How to make a toilet on the street with your own hands. Toilet in the country: all ways to solve the problem

You cannot do without such a structure as a toilet in a suburban area. It is not difficult to make a country toilet with your own hands if you make some effort and effort. The most time consuming stage in the construction process latrine digging a pit, but this work can be done. The aesthetic side of the building is a secondary issue, the most important thing is to properly arrange a cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the aboveground structure.

It should be noted that some owners of suburban areas do not build a toilet according to the rules and get by with an ordinary bucket placed under the toilet seat. But, one way or another, the waste needs to be disposed of somewhere, so you still can't do without a capital pit. Therefore, it is better to do all the work correctly once and not return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to make a capital structure in the event that residents spend a significant part of the year at the dacha.

When if I do not want to spoil the design of the site by installing it, then it can be hidden in the far corner behind the house, or you can come up with a design for it that will help to organically fit the structure into the landscape.

Choosing the location of the flap and its design

Usually, the toilet is installed closer to the far border of the site, and this is understandable, since at least a slight odor will be present in or near this room. But sometimes they use another option, arranging a cesspool next to the house, and a free corner of the house is set aside for placing a toilet, leading a wide sewer pipe into the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water is supplied to the house, and the plans include the installation of an insulated container for collecting waste.

In any case, the standards established by the sanitary-epidemiological services should be adhered to. They must be observed in order to protect yourself, neighbors and environment from undesirable consequences such as infectious diseases or soil contamination.

  • If a cesspool is arranged, it must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from water sources, and its depth should not reach groundwater.
  • If a septic tank is installed, then it is located no closer than 15 m from the house.
  • If you plan to use an insulated container that will be emptied as it fills cesspool machine, then it can be installed anywhere, since the waste will not enter the ground.

An insulated tank is also a way out in cases where the groundwater does not pass too deeply and the construction of a cesspool dug in the ground is impossible.

Usually the pits of the simplest country toilet have an area of ​​the order of one square meter... If the pit comes off round, then its diameter should be equal to about 1 m. Its depth is 1.5-2 m, depending on the depth of the groundwater.

After the place for the pit has been determined, you can proceed to the choice of the design of the toilet.

  • The first thing to consider is the weight of the structure - it will largely be predetermined by the material that is planned to be used for construction. The house itself should not be too heavy, since over time, the soil under its weight may begin to sag and, in the end, the building will be deformed and damaged.

For construction, wooden blocks and boards are well suited, or thin metal - galvanized profiles and corrugated board.

If the decision is made to build a toilet booth from logs or bricks, then you will have to think about a well-fortified foundation. But to build such heavy structures is completely useless, since they still will not become warmer than light buildings. It is better if there is a need for it, insulate the room with insulation materials that are lightweight, for example, foam. Such a building will be both light and warm, not blown out during the cold season, and it will not be excessively hot in summer.

  • Having decided on the material, you can proceed to the size of the booth.

Typically, a standard toilet is 1 m wide, 2.3 m high, and the length of the room is 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m. However, these dimensions are by no means a dogma and may well vary. In any case, the room should be comfortable for any family member to be in a standing or sitting position.

What is required to build a toilet

Having decided on the design and placement of the toilet, they acquire necessary materials to build it. Wooden or metal "house" can be bought already in finished form... If you decide to build it yourself, then you will need the following materials:

  • Planks and wooden blocks.
  • Fasteners - nails and screws.
  • Metal corners to strengthen the structure timber frame.
  • Door handle, hook or latch to close the door.
  • Roof covering material - slate or corrugated board.
  • Plastic or wooden toilet seat with lid.
  • At necessary - foamst for insulating the booth, and material for the inner cladding of insulated walls, chipboard, thin board or plywood.

For the device of a cesspool you need:

  • Cement, crushed stone, sand.
  • Reinforcement for strengthening the basement of the house.
  • A metal mesh-netting for covering the pit and metal brackets or pins for attaching this mesh to the ground.

Another option, instead of a mesh and plastering it with concrete, can be a brick, which is used to line the walls of the pit.

In addition, pits are often used for the device, which have holes in the walls. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires of large sizes.

Another, most environmentally friendly clean version, can become ready capacity- septic tank. They are produced in different sizes, so you can choose the one you want, depending on the number of family members and the length of the period of stay in the country.

Naturally, when building a country toilet, you cannot do without tools, so you need to have:

  • A hand drill that can help when digging a pit.
  • Sovkov and bayonet shovel, with a long and short handle.
  • If the soil is rocky, you may need a hammer drill.
  • Hammer and screwdriver.
  • Grinder - "grinder" with discs for stone and metal.
  • Jigsaw.
  • A marking tool - a ruler, tape measure, square, building level, pencil or marker.

Cesspool device

Of course, they always start with marking and digging a hole. It will have a square or round shape, depending on the chosen design.

1. If a two-chamber plastic septic tank is installed, then the pit is dug in such a way that the inlet pipe is directly in the toilet cubicle, since a toilet seat will be mounted on it. The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the room - it is needed for regular pumping of the accumulated fecal masses.

