Projects of combined log houses. Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber

In modern times, there are many ideas that are taken into account in the matter of construction. A house made of foam block and wood often becomes the choice of land owners who want to build an unusual, at the same time budgetary and aesthetically beautiful structure for living or recreation.

The project of the house from foam blocks and wood

Such structures have many advantages. They will be especially noted by those who have already become the owner of a house made of foam blocks and wood. Such buildings serve for many years and never cease to amaze with their remarkable and reliability. This shelter can rightfully be called an excellent option, as well as wonderful place for permanent residence.

Often, a material such as a foam block is chosen for. This material has a lot of factors that favor the choice of this particular raw material for the construction of a residential building structure. Reasons why they are popular:

All these plus sides of foam concrete blocks indicate that it is not in vain that many rely on this species building material.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

Along with a huge number of advantages, like all building materials, foam concrete blocks also have a number of disadvantages.

Existing types and sizes of concrete blocks

These are:

As you can see, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, and besides, you can handle the material in such a way that you don’t even have to remember about the negative sides.

An example of a house built entirely of foam concrete

What are the advantages of log houses

Often found in private areas. Projects of timber structures are presented on the modern market in a wide range. It is not surprising that such houses are built by people with different levels financial opportunities. Moreover, this material has whole line advantages, due to which the bet is made on it:

These advantages help the owners of land plots to decide exactly what exactly such structures are worthy, to have their place on the territory of their plots.

Interior and design of a timber cottage

Disadvantages of houses
Along with the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages. Everything should be weighed so as not to be in the red:

Advantages of combined houses made of foam block and wood

The ideal solution for those who cannot decide on the choice of material for construction is construction combined houses from foam blocks and wood. It is fundamentally new idea, which will help to eliminate all possible disadvantages of the two materials and use only their advantages. Positive aspects, which are dominated by combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are:

  • Rational use of both materials;
    Finishing a house made of wood and foam blocks

  • Thanks to the combination, the first floor is durable and does not corrosive. The second floor, the main material of which is wood, creates a harmonious atmosphere in space and provides the construction of the house with new trends in architectural ideas;
  • A building constructed from combinations of two materials is advantageous in terms of pricing policy. Both types of raw materials are quite affordable, and their the right combination will help to avoid possible shortcomings that each of the materials has;

  • have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The exterior of such structures looks attractive and modern;
  • Also, houses made of wood and foam concrete blocks, thanks to new technology, combine durability and environmentally friendly space.
    A variant of the project and construction of a combined two-story cottage

In general, we can say with confidence that combined houses are a worthy solution for those who prefer durability and reliability, and also like to correctly allocate their budget.

It is combined houses that become the choice of those who prefer a reasonable expenditure of funds and the organization of a harmonious, thoughtful space.

Features of the construction of combined houses from foam blocks and wood

Of course, the construction of combined houses has its own characteristics. Due to these features, the choice often falls on this type of structure. These are:

  • Construction speed;
  • It is quite easy to build a combined house, even a person who previously had no experience in construction can cope with the task. Of course, if there are no skills at all in the matter of construction, then it is better to turn to professionals for help;
    An example of the construction of the second floor with closed balcony

    The process of building a building from a foam block

  • The construction of a combined house according to a pre-selected project will not be difficult ... The most important thing is to think over all the details at the design selection stage;
  • When a house is built according to the project, the owner of the land allotment does not have to purchase materials for the house with a margin. This will help to significantly save the budget and become the owner of a magnificent "fortress" in which both rest and life are unusual and filled with harmony;
  • Combined houses should be built in stages. This will allow the structure to take on the necessary stability and adapt to environment;
    The process of building a combined house from a bar

  • First of all, of course, it is organized. Due to the lightness of the design, the “pillow” for the building will be inexpensive. Materials that do not give a high load on the basis of the structure will significantly;
  • The next stage in the construction of combined structures is the laying of foam concrete blocks. This material must be handled with great care. This will help not to bear additional costs for the purchase of additional units of raw materials spoiled during the laying process;
    The process of laying concrete blocks

  • After the foam concrete blocks are laid, it should be a short time leave the design. Foam concrete blocks must acquire stability and adapt to the prevailing climatic situation;
  • Then you can start building the second floor. Sometimes in combined houses it is supposed to erect the entire structure from wooden beams, and then finish finished building foam concrete blocks over wood. In this case, the steps are clear.
    If each of the blocks (foam concrete blocks and wood) is separate, then the construction of the second floor will require additional efforts from the owner of the land plot or from the construction company. Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood should be built deliberately, carefully fulfilling the requirements for the density and adhesion of materials;
  • After the second floor is ready, the owners of the land plot can move into a residential building.

