Wet installation of stone façade slabs. Wet facade technology

The classic material used for the construction of private houses is brick. It has many advantages, but brick also has disadvantages. Among them are high thermal conductivity and a tendency to accumulate moisture. To keep the integrity brick walls and ensuring comfort inside the building, a wet facade is being finished, and how to implement this technology with your own hands will be described below.

Features of the wet facade system

The facade of the cottage can be decorated different ways... Against the background of a wide variety of technologies, the wet facade system stands out. What is this method of insulation and protection? outer walls residential buildings and industrial buildings from the impact of negative factors?

Insulation of houses for different purposes according to this technology, it means covering the outer walls with moisture and frost-resistant material, and then plastering and painting the facade. Also, instead of using plaster and paint, special decorative panels or finishing with clinker tiles can be used. Let's describe the layered structure of such a cladding in the table.

Layer Comprises Appointment
Heat insulating Insulation material, adhesive mixture and dowels Provides the facade of residential buildings with high heat and sound insulation qualities
Glue-reinforcing Adhesive mixture, reinforcing mesh, soil Provides the cladding of a residential building with strength, resistance to wear and tear, durability, high external aesthetics
Decorative finishing Decorative plaster, panels, other finishing materials

This design gives the building an attractive appearance, acts as additional protection for its walls from external influences

In other words, similar system is a complex layered structure, due to which the outer walls of a residential building are provided with reliable protection.

Wet facade construction

Advantages and disadvantages

Decoration of external walls of residential cottages wet way v last years highly demanded, as it has a number of advantages:

  • provides the facade of the house with high wear resistance, durability, practicality. Such a system has served without loss of its properties for more than 25 years;
  • an essential advantage of such a facade system is its affordable cost. In the case of using expanded polystyrene, sq m of facing will cost 1500-2000 rubles, and when using mineral wool, the price will double. However, other methods of facing the external walls of residential buildings, which would have similar operational parameters and practically had no drawbacks, will cost you several times more;
  • warming a house in a similar way makes it warmer, more comfortable for living. Thanks to this decoration, a healthy microclimate is formed inside the home, which has a positive effect on the well-being of each family member. In addition, the possibility of saving on the cost of electricity or gas heating is called the positive quality of the wet facade of the house. And if you still insulate the windows, then no frosts will be terrible for you;
  • the fact that the insulation is mounted on the walls with outside, allows you to save precious square meters of living space inside the building and even in those places where there is a window;
  • due to the light weight of such cladding, it can be used without additional strengthening of the foundation and walls of the house;
  • relatively easy implementation in practice without the help of professional builders;
  • using this technology, the finished house looks incredibly attractive, and its design fits well into the surrounding landscapes. Also note that after a while, if desired finishing layer the facings can be replaced or renewed.

Wet insulation options

Note that a wet facade also has some disadvantages. For example, it is not recommended to decorate the facade and carry out its insulation work if the air temperature dropped below 5 ° Celsius. In addition, it is not worth equipping the facade in this way if the air humidity level is increased or there is precipitation. Such weather phenomena prevent uniform drying of the cladding layers.

Wet facade types

Decorating private houses using wet facade technology can be done by hand. But before starting work, you need to decide what kind of it is relevant for the walls of your house:

  • heavy - the name reflects the main difference between the facade of such a plan: significant weight, which limits the possibilities of using this technology;
  • lightweight - the technology can be applied to the walls of private houses, erected from any building material.



Due to the rather high weight of such a finish, it is important to use it for walls made of those building materials that can cope with such a high weight load: brick, aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete blocks.

Fastening the insulation with dowels

A distinctive feature of the heavy type wet facade system is the fixing of thermal insulation without the use of an adhesive. The insulation is fixed to the base by means of special dowels with hooks. They are installed on the wall, only then they are equipped with an insulation material of a slab character. Thermal insulation layer additionally, they are fixed by means of a reinforcing metal mesh, and then a plaster solution is used and the finishing is carried out.

Due to the fact that the metal mesh needs to be masked, the plaster layer turns out to be thick and heavy. Hence the name of the cladding method.


This method is quite common as it is affordable and easy to implement in practice. The weight of the structure is minimal, so it is applicable to walls built from almost all standard materials: brick, concrete, foam concrete, stone, wood, and so on.

The system of a wet facade for a light type involves the use of finishing materials in several layers:

  • the first layer of plaster will be the base one and will allow the use of a reinforcing mesh to give the cladding additional strength;
  • the second layer of plaster will level and give the base perfect evenness;
  • the third layer (finishing) can be made with different finishing materials: paint, decorative plaster with bark beetle, siding, decorative panels, the like. The main thing is that the selected option has the lowest possible weight.

