What is mulch mulching. Features of mulching with film and textiles

Growing various kinds of crops in the garden and vegetable garden, it is important to provide them with protection from diseases and pests. Mulch is just an excellent solution to this issue. Understanding what soil mulching is, it is worth saying that this is a layer of organic or industrial materials with which the gardener covers the soil where berry bushes, trees or vegetables grow. More details about the varieties and methods of mulching will be discussed below.

What is mulch and what is it for?

The gardener must definitely know how and how to mulch the soil correctly, because this is the way to a high-quality and rich harvest.

This special technology helps protect plants from weeds and diseases. A variety of materials can act as mulch, the structure of which allows them to be used to cover the soil. In addition to the fact that mulch is often used in decorative purposes, it is also able to provide:

  • Root protection, due to the preservation of the required moisture and acidity in the soil;
  • maintaining the temperature in the soil, as well as the nutrient medium;
  • care in case of sharp drops in temperature;
  • protection from weeds.

A useful property of correctly selected mulch is also that it does not harden and thus does not form a tough crust, allowing the plants to develop.

It should be noted that mulch, depending on the material chosen for this procedure, can be organic and inorganic... We will tell you about each option so that the gardener can decide for himself what he wants to make mulch for his site.

Types of organic mulch

Organic mulch, as the name suggests, is the use of organic materials. Usually this is what remains after standard agrotechnical measures. Let's describe in more detail the most popular and widely used options.

Sawdust and wood chips

Wood chips and sawdust are great for mulching garden shrubs, for example, or, as well as those beds in the garden that rarely lend themselves to digging and other treatments. The fact is that such mulch finally decomposes in about one and a half to two years. This must be taken into account so as not to encounter problems when working out the site in the future.

The discussed method works best on raspberries., or in those places where crops are located in the winter. In this case, organic matter itself must be introduced at the end of autumn.

In case it was decided to make mulch from wood chips or sawdust, you need to understand that such a material is capable of developing a lack of nitrogen in the soil, since wood, in the process of decay, absorbs this substance from the soil. You can completely avoid nitrogen starvation. in a simple way... Before spreading the material, it is necessary to feed the soil with mullein infusion either.

Note! Sawdust, which was stored for a long time in the corner of the garden, most likely managed to "sour", since there is probably a shortage of oxygen in the depths of this heap. Such material is categorically not suitable for mulching beds, because it will not only not benefit the plants, but it can also harm. In this case, the sawdust must first be spread out in a thin layer and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Sawdust and wood chips mulch is great for fighting slugs. The latter prefer smooth and well-moisturized surfaces, and therefore wood material will not be attractive to them.


Mulching the beds with straw is a very common option. It is recommended to lay this material with a layer of about 15 centimeters thick. It should be understood that such mulch will not hurt further development plants, because very soon the straw will settle by at least 7-8 cm.

Straw is best used for mulching potatoes and tomato beds. Tomatoes will be saved from many bacteria in the soil, they will not succumb to early rot, leaf blight and anthracnose. Potatoes under straw mulch will be protected from the attack of the Colorado potato beetle.

You can also cover the soil with garlic, blackberries, and basil with this material.

Bark of coniferous trees

Making mulch with your own hands from bark is not at all difficult, because almost every summer resident has such material. The bark can repel water, which causes it to decompose over time. The bark is best used for garden trees and shrubs.

Bark taken from conifers should not be used for mulching tomatoes. The fact is that the aromatic volatile elements that are emitted by such a material will become destructive for tomatoes.

Among other things, the bark looks very attractive as a mulch. Many gardeners prefer to use its decorative properties by mulching flower beds. Such a study of the site will not only be useful, but also beautiful. Modern designers are increasingly advising the use of chopped bark in the design of the garden.


Strawberries, blueberries and eggplants like mulching with needles. Despite the fact that some gardeners refuse such material, as they believe that the needles oxidize the soil, nevertheless empirically it has been proven that covering the beds with a 7-centimeter layer of pine needles will only have a positive effect on the plants. Even if mulching of the same beds is carried out for two years in a row, the acidity of the soil will practically not change. Mulching strawberries with needles should be carried out in the fall.

It is worth again remembering the decorative properties of mulch. Needles are often mulched flowers in flower beds, using the material as a decoration. Additionally, reeds and crushed pine cones can be used.

Fallen leaves

Mulching the soil in the fall is also often carried out with fallen leaves. Almost any foliage is suitable, but some summer residents prefer the leaves of individual plantings, for example, a walnut tree.

