Why ceramic tiles crack and how to avoid it. Why does the tile crack in the bathroom Why does the tile on the stove burst

It happens that after a couple of years after the repair, cracks appear on your tile. Nightmare, - the thought drills in your head, - deceived! Got a broken tile! But they assured of excellent quality!

Indeed, most people tend to believe that the cause of cracks is the poor quality of the tile itself. In practice, the quality of the tiles, as a rule, has nothing to do with the cause of the disorder.

Most often, cracks in the tile are the result of cracks or shifts in the subfloor on which it was laid. Let's say you lay tiles on concrete screed. It is obtained by mixing water, cement and aggregates (sand, gravel, etc.). As the water dries, the mixture begins to shrink, which leads to the formation of cracks. A tile glued to such a base with cement glue becomes one with it. Therefore, any deformation that will form in the screed will create stress in the adhesive layer and in the tile and cause cracks in the tile.

There is practically no escape from cracks in concrete, this is its normal property. (There are tricky ways, but if you're not doing zip ties every day, chances are you'll experience cracking.) They may appear a day after pouring the screed, but you will see the clearest picture in a month. It is important to close up all the cracks, otherwise they will continue to grow. Only then can you start laying tiles. If you start work before the base dries properly, sooner or later your tile will have to be changed. Unfortunately, you are not immune from the appearance of new cracks in concrete, so they can appear in a year or five years.

If you have tiled wooden base(which is better not to do), then any deflection will lead to the fact that compressive and tensile forces will begin to act on the tile, glue and grout, and this will end with the fact that the tile will crack. In general, when laying on a wooden base, you need to be prepared for the fact that the tile can crack at any time. The first symptom that this will happen will be cracks in the grout.

Also, if you are entering new house, remember that its walls can shrink significantly in the first year, so the tiles on the walls can become bumpy and then fly out completely.

The next common cause of cracking is related to the property of tiles to shrink and expand depending on temperature and humidity environment . Tile is a porous material that absorbs moisture (absorbed water can be up to 24 percent of a tile's weight). If you put such a tile on the street, then after the onset of frost, the water in the pores will turn into ice. As you know, when freezing, water expands by almost 10 percent, so the tile can be said to break from the inside.

Unlike tiles, porcelain tiles hardly absorb moisture (the water absorption coefficient is about 0.05 percent). This is due to the fact that it is pressed under high pressure, and there are practically no voids left in it that water could fill. Therefore, in the cold, nothing terrible will happen to porcelain stoneware.

Moreover, The tiles will expand as the temperature rises.. You probably imagine how thick glass bursts when heated sharply. The same thing will happen with tiles - only in a smaller volume, you won't notice it by eye.

The thermal expansion of ceramic tiles is from 0.004 to 0.008 mm per 1 linear meter with a temperature change of 1 degree. What does this mean? Let's say, on a cool day, you decide to warm yourself in the shower, and the temperature of +20C in the bathroom does not suit you very much. You direct a jet of warmer water towards yourself, say, 40 degrees Celsius. And if at the same time water gets on the tile and heats it up to the same temperature, then each square meter of the tile can expand by 20x0.008 = 0.16 mm.

And if you pursue the goal of perfecting yourself and regularly take a contrast shower (+10/+40), then each meter of your tile will be in a fever by 0.24 mm. Basically, it's not scary. Therefore, especially in the presence of expansion joints filled with silicone sealant You don't have to worry about bathroom renovations.

Other situations where thermal expansion occurs are outdoors, when the sun hits the tile during the day, heats it up and causes expansion, and at night, when the temperature decreases, the tile shrinks.

A similar situation occurs if your kitchen countertop lined with ceramic tiles, and with all your might you put a baking sheet blazing with heat from the oven on it. At what temperature was your dish baked, +200C? A room temperature+25С. The expansion will be about 0.7mm per meter assuming you have porcelain stoneware, 1.4mm per meter for tiles. So don't lay tiles side by side, without seams, they just won't have room to expand.

By the way, thanks to your baking sheet, you will know how good your tile is. The fact is that quality tiles it is mandatory to pass a thermal shock test and the manufacturer guarantees that nothing will happen to the tile from a sudden change in temperature. A bad tile will crack the enamel due to the different thermal expansion of the enamel and the tile.

Should I put a rubber mat under a hot baking sheet?

