Where mustard plasters are placed when coughing. Mustard plasters: indications, contraindications and recommendations

Mustard plasters are a common means of fighting colds. The principle of operation, how to put correctly and how much mustard plasters hold, is described in this article. It is worth remembering that this method of treating a cold also has contraindications. You can not use this method at elevated temperatures, during pregnancy and people with low blood pressure.

What is a mustard plaster?

This is a medicinal product in the form of a patch. It can be either solid or have several "windows". The patch is filled with powder or mustard seeds. It is used for headaches, insomnia, throat ailments, etc. It is easily removed from the skin and usually does not cause burns. But for this you need to know how much mustard plasters keep.

What is treated with this method?

They are used mainly for colds. Are attached to the surface of the skin in certain places. Thanks to this procedure, the blood vessels expand. The body's protective functions increase. The person's blood circulation improves. The vegetative system is excited and, accordingly, its tone increases.

How to put mustard plasters correctly?

To avoid burns, you need to be able to put them correctly. They are taken out of the package and placed in a dish of boiled warm water for 15 seconds. Its temperature should be between 36 and 40 degrees. Then they get it, and to get rid of excess water, the mustard plasters are shaken.

Placed on the right place on the body and covered with a soft towel. Then the patient is wrapped in a blanket. How long do mustard plasters keep? No more than 15 minutes. If a person begins to feel a strong burning sensation, then a thin gauze or wet paper sheet is laid between the body and the mustard plaster.

After the procedure, the skin may be irritated and reddened. These areas are wiped with warm water and smeared with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. This softens and soothes the skin. Do not wipe irritated areas with any alcohol-containing solutions.

How are children given?

How to put mustard plasters for coughing children? The procedure is carried out according to the same principle as for adults. But keep in mind that baby's skin is much softer. Therefore, it is better to use a mustard wrap. For this, a cellophane film is taken. Two tablespoons of mustard are steeped in hot water for 30 minutes.

1 liter of boiling water is added to the mixture. Then the film is moistened in the resulting solution and the chest is wrapped around it. The application lasts no more than 5 minutes. Then the skin at the site of treatment is wiped with warm water and lubricated with vegetable oil. Then the child wraps himself up warmly.

How to put on a one-year-old baby?

How to put mustard plasters for coughing children under one year old? This procedure is not recommended at this age. But if you still need to put mustard plasters, then this should be done with great care. Children's skin is very delicate, especially in babies. And with prolonged exposure to heat, the child can get severe burns.

Therefore, ordinary mustard plasters are put on the reverse side. And between them and the skin is laid a thin napkin dipped in vegetable oil. You can keep mustard plasters for no more than two minutes. At this time, you need to distract the baby with toys.

But if the child's negative reaction does not stop, they are immediately removed. There are special ones, for children, which are sold in pharmacies. The action of these mustard plasters is milder. Therefore, it is better to use them.

Mustard plasters as cough medicine

How to put mustard plasters when coughing for adults? The patches are applied between or under the shoulder blades. You can apply mustard plasters to the upper back, sides or chest. When coughing, the procedure should be repeated for several days. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the patient's condition.

For the treatment of cough, mustard plasters, placed on the feet or calves of the legs, help well. For maximum effect, warm woolen socks are worn on top of the patches. With a dry cough, mustard plasters are placed on the palm of your hand, closer to the thumb.

How to put mustard plasters on your back?

For the treatment of colds, you can put mustard plasters on your back. This is a more gentle option than getting to the site of inflammation through the chest. But in this case, there is a danger of disrupting the work of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, people with such diseases, as well as young children, are advised to put mustard plasters on their backs.

With osteochondrosis, applications are applied to the calf muscles. And the second batch of mustard plasters is placed on the neck of the back. In order to obtain the maximum effect, the procedure must be repeated for seven days (once a day). But one must remember that mustard plasters cannot be applied to damaged skin.

How long can you keep a mustard plaster?

How long do mustard plasters last? The course of treatment should be no more than five days. Sometimes it can be brought up to 10 days. But only after consulting a doctor. They can be applied no more than twice a day. The time of the first procedure should not exceed five minutes. Otherwise, skin burns may occur.

Mustard plasters for adults and children are put on the same principle. The difference is only in two points. For babies, they are turned upside down. And the second difference is in time. For adults, the maximum is no more than 15 minutes, for children, no more than 5 minutes.

When treating cough with mustard plasters, they are first put on for 3 to 4 minutes. During the second procedure - from 5 to 6 minutes. Adults can leave the mustard plasters for a longer time each time, adding no more than two minutes to the initial one.

