Staircases GOST 23120 78. Staircases, platforms and fences steel conditions

GOST 23120-78

UDC 691.714.026.22:006.354 Group Ж34




Technical conditions

Steel flights of steps, stai t landings and railings.


Date of introduction 1979-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures (TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR State Construction Committee

All-Union Scientific Research and Design Technological Institute (VNIKTistalkonstruktsiya)

All-Union State Design Institute for Industrialization installation works(Gipromontazhindustriya) USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy


V.M.Laptev (topic leader), L.A. Peskova, S.I.Bochkova, A.F.Gay, L.M.Dudilovsky, B.A. Shtepa

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of April 28, 1978 No. 71



NTD designation,

Item number

GOST 9.032-74


GOST 380-88


GOST 2991-85


GOST 7798-70


GOST 23118-78

Preamble, 3.1, 7.1

SNiP II-V.3-72


SNiP III-18-75

2.1, 5.2, 7.1


6. By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs No. 354 of 02/29/84, the limitation of the validity period was lifted

This standard applies to steel staircases, platforms and railings to them, used in industrial buildings and structures erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard sets technical requirements on mid-flight stairs with an angle of inclination of 45 ° and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and fences for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for the action of standard temporary loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2. ...

Marching stairs, platforms and fences to them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118 and the requirements set out in the relevant sections of this standard.

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and fences to them must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4 and in table 1-4.

Example of a brand symbol flight of stairs(ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (W), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions 6 dm and 8 dm:

MLHSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated decking (F) and dimensions = 9 dm and 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same for the left handrail (OGl) of a staircase made of a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions = 10 dm and 24 dm;

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, the right fence (OGp) with an onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLHEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same for the platform fences made of a cold-formed profile with a side element and dimensions = 10 dm and = 9 dm:

OGPMHEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

Flight of stairs

1 - stringer; 2 - stage; 3 - support bar; 4 - support corner; 5 - rib

Damn 1


1 - beam; 2 - edging element; 3 - flooring; 4 - rib

Damn 2


* According to KMD drawings.

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of the mid-flight stairs and the flooring of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, versions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

P - from strips to the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes per edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. The types of steps of mid-flight stairs and floorings in rectangular platforms are shown in Fig. 5.

1.4. Layout diagrams of flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm





45 °





























60 °

















table 2


600; 800; 1000

500; 700; 900

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Structures of flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18 according to working drawings of the structural design, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of C38 / 23 class carbon steel of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380:

ВСт3кп2 - for construction areas with an estimated outside air temperature of minus 40 ° С and above;

VSt3Gps5 - the same, with the design temperature of the outside air below minus 40 ° to minus 65 ° C inclusive.

2.3. The maximum deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, the deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table 5.

Staircase railing

1 - rack; 2 - handrail, 3 - middle enclosing element; 4 - side element

Damn. 3


* According to KMD drawings.

Site fencing

Damn. 4


* According to KMD drawings.

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

45 °


From 1697

From 479


up to 5940


up to 790

60 °


From 1385

From 136


up to 6930

up to 700

2.4. Welded joints of elements must be performed mechanically. Allowed if there is no welding equipment mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be accepted in accordance with SNiP II-B.3.

Table 4


1000; 1200

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000


600 to 1300

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decking

Type 1. Solid (F)

Type 2. Lattice

Version W Version R Version C Version B

Damn 5

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. The primer and painting must correspond to the V class of the coating according to GOST 9.032.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5


Nominal size and name of deviation

Prev off staircase, landing, stairway fences and landings


1. Length; ; up to 1000 incl.

± 1.6

2. Width of St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

± 2.0

Damn 1-4

3. Height:

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

± 2.5

" 2500 " 4000 "

± 3.0

" 4000 " 8000 "

± 4.0

4. The distance between the ribs in the stringers and beams of the sites

± 2.0

Damn 1 and 2

5. Distance between fence posts

± 2.0

Heck 3 and 4

6. Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more


7. The distance between the centers of the holes within one group A

± 1.3

8. Distance between groups of holes A

± 2.5

9. Deviation from straightness

by lenght :

up to 1000 incl.


St. 1000 to 1600 incl.