Note that a light type of facade finishing should be carried out by means of a finely dispersed and air-permeable plaster mix... And the total thickness of the layers of the entire cladding, including on the slopes of the windows, should not exceed 10 mm.

Main nodes

Today, the wet facade finish is used most actively, which is due to the large number of advantages inherent in this type of finish. By itself, this technology is a multi-layer structure, each of the layers of which is aimed at performing its function:

  • the first is the wall of the building, which, before starting work, necessarily undergoes a certain preparation, which consists in leveling and cleaning;
  • the second is a heat-insulating material, which can be polystyrene or mineral wool... The first option is cheaper, but the second has better characteristics;
  • the third is a reinforcing lining designed to protect the slabs during the further finishing process;
  • fourth - decorative layer for which decorative plaster or other Decoration Materials.

The main units of the wet facade

Insulation types

An important stage in the implementation of the wet facade technology is the choice of insulation material. What material is best used for this purpose? In most cases, craftsmen use mineral wool in the form of slabs. It is a rather rigid material, the density of which exceeds 150 kg / m³. Also, foam is often used to decorate facades in this way. The main thing is to choose the right brand (at least 35).

When comparing these two heaters, experts note that mineral wool is the best option, because it is resistant to fire and has high air permeability, which is extremely important in the case of walls of a stone house. When insulating with mineral wool, moisture from the masonry freely goes out through the pores of the material, which allows you to recreate the optimal microclimate inside the dwelling and significantly improve the thermal insulation parameters of the facade. If the budget for repairs is extremely limited, then you should prefer the cheaper foam.

Remember, it is worth choosing exclusively products from trusted manufacturers with famous name, the quality of products of which is documented. Then the facade will definitely be durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Mineral wool

When arranging a wet facade, attention should be paid to the selection of finishing materials. To facilitate the task, we suggest that you carefully familiarize yourself with the possible facade systems that are ideal for such a finish:

  • organic - with this method of finishing, you will need expanded polystyrene plates, organic reinforcing mass, organic or silicone plaster;
  • mineral - in this case, mineral plates are suitable for insulation, and for reinforcement - mineral mixtures... As for the decorative layer, you should choose silicate or mineral plaster;
  • combined - in such a facade system, both polystyrene foam and mineral materials are used. The first is suitable as insulation, while other materials can be used for reinforcement and subsequent plastering.

We should also dwell on the choice of suitable adhesives. The best option for a wet facade, Ceresit CM-11 glue will be used. With regard to plaster, the most suitable will be such types as a fur coat or bark beetle.


Possible errors during work

When installing a wet facade, a number of mistakes are often made that negatively affect the quality of the coating:

  • ignoring the temperature conditions of the work - this can cause destruction, delamination and even rotting of the layers of the system;
  • improper preparation of the main layer - the duration of service will be significantly reduced due to destruction inside;
  • emergence air layers between the seams and layers, which can occur in the area of ​​windows - will lead to cracks on the surface of the facade and the design of the building will be damaged;
  • improper installation of the reinforcing mesh - will cause chips and cracks on the outer layer.

Service life and repair

Wet-finished façades can last up to 30 years. But this period may well vary up or down, depending on humidity, climatic conditions and possible temperature changes.

During operation, a wet facade may be exposed to repair work if necessary. But for this you need to save the documents for everything Construction Materials, so that, if it is necessary to paint a certain area, to purchase previously used paint. Otherwise, you may not guess with a shade, and then a prominent spot will appear on your facade.

If after a while you notice that a piece of plaster began to peel off in a certain area, which happens especially often near windows, then in this case it is worth spending following works: Sand down this area to a firm layer, prime and apply a new layer of plaster.


To better understand the principle of a wet facade, we advise you to watch the video.

When the term “wet facade” is mentioned, the image of a facade abundantly soaked in water immediately appears in the imagination. But in fact, this method of finishing, of course, has nothing to do with such an association.

This phrase is just one of the attributes of figurative folk speech and cannot be found in textbooks. The question "what is a wet facade?" will be disclosed in detail in the material below.

What it is?

It is the latest building technique used as a decoration and thermal insulation method for the exterior walls of a house.

This name stuck to her for a reason application of liquid or semi-liquid adhesive solutions when installing materials that are part of the finishing coating.

Technology provides protection for living quarters from the occurrence of the dew point, which, as a result of the construction of a wet facade, is carried out.

