Decorating a frame for a mirror with your own hands. DIY mirror decor: creating an original element for decorating a room

A mirror is an indispensable piece of home interior, almost no room can do without it. In addition to the need to see our reflection in the mirror every day, we actively use mirrors to design and create a certain style.

Recently, the mirror has been actively used as a decorative item; varied, sometimes whimsical, shapes or framed in an original frame, it brings an element of exclusivity to the interior and emphasizes the creative character of its owners.

You can make a unique thing out of a simple mirror with your own hands, showing imagination and realizing your own unique ideas.

As an example, we offer three options for decorating a mirror to convince you how surprisingly simple and interesting you can decorate a mirror, what an exciting creative process it is, and what a great result.

Option one: cereals

Yes, do not be surprised, it is cereals - rice, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat. The main thing is that it should be coarse, the grains of the cereal should ultimately resemble beads.

Glue masking tape along the outer edge of the mirror, forming a frame. The next inner layer of the frame is double-sided tape, and again masking tape. The result is a triple bezel. We spread the cereals on double-sided tape, level it with our hands, press it tightly against the tape, trying to get a frame uniform in thickness, which we cover with gold spray. Remove the masking tape and get a volumetric frame, as if made of identical gold beads. On the outer and inner edges of the resulting frame, you can glue some beads or bugles; in color, they should be combined with gold, complementing or shading it. Glamorous mirror is ready to decorate your interior.

Option two: dry twigs

Dry twigs of various sizes can be picked up under the trees in your yard. Glue the mirror onto a thin sheet of plywood using liquid nails. The size of the plywood should be larger than the mirror, as a result, a plywood frame is obtained, on which to lay out and glue tree branches. Prime the twigs and paint with a plain paint. Dry flowers, an artificial butterfly or a dragonfly can be glued between the branches. Another do-it-yourself exclusive will delight you with its simplicity and originality.

Option three: lace

Well, very simple. Any lace napkins, you can even use a paper napkin from under the cake. Put the napkin on the mirror, fix it and cover it with a "resistant frost" aerosol. If you want to get only a drawing of thin lace, then you need to cover the outer edges of the napkin with paper, otherwise you will inadvertently cover the part of the mirror around the napkin with an aerosol. In this case, a frosty frame with a lace pattern along the inner edge will turn out on the mirror - it is also very beautiful.

What other materials are used to decorate mirrors?

It can be pasta, coffee beans, corks, buttons, beads, shells, stained glass paints and a huge number of design options for mirrors and frames for mirrors, the main thing is to approach this business creatively and boldly, and you will get an excellent result that will constantly delight you and surprise your guests.

DIY mirror master class

Decorative frame for a mirror (master class)

Mirror decoration. Master Class

Plot Decorating the mirror

How to decorate mirrors with rhinestones and film

The decor of the mirror can represent various details and fragments corresponding to the main interior style. With the help of this design, it turns out to create an unusual, creative, incomparable design.

Varieties of decorative design

There are two types of decor:

  • Frame decoration. Design frames, designed in accordance with the general style solution, will not create resonance with the surrounding space, but, on the contrary, will become its integral decor.
  • The decoration of the mirror itself. Decorations are applied directly to the mirror surface itself, due to which a very elegant openwork design is obtained.

With the help of imagination and imagination, you can create a decor with your own hands that will harmoniously combine with any interior and style direction.

Frame decor ideas

The most interesting decorating ideas that can be implemented with the help of improvised items.


The mirror frame, decorated with complex patterns, stripes or random scattering of rhinestones, shimmers interestingly in the light and thus creates unusual effects and volumetric accents in the room.


The decor of the mirror with the help of flowers and floral compositions will bring special beauty, comfort, warmth to the atmosphere, ennoble and revitalize the space, perfectly complementing the interior items already in it.

Natural materials

Correctly selected tandem will ennoble the most unprepossessing room,


Thanks to the decoration with stone, you can turn this inconspicuous accessory into a spectacular dominant, which will become a real work of art in any room.


The mirror decorated with seafood has an excellent appearance. The shell decor is not only a beautiful decoration, but also creates a special atmosphere in the space.

Tree branches

An exclusive and distinctive ordinary tree twig in its own way, allows you to create an individual, creative and complete design of a mirror frame.

