Sockets switches according to GOST from the floor. Optimal installation height of sockets and switches - Soviet and European standards

Why is it so important to place the outlets correctly? What are the installation standards: a description of domestic indicators and the European standard. About this in the article.

How far from the floor to install sockets: all about placement in the kitchen and bathroom

The correct location of the sockets is extremely important for creating safety, comfort during operation and optimal distribution of electricity in the apartment.

People, replacing wiring or starting repair work, ask themselves the question: at what distance from the flooring to install the outlet? The material contains answers and provides useful information.

How important is it

The placement of electrical wiring is one of the most important tasks in home renovation. At the beginning of the process, it is recommended to decide where the equipment, computer desk, and TV will be located. This is the only way to equip sockets at a convenient distance. It is also important to take into account the size of the room, the total number of outlets and switches when drawing up a diagram of the equipment of sources.

The location of the connectors depends not only on the convenience of their use, but also on the appearance of the apartment. Improperly positioned devices can spoil the impression of the renovation. A connector installed in the middle of the room will look ridiculous and inconvenient to operate.

At what distance is installed in the room

Let's analyze the European, Soviet options for mounting connectors, find out the height from the floor.

Eurostandard installation

This term became popular after the introduction of the definition of "renovation". Some users are comfortable with the following location of outlets and switches:

  • switches at a distance of 90 cm from the floor surface (passing by and without raising his hands, a person fixes the lighting in the room);
  • mounting of electrical sources at a height of 3 cm from the floor (at this distance you can hide wires and it is convenient to use household appliances).

When choosing Euro sockets, you need to know that the diameter of the pins and the length between them are larger than those of Russian models. The current strength of imported devices is 10-16 amperes, Russian - no more than 10. Therefore, more powerful devices can be inserted into such connectors.

Previously, sockets were fixed at a height of 90 cm from the floor, switches - at a distance of 160 cm. These indicators are no worse than the European standard and have a number of advantages:

  • the plug can be inserted into the electrical socket without bending over;
  • small children cannot reach the connector as it is installed at a height;
  • such a finding is convenient for equipment that does not need to be constantly connected to the network (air conditioners).

Minimum height from the floor

The rules for the installation of electrical installations and the design of residential buildings do not contain clear requirements for the location of outlets and switches with regard to flooring, walls and other elements.

The Electrical Installation Rules stipulate that the distance from the devices and the gas pipeline must be higher than 50 cm. In the bathroom, it can be placed at a distance of 60 cm from the sink.

At what height are the sockets installed

The joint venture states that electrical installations must be installed anywhere at a height of up to 1 meter.

The distance from the sockets for connecting electric stoves and air conditioners is not indicated. In schools, preschool educational institutions are placed at a height of 180 cm from the floor. The recommended length from the floor covering is 1 meter.

The owner of the room determines the height and distance. In some cases, the rules apply:

  • sockets are placed no closer than half a meter to the gas pipeline;
  • in the kitchen and in the bathroom, electrical installations are placed at a distance of more than 60 cm from the surface of the floor, water supply.

Plug connectors in homes must be protected by a special device that will close access to them when the plugs are pulled out.

The correct arrangement of switches implies installation on the wall at a distance of up to one meter from the side where the door handle is located or under the ceiling zone with a cord.

After completing the installation of connectors for electrical devices and switches, the PUE indicates the need for work with regards to electrical measurements. They will allow you to identify violations, possible malfunctions and completely secure the process of use in everyday life.

For a competent and convenient placement of connectors and switches, it is first recommended to determine in which direction the door opens. Then the switches are placed on the side of the handles on the door leaves. This is done at a distance of 80 cm to 1 meter, depending on the height of the residents.

The placement of electrical installations is associated with the type of premises:

  • in a long corridor, on a staircase, sources are mounted at the beginning of the path and at the end;
  • it is comfortable in the living room and bedroom when the switches are located at the entrance to the room and next to the sofa, bed, to simplify the process of using the lighting.

The length of electrical installations from the floor must be selected taking into account the location from which they will be accessible. For example, when entering a room, they choose a height of 90 cm, next to an armchair, a bed - 60 cm, so that it is convenient to reach with your hand.

