Brick fences. Which brick and which fence is better to build a Yellow brick gate

Brick fences are the strongest, most reliable and durable fences. They not only protect household plots from intruders and prying eyes, but also prevent penetration strong wind.

A brick fence erected in accordance with all the rules will withstand any temperature extremes. Structures are not afraid of precipitation and groundwater.

Impressive fences testify to the high status of the land owners. The exterior of the structures speaks of solidity and prosperity. Brick fences can beautify any area. Structures are often found not only near large mansions, but also near office buildings.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of erecting brick fences, tell you what tools and materials will be required and what should be taken into account when carrying out construction work.

Photo # 1: brick fence

The choice of brick for the fence

The choice of brick for the fence depends on:

  • climatic conditions of a particular area;
  • characteristics of the soil on the site.

In addition, the material must be in harmony with architectural style buildings and be combined with the landscape design of the land.

When erecting brick fences, various blocks can be used:

  • ceramic, they are made by firing clay;
  • silicate, made by pressing sand, water and lime with subsequent heat treatment.

Depending on the features of the application, the above materials are subdivided into:

  • construction (used for the construction of foundations, walls and floors);
  • facing (used both for decoration and for the manufacture of basic structural elements).

Blocks of the latter type are ideal for the construction of beautiful and durable brick fences. Modern facing materials:

  • durable and reliable;
  • frost-resistant;
  • produced in various colors;
  • differ in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Photo # 2: a fence made of facing brick

With the help of such blocks (clinker, torn, "bassoon", etc.) it is possible to erect unique brick fences with broken geometry of pillars and walls. Combining colors during the laying process allows you to create original patterns and interesting ornaments.

Drawing # 1: popular ornaments

Ceramic bricks are suitable for the construction of all fencing elements. Material:

  • strong and durable (especially the full-bodied variety);
  • moisture resistant, this factor determines the suitability ceramic brick for the construction of foundations and plinths;
  • environmentally friendly.

Silicate blocks are cheaper, but they have a lower moisture resistance. It is not recommended to use such bricks for the construction of foundations and plinths. Their advantages include maximum frost resistance and increased strength.

In the design process brick fence the height and thickness of the structure should be determined.

  • If the fence will perform only a decorative function, then you can do with laying in half a brick. Blocks are placed with a long edge along the fence line. When building in a whole brick, the elements are installed across the fence.
  • The construction of fences for protection involves the use of masonry at least 1.5 bricks.

Figure No. 2: types of masonry

For decorative delineation of territories, brick fences with a height of 0.5 to 1 m may be suitable. Protection of areas involves the construction of larger fences. Optimal height- 3-3.5 m.

To obtain stable and rigid structures, brick fences are not erected with solid masonry. Pillars are installed along the perimeter of the fence at a distance of 2.5 to 6 m from each other with the simultaneous erection of walls.

The choice of the step for placing the vertical supports depends on the thickness and height of the walls. In the places where wickets and gates are installed, the pillars are also placed without fail.

Picture No. 3: diagram of pillars

After determining the characteristics of a brick fence, an accurate drawing should be prepared indicating the dimensions of all its elements (pillars, intermediate sections, gates, gates, etc.). Without a project, it will not be possible to correctly calculate the amount of materials.

Calculation of a brick fence

The correct calculation of a brick fence will allow you to perform the table below.

Table No. 1: Consumption of materials

The calculation of the amount of cement and sand required for the construction of a brick fence can be approached not so scrupulously. Additional purchases of these components will go smoothly. When mixing solutions, the following proportions are used:

Table no. 2: proportions of solutions

Materials and tools necessary for the construction of brick fences

The main materials of a brick fence are blocks, cement and sand. In addition to them, you will need:

  • fine crushed stone (5-20 mm);
  • water;
  • poles (profiled pipes 60 * 60 mm are optimal) with plugs;
  • plywood sheets or boards (for formwork);
  • pegs (for marking);
  • reinforcing mesh (to improve the reliability of the structure).

In addition, it is necessary to buy bitumen-based roofing material (for waterproofing).

When erecting brick fences, you cannot do without:

  • containers with a shovel for mixing concrete or an electric mixer;
  • ropes;
  • fittings;
  • grinders;
  • level;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • buckets;
  • trowel.

To protect the fence from atmospheric precipitation, you should take care of purchasing caps and visors. Installation of additional structures (gates, gates, etc.) requires an expansion of the basic set of tools and materials.

