Sewage sewage cleaning. What do you know about sewer drain? Replenish the gaps

The drainage systems are the necessary component of any private home ownership. The sewage is initially designed so that it is excluded for the formation of traffic jams and congestion, which create an unpleasant smell and are able to disrupt the drainage device. To this end, the sewage system is complemented by special devices providing and pipes. If you correctly design and implement such an infrastructure, it will last for many years without emergency situations.

Sewer device

To date, plastic pipes (PVC) of high density are the main material for the implementation of drainage systems on the site. They became popular due to ease and resistance before corrosion processes, and their strength in these operating conditions is not inferior to metal counterparts. In addition, the means for cleaning the sewage in such systems are easier implemented. However, it is advisable to apply cast iron pipes, but they cost more.

In the finished system on the site, the movement of water through pipes is carried out independently. To ensure self-chapter pipes are packed under a certain bias. Usually, the sewage is in favor of a binding element between the zones of waste collection zones and an external tank or manifold.

Mechanical way to eliminate blockages

A tool for performing cleaning operations This way can be found in each house - it is Vanuts and a plumbing cable. Before using these devices, you should try to get rid of corks with boiling water. It acts well on due to which pipes are clocked. If this method does not help, you can apply vestus. By simple manipulations, the sewage is cleaned, the pipes of which must be filled with water before it, otherwise the effect will be minimal.

Plumbing cable has a special handle for rotation and a spiral tip. There are also models with the end in the form of a rash and brushes. But it is important to remember that too coarse cleaning of the sewage pipes with rigid elements is able to damage some types of rubber and plastic products. In the course of cleaning, it is possible to intuitively determine the nature of the blockage - as a rule, the cable allows you to physically eliminate the plugs of any complexity.

Chemical cleaning

In servicing plumbing communications, the use of chemicals is not uncommon. They are effective and easy to use, but you should adhere to the application instructions so as not to get burns.

In addition to popular recipes in the form of soda and vinegar, you can taste special alkali-based preparations and caustic sodium. The advantage of such a combination is to effectively clean the sewage by dissolving all common types of salts, acids and fats, the concentration of which and provokes the formation of traffic jams. The minuses of such a chemical refers to the risk of damage to PVC pipes. But the drug is allowed for servicing specialized compositions used for sewage from plastic, developed on the basis of hydrochloric acid. Such means are coping with limestorms, fat, remove hair and food residues.

Hydrodynamic clearing sewage

This is a modern method of getting rid of congestion in sewage pipes, which is more often used in private houses. The principle of operation of this technology is based on water exposure under high pressure. Accordingly, the hydrodynamic sewage cleaning involves the use of special equipment. A few years ago, complex installations on the automotive chassis were involved in such operations. At the moment, the development of sanitary equipment allows you to produce small hydrodynamic units, which are easily eliminated by plugs in pipes with a diameter of 5 cm. The deficiencies of the break is determined by the power of the machine.

Absorbent wells and primer filtration

Recently, such wells have become the most in demand when ensuring the removal of storm sewers. By design, this construction is a concrete (or plastic) ring-shaped system with a diameter of 1 m, immersed in the ground. Cleaning is directly implemented due to drainage flooring, including sand, gravel or sandy-gravel layers. The upper part of the absorbent well is closed by geotextiles. When such a structure, it is important to comply with the rules for the location of septics - the minimum distance from the house is 2 m.

Cleaning with the use of natural materials and the participation of the soil layer is not difficult in installation and provides good results when filtering. To understand her work, it should be recalled that the estimates fall into a special sump, where they settle, separated and subjected to fermentation. Next takes place in the soil. At this stage, the principle of soil filtration is performed. The system of the system is used by a layer of washed rubble and geotextile. The rest of the infrastructure is also performed from drainage pipes and connecting components. In the process of cleaning, organic and mineral elements are dissolved - at this stage, bacteria is delayed, and the filtered strokes go further to groundwater.

Biological septic cleaning

If the conditions on the site do not allow to implement the cleaning system on natural filtering principles, then one option remains - the installation of a biological septicity, for example, aerobic. In most cases, sewage, sewage treatment of which is performed in this way, serves longer thanks to high-quality pre-filtration.