" 1000 " 2500 "


" 2500 " 4000 "


" 4000 " 8000 "


3. Completeness

3.1. Structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional parts for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in an amount 10% more than that specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. Designs to verify compliance with the requirements of this standard must be adopted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures (including dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces of parts from the design, quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be done before priming structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The batch includes structures of the same type, made using the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The lot size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the structures selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piecewise control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If, when checking selected structures, there is at least one structure that does not meet the requirements of this standard, you should select a double number of structures from the same batch and conduct them re-check... If, upon repeated inspection, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard for one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to make acceptance of structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Methods of control

5.1. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design should be carried out universal methods and means.

5.2. Quality control of welded joints and the dimensions of their sections should be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18.

6.1. Manufactured structures must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fence structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing, according to which the structure was made.

6.5. Each structural element must be applied symbol element brand (without designation of the standard, see clause 1.1).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the staircase stringer on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the platform beam and on the upper edge of the guardrail.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, delivery is allowed connecting parts separate from structures, in which case they must be packed in wooden boxes according to GOST 2991.

6.8. Package weight should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position with support on wooden pads and spacers. The pads must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Spacers must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m for fences and 2.0 m for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118 and SNiP III-18.

7.2. Installation of structures must ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the structures comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard. - the angle of inclination of the stairs; - step width; - step height

In schemes 2-5, the nodes circled are made rigid for welding with the help of additional elements.


1. Basic parameters and dimensions

2. Technical requirements

3. Completeness

4. Acceptance rules

5. Methods of control

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

7. Installation instructions

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

Application (reference). Layout diagrams of flight stairs

/ GOST 23120-78 (1992)

Updated: 09.02.2006

GOST 23120-78

UDC 691.714.026.22:006.354 Group Ж34




Technical conditions

Steel flights of steps, stai t landings and railings.


Date of introduction 1979-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures (TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR State Construction Committee

All-Union Scientific Research and Design Technological Institute (VNIKTistalkonstruktsiya)

All-Union State Design Institute for the Industrialization of Installation Works (Gipromontazhindustriya) of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy


V.M.Laptev (topic leader), L.A. Peskova, S.I.Bochkova, A.F.Gay, L.M.Dudilovsky, B.A. Shtepa

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of April 28, 1978 No. 71



NTD designation,

Item number

GOST 9.032-74


GOST 380-88


GOST 2991-85


GOST 7798-70


GOST 23118-78

Preamble, 3.1, 7.1

SNiP II-V.3-72


SNiP III-18-75

2.1, 5.2, 7.1


6. By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs No. 354 of 02/29/84, the limitation of the validity period was lifted

This standard applies to steel flight stairs, platforms and fences to them, used in industrial buildings and structures, erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard establishes technical requirements for marching stairs with an angle of inclination of 45 ° and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and fences for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for the action of standard temporary loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2. ...

Marching stairs, platforms and fences to them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118 and the requirements set out in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Basic parameters and dimensions

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and fences to them must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4 and in table 1-4.

An example of a symbolic designation of a stairway brand (ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (W), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions of 6 dm and 8 dm:

MLHSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated decking (F) and dimensions = 9 dm and 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same for the left handrail (OGl) of a staircase made of a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions = 10 dm and 24 dm;

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, the right fence (OGp) with an onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLHEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same for the platform fences made of a cold-formed profile with a side element and dimensions = 10 dm and = 9 dm:

OGPMHEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

Flight of stairs

1 - stringer; 2 - stage; 3 - support bar; 4 - support corner; 5 - rib

Damn 1


1 - beam; 2 - edging element; 3 - flooring; 4 - rib

Damn 2


* According to KMD drawings.

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of the mid-flight stairs and the flooring of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, versions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

P - from strips to the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes per edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. The types of steps of mid-flight stairs and floorings in rectangular platforms are shown in Fig. 5.

1.4. Layout diagrams of flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

Table 1

Dimensions in mm





45 °





























60 °

















table 2


600; 800; 1000

500; 700; 900

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Structures of flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18 according to working drawings of the structural design, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of C38 / 23 class carbon steel of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380:

ВСт3кп2 - for construction areas with an estimated outside air temperature of minus 40 ° С and above;

VSt3Gps5 - the same, with the design temperature of the outside air below minus 40 ° to minus 65 ° C inclusive.