Bucks are different shapes, and the size and shape of the pit will depend on this. The size of the pit should be made 20-30 cm larger than the existing capacity, since it is necessary to compact the soil well around it.

2. If the walls of the pit will be finished with concrete or brick, it can be made round or square.

  • After digging a hole of the required depth, at its bottom you need to arrange drainage from large rubble, stones, brick fragments
  • Then, its walls are covered with a metal mesh-chain-link with cells measuring 50 × 50 mm. The mesh is fixed by driving scoops from steel wire or pins.
  • To make the walls stronger, you can additionally reinforce the walls with a metal lattice with large cells of 100 × 100 mm.
  • Further, by the method of throwing, a concrete solution is applied to the walls, which is left to dry completely. The total thickness of the concrete layer should be about 50 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After setting the first sketched layer, the walls are plastered to an even state with the same concrete mortar... The plaster hole is left to dry.
  • The pit is covered either with a finished reinforced concrete slab, or made locally. It will serve as a foundation for the toilet and a platform around it.
  • Boards are laid on the pit, which should go beyond its limits by 700 ÷ 800 mm and be sunk into the ground to the same level with the ground. Boards should be treated with antiseptic agents. It is quite possible to replace this wooden underfloor with concrete posts.

  • Two holes are left on the surface for installing the toilet seat and for a cesspool, which should later be covered with a lid. Formwork is installed around the future holes.
  • A dense polyethylene film is spread over the entire area of ​​the future foundation.
  • On top of it, a reinforcing lattice is laid, which is enclosed in formwork along the entire perimeter of the future foundation.

  • The height of the formwork of the holes must be the same as that of the formwork of the entire foundation. The formwork boards will serve as beacons when leveling the surface.
  • The concrete solution is mixed, poured onto the site, leveled and left to dry. For durability and strength of the outer concrete layer, it is possible, after initial setting, to "iron" the wet surface with dry cement.

  • After its full maturation, it will be possible to install a toilet booth on the finished site. A hatch must be installed on the hole intended for pumping out the accumulated waste. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. The hatch cover should be easy to open and close.

3. Another option could be a round pit with car tires... But it should be noted that this type of cesspools is not suitable for permanent use. Such a toilet can only be used in suburban conditions, when residents come only occasionally, for example, on weekends, otherwise very often it will be necessary to pump out the collected waste.

  • For a cesspool of this type, a round pit is dug by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm larger than the diameter of the existing tires.
  • A drainage drainage layer 15–20 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  • Then, exactly in the middle of the pit, tires of one on on the other to the ground surface.
  • Around the tires, as they are laid, drainage from gravel and sand is poured and compacted. This process continues all the way to the top.
  • When the tires are fully stowed, a shallow strip foundation... To do this, a trench about 500 mm deep is being dug around the perimeter of the future toilet, into which concrete will be poured.
  • Trench bottom rammed and covered with a layer of sand 50 ÷ 70 mm, which is also rammed and closed with a layer of rubble of the same thickness.
  • Dense polyethylene waterproofing is laid.
  • Then you can proceed in two ways:

- weld and install the reinforcement grid, mount the formwork with a height of 100 ÷ 150 mm above the ground level and then fill it with concrete;

- lay out the brick foundation, and then plaster it with cement.

  • After the mortar has solidified, the formwork is removed from the cement foundation, and the brick is leveled from above.
  • Roofing material is laid on its surface, which will separate the concrete surface from the wooden one.
  • On the foundation or installed finished structure toilet, or it is built independently.

For the convenience of the construction process, a wooden base-frame made of powerful bars is fixed to the foundation from the beginning, and other structural elements will be mounted on it, depending on the chosen construction model.

4. It is impossible not to mention one more way of arranging a cesspool - with the help of metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed one on top of the other and in the same way as in the previous case. Around the resulting pipe, a gravel mixture or a mixture of sand with crushed stone is tamped.

A cesspool made of metal barrels - obviously won't last long

It would seem that the method is simple to execute, but it has much more disadvantages than advantages. Metal barrels under aggressive influence both from the inside and from the outside, from the side of the ground, it will corrode very quickly, and such a toilet will not last long.

Construction of a country toilet house

When both the pit and the site for installing the toilet room are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the house according to the previously drawn up scheme.

Toilet houses can have a wide variety of shapes, for example, even in the form of a fabulous hut. An uninitiated person will not immediately determine what kind of room fits so perfectly into landscape design plot. Such a structure can be done with your own hands, knowing the scheme of its assembly.

The photo shows an option, partially made of logs, which give this structure a decorative effect and mask the purpose of the building itself.

The original teremok - you will not immediately understand that this is a toilet

The diagram shows the basis for the construction of a log cabin, only boards are used instead of logs. You can clearly see how the walls gather and the roof slopes rise. Interior space allocated and selected location toilet seat.

Approximate scheme "teremka"

The next step will be the lathing of the roof, roofing and wall cladding with the material chosen for this - it can be either wood or metal.

Such a house can be either installed on a cesspool, or used as a room for a dry closet.

Video: making a house - "teremka" for a country toilet

Another variant of the structure of the toilet, which is called a "hut". In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls are at the same time a roof. The form is quite simple, so it will not be difficult to build a building.