The object is located underground and in the finished form is a closed capacitance divided by cameras. In one of them, the presence of a frame with useful (in terms of filtration) aerobic bacteria is envisaged. With the help of a special compressor in a septicch, air flows, which is sprayed by a diffuser. This occurs biological wastewater treatment by finelyopubular aeration.

In suburban households, this approach is advisable to use if permanent accommodation is supposed. This is due to the fact that in septhes of aerobic type, active ilter is used, which in the absence of wastewater loses its functional qualities.

Ponds and ponds in the sewage system

The collection of rain and melting waters can be organized in an artificial water branch, after which it is used in watering. In addition, part of the effluent will naturally evaporate. The slopes and bottom of the reservoir must be provided by waterproofing.

In case the surface of the soil is low-relocated (there is a layer of clay with zl), the waterproofability will be saved without third-party intervention. If the bottom and walls of the pond from a sandy basis, have to create artificial insulation layers - you can use the same clay or airtight film. It happens that the sewage system is arranged on a plot with elevated groundwater. For this reason, during periods of intense rainstones, it is important to monitor the reservoir level - it should not be overdimed.

Where to position the sewage treatment plant?

The optimal option will be the smooth and free platform, which marks a low level of water and the water-permeable soil. These are ideal conditions for creating a waste drainage. But in most cases it is necessary to deal with problem areas, which, in fact, causes the variety of approaches to sewage filtering.

Planning where to install drainage or septic tank, it is important to take into account the configuration in which the sewage is made. Cleaning at the same time should exclude the risks of contamination of the drinking well and residential facilities. To minimize such a probability, it is desirable to leave a few meters from the construction to the toilet, the garden and at home. As a last resort, it is necessary to make sure the reliability of the filtering system itself.

Sewerage in any private house is one of the most important elements that can provide a sufficiently comfortable life. If, more recently, our grandparents who lived in the villages and villages were accounted for the usual cesspool, where all the impurity merged, and which spread far from the most pleasant fragrance throughout the district, now people seek to establish a full-fledged wastewater treatment system. Currently uses many different systems for wastewater treatment, from ordinary accumulative tanks, to complex biotechnical complexes of deep water purification.

Options for solving the issue of sewage arrangement in a private house

Wastewater treatment systems for a private house can be confidently divided into several basic groups:

  1. Cumulative containers.
  2. Single-chamber septics.
  3. Multi-chamber septics.

Cumulative tanks

These are hermetic tanks that are installed below the ground level and are equipped with an accessible output to the surface to pump them out of uncleanness. For the arrangement of such tanks, quite a few options are used, the easiest of which is ready-made containers, from metal tanks or plastic eurocubes in a protective metal grid.

Installation of accumulative containers for the sewage of the private house

In addition, the tank for collecting wastewater can be made from concrete rings, setting them onto a concrete pillow and seal all the joints and technological holes, or to cast a concrete container directly in the bullshit. Despite the simplicity of design, such tanks do not use sufficiently popular due to the need to constantly pump wastewater with solid waste.

Alternative machines with powerful pumps and dirt tanks can perform such work. Such a service in some regions is quite a road, and given that it will be necessary to contact her regularly, the use of sewage becomes overhead. Another significant disadvantage of cumulative tanks for sewage is the risk of destruction of the capacity and seeping of uncleanness into the soil, and then in groundwater, which can be used for water intake. This is especially true of metallic containers, which are treated with special protective compositions, inside and outside, but they are still corrosion due to the constant negative impact of the environment and the chemical elements contained in detergents and falling into the tank along with wastewater. Check the condition and integrity of the tank or metal tank burned under the Earth or is almost impossible, since it must be removed from the soil.

Such concoctions from concrete, albeit more resistant to corrosion, but still collapse from time.

Exceptions are plastic tanks that are not afraid of corrosion. If, during installation, all protective measures were observed from the external mechanical and physical impact of the storage tank made of plastic can serve forever. The problem of plastic drives in limited sizes. Although modern technologies make it possible to produce sufficiently volumetric tanks from the plastic in strength practically not inferior to their iron counterparts.

