Wallpaper design options of two types. Pasting the walls with different wallpapers - amazing combinations! Making decorative inserts

When furnishing an apartment, special attention should first be paid to the walls. After all, they will create the basis of the interior, set the color scheme. Furniture and additional decorative elements are installed later and must be combined with the walls to make the rooms look cohesive.

Here we will not scatter over the entire apartment, but will focus on its largest room - the living room or hall. It is in this room that you bring guests, here you can relax after work, arrange a home theater or tea party.

You can immediately go to the store, look at various wallpaper options and choose the best one. But this option has several disadvantages:

  • your eyes will run wide with abundance, and since you don’t know exactly what you are looking for, it will be quite difficult to make a choice;
  • wallpaper selected in this way can be completely not meet your expectations after sticking, since the color on the roll and on the entire wall can look completely different.

Therefore, it is better to first understand a little about the combination of colors, correlate it with your preferences and choose the appropriate option, and only then go to choose something suitable in a hardware store.

If you did not find the ornament you need in the store, here is a master class!

How to choose wallpaper by color, by contrast, by pattern

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme, and only then think about the presence of a pattern. Think about which shades you prefer: warm or cold.

  • Warm will make the room livelier and brighter.
  • Cold- they will help to visually expand the room (which is especially important for Khrushchev apartments, or other small spaces).

But in any case, you need to maintain a balance between warm and cold tones, otherwise the room may look too stuffy or very inhospitable.

  1. If you have well lit, a sunny room, muffle it with a little cold tones, but if it is cloudy, add warmth to it.
  2. Also, when choosing a color, keep in mind that you will see him every day. You can choose this blouse even light, even bright, and put it on according to your mood, and keep it in the closet the rest of the time. This will not work with wallpaper, so choose not just a color that you like, but one that will not bother you until the next repair.

If you decide that one color is not enough, then you can choose several, combined with each other.

You can combine related colors (from one or neighboring sectors of the color wheel), or contrasting (from diametrically opposite sectors).

TIP: If you decide to use wallpaper with a pattern - do not overdo it, the walls should not hurt the eyes. Particular care must be taken with drawing in a small apartment x (for example, Khrushchev), as it can visually reduce the room, especially for large bright patterns (large contrasting flowers and stuff like that).

related colors

If you're unsure of your design ability, matching colors (solid or similar) is the easiest way! You definitely can't go wrong, and such a solution will always look stylish.

Contrasting colors

This photo is a good example of a combination of contrasting colors. There is a not very noticeable pattern here, but plain wallpaper in this combination would look harmonious.

Ways to combine wallpapers

After getting acquainted with the main aspects of color combinations, you need to move from theory to practice and proceed directly to the choice of wallpaper. There are several ways to combine them:

  1. Pattern + solid color
  2. 2 drawings
  3. Geometry+ one color or pattern

Whichever one you choose, the main thing is to create a harmoniously combined, pleasant interior that will satisfy your preferences and make your home truly cozy. To understand the possible options, let's look at them in more detail.

pattern +solid color

With this combination, most often wallpaper with a pattern is applied only one wall, and the rest are just plain. This will help to make a certain accent, but will not look too colorful.

  • The drawing can be from related colors to plain wallpaper, and from contrasting.
  • A wall with a pronounced contrasting pattern will look like huge picture.

Below are selected interesting options for such a combination, you can choose one of them as a basis for creating a living room design.

A distinct floral print was used here. Please note that the furniture, rugs and pillows are selected exactly from the colors that make up the picture.

The pattern can be both small and large, abstract or concrete.

Also note that the walls with a bright pattern are not loaded with decor elements (paintings or photos), a maximum of a mirror and that should be very carefully selected. Maintain simplicity and harmony. An overloaded interior will be very tiring.

A good example of a combination of contrasting colors, because without the blue tulle, brown wallpaper would look too gloomy.

With geometric ornament

Geometric elements can compete with floral prints, patterns and abstract ornaments. But you must be sure that strict lines will not oppress you, and will allow you to calmly relax.

Zigzags, rhombuses, lines, ovals, circles, etc. - a wonderful choice for lovers of clarity and order. In this case, you can also try interesting color combinations.

2 drawings

Combinations of two drawings look original and unusual. For a bedroom, it would be too catchy, but for a living room, with the right selection, it’s very good.

In this photo, there is both a contrast of colors and a combination of a floral print and a geometric one. Cool black on the lines and warm red on the petals.

Here, too, combinations of floral ornaments with geometric ones, but already in the same color scheme - related colors were used.

One of the drawings can be expressed much brighter than the other, in which case it turns out to be similar to the drawing + plain wallpaper option. Similar ornaments, made in different colors, also complement each other well.

Combination methods

one wall

The easiest way to combine wallpapers. How to choose a wall? Of course, the one that you most want to attract attention. Usually this is a wall near or behind the sofas in the hall.

Painting or frame

If in the case of a wall completely pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern, it looks like a picture, then here the wallpaper is the picture. Such a huge canvas with a printed pattern.

You can simply stick wallpaper of a certain size, or make a frame around the edges.