At what distance are sockets and switches installed from each other

Sockets are placed at the rate of 6A, 2 connectors are mounted on 10 square meters. In the kitchen, regardless of the area, there are two electrical sources.

The wiring diagram must be defined in such a way as to completely eliminate the possibility of network congestion. Connectors planned for frequent use should be located at a height of 30 cm. The distance between the centers of the socket boxes is 71 mm.

Height of sockets in the kitchen and bathroom

The bathroom is a rather problematic place, since the level of humidity is increased in it and there is a high risk of water penetration into electrical installations. To install power supplies for household appliances, you need to know where to place the devices correctly. The bathroom is divided into zones:

  1. Zone 0 is the most dangerous for moisture penetration. These are areas located next to the bathroom, shower, sink. It is allowed to install 12 V sockets here. But this voltage is rarely served in private houses.
  2. Zone 1 allows the placement of water heaters.
  3. Zone 2 allows the installation of boilers, a fan, a lamp. Power supplies must be located at least 60 cm from water.

Special devices and switches are purchased, which have high protection, allowing use in wet rooms. Another prerequisite is the presence of grounding, an automatic device and an RCD with a leakage current of 10 mA.

Regarding the location of the sockets in the kitchen in the joint venture and the PUE, it is not written directly, therefore it is better to proceed from the basic requirements and take into account the characteristics of the room. What are the rules:

  • sockets, switches should be located at a distance of more than 60 cm from the floor and water sources - sinks, plumbing;
  • with respect to gas and stove, a gap of 50 cm must be observed.

Many difficulties arise for equipping an electrician in the kitchen: you need to take into account the location of communications, bring out separate lines for powerful equipment - a dishwasher, a washing machine, mount sockets in a convenient and practical place. A conditional standard for the location of electrical power in the kitchen has been formed. It divides the room into three levels:

There are no established rules governing the location of outlets in rooms and general areas. There is only one limitation - it is unacceptable to mount it above 1 meter in height. Also, regulations have been adopted related to the wiring in the bathroom.

Useful video

Today, the height at which sockets and switches are installed does not have a clear regulation. The same applies to their number per room. As a result, quite often you come across rooms where they are placed in an archaic order and often in hard-to-reach places. Within the framework of this material, we will try to figure out how to properly install sockets and switches so that they are always available.

Standards for the installation of sockets and switches

As mentioned earlier, there are no regulations or rules for the installation of sockets and switches. Eurostandard is nothing more than convention, because only safety and ease of use are important here. This is confirmed by the Code of Rules for the Design of Residential and Public Buildings (SP 31-110-2003), the last edition of which was published in 2003, and the Electrical Installation Rules, which were prepared taking into account all IEC standards, therefore the wiring should be carried out on the basis of these recommendations. From the first follow the installation rules:

  • switches should be located on the side of the door handle at a height of 1 m from the floor;
  • the distance from the floor to the outlet should also be 100 cm, while its location does not matter.

Excerpts from Electrical Installation Regulations

  • switches should be located in the same way as the instructions from the previous document, i.e. near the door handle at a distance of 1 m from the floor;
  • the switch can also be located under the ceiling, if there is an included cord that falls to the recommended level;
  • in the kitchen, all power points should be at a distance of at least half a meter from the gas pipeline and high enough from the floor;
  • in bathrooms, electrical units should be installed at a distance of 60 cm from plumbing equipment and the same distance from the floor.

Euro sockets significantly differ from our products... The diameter of the pins and the distance between them in such an outlet are somewhat larger. The current strength is also higher: euro - 10-16A, and in domestic it is twice less - 6-10A. Therefore, the first one is much more profitable, since several devices can be connected to it.

Installation of electrical components in the house

So that you understand - there are two ways to locate sockets and switches in the house. This is the so-called. European standard and good old, familiar to many, Soviet standards. Let's take a look at each in detail.

According to the European standard, the sockets must be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, and switches - 90 cm. But in reality, as such, standardization has never existed, and this concept came into our life along with European-style repairs. Accordingly, it has a positive and negative side:

  • the socket is not "conspicuous" and does not interfere with anything, and the switch is located at the level of the lowered hand (90 cm from the floor) and it can be turned on without even looking and without applying any effort - this is a plus;
  • in order to insert the plug into the outlet, you will need to bend over, and so that the switch can be clicked, it should not be obstructed by anything - this is a minus.