Wooden cuts

This design has not only an unusual appearance, but is also natural and environmentally friendly. To obtain a more voluminous and unique composition, the cuts of the solid wood can be supplemented with small twigs, twigs or snags.

In the photo there is a mirror located on the wall with a decor in the form of wooden cuts.

Decorative plaster

With the help of decorative plaster, you can create, at the same time discreet or luxurious, strict or delicate design and turn the mirror into a bright decorative unit.

Mosaic frame

Thanks to this amazing kind of handicraft, it turns out to decorate the frame with an exquisite, unique and personalized pattern or pattern that reflects your own style tastes and preferences.

In the photo there is a bathroom and a round mirror with mosaic decor.


The soft leather frame is a very interesting and original design solution that can bring refined luxury to the room. This design can be voluminous, made of practical eco-leather, leatherette or natural leather, and quite often they use the carriage coupler method with the help of seams and rhinestones.

The photo shows a rectangular mirrored product with a frame covered with quilted leather.


Solid or crushed discs form a very stylish, fashionable and unusual look of the mirror. Products that glare in the light will diversify any boring design.

Pictured is a square mirror decorated with crushed elements from old CDs.


Using buttons of different colors, colors, or different shapes, you can easily create a creative and bright mirror frame that will look very elegant and original.

From the remains of finishing materials

A piece of wallpaper or shards of tiles left after repair can also be used as decor. With the help of such materials, it will turn out to embody many excellent design ideas and make a colorful, cute and home decoration with your own hands.


This technique does not require special skills and ability to draw, using special napkins, brushes, foam sponges, stencils and varnish, you can create charming patterns on a decorative accessory and thereby emphasize the entire interior style.

The photo shows a square mirror model with a frame decorated using decoupage technique.

Broken dishes

Colored, crystal, porcelain, clay shards or other types of broken glass are excellent options for mirror decoration. This design technique will bring some novelty and unique color to the room.


Natural, flexible and elastic ropes or threads, despite their uncomplicated appearance, will give a mirror product a certain charm and will be an excellent option for creating a completely new frame.

Plastic spoons

The scoops of disposable spoons, painted in one or different colors, will decorate the frame and turn it into a lush decorative flower, the prototype of which is the chrysanthemum.

In the photo there is a small mirror decorated with red scoops from plastic spoons.

Traffic jams

Whole beer corks or cut in half, in circles, arranged lengthwise, across or in the form of a herringbone, wine corks are not only a spectacular decor, but also very practical.

Examples of decorating a mirror surface

Original decor examples:

  • Stickers. Beautiful, both ordinary and voluminous stickers, in the form of butterflies, flowers or other images, significantly transform the atmosphere and turn the mirror from a nondescript object into a real bright art object.
  • Painting. The mirror surface can be decorated with various patterns using ready-made stencils or hand-painted. Quite often, drawings of birds, animals, flowers, as well as dot, stained glass or Kudrin painting are used for decoration.
  • Beads, beads. Glass beads or seed beads perfectly transmit light and, due to this, do not clutter up the mirror plane. Due to the refraction of small edges, this decor fantastically shimmers and undoubtedly attracts attention.

In the photo there is a round mirror with stickers in the form of butterflies located on the side.

Various decorations make it possible to further emphasize this product and thereby complement and revive the spatial pattern of the interior displayed in the mirror.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

Design options in various rooms in the house.


With the help of an individual mirror decor, it turns out to give the bathroom completeness, thoughtfulness and special color. You can transform this product with beads, transparent beads, decorative buttons, pebbles, shells, or use the decoupage technique.


A well-chosen design will add real sophistication to the hallway. To enhance the decorative effect, various patterns are used, bamboo or wooden branches, rope ropes or stones.

In the photo there is an oval mirror decorated with a rope rope on the wall in the hallway.


To form a beautiful and cozy interior in the bedroom, you can create an interesting accent in it with the help of a mirror model decor. You can add romance and tenderness to the room with the help of glamorous rhinestones on a sticky basis, glass elements, jewelry, glass beads or beads. Various stickers, sequins, painting or textile decor are also perfect.

Living room

Mirrors decorated with textile or paper elements, flowers, branches, wooden dies or other decor in monochrome colors will bring tranquility, balance and at the same time uniqueness and author's design to the living room.

The photo shows the interior of the living room and a small mirror with decor in the form of wooden dies.