So, you still decided to bake a chicken in the oven for the first time in your life to complete the repair. Having successfully caught the moment when it just started to smoke, you proudly pull it out and freeze like Rodin's sculpture The Thinker. Where to put it? On a tile? The store told you that she passed the thermal shock test, that is, the baking sheet is like a dear friend to her. But I don't want to start over again. How to proceed?

It is enough for you to know the following: tests are carried out on separate tiles, which are placed in an autoclave. Having changed the temperature ten times from 15 to 105 degrees and pulling the tile out of the autoclave, the manufacturer is joyfully convinced that nothing terrible has happened to it, and solemnly hangs the certificate on the wall. It’s a completely different matter for you when the tile is carefully glued to the base (so that it doesn’t fall off), there are practically no seams between the tiles (because it’s ugly), there are no expansion joints, and you managed to save on glue (since it’s still not visible).

The tile will expand anyway, and what difference does it make to you that theoretically nothing will happen to it if it simply has nowhere to expand? Therefore, if your case coincides with the critical one described above, a rug is required. If you have provided expansion joints and put porcelain stoneware instead of tiles, you can put a baking sheet. However, all manufacturers unanimously recommend placing a rubber mat under the baking sheet in any case.

The next bad news is that tiles will change their size over time, even if you fortify your home with temperature sensors and maintain the ideal temperature for mummification every second.

The tile will still expand. It was obtained by thoroughly mixing clay and sand, pressing and baking at a high temperature. All this was quite unpleasant for clay and sand, so after baking they will try to return to their original state for some time. The exact amount of expansion is difficult to predict, as it depends on the type of clay, kiln, cooling time, humidity, etc.

But more often than not, tiles that have been baked at a lower temperature will expand quite a lot in the first months after baking, and at a slower rate thereafter. A tile that was baked at a higher temperature, on the contrary, will show a slight increase in the first months, but will pick up speed in the subsequent time.

The laws of tile expansion are a fairly popular subject for research in Lately, magazines are full of articles by German, Italian, Brazilian and even Russian scientists on this topic. Even archaeologists' assessments of the dating of various shards are based on this. Good news is that this expansion is extremely small, otherwise Greece would long ago have turned into a dumping ground for huge clay amphoras.

The result of the research states that, on average, the increase in the size of a tile should not exceed 0.03% in the first 5 years after baking. That is, with a good set of circumstances, a 30x30 cm tile will increase by no more than 27 square meters. millimeters. Terracotta tiles increase by 0.07% in 5 years, and by 0.11% in 15 years.

A separate study states that glazed ceramic tiles can increase by 0.046 percent in the first 3 years, of which 0.03% occurs in the first 2 months, 0.039% in the first 11 months, 0.041% in 16 months and 0.04% in 3 years .

Conclusion? If you are building a monumental structure such as a mausoleum of 1000 sq. meters, it is better to buy a tile that has had time to lie down for a year or two.

There is a few more reasons why tiles can deteriorate, but they are much less common, so we will list them, but we will not dwell on them.


- poor quality glue, glue used after the expiration date or wrong type of glue. For example, you applied mastic to the area by the fireplace or to any other place where there is a lot of heat. Bottom line - from heating, it can become dry and brittle, the tile will lose its grip and begin to fall off. This also includes cases when the mastic is used in rooms with high humidity and for laying porcelain stoneware big size. (For more information, read the article Tile Adhesive. Mastic and Cement Mortars).

- the use of compounds to accelerate the hardening of concrete. Such products may contain ingredients that will react with the tile adhesive and make it less effective to set. Because of this, the tile can begin to fall off, tremble and crack. In addition, such products often provoke the appearance of large cracks in concrete. You know what it is fraught with.

- foreign materials on the basis. For example, you stained part of the floor with paint or varnish. This will lead to the fact that the glue will not adhere well to the surface and, again, the tile will begin to fall off and crack.

- moisture getting under the tiles.

This topic is so vast that it is time to write a whole book. In the bathroom, water may leak from the pipes, the shower, or the toilet mount. V country house with insufficient ground drainage, water can seep through the foundation and walls. On the street, the outer coating can be washed away by rains, etc. One way or another, all this leads to one result - moisture that has fallen under the tile does not disappear anywhere from there. She stays inside and begins to spoil the adhesive that holds the tile. This causes the tile to fall off and, if the source of moisture is not removed, will fall off constantly, no matter how much you change it. Over time, mold will grow under the tile - not only is it ugly, it is also dangerous to health (some types cause a strong allergic reaction).