As for the Soviet standards, opinion about them has recently been divided. Some consider them more convenient, others do not, but recently the number of the latter has begun to grow. Recall that then the installation of the outlet at a height of 90 cm was adopted, and the switches were at the level of a human head, i.e. 160 cm. As in the previous case, there are pros and cons:

  • the outlet is much more convenient to use, since you do not need to bend over to it, and the switch is located at eye level and does not interfere with the placement of furniture - this is a plus;
  • constantly hanging power cords from appliances and the need to raise your hand to turn on the light and find the toggle switch with your eyes are a minus.

We have already said above that the installation height of sockets and switches according to the "Soviet" standard, in terms of convenience, has long been recognized by many as questionable. The notorious European standard began to be given more preference. Take, for example, the same sockets, or, more precisely, a block of them. It will not be as conspicuous as a bunch of outlets with "tees" and cords.

The same applies to switches that are located at the entrance to the room, at the level of a lowered human hand, at a height of 90 cm from the floor... Thus, it can be quickly found when entering a dark room. And in rooms with a greater length, it makes sense to install two pass-through switches at different ends.

Switches and sockets that do not have protection against leakage currents "to the ground" (RCDs, difavtomats) are not recommended for installation in toilets and bathrooms. The same applies to the outlet for the washing machine.

How do I install them?

Before proceeding with the installation of an outlet or switch, you should circle their outline on the wall. If it is concrete, then the hole is made with a perforator with a diamond crown. The socket box can be made both round and square. Special installation boxes are inserted into the prepared holes. Plaster of paris is used to fix them, plaster or gypsum glue... The box is fastened with sliding paws or screws, and then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in a plasterboard wall is somewhat different, and the necessary tools are also different. In drywall sheets, all holes are made in advance, where the cables will need to be routed. To fix the sockets and switches, special paws are used, which must hold them on the sheet.

As for the installation with open wiring, such cases are extremely rare and basically they are only temporarily fixed in this way (for example, during repairs), since the wires affect the interior. Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at a beautiful wall, where everything is neat and aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to carry out the wiring and connect the sockets with a switch yourself without the involvement of third-party help, then you should adhere to the above tips and a number of rules that will allow you to perform all work without problems and, most importantly, safely:

Summing up

So what have we learned today? Perhaps the most important thing will be the fact that clear standards or GOSTs regarding the placement of outlets, switches and wiring, but there are a number of recommendations that must be followed, primarily for safety reasons. But the number of devices with switches should also be such that the operation of household and lighting devices is as convenient as possible, which should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

The height of the sockets from the floor should be such that there is no threat of mechanical damage and water ingress. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the cords of electrical appliances must be pulled out to connect to the network, because it is not advisable to use extension cords for safety reasons. Next, we will consider the most optimal locations for electrical accessories, as well as the existing standards that must be adhered to!

Dispelling a modern myth

Many novice electricians are very interested in the question of what should be the height of the installation of sockets from the floor according to the European standard. The fact is that the so-called European standard regarding the location of electrical "points" does not exist. The myth went back to the time when they just started to do the renovation, according to which the products are installed at a height of 30 cm above the floor level. This distance was chosen only for reasons of practicality and there is no normative documentation prohibiting the choice of a different distance.

At the same time, the rules of the PUE stipulate some requirements for the height of the placement of sockets in the bathroom, which is associated with protection against electric shock. We will talk about this mention, in fact, as well as about some points of the GOST and SP standard. Well, since we have already touched on this issue, we cannot fail to mention the Soviet standard, according to which the minimum distance from the floor was 90 cm. This value was justified by the fact that with such an arrangement, the object will always be in the field of view of a person.

Existing references in regulations

As we have already said, in some documentation you can find at what height from the floor to make sockets and switches more correctly.

In order for you to be familiar with these references, we provide them in a visual form:

As you can see, there are no words about any prohibition in the rules, so we recommend that you rely only on the recommendations that we have provided below. The tips combine both safety and practicality requirements!