DIY brick fence construction

DIY brick fence construction is a long and laborious process that requires the knowledge and skills of a bricklayer, as well as accurate calculations. One person may not even have enough season (spring - autumn) to build such a fence.

If you are not confident in your abilities, contact a reliable company. Professionals will correctly calculate the amount of materials, take into account all the features of the site and build a brick fence, which will stand for decades without the need for maintenance and repair.

You do not have to waste your own time and energy, as well as involve close people or unverified helpers. A team of specialists will do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you still want to install a brick fence yourself, read the instructions below.

Stages of building a brick fence

1. Marking the site for a brick fence

Pegs are driven in the corners of the future fence and along the walls. The rope is being pulled. Places of installation of pillars, gates and gates are marked.

The corners must be strictly straight. The correctness of the marking is carefully verified with a square.

2. Construction of the foundation for a brick fence

  • A trench is dug with a depth of 700-800 mm. Its width should be 20 cm more than the planned width of the foundation. At the bottom, layers of sand (1 cm) and crushed stone (1 cm) are poured.
  • Holes are being prepared for the installation of pillars. Formwork is being constructed and reinforcement cage... Poles with plugs are installed.

Photo # 3: Erection of the foundation

  • A trench is dug for the blind area. Depth - 150 mm, width - 500 mm. The bottom is covered with a layer of rubble. The fittings are being supplied.
  • The solution is mixed, the foundation and the sill are poured.

Make sure the posts are straight upright. This will avoid problems when erecting a brick fence.

3. Laying a brick fence

Before laying a brick fence, the frozen foundation for waterproofing is covered with a layer of bitumen-based roofing material.

For the construction of the most reliable fencing, a single one-piece structure should be gradually erected from supports and plinths. If you first install the pillars, and after them - the piers, you get a less durable structure.

Photo number 4: correct construction of the fence

Let's consider the process of laying a brick fence in more detail.

The sequence of laying a brick fence

Here is the sequence for laying a standard brick fence. The pillars are laid in 1.5 bricks, the basements - in 1, and the main parts of the walls - in half a brick.

The construction process takes place in several stages.

  1. Checking the layout. The first row of the future fencing is placed on the surface of the foundation covered with roofing material without applying mortar. This is done in order to once again make sure that the supports are installed correctly.
  2. Formation of pillars. Profiled pipes are laid at a height of 3 bricks. Placed between the first and second rows reinforced mesh by the size of the future support.
  3. Installation of plinths. The foundations of the walls are also laid to a height of 3 bricks.
  4. A bunch of pillars and plinths. In the process of erecting the fourth row of a brick fence, a reinforced mesh is sunk into the solution. It should go beyond the boundaries of the pillars by 2.5 bricks.
  5. Simultaneous laying of supports and walls (already in half a brick). Fencing elements are erected with reinforcement every three rows.

Photo No. 5: installation of the wall

At the end of the installation, protective caps and visors are put on the brick fence.

Photo No. 6: metal structures protect the fence from atmospheric precipitation

Owners of country or city private houses sooner or later face the need to fence their territory. Among the many options for arranging a fence, many choose brickwork as the main material for execution. And there are many reasons for this. If you are thinking about choosing a material for making a fence for a private yard, summer cottage or personal plot, then this publication is for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of building a brick fence

The obvious advantages of using brickwork to create a fence include:

  • long service life - a brick fence can easily be inherited not only by your children, but also by your grandchildren, because the masonry quality material climatic manifestations and temperature drops are not terrible;
  • during operation, a brick fence does not require practically any maintenance, if the material is of high quality and new, then no painting or any other surface coatings are needed;
  • brick fence has high reliability and strength, it is able to protect the site not only from prying eyes, but also any external manifestations (provided that the fence is of sufficient height);
  • the ability to independently choose the height of the fence;
  • aesthetic appearance - a brick fence can not only become a reliable fence, but also an adornment of landscape design, a spectacular completion of the image of your architectural ensemble;
  • the ability to create a non-trivial design - simple brick canvases can be diversified decorative inserts, arches, columns (pillars);
  • the presence of variations in the execution of a brick fence makes it an almost universal option for any stylistic design of the facade of a building.

But a medal always has two sides - a brick, which means that a fence made of this material has disadvantages:

  • the rather high cost of both the material itself and the work on its installation (therefore, many owners of private houses with land plots choose the option of combining bricks with other, cheaper materials);
  • when using second-hand brick (in order to save money), the service life of the fence is significantly reduced;
  • for the construction of a really strong and durable brick fence, it is necessary to lay the foundation, which increases the period of work and the overall estimate.