Single-chamber septics

This type of cleaning facilities is made of two types. The cheapest version is a drainage well without the bottom. To filter wastewater into such a well, sand and gravel mixture falls asleep. The volume of such a septic is limited to the volume of the tank, which is used as a drainage well. The most common way is the construction of a single-chamber septica of concrete rings, which are mounted on each other in a specially dug hole. In order for pollution from wastewater not to go to the upper layers of the soil, where the root system of most plants is located, the joints between the rings are carefully sealing. This type of septicity is recommended to be installed only in areas with the maximum low horizon of groundwater, otherwise, partially filtered wastewater and dirt can be seamless through a small moisture thickness and contaminate underground water sources. In addition to concrete rings for single-chamber septic tanks, metal tanks can be used, in the bottom of which are made sufficiently large holes for draining the sewage drainage.

Installation of sewer septication for a private house

A more acceptable option of a single-chamber septic, which is capable not only to provide a sufficiently high-quality sewer system, but also not to contaminate the environment, is a hermetic tank with an output to filtration fields or infiltrator. Septic tanks of such a plan are sold in the finished factory version or manufactured independently. The design of cleaning facilities with a single-chamber system is quite simple, this causes the ability to build it yourself. The hermetic tank in which the sewage from the house can be made from any suitable material. Often these are the same concrete rings, only installed on a concrete pillow to eliminate wastewater to the ground. This reservoir serves as a sump in which there is a sedimentation of solid, insoluble dirt particles to the bottom, and smaller fat and chemical particles are overflowed on the contrary.

Partly distorted water from the average layer through the overflow tube is displayed on filtration fields or infiltrator, which is final cleaning and drained into the ground. The infiltrator, as well as the filtration field, is essentially the same mechanical natural filter from a sandy-gravel mixture. To ensure better filtration, such a mixture is covered with a sufficiently large area, and wastewater extends to it evenly. Professional factory infiltrates can be equipped with a wastewater collection system for draining them is not soil, but to a wastewater system, if such is available nearby. The main disadvantage of such septicists is the need to periodically pump solid waste and active rals from the sump, as well as the replacement of sand and gravel as they are scored and casing. Another disadvantage is quite stringent conditions allowing the installation of sewage with drainage into the soil.

Multi-chamber septics

Devices with several connecting tanks are fairly effective for wastewater treatment in a private house. 2-3 sealed tanks made of metal, plastic or concrete connected by overflow pipes are used to create septicles of this type. Often, additional mechanical filters and giroslavls are installed in such pipes, to improve the cleaning process.

Installing a multi-chamber septicity with a thin cleaning system

Basically, the first two septic cameras serve to defend water, only unlike single-chamber septones, upholding is better. In one of the containers, the so-called biological filter is equipped. For this, the colony of aerobic bacteria is attached to it, which are actively involved in the decomposition of organic residues of human livelihoods. Unlike the anaerobic bacteria used in cesspools and single-chamber septhes, aerobic bacteria cannot develop without a constant oxygen inflow. For this reason, it is necessary to arrange the ventilation system. Depending on the size of the tank and, accordingly, the volume of wastewater, ventilation can be made with a natural influx or with a system forced injection of oxygen. The advantage of forced ventilation in a constant air flow for bacteria of decomposing organic residues, but its energy dependence is its disadvantage. In cases of turning off the electricity, the inflow of oxygen ceases, and the bacteria may die.

After passing a few chambers of settling and processing with the help of bacteria, wastewater is displayed in infiltrator or aeration fields, which are also buried in the ground. By installing the system with aerial-filtration fields, it should be remembered that the planting of fruiting plants is not recommended over them and within a radius of several meters around. Otherwise, there is a risk that plants through the roots absorb dirt particles and will be transmitted as harmful substances in the fruits that a person can consume to eat. In an infiltrator with a plastic dome, this problem does not occur since the reset of purified water occurs deeply underground. The only restriction in this case becomes the landing of large trees with a developed root system, which is capable of damaging plastic.

The stations of the sewage biocostees in a private house, allow you to obtain completely purified water, which can be reused for household needs, for example, for watering. These are complex devices resembling multi-chamber septic colors, but with a much more complex device that ensures their effectiveness and fully autonomous principle of operation.

Installing Biological Cleaning Station

In addition to settling the water and separating the fat components, which occurs in the first tank, discharged further and partially purified water is saturated with a large volume of oxygen. This process is called aeration of fluid. As a result, the clarified water enters the chamber with an active biological il, which is saturated with aerobic bacteria, actively involved in the decomposition of the organics. The last step in purification is the processing of water with chemicals that completely kill bacteria.