In general, moisture is more likely to cause tiles to chip than crack, so we won't cover this topic in detail. It is important to remember that water can penetrate both from the inside and from the outside, through the grout. Grout is a porous material that perfectly passes water, and also tends to change in size depending on humidity, and therefore crack. And through grout and especially through cracks, water will penetrate under the tile. Therefore, use special grouts that are designed to come into contact with water, and seal any cracks that appear in the grout before moisture gets into them.

And of course, in all areas with high humidity, the subfloor for laying should be specially treated and all possible sources of moisture penetration should be eliminated.

- curved laying base. Level, level and level again. Even the most best tile will fall prey to crooked or sagging floors.

Bad workers. You may have already heard the story about how one fairly respected and rich man in his house for 1500 square meters all surfaces were tiled, marble and onyx. After 2 years, the floors and walls began to crack. Having urgently called the master for dismantling, the owner heard the following truth: cracks in the tile are a completely normal, everyday thing. At the master's house, too, everything is in cracks, as you can see by stopping by for a visit. Conclusion? If you decide to hire a master, look at how the fruits of his labor look a couple of years after installation and, if possible, do not save on work.

So, before blaming the tile for all the troubles, check if the cause of the breakdown is a consequence of one of the reasons described in this article. And we will try to write a separate one. article on how to prevent cracking.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Laying tiles usually involves a long service life of the finish and its practicality. But with time individual elements can crack, collapse, despite the accuracy of the installation. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: temperature regime indoors, violation of the rules of operation, a defect in the tile. Having become acquainted with the main factors of tile damage, you can avoid them during the subsequent laying of the material.

Why do bathroom tiles crack?

Many owners, when looking for an answer to the question of why the tile is cracking, rely on the poor quality of the purchased material. But the defects that lead to such problems are usually obvious. These include the presence of irregularities on the surface, chips, damage. True, in most cases, the cause of the appearance of cracks refers to the incorrect laying of tiles. Often cracked tiles in the bathroom due to the following violations:

1. Insufficiently flat surface of the floor and walls.

The lack of a perfectly even screed will lead to damage to the tiles in the future. If alignment was not carried out on the walls either, then any protrusion or recess can cause peeling, cracking of the tile.

2. Incorrectly prepared screed, primer.

If in the process of leveling the surfaces the proportions according to which the solution should be prepared or puttying and priming were carried out were violated, then soon the base may be deformed. And since the tile is glued to them firmly enough, the finish itself will begin to shift, which will lead to its damage.

3. Constant indoor humidity.

Many owners are interested in why the tiles in the bathroom on the wall are cracking if the installation was done correctly. One of the reasons for such phenomena can be considered non-compliance with the operating conditions indicated by the manufacturer of the tile. The tile tends to partially absorb moisture, which can lead to its deformation and subsequent cracking.

If there is heavy furniture on the tile, Appliances, then soon it may become covered with cracks. Strong pressure damages the material. Sometimes the tiles on the floor also crack due to significant mechanical stress. For example, after a heavy object falls on a tile, cracks may appear on it soon even with a slight impact or a small load.

The cause of damage to the tile can also be its incorrect selection. Sticking wall tiles to the floor is the most common mistake homeowners make. Better buy finishing material for a floor at a higher price than saving on repairs and in the future facing damage to cheap analogues.

What to do if the tile is cracking on the wall or floor

The only way to fix the problem is new renovation. Removing individual tiles and gluing new ones will not help to avoid re-damage to the materials. Therefore, when carrying out tile finishing in a room, it is important to consider the following requirements:

  • choose the right tile (taking into account its purpose, quality);
  • perform the correct alignment of the surfaces (if you can’t do the work yourself, it’s better to invite trusted craftsmen);
  • observe mixing proportions, the order of applying leveling compounds.

Given these requirements, the owners will not face a problem when it cracks tile, violating the aesthetics of the interior. In addition, training photos and videos will help to carry out the work quickly and efficiently: they consider not only the rules for laying the material, but also the requirements for its choice, tips for carefully cutting tiles. Following the recommendations will make it possible to really quality repair and avoid the problems discussed.