You need to understand that the leaves in the process of decay turns into a very valuable organic feeding... They contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc. Such elements work very well to improve the quality of growth and development of plant crops.

An interesting experiment was carried out in one of the forestries. The staff removed the natural forest litter from the fallen leaves in a specific area and repeated this for several years. As a result, the growth of plantations in the forest decreased by about 20%. In order to restore the forest soil to its original state and thereby resume the growth of new trees, it took twice as long.

Fallen leaves can be used to mulch cabbage, beans, peppers, tomatoes and eggplants. It is important to carry out the procedure after the soil is thoroughly warmed up.

Deciduous material can also be used in flower beds. In case of severe frosts, this product will perfectly protect the root system, and as soon as the first spring heat comes, the bulbs will not be able to germinate quickly, thereby being safe from possible repeated frosts.

Cut grass and weeds

It's no secret that in herbaceous plants there is a large amount of nitrogen-containing substances. Weeds can be used any that are collected after weeding the site. The cut grass for mulching can also be taken, for example, after mowing the lawn.

You should definitely pay attention to the fact that mulching is best done only with dried cut grass - hay... Or at least well dried. The fact is that freshly harvested plants will attract slugs and snails, and they can also begin to rot on the site.

If you mulch cabbage with tomato leaves, you can protect this crop from cabbage whitewash - a very unpleasant pest.

But raw grass can also be used. Only mulching the soil should be done when there is no longer a crop on the site. You can do it late autumn, during the rainy season. Before the first frosts come, the grass and weeds will have time to rot well and become an excellent fertilizer for the vegetables of the next season.


Not many people know that nettles can not grow in every area. Such a weed plant is very capricious and can only develop in soil that is rich in humus and has a high-quality structure. This means that a gardener who noticed nettles on his site can only rejoice, because this is a clear signal that the soil in this place is pretty good.

Nettle is an excellent material for mulching. It contains many vitamins and minerals. For example, by the amount of iron, this weed can compete with many medicinal plants ... And as for the presence of nitrogen in the composition, nettle leaves far behind even peat and straw, not like manure.

It is best to use young nettles as mulch. This will not be a problem, since mulching begins just at the beginning of summer.


This material is only suitable for areas with non-acidic soil, because moss can increase the acidity level.

It is forbidden to use moss as mulch in relation to strawberries and strawberries, because these berry plants will simply rot under it. But for blueberries, raspberries, radishes and potatoes, moss is an excellent mulch.

With such material, you can also safely mulch roses, azaleas and some other flowers. Many gardeners also cover pears and pears with this mulch. Moss tends to collect excess moisture from the soil, thus protecting trees from waterlogging, but during a drought it will give back the same moisture. In addition, the material under discussion is an excellent antiseptic.


Mulching with peat, perhaps, was carried out by almost every summer resident. The material is available and very useful, it does not raise doubts about its favorable properties among any gardener.

Such fertilization with swampy areas often used in the process of planting a variety of plants. Peat perfectly protects the earth from weathering and leaching of useful components, and also does not allow pathogenic flora to develop in it. At the end of the season, such mulch does not need to be removed from the garden, because it will gradually combine with the soil and thereby make its composition better.

In the garden, it is best to mulch with peat those crops that need increased care, for example, tomatoes. Such a substrate for nightshades should be applied as soon as the tomatoes are well rooted, this is about a few weeks after planting the seedlings in the soil.

Peat mulch is ideal for raspberries. The material is able to create excellent conditions for the development of such a shrub, which, as you know, is very fond of moisture. The soil under the peat will store water and become looser, thereby allowing the raspberry bushes to root better.

Inorganic mulch

Mulching is not organic materials consists in covering the site with rocks or industrial products. Such mulch protects the soil well, but, naturally, does not perform the additional function of fertilization.

In general, inorganics can be classified as follows:

  • Film (usually black, but sometimes colored), cardboard and paper;
  • stones - pebbles, crushed stone, gravel, etc.;
  • expanded clay.

The second and third species from the list are often used for decorative purposes, as they perfectly decorate landscape and garden compositions. Today you can find stones on sale different colors, which allows you to realize any design fantasies.