2.3. The maximum deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, the deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table 5.

Staircase railing

1 - rack; 2 - handrail, 3 - middle enclosing element; 4 - side element

Damn. 3


* According to KMD drawings.

Site fencing

Damn. 4


* According to KMD drawings.

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

45 °


From 1697

From 479


up to 5940


up to 790

60 °


From 1385

From 136


up to 6930

up to 700

2.4. Welded joints of elements must be performed mechanically. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be accepted in accordance with SNiP II-B.3.

Table 4


1000; 1200

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000


600 to 1300

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decking

Type 1. Solid (F)

Type 2. Lattice

Version W Version R Version C Version B

Damn 5

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3 should be used.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. The primer and painting must correspond to the V class of the coating according to GOST 9.032.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5


Nominal size and name of deviation

Prev off staircase, landing, stairway fences and landings


1. Length; ; up to 1000 incl.

± 1.6

2. Width of St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

± 2.0

Damn 1-4

3. Height:

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

± 2.5

" 2500 " 4000 "

± 3.0

" 4000 " 8000 "

± 4.0

4. The distance between the ribs in the stringers and beams of the sites

± 2.0

Damn 1 and 2

5. Distance between fence posts

± 2.0

Heck 3 and 4

6. Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more


7. The distance between the centers of the holes within one group A

± 1.3

8. Distance between groups of holes A

± 2.5

9. Deviation from straightness by lenght :

up to 1000 incl.


St. 1000 to 1600 incl.


" 1000 " 2500 "


" 2500 " 4000 "


" 4000 " 8000 "


3. Completeness

3.1. Structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional parts for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in an amount 10% more than that specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. Designs to verify compliance with the requirements of this standard must be adopted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures (including dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces of parts from the design, quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be carried out before priming the structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The batch includes structures of the same type, made using the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The lot size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the structures selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piecewise control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If, when checking selected structures, there is at least one structure that does not meet the requirements of this standard, a double number of structures from the same batch should be selected and re-checked. If, upon repeated inspection, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard for one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to make acceptance of structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Methods of control

5.1. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones should be carried out using universal methods and means.

5.2. Quality control of welded joints and the dimensions of their sections should be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18.

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

6.1. Manufactured structures must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fence structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing, according to which the structure was made.

6.5. Each structural element must bear a symbol of the element brand (without designation of the standard, see clause 1.1).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the staircase stringer on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the platform beam and on the upper edge of the guardrail.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply the connecting parts separately from the structures, in this case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991.

6.8. Package weight should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position with support on wooden pads and spacers. The pads must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Spacers must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m for fences and 2.0 m for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118 and SNiP III-18.

7.2. Installation of structures must ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the structures comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.



Layout diagrams of flight stairs , 1. Basic parameters and dimensions 2. Technical requirements 3. Completeness 4. Acceptance rules 5. Methods of control 6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage 7. Installation instructions 8. Manufacturer's Warranties Application (reference). Layout diagrams of flight stairs

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated September 26, 2016 N 1213-st

Interstate standard GOST 23120-2016


Steel flights of steps, stair landings and railings. Specifications

Instead of GOST 23120-78


The goals, basic principles and the main procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption , updates and cancellations "

Information about the standard

1 Designed Closed joint stock company"Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures named after N. P. Melnikov" (ZAO "TsNIIPSK named after N. P. Melnikov")

2 Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes of June 28, 2016 N 49)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated September 26, 2016 N 1213-st, the interstate standard GOST 23120-2016 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from March 1, 2017

5 Replaces GOST 23120-78

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to steel flight stairs, platforms and fences to them, used in industrial buildings and structures, erected and operated at a temperature not higher than plus 100 ° C and not lower than minus 60 ° C.