Classification of brick fences

Fences, which are brickwork in one or another modification, are subdivided according to the following criteria:

  • type of foundation - strip (used most often) or columnar (used only in the case of a small thickness of masonry) foundation;
  • the thickness of the brickwork - varies from a size of half a brick to three bricks (it is important to understand that its reliability, strength and durability directly depend on the thickness of the fence);
  • the height of the brick fence is a relative value, but usually ranges from 50 cm to 3.5 m (the higher the fence, the greater its thickness should be to ensure the necessary stability);
  • the presence of pillars (largely depends on the length of the spans and the views of the site owners about the beauty of the fence);
  • the type of material with which the combination is carried out (if any).

Let's dwell on possible options combining bricks with other materials. To give the fence more originality, and sometimes to reduce the cost of its cost, accelerate installation works, you can use combinations with the following materials:

  • brick and metal forging;
  • wooden picket fence, boards or lattices made of wood;
  • metal picket fence or sheet material, metal profile (budget option in combination with brick pillars);
  • combination building bricks with decorative, chipped ("torn");
  • v rare cases you can find a combination of brick and masonry (rather expensive fencing).

Brick and metal forging

In combination with metal forging, the brick looks luxurious. Forged elements can be used exclusively as a decoration for a solid brick wall or be an integral part of it, acting as a material for canvases or intermediate links.

Metal forging elements can be different shapes and sizes, to be located on the fence in different ways, depending on this, three types of brick fence design are distinguished:

Parapet. Forged rods are installed on a solid brick canvas and decorative elements(height metal structures no more than half a meter, as a rule). The fence turns out to be not only beautiful, but also reliable from the point of view of the possibility of outsiders entering the site;

Base / plinth combined with forging elements. The plinth can have a height of 30 to 150 cm; forged metal structures of various modifications are installed on it. Most often, through such a fence, you can see what is happening in the yard or on the site;

Brick pillars plus forged elements... The main part of the fence is forging, set on a base no more than 30 cm high, while brick is present only in the composition of pillars or columns. Often, when erecting brick pillars, metal reinforcement is inserted into them (to give the structure greater strength and reliability).

Combination of brick and wood

The combination of brick with wood does not always reduce the overall cost of the fence. Only if you already have wood in stock and you need it, which is called "attach" with benefit. Usually, the combination of brickwork and wood elements is due to the need to create a harmonious image of the entire architectural ensemble with adjoining territory... If wood is used in the facade of the main building, other buildings or elements of landscape design, then it will be logical to use it to create a fence for the site.

If as part of the fence itself wooden elements It is not so often found, the use of wood for the manufacture of a wicket and even a gate to a brick fence is a very popular phenomenon. Brick largely symbolizes the urban and even industrial style, and beautiful wood carvings or deliberately aged boards seem to soften the image and balance the overall picture.

Choosing a brick color palette for creating a fence

The modern assortment of building materials is striking in its variety. Rich color palette bricks, especially facade, facing, can become a reason for some confusion for owners of private dwellings who want to protect their plots. From snow-white and light gray to dark brown and burgundy, brick as a material for creating a fence can both support the overall color scheme and become an accent element in the image of the entire building and the surrounding area.

One of the most popular ways to select fencing bricks is by repeating the material used for the façade of the main building. The use of bricks of the same color scheme for the house and the fence leads to the creation of a harmonious image of the whole ensemble. Most often, you can find bricks of almost all shades of red, with a predominance of reddish shades. No wonder the name appeared in red-orange color - it is often called "brick".

Brick of all shades of yellow and orange looks no less impressive, but at the same time more restrained ...

The brick of wine color or shade of Marsala looks luxurious. As a rule, a fence with such color scheme becomes an accent element of the architectural ensemble.

Gray brick is usually chosen if the building and landscape design of the territory is made in modern style and even with an urban bias. If concrete is actively used in the design of a site or yard, then a brick fence of any shade gray will look more than appropriate.

Brick for fencing a private yard or suburban area you can choose the color garden paths and areas (patios), if they are also made of this building material. In this case, the facade of the main building (house) may differ not only in color, but also in the very material of execution.

Brick, as a building and facing material, does not require subsequent painting or any other coating. Provided that used new material... In the event that a used brick is used to extend its intended juice of service, protective covering won't hurt. In some cases, painting is necessary to create a balanced image of the entire ensemble - the household and the area around it.