Design and project of a residential country cottage

These are just some of the features of combined houses. Full list instructions on the construction of such buildings are best obtained from experienced craftsmen in this matter. Video review of a combined house made of wood and foam blocks.

Desire to own Vacation home forces many residents of the metropolis to invest fabulous sums in construction. And the more intricate the project of the cottage is, the greater the financing of the construction should be. At the same time, the price finished house to a large extent depends on the material used for construction. And since stone is mainly used for the installation of houses in Russia, the cottage translates into a pretty penny. However, there is a very productive method of saving family money on building their own nest - cozy and durable houses made of stone and wood. So, as a result of a combination of materials, it will be possible to save on the installation of the entire structure.

Types of combined houses

The use of diverse building materials in the construction of houses has been known to history since the 15th century. And the main harmonious combination was the combination of stone and wood. Such a tandem allows you to make a powerful load-bearing plinth (or first floor) and mount an already lightweight version of the second floor or attic made of wood above it. The most popular examples of such combinations are:

  • Half-timbered houses. They originate from Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. The construction of such buildings is based on wooden frame, which is filled with a natural stone block. Or this same timber frame is mounted on a pre-arranged stone lower floor. The house acquires the outlines of reliability, massiveness and fortress.
  • Chalet houses. They are also known as hunter's houses. These buildings came to architecture from the mountainous Alps, where shepherds and hunters equipped their homes in order to hide from the changeable weather of the mountains. Snow or unexpected winds, rain or hot sun - all this could overtake the shepherd in the mountains at any moment. It was as a refuge that strong chalet cottages were built, which were based on a strong stone (basement) floor and a wooden attic, sheltered from snow and wind by a sloping roof. Such a house made of wood and stone today has become a special style of architectural direction.

Important: the main rule when combining materials in a building is the installation of a lighter floor over a heavier one. And even if the house will have three floors, the bearing capacity of building materials should decrease from bottom to top. For example, concrete ground floor, then the first floor is made of blocks or bricks, the third floor is exclusively wooden.

Types of material combinations

The construction of combined buildings is similar to the work of a sculptor. Here it can be interpreted in such a way that finished cottage turned out unlike any of the neighboring ones. In this case, most often the developer uses the following types of combinations:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete and log rounded. Here, coarser chopped round timber can be used. manual processing. Note that a reliable reinforced concrete level acts as a basement semi-basement floor. It is subsequently sheathed on the outside with clinker tiles or simply plastered. The use of a reinforced concrete monolith in the form of a basement floor is relevant on non-fluffy soils with low level groundwater deposits.
  • The combination of a brick ground floor with a lighter and more even beam. In this case, either a strip reinforced concrete foundation is mounted under the house, or monolithic slab. All depending on the type of soil on the site and the level ground water On him. It is worth noting that brick and timber, which have a perfectly even shape, create an original tandem for mounting a house in the style of half-timbered construction.
  • You can also mount a three-story house from combined materials. Here, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood on top of a monolithic basement level are relevant. At the same time, the final appearance the house will be acquired, thanks to the choice of the developer exterior finish stone floors. The tree will speak for itself.
  • And there is also a cheaper combination of materials from a bar or log on the first floor and a frame-shield structure on the second. But this technology is used for small cottages and, if desired, save a lot.

Important: in any of the cases of installing a stone first level, the fire safety of the finished house increases several times. Since it is in the basement (lower) level of the house that all utility and utility rooms are located, such as a kitchen, garage, boiler room, workshop, fireplace room, etc.

The advantages of houses made of combined material

The construction of a combined house has a number of advantages in comparison with the installation of a homogeneous cottage. Especially if it was originally planned to mount the whole stone house. So, the main positive aspects of such a building are:

  • Significant savings in the construction budget. Moreover, funds are saved not only due to the cost of diverse materials - stone and wood. The estimate is melting before our eyes as a result of the fact that houses made of bricks or blocks and timber end up with a smaller mass than a completely stone building. As a result, a lightweight type of foundation can be mounted under such a house. But it is the basis that most often costs about 30-40% of the total construction budget. In addition, it will be possible to save money on hiring workers for the installation of the cottage. That is, the payment to masons will be less than if they built completely stone house. Yes, and renting special equipment for the installation of a combined house is cheaper.
  • Wide architectural possibilities. Most often, for the construction of combined houses, non-standard projects of combined houses made of brick and wood are used. Here, the extensions of the left or right wing of the house may predominate as a territory for the utility room. At the same time, this area of ​​the cottage is also reliably sheltered from precipitation by a sloping roof, like any other part of the house. You can also hide from prying eyes all the utility rooms in the basement, and leave only the cozy and comfort-breathing rooms of the first floor and the attic for the guests to see. Stained-glass windows, an attic balcony under the roof or a spacious terrace from the eastern part of the cottage are used as the entourage of the house.
  • It is also worth noting that you can move into a combined house immediately, but using only the first or basement floor. Since the stone is not subject to natural shrinkage, the interior finishing of the lower level can be carried out immediately after construction is completed. The upper wooden level must be given time to shrink and only after that begin internal work.
  • The heat capacity of a combined house will be several times higher than that of a house made entirely of stone. After all, the tree perfectly holds heat, which means that the first floor can be heated qualitatively, and optimum temperature second level. Hence, by the way, and savings on the maintenance of the finished house.
  • In addition, the stone lower floor is more resistant to seasonal changes in the ground, which means that it will ensure a longer service life of the finished cottage.
  • In addition, it is the wooden part of the combined stone-wood house that provides optimal microcirculation throughout the entire room. After all, the tree breathes constantly, regardless of temperature changes outside and inside the building.

However, the combined cottage has one significant disadvantage - this is the difference in the service life of building materials. So, a stone is able to provide a house with a life of 100 years or more. While upper level a cottage made of timber or logs will require repair in 30-40 years. However, such a nuance can also be interpreted as a positive moment - there is a chance to re-plan the attic level to meet the needs of a larger family. That is, both children and grandchildren can be provided for separately spacious room in a cozy strong house.

The nuances of the construction of a combined structure

In order to competently combine two types of building materials into a single and strong monolithic structure, several basic requirements must be met:

  • So, you need to combine wood with stone using special steel pins mounted in masonry. At the same time, the stone surface in front of the device wooden crowns must be waterproofed.
  • The tree, in turn, is necessarily treated with antiseptics and flame retardants before laying in order to increase its fire safety and resistance to decay.
  • The stone part of the house is finished with plaster or cladding. AND decoration wooden level, if necessary, is performed using lining. Although wood is an independent and harmonious building material.

Design features of combined buildings

In order for a house made of aerated concrete (brick, foam concrete or reinforced concrete monolith) to become a real haven for the whole family, several nuances must be taken into account during its construction (at the design stage):

  • So, in the lower part of the cottage, all utility, household and public premises are usually located. If the house has only two levels, then rest rooms such as a billiard room, a fireplace room, and a living room are also arranged here. At the same level, but away from the "noisy" rooms, you can arrange an office. If the house is supposed to have a basement level, then it is here that all household rooms are arranged. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room, a fireplace and an office. And already in the attic they design all the rooms for sleeping. Here you can also place a nursery.
  • An excellent solution is offered by such house projects, where on the ground floor they arrange a room for a family business. It can be a workshop or atelier, a small shop or office. Autumn is convenient to work with a family, without leaving home and without wasting time on the road to the workplace.

Tip: but in this case, you should make sure that all household members have a separate entrance to the house, hidden from prying eyes. It is better if it is a courtyard hidden by a fence. Such a combined house project is a great option for big family.

Saving. As a rule, the first floor is made of brick, and the second is made of wood. This makes the structure relatively light, due to which the construction of an expensive foundation is not required.

Fire safety. Usually on the ground floor there is a kitchen, a boiler room, a fireplace. In this case brick walls reduce the risk of fire.

Comfortable microclimate. The combination of stone and brick allows you to retain heat well in the premises and provides an optimal level of humidity.

Our offer

The WoodHouse company offers services in construction of the combined houses from a bar and blocks. At all stages of cooperation, our engineers and builders provide professional consulting and technical support. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of an agreement, which stipulates:

  • deadlines,
  • the total cost of the object,
  • our guarantees and obligations.

Variants of combined houses for every taste

Employees of the WoodHouse company are building combined houses with a wooden attic and brick plinth, garage and offer a range of other solutions. Our clients can:

  • buy finished project . Typical designs country houses, developed by our architects, take into account the needs of most potential customers and are tested in practice. All projects of combined houses presented in our catalog are accompanied by floor plans, as well as lists of works and materials included in the basic package;
  • order a custom design. Taking as a basis the wishes of the client regarding materials and architectural solutions, we will build a house that meets the requirements of all regulatory documents.