So, let's consider at what height it is better to install the sockets for each specific room in the apartment, as well as for the most popular household appliances.


In the kitchen, the standard height of the socket outlet should be as follows:

  • For washing machine and dishwasher: 10-20 cm from the floor. This value is the most optimal in relation to the length of the electrical cord from the equipment. Some manufacturers produce household appliances with a short cord that will not even reach half a meter up.
  • 20 cm above the countertop (in the area of ​​the kitchen apron), in total about 110 cm from the floor.This mark will be optimal for connecting small kitchen appliances, which are often located directly on the table: a microwave oven, kettle, mixer, multicooker, etc.
  • To install the hood, you need to connect the socket at a height of at least 2 meters from the floor.

The visual video tutorial provides tips on where to place the electrical accessories:

Video instructions for installing electrical wiring in the kitchen


This room has high humidity, so the height of the sockets from the floor in the bathroom should be chosen wisely. Here we must be guided not only on the basis of the interior of the room, but also based on the requirements according to GOST and PUE.

You yourself understand that it is strictly forbidden to mount products near water, therefore, you need to retreat at least 60 cm from the sink, shower cabin and other objects, preferably a meter. The recommended height mark should also be practical, so that the cord from a hair dryer, electric shaver or the same washing machine is not too tight.

  • for on the wall - 1.5 meters;
  • for a hair dryer and a razor - 1 meter;
  • washing machine - not less than half a meter.

Here you should also pay attention to a very important nuance - you do not need to place products lower than 15 cm from the floor! This is due to the fact that the bathroom is prone to small floods, which occur both when household appliances are malfunctioning, and when the owners are forgetful. To prevent flooding the room from becoming a threat to life (if water gets into the outlet), you need to place electrical fittings at a safe height, at least at least 15 cm.


Everything is simple here, we place one electrical point by the bed, next to the bedside table - for connecting a phone charger or a night light. And the other, according to the European standard, is 30 cm above the floor covering.

Another one should be for a reserve - for example, to connect a vacuum cleaner during cleaning or an air conditioner / fan. If you decide to either install it on the bedside table, then the place where the electrical cord is connected can be placed behind the screen, which will hide all the wires behind it. To power the computer, it is advisable to install a socket near the desktop, at a height of 30 cm from the floor.

As for the fears of some "experts" who argue that the backup socket should be placed higher up from small children, these are all outdated concerns. Today, there are products with protective shutters and covers that will prevent dangerous contact.

Summing up

So we have provided useful recommendations on how to make the sockets more correct and safer at what height. Finally, I would like to add a very important nuance that will help you determine the exact location of each electrical point.

Before you start chipping walls and installing electrical wiring in the house, draw up a diagram on which mark the following elements:

  • the exact location of all furniture in the room;
  • types of household appliances with their exact location;
  • areas of passage of gas and water supply;
  • the route of the passage of electrical wiring along the walls;
  • windows and doorways.

Already on the created diagram, select the most suitable installation height of the sockets from the floor, so you will definitely not go wrong.

Otherwise, the installed electrical accessories after placing the furniture can be closed by objects or be at a considerable distance from them. If this happened in your case, then we advise, and not buy it in the store!

Materials (edit)

Question: "At what height should the sockets be made?" worries every person who is faced with the need to replace the electrical wiring in the apartment. In order to correctly calculate the distance at which it is worth placing the elements, several objective factors should be taken into account that affect their location.

It is necessary to think about preventing the possibility of liquid entering the outlet, minimizing the risk of mechanical damage to electrical accessories, unhindered connection of various household appliances to the network - the appliance cords must reach before entering the network.

Letting go of prejudice

Almost all newly-made electricians who decided to independently replace the wiring in their home are interested in information about European standards, according to which the height of the sockets on the wall from the floor should be 30 cm.

This is nothing more than a myth; there are no normative documents confirming such a figure. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to place "electrical points" in the apartment in this way.

In the "Rules for Electrical Installations" (hereinafter - PUE), it is said about how high the sockets should be from the floor in rooms with high humidity, or rather, in bathrooms.

This condition is put forward only for the safety of the population, it will help protect against electric shock. We will consider this issue in more detail in the next section.