Toilet - "hut"

This design is not only easy to build, but also easy to use - it is stable at the base and spacious enough inside.

Installation of a toilet - "hut"

The picture shows the entire internal structure of the house, the place of installation of the toilet seat and the method of lathing the walls-roof. Sheathing of the front of the building and the rear wall has begun. The "hut" house can be placed on an equipped cesspool, as in this case, or it can also be used as a room for a dry closet.

This shape of the house can be called traditional, since most often it can be found on plots. But even such a simple design can be decorated according to your preference.

For example, it was decided to make a toilet in this backyard area as a Japanese house. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs written on a plate suspended on chains, a Japanese lantern at the entrance and even additionally arranged roof... Besides, interior design the premises are also designed in a general style.

Such an attitude to the design of the site suggests that even from such a structure as, you can make a small work of art if you make a little effort.

An approximate diagram of the construction of such a toilet is shown in the figure. It clearly shows the device of the cesspool, the installation of a toilet structure and a hatch on top of it for cleaning. The design is quite simple in the device, and it is not difficult to build it. But in order for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve the rigidity of the bonds of all parts with each other.

The inner space of the toilet, arranged above the cesspool, during the construction of the walls may look like this. That is, the base bars are installed on the foundation, on which the frame of the future structure is fixed.

After finishing the toilet from the inside, the room can have such a neat and cozy look.

If desired and opportunities can come up with another design for a country toilet, but do all interior decoration you need warm materials. Not recommended for decoration ceramic tiles, since this is a very cold kind of material, and besides this, in winter time the tile also becomes very slippery.

Video: several options for the device of a country toilet

Dry closet

If there is no way to build a country toilet or there is simply no desire to contact construction works, then you can use the dry closet. This option will save you from digging a hole and, possibly, from installing a house.

Dry closet - perfect solution for summer cottages

Is an autonomous toilet that does not require a separate room or connection to drainage lines

The dry closet consists of two compartments, chambers, the upper one of which plays the role of a toilet bowl, and the other serves for the biological processing of waste. In the second, lower chamber, there are active substances that decompose feces and turn them into a homogeneous mass that does not have an odor. The action of the bioactive liquid to decompose the waste lasts for ten days, then the chamber is cleaned by pouring the contents into the central sewer or into the soil. The method of disposal will depend on what active substances will be used in the dry closet. These substances are T rex types: composting, chemical and microorganic. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of dry closet.

  • For composting dry closet as active substance peat is used. It has a high absorbency - for example, one kilogram of peat absorbs ten liters of liquid. The odorless compost obtained as a result of active processes is perfect for fertilizing the beds.

Usually, such a dry closet comes with tons of ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

  • The dry closet, whose work is based on the use of chemicals, has an indicator that will indicate that the container needs cleaning. Waste processed in this way is discharged into the sewer in order to protect the environment. For such models, special substances with antifreeze properties are produced.
  • The third kind of this useful tool is a dry closet in which microorganisms are involved in the processing of waste, turning them into compost. The resulting material is environmentally friendly and harmless to soil and animals, therefore, it will not be difficult to dispose of it.

If desired, the dry closet can be installed in the most ordinary room, built with your own hands, which is located in the yard, and for the winter period you can bring it into the house, taking a convenient corner for these needs.

Biological toilet products

To help the owners of summer cottages that have toilets with cesspools on their territory, special means, similar to those used in dry closets.

Before using the product, it is imperative to study the instructions, since the composition is poured or poured in parts. How to use such substances correctly, you can find out from the information on the package, since each product is dosed differently. A similar substance is used, as a rule, very sparingly. For example, one package or can of some funds is enough for a year for a cesspool with a volume of 3.5 ÷ 4 tons.

So, there are many ways to solve the problem of a country toilet - there is always an opportunity to choose one or another option.

The arrangement of a country toilet is one of the primary problems faced by owners who have acquired a plot for the construction of a summer cottage or a private house. It may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but before starting work, you should carefully consider the location of the building, choose a suitable structure, calculate its dimensions and draw up drawings.

It is quite possible to build a practical and convenient toilet in the country house with your own hands, if you approach the issue seriously, taking into account the ease of use, the complexity of construction and maintenance, as well as the compliance of the structure with the SanPiN standards. Consider the listed nuances and existing models country closets in more detail.

Choice of design

The main feature by which the designs differ is the absence or presence of a cesspool. In addition, the toilet in the country can be outside or located inside the country house.

Some owners equip two toilets in a private house - one "warm" located in the main building, and the other on the street. This is rational, because in cold or rainy weather it is much more comfortable to use the home toilet, and during garden work the street "hut" is more convenient.

Sump toilet

Photo: backlash closet

If you plan to live in the dacha for a long time, including in the cold season, it makes sense to make a full-fledged bathroom in the house, combined with a bathroom. In this case, one cannot do without sewage and, accordingly, a cesspool.

For these purposes, the so-called backlash closet is more suitable. It is a sealed cesspool located in the immediate vicinity of the house. Waste gets into it through a pipe, and cleaning is carried out only with the help of a sewage machine. To protect the house from unpleasant odors, a ventilation pipe is brought to the cesspool.