And finally - some original ideas

The fence "with perforation" looks original. The brick is laid out not in a continuous canvas, but in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the fence has holes through which you can partially see what is happening on the street and in the yard. The fence turns out to be less durable, in to a greater extent decorative, but still capable of protecting the territory from external influences (except for prying eyes).

A low brick fence can serve as a garden bed or flower garden. As a result, the site is decorated original element landscape, and it is easier for plants to provide the care that is necessary for each specific crop.

In some cases, the fence has not so much a protective function as a decorative function. As a rule, a low fence is present inside large-scale areas to enclose the functional segments of the site. Such zoning not only brings order to the clear delineation of the yard or personal plot into sectors, but also decorates the landscape. A low brick fence can serve as a curb - to delimit areas of garden paths and flower beds or beds.

Having Vacation home or a summer cottage, one of the main points of the arrangement is the installation of a reliable and durable fence, which will protect against intruders, prying eyes of strangers.

A brick fence will perfectly cope with this function. You can independently build it around the entire perimeter of the site or invite a team of craftsmen to help.

Read about other country buildings:

Since the material will be used exclusively for outdoor work, it is necessary to make the right choice in favor of a brick that is resistant to external influences... Let's analyze in more detail suitable types, their advantages and disadvantages.


Consists of ordinary clay. It is fired at temperatures up to 800 0 C. Depending on the purpose, it can be a private and a front one. By filling - hollow or corpulent.


  • high strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • dense.

There are no significant drawbacks.


The production technology is similar to red, but the firing temperature is several times higher. Due to this, the clay is better sintered, acquiring greater strength.

Among the pluses:

  • resistance to high humidity;
  • does not lose its properties during sudden temperature changes;
  • durable.

The main disadvantage is the high price.

Silicate (white, yellow)

It will be the cheapest in terms of costs. It is made by autoclaving from a mixture of sand and lime. Facial is available in three types:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

The latter is only hollow, the first 2 are hollow, full-bodied.

Silicate is popular non-standard form with rounded corners, curved lines, embossed surface.

Besides the usual white, it can be painted in other tones. But it is important to remember that the mixture must contain alkali-resistant, mineral-based pigments. Any others will lead to spoilage of raw materials.

The fence looks good from yellow brick, if you make the decor in contrasting tones of the material.

It is worth highlighting the variety of torn or chipped stone, when on uneven surface there are many chips, cracks.

The advantages are affordability and low price... The cheapest in this category are white, gray silicate.


  • low moisture resistance;
  • subject to temperature extremes;
  • in terms of strength, it is several times inferior to other types.


This name was given due to the fact that it is used for finishing the outer parts of buildings, basements, walls, fences. The assortment of forms is great. Brick imitating other materials is in demand.

The most popular colors are yellow and its combination with brown. They are chosen for facing facades, building fences.

Apart from the standard benefits, this type of brick does not need to be plastered or painted. The material is initially completely aesthetic and ready for use.

Except for the high cost, no significant deficiencies were found.


Such raw materials for masonry are obtained from lime and cement. It has a high density. It will come out of it to build an expensive, but original and reliable fence.

Color spectrum:

  • black;
  • green;
  • mocha;
  • chocolate;
  • Gray.

If you have to chop a brick, then the texture of the natural stone will be visible on its cut.

The advantages and disadvantages of this material are identical to the previous form.

Thematic material:

Types of barriers

The design of such structures involves the use of one raw material or a combination of 2-3 different ones.

Let's consider the features of each of them.


Owners of private houses often prefer a torn brick fence with the addition of forging elements. Especially when it fits into the design of the buildings. The pillars, the basement are erected from material in dark colors, while the walls are lighter or brighter to give contrast. The foundation is a monolithic tape.

One-piece brick construction lasts for years, protecting backyard territory from strong wind, bad weather, strangers. it a good option aesthetics. But its construction takes a lot of time, labor, money. If you want to shorten the time for creating a fence project, then you should order the services of craftsmen. They will be able to calculate required amount material, make up a cost estimate and, after obtaining consent to start construction, will start work.


If the selected combination weighs little, then a columnar base is sufficient. For fences with columns, a brick base, it is recommended to give preference to a monolithic tape.

To strengthen the structure, the supports can be reinforced shaped pipes... Jumpers are made of them.

It is better to lay out the pillars from facing bricks. Caps made of steel, fiberglass, concrete are put on top. The walls are used:

V combined options it is easier to equip a gate and a wicket. Especially when it comes O sheet material(corrugated board, steel).

Forging looks exquisite at the top of the fence. There are fence options from white brick with natural stone inserts or welded parts.

