Street lighting of the local area. Who is responsible for the lighting of the courtyards and the local area

Outdoor lighting plays a very important role in the infrastructure of any settlement. It is especially important for urban areas. Moreover, great importance should be given to street lighting of the local area.

Outdoor lighting of the area around the house

Lighting of the local area should be based not only on the law established by the authorities, but also on the relevant requirements and norms. What you should know in this case, our today's article will tell you.

House territory and its features

The adjoining territory represents the honor of the land plot, which is adjacent to the apartment building.

Note! According to the law of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership or use of all owners of a particular apartment building extends to the adjacent territory.

Part of the yard near the house

According to the law of the Russian Federation regarding urban land plots, the network-wide property within the adjoining territory includes:

  • land plot on which a house with many apartments was erected. The boundaries for the land plot of an apartment building are indicated in the state cadastral registration;
  • elements of landscaping, landscaping (lighting systems);
  • other objects that are intended to serve this house. This may include heating points, various transformer substations, as well as garages or collective parking lots, playgrounds. But all the objects described must be within the boundaries of the land plot established by the cadastre.

Therefore, in order to understand the real boundaries of the cultivated territory, which the law of the country speaks about, you need to have on hand detailed information about this land plot. To do this, you must submit an application to the appropriate state cadastral registration authority. Here they issue a cadastral extract about a specific land plot. This statement should contain the following data:

  • the size and boundaries of the local area;
  • information about the owner.

As an owner, i.e. the one who is responsible for this territory can be:

  • city ​​(municipality);
  • the right to use is granted to the owners of this apartment building;
  • adjoining territory, which is owned by the owners of the house.

Any delineation of powers between residents (users) and the city (owners) must be enshrined in a special agreement, as the law says.

Note! The law also says who pays to cover the area around the apartment building.

Courtyard lighting

A copy of the contract must be kept in your HOA or management company, as well as in the local administration.
The signed contract for the ownership of urban areas contains the following information:

  • operating conditions of the land plot (lighting, etc.);
  • the right and responsibility for the lease of territories to third parties.

But in a situation where ownership rights to the adjacent territory belong only to the owners of an apartment building, there are certain nuances.

Features of the tenants' ownership of the adjoining territory

In a situation when its tenants act as owners of a land plot around an apartment building, the law will contain the following points:

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that residents of city houses for a large number of apartments are required to pay the costs that go to the maintenance of common property, including the street lighting system, in proportion to their share in the common property right. This means that it is no longer just the municipality that pays for street lighting;

Note! The share in the right to common ownership will be proportional to the total area of ​​the premises that belongs to the person who has the right of ownership.

  • according to the Housing Code, owners are required to choose one of the options for managing an apartment building. This can be the management of an HOA, the management of a specific organization or other specialized consumer cooperative.

As a result, responsibility in this situation will be assigned to one of the above persons. Therefore, before demanding the installation of high-quality lighting of the attached territory, it is necessary to establish not only what the law says about this situation, but also who has the ownership right to this land plot and is responsible for it (who pays, repairs, etc.). As stated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the entire cost of maintaining the street lighting system is included in utilities, as well as the structure of the payment for housing.

What else you should know about the local area and its lighting

The law (for example, the Housing Code, etc.) states that outdoor and indoor lighting of urban infrastructures (apartment buildings, adjoining territory, etc.) must rely in their organization on certain norms and requirements. All the norms established for urban adjoining land plots are spelled out, as well as for internal premises, in SNiP. Here, first of all, in the matter of organizing street lighting, the role is assigned to the level of illumination.

Illumination standards of the local area

The fact is that each object of the local area (entrance, driveway, flower beds, etc.) must have its own specific level of illumination, which is based on both the purpose of the object and the human visual system. This means that the illumination of each object in the local area should not cause discomfort to the observer, as well as create full-fledged lighting.
This means that when organizing outdoor illumination of the courtyard of urban apartment buildings, the structures branching off for this (determined by the municipality) must rely on the norm established in the SNiP. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to underestimate the illumination level below the established limits.