Even with significant abrupt changes and contrast of external and internal temperatures the occurrence of condensation in the room will be completely excluded.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of using this technology is combination of decoration and thermal insulation functions.

To this you can also add more a number of positive points:

Now for the disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is that insulation work cannot be performed at an air temperature below 5 ° C, in case of extreme need, with insulation in cold period should apply heat guns and scaffolding covered with polyethylene;
  • not worth spending assembly work at high humidity air - "wet facade" does not tolerate such conditions;
  • the plastered surface needs to be protected from the wind, since dust and dirt settling on a fresh finish can significantly damage the appearance of the coating.

When choosing a material you can be guided by four main criteria:

  1. Price. In this regard, polystyrene wins, as it is a cheaper material.
  2. Water vapor permeability. This property is inherent in mineral wool, which allows the walls of the house to "breathe". Styrofoam does not have this quality.
  3. The complexity of the work. Foam is easiest to work with due to the higher rigidity of the material.
  4. Fire hazard. Foam plates are flammable, therefore they need to be treated with fire retardants. Basalt wool does not burn and is able to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wet facade "Ceresit" for insulation

Ceresit system("Ceresit") is built on the basis of materials from the well-known manufacturer of the same name, which include a primer, putty and plaster.

This approach allows you to achieve high level of thermal conductivity and waterproofing. The installation of the system consists of several stages, which are worth considering in detail.

Wall preparation

When carrying out this procedure all flaws on the wall are eliminated... Cracks need to be repaired with a solution, after which the surface is cleaned of contamination.

Further check the surface for strength... This can be done with pieces of styrofoam that are glued to the wall in different places... If the glued pieces are difficult to come off after the glue has completely dried, then the surface is ready for application. further work and it can be treated with a primer.

Plinth profile installation

This procedure is necessary so that the thermal insulation material does not slip during installation. The profile is fixed at the border of the facade and the base and must be installed in a strictly horizontal position.

Fixed to the wall with dowels... After that, you can start laying the insulation.

Installation of mineral wool

Mineral wool slabs are mounted on the wall with glue. Material placement starts from the corner at home. One side of the board is lubricated around the perimeter with a layer of adhesive mixture about 10 cm wide. The glue is also applied to the middle of the material, but pointwise.

Plates are stacked end-to-end (see photo), excess adhesive is removed... The seams between the slabs of each row must not match.

At the end of the installation of the insulation you need to give the glue three days to dry, after which you should additionally secure the material with dowels "fungi".

Reinforcing mesh laying

Reinforcing mesh serves as the basis for the next layer of the facade and provides a high-quality hitch.

To perform this procedure correctly you should adhere to the following rules:

  • the layer must be at least 0.5 cm thick;
  • the composition of the reinforcing layer should include two adhesive layers, between which the mesh is laid;
  • lay the mesh and apply the second layer of glue before the first layer dries;
  • the hardened surface is covered with two layers of soil.


After complete drying of the reinforcing layer (3-7 days) decorative coating is applied.

The thin-layer putty is applied evenly with a half-tape, which is held at an angle.

The applied mixture is additionally smoothed. Dried plaster after half an hour processed with a plastic float, giving the surface the desired texture.

This procedure is the final step in the construction of a wet façade.

Wet facade device: video instruction.


A new look at facades

The most commonly used facade structures in Russia are hinged ventilated facades and the so-called "wet" facades. Wet facades, in contrast to hinged ones, have a simplified design, but at the same time they adequately fulfill the function of external thermal protection of the building. Wet facades are usually decorated with a thin layer of plaster. This design allows the building to be operated in a changeable Russian climate, as well as to save on heating and cladding.

The definition of "wet" was introduced by builders, contractors and consumers because water and other solutions and compounds are used for the construction of this type of facade. Unlike its ventilated counterpart, this facade has putties, primers, paints in its construction.

The indisputable advantage of using plaster is a wide range of design solutions in the implementation of modern projects and finishing of buildings "semi-antique", because with the help of plaster, you can create a variety of textures. And with special finishing paints for outdoor use, color accents are set.

The use of insulation by outside wall building allows you to move the dew point from the inside. Thus, all internal structures are reliably protected from the penetration of atmospheric moisture and precipitation, which, when frozen, contribute to premature mechanical destruction of materials and / or activate corrosive processes.

Buildings with external insulation are not only more durable, but also much more comfortable to live in due to savings optimal temperatures in the interior. And also less energy consuming during operation.