Regardless of the combination chosen, it is important that the hedge is a harmonious addition to the landscape design of the whole site.

It all depends on what functions are assigned to the design.

If you want to lay out the fence solely for the purpose of decorating the territory, then half a brick is enough thickness. That is, the material is placed with its long side along the perimeter.

When a fence needs to be built to protect the site from the street and separate it from neighbors, the thickness of the material should be 1-2 bricks. In this case, the long side of the raw material is placed across the fence.

To calculate the required volume of bricks, you will need to know the total area, height, and thickness of the fence.

So, for 1 m 2 of a fence, laying in 1 brick will need about 100 pcs., For laying in 2 bricks - 200 pcs.

The height ranges from 0.5 m to 3.5 m. When calculating it, the requirements of the current legislation should be taken into account.

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We disassemble masonry options

When choosing any type, you should always consider 3 principles:

  1. Brick rows should be located strictly parallel to each other. In this case, the raw material will be subjected to minimal bending pressure and will be compressed as much as possible.
  2. In each row, the sides form precise longitudinal, transverse seams.
  3. As a result of compliance with the first two principles, a common seam is formed.

Let's get acquainted with the various masonry in more detail.


This technique appeared in Germany and then became popular in other countries. The front parts of old German houses are laid out in this way.

Bavarian dressing involves mixing bricks of different colors without observing any pattern.


It is used to form walls into one brick.

Feature - butt, spoon elements are stacked in one row. And so that small projections form in the corners, for this, in the intermediate rows, the material should be beaten in two halves and only one of them should be used.

The pattern of the Flemish garden dressing differs from the usual one in that in a row after two spoonfuls, one bonded brick follows.


The photo below shows an example of such masonry:

When arranging a suburban, suburban area, this type of masonry is used most in demand as it is considered the most reliable. Applied when constructing retaining walls in a building.

It consists in alternating rows of butt and spoon bricks. In this way, a vertical seam is not formed on the structure.

When forming a butt row in the corners, chipped elements are used, due to which protrusions are formed.

In the version with a garden dressing, there is one bonder behind three rows of a spoon.


It is considered the most simple. Used for finishing works.

Spoon dressing or half-brick is that the elements in a row are shifted by 1/2 or ¼ of the length.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a brick fence with your own hands

Craftsmen advise to build a fence from posts and piers, rather than solid masonry. Thus, the structure will last longer.

Supports should be erected in increments of 2.5 to 6 meters. The exact figure depends on the thickness and height of the product.

In the places where the gates are installed, wickets are built additional pillars of bricks.

Start of work - preparation of a visual drawing. Use it to count exact amount material, the masonry sequence will become much easier.

From the tools you need to prepare:

  • shovel;
  • Master OK;
  • sledgehammer;
  • pickaxe;
  • a container for mixing a solution (bucket) or a concrete mixer (for large volumes);
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • welding machine with a mask (when reinforcing the base).

From materials:

  • concrete;
  • sand;
  • rubble stone or crushed stone;
  • brick;
  • reinforcement rods.

We carry out the markup

You need to start by determining the place where the gate will be installed. Pegs are driven in along the perimeter of the future foundation at a distance of 1 m from each other. The rope is being pulled. It is important to keep the corners straight. You can use a construction square to check.

The width is 50–70 mm more than the masonry. As for the depth, it is better to adhere to an indicator of at least 1 m. The structure will weigh a lot, so it is important to ensure its stability. We level the bottom, walls of the trench, tamp it.


A brick fence is a massive structure, therefore, experts recommend pouring a monolithic tape under it to a depth of 50 cm.

The shape and section of the base are made the same along the entire perimeter. Here you can choose between a rectangular or trapezoidal tape.

The first type should be used for construction on stable soils with high bearing capacity.

The trapezoidal tape has a wide sole and sloped walls. To fill it, you will need rubble concrete. Reduces structural pressure on soft, moving soils.

In the version with our step by step instructions Consider filling a tape with a rectangular cross-section.

Sequence of work:

  1. At the bottom of the trench, we lay a drainage layer - a 10 cm pillow of sand and fine gravel (gravel). Moisten with water. We ram.
  2. We make formwork from wooden planks to the full height of the trench.
  3. We reinforce the tape with wires tied into a mesh.
  4. Fill up to the top concrete mortar in a ratio of 1: 3: 3, where part of the cement will require 3 parts of sand and crushed stone.
  5. To get rid of voids, we pierce the base with a rod in separate areas.
  6. Freezing time - a week. Then the formwork can be removed.