This standard establishes technical requirements for midway stairs with an angle of inclination of 45 ° and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for the action of standard temporary loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.321-84 Unified system for design documentation. Letter designations

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint and varnish coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 21.001-2013 System project documentation for construction. General Provisions

GOST 21.501-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Execution rules working documentation architectural and design solutions

GOST 535-2005 Rolled bars and shapes made of carbon steel of ordinary quality. General specifications

GOST 1759.0-87 Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Technical conditions

GOST 1759.5-87 (ISO 898-2-80) * (1) Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods

GOST 2991-85 Non-separable board boxes for loads weighing up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 5915-70 Hexagon nuts of accuracy class B. Design and dimensions

GOST 7798-70 * (2) Hexagon head bolts of accuracy class B. Design and dimensions

GOST 11371-78 Washers. Technical conditions

GOST 14637-89 Standard quality carbon steel plate. Technical conditions

GOST 15150-69 Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors external environment

GOST 18123-82 * (3) Washers. General specifications

GOST 23118-2012 Steel building structures. General specifications

GOST 26047-2016 Steel building structures. Symbols (brands)

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using batching tools. General technical requirements

GOST 27772-88 Rolled for building structures... General specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the operation of the reference standards in the public information system on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or the annual information index " National standards", which was published as of January 1 of this year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index" National Standards "for this year... If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replacement (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms are used in accordance with GOST 21.001, GOST 21.501 and in accordance with the current regulatory documents * (4).

4 Symbols and abbreviations

This standard uses terms and letter designations according to GOST 2.321, GOST 26047, as well as the following abbreviations:

KMD - detailed drawings of metal structures;

POS - construction organization project;

PPR - a project for the production of works (assembly).

5 Main parameters and dimensions

5.1 The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and fences to them must correspond to those indicated in Figures 1 - 4 and given in Tables 1 - 4.

Table 1 - Parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs

In millimeters

Note - In mid-flight staircases with an angle of inclination of 60 °, the distance h (see Figure 1) should be no more than 250 mm for lifting into the cabin of an overhead crane.

Table 2 - Dimensions of rectangular areas

Table 3 - Parameters and dimensions of staircase fences

In millimeters

Table 4 - Dimensions of site fences

In millimeters

900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 3000, 3600, 4200, 4800, 5400, 6000

600 to 1300

An example of a symbolic designation of a stairway brand (ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (W), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions H = 6 dm and H = 8 dm:

MLHSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-2016

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with a corrugated deck (F) and dimensions L p = 9 dm and B = 8 dm:

PMHF-9.8 GOST 23120-2016

The same, for the left handrail (OGL) of a staircase made of a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions H og = 10 dm and H = 24 dm;

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-2016

The same, the right fence (OGp) with an onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLHEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-2016

The same, fencing of the site from a cold-formed profile (X) with a side element (Eb) and dimensions H og = 10 dm and L og = 9 dm:

OGPMKhEb-10.9 GOST 23120-2016

5.2 Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of the mid-flight stairs and the flooring of rectangular platforms should be made of two types;

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, versions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

P - from strips to the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes per edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

5.3 Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and decking in rectangular platforms are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and floorings of rectangular platforms

5.4 Layout diagrams of flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in Appendix A.

6 Technical requirements

6.1 Structures of flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118 and this standard, according to working detail drawings (KMD), approved in the prescribed manner.

6.2 Structures should be made of carbon steel of the following grades listed in Table 5.

Table 5

Steel grades by

Conditions for steel application at design temperature t, ° C

GOST 535, GOST 14637

45> t ≥-55

Note - The "+" sign means that this steel should be used; sign "-" - this steel should not be used.

6.3 Limit deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in Table 6.

Table 6

Dimensions in millimeters

Nominal size and designation of deviation

Limit deviations

flight of stairs, platforms,

staircase fences and landings

1 Lengths L k, L p, l og up to 1000 incl.

Figures 1 - 4

2 Width B 1 sv. 1000 to 1600 incl.

3 Heights N p, N l

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

4 Distance between ribs in stringers and beams of platforms l 0

Figures 1 and 2

5 Distance between guardrail posts l 0

Figures 3 and 4

6 Equality of diagonals (squareness), no more

7 Distance between hole centers within one group A

8 Distance between groups of holes A δ

9 Deviation from straightness (δ) along the length L:

up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

6.4 Welded joints of elements should be performed mechanically. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

6.5 Materials for welding should be taken in accordance with the current regulatory documents * (5).

6.6 For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy in accordance with GOST 7798 and GOST 1759.0, nuts in accordance with GOST 5915 and GOST 1759.5, washers in accordance with GOST 11371 and GOST 18123 and in accordance with applicable regulatory documents * (5)

6.7 Structures should be primed and painted. The primer and painting must correspond to the class of coating V in accordance with GOST 9.032.