As for the film, it retains moisture well in the soil. But at the same time, such material can be used only once, since by next year it will already become unusable. Those who decide to use film for mulching should be aware of a number of points that they may have to face:

  • Watering... You need to think about how the plants will be moistened - by drip or through holes in the coating;
  • Slugs... They can gather under the film, so this will also need to be fought;
  • Heat... It should be understood how high the ability of the plants covered with the film to tolerate overheating, which is enhanced by the greenhouse effect under the film.

You can extend the life of the film by covering it with an additional thin layer of straw or hay.

The film is often used as mulch in rock gardens. It does not allow weeds to grow. But in order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the compositions, decorative stones are laid on top of it.

Today, textile materials (geotextiles), which are made on the basis of polypropylene fiber, are very popular among summer residents. Such material is cheap, but of high quality. It is able to absorb the rays of the sun and prevent weeds from growing on the site.

Mulching film

Such a film must be laid on the garden bed, and fixed at the edges with staples made of thick strong wire. Can also be used to secure it ordinary boards or the earth itself, which should be poured around the edges.

To land garden crops, you will need to make small cuts in the form of a cross or a gap directly at the landing site. Next, you need to dig a hole and plant the plant itself. Water the garden bed abundantly through the slots.

If perennial plants, for example, strawberries, were covered with film mulch, then at the end of the season it is absolutely not necessary to remove the film from the garden. Such inorganic mulch can stay there for as long as the strawberry itself grows, which is about 3-4 years. But at the same time, one must not forget to apply top dressing to the soil, because the film does not decompose, which means that the fertilizer cannot work. It is best to add humus to the soil before mulching this type.

Despite the fact that the film helps to retain moisture in the soil for a long time, it is still necessary to water the area periodically. In this case, natural moisture in the form of rains or fogs is excluded, so you should always remember about watering.

Features of mulching with paper

Any type of cardboard and paper can be used as mulch. Newspaper sheets, notebooks, kraft paper, etc. are suitable. Such material can be used in its entirety, or it can be pre-shredded. The thickness of the mulch layer on the site should be approximately equal to the thickness of the four-fold newspaper sheet.

Paper mulch perfectly protects garden plants from weeds, and to increase its effectiveness, you can additionally lay straw, hay, or ordinary soil on top of the paper. Surprisingly, it has been experimentally proven that using paper instead of film, you can literally warm up the earth by 2-3 degrees in a day, which helps very well when planting seedlings. Also, according to reviews of summer residents, the use of paper as mulch can significantly increase the yield of legumes and raspberries.

There is a misconception that printing ink on newspaper sheets can harm crops. It is worth noting that experts reject this myth, arguing that none of the components that make up such material harm garden and garden plants.

Video: egg trays as mulch

Some gardeners have learned to use pressed paper egg trays as mulch for potatoes, onions, carrots and other garden plants. More details about this interesting option you can find out by watching the video:

Mulching the soil in the greenhouse

Many gardeners, especially beginners, often ask themselves the question of the need to mulch the soil in greenhouses. According to experts, this is definitely worth doing. Thanks to mulch, you can not only avoid the growth of weeds, but also save a lot of nutrients.

An equally important factor in favor of laying mulch in a greenhouse is that many of the plants that grow there cannot tolerate excess moisture. So, mulching tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse will protect them from bacteria and fungal diseases. The seedlings will be separated from the moist soil using mulch to help them stay healthy and avoid rotting.

Also, mulching in a greenhouse will significantly simplify the care of plantings, reduce the number of watering and soil treatments. And after a year, the soil itself will become noticeably more fertile and richer in microelements.


Summing up, it is worth mentioning once again the importance and usefulness of such an event as mulching. Each gardener will be able to choose the material to cover the site to his taste. At the same time, the care of plants will be noticeably simplified, as well as the yield will significantly increase.

Mulch is a decorative material in the landscape design of the site. Role mulch can perform any material that is laid on the surface of the soil to retain moisture, suppress weeds, as well as for decorating flower beds and decorative groups of trees and shrubs.

Examples of organic mulch include the following materials:

  • chopped or chopped bark
  • compost
  • manure
  • cut grass
  • shredded leaves
  • straw or hay
  • sawdust
  • wood chips

Organic mulch decomposes over time and needs to be replaced. But it is during the decomposition process that mulch increases the content of organic matter in the soil. Before buying, for example, manure or compost, you should inquire about their origin, as these materials may contain viable weed seeds, which will subsequently begin to germinate.