Options in various styles

Decorating ideas applied in popular styles.


For this style, vintage decor in the form of beads, lace, embroidery, herbarium, burlap, linen fabric elements, cones, shells or compositions in pastel colors with the addition of flowers or fruits will be appropriate.


Carved wood decoration in natural shades, plaster molding or various openwork details in gold, bronze or silver colors will harmoniously suit a classic interior.

Art Deco

Art Deco is characterized by the shape of a mirror in the form of a sun, this result can be achieved thanks to tubes of colored paper, clothespins, plastic spoons or rays made from old CDs, combining brilliance and contrast, corresponding to the subtle artistic aesthetics of this style.

The photo shows the decor of the mirror in the shape of the sun in the interior of the dining room, made in the art deco style.

Eco style

A mirror model, decorated with straw, dried flowers, moss, thin reed stems or wooden and stone elements, will emphasize the naturalism and naturalness of the eco-style.

A variety of original decor, in the form of expensive and valuable items or improvised means, allows you to turn the mirror into a real work of art, which can make any interior more stylish and original.

The mirror has been an indispensable attribute of human life for several centuries. It is difficult to imagine an apartment in which he is not - such a room will be strange, lifeless, devoid of the usual comfort. The decor of the mirror adds personality to any interior, especially if it is hand-made and not in a glass factory. They decorate this object in a variety of ways, decorate in many styles, in more detail in our master classes on individual handmade techniques.

Basic rules, principles of decorating mirrors

This design direction uses all materials existing in nature, the industrial world, and their waste. Remnants of plinths and wood cuts, ice cream sticks and plastic dishes, threads and fabric, shells and pebbles, plastic and eggshells, beads and rhinestones, acrylic paints and paper - all this creates a unique, unique decor. Transparent silicone is usually used as an adhesive, and it is applied with a special gun. Silicone is neutral and acidic, they differ in price, setting time. In some cases PVA glue, "Titan" is used.

There are two decorating techniques:

  • decor outside the mirror - from cardboard, fiberboard, plywood, cut out the base of the desired shape, which should be chosen more than the object of decoration itself. Decorative elements are glued along the edge, the base is dried, then a mirror is mounted on it, as if inserted into a frame;
  • decorating a mirror surface - the glue, along with the decorations, is applied directly to the object itself, which allows you to get an "openwork" design.

Industrial decoration of mirror elements is carried out by etching, crackle, engraving, colored enamel, lithography, painting, etc.

Decorating options for mirrors

There are a great many decor ideas suitable for different styles, here are just a few of them:

  • for the loft style, the frame for the mirror is made from the remnants of the laminate, pieces of brick;
  • in the interior of the marine style, it is decorated with seashells, flat pebbles;
  • for ethnic - the frame is woven from straw, decorated with dried flowers, varnished, dry cane tubes;
  • light linen fabric, ropes are used in provence;
  • an embroidered picture can become a mirror design in a classic style;
  • the industrial interior is decorated with colored broken glass, plastic spoons, forks;
  • for art-believe, the mirror will perfectly form with tubes of colored paper;
  • a frame for a hi-tech style mirror, mounted from pieces of chrome-plated metal, tubes, bolts.

With paper sticks or straws

Paper, one way or another, is in every home. Most often used for decorating mirrors:

  • glossy magazines - they don't even have to be painted;
  • newspapers;
  • cigarette paper;
  • cardboard egg trays;
  • napkins for decoupage.

To make a frame of tubes, they are twisted from newspaper, making the desired length and thickness. They are laid out on an unnecessary substrate, painted with acrylic from a spray can on all sides. After that, glue is applied to the mirror, preferably round, from behind - the silicone is bought necessarily neutral, acidic can easily destroy a thin mirror coating. Paper tubes are laid out in the form of a sun, a flower, dried horizontally for a day and a new decor item is hung on the wall. This design is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Sometimes, instead of paper tubes, they use plastic straws, rods from pens.

Plastic spoons

The larger the mirror, the more spoons you need. You need to cut off scoops from them, which will later become the "petals" of the flower mirror, if you wish, paint them in the same color or different ones. Next, a piece of fiberboard, thick cardboard is cut out, the main decoration item is placed in the middle, which should be circled with a pencil, a marker - between this line and the edge of the frame, parts are glued in three to four or more rows. The frame is dried, a mirror is glued to the center, a day later it is hung on the wall. Such a mirror will perfectly fit into the interior of a light Art Nouveau bathroom, a romantic bedroom.