In the form of stripes

An interesting way of combining is in the form of separate stripes. For this case, it is better to choose wallpapers that are contrasting with an active pattern, as this will be the main accent!

Niche focus

For apartments in which there is a niche in the hall, it is a great option to beat it with contrasting wallpaper and color. It is also not bad to highlight a niche with an additional source. This is especially important if the niche is far from the window.

Brief Summary

To summarize, let's recall the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing wallpaper:

  • Consider the size and lighting of the room
  • A color scheme
  • Personal preferences.

We hope that for you the process of choosing wallpaper will go smoothly and quickly, and the result will look amazing and delight every day, creating a real home comfort.

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Not always the walls of the living space are even or the room itself has flaws in proportions.

Such problems in the room can be solved with wallpapering, but the usual way of wallpapering is unlikely to correct all the shortcomings.

To correct the shortcomings of the room, a combination of wallpaper of two colors is used. Such pasting can not only hide the flaws, but also emphasize the dignity of the room.

Two-color pasting can be used for any room - room, kitchen, hallway, hall, etc.

The combination of wallpaper of two colors must be applied correctly, then you can adjust the space of the room.

Wallpaper in two colors can be glued in one of two ways:

  • A harmonious combination of two different complementary colors.
  • Smoothly transient combination of two shades of the same color scheme.

The design of wallpaper in two colors can be different - plain wallpaper, wallpaper with a pattern, various patterns.

Starting the selection of wallpaper in two colors, you need to consider some of the nuances.

What wallpaper to choose?

  • wallpaper should fit into the overall interior of the room;
  • the first color should be brighter than the other;
  • if you choose one wallpaper with an ornament, then the second wallpaper must be textured;
  • wallpaper with drawings is best used in combination with plain wallpaper;
  • if the choice fell on wallpaper with geometric patterns, then abstraction will suit them in a pair.

When choosing wallpaper, it is not unimportant to consider what kind of room you will paste over, the color scheme of the selected material will depend on this.

What color scheme to choose?

If you choose wallpaper for the kitchen, then you can use bright, “delicious” colors, but do not forget that they should be in harmony with the furniture. Also, the wallpaper in the kitchen should be washable.

Wallpaper in the living room should be selected in accordance with general preferences, because. this is the place where the whole family spends most of their time.

Wallpaper in the bedroom should have muted tones, calm, because. this is a place of rest.

In the children's room, you should choose wallpaper that is not too colorful, not dark, and try to avoid aggressive shades, otherwise the color will affect the immature psyche of the child, will affect his behavior.

How to choose the right wallpaper combination?

It is necessary to take into account all the shortcomings and highlight the advantages, then you should think about what combination of wallpaper to apply. First you need to evaluate the space where the wallpaper will be pasted.

There are many variations of wallpaper combinations. Let's consider some of them:

For a narrow room or a room with a high ceiling, you can apply pasting in the form of horizontal stripes, i.e. From below, the walls are pasted over with one type of wallpaper, and from above, with a second type.

For a wide space or a room with a low ceiling, gluing in the form of vertical stripes is used. It is important here that the texture is the same for both types, because. rough seams may occur.

For zoning the room, the use of small inserts is suitable. As a rule, this insert is framed in a frame. If the room is dark, then it is better to choose wallpaper in light colors.

If, on the contrary, there is a lot of light in the room, then you can apply a wallpaper of a darker color, which will create a light balance. A wide wall in the room can be occupied with photo wallpapers, today they are very relevant.

A room in the shape of a semicircle is better to paste over with wallpaper in warm colors. Make one part monophonic, and the other in the same tone, but with a pattern or pattern.

To add a "zest" to the interior, you can apply patchwork pasting. Both types are cut into square or triangular pieces, then glued alternately. It is important that the wallpaper patches are of the same shape.

The style of minimalism is also relevant today. The walls are pasted over with one type of wallpaper, and the ceiling with another.

An interesting combination will be if you highlight the relief. You can paste over two types of wallpaper only ledges or niches, highlight the corners.

The stores have a huge selection of wallpapers of different textures, flourishes. You may be prompted to look at catalogs that present modern wallpaper ideas in two colors, which will greatly facilitate your choice. Also in the photo of wallpaper in two colors, you can see examples of their combinations.

If you decide to re-paste the wallpaper, then you can safely apply a combination of wallpapers. Wallpaper in a room of two colors will add zest to your interior.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Wallpaper design photo in two colors

The living room or hall is a place of rest not only for guests and acquaintances, but also for household members. Therefore, it is very important that the design and interior design be worked out in this room. One of the solutions in this case is the combined gluing of the walls in the hall.


It's no secret that wallpapers differ in patterns, colors, production technology and composition. The right combination of various representatives of this segment allows you to solve a number of problems.

First of all, with the help of a combination, zoning of certain zones is achieved. So, for example, in the kitchen, you can separate the dining area from the work area, and in the bedroom, highlight the wall behind the headboard. Combining visually you can expand the room not only in length, but also in height. This is achieved by using wallpaper with horizontal or vertical stripes.