References in regulatory documents

So, some European standards for the height of the sockets still exist. Height requirements for electrical accessories are described in several sections of the following documents:

  • GOST R 50571.11-96;
  • SP 31-110-2003.

According to the PUE, the sockets must be installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the doorway of the shower stall. The minimum distance from the "electrical point" to the elements of the gas pipeline system is also determined, it is equal to 50 cm. The GOST mentions a similar requirement regarding the 60 cm distance to the shower cabin door.

Having studied the joint venture, you can stumble upon the condition that it is forbidden to mount sockets under and above kitchen sinks.

The height of their placement in schools and kindergartens is also being discussed; electrical accessories should be installed at a distance of 180 cm from the floor level.

Kitchen sockets

The issue of placing power supply elements in the kitchen area is very acute. This is due to the presence of a large number of electrical appliances that every housewife needs.

So, the height of the sockets in the kitchen, which are used to connect the most popular household appliances, is:

  • to connect a refrigerator, automatic machine or dishwasher to the network, the optimal value is 15 - 20 centimeters from the floor;
  • to connect small household appliances (coffee machine, electric kettle, microwave oven, multicooker), the ideal height from the kitchen countertop is 20 cm, that is, 1 meter and 10 centimeters should be measured from the floor level;
  • the outlet for the hood is usually made at a distance of two meters from the floor.

Electrical fittings in the living room

Before you plan the points of installation of outlets, think over where the upholstered furniture, TV, air conditioner, work desk and so on will be located.

The height of the sockets for the TV may vary depending on which installation method is chosen. If it is located on a low pedestal, it is permissible to install an "electrical point" at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, if the TV is hanging on the wall, it is better to increase the height to one meter.

Sockets near upholstered furniture are placed at a level of 75-90 cm from the floor, this solution provides convenient access to them for any appliances.

Sockets for floor lamps, vacuum cleaners are located 30 cm from the floor level.

Outlets in the bedroom

With the sleeping area, everything is much simpler. One or two sockets can be installed near the bedside table, they will be used to recharge the smartphone, turn on the night light. If you plan to install an air conditioner, you must provide one point directly under the ceiling.

You should take into account a couple of spare sockets that will be used to turn on a hair dryer, fan, vacuum cleaner. When there will be a computer desk in the bedroom, the battery is provided near it at a height of 30 cm above the floor.

Competently drawing up a schematic layout of new outlets in an apartment is not difficult, the main thing is to think well of the location of all electrical appliances.

On the created drawing, do not forget to mark the optimal height, this will help not to make mistakes during the repair process.

Photo of sockets

The safety of using electricity in a house or apartment depends on a correctly performed electrical installation. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of outlets, which, in addition to compliance with the selected power and degree of protection, must be installed according to the rules for electrical installations. The installation height of the sockets is also of great importance, and usually depends on the room in which the installation of this element of electrical fittings is carried out.

The installation height of the device for each room is regulated by the PUE. This document prescribes the installation of these electrical devices as follows:

  1. Industrial premises - the elements of electrical fittings should be installed at a height of 0.8 - 1.0 meters. If it is possible to lead the cable from above, then the installation height can be 1.5 m.

    To connect powerful electrical installations in industrial premises, only sockets designed for this type of device are used.
  2. In residential and office buildings, as well as in laboratories, it is allowed to install sockets at a height of no more than 1 meter from the floor level. The main criterion for choosing the height of the installation of the product is the convenience of connecting electrical devices. If the skirting board is made of non-combustible material, then in such rooms the devices can be installed at floor level.

    The correct wiring of the electric cable, with this arrangement, is carried out through an external cable channel.
  3. In various childcare facilities, sockets are installed at a height of 1.8 meters.

  4. In the premises of trade and public catering, the power elements of electrical fittings should be installed at a height of 1.3 m.
  5. Installation height in public buildings should be no more than 1 meter.
  6. is of great importance, and, despite the fact that this room is the most volatile, it is not recommended to place electrical fittings anywhere. In this room, the sockets should be installed at a height of 0.8 - 1.0 meters from the floor level and 10-15 centimeters above the countertop, and it is also necessary to correctly position these electrical fittings relative to the water supply and gas pipe.
  7. also should be carried out according to the rules. The distance from the floor to the outlet in rooms with high humidity should also be at the level of 80 - 100 cm.