If instead of spoons, you use a wide part of the forks, the design will be no less interesting, but prickly. In the same technique, a frame is made from buttons, small CDs, parts of a children's designer.


The rope, the lace is chosen thicker, for a large mirror a real rope is suitable, for a small one - a thin but strong twine, paracord. The base is cut out of cardboard, fiberboard, glue is applied to it, the lace is laid out coil by coil. The mirror can be glued at the very beginning, then a rope can be glued around it. For minimalism, a bright, not too textured rope is used, for traditional - linen.

If you use threads, ropes of different colors, you get a "rainbow" striped frame.

Made of wood

The wooden frame will perfectly fit into any modern interior, it can be made from:

  • wooden clothespins;
  • chopsticks for Chinese food, from ice cream;
  • oblique wood cuts;
  • slats, planks;
  • branches.

If clothespins can be simply fastened around the perimeter of a thin mirror, then other options will require a little more time and effort. When there is access to woodworking machines, tools, then the profile necessary for a beautiful design is cut from a solid bar on its own. Wooden slats, slats are bought in a store where everything for repair is available. They also sometimes provide services for sawing timber - you can ask for the slats to be cut at an angle of a certain length. At home, it will remain to fasten them together, paint, paint by hand, add carvings. For a curly frame made of wood, you need a jigsaw.

For the eco style, a piece of plywood or cardboard is cut out, larger than the mirror itself, which is glued into the middle. Around, on the base, pieces of wood, pegs, sticks, large chips, thin cuts of twigs, driftwood are glued, nailed - the mirror turns out to be, as it were, recessed in the frame. If the object of decoration is small, then it can be glued to a large saw cut, covered with varnish - it is better that it has bark. When ice cream sticks are used for decoration, they should first be varnished, dyed, painted.

The carved wooden frame is suitable for the Baroque style, decorated with driftwood - oriental, ethnic - decoration made of thin twigs intertwined with each other, wooden clothespins with folk patterns.


The shells brought from the sea, the "shells" of the snails used in the preparation of some dishes, can become an original decorative element. Most often they are used to decorate a nautical-style mirror - then it is hung against the background of photo wallpapers depicting a sea sunrise, sunset. The washbasins, painted with bright colors, will fit well into the futuristic interior, modern. Such a frame is most often placed in the bathroom, in the nursery.

If sea, river, lake shells have lost their color, they are soaked in ordinary bleach, then washed, dried, greased with sunflower oil, varnished. Next, a mirror is taken that has a frame or on a plywood, wooden base. The shells are glued symmetrically, at random - first large, then, between them, smaller ones. The frame is dried and varnished.

Many people use pearls, beads, beads, beautiful stones as an addition to seashells.

Mosaic, broken dishes

There is no need to rush to throw out the broken dishes, especially if “during life” it was beautiful - the pieces are easy to use as decoration.

Usually used:

  • broken colored glass, crystal;
  • shards of mirrors;
  • pieces of aluminum foil;
  • clay, porcelain shards;
  • broken ceramic tiles.

If special equipment is available, the glass is cut into pieces of any desired shape. Decorations are glued to a previously prepared surface according to the required pattern, the voids between the parts are filled with any grout, decorated with pebbles, sparkles, mother-of-pearl.

For the ecological style, clay shards are used, Provence - earthenware, the high-tech hallway is decorated with fragments of audio discs.

With gold leaf

An artificially aged frame is the best decor for a living room, bedroom of an expensive classic interior, pompous Baroque and Gothic styles.

Variants of the "old" design:

  • gilding;
  • bronzing;
  • silvering;
  • patination.

Decorating the frame with gold leaf creates a unique, luxurious piece. Tinsel is the thinnest golden film that is glued to the surface of an object for decorative purposes. It is produced in the form of squares with a side of 91.5 mm, but there are different thicknesses. For decorating pieces of furniture, the thinnest is used - with a ligature weight of 1-2 grams.

By color, gold leaf is:

  • white - contains palladium, silver;
  • lemon - has a large percentage of silver;
  • green - an alloy of silver and gold;
  • yellow - contains 75% gold, silver, copper;
  • orange - an alloy of copper and silver;
  • red - has a lot of copper in its composition;
  • pure - almost one hundred percent.