Where is organic mulch used:

As inorganic mulch the following materials are used:

  • black or colored plastic film
  • garden covering material
  • stones, gravel, colored synthetic material

Inorganic mulching materials help retain moisture and keep weeds out. They do not add any nutrients to the soil, but they do not decompose and do not require frequent replacement.

I use plastic sheeting and geotextiles more often in places where I would like to avoid frequent weeding. These materials can be used not only around trees and shrubs, but also in garden beds. However, plastic sheeting creates a high temperature on hot summer days, and along with weeds, it can also damage the roots. useful plants with a lack of moisture. Therefore, you need to make sure that the size of the holes in the film is large enough for water to flow freely into the soil. If puddles form on the film, then additional holes need to be created. With geotextiles, such questions should not arise, since the fabric has a porous structure.

Mulching Is the covering of the soil under vegetable plants protective layer... You can also mulch the soil between the beds or rows of vegetables. Various materials are used as mulch.

In nature, under trees and shrubs, there is always a layer of fallen leaves, needles, dead plant remains. This organic layer protects the soil from erosion, drying out, weathering. Mulching has similar effects. At the same time it enriches the soil organic matter and promotes the development of the root system of plants.

Mulching prevents crust formation on the soil surface and reduces weed growth. Accordingly, the number of waterings is reduced and there is no need to engage in regular weeding. Under a layer of mulch, the earth breathes easier. This is especially true for clay soils, since the mulch does not allow the sun's rays to pass through and does not allow the earth to harden.

Under the layer of mulch, soil bacteria actively reproduce, for which it is additional source nutrients. Under the mulch, earthworms and small animals reproduce well, which help to improve the structure of the soil. In summer, a layer of green mulch is easily and quickly processed by microorganisms. In this regard, it must be poured periodically.

Under the mulch layer, the optimum temperature and soil moisture are maintained. Changes in ground temperature occur less dramatically. This has a positive effect on plant metabolism. The greatest effect of mulching is observed in areas with dry weather, as it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Weeds die under the mulch, as they experience a lack of sunlight.

There are three ways to mulch:

  • covering the beds with black film or special covering material;
  • sprinkling the soil with organic materials (peat, sawdust, humus, etc.);
  • sprinkling the soil with compost.

The choice of mulching method is influenced by the type of soil, the climate, the goal pursued (control of weeds, reducing the frequency of watering, fertilizing the soil).

Advice. Sprinkle mulch on the beds the day after watering. Pre-loosen the soil and remove weeds. After processing, the soil will retain moisture longer, replenish with substances useful for plants and will be sufficiently saturated with oxygen.

Mulching with black film or covering material is used when growing vegetables and strawberries. In many plants, under such mulch, nutrient requirements are reduced by a third. It should be borne in mind that, before covering the soil, it is necessary to fertilize it. This is best done when planting plants. If possible, immediately after this, the beds are covered with mulching material. With proper handling, black film and other covering materials can last for several years.

Transparencies and white materials are not suitable for mulching as they do not stop weeds from growing.

Under the black film, the soil temperature is 2 ° C higher. In early spring it covers the beds at night. During the day, the film is removed so that the soil warms up better under the sun. In warm soil in plants, all processes are more active. The same applies to the vital activity of soil insects and microorganisms. However, it should be borne in mind that under the film and other covering materials, the soil quickly depletes, since organic plant residues do not enter it.

Moisture is well maintained under the black film in the soil. Water, which evaporates from the surface of the earth, accumulates in the form of drops on the film and falls back again. Therefore, the soil moisture is maintained at the same level under the film. Mulching row spacings with black film when growing zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, corn leads to an increase in yield by 30%, besides, the fruits always remain clean, good quality and it is much easier to collect them.

Such films are also insect pest control agents. Some of them have reflective aluminum inserts for this purpose. Film, unlike organic mulch, protects plants from mice.

Advice. You should not make the mulch layer thick, as its lower part will damp and rot, especially after rains. That is why on clay soils it is not recommended to make a layer of mulch more than 2 cm. If necessary (once every 2 weeks), mulching should be repeated.

Mulching with organic materials is more beneficial for plants than mulching with black film and covering materials. It brings special benefits to white cabbage, celery, tomatoes, radish, garlic, asparagus.

As a mulch, you can use green fertilizers (crushed green parts of plants), plant residues, weeds that have not reached the flowering stage, straw, hay, manure, fallen leaves, crushed wood bark, sawdust.

Good mulch is compost, including unripe, and a mixture of unripe manure and green mass.