Considering that overflows, oxygen saturation and the forced ventilation system is controlled automatically, the cleaning station requires constant electricity supply. In addition, this type of such type is one of the most expensive, albeit efficient wastewater treatment methods. This causes their small popularity among ordinary consumers. Often the biological cleaning station is installed on several houses located nearby.

There are practically no restrictions for the installation of such structures, since deep cleaning and fully sealed device tanks exclude accidental pollution of the soil and groundwater.

Selecting the sewer system

Selection of cleaning facilities depends on a number of certain factors that are individual in each individual case:

  1. Consumer financial capabilities. More modern septic tanks that purify water to 85-95% are quite expensive and not always for the pocket of the ordinary consumer.
  2. The amount of septic is determined by the minimum daily level of wastewater drained into the sewer. The calculation of the required volume is usually made by specialists who take into account all individual characteristics of the sewer system, but also independently can carry out this calculation according to a simple formula.

On average, one person per day comes from 150 to 200 liters of fluid lowered into the sewer. These figures are averaged and include not only the immediate drainage of water, but also the use of washing, dishwashers and other household appliances. The minimum amount of septic should be covered at least 3 daily volume, that is, one permanent person using the sewer is required to septica in 600 liters. For two people, it will be 1200 liters for three - 1800 liters and so on.

  1. The type of soil, the depth of groundwater location, the location of the natural reservoir and the ability to drain into common waste ditches, in some cases determines the possibility of installing a type of septica.
  2. Accessibility of the call of the assessing machine. Frequently often in remote regions there is no call service of the associate or it turns out to be too unprofitable financially. In such cases, it is worth thinking about the arrangement of the septicism with the ability to clean the sumps, in which solid waste will accumulate on their own.
  3. The ability to constant electricity supply. Especially important for septic tanks and biological treatment stations, in which aerobic bacteria, forced ventilation systems and circulation pumps are used.

Installation of septicism in ground

In general, the installation rules of the septica or other type of cleaning facilities proceed from a number of individual characteristics, but there are general recommendations in this matter.

Kotlovan, where the septic tank is installed, it is necessary to insulate in order to eliminate the risk of fluid freezing in the reservoirs in winter, when the temperature drops low enough. In some regions, it is also recommended to warm up the sewage pipes output from the house into the treatment facilities. Considering that the sewage system works on the basis of a self-type installation of the septica, it is necessary to carry out so that the sewage pipes are at an angle of at least 2-3 degrees with an inclination from the house to the septic.

When installing sufficiently large cleaning facilities, the pit for them is raised no closer than 3-5 meters from the capital buildings. Otherwise, there is a risk of the foundation of the foundation of the house. Also, sufficient removal will ensure the absence of smell in the residential area, even if the septic tank fails and starts to smell it unpleasantly.

And of course, it should be ensured that wastewater from drainage wells or infiltrates does not pollute the environment. To do this, it is not recommended to install cleaning settings closer than 30-50 meters from wells for drinking water.

Many people using purified water are not even suspected which methods it is achieved. Nevertheless, now there are a number of cleaning methods, such as: mechanical, biological, biochemical. Chemical, physico-chemical, which, in turn, are divided into species. In some cases, these methods are used comprehensively. Which one is most effective - this will be discussed below.

Purification of water from various kinds of impurities, heavy metals present in it and their compounds are a painstaking technological process. Now there are many methods for producing a clean liquid, the methods of wastewater treatment differ in the degree of contamination and the concentration of impurities in water.

Why clean stocks?

The main purpose of purification is the destruction of pollution of various nature and their removal. This is a complex production process, which is the finished products of which represents. Its parameters are communicated to the established standards. Moreover, the requirements for water for various purposes are significantly different and steadily enhanced.

Cleaning methods

The choice of a cleaning method depends on the type of contamination. Most often, the maximum filtering is achieved by combining various methods.

Of all the variety of existing methods, you can allocate the main types:

  1. Mechanical - wastewater treatment is carried out from insoluble impurities.
  2. Chemical. At this stage, neutralizing acids and alkalis.
  3. Biochemical. Together with chemical reagents, microorganisms are used, which are used as food pollution.
  4. Biological. Water treatment occurs without the use of chemicals.
  5. Physico-chemical wastewater treatment includes several species, each of which will be discussed below.