The material is sold in notebooks, packs, rolls, arranged with tissue paper.
Melted gold is produced in the form of a powder that must be diluted by combining with tinsel.

From materials, tools you will need:

  • wooden frame - best of all carved, to the size of the mirror;
  • gold plates;
  • glue - skin, oil-based, alcohol-based;
  • paint for the background - if the gold coating is not solid.

First, paint is applied to the frame, dried, carefully pasted over with gold sheets, polished so that there are no seams, a mirror is fixed in the middle.

If you need to save a lot, instead of sheets of gold, they use gold leaf - a thin foil that looks like gold, but without precious metals in the composition.

Mirror decor

This finish is applied in the form of a painting directly on the mirror surface, a variety of stickers on it. You can decorate the wardrobe door in the dressing room, oval, rectangular in the corridor, lobby, plasterboard partition, decorated with mirrors.

Of the materials, tools are most often used:

  • glass paints;
  • various stencils;
  • pebbles, beads;
  • beads, sequins;
  • textile, polymer lace;
  • thin, thick tassels.

For minimalism, modern style, you should use a mirror without a frame.

Transparent stones

In the "stone" decor, certain conditions must be adhered to:

  • do not place them too close to each other;
  • it is recommended to use stones of different sizes, colors;
  • you can lay them out according to pre-made stencils;
  • to glue not only along the very edge, but also locally in one or all corners.

A piece of jewelry made entirely of the same transparent stones will suit the minimalist style. Combined with plastic flowers, plants - a romantic style room, buttons, beads - for eclecticism, avant-garde. The glue is used transparent, it should be applied very carefully, carefully removing the excess. Usually a special one is used - for working with glass, rhinestones.

Such stones are often sold in stores - individually, in whole sets.

Hand-painted decoration

Wall mirrors, glass doors, dressing table are decorated with painting. If you have certain artistic skills, the surface is easily painted with wonderful patterns, using acrylic paints, brushes of various thicknesses.

Most popular topics:

  • New Year's patterns - like on the windows in winter;
  • fantastic birds, animals;
  • undersea world;
  • dot, "Kudrinskaya" painting;
  • geometric figures;
  • floral ornaments.

For a mirror in a Provence style nursery, light colors are used. In the classic bedroom of a teenage girl, surfaces are decorated with pastel flowers, an industrial kitchen with figures of steel colors. Hand painting of such a plan will take at least an hour.

Another way is coloring with dye cans through special stencils. Perforated decoupage napkins are perfect for this role. Rubberized napkins are selected so that they can be easily removed. They are simply laid out on the surface, and spray paint is applied on top, after which it should be dried for several hours.

When doing fine hand painting, designers recommend using a special outline for working with glass.

Bead edging

The most "home" interior is obtained when using the design of mirror surfaces with beads. It is often combined with pictures, cushions embroidered with beads, bugles. For a traditional, neoclassical bedroom, this is one of the best solutions.

Beads, beads, ideally, are selected from glass - so that they transmit light well without overloading the surface. The color scheme should fit well into the interior of the room, without creating dissonance with it. You can glue on a transparent silicone sealant, separating the decorated surface with tape. Separate volumetric elements made by stringing beads on wire, fishing line, thread can be used.

Popular topics:

  • sea ​​waves of turquoise-white shades;
  • African, Old Russian ornaments;
  • butterflies, dragonflies;
  • geometric abstraction.

Accents from large transparent beads look great against the background of smaller details.

Mirror frame from the ceiling plinth with your own hands

Materials required:

  • furniture plywood;
  • scissors, sharp knife;
  • ruler, pencil, square;
  • glue "Titan", PVA;
  • acrylic dye;
  • clothesline or twine;
  • cloth sponge.

Step by step, the frame is done like this:

  • cuts are made at the base, where a strong cord is inserted to hang the structure;
  • the mirror is glued to plywood;
  • cut the ceiling plinth, carefully working out the corners;
  • their ends are greased with Titan glue, pressed tightly against each other;
  • a special primer is applied to the baseboard, and when it dries - acrylic paint;
  • further, individual fragments are decorated with gold, silver, bronze paint;
  • a floral ornament is laid out from the remnants of a rope, lace, which is complemented by contour, dot painting, sparkles, rhinestones;
  • As additional elements, any available materials are used that are suitable in style. Sandriks, corner pieces, rosettes (they are cut into several parts), fragments of ceiling ornaments, moldings, etc. are also used.