Requirements for the organization of courtyard lighting

The regulatory documentation (SNiP) indicates all the requirements that must be observed and adhered to when organizing outdoor lighting in the adjoining territory of any apartment building. Today, according to the law (the housing code of the Russian Federation and other documents), these include the following requirements:

  • illumination should be organized for any entrance. This means that the entrance to the staircase must be lit at night;

Entrance lighting

  • the number of luminaires installed along the carriageway must be such that the light emanating from them is not lower than the established illumination level;

Note! The management company or other organizations responsible for the organization of outdoor lighting, based on the level of illumination, determine the style of the lamps, their limitation in functionality, etc.

  • high-quality and full-fledged lighting should be organized for the roadway, as well as playgrounds and parking spaces.

Achieving the required level of lighting in different parts of the city can be achieved in the following ways:

  • installation of wall lights above the entrance to the staircase. In this case, the height of the lanterns can be different. The higher the lantern and the more powerful the light bulb in it, the larger the circle of light formed by the lighting fixture;
  • lampposts placed along the roadway. With the help of such lamps, which are placed on the top with a pillar, you can qualitatively illuminate all parts of the yard: playgrounds, parking spaces, sidewalks and the roadway.

For optimal outdoor illumination of the adjacent territory of an apartment building, it is worth using both lighting options: facade wall lamps and lampposts. In such a situation, it is possible to achieve the optimal level of illumination of the yard at a minimum cost, which will be balanced by economical light sources, as well as the number of lanterns and wall lamps. In this case, darkened areas of the territory can be avoided with a high probability.

Features of the supply of outdoor lighting

For urban apartment buildings, the building itself is used as a power source for the outdoor lighting system.

Lighting in the courtyard of a high-rise building

To account for the consumed electricity in this situation, a general house electric meter is used. In this regard, the costs will be distributed to all owners. In this regard, in order to reduce costs under this item, economical light sources began to be installed for lighting streets and courtyards located near apartment buildings: fluorescent, gas-discharge and LED bulbs. From this list, the maximum energy savings can be achieved by using LED light sources.
Some believe that motion sensors can help reduce the cost of paying for electricity consumed by an outdoor lighting system.

Motion Sensor

These devices have shown high efficiency at home, but on the street as an element of the outdoor lighting system of the adjoining territory of an apartment building, they showed a less successful result. The fact is that here the work of motion sensors will not be entirely correct. This is due to the fact that although the time for turning on the lighting can be programmed depending on the natural level of illumination, the device can react to the flight of a bird or the movement of pets. As a result, the frequency of false alarms in those moments when the light is not needed will be several times higher.

Note! Frequent switching on and off of lights is often more negative for the outdoor lighting grid than a constantly burning light.

Modern lighting devices of HOA and ZhSK, equipped with photocells, are to a certain extent devoid of the above problems, since they have several modes of operation (for example, a duty officer).

Additional features of outdoor lighting

Since the outdoor lighting fixtures for the adjoining territory of any apartment building can be located within the reach of a person, without the use of additional means (for example, stairs), additional protection of the fixtures from vandals is needed. In this regard, all lighting installations located in the courtyard of an apartment building must be equipped with anti-vandal devices.

Anti-vandal lamp protection

This will prevent premature damage to the luminaire.


It is necessary to approach the organization of lighting in the local area of ​​any apartment building not only taking into account the letter of the law, but also the norms that must be adhered to. This will allow high-quality lighting of the house and spend a minimum of effort, time and money on maintaining this system.

On a note
The rating of information transparency of the official websites of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation in 2012:
1. Federal Communications Agency.
2. Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.
3. Ministry of Education and Science.
4. Federal Road Agency.
5. Federal Archival Agency.
6. Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
7. Federal Tariff Service.
8. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters.
9. Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.
10. Federal Service of Bailiffs.

Answers Denis Radchenko, Head of the Legal Department of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations:

First of all, you need to find out which authority is responsible.

The issues of street lighting are under the control of the executive (state or municipal) authorities, which, in turn, attract, on a contractual basis, organizations serving technical facilities that provide street lighting.

As taxpayers, residents of any locality have the right to know how the budget allocated for the maintenance of streets is spent, to influence the choice of contractors involved in providing street lighting, including through deputies.

23981 09/02/2019 6 minutes

Lighting on a private territory plays an important role in creating favorable conditions for recreation and life in the house. Today's range of street lamps has dozens of different types of lighting, with which you can create a special atmosphere on the site. They illuminate paths, gazebos, facades of houses.