Preparing the facade for insulation

The construction of a wet facade is only possible with complete protection from sub-zero temperatures and rainfall. This requires instructions for the use of building mixtures. If a facade with insulation covered with plaster is being built in an unfavorable season (autumn-winter), then it is recommended to build scaffolding covered with a wind and moisture protection film and provide a thermal circuit.

Before tackling a wet facade, you should close the internal premises (roof, windows, doors) and carry out everything internal work associated with pouring screeds, erecting monolithic walls, rough plaster of the premises. On the outer walls, the necessary brackets for water drains, video cameras, signboards, air conditioners, ebbs and others are fixed in advance.

Is of great importance preliminary preparation a rough facade for finishing. So the outer walls are stripped of old crumbling coatings, thoroughly washed with water under high pressure and dried. Then cracks are putty and the surfaces are leveled so that the error is no more than 10 mm per square meter... It is important at this stage to use putty materials and plasters compatible with the materials that will be used later.

Physicochemical characteristics of the insulation

As an insulating layer, two types of plates are usually used: expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.

Expanded polystyrene plates have high thermal protection rates. It is a relatively inexpensive material. It is light in weight and therefore easy to install.

Mineral wool slabs are preferable to choose basalt or diabase. The material must have sufficient tensile strength (15 kPa and more) and not react with plaster. In this regard, the use of fiberglass boards is completely unacceptable for the construction of a wet facade. Despite other positive characteristics, fiberglass does not have sufficient tensile strength, and also breaks down under the influence of alkalis. Consequently, it not only will not be able to withstand the variable impact of wind gusts, but can also react with alkali-containing building mixtures.

The destruction of a fiberglass facade is inevitable under the influence of alkalis contained in the base (reinforced) layer of mineral plaster and adhesive mixtures(the average pH of such compositions is 12.5 units). Usually, the reaction takes full effect for 2-3 years, however, such a poor-quality facade can collapse much earlier under the influence of stormy winds. Therefore, the First Supply Company recommends to approach in principle responsibly to the choice of an insulating layer in the construction of a wet facade.

We also recommend paying special attention to the density indicator of mineral wool insulation. 90 kg / m 2 is a bar below which you should not go down. After all, otherwise there will be difficulties when applying the finishing plaster, and the risk of delamination of too "soft" insulation sharply increases after just a couple of years of operation. The recommended maximum density of insulation for plastering is 180 kg / m 2.

The next important point when choosing a heater for a wet facade, the moisture absorption coefficient is. It should be very low (no more than 1.5%). This requirement is primarily due to the fact that the absorbed water deforms the material and also impairs the thermal conductivity. Plates, capable of greater moisture absorption, cannot ensure the solidity of the structure, such a facade cannot stand for more than 1-2 years.

All materials used for the construction of the MF must be selected so that the vapor permeability of the layers increases as they move from the inside to the outside finish. This design will create optimal conditions to prevent condensation from forming in the thickness of the wet facade. The climate in many regions of the Russian Federation is such that most of the time the temperature inside the room is much higher than that outside. As a result, the risk of condensation is dramatically increased. The task of the builders is to move the dew point as far as possible from the inside of the building. After all, excess moisture has great destructive power. Therefore, for the finishing of wet facades, only those types of plasters are used that can easily let steam through.

When installing insulation boards, the requirement for the inadmissibility of an error (difference in height) of more than 3 mm for adjacent boards should be strictly observed. Otherwise the layer decorative plaster cannot absorb this flaw. You will either have to use too thick a layer of plaster, which is impossible according to its application instructions, or put up with the fact that irregularities will be visible on the "face" of the building. In any case, this is a construction defect.

As mentioned above, polystyrene foam boards are cheaper and lighter (by weight) insulation. This material is popular. The only reason not in his favor is the fact that expanded polystyrene is a combustible material. However, there are special technologies that make it possible to reduce this disadvantage to almost zero. Processing by special chemical composition(flame retardant) ensures that the combustion process is suspended and the flame is extinguished with high degree probabilities.

Another way to fight for fire safety is the device of special diffusers made of non-combustible materials. This method is sometimes also called combined, because in addition to the main insulation made of expanded polystyrene, mineral wool plates are used for scatterers.

Expanded polystyrene insulation for arranging a wet facade should have the following physical characteristics: tensile strength from 100 kPa and more, density from 15 to 25 kg / m 2.