Used to pre-purify the effluents from insoluble contaminants and are used in a complex with other species. Cleaning itself is carried out in several stages.


In the process of settling the particle, with a specific weight greater than the water, we settle on the bottom, and smaller - climb surface. It is possible to attribute oils, oil, fats, resins. Such impurities are present in industrial drains. Subsequently, their removal from the sewage treatment plants and shipment is sent.

Important! To separate the natural solid suspension use a special option for sumps - sandballs, which are performed by tubular, static or dynamic.

Filling and filtering

To separate large contaminants in the form of paper, rags, etc. Serve lattice. To capture small particles when tissue purification, tissue, porous or fine-grained filters are used. For the same purpose, microprochalters consisting of a drum equipped with a grid are used. The washing of separated substances in the hopper is taking place under the influence of water, which is supplied through the nozzles.


The wastewater treatment system, which in the process of work together with chemicals uses special microorganisms, is two types:

The first is carried out water treatment in vivo. These may be reservoirs, irrigation fields where the soil is needed. They are characterized by low efficiency, a large dependence on climate conditions and require large areas.

The second function in the situation of the artificial environment, where favorable conditions are created for microorganisms. This significantly improves the quality of cleaning. Such stations can be divided into three types: aerotanks, bio and aeroofiltra.

  1. Aerotenks. Productive biomass is an active IL. With the help of special mechanisms, it is mixed with drainage in a single mass.
  2. Biofilter is a device where the filtering belling is provided. For her, materials such as slag, claying gravel.
  3. The aeroofiltter is constructed by the same principle, but air is forced into the filter layer.


Biological wastewater treatment methods are used when there are pollution of organic nature. A greater effect is observed when using aerobic bacteria. But to ensure their livelihoods require oxygen. Therefore, when working in artificial conditions, air injection is required, which leads to an increase in costs.

The use of anaerobic microorganisms reduces costs, but is inferior in efficiency. To increase the quality of filtration, there is an emphasis of previously recycled drain. Most often, for this purpose, contact brighteners are used, which are a multi-layer filter. Less frequently - microfilters.

Wastewater treatment This method eliminates them from toxic impurities, but at the same time phosphorus saturation, nitrogen. Reset of such water will violate the ecological reservoir system. The removal of nitrogen is carried out in other ways.

Physical and chemical

Such a cleaning method allows you to distinguish finely dispersed and dissolved mixtures of inorganic compounds and destroy hard-oiled organic substances. There are several types of such cleaning, the choice of which depends on the volume of water and the amount of impurities contained in it.


This species implies the introduction of chemical reagents: ammonium salts, iron, etc. Harmful impurities are settled in the form of flakes, after which their withdrawal does not represent difficulties. When coagulation, small particles stick together into large compounds, which significantly increases the efficiency of the deposition process. Such a cleaning method is distinguished by the basic part of unwanted inclusions. It finds use when erecting industrial treatment systems.


To accelerate the process at which the formation of precipitate occurs, additionally use flocculation. Molecular flocculant connections when contact with harmful impurities are combined into one system, which reduces the number of coagulant. Flaking flakes are removed by mechanical way.

Flocculants are of different origins: natural (silicon dioxide) and synthetic (polyacrylamide). The speed of the flocculation process is influenced by the order of additives of reagents, temperature and level of water pollution, with which frequency and power mixing occurs. The time of finding the effluent in the mixer is 2 minutes, and contacting with reagents - up to one hour. After that, water lightening in sumps. Reduce the costs of coagulants and flocculants allows double wastewater treatment when the initial settling is carried out without the use of reagents.


Important! There are a number of substances that are able to absorb harmful impurities. This is based on the adsorption method. Activated carbon, montmorillonite, peat, aluminosilicates are used as reagents.

Wastewater treatment in this method gives high performance, allows you to remove various types of contaminants. Adsorption is two types: regenerative and destructive.

The first option is due to the removal of harmful impurities from the reagent and only after that their disposal occurs. In the second - they are destroyed simultaneously with the adsorbent.


Harmful impurities are placed in a mixture consisting of two liquids that do not dissolve one to another. Apply when it is necessary to remove organic substances from stocks.

The method is based on the addition of a certain amount of extractant. At the same time, harmful substances leave water and concentrated in the created layer. When their content reaches the maximum value, the extract is removed.