It must be remembered that the more fertile the soil, the sooner the mulch will decompose and turn into humus. Improvement of the structure of heavy soils during mulching is shown only after 2–3 years.

Perform it in summer period, immediately after planting and watering the plants. In summer, it is recommended to use only finely chopped mulch. The emerging seedlings are sprinkled with sand, matured compost, chopped grass. You can also sprinkle with mulch and aisles.

For winter mulching use plant residues(aerial part of plants, chaff, unripe manure). You can make a mixture from this and sprinkle it on the whole garden, and not just the beds. Such mulch is poured with a layer of 10 cm for light soil, and with a layer of 5–8 cm for heavy soil. It is permissible to add more mineral flour to it. It will reduce education bad smell and will increase the intensity of formation of humus complexes in the soil. You can also add some more bone meal.

Mulching the beds in the winter also has some adverse consequences. If the plants overwintered under a layer of mulch, then there is a high probability that they will suffer from late spring frosts... In spring, under the layer of mulch, air cushions form, which impede the heating of the soil and contribute to the freezing of plants. Therefore, after winter mulching, you must repeat it in the spring.

In winter, under the mulch in the soil, the activity of earthworms increases. Therefore, in spring, it is looser in this area in comparison with non-mulched areas. Such soil is much easier to cultivate.

In the spring, the old mulch is removed and stacked in compost heap... When growing vegetables in garden beds and high beds mulching will be beneficial. The soil in such beds warms up and dries faster, and the mulch will retain moisture.

It must be borne in mind that each mulching material has its own characteristics. For example, the remains of garden plants are crushed and mixed with green fertilizers before being used as mulch. This type is suitable for any area in the garden.

Fallen leaves are used for mulching without grinding. You can mix it with other types of mulch.

Hay, especially meadow, is a valuable type of mulch.

Mulching straw is used both unchanged and mixed with organic materials.

Manure is a type of mulch that is recommended to be used regularly, but in small quantities. Do not use it for mulching in the winter. This is due to the fact that it is easily washed out of it. nutrients... Pig manure and bird droppings are not suitable for mulching.

You can use sawdust to sprinkle the paths in the garden. If you mix in them nitrogen fertilizer then they will decompose faster.

Food waste is used for mulching only after it has formed compost.

The needles are an excellent mulch for those plants that prefer acidic soil.

Mulch made from the aerial part of tomatoes scares off the cabbage whitewash.

Freshly cut grass can be used as mulch. It not only retains moisture in the soil, but also enriches it with nitrogen. It is important that the grass is seedless, otherwise they will sprout throughout the garden. To prevent the mulch from rotting and becoming a source of infection, the grass is first dried a little. Beds, planting in greenhouses, areas with potatoes and berry bushes are mulched.

When mulching is carried out, a number of rules are observed:

  • plant stems and root collars of trees and shrubs are left free of mulch;
  • under perennial plants the mulch is stored until next year, if necessary, add it additionally;
  • in the beds with annual plants the mulch is dug up with the soil or removed and used to replenish the compost heap;
  • if tracks or free place between the plants mulched with hay, it is better to shovel it into a heap and leave it until next season. It can be reused after drying or sent to the compost heap.

Mulching allows you to do without re-loosening the soil. Under the protective layer, it does not dry out, does not get compressed and is well aerated, which is favorable for plant growth. Fruits located low above the soil on mulch are not contaminated. This is especially significant for the harvest of strawberries, pumpkins, cucumbers, which often lies in the beds.

Mulching Is the covering of the soil under fruit trees or vegetable plants with a protective layer. You can also mulch the soil between the beds or rows of vegetables. Various materials are used as mulch.

In nature, under trees and shrubs, there is always a layer of fallen leaves, needles, dead plant remains. This organic layer protects the soil from erosion, drying out, weathering. Mulching has similar effects. At the same time, it enriches the soil with organic matter and promotes the development of the root system of plants.

Mulching prevents crust formation on the soil surface and reduces weed growth. Accordingly, the number of waterings is reduced and there is no need to engage in regular weeding. Under a layer of mulch, the earth breathes easier. This is especially true for clay soils, since the mulch does not allow the sun's rays to pass through and does not allow the earth to harden.

Soil bacteria actively reproduce under the mulch layer. For many of them, mulch is an additional source of nutrients (substances. Under mulch, earthworms and small animals reproduce well, which help to improve the structure of the soil. In summer, a layer of green mulch is easily and quickly processed by microorganisms. In this regard, mulch must be periodically added.