The quality of polystyrene foam insulation is determined, among other things, by external signs. Individual granules of the substance should be approximately the same in size, their adherence to each other, ideally, is quite tight. Otherwise, such a heater will not only be problematic during installation, but also during operation, most likely, will absorb too much moisture. And this, as already stated, leads to deformation, a reduction in heat-shielding properties and premature destruction of the facade.

Insulation plates must have correct shape rectangle: permissible deviations of any measurement are not more than 2 mm per m.

The difference in thickness of polystyrene foam boards should not exceed 1 mm. And the violation of the front plane should not be more than 0.5%. Otherwise, it will be impossible to install the upper structures of a wet facade without defects, which are expressed both in an aesthetic discrepancy and in a reduction in the service life of the entire structure.

Fastening the insulation to the supporting structure

Thermal insulation boards are installed with vertical ligation of joints - like a usual brickwork... It is important to observe this principle also when deriving corners. A snug fit of the material to be mounted is achieved by grinding irregularities with an emery machine. If the width of the empty joints is still greater than allowable rate, they are filled with cut strips of the same insulation. The outer corners of the insulation are overlapped. Recommended overlap thickness is 2-3 cm. This allows you to align outer corners buildings and keep warm inside. The extra centimeters of the insulation are cut off with a knife after the glue has completely dried.

In a wet façade system, the thermal insulation layer is fastened sequentially in two ways. First, the slabs are planted on a special construction glue, and then dowels are additionally screwed in. It is this two-stage fastening that allows the structure to provide the required strength and immobility. The facade experiences the greatest loads under the influence of gusts of wind, which can loosen loosely fixed materials and lead to the formation of voids between the layers of the facade. In addition, the thermal insulation carries its own weight and the facing plaster - this load is borne mainly by the dowels. It is the disc dowels that hold the weight of the structure of the wet facade and ensure a tight fit of the relatively soft slabs to the base. Fastening with glue additionally makes it possible to trim a rough facade, the surface of which is often not perfectly smooth.

The time interval between the gluing and dowelling phase is usually about 24 hours.

During installation thermal insulation boards in the places of the door and window openings they are adjusted in shape and size with a knife at the gluing site. In this case, the horizontal seam between the slabs should not fall on the same line with the slope.


Reinforcement is carried out after strengthening the plates with glue and dowels. It is necessary to allow the structure to dry completely before proceeding with the device of the reinforced layer. Thus, they begin to work no earlier than a day after gluing the thermal insulation boards.

The reinforcement procedure involves applying an adhesive composition to the insulation, embedding a building reinforcing mesh into it, and making an upper covering layer. The total thickness of the reinforced layer is 4-6 mm, while the covering layer should be approximately 2 times thinner, and the mesh itself should be located 1-2 mm from the surface.

Typically, fiberglass (fiberglass) mesh is used for reinforcement. It is still covered in production special composition, which prevents the occurrence of alkaline reactions.

When erecting a wet facade on buildings experiencing increased loads, as well as basement floors it is recommended to use a more durable and rigid armored reinforcing mesh. Such meshes are able to withstand greater mechanical stress in comparison with glass fabric.

The quality of the reinforcement layer plays a very important role in the strength of the entire wet facade. It is this layer that should ensure the resistance of the facade to wind and other mechanical influences. Therefore, the mesh must be not only strong, but also resistant to the action of alkalis contained in plaster solutions. Correctly selected mesh is the key to the durability of a wet facade.

Reinforcement starts from the corners of the building, then they are allowed to stand and dry for 24 hours. After that, you can proceed to the reinforcement of other surfaces. Unlike insulation boards, which begin to be mounted from below, the reinforced layer is equipped, moving from upper levels structures to the lower ones.

There are two important rules to keep in mind:

  1. WITH adhesives work in the shade or cloudy weather.
  2. The reinforcing mesh should not come into contact with the thermal insulation; there should be at least 2 mm of glue between them.


On top of the reinforcement layer in the wet facade system, plaster is used under further painting or cladding with special materials. Before these finishing works, the reinforcing layer should be allowed to settle and dry for at least three days.

The quality of the plaster and the duration of its operation directly depend on the conditions under which this stage of construction was performed. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended not to carry out these works or to build protective structures. After all, the optimal conditions are: air temperature from +5 degrees Celsius, shade, no gusty wind and precipitation.

You should choose special facade plasters for outdoor use. Only they are able to take on the full burden of adverse influences. Exactly upper layer plaster must have sufficient steam conductivity, moisture resistance, strength to mechanical damage, resistance to chemicals and other influences of the natural and ecological environment. In addition, in the Russian climate, these plasters must withstand sub-zero temperatures, as well as frequent thaws and high humidity.