If a crack appears on a ceramic tile, then this indicates a shift in the base on which the tile is laid, rather than a defective material. If the tile was laid on a concrete screed, then the mixture consisting of cement, aggregates and water begins to dry, shrink over time, and may become covered with a network of cracks.
Ceramic tiles, laid on the screed, merge with it into a single whole. Therefore, any changes in the state of the base lead to deformations of the tile. The stress in the adhesive layer transfers to the tile, leading to cracks.

Cracks in concrete can appear a day or a month after pouring. The main thing is to seal the seams, cracks, only after that proceed with laying ceramic tiles. If you start cladding work before the tile is dry, this will lead to the appearance of unnecessary cracks.

When laying on a wooden surface, you may also encounter cracks. The tree is very sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Therefore, permanent deformations will lead to the fact that the tile will crack at any time.

When entering a new building, remember that the house must shrink, only after that you can proceed to facing the surfaces.

Ceramic tiles have one feature that affects the appearance of defects. It is able to contract and expand in response to the temperature of the air. Due to their porosity, the tiles absorb moisture, which in some cases can amount to about 24% of the weight of the tiles. Tiles laid outdoors are exposed to low temperatures in winter. The water inside the tile also freezes, causing the tile to crack. If you are looking for a material that will be resistant to frost, then pay attention to porcelain stoneware: unlike tiles, it does not absorb moisture.

reacts ceramic tile and at high temperatures. This should be taken into account if the countertop is tiled. If you put a baking sheet on such a countertop, then the material laid without seams will not withstand. The expansion for ceramic tiles in this case will be 1.4 mm per meter. But modern manufacturers are improving this property of tiles to resist high temperatures. The thermal shock test is carried out by many manufacturers.

Experts have found that even if sensors are installed in the house that control the level of temperature and humidity, ceramic tiles still expand over time. After all, clay and sand are fired at high temperatures, having received a dose of discomfort, the materials try to return to their original state. Therefore, expansion is unavoidable. It all depends on the cooling time of the material, the type of clay, the type of oven. It is better to use a tile that has already had time to lie down for about a year.

Water could get under the tiles during laying, this also leads to cracks. Water may leak under the bath, or neighbors heat you up, or moisture penetrates from the basement. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of a wet environment. The main thing is that the water remains under the tile, destroying the adhesive. No matter how much you change the tiles on such a surface area, without eliminating the source of moisture, you will not help the cause. Even if the joints between the tiles are grouted, water will still penetrate under the tiles.

If means were used to accelerate the hardening of concrete, then cracks are inevitable. The composition of such substances may include components that react with the adhesive. It seizes worse, so the tile loses its stable position.

The cause of the appearance of cracks can be unscrupulous specialists who carried out the work. If possible, take a look at the work of the master, which he performed a couple of years ago. If they are in perfect condition, then you can safely invite a person to work.

Ceramic tiles: replacing cracked tiles

To remove cracked tiles, drill several holes in it. This is done so that the tiles can be removed without damaging the neighboring ones. The holes are drilled in a row. On the resulting row, we draw a line in the form of notches with the help of a chisel and a hammer. Don't forget to use safety glasses.

Remove tile fragments with a crowbar. The place needs to be processed, removed old glue, dry.

Apply a new layer of adhesive with a notched trowel. Adhesive ridges form on the surface of the solution.

When laying new tiles, pay attention to the dimensions of the joints. It is necessary to place the tiles in such a way that the joints are identical in size to the surrounding joints.

Most likely, new tile will be laid higher than the rest of the tiles. Therefore, it must be leveled, adjusted to the level of the surrounding space. We lay a wooden plank on top of the tile to protect the tile. With a hammer, gently begin to tap the tile over the entire surface.

Wait until the glue hardens. Prepare the grout, fill the joints, remove the excess. The final grout can dry in a day or a week, it all depends on the composition. After the grout has completely dried, the seams can be treated with a sealant.

Why does tile crack? Tile defects. Elimination and prevention.

It often happens that after some time after repairs in a house or apartment, defects begin to appear. It is especially offensive when cracks appear on ceramic tiles. After all, it is almost impossible to hide a defect in a tile, so this thought inspires complete disappointment.