In addition, by focusing the attention of prying eyes on a particular wall, you can hide minor flaws in the room and uneven walls. By combining, you can highlight niches, ledges, or, conversely, decorate them.

Often in construction stores you can find wallpaper leftovers that are sold at bargain prices, including new items in 2016. If you approach this issue wisely, then you can save a lot on repairs. At the same time, we can say with absolute certainty that no one else will have such a room.

The main feature of the combination can be called the fact that the wallpaper does not compete with each other, but rather complements. In the following sections, combined wallpaper in the hall of 2 types will be considered, including the design of 2017.

By the way, it is worth noting the fact that oriental patterns, bright colors, stripes and monograms were popular this year.

Combination features

Before starting to consider the features of combining different wallpapers, it is important to know what wallpapers exist in principle. To date, manufacturers around the world produce the following wallpaper coatings:

  • Paper. It would not be a big exaggeration to say that this is the most affordable building material, since it is easy to find in any hardware store and has a reasonable cost. Due to the fact that they are made from cellulose - an environmentally friendly material - these wallpapers can "breathe". But like any paper, they easily become unusable from high humidity, which means that they cannot be pasted over walls in bathrooms and kitchens. They are fragile and short-lived.

  • non-woven. They are made on the basis of non-woven fabric, which, in addition to paper, also includes special fibers, so that they can be dyed. By the way, they can hide the unevenness of the walls, and this is very important if during the repair you do not want to level and prime the surface. Unlike paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper does not leave bubbles behind. Remember that the adhesive must be applied to the wall - this is another feature compared to its predecessor.

  • Vinyl. Depending on the technology, they can be produced on the basis of paper or non-woven fabric. The top layer is vinyl, which allows not only washing wallpaper rolls, but also painting. But remember that there are varieties of vinyl wallpaper, which painting is strictly prohibited. This is evidenced by the marking on the packaging. These wallpapers are UV-resistant, have good durability, and are not contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

  • Acrylic. This variety has not gained great popularity among buyers, therefore, manufacturers do not develop this segment. In terms of cost, they may well compete with paper ones, since both paper and acrylic do not tolerate high humidity.

  • Textile. Experts recommend pasting them over bedrooms. Due to the fact that their top layer can be velor, silk or linen, they create a luxurious interior. But, unfortunately, because of the high price tag, they are not affordable for everyone.

  • Liquid. Many buyers wonder why liquid wallpaper is sold in the form of dry mixes. The thing is that they must first be prepared. Sticking liquid wallpaper resembles the installation of decorative plaster. There is no need to level the surface of the wall - liquid wallpaper itself does an excellent job of this task.

  • Glass fiber. The production of fiberglass wallpaper resembles weaving. They are durable, non-flammable, easy to care for, including with the help of aggressive household chemicals. You can also add to the pluses that mold does not form under them and they are not inhabited by pests or microorganisms. Of the minuses, a limited number of patterns can be distinguished, but due to the long service life, glass wallpapers are often glued in office premises.

  • Photoprint. It is advisable to stick wallpaper with photo printing on the wall that is not forced by anything. Since paper acts as the basis for photo wallpapers, experts recommend protecting the top layer with special compounds from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

  • natural. They are made from natural materials, so they have an increased price. Look great in bedrooms and halls. But it is worth noting that care for them must be appropriate, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the product.

  • metal. In their composition, paper and aluminum foil, so that they become wear-resistant and moisture resistant. Natural light and artificial lighting, reflected from the surface of the metal wallpaper, visually expand the space.

  • Cork. It is an environmentally friendly natural material. They are made from oak bark, the release of binding resins is achieved by pressing, for durability the product is coated with special natural impregnations.

Quartz, velor, beaded, bamboo - this list goes on for a very long time. All varieties and not to list. But it is worth remembering that a combination is possible with any of the species. The main thing is to take into account their combination on different walls.

You can choose a combination of two colors, starting from a small rule. The main thing is that the colors are “relatives”, for example, you can stick two walls with light wallpaper, and the rest with bright ones.

The combination can be horizontal. Light shades look beautiful with dark ones. Such wall pasting can visually expand the space along the length. When the combination is vertical, the room visually expands in height. Remember that transitions should be properly decorated with moldings, borders or corners.

Another variety can be called a combination of wallpaper of the same color scheme with and without a pattern. This accent allows you to highlight one wall or a small corner in which you can hang a TV or collectibles.

Wall murals themselves entice attention, so they are very it is important to combine wallpaper with a similar color scheme. Otherwise, you can create an interior in which photo printing will be out of place. The combination of two dissimilar patterns or colors allows you to highlight a specific section of the wall.

Remember that the width in a patchwork combination should ideally match, but you can experiment with the length. The main thing is not to mix expensive collections with inexpressive stale specimens.

In Western countries, wallpapers in the "framework" are popular - this is a kind of panel. To begin with, wallpaper rolls are glued on all walls, and only then, depending on the interior, “frames” are mounted either near the bed or below. Plinths or baguettes can act as frames.

For non-standard rooms that have niches or ledges, a combination can beat the interior. This is especially important in older houses where there is a chimney or garbage chute.

