Stairs metal gost 23120 78. Stairs

GOST 23120-78



IPK Standards Publishing House


Introduction date 01/01/79

This standard applies to steel mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them, used in industrial buildings and structures erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard sets technical requirements on mid-flight stairs with an inclination of 45 and 60 °, rectangular transitional platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for standard live loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2.

Marching stairs, platforms and fences to them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118 and the requirements set forth in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Main parameters and dimensions

Table 2


900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000

Table 3

Dimensions in mm


Table 4


900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000

From 600 to 1300

Symbol examplestamps flight of stairs(ML) from a cold-formed profile (Х) with stamped steps (Ш), at an angle of 45° and dimensions H= 6 dm and V= 8 dm:

MLKhSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated flooring (F) and dimensionsL P = 9 dm and V= 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same, the left railing (OHl) of the flight of stairs from a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensionsH og = 10 dm and H= 24 dm:

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, right guard (OGp) with onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLKhEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, platform fencing made of cold-formed profile with side element and dimensionsH og = 10 dm and L og \u003d 9 dm:

OGPMKhEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of mid-flight stairs and the decking of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, executions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

R - from strips on the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes to an edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and decking in rectangular areas are shown in Fig. .

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decks

Crap. 5

1.4. The layout diagrams of mid-flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The structures of flights of stairs, landings and railings for them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18 according to working drawings of KMD approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of carbon steel of class C38 / 23 of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380:

St3kp - for construction areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and above;

St3Gps - the same, with an estimated outdoor air temperature below minus 40° C to minus 65 °C incl.

2.3. Limit deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table. .

Table 5


Previous off stairs, landings, stair railings and landings

1. Length L To; L P; L og up to 1000 incl.

2. Width V 1 St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

3. Height H P; H l

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

St. 2500 to 4000 incl.

St. 4000 to 8000 incl.

4. The distance between the ribs in the stringers and beams of the platforms l 0

5. Distance between fence posts l 0

6. Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more

7. Distance between hole centers within the same group A

8. Distance between groups of holes A

9 deviation from straightness (d) along the length L:

up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

» 1000 » 2500 »

» 2500 » 4000 »

» 4000 » 8000 »

2.4. Welded connections of the elements must be performed in a mechanized way. Allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the application of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding must be taken in accordance with SNiP II-B.3.

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. Priming and painting must comply with the fifth class of coverage in accordance with GOST 9.032.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

3. Completeness

3.1. The structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional details for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in quantities of 10% more than those specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. The design to verify their compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. Control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures (including the dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of the surfaces of parts from the design ones, the quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings must be carried out before priming the structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The composition of the batch includes the same type of construction, made according to the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The batch size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the designs selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piece-by-piece control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If during the inspection of the selected designs there is at least one design that does not comply with the requirements of this standard, double the number of designs from the same lot should be selected and re-tested. If at re-check If there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard in one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to accept the structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Control methods

5.1. Control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones should be carried out universal methods and means.

5.2. The quality control of the seams of welded joints and the dimensions of their sections should be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18.

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

6.1. Fabricated designs must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fencing structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or to the structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing according to which the structure is made.

6.5. Each structural element must be marked symbol element brand (without standard designation, see p.).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the stringer of the flight of stairs on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the landing beam and on the upper edge of the railing.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, delivery is allowed connecting parts separately from the structures, in which case they must be packed in wooden boxes according to GOST 2991.

6.8. The mass of the package should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position supported by wooden linings and pads. Linings must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Gaskets must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m - for fences and 2.0 m - for marches and platforms.

H e - floor height or distance between floors; H, L, B, L P, H og - the nominal dimensions of the elements of the stairs;
a- the angle of the stairs ; b- step width; h- step height

DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures (TsNIIprojectstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR State Construction Committee

All-Union Scientific Research and Design and Technology Institute (VNIKTIstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR MinmontazhSpetsstroy

All-Union State Design Institute for the Industrialization of Installation Works (Gipromontazhindustriya) of the USSR Ministry of Installation and Special Construction


V. M. Laptev(topic leader) L. A. Peskova, S. I. Bochkova, A. F. Gai, L. M. Dudilovsky, B. A. Shtepa

By the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of April 28, 1978 No. 71, the validity period is established

from 01.01.1979

until 01.01.1984

This standard applies to steel mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them, used in industrial buildings and structures erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard establishes technical requirements for mid-flight stairs with an inclination of 45 and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for standard live loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2.

Mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and the requirements set forth in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Main parameters and dimensions

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and railings to them must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 - 4 and in table. 14.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm



Stair railing

* According to KMD drawings.

1 - rack; 2 - handrail 3 4 - onboard element

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

Site fencing

* According to KMD drawings.

1 - rack; 2 - handrail 3 - middle enclosing element; 4 - onboard element

Table 4

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000

From 600 to 1300

An example of a symbol for the brand of a flight of stairs (ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (Sh), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions H= 6 dm and V= 8 dm:

MLKhSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated flooring (F) and dimensions L n= 9 dm and V= 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same, the left railing (OHl) of the flight of stairs from a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions H or= 10 dm and H= 24 dm:

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, right guard (OGp) with onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLKhEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, platform fencing made of cold-formed profile with side element and dimensions H or= 10 dm and L or= 9 dm:

OGPMKhEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of mid-flight stairs and the decking of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, executions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

R - from strips on the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes to an edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and decking in rectangular areas are shown in Fig. 5.

1.4. The layout diagrams of mid-flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decks

Type 1. Solid (F)

Type 2. Latticed

Version W Version R

Version C Version B

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The structures of flights of stairs, platforms and railings for them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18-75 according to working drawings of KMD approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of carbon steel of class C38 / 23 of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380-71:

Vst3kp2 - for construction areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and above;

VSt3Gps5 - the same, with an estimated outdoor air temperature below minus 40 °C to minus 65 °C inclusive.

2.3. Limit deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table. 5.

2.4. Welded connections of the elements must be performed in a mechanized way. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72.

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798-70 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. Priming and painting must comply with the fifth class of coverage in accordance with GOST 9.032-74.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5

Nominal size and deviation name

Previous off stairs, landings, stair railings and landings

Length L to; L p; L or

up to 1000 incl.

Width IN 1

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

Height N p; N l

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

St. 2500 to 4000 incl.

St. 4000 to 8000 incl.

The distance between the ribs in the stringers and beams of the platforms lo

Crap. 1 and 2

Distance between guard posts lo

Crap. 3 and 4

Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more

Distance between hole centers within the same group A

Distance between groups of holes A

Non-straightness ( d) by lenght L:

up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

» 1000 » 2500 »

» 2500 » 4000 »

» 4000 » 8000 »

3. Completeness

3.1. The structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional details for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in quantities of 10% more than those specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118-78.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. The design to verify their compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. The control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures (including the dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of the surfaces of parts from the design ones, the quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be carried out before priming the structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The composition of the batch includes the same type of construction, made according to the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The batch size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the designs selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piece-by-piece control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If during the inspection of the selected designs there is at least one design that does not comply with the requirements of this standard, double the number of designs from the same lot should be selected and re-tested. If, upon re-checking, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard in one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to accept the structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Control methods

5.1. The control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones should be carried out by universal methods and means.

5.2. The quality control of the seams of welded joints and the dimensions of their sections should be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18-75.

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

6.1. Fabricated designs must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fencing structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or to the structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing according to which the structure is made.

6.5. Each structural element must be marked with a symbol of the element brand (without a standard designation, see clause 1.1).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the stringer of the flight of stairs on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the landing beam and on the upper edge of the railing.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply connecting parts separately from the structures, in which case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991-76.

6.8. The mass of the package should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position supported by wooden linings and pads. Linings must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Gaskets must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m - for fences and 2.0 m - for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and SNiP III-18-75.

7.2. Installation of structures should ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer shall ensure that structures comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.


Layout schemes of mid-flight stairs

N e- floor height or distance between floors; H, L, B, L p, H or- nominal dimensions of ladder elements; a- the angle of the stairs ; b- step width; h- step height

In schemes 2 - 5, the nodes circled are made rigid for welding with the help of additional elements.