Why combine wall materials at all? In order to take all the best from each of them - plus the harmonious exterior of such a house, which is also important. And in particular, in recent times combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are quite popular.

What are their advantages, and are there any disadvantages? And what does such a combination give? With the help of the video in this article, we will answer these questions, drawing attention to the most critical stages of such construction.

Options for combining concrete and wood

Combined walls are called when two materials are used in their construction. However, you can take into account the finish: although it does not affect bearing capacity walls, but it greatly changes its thermal characteristics. There is another option - when the old house needs restoration, and a different material is used to stiffen the walls and improve the appearance.

It turns out three situations in which it is possible to combine a tree with foam blocks, each of which we will consider separately.

Foam block and wood - comparative characteristics

When choosing a material for the walls of a future house, you may well be wondering: “Which house is better - wooden or foam blocks?”. The main characteristics are indicators of strength and thermal conductivity. And the photo below clearly shows that according to the first indicator, the foam block is ahead, and according to the second - wood.

Please note: The comparison is made with construction wood - pine and spruce timber, the density of which does not exceed 500 kg / m3. There are, of course, rocks whose density is three times higher than indicated - but these are valuable rocks, mostly exotic, the cost of which will not allow every person to use them even in decoration, and not just in construction.

As a result of the comparison, it can be stated that:

  1. The foam block is not far from wood in terms of strength, but still it is higher, and the material itself is cheaper.
  2. In terms of thermal efficiency, such a wall is closer to a tree than a brick or concrete monolith.
  3. In terms of fire resistance, a tree cannot compete with any concrete, including cellular concrete.

Floor combination - when a log house is mounted on top of the masonry

Given the characteristics of these two materials, when designing houses, the following decisions are made: build the first floor from foam blocks (it can also be blocks of aerated concrete), and the second - from wood.

  • Since the walls of cellular concrete require mandatory external finishing, they are plastered on the base base or on the insulation, or they are provided for hanging finishing according to the ventilated facade system.
  • In those areas where the wall thickness of 40 cm is enough - and this is the south and middle lane In Russia, the walls of the first floor can be built from blocks textured at the factory.
  • At the same time, the masonry itself will come out more expensive, but due to the fact that there is no need for exterior decoration, extra costs pay off.

For the construction of the second, and if necessary, the third floor, any lumber can be used - including frame technology with clapboard lining. But more often for the construction of a roofing floor, a rounded log is used, or different kinds timber (planed, profiled, glued).

Who and why came up with combining walls

The combination of materials in the construction of houses is not some kind of know-how. This is enough old way construction, has long been used by the mountain dwellers of the Alps.

  • The rather harsh climate, with its winds and thick snows, required a strong stone foundation that could withstand such influences.
  • At the same time, it is very important that the roof has wide overhangs, so not only the roof, but also the under-roof floor, which was necessary for arranging the bedrooms, was built from logs, as from a warmer material.
  • It is on this principle that the Alpine style in architecture is based, which received the beautiful name "chalet". A house in this style not only has an attractive exterior, but also costs less than a completely stone one.

In modern realities, concrete helped to make such a house even cheaper - namely, blocks with a cellular structure, which, although not as strong as rubble stone, are very slightly inferior to wood in terms of heat preservation. In addition, the house is lighter, which saves on the foundation, and gives less shrinkage.

If you need to restore a wooden house

The second option for combining wood with foam blocks may be when you have a very old wooden house, which needs not only to improve the appearance, but also to provide rigidity to its rotten walls.

Most often, brick is used for this purpose, but foam blocks can also be used. And so that the updated facade does not have to be finished later, you can take the textured version - just not a wall one, but a facing one, 400 * 200 * 100 mm in size. It will allow you not to fill in such a wide tape that would be needed under wall block format 600*400*300 mm.

Please note: Before you overlay a wooden house with foam blocks, you will have to pour a new foundation with your own hands next to the existing one - and at the same depth. The old foundation is not designed for additional load, because of which cracks will certainly appear in it.

The width of the support should correspond to the thickness of the wall to be laid, plus a small gap for ventilation. Since foam concrete is less permeable to steam than wood, moisture can condense in it without such a gap. So if the thickness facing block 200 mm, then the width of the support under it must be at least 240 mm.

Note: The foam block should not hang from the foundation, as permitted by the rules for bricks - as it is undesirable for it to be in direct contact with the ground. Therefore, the foundation for the cladding must be brought to the level of the basement made of concrete monolith or red brick. Alternatively, the cladding can be based on a concrete blind area made in accordance with all the rules.