There will be a detailed review of all these methods in the following sections.

Combination methods

Let us dwell in more detail on the combination of wallpaper within the framework. Designers recommend that the main wall be pasted over with certain wallpapers, and the remaining three - with wallpaper with a similar color scheme. After that, small rectangular segments with a baguette are glued on the opposite side.

Such a selection with a decorative border allows you to focus not only on the main wall of the living room, but also on the opposite one, where a seating area with a corner sofa can be located.

Combination in the design environment has its own names:

  • Range. This is the use of wallpaper strips of various shades, but of the same color scheme. In this case, it is not necessary to accentuate one wall; you can paste over all four walls with different wallpapers. Experts thus beat the transitions from light to dark tones.
  • Balancing. The key in this option is the central wall, which can have a complex pattern, and the remaining walls are pasted over with uniform wallpaper with related shades.
  • Opposite color scheme. Such an aggressive combination is suitable for youth rooms, but it is worth approaching this process with all responsibility, since if the colors are chosen incorrectly, the psyche can be disturbed.
  • Material texture. When combining wallpapers with different textures, it is important that they are in the same color scheme, but differ in patterns.


Combination can achieve certain effects. For example, you can redirect attention away from the defects on the wall by combining two colors. If there are various wires in the room - a burglar alarm, cable TV or the Internet, then you can stick a bright strip opposite them.

In order not to erect partitions from a metal frame and drywall sheets, zoning can be done. This method is used in studio apartments, where it is necessary to visually separate the living room from the kitchen.

Combining pastel and dark colors, you can achieve a visual expansion of small spaces. But remember that you need to experiment with knowledge of the matter, otherwise the result may be shocking, and no one will return the money.

By highlighting the wall, you can draw attention to a certain detail of the interior. In the hall or in the living room, you can select a recreation area in this way.

Game of textures

The selection of combining colors and patterns is actually not an easy task and there are things that you need to pay attention to.

First of all, wallpaper must be the same thickness only with this combination can good results be achieved. Docking will occur perfectly and the seams will not be visible.

It is worth approaching the patterns with caution, there should not be more than two of them, and the color scheme should be related shades. In this case, you can combine pastel shades with exotic bright ones. The surface must be prepared in advance for pasting.

Remember that before buying wallpaper rolls, it is advisable to attach different copies and see how well they fit together. In this way, you can save money if suddenly the wallpaper does not match. You can ask sales consultants to combine wallpapers, “companions” will be immediately noticeable upon a cursory examination.

It should be borne in mind that according to the texture, paper wallpaper should be combined with paper, texture with texture. If non-woven or vinyl wallpaper has already been chosen as the main wall, then, accordingly, related materials should be their companions.

Color spectrum

Color design can correct lighting problems in a room. So, for example, if the windows of the room look to the north, then using light colors, you can rectify the situation. The same effect is achieved with a combination of dark and light shades, while not forgetting about additional lighting.

Two-tone solutions can brighten up minor flaws. If the living room has inconspicuous niches or ledges, then designers recommend framing them with dark wallpaper, and the rest of the room with light ones.

A few rules for choosing colors:

  • Red. Accents of gray, green or blue will suit him as “partners”. Do not overdo it with golden, purple and brick hues. Brown and chestnut tones look good in combination with red.
  • Pink. When choosing furniture, you should look at burgundy and gray colors. In moderation, a brown tone can be used. But blue and red are strictly prohibited. The same goes for turquoise.
  • Orange. To this color you can choose decor and furniture in green and white. Interior items can also be in purple tones.
  • Brown. This is a classic color, it goes well with blue and gold. You can use gray and beige with caution.
  • Yellow. It needs to be combined with brown or green furniture.

But remember that the selection of beige shades goes well with light wallpaper, and black colors should be avoided in those rooms where there is no additional lighting.

A selection with photo wallpapers is an individual process. After all, the accent wall can be of any color, already from this one should “dance”. If you take into account all the recommendations described above, then everything will work out.

Before you arrange a living room of standard sizes (18 sq. M), you need to develop a design project. Consideration should be given to color schemes, furniture and lighting. Before going to a hardware store, you need to understand whether it is worth focusing on niches and ledges, or, conversely, they should be decorated. In emergency cases, some people resort to dismantling them.

Often, the furniture is already available, so you need to combine colors in the apartment, starting from its shades and other interior details. The color of the wallpaper rolls should either be similar to the color of the furniture, or be a little lighter.

But remember that an overabundance of bright colors can create a depressing environment in which prolonged exposure to a room is fraught with negative consequences.

If the purchase of wallpaper is completely shifted to your shoulders, then it is important to know that you need to keep the batch numbers and colors of the shades. It is desirable that the wallpaper has one manufacturer, this guarantees a combination of at least the thickness of the product, so that seams and joints will not be visible.

The combination in the living room of plain wallpaper with and without a pattern allows you to beat even a small room. Patterns, ornaments and monograms help transform one of the walls, make it stand out from the rest.