Many patients and some doctors claim that mustard plasters for coughing are an effective remedy,

In order to avoid complications and side reactions, you need to know about their properties, rules for setting, indications and contraindications.

When are mustard plasters used? What is it for?

Previously, mustard plasters were a fairly popular remedy among Soviet doctors. Modern doctors rarely resort to their use due to the lack of clinically proven effectiveness.

However, many patients and doctors recommend the remedy, relying on their own or practical positive experience. It is believed that the drug irritates the skin by stimulating a rise in local temperature and activates immune function.

Do mustard plasters help and when are they shown? There is no evidence base for the remedy, but there is a long-term positive experience of their use.

Basically, patches are prescribed for the purpose of distracting therapy for a hacking paroxysmal cough, to reduce inflammation and exudation in the organs of the respiratory system.

How do they look

Mustard plasters are used not only for coughing, but also for degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the locomotor system (osteochondrosis, lumbodynia, sciatica, sciatica), sprains, for pain in the heart, bruises, painful sensations in the muscles.

What kind of cough is given? What do they help from?

Most often, dry mustard plasters are used for coughing. It should be dry and unproductive (no mucus discharge).

In the event of a wet cough, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of the procedure. This will avoid unwanted and dangerous complications.

Diseases and conditions for which mustard patches are indicated:

  • Bacterial, viral infections, which affect the lower, middle and upper sections of the respiratory tube and proceed with a dry cough. It can be pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Persistent increase in systemic pressure- hypertensive crisis (as a distracting element of therapy).
  • Pathology of the structures of the peripheral nervous system(intercostal, lumbar neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, sciatica, lumbago, lumbodynia).
  • Skeletal Muscle Disorders(myositis, myalgia of unknown etiology).
  • Painful sensations in the region of the heart spastic or acute (angina attack).

Thus, the drug works effectively in the place of acute inflammation and where there is muscle or vascular spasm. Helps to reduce reactive edema, relieve pain.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters with bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is understood as rapidly developing inflammation in the mucous membrane of large, medium and small bronchi. Most often, the disease is infectious (adenoviruses, influenza, MS infection, staphylo- and streptococci, pneumococci), less often - allergic.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • subfebrile, or moderate, fever (up to 38 ℃);
  • frequent dry or unproductive cough, which gradually transforms into a wet one;
  • painful sensations in the chest during coughing attacks.

Acute bronchitis is a direct indication for the appointment of mustard plasters, which help get rid of a painful cough and reduce the manifestations of inflammation in the bronchi.

The doctor only has to take into account the auscultatory picture, since in the case of an abundance of wet or wheezing rales with the procedure, it is recommended to postpone or refuse altogether.

How to put mustard plasters correctly when coughing: photo

Obstructive bronchitis is also considered a contraindication, which is based on allergic inflammation and spasm of the muscle wall of the bronchi. Plastering can lead to an aggravation of the condition - even greater bronchospasm.

How to bet: initially, the patient's skin in the chest and shoulder blades should be cleaned and dried, after which the patient should be placed on the bed in the supine position.

The optimal duration of the bottom procedure is 5-7 minutes. It is also recommended to apply the product on the back - in the interscapular region.
Source: website


Like all medical procedures, mustard plasters have their own contraindications, in which their setting is absolutely excluded and threatens with dangerous consequences.

It is forbidden to use mustard plaster in the presence of:

  • high fever when the body temperature is above 37.5 ℃; in case of unconsciousness;
  • an allergic reaction to mustard (this is their main component);
  • malignant processes in the body of any localization;
  • bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis;
  • active tuberculous process, hemoptysis, history of pulmonary hemorrhage; chronic, acute leukemia;
  • damaged or affected by the inflammatory-purulent process of the skin.

It is also not recommended to use the medicine for intense wet cough, in young children with thin and sensitive skin, atopic dermatitis.

Possible side effects

Too frequent use of mustard plasters, their use in the presence of contraindications can lead to the appearance of unwanted side reactions from the human body:

Local, less often - systemic allergy. Persistent hyperemia (redness), swelling and itching appear at the site of application of the patches. In some cases, acute urticaria or angioedema develops (both conditions are considered urgent and require emergency assistance). Less often, there is a cough, lacrimation - a reaction to evaporating essential oils.

Burns. If the rules of use are not followed, thermal damage to the skin appears in the form of redness or various sizes of bubbles with transparent contents. All this is accompanied by pain. The glycosides in mustard can cause chemical burns.