Toilet for a summer residence cesspool standing on the street is an easier option to implement. It can be built and successfully operated even before the construction of the house, and then used as a spare.

Typically, such a structure consists of a cesspool about 1.5 m deep and a small house installed above it. Inside, over the hole for sewage, a special toilet seat is placed and brought to toilet stall lighting. The cesspool is cleaned with a cesspool machine or simply bury it after filling it by 2/3 of the volume and move the toilet to another place. In 6-7 years, the waste will completely decompose.

A country toilet with a cesspool is practical and does not require frequent cleaning of the pit, but there is also a drawback - it can only be installed in areas with deep groundwater (from 2.5 m). In other cases, in accordance with sanitary standards, it has to be replaced with alternative structures.

Country toilet without a cesspool

In a private house, where there is no sewage system, and groundwater or reservoirs are too close, the toilet is equipped without a cesspool. The most economical solution in this case is a powder closet. A toilet house for him looks the same as for a construction with a cesspool, but a special container for collecting feces is placed under the toilet seat.

Photo: powder closet

So as not to bother bad smell, having relieved the need, you need to immediately add a little peat or sawdust after it. After filling the tank, its contents are sent to compost heap and in the future (after 2-3 years) it is used as a fertilizer.

Inside the house, a modified version of the powder closet can be used - a peat toilet. It is designed almost like a regular toilet, but instead of water, there is peat in the cistern, and the sewer pipe is replaced by a container for collecting sewage. Ventilation leading from the tank to the street allows you to get rid of the smell.

A more expensive, but quick to implement and effective option is a bathroom with a dry closet. Such a compact design is suitable for installation both in a private house and on a plot. The dry closet looks like a miniature toilet, consisting of a toilet seat and a feces tank. Sewage processing takes place by adding active microorganisms or chemicals to the tank.

The downside is that the contents of a dry closet with a chemical cartridge cannot be used as fertilizer. In addition, these models require special maintenance.

Choosing a location

If you decide to make a country toilet without a cesspool, this stage of construction is not so important. But an outdoor toilet with a cesspool is erected so that it meets certain rules:

  1. Distance to any water source - 25 m or more.
  2. The booth is located at least 1 m from the fence.
  3. To the basement or cellar - at least 12 m.
  4. Fruit trees are no closer than 4 m and shrubs are 1 m or more away.
  5. You can drive up to the facility with a sewage truck (if you plan to clean the cesspool).

When equipping a bathroom inside the house, in addition to the listed requirements for the placement of a cesspool, the layout of the building is taken into account. It is advisable to make the toilet adjacent to outside wall construction of at least one of the sides, so the ventilation costs will be less.


In houses with two or more floors, according to sanitary standards, the toilet cannot be located above living rooms or kitchen.

Country toilet dimensions

In accordance with building codes, utility rooms, which include a toilet, should occupy no more than 20% of the house area. A bathroom combined with a bathroom usually occupies from 3.8 m², and a separate toilet from 1.5 m².

Since in the dacha wooden house is rarely superfluous free place, are guided by the minimum allowable size. In a freestanding country toilet, the same minimalism principle applies. The dimensions are taken in such a way that a person does not feel embarrassed in it. Enough 1 m wide, 1.2-1.5 m deep and about 2.1-2.2 m high.

Photo: the dimensions of a simple country toilet

Schemes and drawings

If it comes about a village toilet, when creating drawings, you need to take into account not only the desired dimensions of the structure, but also the materials from which it will be made. You also need to decide on the type of construction and additional elements(washstand, peat drawer, etc.). A country toilet can be built from the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • wood;
  • metal.

By the type of construction, the most popular are a birdhouse, a house and a hut. They all differ in the shape of the roof and appearance... The birdhouse is easier to implement, but it is considered summer option, but the insulated house and hut are suitable for use at any time of the year.

Photo: country toilet "house" with a ventilation pipe

When placing a toilet in a private house, the sewerage device deserves special attention. You can order pipe laying drawings from a professional plumber, but for a building with 1-2 floors it is really possible to do it yourself.

The starting point for drawing up the diagram is the location of the riser and the main collecting pipe. You will also need:

  1. Draw a plan of a country house to scale and mark the risers on it.
  2. Mark in the picture all the plumbing elements and indicate the ways of their connection.
  3. Connect the plumbing to the riser schematically with pipes.
  4. Decide on the diameter of the riser and the fan pipe.
  5. Calculate total length sewer pipes in the house (taking into account the supply for connections).
  6. Consider the location of the external sewage system.

Photo: sewerage scheme in a country toilet

Cesspool device

When building a courtyard toilet for a summer residence, the first step is to outline the contours of the base of the future building, focusing on the drawings. According to the markings, they use a shovel to dig a hole for a cesspool (usually a square one) with a side of 1 m and a depth of 1.5 to 2 m.

By type, cesspools are sealed and absorbing. In the first case, the walls of the cesspool are laid out concrete slabs, bricks, boards treated with bitumen or placed inside a plastic container. In the second case, they are limited to a layer of pebbles or rubble poured onto the bottom of the pit.