Wood sheathing of foam block walls

And another tandem of wood and foam concrete is lining with clapboard or planken of foam concrete walls.

  • This, of course, is not a constructive use of wood, but a decorative one. But, nevertheless, this combination of materials works very well.
  • Moreover, this finishing option can be applied not only on a house built entirely of foam blocks, but also on combined house- for finishing the first floor. What will it give?
  • With the help of such cladding, you can achieve a visual impression that the house is completely wooden - especially since the walls of both levels can be painted the same way.
  • If insulation is laid under the skin, the first floor, built of concrete, will be as warm as the second, wooden.

Note: In addition, using the board, you can make the interior of the foam block house. But since the level of vapor permeability of wood is higher than that of foam concrete, it is desirable to treat the cladding with a hydrophobic composition, and a vapor barrier must be installed under it. Then the house will have a comfortable microclimate.

The nuances of insulation and finishing board

Most often, foam concrete walls are insulated from the outside - and this is more expedient from the point of view of heat engineering. Therefore, finishing the house according to the ventilated facade system “kills two birds with one stone”: it allows you to decorate the walls, and better retains heat in the building.

  • Because cellular concrete have enough high level vapor permeability, it is very important that the steam can find a way out, and not accumulate in the thickness of the walls. Therefore, it is better to use mineral wool for their insulation - and so that it does not dampen, a ventilated gap is provided under the lining.
  • If, however, a vapor-proof material is used as a heater - for example, polystyrene foam, then the ventilation gap will not work, and it is better to make sure that steam cannot penetrate into the thickness of the walls at all.
  • This is achieved using interior decoration, which should ensure tightness. If this is a sheathing - for example, drywall, then a thin foil insulation such as Penofol should be laid under it. Perfectly protect walls from steam and vinyl wallpapers as well as ceramic tiles.

In order to mount the insulation and the board on the walls, it is necessary to create a carrier subsystem. For this purpose, either wooden bars or galvanized steel profile.

If necessary, insulation, the crate can be double. Insulation is placed in the cells of the first, and the second provides a gap for ventilation and is the basis for fixing the board. The foam block facade sheathed with it looks exactly like a wooden one.

For decoration can be used not only wooden lining. Yes, it looks great on the facade, but it requires additional costs for antiseptic impregnation and toning. Planken - thermally dried wood, is more beautiful and resistant to moisture, but without treatment it will also not last too long.

Note: Therefore, today many people prefer an alternative, one of the options for which is lining made of wood-polymer composite. Although its price is higher, but you get a durable coating that does not differ from wood in appearance, but which does not need bioprotection and finishing, and apart from periodic washing does not require any maintenance.

How to fix a wooden frame to a foam block wall

Whichever of the options for building a house described by us is chosen, you will certainly encounter the need to attach foam block (or aerated concrete) masonry to the top wooden beam. Even if the house is not wooden second floors, must be rafter system roof, which residential buildings always made from wood.

Therefore, we propose short instruction in pictures on this topic.

Option number 1

Photo for clarity Brief description of works

These are metal studs that will fasten the beam to the top of the masonry. In this case, they were cut into rods 33 cm long:
  • 5 cm goes deep into the masonry;
  • 15 cm will be monolithic in the armored belt;
  • 10 cm passes through the Mauerlat if the roof is mounted;

Note: If a log house is being mounted for the second floor, then this part of the stud must correspond to the thickness of the beam or log. Accordingly, the hairpin itself should be longer.

  • 3 cm remains on top for tightening the nut.

For greater strength, a reinforcing belt is provided along the upper perimeter of the masonry. It can be poured both on wooden formwork and using U-shaped blocks. In the picture we see just such an option.

To install the studs, which should clearly fall in the middle of the block, markings are made. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the bottom of the formwork, and a thread is stretched between them for reference, marks for drilling are made with a pencil.

Drilling is carried out with a pen drill with a diameter of 15 mm. Hole depth - 5 cm, taking into account the thickness of the bottom of the formwork block.

Studs are installed in the prepared holes.

In order for the stud to sit more tightly in concrete, a nut is screwed onto it almost to the very bottom. The second nut will already be tightened after the belt is filled and the beam is laid on it.

Option number 2

There is another mounting option - by means of anchor bolts. But this method is more suitable for mounting a Mauerlat, because it is unrealistic to find an anchor longer than 300 mm.