Activation and progression of inflammation. In some cases, activation of blood flow leads to increased inflammatory processes, even greater tissue edema.

Each package with mustard plasters contains instructions for use, which should be read in detail before use in order to avoid the side effects listed above.

Where to put mustard plasters when coughing for adults? Instructions

When a dry cough appears, several points are distinguished in an adult where mustard plasters can be applied: on the chest (below the level of the collarbones by 10-15 cm), in the inter- and subscapularis region, on the sternum.

Before putting the plasters, it is necessary to prepare the work area and equipment: a medicine, a tray, a towel, a glass container for water, napkins, a thermometer, water with a temperature not higher than 40-45 ℃, hours.

In mustard plasters, which have "open" surfaces, it is important to check the shelf life, smell and consistency of mustard (sharp specific, does not crumble). For packaged compresses, the expiration date and condition of the packaging (no defects) are checked.

How to put mustard plasters correctly when coughing:

  1. the person performing the procedure should wash and dry their hands, put on gloves;
  2. the patient undresses to the waist and lies on his back or stomach, turns his head to the side;
  3. prepared water is poured into the container (not higher than 45 ℃), where the plaster is dipped for 5-6 seconds; then it is shaken off from excess liquid and the surface with a mustard layer is applied to the skin;
  4. the patient's back or pile should be covered with a diaper and a blanket, the time should be noted (7-15 minutes) - until persistent redness of the skin appears;
  5. used mustard plasters are carefully removed and placed in a prepared tray; the skin is wiped with a damp cloth and dried with a towel;
  6. the patient should take a comfortable position for himself, stay in bed under the covers for at least 40-60 minutes.

It is important to monitor the patient all the time, if an unbearable burning sensation or pain appears, stop manipulating, remove the product and cleanse the skin.

How to put mustard plasters on children when they cough?

Most parents at least once put mustard plasters on children when they cough, since they often carry ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia. If the child has coughed, then you should not immediately resort to the described procedure.

Cough is a symptom of not only "colds" diseases, but also bronchial asthma, heart disease, in which mustard compresses are contraindicated.

In any pharmacy, you can easily purchase children's mustard plasters. They consist of a special mustard mixture that has a good heating effect and does not burn the skin.

Their main material is macrospan, covered with foil from the back surface, which retains heat perfectly. The mustard plasters themselves are divided into small squares and enclosed in bright packaging with pictures.

To put mustard plasters on a child when coughing, it is necessary to prepare in advance: a gauze napkin, a container with warm water (temperature 37-42 ℃), a towel, a waste tray.

How to put plasters on children correctly:

  • The child is placed in bed on his back or stomach. In this case, it is important to distract the baby with a book or cartoon.
  • After a preliminary examination of the skin for the presence of rashes, wounds and abrasions, the plasters are dipped in warm water for 7-10 seconds until completely saturated.
  • Treatment of cough with mustard plasters involves placing them under the clavicle, in the interscapular region, under the scapula and on the chest along the midline.
  • The side covered with the mustard mixture is applied to the child's skin, and then covered with a towel and blanket.
  • It is important to check the condition of the skin every 40-60 seconds to avoid thermal burns. If the baby is very anxious, stop the procedure.
  • After 5-10 minutes, the compresses should be removed, and the child should be covered again and left in this state for another 30-60 minutes.

It is important not to overlook an allergic reaction, which is manifested by persistent redness of the skin, itching and a rash in the form of blisters.

Children under 1 year old are not recommended make mustard compresses because of their thin and sensitive skin, which contains a large number of small capillaries and has a high resorption function. In addition, overheating is difficult for babies.

From 2 years old, lungs are allowed mustard wraps, but only after consulting a pediatrician. For this, the patches are applied to the skin with the reverse side or through a multi-layer gauze napkin.

How much time to hold - no more than 5 minutes. The optimal frequency of the procedure for children of this age is once a day, preferably every other day.

Children 3 years of age the use of children's mustard plasters is allowed for the indicated areas:

  • with pneumonia, bronchitis and acute respiratory infections with dry cough - in the interscapular region, on the chest, under the shoulder blades;
  • for headaches - on the neck;
  • for distraction - on the calf muscles;
  • with severe rhinitis - in the area of ​​the heels.

Mustard compresses at 4 years old allowed officially, according to the instructions. It is necessary to take into account all the above rules for the procedure, as well as contraindications.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends using the product rarely, if absolutely necessary. He claims that compresses are absolutely prohibited for young children, with a temperature and a tendency to allergic reactions, bronchospasm.