6.8 Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

6.9 Completeness

Structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

Staircases, platforms and fences to them;

Additional details for connecting structures;

Bolts, nuts and washers (supplied 10% more than the established number in the KMD drawings);

Technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

6.10 Marking

6.10.1 Manufactured structures should be marked.

6.10.2 A tag is attached to each package or structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Manufacturer's name or trademark;

Order number;

Item brand;

KMD drawing number, according to which the structure was made;

Manufacturing date;

Stamp on acceptance by technical control.

6.10.3 Each structural element shall be marked with a symbol of the element brand (without designation of the standard, see 5.1).

6.10.4 Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the stringer wall of the staircase on the right side along the ascent, on the platform beam wall and on the upper edge of the guardrail handrail.

6.11 Packaging

6.11.1 Packing of structural elements in packages is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26663. It must exclude their mutual displacement and damage during their loading, unloading, transportation and storage.

6.11.2 The mass of the package should not exceed 3 tons.

6.11.3 Connecting parts of structures and fasteners should be supplied together with structures. By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to supply the connecting parts separately from the structures, in this case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Constructions for verification of their compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be adopted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

7.2 Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures (including dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces of parts from the design, quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be carried out before priming the structures.

7.3 Acceptance of structures should be carried out in batches. The batch includes structures of the same type, made using the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The batch size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

7.4 At random acceptance inspection, three designs are selected from the lot, which must be subjected to piecewise inspection for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

7.5 If, when checking selected structures, there is at least one structure that does not meet the requirements of this standard, double the number of structures from the same batch should be selected and re-checked. If, upon repeated inspection, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard for one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

7.6 The consumer has the right to carry out the acceptance of structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

8 Control methods

8.1 Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design should be carried out using universal methods and means.

8.2 Quality control of welded joints and their cross-sectional dimensions should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118.

9 Transport and storage

9.1 Structures of flights of stairs and landings should be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fence structures should only be transported in packages.

9.2 Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position with support on wooden pads and spacers. The pads must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Spacers must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m for fences and 2.0 m for flights of stairs and landings.

9.3 The conditions for transportation and storage of structures should be established depending on the climatic factors of the external environment in accordance with GOST 15150.

10 Installation instructions

10.1 Installation of structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements normative documents for installation and the rules established by the POS and PPR.

10.2 Installation of structures must ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

11 Manufacturer's Warranties

The manufacturer must ensure that the structures comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.


* (1) The Russian Federation has GOST R ISO 898-2-2013 "Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon and alloy steels. Part 2. Nuts of established strength classes with coarse and fine thread pitch".

* (2) In the Russian Federation, GOST R ISO 4014-2013 "Hexagon head bolts. Accuracy classes A and B" are in force.

* (3) The Russian Federation also has GOST R ISO 4759-3-2009 "Fasteners. Tolerances. Part 3. Flat round washers for bolts, screws and nuts. Accuracy classes A and C" in terms of washer tolerances.

* (4) The Russian Federation also has GOST R 21.1101-2013 "System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation".

* (5) SP 16.13330.2011 SNiP II-23-81 Steel structures operates on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Appendix A

Layout diagrams of flight stairs

Figure A.1

In schemes 2 - 5 of Figure A.1, the nodes marked with a circle are made rigid in welding with the help of additional elements.




GOST 23120-78



DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Central Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures (TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsiya) of the USSR State Construction Committee

All-Union Scientific Research and Design Technological Institute (VNIKTistalkonstruktsiya)

All-Union State Design Institute for the Industrialization of Installation Works (Gipromontazhindustriya) of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy


V. M. Laptev(topic leader), L. A. Peskova, S. I. Bochkova, A. F. Gai, L. M. Dudilovsky, B. A. Shtepa

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED INTO ACTION by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated April 28, 1978 No. 71


By the decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated April 28, 1978 No. 71, the period of validity is established

from 01.01.1979

before 01.01.1984

This standard applies to steel flight stairs, platforms and fences to them, used in industrial buildings and structures, erected and operated in areas with a design temperature of minus 65 ° C and above.