Additional elements

The load-bearing base of a wet facade, as a rule, is a rather complex structure, including many external and inner corners, window and door openings, connections to the roof and plinth, and sometimes external decorative elements in the form of semi-columns, blunt and sharp corners, rounded details. Also special attention require expansion joints and the places where the building adjoins other buildings.

Window and door openings are constantly exposed to vibration and shock during the operation of the building. And the places of abutment to the roof, plinth, and other buildings cause difficulties during operation during temperature changes, since the coefficient of expansion and contraction under the influence of heat and cold varies significantly for different materials. Large facades (if at least one linear measurement exceeds 24 meters) require the laying of expansion joints.

To solve these problems, special profiles are provided in the structure of the wet facade, which can eliminate these unfavorable factors. These profiles are straight and angled. They are a polyvinyl chloride base with a fiberglass mesh and an elastic waterproofing membrane.

Let's summarize

Wet-type facades have a number of undeniable advantages: they are distinguished by the use of the most modern insulation materials, their service life is at least a quarter of a century, features exterior decoration(thin plaster) allow to erect wet facades both for the restoration of buildings - monuments of architecture, and for modern construction.

In order for the facade to serve for many years and successfully perform protective and heat-saving functions, it must be certified. Important role also plays a selection of materials on many grounds. First of all, they must be compatible with each other. Do not enter into unwanted chemical reactions, each subsequent layer should have a higher vapor conductivity in relation to the previous one, bearing structures and the materials must have sufficient strength and density. Also, building materials for a wet facade must meet fire and environmental safety standards.

TechnologistsThe technical advantages of wet facades

Saving heat, and hence energy saving, and reducing financial losses, ultimately - important question for most regions of the Russian Federation. Simple measuring work has shown that the greatest heat loss in panel and block houses occurs just through the walls.

A couple of decades ago, this issue was practically not resolved. Today, with the proliferation of wet and ventilated facades, it is possible to provide highly effective protection from the cold by placing insulation outside the building. Note that this not only shifts the dew point, but also saves interior space.

The design of buildings with a wet façade system assumes that the walls share a heat-saving function with this outer structure. Thanks to this, it is now possible to erect thinner walls, which means spending on them less material... Moreover, the walls "lightened" in this way create less stress on the foundation, which in turn can now also be less massive. But the foundation, according to experts, is one of the most costly elements of construction.

The use of modern high-tech materials in the wet facade system creates a more favorable indoor climate. Steam is freely discharged outside, condensation does not accumulate, which mold and fungi, which are harmful to human health, are so fond of. The temperature inside the room is leveled, there are no cold zones near the walls and windows. And in hot weather, a wet facade is able to more effectively maintain coolness inside the room, because the thermal conductivity of the structure is minimal.

We must not forget about the high soundproofing properties of the materials used. A wet façade significantly improves the soundproofing of rooms, both from the outside to the inside and in the opposite direction.

A positive effect is also exerted on the service life of the building, on the safety of its walls, which are reliably protected by a wet facade from atmospheric and mechanical influences from the outside. The facade protects the internal structures of the building from wind, dust, dirt, frost, sunlight, and fluctuations in humidity.

In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that using the technology of a wet facade, you can make a building cladding for a wide variety of design projects, both for construction on an industrial scale and for private housing construction.

The only relative disadvantage of a wet-type facade is that most of the work on its construction should be carried out under special favorable conditions: t +5 or more, no precipitation and hard solar radiation.

Wet-type facade renovation with the right approach can be postponed for 20-30 years. Cosmetic defects (wear of the upper plaster layer) will have to be carried out more often, but it does not require large financial and labor costs.

Insulation and plastering of aerated concrete house facade

A wet facade is a way to decorate and insulate the exterior walls of a house. The device of facades of this type is referred to as innovative building techniques. The technology makes it impossible for a dew point to form in a residential area. The device of the wet facade facilitates its removal to the outside. Even with significant differences and differences in internal and external temperatures, condensation will not form inside the house. The question arises: what is a wet facade? This method of external wall insulation is well known and successfully used. Let's dwell on its features in more detail.

Wet facade technology

The principle of such a cladding is multilayer. This is a kind of sandwich, where each layer has its own function. The name attached to it comes from the way these layers were formed. When installing the system, various solutions are used.

Wet insulation technology came from Germany and has proven itself in domestic construction. The construction of wet facades is the process of creating a structure from several elements, which are layers with specific functions. They are conventionally divided into:

  • glue (basic);
  • heat-insulating (insulation layer);
  • reinforced;
  • protective and decorative (plaster).