Ionic exchange method

Thanks to the exchange occurring between contacting phases, you can output radioactive elements: lead, arsenic, mercury compounds, etc. With a high content of toxic substances, this method is especially effective.


All chemical wastewater treatment methods are based on the addition of reagents that convert dissolved substances into the suspension state. After that, they are removed without any difficulties.

As a reagent apply:

  • oxidizers (ozone, chlorine);
  • alkali (soda, lime);
  • acids.


Purification of wastewater in a similar method neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, displays the pH level to the required standard (6.5-8.5). For this apply the following methods:

  • mix alkalis and acids in the form of liquids;
  • chemical reagents are introduced;
  • filtered with acids containing acids;
  • neutralize gases by alkali and acid - ammonia solution.


When it was not possible to remove impurities with a mechanical way and upset, oxidation uses. In this case, the reagents in this case are ozone, potassium bichromate, chlorine, pyrolyzit, etc. Ozone is rarely applied due to the high cost of the process and at high concentration it is explosive.

Recovery process

Important! The essence of the method: the physical state of all harmful contaminants is restored, and then removed by the flotation, upsetting or filtering.

When it is necessary to cleanse from arsenic, mercury, chromium uses this method.


Flotation Method - Cleaning under high pressure air

This is a method in which the extraction of garbage on the surface is achieved by adding vortex air flows to wastewater. The efficiency of the method will depend on the hydrophobicity of the particles. The resistance of air bubbles to destruction is raised by adding reagents.

The efficiency of wastewater treatment with various methods for clarity can be represented as a table.

Recycled precipitation, which are the result of cleaning household wastewater and some industrial industries can be used by agriculture as fertilizers.

Alex, May 20, 2017.

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Wastewater cleaning is an indispensable process, as it makes safe sewage waste for people and the environment. To date, technical progress negatively affects our planet's water funds, therefore each drop is in the account. For this reason, the cleaning methods were developed that help the drains reapply for irrigation of land or simply soil feeding. In today's article, we will discuss with you the basic ways of filtering the liquid sewage.

First, let's find out what applies to the concept of wastewater? For this understanding, it is customary to take the whole liquid with impurities and without that merges into the sewer system. Its important characteristic is the presence of pollution obtained in a particular application. It is worth considering that the liquid of atmospheric precipitation is perfted here.

Types of pollution

Wastewater treatment implies the process passing with the correct selection of equipment. It is worth considering that an important component of its compliance with a certain type of contamination. It is for this reason that let's find out their species that can be in sewage water:

  • Pollution Minerals. This type includes all inorganic components, such as: salt, land, etc.
  • Organic substances. This is a sewage fluid containing in its composition the remains of the world of flora and fauna. Their composition usually consists of chemical organics and polymers.
  • Biological components. They are represented by bacteria and other various microorganisms.

Attention! In most cases, the drainage of sewage has all three components in its composition. If this is household drains, then the organic will relate to mineral substances as 3 to 2. As for bioorganisms, their quantity depends on the environment.

Cleaning standards

Any installation for water purification is obliged to perform a certain level of recycling. It is worth noting that the regulated strict standards are prescribed only for the industrial industry. In addition, the law is fixed by the ratio of each type of impurities. For example, iron after processing should be present in an amount of no more than 0.1 mg per liter.

With respect to domestic plums, softer requirements. But this is not a reason to relax. One of the most important rules for handling runoff on a private site is that crude estrelations cannot enter the environment. For violation of this Regulation, the owner of the house will be attracted to administrative responsibility.

Important! Today, the state is regulated only the maximum possible amount of impurities in water. At the moment - this concerns only drain in the reservoir. But remember that the verification may present these claims and with the withdrawal of the flow into the soil.

Methods of cleaning of stocks

Stripping from the variety of filtering methods and wastewater treatment, today, they can be divided into species. Namely, the methods of wastewater treatment exist two such types:

  • Destructive views;
  • Recurative ways.

For the first characteristic feature there is a process of separation of effluents to simple components, which can in the future can easily be launched, for example, in the form of gas. The second species are chosen from the sewage fluid all valuables to recycle them in the future.