Photo: toilet pit

Construction of a toilet house (step by step)

Wood is an inexpensive and easy-to-process material, so many owners make a toilet in the country from it. Consider the stages of construction of a toilet house of the "birdhouse" type from boards.

Construction of an outdoor toilet in a private house step by step:

  1. Foundation. In a wooden closet, a columnar foundation of brick or concrete blocks is installed at the corners of the structure. A layer of roofing material is laid on top of the supports.
  2. Frame. The lower part of the house is made of timber treated with an antiseptic (the dimensions of the sides are 15x15 cm or 10x10 cm).
  3. Frame. Checking with building level, on the frame with the help of bolts and metal plates, four posts are fixed. In this case, the front ones are made higher than the rear ones. Then, the top frame and door pillars are attached. Additional diagonal slats are stuffed on three blank walls, and a frame under the toilet seat is installed in the back of the structure.
  4. Roof. The country toilet is covered with slate and roofing felt, you can use the remnants of the profiled sheet (if any).
  5. Sheathing. Boards are vertically nailed to the frame every 15 cm - the basis for further sheathing. The final step is to fasten outside and inside a wooden or plastic lining and hang the door structure.


For ease of use, you need to make lighting in the country toilet. A standard low wattage ceiling light or spotlights will do.

Photo: frame of a toilet house with a platform for a toilet seat

Features of the construction of a toilet in a private house

To equip a toilet for a summer residence inside the house, the first thing to do is to decide on the type of sewage system. It happens:

  1. Gravity flow. In this case, the waste flows into the cesspool under the influence of water due to the slope of the pipes. The slope should be 2 cm for each meter of the descending pipe.
  2. Pressure head. When laying pipes with the desired slope is problematic, in a private house, you can install a toilet with a special fecal pump that moves waste from the bottom up and allows you to use pipes of a smaller diameter.

Sewer system device

Sewerage sections are connected to each other using fittings, the joints can be additionally lubricated with a sealant. If necessary, long pieces of pipes are cut with an ordinary hacksaw for metal. The structure is fixed on the wall with clips of the appropriate diameter or with clamps on hairpins. If there are already paved cast iron pipes, they are joined to polypropylene using a rubber cuff.

Photo: outdoor sewage pipes

The outer part of the sewage system is placed in a trench, not higher than the level of soil freezing. Pipes made of plastic, cement, cast iron, asbestos are suitable for it. Above the junction of the internal and external sewer systems, an inspection hatch must be placed, and inside the pipe they are installed check valve... This will simplify maintenance and prevent reverse movement. Wastewater in case of overflow of a cesspool or septic tank.

Toilet installation

If sewer system laid, it remains only to install a toilet and a warm toilet for the summer cottage is ready. The floors in a wooden or brick country house are usually made of wood and need to be preliminary preparation- leveling, antiseptic treatment or staining.

The toilet is placed on a prepared flat surface. After making sure that all the holes are joined, they mark the places of attachment to the floor, level the structure and fix it with the fasteners that come with the kit. The connection to the sewer pipe is made through a rubber sealing collar or a plastic eccentric. The cracks in the place where the toilet bowl adheres to the floor is covered up cement mortar, and the joint with the pipe is treated with silicone sealant.

Photo: connecting the toilet to the sewer pipe


Making an outdoor toilet in the country with your own hands or equipping a warm bathroom in a private house is a feasible task, although not easy. Having carefully studied the possible options, not being too lazy to draw up a work plan and estimate the costs, you can find optimal solution for your home. Good luck!

The very first building, which the summer resident thinks about first of all, is an ordinary toilet. You can do without a fence for some time, and even without a house, but without a toilet, country life is absolutely unacceptable. In fact, do not master the same roadside bushes. So, today we will talk about such a primitive, at first glance, structure as country toilet... The presence of which will fill the gap in the harmony of the dacha.

Where to put the toilet in the country?

Due to the difference in conditions, some general rules does not exist, but there are some mandatory requirements.

  • The place of the proposed toilet should be at least 30 meters from the water source, five meters from the residential building, and a meter from the boundaries of the site;
  • On rough terrain, the well should be located above the toilet;
  • And you should take into account the wind rose when choosing a place to exclude unpleasant odors;
  • If there is a cesspool, then you should immediately attend to the ways of the car's entrance. By the way, the cesspool at high level groundwater best avoided;

What type of toilet should I choose?

Given the tight construction time frame, there are several main types of toilets recommended for summer cottages. This is a cesspool, a backlash closet and a bio toilet (or powder closet). Naturally, they have their own characteristics that will have to be taken into account at the initial stage of construction. And personal preference has nothing to do with it. For example, the location of the aquifer above 3.5 meters narrows the choice to a powder closet. Fortunately, the lower water depth allows any type of toilet to be used.

Sump toilet

This is the simplest type of toilet we are all familiar with. The traditional cesspool device includes the pit itself, where waste gets, which is then removed by a sewage machine, or manually. There is a method when, after filling the hole, it is not cleaned, but covered with earth. And they move the dressing house. And they make such a move every 2-3 years. The biggest advantage of this type of toilet is its simplicity. And the biggest drawback is the unpleasant odor, which, by the way, can be reduced with special devices.