1. Main parameters and dimensions.. 2

2. Technical requirements. 6

3. Completeness. eight

4. Acceptance rules. eight

5. Methods of control. eight

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage. eight

For the manufacture of critical structures in construction, it is customary to use GOST standards. Metal stairs and railings belong to this type of construction, therefore certain standards are applied in the design and manufacture of these products.

V normative documentation and drawings must indicate the requirements for the material used in the manufacture of stairs, for the allowable dimensions and method of placing products in the building plan.

To describe the conditions for the manufacture and installation of metal stairs and railings, GOST was developed:

  • GOST R 53254 - 2009. It accumulates standards for the production and installation of metal fire escapes and railings for these products at industrial and civil construction facilities;
  • GOST 23120-78. Reflects the standards for the production of steel stairs;
  • GOST 25772 83. Provides standards and design characteristics for railings used in the construction of flights of stairs and for organizing safety barriers on roofs and balconies;
  • GOST 26887-86. The regulatory document allows you to determine the characteristics of attached metal stairs, platforms, stationary vertical products. In addition, it describes standards for portable ladders made of aluminum used in construction work.

Norms GOST 23120 78

The normative document provides for the arrangement of platforms, fences and metal stairs. GOST 23120 78 is mandatory when installing products at outdoor temperatures up to -65 С o.

In construction, when installing these elements, the following rules are used:

  • elements of products must provide resistance to loads within 200-400 s;
  • the angle of the flight of stairs to the opposite wall varies between 45-60 degrees;
  • the width of the steps varies from 500 to 900 mm with a slope of 45 degrees;
  • the width of the steps, with a slope of 60 degrees, should be from 500 to 700 mm;
  • the maximum march height varies from 4.2 m for a slope of 45 degrees and up to 6.0 m for a slope of 60 degrees;
  • the height of the fence varies from 1000 to 1200 mm;
  • structural elements manufactured in the workshop are processed in such a way as not to cause injury to persons using this product;
  • to prevent slipping of the human foot on the surface of the steps, their inclination should not exceed one degree.
The angles of inclination of the flight stairs.

Norms GOST R 53254–2009

This standard regulates the production and placement of metal stairs in places of installation for organizing evacuation and emergency descents in industrial and civil buildings, as well as for arranging portable structures.

In the manufacture of metal stairs Gosstandart provides for the following requirements:

  • tread depth should not exceed 250 mm;
  • the width of each step must be at least 900 mm;
  • fence height - not less than 1200 mm;
  • if height flight of stairs exceeds 20 m, it is required to use only marching products;
  • with a lifting height of less than 20 m, it is possible to use vertical products;
  • if two flights of stairs are located in close proximity, an opening of 750 mm must be observed between them;
  • fire escapes must be protected with anti-corrosion paints or varnishes.

Step sizes.

GOST for vertical metal stairs prescribes the following standards:

  • to ensure safety, the lower flight of a stationary staircase must be retractable;
  • in the places of installation of embedded parts for the installation of a vertical ladder there should be no cracks and chips that violate the integrity of the surface;
  • fastening fire escapes must ensure the safe descent of an adult;
  • each stage must withstand a vertical load of 180 kgf applied to the central point of the structural element;
  • the degree of load for the fencing of the structure must be 54 kgf or more;
  • the vertical distance between the extreme points of the steps is limited to 350 mm;
  • indent from the supporting surface to the edge of the structure - from 300 mm;
  • the distance from the lowest point of the extreme step to the ground is limited to 1500 mm;
  • the size of the steps in width is allowed from 600 mm for structures without a fence, and not less than 800 mm for products with a fence;
  • maintenance of fixed stairs building codes performed at least once every 5 years.

Dimensions of vertical stairs.

Norms GOST 26887-86

Requirements to metal stairs inclined and vertical types are specified by this standard. The standard takes into account the manufacture and use of various types of aluminum ladders.