In a narrow rectangular room, designers recommend combining wallpaper in a horizontal plane, this combination allows you to visually expand the room. Remember that in rooms with low ceilings, when pasting the walls and ceiling with wallpaper, you can “pull it out”.

By following these simple tricks, you can significantly transform a familiar interior.

For a small room, you need to try to pick up pastel colors. The pattern in this case can be abstract or from the field of geometry. Wallpaper with a large pattern will visually reduce the room. Wallpaper that imitates a cut of a tree goes well with flowers, narrow stripes - with abstract patterns, this also applies to the cage.

Unfortunately, in a hardware store, the lighting is always different from the apartment, which means that the wallpaper you like can look completely different in the room. This should be understood at the stage of selection.

It is desirable to add the main color of the wallpaper to the decor by buying pillows or paintings with the desired color.

Remember that when combining paper and washable wallpapers, they will require different care. If the paper wallpaper gets wet, then they will become unusable and eventually fall off, which means that at least cosmetic repairs are to be done. It is important to take into account the interaction of building material with the sun's rays. If the wallpaper strips turn yellow or burn out under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, then they will also have to be replaced. Therefore, experts recommend combine paper with paper, and vinyl with vinyl.

If small children use the living room as a play area, then you should find a small corner for these purposes and stick chalk wallpaper there - you can draw on them. They are easy to care for - just wipe with a cloth.

Mass housing, created in the Soviet years and popularly referred to as "Khrushchev", is still in service. Its demolition has only recently begun in the capital of the Russian Federation, and how many more such houses have been built on the territory of the former Soviet Union is a rhetorical question. Of course, you can wait until the housing is demolished and a new one is built, but for many families this is not a way out of the situation. The living room in the "Khrushchev" can be arranged in the style of a classic, retro or Provence.

To do this, you can put into practice all the previously voiced tips. By the way, wallpapers have good sound insulation and good thermal conductivity, and from this it follows that, in addition to design use, they will also equip the room from a practical point of view.

How to choose the right wallpaper, see the following video.

Options in the interior

The combination of different wallpaper strips allows you to hide the flaws not only of the surface of the walls, but also of the room itself. If you use plain wallpaper, on the contrary, they will only emphasize this shortcoming against the background of curved walls.

By combining, you can separate the work area from the recreation area. If it is planned to create a sleeping place in the living room, then such a solution will emphasize the sleeping area.

As a rule, such zones are distinguished by dark shades or special patterns.

If you combine the wallpaper correctly, you can visually expand the room either in length or in height. To do this, it is enough to use wallpaper with stripes or glue multi-colored canvases.

The combination allows you to beat the room in a minimalist style. All attention is paid to the wall that is pasted over in this way. Emphasis contributes to the designation of the fireplace area or the wall on which the TV hangs.

In the living room, you can highlight niches in this way, on which you can place photos close to your heart, expensive collections of antiques.

The patchwork combination system allows significant savings, since wallpaper residues are sold at bargain prices. But such a combination must be approached consciously, otherwise the wallpaper will have to be re-pasted.

An accent wall looks great in hi-tech or minimalist living rooms. It is only important to choose it correctly, you should not focus on the balcony block or the interior door, since most of it is occupied not by the wall, but by openings.

Remember that with its help only two surfaces are distinguished, otherwise there is a high probability of oversaturation.

In a narrow hall, preference should be given to bright colors when accentuating small areas, and long ones should be highlighted with calm shades. This technique allows you to expand the living room space. Designers are well aware that by combining cold and warm shades, you can achieve the desired result.

In the living room, it is best to accent the wall behind the TV or sofa. To do this, you should resort to the methods voiced earlier, namely, the combination of dark shades on the main wall and similar colors on the remaining walls.

But in order not to delve into the basics of design, experts recommend paying attention to modern wallpapers and building on them. The horizontal combination uses dark and light companion wallpapers. The joint is usually placed in the same plane as the door or armchair, the transition is decorated with a molding or a specially selected border.

Modern designers are trying to move away from the classic horizontal combination and place wallpaper strips only in a way they understand.

By the way, in the upper part, you can decorate the joint between the wall and the ceiling with stucco molding in the appropriate color.

Remember that the molding also performs a protective function, it is not without reason that it is placed at the level of the back of the seats. If the chair is moved close to the wall, then there is a high probability of damage to the wallpaper, but in this case there will be nothing for the molding.

Horizontal combination is the ability to combine incongruous. Thanks to the transition, you can use wallpapers of different thicknesses. Yes, and the texture with this combination is not worth paying attention to. Paper or non-woven - it does not matter, you can combine vinyl wallpaper with textile.

Combining wallpaper will help to create an original and stylish interior. Using various application techniques, the design of the apartment will become unique, and little tricks will not only decorate the interior, but also correct the shortcomings of the room.

Having decided to make repairs in the room by combining wallpapers, it is worth considering the area, location, purpose and proportions of the room.