How much mustard plasters to keep when coughing?

How much to put mustard plasters: for adult patients, the procedure can last 10-15 minutes (until redness and slight burning sensation appear).

The plasters are removed, and the patient is tightly covered with a blanket and remains in this position for another 40-60 minutes. Otherwise, the warming effect will not be achieved.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters every day?

These compresses are allowed for daily use, especially with a strong cough reflex. But do not glue them more often than once a day and for a total duration of more than 5 days in a row.

Children are better off putting them every other day.

Mustard plasters for dry cough. Is it possible?

Where to put mustard compresses and whether it is possible to apply them with a dry cough is a topical question that is often asked to general practitioners and pediatricians.

An unproductive cough without the formation and discharge of sputum is a direct indication for the appointment of the procedure.

In children and adults, these are well-known areas: on the sternum, below the clavicle and shoulder blades, in the interscapular region.

Mustard plasters for wet cough

A wet cough suggests that a certain phlegm is produced and accumulated in the bronchi. The main effects of mustard compresses are to increase blood flow at the site of inflammation and stimulate phagocytosis. This can only lead to hyperproduction of sputum, delayed discharge.


Mustard plasters for coughing pregnant women. Is it possible?

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication, however, in this position, any warming up is extremely undesirable. They can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which is a threat to termination of pregnancy.

Procedures on the neck and shoulders are considered relatively safe during pregnancy. For the period of lactation, compresses on the area of ​​the mammary glands are prohibited, otherwise there are no restrictions.

Precautionary measures

To avoid undesirable reactions from the body or complications, you must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to safety rules.

These include:

  1. Warming up procedures during various diseases are prescribed only by a doctor.
  2. You should exclude the presence of an allergic reaction to mustard mixture in yourself or your child.
  3. Using a thermometer, measure the temperature of the prepared water into which the plasters will be dipped.
  4. Strictly monitor the time (for adults - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 3-5-10 minutes), the condition of the skin under the application.
  5. Do not apply the product to the area of ​​the mammary glands, kidneys, small pelvis, heart, spinal column and damaged skin.

After the end of the session, the skin is wiped with water, dried, in some cases smeared with a fat baby cream. It is recommended to alternate the localization of applications (one day on the chest, every other day - under the shoulder blades).

How often can you put mustard plasters when coughing?

If the medicine is used incorrectly, the harm from it will always be greater than the benefit. One application per day is considered optimal; procedures can be performed daily or every other day.

How many days and which side to glue: on average, 5-6 procedures are enough; plasters are applied to the skin with the side on which the mustard (dark yellow) mixture is applied.

Where is the best bet?

It is best to perform applications between and under the shoulder blades, on the sternum, 10-15 cm below the clavicle area (on the right). The listed points correspond to the projection of the lungs and bronchial tree.

Can I put on my heels?

In case of abrasion, applications on the legs (calf muscles) and feet are not excluded. Strengthening blood circulation in this area will help create a new dominant that will "distract" the cough center in the medulla oblongata. In addition, such localization is used to treat rhinitis.

Oh, those mustard plasters! Surely, each of us from childhood knows that if a cold has attacked, then mustard plasters are applied to the chest and back. True, not everyone knew that it was necessary to avoid the area of ​​the heart, but I think that now everyone already knows this.

That's just, not everyone is now using this wonderful tool, but in vain ...

1. When headache and hypertension mustard plasters are applied on the occipital region of the neck and on the calves of the legs.

2. When inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract mustard plasters are placed on the chest and calves.

3. When bronchitis mustard plasters are placed on the upper body, on one or both sides of the chest, on the back and under the shoulder blades.

A good way is to sprinkle dry mustard in your socks and warm up your feet. If this is done to a child, care must be taken to ensure that no moisture gets on the mustard, as soggy mustard can burn the legs.

4. At neuralgia and migraine mustard plasters are placed in the appropriate places only after consultation with a neurologist.

5. Mustard wrap (more often used in children).

For this, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard are dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, filtered and moistened with a piece of fabric (preferably a flannel or an old diaper). Having wrung out the fabric, wrap the child with it and wrap it warmly. In 10 minutes. (you can even earlier) unfold the diaper, wipe the baby and change into pre-warmed clothes.

6. If the mustard plasters were not at home at the right time, do your homework.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rye flour and a little water. You should get a doughy mass of sour cream consistency. Put the mixture on a sheet of newspaper, cover with the other half of the newspaper. And attach the mustard plaster to the right place. Keep as long as possible. Such mustard plasters do not "bite", do not cause burns, but warm well and deeply.