Outdoor lighting of a private house

The main tasks of street lighting:

  1. Decorative... Creating an attractive design on site
  2. On duty... Lighting of the main paths for easy movement in the dark
  3. Protective... Lighting of the site to prevent the entry of strangers into the area.

Street lighting of a private house and garden plot is not only a way to illuminate the territory, but also a kind of alarm (if there are motion sensors or) and standby lighting. Outdoor lighting can be classified into two categories: street lights and downlights.

Garden lights for a country house

Street lights allow high-quality lighting of the territory and create a unique landscape design. The devices are great for beautiful lighting of garden paths and architectural objects.

The assortment of types and styles of lamps allows you to choose an option even for the most fastidious owner of a private plot: classic, hi-tech, French, English and oriental stylizations and many others. You can familiarize yourself with the varieties of street lighting lamps on poles.

Lamps for summer cottages and courtyards

Not a single landscape design of a private territory is complete without street lamps. The devices are irreplaceable both from a functional and aesthetic point of view. Correctly selected and placed lamps will transform the site beyond recognition and give it a distinctive style. They are installed outside the house, as a rule, wall-mounted, and illuminate the adjacent territory, the entrance.

Types: wall-mounted, suspended for adjoining territories


  • Suspended
  • Wall mounted
  • LED
  • With motion sensors
  • With light sensors
  • Luminaires recessed into the ground or sidewalk.

Details about the size of the curb stones are described.

All types of lamps for a summer residence or at home are airtight and resistant to environmental influences. You can buy any of them in specialized lighting stores.

When choosing lighting devices for a summer residence or a house, more attention should be paid to lamps, since it is they who affect the lighting effects:

  • Suspended... Suspended at a distance from the ceiling. They are held in place with a chain with a height adjustment of up to 1 m. The best places for using suspended models are the exterior of the building, as well as sheds, gazebos and other outboard structures.
  • Wall mounted... These models are installed on building facades, supports, low columns and consoles. They can also be built into steps or a wall thanks to the plastic housing with a special mount, as well as made.
  • LED... LED models effectively save energy (2-3 times compared to other types of lighting) and are distinguished by an aesthetically pleasing appearance. As well as increased service life and high reliability. Such models work well at low temperatures and have shockproof properties. Read also about LED floodlights for street lighting.

  • With light sensor... Devices with light sensors will automatically turn on all or a selected number of luminaires at dusk.
  • ... Constant lighting in the dark is a waste of money for electricity. To avoid this, motion sensors will help, with the help of which the lighting will turn on only when a person moves across the territory. Tip: To prevent the sensor from reacting to pets, you need to slightly reduce its sensitivity. Ideally, it is best to combine luminaires with motion and light sensors into one system, which fully automates the lighting.
  • Embedded... They are devices built into the ground, sidewalk and steps. Allows you to illuminate the road to the house, pool or gazebo.

Installation of street lighting

It is not so difficult to independently install street lamps for a country house. The main thing is to follow several important rules and study possible installation methods.

Outdoor poles

Lamp posts allow not only to install powerful lighting on the territory, but also perform an aesthetic function in landscape design. For effective installation of pillars, the following parameters must be compared:

  • Approximate post height
  • Light source power
  • Intensity and brightness of the lamp.

Only with a competent analysis of the above factors, the pillars will be installed correctly, and the owner of the site will avoid creating "blind spots".

When installing pillars, it is important to know the depth of freezing of the ground (for example, in Moscow it is 140 cm, and in the northern regions - up to 240 cm).

Outdoor brackets

The brackets are a stand-alone support for lanterns and luminaires. Thanks to the brackets, the luminaires are installed on the facades of houses, walls, lampposts and other places, which allows them to be used to illuminate the courtyard.

How to make outdoor lighting with your own hands

For self-installation of outdoor lighting, you will need three large groups of devices:

  1. Lighting devices... Lamps, lanterns and so on.
  2. Testing technique... Equipment for the control and automation of street lighting. For example, setting such parameters so that the lighting is turned on at a specific time of the day or even on a specific day.
  3. Communications... This group includes various cables, pipes, terminals, ties and other things used during installation.