To begin with, you should dig the very hole 1.5-2 meters deep, most often square in plan. The pit walls are reinforced with boards, bricks or concrete rings. You can adapt it to the pit old barrel or laid out in a column car tires... The bottom is concreted or covered with crushed stone. All cracks will be caulked to full watertightness and exclusion of the possibility of runoff entering the groundwater.

Building a toilet house

Further, a house is being built above the pit, standing on four brick posts, at each corner of the house. This will be the foundation, because you simply cannot lay the flooring on the ground, it will quickly rot. From above, the posts are insulated with roofing material. A frame made of 100x100 timber, impregnated with a primer and painted against decay, is laid on top of the posts. We install four posts vertically at the corners, fixed with metal plates. Do not forget to put the racks for the doors, and about the slope of the roof (the front pillars should be longer than the rear ones). We build a seat frame directly above the pit. We put beams for the roof on the upper part of the structure. We lay roofing material and slate on the beams. Outside, we nail the bars onto the frame with a pitch of 15 centimeters, on which the finishing plating is already being mounted. Inside, the toilet is sheathed with plastic or wooden clapboard, but under the flooring you need to take a strong board that can withstand the weight of a person under the influence of an aggressive environment. The finishing touch is the interior lighting of the house.

Ventilation device

Let's consider one unpleasant moment of the cesspool - it is an unpleasant smell. It will not be possible to completely block it, but it can be reduced as much as possible by a sealed cover on the toilet seat and high-quality ventilation... Ventilation is carried out with an ordinary plastic sewer pipe for 100, fixed with clamps on back wall toilet house. The pipe at one end is led through a hole in the podium 10 centimeters into the cesspool, and protrudes 20 centimeters above the roof of the house at the other end. The joint of the pipe with the pit is insulated with tow with bituminous mastic... And the top of the pipe ends with a deflector.

Toilet system - Backlash closet

This is the next step towards converting a cesspool into an industrial septic tank. A pit is also dug under this type of toilet, but only absolutely sealed, which will only be cleaned with a sewer machine. For this, the pit is pasted over with waterproofing, for example, clay coating 0.5 meters thick.

The backlash closet design consists of two parts.

  • One of them is located in a residential building, and looks like an ordinary toilet bowl. The only difference is in the waste receiver;
  • And the second part is located outside the building and looks like a cesspool. The upper part of which has a double hatch for a sewage machine, the space between which is filled with a heat insulator;

Powder-closet toilet system

The main advantage of a powder closet is that it does not have a cesspool. The container for receiving waste (elementary tank or bucket) is located directly in the toilet seat. The principle of the toilet is simple: after each use, the waste is sprinkled with peat, sawdust or just earth from standing next to box. In fact, structurally, all modern bio-toilets are powder closets. This type of toilet is independently created by the installation additional box with peat in the toilet house next to the toilet, or by installing a free-standing bio toilet. The ventilation of the powder closet is done by the standard method without fail. This is the simplest type of country toilet, which can be easily combined with other country buildings.

An attempt to bring dacha comfort closer to urban conditions pushes summer residents to create original masterpieces toilet design. Perhaps the samples below will push you to original thoughts in the design of such a utilitarian structure.

Photos of country toilets made by hand

Video - do-it-yourself country toilet and what a country toilet should be

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Everyone knows that a comfortable rest in the country is possible only if there is a well-equipped sanitary facility. It is for this reason that the arrangement of a plot in a country house most often begins with the construction of a sanitary facility, for which it is extremely important to choose the correct location and materials. In this material, we will look at how to build a country toilet with our own hands. Photos, drawings and detailed instructions attached.

A well-equipped closet is a guarantee of a comfortable pastime outside the city

A correctly chosen place is the key to the successful construction of a sanitary facility, its durability and strength.

Helpful advice! Before building a toilet, be sure to carefully study the recommendations for choosing a location. The durability and convenience of the design largely depends on this.

Before starting construction, pay attention to the following points:

  • On the drawing of your site, mark the places located at least 8 meters from the well with water, 7 from the house and 1 from the fence. These will be the best options for construction.

  • The next point to pay attention to is the height of the site. An excellent option for construction is the lowland.
  • The soil on which the toilet will be built should not be very wet.
  • Wind direction is one of the most important indicators to consider. We must try to ensure that the prevailing direction is not directed towards residential premises.
  • Another important point: the shade, which in the case of a country toilet should not be constant, just as the location of the structure in the sun is unacceptable. The best way out of this situation is to build a toilet under a tree that casts shadow only at certain times of the day.
  • If the construction is planned for a long time, it is necessary to provide a convenient access for the sewage truck in order to clean the cesspool in time.
Important information! Do not under any circumstances build a toilet on the site of an old destroyed closet or garbage pit - this can be dangerous in further operation!

Country toilet do it yourself: photos, drawings of various types

There are many different types country toilet facilities. As a rule, they do not require water supply or sewerage, and some of the options presented can even be bought at a regular hardware store. So, now we will analyze the options for building a country toilet with our own hands with photos and drawings.