The state standard contains the following rules for the production and installation of stairs:

  • the width of the flight of stairs is set from 0.9 m;
  • for one flight of stairs, the maximum number of steps is set - 18 pieces;
  • the minimum step height is up to 160 mm, and the maximum one does not exceed 200 mm;
  • the depth of the step (tread) for a vertical staircase should be 0.3 m;
  • tread depth for a spiral staircase varies from 100 mm at the point internal fastening, up to 400 mm at the extreme point near the wall;
  • with a flight of stairs more than 110 cm wide, it is necessary to provide for the installation of double-sided fences;
  • fence height for interior spaces varies from 90 cm to 120 cm, with a handrail device 55-85 mm wide;
  • if the ladder is installed in residential buildings where small children live, the fence is equipped with an additional handrail at a height of 450 mm;
  • gap between uprights fencing is allowed within 150 mm;
  • when designing a flight of stairs in production, it should be taken into account that the fence must hold a resistance of more than 100 kg per rm.

Handrail height.

Requirements for fences in accordance with GOST 25772 83

This standard establishes standards for the arrangement of stair railings for marches equipped with more than three steps. It applies to balcony stairs and roof railings.

When installing iron fences of this type, the following rules should be followed:

  • The resistance of the fence to loads must be at least 40 kgf with the application of efforts in any direction;
  • The deflection of the rolled metal used under the specified load should not exceed 50 mm;
  • The outer supports of the product are processed special formulations, excluding the possibility of slipping;
  • When organizing paired staircase railings, the span between the right and left bowstrings should not be less than 400 mm and more than 800 mm;
  • Misdemeanor is recommended to be performed within 300-340 mm;
  • The span from the site from which the ascent is carried out to the extreme step is provided for up to 0.4 m;
  • When organizing vertical stairs with a height of more than 5 m, it is necessary to arrange a semicircular rear fence or provide for fastening a cable to attach a safety belt;
  • The distance between the arcs of the semicircular fence is possible up to 800 mm. To strengthen this design, the use of three vertical ties is required. Distance from extreme point the arc to the inner surface of the march varies from 700 to 800 mm;
  • Maintenance of steel fences is carried out once a year. When tested under load, the rigidity of the structure must be 20% higher than the standard.

Variants of execution of a surface of steps.

Compliance of fences and stairs with SNIP and GOST allows you to achieve a safe infrastructure in residential and industrial premises.

State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs of April 28, 1978 N 71)

Steel flights of steps, stait landinqs and railing. Specifications

This standard applies to steel mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them, used in industrial buildings and structures erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard establishes technical requirements for mid-flight stairs with an inclination of 45 ° and 60 °, rectangular transitional platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for standard live loads of 200, 300 and 400.

Mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and the requirements set forth in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Main parameters and dimensions

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and railings to them must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4 and in table. 1-4.

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decks

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The structures of flights of stairs, landings and railings to them (hereinafter referred to as structures) must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18-75 according to working drawings of KMD approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures must be made of carbon steel of class C38 / 23 of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380-71:

Vst3kp2 - for construction areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and above;

VSt3Gps5 is the same, with an estimated outdoor air temperature below minus 40°C to minus 65°C inclusive.

2.3. Limit deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table. 5 .

2.4. Welded connections of the elements must be performed in a mechanized way. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72.

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798-70 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. Priming and painting must comply with the fifth class of coverage in accordance with GOST 9.032-74.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the stringer of the flight of stairs on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the landing beam and on the upper edge of the railing.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply connecting parts separately from the structures, in which case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991-76.

6.8. The mass of the package should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position supported by wooden linings and pads. Linings must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Gaskets must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m - for fences and 2.0 m - for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and SNiP III-18-75.

7.2. Installation of structures should ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer shall ensure that structures comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.

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GOST 23120-78

Group Zh34




Steel flights of steps, stair landings and railings.

Introduction date 1979-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures (TsNIIprojectstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR State Construction Committee

All-Union Scientific Research and Design and Technology Institute (VNIKTIstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR MinmontazhSpetsstroy

All-Union State Design Institute for Industrialization installation work(Gipromontazhindustry) Minmontazhspecial construction of the USSR


V.M. Laptev (theme leader), L.A. Peskova, S.I. Bochkova, A.F. Gai, L.M. Dudilovsky, B.A. Shtepa

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of April 28, 1978 No. 71



Item number

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 380-88

GOST 2991-85

GOST 7798-70

Introduction, 3.1, 7.1

SNiP II-V.3-72


6. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs No. 354 dated February 29, 1984 lifted the limitation on the validity period

This standard applies to steel mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them, used in industrial buildings and structures erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard establishes technical requirements for mid-flight stairs with an inclination of 45 and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for standard live loads of 200, 300 and 400.