Places for setting mustard cards

Such a remedy is used for setting on the chest, back (just above the shoulder blades), the back of the head, the region of the heart and the calf muscles. Also, yellow cards can be put on other parts of the body, but only as directed by a doctor.

Safety precautions when using mustard plasters

  1. If this remedy is indicated for the treatment of cough or other diseases, then during the procedures it is necessary to carefully monitor so that essential oils do not get on the mucous membranes. For this, the patient is advised to close his eyes and turn his head to one side.
  2. In order to avoid complications, it is required to strictly adhere to the time of setting mustard plasters (no more than 10 minutes for an adult and 2-5 minutes for a child).
  3. During the warming procedure using mustard cards, the patient's condition should be carefully monitored.

Necessary equipment

Before the procedures, you should take care of the presence of the following attributes:

  • a tray with water (the temperature of the liquid should be approximately 40-45⁰С);
  • mustard cards;
  • water thermometer;
  • 2 towels (for through events);
  • napkins;
  • warm blanket;
  • watch.

Instructions for use

In order to give a general idea of ​​how to correctly put mustard plasters on a patient, we will describe a strict sequence of necessary actions.

  1. Completely eliminate drafts in the room.
  2. Check the suitability of the product (dry mustard should not spill out and have a specific smell).
  3. Pour warm water into a bowl.
  4. Expose the desired area of ​​the patient's body.
  5. Dip the mustard plaster into the liquid, hold for a few seconds, and then remove and shake.
  6. Place the card tightly on the skin (the side where the powder is), cover with a towel, and then a blanket.
  7. After a couple of minutes, find out how the patient is feeling (he should feel a slight burning sensation and warmth). After that, the mustard plaster should be raised and the degree of hyperemia of the skin should be identified. If it is pronounced, it is better to remove it, otherwise leave it for another 5-10 minutes, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the patient.
  8. Remove mustard plasters.
  9. Moisten a napkin in warm water, wipe the patient's skin with it and wipe dry with a towel.
  10. Make sure the patient puts on their underwear and then cover them with a blanket for 30 minutes.
  11. On this day, the patient should not take a shower or bath.


You can use the presented tool when:

  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia;
  • neuralgia;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • contusion of soft tissues;
  • sprained ligaments;
  • cardialgia.

When it is forbidden to put mustard plasters

You cannot use this tool when:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • pyoderma;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • diffuse neurodermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • with psoriasis;
  • eczema.

Also, many people are often worried about the question of whether it is possible to put mustard plasters at a temperature? Experts note that for diseases that occur with high fever, the use of this remedy is strictly prohibited.

Mustard plasters are a well-known and widely used adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory, musculoskeletal and other systems of the human body.

They are especially often used to treat colds in children and adults. Everyone knows that you can put a mustard plaster against a cough. But how to do it correctly, alas, few.

Mustard plasters can be bought or made by yourself.
In the pharmacy version, gray and or black powdered, dry and fat-free mustard are used. It might look like this:

  • A piece of thick paper, covered with mustard on one side. Usually, the size of such a sheet is 12.5 cm by 8 cm. Sold in packs of 10 pcs.

Mustard plasters - sheets.

  • Filter bag filled with mustard. Each of the bags is divided into 4 cells so that when wet, the powder does not collapse into a lump, and the affected area does not decrease
    Bitters - packages.

Despite the fact that the mustard plaster is not the newest medicine with a complex formula, it works very effectively in various directions:

  • relieves inflammation
  • improves blood circulation
  • accelerates metabolism in cells and tissues of the affected area and the body as a whole
  • relieves spasm
  • anesthetizes
  • The mechanism of operation of the mustard plaster is simple:
  • dry mustard contains essential oils
  • they are released upon contact with warm water
  • hyperemia of the affected area occurs, the vessels there expand, blood flow accelerates, metabolism also accelerates
  • after the application of the mustard plaster, essential oils begin to affect the skin receptors
  • as a result of excitation of the sympathetic part of the nervous system, the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced, as a result of which metabolic processes in the body are also accelerated

The active substance of mustard plasters is dry mustard rich in essential oils, which acts locally and on the sympathetic part of the patient's nervous system.

Mustard plasters are used for diseases of the ENT organs and organs of the broncho-pulmonary system:

  • rhinitis
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis
  • laryngotracheitis
  • tracheitis
  • bronchitis
  • bronchopneumonia
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy
  • bronchial asthma (for relief of attacks)

They are also effective for certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis
  • radiculitis
  • myositis
  • soft tissue bruises

As an antispasmodic, analgesic, vasodilator, distracting agent, mustard plasters are used for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems:

  • neuralgia
  • headache
  • hypertension
  • angina pectoris

VIDEO: Mustard plasters are myths and truth!