They are also called plastering systems... Exists different systems wet facade. They depend on:

  • insulation;
  • base coat and topcoat;
  • execution technology.

Classification by the type of materials used for the layers:

  • organic (the layers are placed in the following sequence: insulation - expanded polystyrene, then reinforcement with organic mass, the final layer - silicone and organic plasters);
  • mineral (layer materials - mineral wool, mineral mass, mineral and silicate plasters);
  • combined (expanded polystyrene as insulation, and reinforcement and plastering is carried out with various mineral materials).

The device of the wet facade is divided into 2 thermal insulation systems according to the insulation. Conventionally, they can be called thick-layer and thin-layer. They are mounted on

  • based on facade expanded polystyrene;
  • based on mineral basalt wool.


The main advantage is the combination of the functions of insulation and decoration. The technology is successfully used for cladding external walls of new buildings and reconstruction of old buildings. The main advantages of wet systems:

  • Excellent heat and sound insulation.
  • Profitability. It is associated with a significant reduction in heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer.
  • Slight heating of the facade surface.
  • Displacement of the dew point outward and adjustment of heat transfer.
  • Optimization of the microclimate and improvement of the microbiological situation in the premises. Exterior wall cladding can breathe and regulate humidity.
  • The versatility of technology. Installation is possible on all types of buildings and on different surfaces.
  • Possibility of sealing joints between panels.
  • There is no need for additional work to strengthen the foundation. The facade loads it slightly, the structure is supported by the walls.
  • Extending the life of the house.
  • Relatively low price and a variety of decorative textures, colors and shades for the outer finishing layer.

A wet facade is an opportunity for a relatively small amount to achieve an aesthetic appearance building, while improving its technical characteristics.


Despite the many advantages, there are some drawbacks. Basically, problems appear due to non-compliance with technology. The effectiveness of a wet facade depends on the fulfillment of the following rules:

  • Installation work can be carried out at temperatures above 5 degrees. Other conditions require equipment closed space with the help of additional scaffolding, plastic film and heat guns.
  • Precipitation and high humidity air do not allow the solution to dry evenly. Defects may occur when operated under these conditions.
  • Do not allow the solution to dry out in the sun. Additional protection may be required during solar activity.
  • It is necessary to protect the walls from dirt and dust during installation. This requires wind protection.

If the installation of a wet facade with insulation is carried out, observing the technology, then it will last a long time. The choice of the performer is very important here. His qualifications, along with quality materials, compensate for all possible disadvantages. You cannot save on this.

Vented or Wet?

Each of the presented systems has its own positive and negative sides... more durable and better repairable. To the pluses, you can add more seismic resistance, the ability to choose various materials for facings and quick assembly. A significant disadvantage is that it is more expensive than plaster.

In a plaster or wet system, local repair is highly complicated. Even minor damage will be difficult to repair without being noticed. The facade requires maintenance, as well as the ventilated one. After a few years, the outer layer may need to be painted. But the design possibilities are endless. Decorative architectural elements can be formed at your discretion. The same cannot be said about ventilated facades.

Device rules according to SNiP

The construction of wet facades is regulated by the vault building codes and rules. Installation rules for insulating and finishing coatings are detailed in SNiP 3.04.01–87.

In the process of work, they are guided by the requirements of labor safety in construction (SNiP 12-03-200). Building regulations help to carry out heat engineering calculation and energy efficiency of the project. Safety of work is under the jurisdiction of SNiP P-1-4-8.

Insulation materials for wet facades belong to the class of non-combustible materials. Fire safety is ensured by the device of special fire protection diffusers, as well as edging of windows and doors with mineral wool.

On the basis of these documents, technological cards have been developed for the installation of facades in various climatic conditions.

Wet facade installation technology

Technology means sequential bonding of all layers of the system. It will differ depending on the insulation used. The video will help you understand this process.

The main stages of the device:

  • preparation of the base and priming of the walls;
  • installation of crutches for window drains, slopes and basement profiles;
  • installation and shrinkage of insulation;
  • surface reinforcement;
  • a primer for decorative plaster;
  • plastering;
  • painting;
  • installation of window sills, parapets and other details.

Depending on the method of fixing the insulation in a wet facade, the installation technology has 3 different types:

  • Rigid fastening of the insulation with dowels.
  • Movable hinge fixation.
  • Fastening of thermal insulation with glue and dowels.