  • When choosing the main tone, it is necessary to build on the area. In a small room, it is inappropriate to use a dark color palette; light pastel colors look more harmonious, which will visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • In a spacious room, a combination of dark colors and volumetric patterns is acceptable.
  • Location plays an important role. In a room with windows facing north, it is better to use a warm palette, this compensates for the lack of sunlight.
  • On the south side, on the contrary, cold shades look more harmonious, they will give a breath of fresh air.
  • In an apartment with high ceilings, you should not combine wallpaper with vertical patterns.
  • You can adjust the height of the ceilings using horizontal stripes and three-dimensional images. The same rule works in the opposite direction; for small rooms, light plain wallpapers and a small discreet pattern are suitable.

Combination methods

Combination with vertical stripes

With the help of striped wallpaper, you can visually increase the height of the ceilings. Frequency and bandwidth depends on personal preference. When buying material, you should stop your choice on rolls of the same size and, if possible, one collection. In this case, in the finished version, the finish will look like an integral composition. The color palette can consist of both close to each other and contrasting colors.

In the photo, one of the walls of the kitchen is decorated with striped wallpaper.

Combine horizontally

Horizontal patterns and stripes are able to "push" the walls and make the room wider. This finish is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, in a compact room you may get the feeling of a low ceiling.

Another way to combine is to divide the wall into two parts horizontally, the upper half, as a rule, in a lighter color than the lower one. Often the lower part is made of wall panels.

accent wall

Most often, the accent wall becomes the one on which the eye falls when entering the room. A bright shade or a three-dimensional image will “move” the wall, with this technique you can bring a long narrow room a little closer to the shape of a square. Depending on the stylistic direction, the main color may be close in tone to the accent wall or radically different.

In the photo, the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with pink photo wallpapers with flowers.

Monochromatic and monochromatic

Different shades of the same color will help zone the space and create a play of shadows. For example, part of the bedroom is finished in a light gray shade, and the sleeping area is in a deep rich color.

pattern or ornament and plain

One of the most common finishing methods by combining. Floral patterns or ornaments can echo the style of the interior. The pattern is applied with a stencil, sticker or wallpaper. Today, you can often find collections in stores that present monophonic options and with a pattern applied to the same base.

pattern and pattern

Completely different patterns can harmoniously exist in one room, but they should be united by a common note. It can be common motifs, elements or color.

Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

Wall murals can significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Perspective wall murals, such as a road or a tall waterfall, will stretch the room and make it wider.

The photo shows a perspective photo wallpaper (a receding pier) that helps to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

Given that the photo wallpapers themselves have a voluminous and colorful image, it is worth combining them with a calmer tone so as not to overload the room.

focus point

In order to highlight any area, such as a fireplace or a TV, background wallpapers are used. Part of the wall may have a solid color that differs from the main shade or be with an unusual pattern.

decorative ornaments

An unusual picture is formed by elements framed in frames and moldings. Against the background of a calm shade of wallpaper, there may be inserts with ornate patterns. Such a combination is suitable for an interior in a classic style.

In the photo in the living room in the classic style, the wallpaper is decorated with moldings.

Patchwork technique

Patchwork technique is suitable for decorating a nursery or bedroom. The point is to combine the overall picture from patches of different wallpapers. When gluing, it is necessary to observe an even seam.

Niche selection

An interesting solution would be to highlight the niches in the wall with a different color. The recesses can be made a couple of tones darker. When finishing a niche with textured wallpaper or panels, the backlight looks good, the relief will cast interior shadows.

Combining wallpapers with different textures

The combination of different textures harmoniously looks in almost any room of the apartment. In small rooms, wallpaper with a shiny surface will increase the space due to its reflective properties. In addition, they look interesting in contrast with the matte canvas.

Room zoning

There are several ways to divide a room into zones, one of them is the division of color and texture. The kitchen, combined with the living room, will be divided by wallpapers of the same texture, but different shades of the same spectrum. A good option would be structural wallpaper for painting.

On the picture

Combination with brick wallpaper

Brickwork is most often associated with the loft style. In a small apartment, it is permissible to replace natural material with imitation wallpaper. Red brick wallpaper is successfully combined with matte material in gray or white. White brick looks harmoniously with light walls.

How to combine wallpaper by color?

A calm color combination, despite saturation, can be called monochromatic. These are shades of the same color that differ in saturation. In the interior, a more juicy shade can indicate the desired zones or visually divide the space.

The photo shows a monochromatic combination of colors on the combined wallpaper.

Complementary combination

This is a combination of contrasting, opposite colors. For example, red and green, purple and yellow, orange and blue. A combination of this kind will suit the decoration of any room. The combination of soothing shades can be used in the living room and bedroom, and bright ones are suitable for the nursery.


At first glance, similar colors are completely different, but their use in the interior looks harmonious, each shade smoothly flows from one to another. As a rule, this is a combination of two or three adjacent shades from the color wheel.