At what age should children be given mustard plasters? Can mustard plasters for children under one year old?

Many pediatricians, especially of the Soviet school, recommend treating coughs, colds, SARS and bronchitis in children with mustard plasters. Indeed, before these funds were in the home medicine cabinet of every mother. Today, the views on the age at which to put mustard plasters on children have changed a lot.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that dry mustard seems to be a very simple remedy, it is aggressive. First, the irritating effect of the essential oils it contains is strong.

Secondly, these essential oils are potential allergens. It is not known how a mustard plaster will behave when placed on the delicate skin of a child, especially if it is very small

From modern pediatricians, you can hear the following:

  1. It is impossible to put mustard plasters on a child up to one year old and up to 2 years old
  2. If the baby is from 2 to 5 years old, bags with mustard powder are placed only through a double layer of gauze and only for a few minutes
  3. It is possible to fully treat chest or throat cough with mustard plasters only in children who have reached the age of six

VIDEO: Mustard plasters: to put or not to put - Doctor Komarovsky

How many days are mustard plasters? How many times a day can you put mustard plasters?

The duration of the course of treatment with mustard plasters is determined individually and depends on:

  • ailment that the patient suffers
  • his age
  • severity of the condition
  • the effectiveness of treatment and the speed of recovery

Usually, mustard plasters are put no more than 4-5 days in a row.

IMPORTANT: This procedure can be alternated with other distracting or warming, for example, compresses. Then the full course will last up to 10 days.

Many people ask whether recovery will speed up if you put mustard plasters not once a day, but twice. Doctors protest against such experiments on themselves, they are fraught with skin burns and allergies.

IMPORTANT: Mustard plasters are placed once a day, no more! It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed.

How much mustard plasters should be kept for adults and children?

It is also important to properly maintain the time of the procedure. And it is like this:

  • children from 2 to 6 years old hold the mustard plaster through cheesecloth for 2-3 minutes
  • children from 6 years old keep a yellow card for 5 to 10 minutes (if for the first time - 2 minutes)
  • adults keep the yellow card for up to 15 minutes (if for the first time - 5 minutes)

IMPORTANT: If during the procedure there is a strong burning sensation, so as not to interrupt it, it is recommended to put gauze or compress paper between the skin and the mustard plaster.

Mustard plaster contraindications. Is it possible to have mustard plasters at a temperature?

Not everyone can be treated with mustard plasters. There are a number of contraindications to bags with mustard powder. It:

  • hypersensitivity of the skin
  • allergy
  • atopic dermatitis
  • open wounds in the skin
  • various skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, others)
  • oncological diseases
  • tuberculosis
  • some neurological diseases (eg, epilepsy)
  • varicose veins (you cannot put mustard plasters on the calves)

Also, you can not put mustard plasters in the acute period of the disease, when a person has an increased body temperature.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that if the patient's temperature is subfebrile (up to 38 C), it is possible to put mustard plasters. This issue must be discussed individually with the attending physician.

Mustard plasters during pregnancy

During pregnancy, immunity in women often decreases, so expectant mothers are at risk of ARVI and other diseases. And since most drugs are not allowed for them, they are often treated with auxiliary and folk methods.

Pregnancy is a contraindication for the application of mustard plasters.

But it is categorically impossible for them to treat a cough, runny nose or headache with mustard plasters.

IMPORTANT: Mustard has abortive properties. Unfortunately, in the past, women have often used mustard powder bags as a means of breaking unwanted pregnancies. Some people still do it now.

During the procedure, a significant increase in the tone of the uterus is possible, accompanied by fetal hypoxia. In the early stages, the likelihood of miscarriage is high, in the later stages of premature birth.

Application of mustard plasters step by step

In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • actual bags of mustard powder
  • a bowl of water from 37 C to 40 C
  • bandage, gauze or compress paper
  • Cotton napkin or terry towel
  • plaid or blanket

Mustard plasters are put like this:

  • a sheet of paper or a bag of mustard is held horizontally
  • it is immersed in a bowl of water for 10-15 seconds, removed and shaken
  • make an application to the required area of ​​influence (if necessary, make a lining between the package and the skin)
  • cover the mustard plaster with natural fabric
  • wrap up the patient
Application of mustard plasters step by step.