Installation steps

Lighting installation work consists of several large-scale stages.


If your house has a pool or outdoor staircase, then this lighting will look very sophisticated.

The first step is to create a plan and divide all lighting fixtures into groups, for example, devices for illuminating paths in the garden into one, and the lighting of the facade into another.


After that, the stage of selecting places for devices begins, pits are dug in them. They will serve as formwork for the subsequent pouring of the foundation. All pits must be connected with shallow (about 400 mm) trenches... Then, from the extreme hole for the lamp, a trench is laid to the house in order to bring the wires into the electrical panel.

You will find all the information about street LED lamps on poles.

Laying communications

The next step is to lay electrical cables. A layer of sand is poured into the trench and a wire wrapped in a special metal sleeve is laid. Each group of devices must be connected with a separate cable. All cables must be covered with a 100 mm layer of sand and laid on top with a brick in one layer.

Instead of bricks, you can use rubble, which will also help protect cables from mechanical damage.

Where the lamps will be installed, it is necessary to bring the wires out with a loop. Then fill the hole with concrete, and fill the ditches with dug earth.

Installing the devices themselves

First you need to disassemble the lighting device: separate the lamp from the mounting element. Then fold the cable into a loop and cut it, strip the ends and pass it through the installation element.

After installing the installation element, you need to connect the luminaire to the wiring and install it on the heel.

Important: do not forget about grounding. In the absence of grounding, there is a high chance of electric shock and failure of lighting devices. Therefore, all street wires must be laid with a three-core cable.

Lighting automation

In its simplest form, lighting automation is a combination of motion sensors. When installing the control system, it is necessary to install an individual sensor for each group of lighting devices.

This system allows you to turn on only certain groups of devices. For example, only emergency lighting. This will significantly save money.

Outdoor lighting as part of landscape design

Outdoor lighting plays a huge role in the landscape design of the territory. Just a few correctly selected and installed lanterns, and the garden will take on a completely different look in the dark.

Depending on the wishes of the owner of a private house, the site can be decorated in a variety of styles. These can be lamps in the modern style, which will be an excellent complement to modern landscape design. Or, on the contrary, use the measured Empire style, with the help of which the garden will acquire a peaceful and harmonious look.

Where to place the lamps

A beautiful effect can be achieved by installing lanterns near the trunks of branched trees. The fixtures will diffuse light through the foliage, which will add an atmospheric look to the area.

Such devices allow you to beautifully decorate the facade of the house and give it an attractive look in the dark.

Don't forget about decorative lighting. Lamps along the garden paths look cute and cozy. You can build them yourself thanks to the special shapes.

You will learn how to make a shape for garden paths.

When choosing luminaires for decorative decoration of the facade, low-power 3-5 Watt models are suitable... And during the design itself, you should pay attention to the illumination vector. For example, if you need to decorate the first floor, then the lamps are best placed between or under the windows, and the light should be directed to the corners of the building and just down.

Corner models of luminaires can be located in the overlap area between the second and first floors, and the light can be directed downward.

The advantages of LED pole-mounted luminaires are outlined.

Lamps for gazebos

Pendant lights are used in the gazebos. The brightness and type of lighting fixture are selected in accordance with the purpose of the arbor. It can be a place for cozy evening conversations or reading and studying. For the first case, you will need lamps with soft and diffused lighting, and for the second, brighter and more powerful light sources.


The video illustrates how to install a lamp to illuminate a garden plot with your own hands:

Street lights for home this is a great way of creative realization of the owner of a private plot, as well as an opportunity to once again secure the territory from outsiders. Recently they are gaining popularity. It is not only convenient but also economical. With street lighting, the site will be transformed in the dark, creating a charming and pleasant atmosphere in the courtyard.

Many of us have had to return home more than once at night. At such moments, a person realizes how important lighting is inside and around an apartment building. But what if there is no light either in the entrance or in the yard? Who to contact and who is responsible for this? Let's look at this issue.

In this article:

Entrance lighting

With the onset of darkness in the entrance and on the stairwells of a residential building, the light must be turned on. This is primarily necessary for the safety of residents. Lighting at the entrance of an apartment building must meet the following requirements:

  • in public areas, a general lighting system is used;
  • if the house has more than 6 floors and more than 50 people live, then the building must be equipped with evacuation lighting;
  • evacuation lamps are installed in the main aisles and in front of elevators;
  • it is allowed to use incandescent lamps, halogen and LED lamps;
  • it is recommended to cover the lamp with anti-vandal, shock-resistant glass or metal mesh;
  • the light intensity must comply with the established standards.