The standard establishes technical requirements for marching stairs with an angle of inclination of 45 and 60 °, rectangular transition platforms and railings for them, made of cold-formed and hot-rolled profiles and designed for the action of standard temporary loads of 200, 300 and 400 kgf / m 2.

Marching stairs, platforms and fences to them must meet all the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and the requirements set out in the relevant sections of this standard.

1. Basic parameters and dimensions

1.1. The main parameters and dimensions of flights of stairs, rectangular platforms and fences to them must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 - 4 and in table. fourteen .

Flight of stairs


* According to KMD drawings.

1 - kosour; 2 - step; 3 - support bar; 4 - support corner; 5 - rib

Heck. 1

Table 1

Dimensions in mm







B 1

B 1

45 °














60 °




















* According to KMD drawings.

1 - beam; 2 - edging element; 3 - flooring; 4 - rib

Heck. 2

Table 2


L n

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000


B 1

Staircase railing


* According to KMD drawings.

1 - rack; 2 - handrail, 3 4 - side element

Heck. 3

Table 3

Dimensions in mm


H or

L or

h o


l o

Site fencing


* According to KMD drawings.

1 - rack; 2 - handrail, 3 - middle enclosing element; 4 - side element

Heck. 4

Table 4


H or

1000; 1200

L or

900; 1200; 1500; 1800; 2100; 2400; 3000; 3600; 4200; 4800; 5400; 6000

h o



l o

600 to 1300

Example of a symbolgrades of a flight of stairs (ML) from a cold-formed profile (X) with stamped steps (W), at an angle of 45 ° and dimensions H= 6 dm and V= 8 dm:

MLHSh45-6.8 GOST 23120-78

The same, platforms (PM) from a cold-formed profile with corrugated decking (F) and dimensionsL n= 9 dm and V= 6 dm:

PMHF-9.6 GOST 23120-78

The same, the left handrail (ОГл) of the staircase from a cold-formed profile without a side element, at an angle of 45 ° and dimensionsH or= 10 dm and H= 24 dm:

OGlMLH45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same, the right fence (OGp) with an onboard element (Eb):

OGpMLHEb45-10.24 GOST 23120-78

The same for the platform fencing made of a cold-formed profile with a side element and dimensionsH or= 10 dm and L or= 9 dm:

OGPMHEb-10.9 GOST 23120-78

1.2. Depending on the operating conditions, the steps of the mid-flight stairs and the flooring of rectangular platforms should be made of two types:

1 - solid corrugated steel (F);

2 - lattice, versions:

Ш - from stamped elements;

P - from strips to the edge and round steel;

C - from stripes per edge in one direction;

B - from expanded steel.

1.3. The types of steps of mid-flight stairs and floorings in rectangular platforms are shown in Fig. 5 .

1.4. Layout diagrams of flight stairs, platforms and fences are given in the appendix.

Types of steps of mid-flight stairs and platform decking

Type 1. Solid (F)

Type 2. Lattice

Version W Version R

Version C Version B

Heck. 5

2. Technical requirements

2.1. The structures of flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them (hereinafter referred to as structures) should be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard, SNiP III-18-75 according to working drawings of the structural design, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Structures should be made of C38 / 23 class carbon steel of the following grades in accordance with GOST 380-71:

ВСт3кп2 - for construction areas with an estimated outside air temperature of minus 40 ° С and above;

VSt3Gps5 - the same, with the design outside air temperature below minus 40° C to minus 65 ° C incl.

2.3. The maximum deviations of the linear dimensions of structures from the nominal ones, the deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones are given in table. 5 .

2.4. Welded joints of elements must be performed mechanically. It is allowed, in the absence of equipment for welding by mechanized methods, the use of manual welding.

2.5. Materials for welding should be accepted in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72.

2.6. For bolted connections, bolts of normal accuracy should be used in accordance with GOST 7798-70 and in accordance with SNiP II-B.3-72.

2.7. Structures must be primed and painted. The primer and painting must correspond to the fifth class of coating in accordance with GOST 9.032-74.

2.8. Factory and assembly joints of fencing elements should not have sharp protrusions and edges.

Table 5


Nominal size and designation of deviation

Prev off staircase, landing, stairway fencing and landing


Length L to; L p; L or

up to 1000 incl.

± 1.6

Heck. fourteen

Width IN 1

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

± 2.0

Height N p; N l

St. 1600 to 2500 incl.