Strict adherence to the rules will allow you to get a high-quality facade. Installation technology on window slopes has its own characteristics. When installing a reinforced mesh, it is attached first to the corners and slopes, and then to the rest of the facade. You will learn more about the device of a wet facade in the video instructions:

How much does a wet facade cost? Example of budgeting

The cost of a wet facade depends on the materials and technologies for their installation. The estimate for work is most often presented in a table, which indicates:

  • The name of the work and materials with the indication of the unit of measurement.
  • Material and cost of its unit and total volume.
  • Installation works and their cost.
  • Total amount.

Such a document clearly demonstrates the cost of individual stages, helps to highlight the most expensive points. At first, a preliminary estimate is usually made. Quite difficult to calculate the total cost construction works before the beginning of these very works. In some cases, more materials may be needed than planned. Then the estimate is corrected. The document is certified by the signatures of the contractor and the customer.

DIY wet facade installation

To reduce the cost of the facade device, its installation can be done on your own. For this:

    • Scaffolding is being established.
    • The walls are cleared of old paint and dirt.
  • An antiseptic is applied.
  • The wall is leveled and primed.
  • Are fastened aluminum profiles at the level of the base.
  • Insulation, reinforcing mesh is fixed.
  • Facade plastering.

The installation process is simple, but requires attention. If inaccuracies and mistakes were made during the work, then over time they will become noticeable. Thermal insulation can collapse, plaster peels off, or cracks appear.

Therefore, it is important to follow the technology and pay attention to the quality criteria when constructing a wet facade with your own hands.

Plastering exterior walls is a traditional way of decorating buildings. New materials have slightly overshadowed it. However, this does not prevent him from staying the best option insulation of premises, which combines economy, efficiency, environmental friendliness and aesthetics.

The "wet facade" system is a popular technology for furnishing and insulation facade walls... It is used in private and high-rise housing construction, in the construction of new and reconstruction of old buildings. The main advantages are ease of manufacture and good thermal insulation and strength characteristics.

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Turnkey wet facade: composition and stages of creation

Wet facade cladding includes the following layers:

  • thermal insulation pad. It is either high density mineral wool or 50–100 mm thick foam. The difference between one insulation and another is in the price per meter and in some parameters. Foam plates are cheaper, they are easy to install, and have low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is more difficult to process, but their vapor permeability coefficient is much higher, and therefore the walls "breathe";
  • reinforcing layer. As a rule, this is a special construction mesh which is supplied in rolls 1 meter wide. Thanks to such a grid, plaster mortar can be fixed to the insulation;
  • adhesive composition for fastening a heat insulator and a reinforcing mesh. When installing a wet facade, the insulation and the mesh are first mounted on the wall with glue. For this, universal and specialized adhesives are used. The former are suitable for installation thermal insulation materials and reinforcing mesh. The second - only for the reinforcement of the insulation.
  • mechanical fastening for thermal insulation boards. In this layer, "umbrella" type fasteners are used - plastic dowels with a wide head. One section of insulation takes about 5 pieces of fasteners. The purpose of the "umbrella" is in additional fixation of the material when arranging a wet facade.

Finishing materials are used for finishing. Traditionally, these are decorative facade plasters.


Arrangement of walls using this technology includes the following stages:

  1. Measuring the curvature of walls. At the preliminary stage of the construction of a wet façade, the degree of curvature of the surface is determined. For this, plumb lines are hung and horizontal threads are pulled, which serve as beacons. When the system moves along the wall, the space for insulation and glue is measured.
  2. Fixing the insulation to the glue. The binder is applied to the foam or mineral board small slides in the middle and around the edges. After that, the material is glued to the wall. When installing a wet facade, it is advisable to fix the polystyrene to the wall at a distance, the joints should be small in length. The seams are filled with glue immediately during the installation of the insulation.
  3. Installation of mechanical fasteners. At this stage, plastic umbrellas are mounted. The puncher makes holes in the wall, the dowels are hammered in with a hammer. It is important to correctly position the fasteners. According to the technology, they do this: one dowel is in the middle of the slab, and the other four are in the corners. To save on the cost of the facade, you can drive an "umbrella" into the seam between the insulation plates.
  4. Reinforcement. The mesh is glued to foam or mineral boards by pressing into the glue. The binder is applied to the insulation, after which a mesh is placed on top and pressed down. Remains of glue are removed with a spatula.
  5. Plastering. The final stage of arranging a wet facade is surface plastering. Often rough finish applied in several layers to carefully align the wall. After the putty has dried, the finishing can be applied.