Illumination standards are regulated by special regulatory documents, SNiP and GOST and are standardized according to VSN 59-88. The lux values ​​for common areas are shown in the table:

Residents have the right to complain to the management company not only that there are no lamps, but also that their light is not intense enough.

Basement lighting

Special requirements are put forward for the organization of the basement lighting due to the special microclimate inside the room. As a rule, it is always humid there, dampness can be observed, therefore the lamps must meet the standards of electrical safety and fire safety.

The power supply must be reduced to 42 W using a step-down transformer. The luminaire body must be grounded. It is not recommended to connect copper and aluminum wires when laying cables, which react under the influence of moisture. The wiring is placed in special corrugated pipes called sleeves.

Lighting of the local area

Before figuring out what standards the lighting of the adjoining territory and the courtyard of an apartment building should meet, you need to figure out what is included in this concept - "adjoining territory". According to the legislation, these are:

  • the land plot on which the house is built, its dimensions are determined by the cadastre;
  • improvement elements (this includes, among other things, lamps);
  • objects intended for the operation of the house (heating points, transformer, children's and sports grounds, car parks).

Directly lighting the courtyard of an apartment building can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Lantern under the visor above the entrance door. This is convenient, because you can take a low-power lamp, you don't need a lot of light. The disadvantage is that only a small area in front of the door will be illuminated.
  2. A lantern above the porch canopy. It is advisable to take a lamp with a luminous flux of at least 3500 lm and a circular luminous intensity. Placed at a height of 5 meters at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizon. But, despite the fact that the entire courtyard is illuminated in this way, the area next to the door remains in the dark.
  3. Combining the two previous options. The most optimal way to illuminate the yard, but it consumes a lot of electricity.

To illuminate the adjacent territory, standards have also been developed, which are presented in the table:

Some residents insist on installing motion-sensor lighting in order to save energy. It makes sense to install such lamps inside the entrances, while on the streets they will not work quite correctly. On the street, the sensor can be triggered by the movement of the animal, and the light will turn on when it is not required.

Who is responsible for lighting the home?

According to Federal Law No. 131, local governments are responsible for the illumination of streets, roads and courtyards. But maintaining the performance of the lamps is the responsibility of the residents of the house.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, responsibility for light inside residential buildings and on the adjacent territory lies with the management company with which the tenants have entered into an agreement. In the text of the agreement it is spelled out what services the Criminal Code provides, for which it is responsible and what is the order of actions in case of emerging problems or controversial issues.

What to do if residents find that there is no light in the entrance, common areas, basement or adjacent territory? They need to take the following steps:

  1. An act is drawn up, which describes the problem.
  2. The act is signed by at least 3 people. These can be neighbors, the head of the porch, or the chairperson of the house.
  3. Proof of the problem is attached to the act. For example, a photo of the lack of light in the evening.
  4. The documents are transferred to the management company.
  5. Within seven days, the employees of the Criminal Code check and analyze the information, fix problems and draw up their own statement of the problem.
  6. The document, which contains all the actions taken to eliminate the problem, is handed over to the applicants.

If the management company does not cope with its responsibilities, refuses to fulfill what is prescribed in the contract, the tenants have the right to terminate the agreement with it and conclude an agreement with another organization.

Who pays for the lighting of the courtyard and entrances of an apartment building? According to the Federal Law, the area around the house, like the entrances, is a common property. Lighting and troubleshooting costs are borne directly by the occupants. Moreover, the costs are divided for each owner, depending on the area of ​​his apartment.

You should pay attention to whether it is documented that this particular adjoining territory is the common property of this particular house. If there are no such marks, then the inclusion of payment for it in the receipt is illegal.

Lighting in multi-storey buildings is strictly regulated by laws and sanitary standards. If one of the important parameters is not observed - there is no light at all, it is not bright enough, the lighting is organized without taking into account the safety of the residents, then the residents of the house have the right to apply to the management company, the local administration or even to the court.