Thematic material:

Dry masonry

When the base is ready, you should proceed to brick order... For beginners in the construction business, before trying to lay material on the mortar, it is recommended to build the first rows without it. Calculate the right amount elements. Lay out bricks dry. Make sure that the gaps between them are the same.

Mixing solution

We take cement as a basis. To prepare the mixture, we combine cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 3. We add water. The consistency should be thick sour cream.

To accurately calculate the amount of mortar required, you can use a special construction calculator.

If financial resources allow, then it is worth buying ready mix, to which you just need to add water.

Laying on mortar

For the construction of a fence, a masonry thickness of 1 brick is enough. For a high fence, it is better to choose a double row.

Consider the construction of a patternless fence using ordinary masonry. The order of work is as follows:

  1. It is better to pre-soak the raw materials used in water. The adhesion of the elements in this case will become stronger.
  2. To maintain the level of the masonry, we pull the twine.
  3. We proceed to laying out the first rows on top of the foundation.
  4. We follow the same layer of mortar between the bricks. We level. The surplus must be removed immediately.
  5. In the corners, we put orders using nails.

If necessary, we eliminate the unevenness of the masonry.

We embroider the seams

Refers to the final stage of construction. Neat grooves in the masonry are made with a special spatula with a notch or use a bar of reinforcement. The voids between the bricks are filled with mortar.

Fashionable trend - colored seams cement composition... You can paint a small amount of the mixture in a bright tone and fill the seams with it. The white seam looks good against the background of the chocolate brick and vice versa. In this way, you can update buildings and give them aesthetics.

We make the ebb

The necessary measure to protect the foundation, concrete from impact groundwater... In addition, ebb tides are an element of the decor of the fence.

They are acquired in finished form in the shape of concrete slabs, products from plastic, metal, or create their own.

An important rule is that the low tide is laid at a slope of several degrees for better drain water. Equipped with artificial gutters.

To build it yourself you need:

  1. Close to the base of the fence, make a trench with a slope 30 cm wide, 20 cm deep.
  2. Align the bottom.
  3. Install waterproofing. Roll roofing material is suitable.
  4. Fall asleep sand pillow.
  5. To lay out stone slabs... Fill the joints between them with concrete. Leave space for the gutters.

Fence decoration

To add aesthetics to the fence, you can use plaster or paint.


It is not necessary to carry out, but if the idea provides, then we perform in this order:

  1. Moisturize brick walls water.
  2. Apply a layer of 10-15 mm plaster. Let it dry for an hour.
  3. Let's start aligning. We take a sharp rail and walk along the surface.
  4. For the next 2 days we moisturize the coating to prevent cracking.


In this way, it will turn out to update the old brick fence or give a neat look to a new one.

Consider the painting technology of the new fence:

  1. We treat the surface with a primer. Special attention we pay to the seams. We give time to fully absorb.
  2. We recommend using a thick brush to apply paint. If one layer is not enough, then after it dries, apply a second one.
  3. At the end of the finish, we process the fence waterproof sealant from a spray bottle. This protective solution will make the surface more resistant to environmental influences.

Coloring of the seam lines is allowed in contrasting colors.

Installing the backlight

Popular Practice - Fence Mounting street lamps or lanterns. The original version- installation of lamps on the fence posts on solar powered in the form of balls that work without electricity. And with the onset of evening, they light up with white light and illuminate the site.

If you decide to install a standard outdoor lighting, we recommend that you seek the help of an electrician who can safely connect the devices to the network, properly protect the connections from moisture.

Photo gallery of finished fences

The photo below shows various ideas brickwork, design fences.

Building a brick fence is a laborious process that requires patience and building skills. However, as a result, the owners get a reliable and durable fence and an aesthetic appearance.

Thanks to the appearance on construction market modern materials, the developer was able to build relatively inexpensive, beautiful and reliable fences. Despite this, the classic brick fence is still popular among domestic homeowners. Built according to all the rules, it will serve its owner for decades reliable protection from intruders and winds, it will become a true decoration of the house, thanks to the variety of architectural possibilities.

Self-construction of a brick fence is a rather difficult task and not cheap, but quite doable. If the master has experience in working with bricks, then he will be able to create a real masterpiece using several types of bricks. This publication will tell you how to cope with the construction of a brick fence on your own, give advice and recommendations from experts on the competent selection of materials, creating a reliable foundation and correct laying constructions.

Types of brick fences

V modern construction most often two types of brick fences are used:

  • base for the fence.
  • blind fencing.

