitchen renovation before and after renovation"

Tatiana Zhukova

Moscow city

I would like to express my gratitude to the DomServisStroy company, its management and employees. I ordered from them the design and decoration of the new office of my travel company. I imagined how everything should look only in general terms. And I had no idea where to get the materials to implement my ideas. Therefore, the services of the company's designer were very helpful to me. I just voiced the main points that were important to me, together they determined the general style. Then I chose the best of the three options offered to me. Now my office looks almost like the picture, clients are immersed in a relaxed atmosphere as soon as they visit us. And what is especially important for me, they did not disrupt the deadlines for the completion of the object. Opened when I planned.

Svetlana Sergeevna

I bought an apartment on the secondary market in a condition requiring renovation. I decided to turn to professionals, since there is no time to understand the intricacies of the process myself. Friends advised the firm, turned to DomServisStroy, after looking at the reviews on the Internet, and was satisfied! The company's specialists took upon themselves not only the actual execution of the work, but also the approval of the redevelopment (I combined the bedroom with the balcony). We made a project. On the other hand, the renovation was cosmetic, they made it to me on a turnkey basis, having previously agreed on all the details. I just had to go into my long-awaited home, which began to look like new. Thank you very much!


The apartment was purchased in a new building, so there was a lot of work. It was necessary to dissolve the electrician, install partitions, and re-solder the pipes. We contacted DomServisStroy. We agreed that I pay for the work, plus for every little thing, if necessary. And I buy large purchases (solutions, pipes, taps, etc.) myself. All the points were signed in the contract, in fact I paid only for the work. First, every day I came to supervise the progress of work, then I realized that the company was serious, they were doing everything conscientiously. Therefore, I stopped by only on weekends. As a result, the renovation took about 8 weeks. And that is because my wife and I have been choosing a bath and wallpaper for a long time. As a result, the result of the renovation was in line with expectations. Satisfied with the quality and terms. Thanks.

Julia and Vladimir

Moscow city

Good day! We would like to leave a few pleasant words to the specialists of the DomServisStroy company for the repairs that they just recently completed in our three-room apartment. You have completed a truly difficult task, decorating and putting in order the room for our children, our room, the large hall and other areas of the apartment. We were delighted with the decision to combine a small and unnecessary balcony with a large room. Now in that corner there is a real recreation area with a view of the park and the river. Children are delighted, they now have everything for complete happiness - bright colors in the interior of the room with the heroes of their favorite cartoons, a lot of free space around. We ourselves are happy just like children, thank you very much!