How to put mustard plasters on the chest for coughing and bronchitis

With inflammation of the bronchi, mustard plasters are used for:

  • increased blood circulation in the organ
  • relieving bronchospasm
  • thinning sputum
  • cough relief

Mustard bags are applied to the projections of the bronchi: chest and back. Mustard plasters are placed on one side (the one where wheezing is heard) or on both sides (if the bronchi wheeze on both the right and left).

IMPORTANT: If bronchitis is accompanied by a runny nose, it makes sense to put bags with mustard powder not only on the chest and back, but also on the calf muscles

Mustard plaster on the neck with tracheitis

Laryngitis and tracheitis (inflammation of the larynx with the vocal cords or trachea) are often associated with each other.

They are unpleasant not only for their symptoms, but also because they can very quickly develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.
Many people think that with these diseases it is necessary to put mustard plasters on the neck. This is not true!

IMPORTANT: With laryngitis, the laryngeal mucosa is already swollen, hyperemic and narrowed. A mustard plaster on the neck can provoke laryngospasm

With laryngitis and tracheitis, the essence of the procedure is to draw blood from the inflamed organs. Therefore, the application of mustard plasters is carried out on the area below the clavicle or calf muscles.

Mustard plaster on the heart

With angina pectoris and any pain in the heart, self-medication is prohibited. Only a cardiologist should prescribe medications, procedures (including mustard plasters).

According to the doctor's prescription, they are placed on the heart area.

Mustard plasters on feet, on heels

Mustard plasters put on the legs (calf muscles) or heels:

  • at the beginning of the trial
  • with rhinitis
  • from coughing throat and chest
  • with hypertension

Mustard plasters in socks

Many consider the procedure for applying mustard plasters on the heels to be ineffective, since in this place the skin is rough, in a short procedure the beneficial properties of mustard do not have time to work.
Therefore, it is much more effective to add mustard to socks.
The procedure for children from 6 years old and adults is carried out as follows:

  • mustard powder is poured into natural (cotton) socks (adults - 1-2 tablespoons, children - 1-2 teaspoons)
  • socks are put on clean and dry feet
  • put on one more warm woolen socks on top
  • the duration of the procedure is 6-8 hours, so it is better to do it at night

IMPORTANT: For children from 2 to 6 years old, you can put mustard powder between two thin socks, and put on the third, woolen socks on top. The duration of the procedure for babies is 2 hours

Mustard plasters for osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis, mustard plasters are placed on the skin in the region of the spine that is involved in the pathological process.

You can use the standard scheme for applying a mustard plaster or a special procedure that increases the effectiveness of the procedure specifically for osteochondrosis.

  • prepare a weak solution of furacilin
  • add 1 teaspoon of honey to it
  • dipped mustard plasters in the resulting solution

Burn from a mustard plaster what to do?

It often happens that mustard plasters leave burns on the skin. Especially if they are delivered incorrectly, or the procedure time is exceeded.

IMPORTANT: Burned leather should never be treated with alcohol!

You must proceed as follows:

  • rinse the burned area of ​​the skin with clean water and gently blot with a sterile bandage to remove moisture
  • apply an antiseptic (such as furacilin ointment)
  • apply a bandage to avoid infection of the injured area

Re-treat the burn and change the dressing twice a day.

IMPORTANT: Burns from mustard are often accompanied by allergies. It is better for the patient to take an antihistamine immediately.

Do mustard plasters help: reviews

The attitude to mustard plasters among doctors and ordinary people today is twofold. Some consider this method of treating colds and other diseases very effective, while others call it the "stone age".

Only one thing is known: mustard plasters can alleviate the patient's condition, temporarily relieve pain and discomfort. But they do not cure the disease itself, so they can only be placed with parallel treatment with traditional means.

VIDEO: How to put mustard plasters?

  • Mustard plasters
  • Tortillas
  • Viburnum
  • Cacao butter
  • One of the auxiliary methods of treating cough that occurs with colds or ARVI is the use of mustard plasters. They are sheets or bags of mustard powder.

    Advice on the use of mustard plasters can be especially often heard from the older generation, but young parents should figure out on their own how the use of mustard affects the child, when its use is prohibited and how to carry out the procedure correctly.

    Operating principle

    Mustard powder is irritating as well as distracting. Upon contact with water, essential oils are released from it, which affect the skin and blood vessels. The result will be an activation of blood circulation, improvement of metabolic processes at the site of application, as well as reflex stimulation of the autonomic part of the nervous system.

    When used to eliminate cough, mustard plasters will increase the blood supply to the mucous membranes of the bronchi and thereby increase the volume of mucus secreted.