In the first version, the base and the supporting structure are laid out of bricks, and a wide variety of materials can act as a fence: corrugated board; polycarbonate; hardwood; Brick fences in combination with forged gratings and elements of artistic casting look especially impressive and monumental.

In the second version, the supports (pillars) and the fence (piers) are a single structure, which can be very attractive due to the variety of architectural solutions, masonry options, highlighting fragments of the fence different colors and textures. Below is a photo of brick fences: deaf and under the fence:

At the beginning of the 2000s, it was considered special chic among domestic developers to surround private real estate with a “blank” brick fence with a rubble stone insert.

Choice of materials

The appearance and reliability of a brick fence depends entirely on the correct choice of materials. Today, in the domestic construction market there are a lot of varieties of bricks, differing from each other in properties, characteristics and appearance. In addition to these indicators, almost every type of material is presented in three sizes, which are strictly standardized.

  • single - 250x120x65 mm.
  • one and a half - 250x120x88 mm.
  • double - 250x120x140 mm.

Traditionally, red bricks are used for the construction of fences, which are of several types:

  • corpulent;
  • hollow.

In addition, during the construction protective structures cladding bricks are used quite often, imitating various Construction Materials... To create the most reliable fence with an increased service life will allow frost-resistant "super-efficient" brick. The main differences: in density, composition, performance, appearance and the cost of the material.

Calculation of the required number of bricks per 1 m 2 of masonry.

It is quite simple to calculate how many pieces of material are required for the fence: you need to know the total area of ​​the future fence, the type of masonry and the type of brick used, as well as the number of building units in 1 m 2 of masonry. For ease of understanding, below is a table of material consumption at different types masonry and type of material.

Calculation of the amount of solution

Laying a brick fence is impossible without cement-sand mortar which consists of cement, sand and water. The proportions of the components in the solution depend on the brand of the binder and the method of masonry. The calculation of the mortar consumption per 1 m 3 of masonry is shown in the table below.

To a developer not previously associated with construction works, it is difficult to estimate the number of building units in 1 m 3 of masonry. That is why professionals recommend focusing on the following figures: 1 m 2 of masonry will require (on average) 0.25 m 3 of solution.

It should be understood that this figure may vary depending on the thickness of the masonry.

Calculation of the required amount of concrete for the foundation

It will be possible to make a calculation only after determining the entire volume strip foundation... Initial data:

  • the trench should be 700 mm wider than the masonry;
  • trench depth - at least 800-1000 mm.

When laying "in a brick", the width of the tape will be 1 m. If we take the depth of the foundation as 1 m (for simplicity of calculations), then for each meter of the strip foundation, 1m 3 of concrete will be required. How much is it in kg. the constituents of concrete are clearly shown in the table below.

DIY brick fence construction technology

Preparation for construction and the direct construction of the fence are carried out in three stages:

  1. We think over the design, choose the method of laying, draw up a project, calculate and purchase the required amount of materials.
  2. We carry out markings, carry out earthworks (trenches for a strip foundation), install formwork, reinforce and fill the foundation under a brick fence.
  3. We make masonry support pillars and fencing walls.

Now about each stage in more detail.

Perimeter markings

We use a tape measure, cord and pegs to mark the foundation. Initially, we determine the corners of the future base, drive in the pegs, pull the cord along the outer perimeter. To prevent deformation, drive the pegs along outer wall future foundation.

We mark the inner perimeter. Depending on the type of masonry, we mark the width of the trench by 600-700 mm more than the width of the masonry. Example: When erecting pillars of 1.5 bricks, a basement of 1 building unit, and walls of half a brick, the recommended width of the trench is 1 m.

Building the foundation

We dig trenches along the markings. Taking into account the weight of the fence, the recommended depth should be 80 - 100 cm. We align the walls of the trench along the entire perimeter.

  1. Making a sand pillow. To do this, pour sand on the bottom of the trench, with a layer of 10-12 cm, then spill it with water and ram.
  2. We expose the formwork. The height of the top edge must be at least 100 mm above the ground. The top edge of the formwork should form a perfectly straight line.
  3. We reinforce. We tie the reinforcement into meshes and put it in the trenches. You can use more simple option: tie the reinforcing mesh into the pipe. The diameter of the resulting "pipe" should be equal to the width of the trench. In the places where the pillars are laid, we install metal pipe, with a diameter of 60 mm and connect it to the reinforcement.
  4. Fill the foundation with concrete. You can do it yourself (the calculations of the amount of materials are given above), or you can order it at the ZhBK plant.