    If possible, the pattern in the corners of the frame should be well chosen - it will come out much more beautiful.

It's no secret that mirrors occupy a special position in the interior. They not only visually enlarge the space, but, having an interesting design, transform the appearance of the room. Mirrors can be hung anywhere: in the bathroom, in the hallway, in the living room, in the children's room.

A self-made mirror can turn into a real masterpiece of design art. And for this you do not need a lot of effort and financial investments, the main thing is to show imagination and a little perseverance.

Making a bathroom mirror

Many have all kinds of shells brought from warm countries on the shelves in the bathroom. But what if you decorate the mirror with these very shells? To do this, you need a glue gun (you can use glue like "Titan", but it will dry ten times longer) and, in fact, the shells themselves. In addition to shells, you can use various beads, artificial pearl beads will look especially beautiful. Before gluing, the mirror must be placed on a flat, stable surface and degreased (in case the decor is glued not to the frame, but to the mirror itself). Place the shells on the edge of the mirror in random order, and then glue one at a time, starting with the largest. Glue small shells and beads in the cracks between the shells.

Children's room mirror

Here fantasies have a place to play out! An ordinary mirror can be decorated with the same glue gun:

- small toys from kinder surprises

- funny vinyl stickers

- flat wood and plastic applications

- multi-colored buttons

- fabric flowers (for girls)

- appliqués made of felt

A mandatory rule for a mirror in a children's room is that it must be completely safe, i.e. the edges should not be sharp, and the mirror itself should be properly secured.

Hallway and living room mirror

When decorating mirrors for these rooms, you should take into account the general style of the room. For example, a mirror with stained glass or fabric roses is not suitable for a high-tech interior, and a stylish creative mirror will be like an eyesore in a classic interior.

Mirrors decorated with plastic spoons and clothespins will perfectly fit into the modern interior. The photos below show that making such mirrors is not so difficult.

For classic interiors, mirror decor using decoupage technique, painting with stained glass paints or mirror decoration using strips from plastic bottles is suitable.

  • Avoid bedroom mirrors: in a dream, we release negative emotions, and the mirror next to the bed will reflect them back. It is believed that if the bed of the sleeping people is reflected in the mirror, then this contributes to family quarrels, anxiety, and also adultery.
  • In Feng Shui, it is considered extremely negative to place a mirror directly opposite the front door. The fact is that through it the main amount of qi energy enters the house, which is necessary for a good Feng Shui home, and therefore for the successful life of its owners.
  • Avoid placing a mirror in front of another mirror, and placing a mirror in front of a window. When the light is extinguished, the window turns into a mirror, and in the first and in the second case an infinite energy well is obtained. It can be compared to an open door through which energy flows. This leads to the strongest weakening of the energy of both yours and your home.
  • Avoid using mirrored tiles - it splits your image, which is marked by the subconscious, and acts like a network that squeezes the cash flow.
  • If you want to hang a mirror in the bathroom, remember that it should not reflect the washable one (to illness or failure in love).

We live in the era of the formation and popularization of the author's design of premises of any type. Standard finishes of apartments and household items are no longer fashionable. The presence of hand-made objects in the room is considered real chic - pots, vases, lamps and chandeliers. Well, the mirror in a beautiful frame, which was created by the owner of the house, is a real masterpiece!

DIY designer frame for a mirror - the advantages of this mirror design are obvious - you can choose the size of the frame and its design in accordance with the general style of the interior, and framed mirror will not resonate with the environment, will become an integral part of it.

Mosaic frame

Mosaic making is an amazingly fascinating kind of handicraft and art. A mosaic frame for a mirror is refinement, uniqueness and practicality in one bottle. The advantages of this mirror design are the simplicity of work, the low cost of materials, because you can create a mosaic even from fragments of a broken utensils... Shards of dishes, and fragments of tiles, jewelry, colored glass are also suitable for work.

The mirror is attached to the base, it can be a sheet of plywood or chipboard. The base should be larger than the plane of the mirror. Mosaic elements will be attached to the protruding part of the wooden base with glue and a glue gun.