Under the mulch layer, the optimum temperature and soil moisture are maintained. Changes in soil temperature occur less dramatically. This has a positive effect on plant metabolism. The greatest effect of mulching is observed in areas with dry weather, as mulch prevents moisture from evaporating from the soil. Weeds die under the mulch, as they experience a lack of sunlight.

Mulching methods

There are three ways to mulch:

✓ covering the beds with black film or special covering material;

✓ sprinkling the soil with organic materials (peat, sawdust, etc.);

✓ sprinkling the soil with compost.

The choice of mulching method is influenced by the type of soil, the climate, the goal pursued (control of weeds, reducing the frequency of watering, fertilizing the soil).

Mulching with black film or covering material is used when growing vegetables and strawberries.

In many plants, under such mulch, nutrient requirements are reduced by a third. It should be noted that it is necessary to fertilize the soil before mulching with these materials. This is best done when planting plants. If possible, immediately after this, the beds are covered with mulching material. At correct use black film and other covering materials can be used for several years.

Transparencies and white materials are not suitable for mulching as they do not stop weeds from growing.

❧ Some plants prefer colored mulch. For example, cabbage is different best growth on white mulch, and tomatoes on red. However, mulch of such colors is almost never used in practice.

Under the black film, the soil temperature is 2 degrees higher. In early spring, it is used to cover the beds at night. During the day, the film is removed so that the soil warms up better under the sun. In warm soil in plants, all processes are more active.

The same applies to the vital activity of soil insects and microorganisms. However, it should be borne in mind that under the film and other covering materials, the soil quickly depletes, since organic plant residues do not enter it.

Moisture is well maintained under the black film in the soil. Water that evaporates from the soil surface accumulates in the form of drops on the film and gets back again. Therefore, the soil moisture is maintained at the same level under the film. Mulching the row spacings with black film when growing zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, corn leads to an increase in yield by 30%, besides, the fruits always remain clean, of good quality and are much easier to harvest.

If you cover young trees and shrubs with black film, then they will grow faster, it is better to take root in a new place.

Mulching with black film is often done in greenhouses. This prevents evaporation of moisture from the soil and reduces air humidity in closed room... As a result, the number of fungal diseases among plants decreases. This is of particular importance in the cold season, when the air already has high humidity, for example in the fall.

Mulching films are also insect pest control agents. Some types of films have reflective aluminum inserts for this purpose. Film, unlike organic mulch, protects plants from mice.

Mulching with organic materials is more beneficial for plants than mulching with black film and covering materials. It promotes the growth of both vegetable and Ornamental crops. It brings special benefits to white cabbage, celery, tomatoes, radishes, garlic asparagus.

As a mulch for the garden and vegetable garden you can use green fertilizers (crushed green parts of plants), plant residues, weeds that have not reached the flowering stage, straw, hay, manure, fallen leaves, crushed wood bark, sawdust.

Good mulch is compost, including unripe, and a mixture of unripe manure and green mass. It is especially good to use this mulching in areas where plants are planted to obtain green mass, such as clover. They increase the maturation rate of the compost and subsequently enrich it.

The beds with berry plants should be under a layer of mulch at all times. In the summer, dry and green mulch is used, and for the winter, the beds are mulched with manure. With this approach, mulching does not lead to an increased content of nitrates in berries.

It must be remembered that the more fertile the soil, the sooner the mulch will decompose and turn into humus.

You should not make the mulch layer thick, as its lower part will damp and rot, especially after rains. That is why it is not recommended to make a layer of mulch more than 2 cm on clay soils. As necessary (about 1 time in 2 weeks), mulching should be repeated.

Improvement in the structure of heavy soils during mulching is manifested only after 2-3 years.

It is carried out in the summer, immediately after planting and watering the plants. In summer, it is recommended to use only well-chopped mulch. The emerging seedlings are sprinkled with sand, matured compost, chopped grass. You can also sprinkle with mulch and aisles.

For winter mulching, plant residues are used - the ground part of plants, chaff, unripe manure. You can make a mixture from this and sprinkle it on the whole garden, and not just the beds. Such mulch is poured with a layer of 10 cm for light soil, and 5-8 cm for heavy soil. You can also add mineral flour to it. This will reduce the formation of an unpleasant odor and increase the intensity of the formation of humus complexes in the soil. Also add a little more bone meal.