± 2.5

St. 2500 to 4000 incl.

± 3.0

St. 4000 to 8000 incl.

± 4.0

Distance between ribs in stringers and beams of sitesl o

± 2.0

Heck. 1 and 2

Distance between fence postsl o

± 2.0

Heck. 3 and 4

Inequality of diagonals (non-rectangularity), no more

Distance between hole centers within one group A

± 1.3

Distance between groups of holes A

± 2.5

Non-straightness (d ) by lenghtL:

up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 1600 incl.

"1000" 2500 "

"2500" 4000 "

"4000" 8000 "

3. Completeness

3.1. Structures must be supplied by the manufacturer as a complete set.

The kit should include:

flights of stairs, platforms and fences to them;

additional parts for connecting structures;

bolts, nuts and washers (supplied in an amount 10% more than that specified in the KMD drawings);

technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118-78.

4. Acceptance rules

4.1. Designs to verify compliance with the requirements of this standard must be adopted by the technical control of the manufacturer.

4.2. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures (including dimensions of sections of rolled profiles) from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces of parts from the design, quality of welded joints and surface preparation for protective coatings should be carried out before priming the structures.

4.3. Acceptance of structures must be carried out in batches. The batch includes structures of the same type, made using the same technology, from materials of the same quality.

The lot size is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

4.4. During selective acceptance control, the structures selected from the batch in the amount of 3 pcs. must be subjected to piecewise control for compliance with the requirements established by this standard.

4.5. If, when checking selected structures, there is at least one structure that does not meet the requirements of this standard, a double number of structures from the same batch should be selected and re-checked. If, upon repeated inspection, there is at least one design that does not meet the requirements of this standard for one of the indicators, then this batch is rejected and sent for revision.

4.6. The consumer has the right to make acceptance of structures, while applying the acceptance rules and control methods established by this standard.

5. Methods of control

5.1. Control of deviations of linear dimensions of structures from nominal, deviations of the shape and location of surfaces from the design ones should be carried out using universal methods and means.

5.2. Quality control of welded joints and the dimensions of their cross-sections must be carried out in accordance with SNiP III-18-75.

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

6.1. Manufactured structures must be marked.

6.2. Structures of flights of stairs and landings must be transported element by element or in packages consisting of several elements. Fence structures should only be transported in packages.

6.3. The method of connecting structural elements into packages should exclude their mutual displacement and damage during transportation and storage.

6.4. A tag is attached to each package or structure, on which the following markings should be applied:

Order number;

number of the KMD drawing, according to which the structure was made.

6.5. Each structural element must bear the symbol of the element brand (without designation of the standard, see paragraph 1.1).

6.6. Markings should be applied with indelible paint on the wall of the staircase stringer on the right side along the ascent, on the wall of the platform beam and on the upper edge of the guardrail.

6.7. Structural fittings must be supplied with the structures. By agreement with the customer, the supply of connecting parts separately from the structures is allowed, in this case they must be packed in wooden boxes in accordance with GOST 2991-76.

6.8. Package weight should not exceed 3 tons.

6.9. Structures should be transported and stored in stacks in a horizontal position with support on wooden pads and spacers. The pads must be at least 50 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide. Spacers must be at least 20 mm thick and at least 100 mm wide.

The height of the stack should be no more than 1.5 m for fences and 2.0 m for marches and platforms.

7. Installation instructions

7.1. Installation of structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23118-78 and SNiP III-18-75.

7.2. Installation of structures must ensure their design position, excluding the formation of a reverse slope of steps of more than 1 °.

8. Manufacturer's Warranties

8.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the structures comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and installation established by this standard.


Layout diagrams of flight stairs

N e- floor height or distance between floors; H, L, B, L p, H or- nominal dimensions of staircase elements; a - angle of inclination of stairs ; b- step width; h- step height

In schemes 2 - 5, the nodes circled are made rigid for welding with the help of additional elements.

1. Basic parameters and dimensions .. 2

2. Technical requirements . 6

3. Completeness . 8

4. Acceptance rules . 8

5. Methods of control . 8

6. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage . 8

7. Installation instructions . 9

8. Manufacturer's Warranties . 9

Appendix Layout diagrams of flight stairs . 10