Mid-flight stairs, platforms and railings for them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118 and the requirements set forth in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Main parameters and dimensions

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and fences for them must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4 and in Table 1-4.

An example of a symbol for the brand of a flight of stairs (ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (SH), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions of 6 dm and 8 dm:

MLKhSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated flooring (Ф) and dimensions = 9 dm and 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same, the left railing (OGl) of the flight of stairs from a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions = 10 dm and 24 dm;

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, right guard (OGp) with onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLKhEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, platform fencing made of a cold-formed profile with a side element and dimensions = 10 dm and = 9 dm:

OGPMKhEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

Flight of stairs

1 - kosour;

2 - step;

3 - support bar; 4 - reference corner; 5 - rib



1 - beam; 2 - edging element; 3 - flooring; 4 - rib

* According to KMD drawings.

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of mid-flight stairs and the decking of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, executions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

R - from strips on the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes to an edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. The types of steps of mid-flight stairs and decking in rectangular areas are shown in Figure 5.

1.4. The layout diagrams of mid-flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm

table 2

600; 800; 1000

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The structures of flights of stairs, landings and railings for them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18 according to working drawings of KMD approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of carbon steel of class C38 / 23 of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380:

St3kp - for construction areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and above;

St3Gps - the same, with an estimated outdoor air temperature below minus 40 to minus 65 ° C inclusive.

2.3. Limit deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table 5.

Stair railing

1 - rack;

2 - handrail, 3 - middle enclosing element; 4 - side element

* According to KMD drawings.

Site fencing

* According to KMD drawings.

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

2.4. Welded connections of the elements must be performed in a mechanized way. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be taken in accordance with SNiP II-B.3.

Table 4

1000; 1200

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000

From 600 to 1300

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decks

Type 1. Solid (F)

Type 2. Latticed

Version W Version R

Version C Version B


2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. Priming and painting must comply with the V class of coverage in accordance with GOST 9.032.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5

Nominal size and deviation name

Previous off stairs, landings, stair railings and landings

1. Length; ; up to 1000 incl.

2. Width St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

Devil 1-4

3. Height :

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

4. The distance between the ribs in the stringers and beams of the platforms

Damn 1 and 2

5. Distance between fence posts

Damn 3 and 4

6. Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more

7. The distance between the centers of the holes within the same group A

8. Distance between groups of holes A

9. Deviation from straightness
by lenght :

up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

3. Completeness

3.1. The structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional details for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in quantities of 10% more than those specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. The design to verify their compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. The control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures (including the dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of the surfaces of parts from the design ones, the quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be carried out before priming the structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The composition of the batch includes the same type of construction, made according to the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The batch size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the designs selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piece-by-piece control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If during the inspection of the selected designs there is at least one design that does not comply with the requirements of this standard, double the number of designs from the same lot should be selected and re-tested. If, upon re-checking, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard in one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to accept the structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Control methods

5.1. The control of deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones should be carried out by universal methods and means.

5.2. The quality control of the seams of welded joints and the dimensions of their sections should be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18.

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

6.1. Fabricated designs must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fencing structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or to the structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing according to which the structure is made.

6.5. Each structural element must be marked with a symbol of the element brand (without a standard designation, see clause 1.1).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the stringer of the flight of stairs on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the landing beam and on the upper edge of the railing.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply connecting parts separately from the structures, in which case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991.

6.8. The mass of the package should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position supported by wooden linings and pads. Linings must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Gaskets must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m - for fences and 2.0 m - for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118 and SNiP III-18.

7.2. Installation of structures should ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer shall ensure that structures comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.

Application (reference). Layout schemes of mid-flight stairs


Floor height or distance between floors;
, , - nominal dimensions of the elements of stairs;
- the angle of inclination of the stairs; - step width; - step height

In schemes 2-5, the nodes circled are made rigid for welding with the help of additional elements.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Ministry of Construction of Russia -
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1992