Mulching the beds in the winter also has some adverse consequences. If the plants have hibernated under a layer of mulch, then there is a high probability that they will suffer from late spring frosts. In spring, under the mulch layer, air cushions form, which make it difficult to warm the soil and contribute to the freezing of plants. Therefore, after winter mulching, it is necessary to mulch again in the spring.

In winter, under the mulch in the soil, the activity of earthworms increases. Therefore, in spring, the soil in this area is looser compared to non-mulched areas. Such soil is much easier to cultivate.

In the spring, the old mulch is removed and piled up in a compost heap. When growing vegetables in garden beds and tall beds, mulching will be beneficial. The soil in such beds warms up and dries faster, and the mulch will retain moisture.

Mulch works very well on fruit trees, as well as berry and ornamental shrubs... The soil around them and the paths are mulched. Long-lasting mulch can be used (gravel, pine needles, crushed bark).

Trunk circles under trees are mulched with cut grass, crushed with green mass, bark, and also with fresh compost. The layers of mulch are made with an average thickness of 5 cm. Mulching the garden for several years significantly increases the permeability of the soil to air.

In gardens, it is imperative to mow the grass when it grows to 15-20 cm. After drying, it is used for mulching.

Some gardeners question the benefits of mulching with organic materials. Inhabited by worms and insects, organic mulch attracts birds and provides shelter for mice and moles. The latter are very harmful to young plants, gnawing them. Therefore, when using organic mulch, it is necessary to control rodents.

Mulching is performed when growing not only vegetables and berries, but also mushrooms, medicinal, ornamental and aromatic plants. Some believe that the presence of mulch makes the plants more flavorful and valuable as medicines. When growing some mushrooms, such as ringworms, mulch is poured in a layer of 10 cm. Mulching will help make flower beds and other flower beds more decorative and attractive.

Known Swiss recipe for mulch. Mix the chopped straw with soil and compost for several weeks. After the formation of a homogeneous dark mass, the mulch is ready for use. After downloading, you can leave the grass on the lawns. A thin layer of mulch is formed from it. However, during the Rainy period, he is able to rot, then fungal diseases will appear in the grass. Therefore, with regular mowing of grass on lawns, the formation of a dense layer that is impervious to air must not be allowed. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the lawns with a rake at least three times a year.

Wood chips and shredded bark are not only good mulch, but also decorative element in the garden and lawns. These materials can also be sprinkled on paths. The thickness of the layer of mulch should be 8-10 cm. This mulch protects against weeds and erosion of paths. Under wood mulch it is possible to lay a covering material, but not a film.

It must be borne in mind that each mulching material has its own characteristics. For example, the remains of garden plants are crushed and mixed with green fertilizers before being used as mulch. This type of mulch is suitable for any area in the garden.

Fallen leaves are used for mulching without grinding. You can mix it with other types of mulch.

Hay, especially meadow, is a valuable type of mulch.

Mulching straw is used both unchanged and mixed with organic materials.

Manure is a type of mulch that is recommended to be used regularly, but in small quantities. Do not use it for mulching in the winter. This is due to the fact that nutrients are easily washed out from it. Pig manure and bird droppings are not suitable for mulching.

You can use sawdust to sprinkle the paths in the garden. If you mix nitrogen fertilizer into them, then they will decompose faster.

Food waste is used for mulching only after it has formed compost.

The needles are an excellent mulch for those plants that prefer acidic soil.

Mulch made from the ground part of tomatoes scares off the cabbage whites.

Any piece of land, be it a summer cottage or a vegetable garden, where vegetables or fruits are grown, must undergo nutritional and plant protection procedures.

And if this site is located far from the city, or it is small in size, then mulch is perfect for this, which you can make with your own hands without any problems. It won't take long to figure out what mulch is and where to get it. Since it is being prepared, in the literal sense of the word, from scrap materials.

Soil mulching what is it?

The only thing to look out for is what kind of plant you want to protect or nourish with mulching. After all, its composition depends on this. That is why it is necessary to determine before the preparation of the mulch begins.

After reading this article, you can make your own mulch.

First, let's answer the question, what is mulch and how to prepare it?

Mulch what is it?

Mulch is a necessary fertilizing of the earth, which, in turn, affects the growth and development of plants. It may include various wastes and processed products. After all, the main mulch target- is to get a set of nutritional components.

What can be included in mulch?