It is better to compact concrete in a trench with a vibrator, which will evenly distribute the mixture and remove air from it as efficiently as possible.

Construction of fence posts and walls

Before laying, dismantle the formwork and cover the foundation with a layer of waterproofing. Next, you should expand (without mortar) the first row of bricks for one span and check the layout. If everything is in order, proceed to the laying.

We finish laying the walls in each span.

As a conclusion

After the completion of the construction of a brick fence, it is necessary to install a pommel on each pillar to protect the masonry from precipitation, and perform (if necessary) plastering work... Examples of architectural solutions for brick fences are presented in the photo.

Fencing with elements of artistic forging.

Nowadays, very often, in order to isolate themselves from the encroachments of intruders and simply prying eyes, the owners of suburban areas erect brick fences. Practice shows that building a brick fence with your own hands is not so difficult compared to the same stone fence.

It looks like a red brick fence

Thanks to brick blocks very affordable, strong and durable, brick fences can be found everywhere. In addition, on the Internet you can find many building instructions, supported by photographs and videos, which explain in detail how to build a brick fence yourself.

Advantages of brick fences

Disadvantages of brick fences for the home

Consider how brick fences are inferior to other types of similar structures:

Differences between brick fences

Considering brick fences, there are several criteria by which they will differ:

Different types of brick block fences

Very often on household plots you can see fences made not entirely of brick, but combined with other building materials. Such a fence arrangement can significantly reduce the cost of the structure. And if you consider that the brick goes well with all types of materials, then we can say that such combinations can make the fence more interesting and original.

An example of a combined fence from decorative bricks and forged fences

Let's give an example of the most successful tandems:

  • Fencing with brick pillars and a wooden canvas;
  • Fence with brick pillars and forged cloth;
  • A fence with brick pillars and a sheet of profiled sheet.

Combined fences can make the site look unique and the fence structure less cluttered. Since the combination of materials significantly reduces the weight of the structure, the foundation for a brick fence can be columnar, which will save cash.

Brick fence construction

In order to build a fence, you need to have some building skills, as well as carefully study the process itself. Not to be overlooked important nuances, we will divide the entire construction process into stages and consider each in detail.

  • Preparatory work;
  • Foundation device;
  • Decorating the fence.

Preparatory work

In order not to be distracted by trifles and to speed up the construction process, it is best to take care of the availability of all the necessary devices and materials.

On preparatory stage often carry out projects of fences in order to more clearly represent how the structure will look, as well as to more accurately calculate necessary materials and find out how many brick blocks you need.

Foundation device

As already noted, the foundation for brick fences is usually strip or columnar. Which foundation is the best depends on the specific case. Let's analyze in detail the arrangement of the strip foundation.


Since this stage of construction is the most important, it is necessary to provide all the conditions for its start, including waiting for the foundation to solidify completely. Usually they wait about a day, and in the case of the construction of powerful and high fences - two or three days. Let's discuss some of the intricacies of how to build a brick fence.

The brickwork is laid according to the standard scheme.

  1. The corners are displayed first. To do this, you need to have a building level at hand.
  2. Further, the construction of the walls begins. The first row is laid directly on the base, or plinth. Its horizontal position must be carefully controlled, because the quality of the subsequent rows will depend on it.
  3. After a certain distance - usually two meters - pillars are erected. Bottom part the fence provides for the design of the basement.
  4. After laying, it remains to embroider the seams, and also treat them with a special compound.

Decorating the fence

When the process of laying the fence is completed, you can start decorating, if the projects suggest it. If facing brick was used for construction, then any Finishing work can be completely excluded. This is because the facing brick fence is red or yellow color looks great on its own.

White brick fence can be trimmed natural stone or its artificial analogue, similar to a torn stone.

In addition, you can experiment with different facing materials creating an unusual and original drawing.

Fence from sand-lime brick can be combined with corrugated board or wooden structures that go well together. Trying to combine various building materials for the construction of a fence, you can achieve not only improvements in the appearance of the structure, but also significantly save money.

An example of a decorative brick fence

A fence made of brick and corrugated board, for example, is erected much faster than a completely brick fence, and at the same time is not inferior in terms of durability and quality.

The construction of a brick fence can be supplemented with forging elements. can completely replace the fence. Also, forging elements can decorate only the upper part of the canvas. Best with forged products fences made of yellow and red bricks are combined.

Of course, the price of such designs will be much higher, however, its originality will be beyond praise.