The combination of individual colors (table)

Beige Chocolate, white, red, blue, emerald, black.
White Universal color. Combines with any shades. The most successful combination with black, blue and red.
Black Like white, it is a universal color that goes well with many shades. Successful options: white, red, lilac, pink, orange.
Brown Ivory, beige, green, pink.
Grey The whole palette of pink, from pastel to fuchsia. Red, blue, plum.
black and white The combination of black and white is already considered complete. Both shades are universal, the combination will complement almost any color.
Green Yellow, golden, orange, chocolate, black, grey.
Pink Gray, chocolate, turquoise, young green, olive, pale blue.
Blue Grey, orange, green, red, white, blue.
Blue White, pink, grey, yellow, brown, red.
Purple White, green, pink, chocolate, grey, black.
Red White, blue, green, black, yellow.
Yellow Brown, grey, black, blue, turquoise.
Violet White, yellow, orange, lilac, black.

The photo shows a combination of three types of wallpaper in the interior of a children's room.

Photo in the interior of the rooms in the apartment

Living room

For the living room, there are a lot of ideas for decorating the walls. The material and pattern is chosen depending on the style. In a spacious hall with a corner sofa, the reception of an accent wall harmoniously looks. A beautiful pattern and rich colors will indicate a place of rest.


In the bedroom, as a rule, preference is given to calm shades. A combination of a calm shade of the main wallpaper and a photo wallpaper with a floral print at the head of the bed will look harmonious.


In the kitchen, it is more practical to combine wallpaper above the dining area and tiles in the cooking area. Colors may overlap.

The photo shows a horizontal combination of two types of wallpaper - plain and with a floral print, the joint is decorated with a white molding.


From the children's room, you can safely combine bright and juicy shades. For babies, you can use a patchwork technique with colors and patterns that match the gender. One of the walls finished with photo wallpaper or wallpaper with drawings will also look good.

Hallway and corridor

In a spacious or open hallway, you can combine simple, even and textured wallpapers with imitation of different materials.

The photo shows a practical combination of decorative panels with wallpaper.

Combination with other finishing materials

The combination of paint and wallpaper looks great in the bedroom. A smooth painted surface will be complemented by canvases with an ornament, a cage or an ornate pattern.

Combination with decorative stone

The combination of wallpaper with stone looks harmonious in the living room or hallway. Corners and part of the wall are trimmed with stone. The material can be both natural and artificial.

Combination with brick

By combining wallpaper and brickwork, you can get a brutal loft style and gentle Provence. Depending on the color and decorative content, you will get a completely opposite design of the apartment.

The photo shows a combination of wallpaper with a brick wall in the interior of the bedroom.

The combination of wallpaper and panels will be a good option for finishing the hallway, living room or nursery. As a rule, the lower part of the wall is trimmed with panels using the horizontal combination method. The variety of choices allows you to make repairs in both classic style and modern.


Combination for any part of the house. Plaster sets the main tone in the room, wallpaper is an accent element. The combination can be with plain wallpaper, wallpaper with a discreet pattern and photo wallpaper.


Combination for kitchen and bathroom. The working area and the zone of contact with water are tiled, the rest is provided with wallpaper. The combination can have a contrasting combination or have a common color and elements.

The photo shows a combination of wallpaper with mosaic tiles.

How to make a transition when combining

No transition

The simplest and most common way is the absence of a transition. Wallpaper sheets are glued end-to-end. It must be remembered that for the best result you need to prepare and level the surface. A similar method is well suited for an accent wall.


Beautiful and elegant design. Visually looks like a painting or a panel. The main tone is chosen in a calm shade, the second part can have both a simple geometric and an unusual shape and is trimmed along the edge with moldings.

wallpaper border

The border is placed along the upper edge or along the central part. It will add zest to the interior. Looks harmoniously in the living room, bedroom and children's room.

Features of the design of a small room

  • In a small apartment, for example, in Khrushchev, it is preferable to choose light shades when combining.
  • The vertical or horizontal direction of the pattern or lines will help to correct the space.
  • Simple drawings and patterns can also visually enlarge the room. What drawings can visually expand the space you can see.
  • Mirrored surfaces can greatly contribute to the expansion of boundaries.
  • Pairs of tall framed mirrors will completely change the look of the interior.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, which visually increases the width of the children's room.

In the photo, one of the walls is decorated with wallpaper with an ornament, this technique will visually make a long room of a small area more proportional.

Link errors

Some combination errors can spoil the overall picture.

  • You should not place large furniture along the wall with large patterns; it is better to choose a plain background wallpaper.
  • In a small room, the wrong decision would be to finish in dark colors. Light shades and bright decor elements will look more harmonious. Also, do not use three or more colors.
  • In a narrow room, wallpaper with patterns is not applied to a large wall, so the room will be even narrower.
  • In an apartment with low ceilings, horizontal stripes and patterns will further shorten the space.

Combination of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper deserves special attention. They allow you to create unique paintings, even diagonally, while being easy to apply. According to tactile sensations, liquid wallpaper has a soft and warm surface. The material is applied according to the principle of textured plaster. For a perfect result, it is also necessary to prepare the surface.

In the photo, the TV zone is highlighted with liquid wallpaper.

Photo gallery

Delving deeper into the issue of combining wallpapers, you can discover a lot of interesting examples and ideas. Repair is no longer boring paper wallpapering, the layout of different textures and technologies creates a work of art. Below are photo examples of combining wallpaper on the walls in rooms of various functional purposes.