Cleaning process - ways to commit

Technical progress does not stand still, and therefore new ideas and ways appear every day to clean the drains. After all, you should not forget that this is an additional water resource. In this section, we will get acquainted with each of the species separately, but for starters, let's list them:

  • Mechanical;
  • Biological;
  • Physico-chemical;
  • Disinfection method;
  • Thermal disposal.

Consider in detail the methods for cleaning wastewater.

Mechanical method

This is one of the simplest options. The process itself includes the removal of all components from the stocks that do not dissolve. What are these components? First of all, it includes solid particles and fat. Sewer water is passed through a sieve and a sump, which further passes only liquid with small particles.

The best option for mechanical cleaning of sewer water is considered a membrane method. Its main feature is nothing but the best process of purification. The main thing is not to forget that this type of filtering gives a result of 70% and is a start for the biological method.

Biological cleaning process

Purification of wastewater by biological substances is carried out using the functioning of bacteria and microorganisms in the system. Their main feature is the ability to oxidize solid particles. The basis for creating this method, served as microflora of natural water sources. Studies have proven that the drains are getting rid of nitrogen and phosphorus that are dangerous to the surrounding nature. Bacteria are such types:

  • Anaerobic microorganisms that can function without air;
  • Aerobic types, without oxygen, can not work.

If cleaning is carried out with air, i.e. aerobic bacteria, it is possible to install a biofilter or aerotane. These designs have high purification efficiency and can fight active il. In anaerobic microorganisms, the fermentation process occurs, which converts organic substances for methane and carbon dioxide.

With such a cleaning, bio filters and aerotanes with active il are used. They have a high degree of cleaning and more efficient than biofilters for wastewater treatment. In the aerotanks, water aeration and its deep biological purification are performed. In addition, the result is active IL, which is a good fertilizer. Anaerobic wastewater treatment is carried out without access of oxygen. When exposed to anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process and the conversion of organic matter into methane, and carbon dioxide. It is worth noting that the second way is a bit cheaper.

Attention! Modern devices use two types of microorganisms that can be easily applied even in industrial sewage.

Physico-chemical method

These methods for cleaning wastewater are very effective and based on the teachings of chemistry and physics. Such species include:

  • Electrolysis is a very popular way in industrial enterprises. The basis of the processing process includes the destruction of organic components of water to obtain inorries.
  • Coagulation is purification of water, which is carried out when sticking components under the action of forces. The result of the process is the formation of an aggregate.
  • Deposition of metal hydroxide flakes - This action is the result of the influence of coagulants, which are forced to fall out of the sediment. Educated flakes are engaged in purification of wastewater.

The physico-chemical process has a large number of advantages, for example, the withdrawal of toxins and impurities that are not able to oxidize. It is also worth adding that this method provides a very high percentage of cleaning. This method can safely automate the dimensions of the filtering structures, which will reduce the sensitivity of the action.


This method is reproduced using the effects of ultraviolet rays, chlorine or ozone. Typically, the method is used to disinfect water before discharge in the reservoir. The most effective process is considered to use rays, as it is safe. It is worth considering that their impact is able to destructively act on bacteria and various viral microbes.

The type of chlorination-based purification is implied by chlorine disinfection of all microorganisms. The main minus of this mechanism is the creation of toxins and carcinogenic compounds. It is for this reason that it is necessary to be very neat when this method is applied.

Ozonation is ozone treatment. Everyone knows that this is a type of gas that contains three oxygen molecules, thereby forming a powerful oxidizing agent, which kills microbes. It is important to say that this method is very expensive, therefore it is very rare in everyday life. The main scope of its use is manifested in the production of industrial industries.

Thermal disposal

Thermal processing of sewage drainage is carried out in those situations where other methods do not give results. The principle of operation consists in spraying the fluid in the fuel torch. This is a very effective method, but because of its price and volumes, it is found mainly in production.

Attention! Modern cleaning facilities perform a process in several actions, so very often the use of several methods is programmed.

So, the process of cleansing sewage waters is a prerequisite for the operation of the wastewater system. It is worth not overlooking that these requirements are regulated by sanitary and legislative norms.

Wastewater purification - removal of alien impurities from them before resetting in a pond or soil. Wastewater can be divided into several categories:

  1. household - sewage;
  2. industrial - the result of the work of factories and plants;
  3. atmospheric - Tales and rainwater.