Itself mulching scheme pretty simple. If it is manure, then in the fall it must be left in a special place, where in the spring it will be in a state suitable for mulching. And then - nothing complicated. We sprinkle it on the soil and wait for the worms to drag it to the part of the earth where it is root system plants.

The thickness of the laid out layer should not exceed 5 cm. It is a coating of this width that brings the very effect of nutrition and fertilization.

Food waste can also be used for mulching, but it must be composted before it reaches the garden beds.

Other types of mulching work in the same way.

Stages of soil mulching:

Beneficial effects of mulch

The mulched soil provides the necessary nutrition for microorganisms. When given words fertilizer begins to decompose, it accelerates the process of mineralization of the earth, and also increases its readiness for planting. Another plus of mulching is that such land does not need loosening. Since she already receives a large amount of oxygen due to the lack of a hard crust.

Cons of mulching

It is strange to hear that such a good method of fertilizing and nourishing the earth has its drawbacks. There are not many of them. Only one. Humus attracts many worms, which is why birds from all over the area flock to the garden. Moles and mice also like to live under the mulched soil, which has a very negative effect on the root system of the crop. Therefore, in parallel with nutrition, it is necessary to combat rodents.

But, despite its one, but big disadvantage, mulching remains a very popular form of fertilization and nutrition.

Mulch, where can I get it?

This question worries everyone, especially a novice gardener. And people whose plot is found near the forest are no exception.

The answer to this question is extremely simple. The simplest and most readily available is organic mulch. This includes stems, grass cuttings, leaves and everything like that. The methods for obtaining this good are also extremely simple. All you need is to take care of your garden collect the above components.

To mulch the soil what does it mean?

Do-it-yourself mulching in two ways:

  1. as mentioned earlier - use organic waste;
  2. cover the beds with foil.

Most often, three types of film are used: red, black and white. Each, depending on what grows under it. Red for vegetables, black for vegetables and strawberries, and white is great for cabbage.

Use transparencies highly discouraged as it does not inhibit weed growth. The beds are mulched, in this way they can give a yield of 30-35% more, and the rodents hardly start. Do not forget that fertilizers must be applied before covering with a film.

But it's clear that organic mulching is much more useful.

What kind of mulch to choose, solid or light?

The fact is that the color of the mulch affects the intensity of heat absorption. And as you know, fertility directly depends on the sun. Therefore, when choosing a mulch color, think ahead of adjusting the warm setting.

But that's not all. It is important to know that in this moment required by the earth : keep it warm, or, conversely, prevent overheating.

All these parameters must be taken into account when choosing a mulch color.

The composition of the light can include straw or sawdust; for the dark, humus and foliage are best suited.

Types of mulching:

1 . From freshly cut grass

One of the most readily available materials. You can find grass anywhere and it's not difficult. Suitable for this any grass cut: nettle, mustard, pea stalks, alfalfa. It is best if you use all plants at the same time. Then the soil will have the opportunity to absorb many different useful microelements, which will enhance growth and fertility.

2.Using compost

Compost is a substance that perfectly destroys most of the harmful bacteria in the soil. Such a layer will not only become an obstacle for, but also prevent the plants from getting sick. It must be applied to the beds no more than 2-3 cm in height. This layer will perfectly grab to protect plants from negative influences.

3. From wood chips

This type of mulching is great for perennial flowers. If you cannot find this type of mulch, then you can use the bark. It will help regulate weed growth and retain water. When collecting bark, you need sniff carefully at the smell... If the bark gives off a strong vinegar smell, then it is not at all suitable for mulching. Under it, plants will begin to die after a few hours.

Mulching the soil in autumn

When autumn harvest already assembled, you can start mulching. For this, it is possible to use unnecessary crop residues. It is also recommended to add mineral flour to the existing mulch. She will be great at helping to neutralize a little. bad smell and will accelerate the decomposition process, thereby the metabolism of nutrients.

In the spring, the soil should warm up as quickly as possible, so the old layer of mulch should be removed. After the earth has warmed up, plants are planted or sown, they are watered abundantly. And only then can you start a new mulching. Places where plants will sprout - you cannot fertilize, mulch is laid out exclusively between the beds.

It's important to know!

When using mulching on heavy clay soils, remember that the height of mulch application should not be more than 2 cm. especially during the rainy season... Also, do not forget that the beds on such soils must be constantly loosened. And due to the heavy texture, the result of mulching appears only after 2-3 years.