    In addition, it is necessary to maintain the remoteness of this element from water intake fittings, from water pipes and a riser, and also completely exclude the possibility of splashing water on the element of electrical fittings.

Installation height of sockets in the bedroom and office

In the bedroom, you can install sockets at a height of no more than 1 meter, the only exception is the installation of the TV on the wall when the installation height of the device exceeds 1 meter. For convenience, you can use the installation of an electrical device directly next to the bed at a height of 0.6 - 0.7 meters. It is recommended to install 1 socket on both sides of the bed.

Elements of electrical fittings placed at this height make it easy to connect lamps that are installed on a bedside table, or any other electrical appliances.
The height of the sockets for the TV, which is planned to be installed in the bedroom, is calculated using the following formula:
H = A + B / 2
In this formula, H is the socket installation height; A - the height of the TV installation on the wall; B is the height of the TV.
The TV socket is located directly behind the electronic device. If additional equipment is installed with the TV, which requires an additional socket, then a double euro socket is installed at the same height that was calculated using the formula.

Other sockets are recommended to be placed at a height of 30 - 40 cm from the floor level. This installation method allows you to hide the elements of electrical fittings. Outlets and switches do not add aesthetics to the room, so placing them at the bottom of the wall significantly improves the interior of the bedroom. If the sockets were installed in Soviet times, then you can leave the sockets at the same height, replacing, if necessary, the overhead models with internal devices. In this case, the appearance of the bedroom or any other room will significantly improve.

For the installation of sockets in the office, the same rules apply as for the installation of electrical elements in the bedroom. It is not recommended to install sockets at a height of more than 1 meter. Place devices near the desktop. If a UPS is used for a computer, the sockets should be placed at a low height so that a floor-mounted uninterruptible power supply can be placed without significant tension on the working wire, which, in most cases, does not exceed 1 meter.

To connect a split system, on the contrary, it is recommended to place this element of electrical fittings at a height of about 1 meter, directly under the device.

Installation height of the socket in the children's room

In a children's room, in the presence of small children, it is better to install electrical fittings from the floor at the maximum permitted height or use devices equipped with protective curtains, or better, combine these two standards. In order to disconnect sockets in the children's room remotely, you can purchase and install a "smart socket", which can be controlled using a phone or computer.

European standards for the height of the sockets

Many building codes "roam" along with technological innovations. In our country, the installation height of sockets and switches of the European standard often differs from the installation standards according to which construction organizations worked in the last century. In a modern dwelling, European standard electrical elements are installed at a height of 40 - 45 cm from the floor slab. The switches are installed, in this case, at a distance of 1 meter from the subfloor. Such standards for the installation of electrical fittings have the following advantages:

  1. They are located low and do not spoil the interior of the room.
  2. Even a child 4 - 5 years old can turn off the light, if necessary.

You can make a socket below the table level. In this case, it is very convenient to connect electrical devices by performing any actions at the workplace. The bottom connection will also allow the use of shorter extension cords, if necessary.
Devices installed at low heights in accordance with the Euro standard, if there are small children in the house, must be equipped with protective curtains. Such devices, after removing the plug, reliably block access to the inside of the outlet.
The European standard applies only to living rooms, if it is necessary to install modern sockets in the kitchen, then in this case the height of the electrical fittings element should be about 1 meter from the floor level.
Regardless of the place of installation, the sockets should not be located closer than 10 cm from door and window openings, as well as from the corners of the room.

How to properly install the video outlet, see below:


At what height to make the sockets, it is clear from this material, but for the safe operation of electrical devices, a large number of standards and rules are required. The distance from the floor to the outlet, usually no more than one meter, for installation in the kitchen or bathroom, and 30 cm - in living quarters. You can install the sockets yourself, but in order to avoid accidents during work, you should disconnect the household power supply. If it is difficult to put the elements of electrical fittings on your own, then you should seek the help of professional electricians who will install the sockets from the floor at a height at which it will be convenient and safe to use these devices.