Not only the estates are discharged by enterprises, but also household - from sewage systems. Poor purified water even from a small private house can cause serious environmental damage.

Previously, uncleans were collected in ordinary, so-called cesspools, but due to the inconsistency of sanitary standards, they have to refuse. Today, autonomous treatment plants, where they are cleared by 90 - 99% are used for collecting and cleaning domestic effluents. After that, they can be discharged into open reservoirs or soil.

Cleaning methods

In household drains may contain soluble or insoluble impurities. Depending on the size of the contained particles, they can be divided into:

  • emulsions and suspensions - 0.1 μm;
  • colloids - from 0.1 μm to 1 nm;
  • dissolved particles.

Cleaning is performed using different methods and means. Cleaning methods are divided into several groups:

  1. mechanical - filtering and hydrodynamic processes;
  2. physico-chemical - chemical and heat treatment;
  3. biological - recycling by bacteria.

When choosing a method and cleaning process, it is necessary to take into account the degree of contamination, the content and size of impurities. Most often, for economic (household) effluents, biological and mechanical methods are used.

Video: Methods and structures for wastewater treatment

Biological wastewater treatment

In nature, the water is cleaned by microorganisms that live in it or soil. Bacteria decompose organic particles on gas water. This method, though efficient, but rather long.

Bacteria need an ideal environment for their lives. For example, for aerobic microorganisms, which requires oxygen for life, there is aimed aeration system.

But their counterparts are anaerobic bacteria, no oxygen needs and perfectly cope with their duties in hermetic tanks. But the gas is allocated as a result of their work, therefore, for the structures in which these microorganisms are used, the ventilation system must be organized.

On a note! Biological waste purification is used only after mechanical.

Mechanical methods

Any wastewater treatment begins with settling or filtering, due to which large impurities are removed from the liquid. For this purpose, coarse filters are used, such as: sieves, grids, sandcloths, etc. In most sewage installations, the method of settling under which heavier particles are settled to the bottom, and the lungs are moving to the next stage.

On a note! With mechanical cleaning, domestic wastewater removes up to 65 - 70% impurities.

Chemical cleaning

This method is based on the addition of chemicals to the drains. As a result of the reaction occurring in the interaction of chemicals with impurities contained in drains, a precipitate is formed, which in turn is removed by mechanical path.

This method allows you to remove up to 25% soluble and 95% insoluble impurities. For water disinfection, potassium permanganate, chlorine and other substances that can disinfect are used.

Physico-chemical method

For cleansing and disinfection of household sewage drains, the physico-chemical method is rarely used. It is used mainly on the sewage treatment plants intended for cleaning industrial effluents.

Physico-chemical methods include:

  • coagulation;
  • flocculation;
  • flotation;
  • adsorption;
  • ion exchange method;
  • the method of reverse osmosis.

Since this technique is practically not used in, disassemble each item in detail in this article.

Methods used in domestic sewage

The simplest selection of household sewage systems, which include or cesspools include two main methods in their work: mechanical and biological cleaning. Stocks in these devices are defended and processed by microorganisms.

Most of the usual septones use anaerobic bacteria in their work, that is, those who do not need air access. At the same time, cleaning occurs slowly, and the fluid is not fully cleaned, so at the output it is necessary to arrange a doctor - the filtering fields.

More advanced cleaning stations except settling and anaerobic biophysics, use filtering at the entrance and aerobic microorganisms. As a result, the output is obtained purified by 97-98% water.

Cleaning norms

It does not imply strict requirements to household stocks. Standards in which permissible concentrations in purified water of a particular substance concern only production treatment facilities. However, this does not mean that the crude liquid from can be merged into reservoirs or directly to the ground. For this may be attracted to administrative responsibility.

For economic domestic stocks, the concentration of certain substances is regulated by law if they are reset into open reservoirs. It also applies to water that merges into the soil, as it will still fall in the reservoir.

On a note! For efficient sewage operation, follow the rules for its operation. It is not worth dropping garbage into it, as well as pour solvents, straight-colorful materials, gasoline and other chemically hazardous substances. Only household drains should be received in the sewer system.


Methods for cleansing wastewater, the choice depends on the nature of the pollution and the requirements for the quality of purified water. Household waste is cleaned in the main mechanical and biological method. And the physico - chemical and chemical method is used in large enterprises.

Video: Modern wastewater treatment technologies