    The use of mustard plasters is often resorted to for acute respiratory viral infections, when the respiratory tract is affected, for example, with laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis. They are prescribed for dry, exhausting coughs in order to activate sputum production during the recovery period.

    Often, mustard plasters are prescribed for swelling of the respiratory tract, for example, in the larynx and nasopharynx. In this case, mustard plasters are applied to the legs, thereby redistributing blood in the body, making breathing and swallowing easier.

    Although much less common, the use of mustard plasters is also recommended for bruises or sprains, muscle pain and neuralgia.


    • Mustard plasters cannot be used in the active phase of the disease, since such a procedure, due to its thermal effect, will increase the inflammatory process. Their use is contraindicated at elevated temperatures, as well as the next day after the temperature has returned to normal.
    • It is forbidden to put mustard plasters on damaged or inflamed skin, as well as on birthmarks.
    • Some children have a pronounced allergic reaction to mustard, so before the first procedure, you should cut off a small piece of mustard and put it on the child's skin for 10 minutes. When a burning sensation and severe redness appear, they refuse to use mustard plasters.
    • Mustard plasters can cause burns, so the areas of their application are constantly changing, and the procedure itself is not carried out longer than 4 days in a row.
    • Mustard fumes can cause laryngeal spasm and shortness of breath. This causes a ban on the procedure for bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis and laryngotracheitis.
    • Mustard plasters are not used for tumor processes, neurodermatitis or psoriasis.

    In the next video, the doctor will tell you in what cases and how to put mustard plasters correctly.

    Can the procedure be done for children under 1 year old?

    Mustard plasters are not recommended for the treatment of infants, so this procedure is not performed for babies under one year old. Experts advise to limit the use of mustard plasters even at the age of 1-3 years. The use of such treatment for coughing in a child of 2 years old should be very careful and less prolonged than in children 4 years of age and older.

    Types of mustard plasters

    Modern mustard plasters are sold as:

    1. Sachets. There is mustard powder inside, and the sachet itself is divided into 2-4 cells. This form is more often used in early childhood.
    2. Leaves. They are covered with a thin layer of mustard powder. They are used for older children, for example, at 7 years old.

    In addition to such mustard plasters, dry mustard can also be used for procedures. It is usually bought for foot compresses.

    How and where to put mustard plasters correctly?

    Places for applying mustard plasters to help a child get rid of a dry cough are the chest and back. Also, mustard plasters can be placed on the feet and muscles of the lower leg.

    If mustard plasters are placed on the chest, it is important to avoid the area of ​​the heart and nipples, and when carrying out the procedure on the back, mustard plasters should not be placed over the spine and the region of the kidneys.

    To put mustard plasters when coughing, your actions should be as follows:

    1. After reading the instructions, prepare a container with heated water (its temperature should not exceed + 45 ° C).
    2. Put the child to bed.
    3. Dip each mustard plaster in water for 5-10 seconds, apply it to the skin and smooth it gently.
    4. Cover the mustard-plastered body area with a towel.
    5. Check your skin reaction to the procedure periodically.
    6. When the skin is distinctly reddened (usually after 5-10 minutes), remove the mustard plasters and rinse the skin with warm water.
    7. Lubricate your skin with cream or baby oil.

    Procedure time

    The procedure is performed once a day. The optimal time for applying mustard plasters is called evening. They are placed on the body of a child who lies in bed and is about to fall asleep.

    For children aged from one to three, mustard plasters are kept no longer than two minutes.

    How to put mustard plasters on the feet?

    To activate the reflexogenic zones of the feet, mustard is often used on the feet. Dry mustard can be poured into socks (a teaspoon in each sock) and put on the child's legs, leaving overnight. The procedure is not performed in infancy and in the acute phase of infection. The application of paper mustard plasters to the feet is allowed from 5 years old.

    Komarovsky's opinion

    A well-known doctor attributes the use of mustard plasters to distracting procedures, focusing the attention of parents on the following points:

    • Mustard plasters will not help cure a child if the disease is serious, and a mild disease in which mustard is effective will disappear without its use.
    • An individual allergic reaction to mustard is very common.
    • Fumes from mustard will irritate the mucous membranes, so the procedure at home is contraindicated for children with a tendency to allergies or obstruction.
    • Before the procedure, you should make sure that the mustard plasters have not expired.
    • If mustard plasters torment a child, it is better to refuse such a procedure, after all, in the fight against acute respiratory viral infections, it is much more effective to use clean, moist air and plenty of drink.