Photo for clarity Brief description of works

In this variant, first, the armored belt is poured along the same U-shaped blocks. Then its surface is leveled adhesive composition on which the blocks were mounted.

After the leveling layer dries, a strip of roofing material is laid. This is horizontal waterproofing.

Now a Mauerlat beam is laid on the wall to make markings for drilling.

For fixing the beam, expansion anchors 12 * 150 mm are used.

First, holes are drilled in the beam with a drill.

Then, with a puncher with a longer drill, holes are made in the masonry right through the timber.

Next, anchors are hammered into the prepared holes ...

... and then tightened with effort.

This completes the installation of the beam - it remains only to seal the gaps between it and the base wall with a sealant.


Houses made of wood and foam blocks - the most best option for private construction. The house turns out warm, and its cost is quite acceptable.

As for its quality, it will fully depend on how high-quality the materials used will be, and on how accurately the technologies for erecting and decorating walls will be observed.

  • Tuesday, 7 July 2015 5:25
  • romario
  • Projects of combined houses are named so because of the construction features. For the construction of such a house, several types of building materials are used.

    It can be brick, stone, wood, block and so on. As a rule, the division by materials occurs by floor, but there are exceptions.

    Such house designs undoubtedly have their advantages. For example, using stone as a material for the ground floor, you make the house stronger and more durable.

    The same can be said about the construction of a deepened, fortified foundation. It is necessary because of the increased weight of the structure and the pressure created as a result of this.

    In most cases, the planning and construction of a combined house follows the same principle.

    The lower floor is being built from a heavier and more durable material. It gives the impression of reliability and durability. As the material for the first floor, you can choose concrete plates, brick or stone.

    The second floor does not have to be so heavy. Here it is mainly used lightweight material, for example, wood, aerated concrete, or frame construction.

    This trick allows you to immediately achieve several improvements in the quality of construction:

    • The second floor of the house will be much lighter, so there is no need for additional strengthening of the foundation.
    • You can save on thermal insulation materials, since aerated concrete, for example, has good heat-insulating properties.
    • The combination of several materials in construction is not limited to constructive advantages. This combination looks very attractive.

    Stylish appearance and variety of use cases various technologies construction make such houses popular among users.

    The combined type will help you save on construction and get a full-fledged home, comfortable and modern as a result.

    Combined houses are usually built in two floors. This condition allows you to stabilize the load on the foundation and make the dwelling itself comfortable for living. More floors will require more strengthening of the foundation.

    There is another feature here. Heavier, first, floor, as a rule, serves common rooms. There is a living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as a toilet and guest rooms.

    And the second floor is reserved for living rooms, which are completely isolated from each other, and a bathroom. See for yourself how simple and convenient a combined home can be.

    The project of a two-story combined house

    The project of the house presented below is designed for a large family. The total area of ​​the house is one hundred and ninety-three square meters.

    The size of the building is nine by twelve meters. Such dimensions make it possible to build a house according to this project on the site even small sizes. However, when planning, consider the need to build other buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, and others.

    To equip the foundation, it is necessary to use monolithic reinforced concrete piles. Here you must take into account the total load in order to achieve maximum stability and reliability of the building.

    As a material for the construction of the first floor, it is optimal to choose ceramic block. This modern material allows you to make the foundation of the house strong, while the walls themselves will be durable and aesthetically attractive.

    The second floor can be built from glued beams. It's not as heavy as wooden frame, and its thermal insulation properties have long been proven.

    Such a construction will be much lighter than, which reduces the load on the foundation.

    By tradition, all common rooms in such a house are located on the first floor. Here you will find a spacious living room, which is combined in the project with a kitchen and a dining room.

    In addition, the layout of the first floor assumes the presence of a separate office for work.

    On the second floor you will find three separate bedrooms. The entrance to the rooms is through a common hall.

    Both the first and second floors suggest the presence of a place to relax. On the first floor there is a spacious veranda, on the second floor there are two full balconies.

    Utility rooms can be conveniently located on the ground floor. There is a place for a utility room and a boiler room. There is also a spacious wardrobe.

    Such a house is convenient in operation and there will be enough space for each member of the family.

    As for the appearance of the new house, it meets all aesthetic requirements. Such a house will look European-style modern and stylish.

    The extension of a garage or other outbuildings does not imply this project of a combined house. Such buildings are best located at some distance from the dwelling.

    This will allow you to do landscape design organic and attractive and not spoil the appearance of the house with unnecessary structures nearby.