Standard sanitary room

This design looks like the most common booth with a seat or just a hole in the floor, often made of boards or other available material, which is additionally reinforced in the walls and foundation. A sewage machine is used to remove waste.

Related article:

Powder toilet

This building differs from the others in the absence of a cesspool, since it uses the "dusting" technology. After each visit to the latrine, the waste is sprinkled with a mixture of peat or ordinary ash, and the resulting substance is excellent for fertilizing the soil.

Chemical sanitary room

Such a toilet differs from the previous one in that only chemicals are involved in the neutralization of waste, which means that it will not work to get fertilizers for your site in this way.

Backlash toilet

The construction of such a building consists in partial deepening of a cesspool under a residential building, due to which the toilet is built right next to the wall. The opening of the toilet bowl is connected to it using a small sewer pipe. Waste is pumped out due to the installation of a sealed hatch.

Dry closet

This design is manufactured at the factory, comes to customers already ready-made and serves as an excellent alternative to a country toilet with your own hands. Photos, drawings and other materials are presented below. A dry closet is a booth in which a waste tank is installed. After each trip to the closet, waste products are neutralized using special bioreagent substances.

Peat-type closet

Thanks to its unique design, this toilet combines the features of dry closets and “powdery” technologies. Thus, all waste processed in this building and accumulated in a separate container can be used as a natural fertilizer.

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So we took it all apart existing species closets, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages of use. But it's up to you to decide which one is suitable for the device on your site.

Now we will figure out how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. Drawings, dimensions and calculations must be prepared in advance, and we will help you with this.

A competent understandable drawing is the key to a successful business

How to build a toilet in the country with your own hands in stages: video and practical guide

If you nevertheless decide to carry out the construction of a toilet in the country with your own hands, the drawings and dimensions of which are presented below, it is important to take into account all the nuances and little things.

The construction sequence is as follows:

  • According to the above rules for finding the best place for the construction of a closet, choose the most appropriate option.
  • The marking of the future building is being carried out, a hole is being dug with a depth of two meters and a width of one and a half meters.
  • If the soil is loose or wet, the bottom of the pit is covered with crushed stone or gravel, laid out with brickwork.
  • The foundation is being installed - strip or columnar, depending on your requirements and requests.
  • A frame is erected from wood or any other materials, which is subsequently sheathed with corrugated board, boards and other coatings. The roof is overlapping.
  • If necessary, the premises are insulated from the inside.
Useful information! The liquid part of the waste should be well absorbed into the soil.

So, we learned how to build a toilet in the country with our own hands. The video is shown below:

We make a toilet in the country with our own hands: drawings, sizes of the most popular options

It is important to remember that with the proper skill and careful study of the materials, it is quite easy to build a toilet with your own hands. Various photos, drawings and videos will help you with this.


The frame of the future building is made of 10x5 cm bars, which are installed on runners according to the drawing.

Helpful advice! It is necessary to ensure that the bars are thoroughly treated with an antiseptic, as they come into contact with the pit and the waste located in it.


If wood sheathing is planned, then the same beams are used as in the construction of the frame, which are attached to the base with nails. It is important not to forget to make special windows for ventilation and lighting in the daytime.


Building a roof is not a difficult task: any roofing materials available to you are used for this.

Drawing conclusions

So, we see that with proper preparation, building a country toilet with your own hands, the photo, the drawings of which are presented above, is quite simple. The key to the success of any of your construction endeavors is a responsible approach!

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Beautification suburban area usually starts with building a toilet. The summer resident cannot do without this structure. All other buildings such as country house, bath, gazebo, appear later. Having built a wooden toilet in the country with your own hands , a person can calmly engage in gardening activities, enjoying in the breaks fresh air and admiring the beauty of the countryside. Before the start earthworks you need to plan your site and choose a place that is safe from the point of view of sanitary and hygienic requirements for structures of this kind.

This video clearly shows the construction process of a country toilet. After watching the video, you will understand how to make a toilet in the country on your own, as well as decide on the choice of the necessary building materials.

On the territory of Russia there are sanitary norms and rules, in accordance with which it is necessary to carry out the construction wooden toilet in the country. In this case, one must take into account not only one's own interests, but also the requirements of neighbors who are equipping their summer cottages.

When choosing the best place for a wooden toilet with a cesspool, follow these rules:

  • The distance from the well (your own and your neighbor's) to the toilet should be at least 25 meters. Only under this condition can the quality of well water used for domestic purposes be guaranteed. If the water from the well will not be used for drinking yet, then it is better to analyze its quality in laboratory conditions.
  • Structures such as a toilet are usually not erected in the center of the suburban area. It is better to find a place at some distance from the house so that a person can comfortably use the building along direct appointment without causing inconvenience to other people. To respect the rights of neighbors, it is necessary to retreat from the border dividing the plots by at least a meter. If you ignore this requirement, then a principled neighbor will force you to move the building by court order. In addition, you will have to pay legal costs.
  • If the site is located at an angle, then the toilet is built in the lowest place.
  • The wind rose is also taken into account when choosing a place. This will get rid of unpleasant odors. Although with proper care of the object, this problem should not arise.