If you take a look at any room, whether it be a living room or a bedroom, it will immediately become clear that the walls are the main component of the interior, what catches the eye first of all. Following from this, it is necessary to show maximum imagination and effort in order to decorate the wall surface in the best possible way. Choose a specific style, tone of coverage or the right combination of shades.

When a large room is the subject of renovation, there is always a feeling of concern about how to give the room a look that evokes a feeling of coziness and comfort. Such concern becomes especially relevant if there are any defects on the surface of the walls that you want to hide.

In such a situation, many decide to use the combined method of pasting walls with wallpaper. In many ways, this is the perfect way out. Disadvantages are hidden against the background of maximum highlighting of advantages. But hiding flaws is only one of the goals. The other consists in solving the problem of how to choose wallpaper of two colors.

What are the rules for choosing different wallpapers

You can select canvases according to the principle of the ratio of colors, textures, as well as various styles. Often the winner when choosing is a combination of wallpaper in two colors. This way of pasting the walls is suitable for any room. It can be applied in the living room or bedroom as mentioned above.

But in addition to the central rooms, this type of design can also be applied in the kitchen, in the corridor and on the loggia. In addition to the classical approach to solving the issue of combining consisting in a combination of monochromatic shades, you can resort to the selection of patterns or ornaments. The main thing with this method is to adhere to a certain design and style.

To create a visual effect when combining wallpaper, you need to follow certain rules. Also, stick to one of the two main ways. In the first case, harmoniously complement, and in the second, a smooth transition of shades.

The basic rules for choosing different tonal wallpapers include the following conditions:

  • The choice must be made so that the wallpaper is an element in the overall structure of the interior and has an ideal relationship with the furniture. The basis should consist in the successful addition of suddenly a friend.
  • If there is a desire to use bright colors in the first part, then the second should have muted tones.
  • In a pair of wallpapers, where one half contains an ornament, the second part should contain a texture.
  • Drawings look better together with plain canvases.
  • Patterns and stripes cannot be combined. With this ratio, the atmosphere in the room looks "heavy".
  • Light rooms require the selection of wallpaper in cold shades, and dark ones can be pasted over in bright colors. This helps a lot in settling the design.

What is included in the special methods of wallpapering different scales?

The main feature of using two-color wallpapering is the ability to use a similar method for each style. Recently, many who are interested in finishing products are betting on modern ideas, and wallpapers in two colors are selected in such a way as to abandon the ordinary and focus on style and modern design. Combine warm and cold colors, or focus on the use of bright and catchy colors.

Options features:

  • Simple - a combination of two mutually harmonious color schemes that have a common direction.
  • Moderate - the absence of mutual correspondence in tones, while a harmonious combination with a single space. The basis of this feature most often becomes precise zoning and selection of suitable plots.
  • Complex - interior design involves a combination of more than three colors with different saturation.

In solving the problem of how to glue two colors of wallpaper, the simplest one is often chosen. That which provides for the ratio of colors to one palette. In practice, this is a selection of blue and blue, or red and pink. It turns out a smooth and effective transition from one shade to another.

In addition to the simple method, it is sometimes sought to apply contrast. Use wallpaper with the application of delicate and bright colors that do not contradict each other. It can be a combination of brown and blue tones, which is quite suitable for a bedroom, or red and white, which is acceptable for a living room.

Selection of two different types of wallpaper

Each room has its own specific direction. Therefore, in pasting the walls of specific rooms with different functional purposes, an individual approach is used.

It should be borne in mind that people cook and eat in the kitchen, the living room serves for leisure activities, the bedroom for rest and sleep, and the nursery is the territory of children. It follows from this that before deciding to stick wallpapers in two colors, you need to carefully consider the options for their combinations and at the same time their harmonious interaction with interior decor items.

For example, in the kitchen, where the emphasis is always on practicality, washable wallpaper is ideal. And when choosing solutions by tone, harmonization with curtains should be observed.

In the living room, which is often referred to as the hall, the wallpaper largely serves to convey an atmosphere of comfort. Therefore, wallpaper in two colors in the hall should be selected with an emphasis on calm tones. Any combination, selection of any shades is possible here. The main thing is to adhere to harmony in everything.

It is necessary to glue wallpaper in two colors in the bedroom in such a way that their combination has a calming effect on the psyche. In no case should you use too bright and aggressive combinations of color combinations in this room. It is best to use soft pastel shades. The most acceptable option would be to use shades such as olive, beige or peach.

The children's room most of all needs an atmosphere of comfort. Of course, that gloomy tones will not work here. It is best to make a bias towards a combination of bright, cheerful, but at the same time not too distracting wallpaper options.

The choice of a combined option for pasting wallpaper on the walls

Many people tend to rely on their own strength and their own imagination. Choosing the right combination of two different colors for wall coverings is no exception.

However, at the same time, various catalogs play a good role in this matter, showing photos of wallpapers in two colors, which are often resorted to by those who want to carry out high-quality repairs in their home. On the pages of such catalogs, you can always find the most suitable wall decoration option for any particular room.

Photo of wallpaper in two colors