Think also about how you will clean the cesspool. If possible, arrange an entrance for a sewer truck pumping waste from septic tanks, drainage and cesspools.

The choice of a good place in a summer cottage for the construction of a wooden toilet must be done taking into account the requirements sanitary standards and rules

Construction of a toilet in the country with a cesspool

Of all types of country toilets, this option is the most common. The street building is simple and convenient to operate. After all, the waste generated in the process of human life falls into a deep cesspool, specially dug for this purpose.

As soon as the pit is filled to two-thirds of its depth, the landlord cleans it manually or mechanically. You can mothball the object by filling the hole with earth. True, in this case, you will have to look for a new place to place the toilet. If the area of ​​the suburban area is large, then the option of conservation and transfer of the object can be considered. If the site is small, then it is better to clean the pit of accumulated waste.

Stage # 1 - digging a cesspool and strengthening its walls

The construction of an outdoor toilet in the country begins with digging a cesspool. Its depth must be at least two meters. The shape of the pit is a square, all sides of which are equal to one meter.

To prevent the soil from shedding, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the cesspool, using ready-made reinforced concrete rings, boards, brick or masonry... The bottom of the pit is made airtight with concrete screed or simply covered with a layer of rubble that provides drainage. If there is a threat of groundwater pollution, then the walls and bottom of the pit are made waterproof, be sure to seal them with special materials.

Diagram of the device of a wooden country toilet with a sealed cesspool, a ventilation pipe that removes unpleasant odors, a hatch for waste disposal

Stage # 2 - building a toilet house

A protective structure in the form of a house is located above the cesspool. The rectangular frame is fixed on columnar foundation, at the same time, blocks or bricks are placed under all four corners of the wooden box. Waterproofing is provided with roofing material, laying the material between the foundation and the wooden frame. Further, the work algorithm is as follows:

  • The beam used for assembly frame structure, it is necessary to cover with a primer mixture and then paint. The resulting coating will protect the frame from premature decay.
  • The processed timber is fastened together, receiving a frame the right size... The assembled structure is placed on the foundation pillars.
  • Then four, upright standing, racks are attached to the frame using metal plates and bolts. The building level allows you to set the racks strictly vertically.
  • Next, proceed to the installation of the racks necessary for hanging the doors.
  • Fix the beams for the construction of the roof, so that they protrude slightly around the entire perimeter beyond the edges of the structure. Surface shed roof should be located at a slight incline. The rear shortened struts allow to provide the desired angle.
  • A podium seat is placed above the cesspool, for which an additional frame is assembled from bars and attached to the main structure.
  • The roof is constructed from a sheet of slate, laid on the crossbeams, covered with roofing felt.
  • It remains to perform the external and inner lining, choosing for this the available building material. Most often they use clapboard, siding, professional sheet or ordinary boards if the toilet is being built for temporary use. To fix the sheathing, additional crossbars are nailed to the frame, cut to size from a bar or thick board. The podium seat is also lined with clapboard.

Finish the construction by hanging doors knocked out of the boards on hinges.

A structure from a timber frame of a country toilet above a cesspool, the walls of which are reinforced with old car tires

The device of a pitched roof and sheathing of the side walls of a country toilet, erected with their own hands on a site from inexpensive building materials

During the construction phase of the toilet, it is necessary to take care of its artificial lighting. We'll have to supply electricity and connect a small lighting fixture... During the day, the interior of the dressing house is illuminated through a small window cut above the door.

Summer residents, who love their site, are creative in the design and decoration of the toilet in the country. In the photos below, you can see interesting options for the designs of toilet houses.

Country toilet in the form of a fabulous wooden house, erected by the skillful hands of a real master, is a decoration of the entire suburban area

The country toilet, built in the form of a fancy wooden hut, is buried in greenery, growing to the delight of the caring owners of the site

Stage # 3 - how to properly build ventilation?

To remove unpleasant odors from the cesspool, ventilation must be provided in the toilet design. For its arrangement, a plastic sewage pipe having a diameter of 100 mm. The pipe is pulled with tin clamps to the back wall of the toilet.

The lower end is brought 15 cm into the cesspool, for which a hole of the required diameter is cut out in the podium seat. Top end ventilation pipe taken out to the top through a hole cut in the roof of the building. In this case, the end of the pipe is located at a height of 20 cm above the roof plane. To increase traction, a deflector nozzle is attached to the head of the ventilation pipe.

Features of the construction of a powder closet

In some cases, it is impractical to build a toilet with a cesspool. Therefore, they choose the option of a wooden toilet, called a powder closet. The main difference between this type of structure is the absence of a cesspool. Instead, the toilet is equipped with a container that, when filled, easily slides out from under the toilet seat and is removed from the area for emptying.

Usually, a small box with peat, sawdust, dry hay or ordinary earth is installed in a powder closet. After visiting the toilet, the waste is “powdered” with bulk material.

Ventilation in these structures is also indispensable. Installation of ventilation is done according to the method described above.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of building a wooden toilet. You can also come up with your own options for the device of this necessary structure. Surprised neighbors will ask for advice, asking you about how to build the same toilet in the country with their own hands. Share information so that everything around your site is beautiful for everyone.