Most people, in the first place, will think that they were sold defective, low-quality tiles. And this is quite natural, because it seems that they themselves are not to blame for this, and that it would be impossible to make their own mistake. In fact, in most cases, the reasons for the appearance of cracks in the tiles are completely different, and they do not depend on the manufacturer at all.

Most common causes cracks are cracks or shifts in the very foundation on which the tile was laid. For example, you wanted to lay a tile on concrete base. In order to make a concrete screed, you need to mix water with cement, adding some aggregates (crushed stone or sand) there. As the screed dries out, the water begins to evaporate, and the screed gradually shrinks, which leads to cracks. And the tile that lies on top of the screed, literally, becomes one, so cracks also appear on it. Thus, any deformations that appear on the screed will create stress on both the adhesive base and the tile, which will cause cracks.

Unfortunately, the formation of cracks in the concrete screed is practically unavoidable, and this is a completely normal process. Of course, there are a couple of simple ways to avoid this. But, if you are a person who does not work with tiles every day, you cannot avoid this. The manifestation of cracks, in some cases, can be seen literally the next day after the screed, but this is rare. The most obvious picture appears a month after you made the screed. After this time, you will see on the surface of the cement all the cracks and defects that have formed. Now, you need to repair these cracks to prevent them from spreading further and to prevent them from affecting the tile. And only after that you can start laying the tiles. But if you decide to lay the tile before the base dries out, you will soon run the risk of changing it and a new one. Unfortunately, the appearance of cracks is an uncontrolled process, from which no one is immune, so defects can appear even after a few years.

In cases where the tiles are laid on wooden substrates, even slight deflections and deformations can cause the tiles and all grouts and adhesives to be subjected to tensile or compression forces, which in fact will result in the appearance of cracks in the tiles. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay tiles on wooden surfaces, and if you did, then do not be surprised at the appearance of cracks on the grout or tile for even a short time after the repair. By the way, first of all, cracks will appear on the grout, and only then on the tile itself.

Moreover, if you are moving into a house built from scratch, then be prepared for the fact that the walls of the house need time to shrink. Therefore, tiles laid on the floor or walls may crack. Hence the advice - refrain from laying tiles in a new house, do it after a while.

The reasons for the appearance and spread of cracks on the tile do not end there. So, they are also related to the fact that the tile has the ability to expand or contract, depending on the ambient temperature or humidity. As you know, the tile is a porous material that is able to absorb a certain amount of moisture (to be more precise, it is up to 24% of the weight of the tile). Imagine if you put such a tile on the street. With the onset of cold weather and frost, the water in the pores of the tile will freeze. And when it freezes, water can expand up to 10%, so the ice will literally tear the tile apart from the inside.

Since this is typical for ordinary tiles, it is much more expedient to use porcelain stoneware tiles in such conditions, since it practically does not absorb moisture. This is due to the production technology of such tiles, since it is pressed under great pressure. As a result, it practically does not form any voids where water could penetrate. From this it turns out that porcelain stoneware is not afraid of water.

In addition, it is worth noting that ordinary tiles expand with increasing temperature. We all know well how glass bursts from the impact of fire, how glasses burst from the fact that boiling water is poured into them. The same thing happens with tiles, but only at a level that is imperceptible to human vision.

Let's look at this in numbers. The thermal expansion of ceramic tiles is 0.004-0.008 millimeters per 1 m, with a temperature change of 1 ° C. What does this give us? And this means that, for example, if your bathroom temperature is the standard 21 degrees, you need a higher temperature. In order to take a warm shower, you turn on the water, the temperature of which is 38-40 degrees. Thus, when water hits a tile (whose temperature is 21 degrees), and heats it up, then each of its square millimeters expands as follows: (40-21)x0.008=19x0.008=0.152mm.

A person who takes a shower every day constantly exposes the tile in the bathroom to the temperature, so every day it will expand and contract by 0.152 mm. There is nothing to worry about, because when laying the tiles, you probably provided for expansion joints by filling them with silicone sealant.However, the situation on the street is somewhat worse, where temperature fluctuations are much higher and more frequent than at home. So, during the day, the sun's rays heat the tiles up to high temperature, and with the onset of night, this temperature drops. Accordingly, the tile expands during the day and contracts at night.

The same applies to the kitchen, when you put a pot or pan that you just removed from the fire on the countertops (tiled). The temperature of such an object is quite high, about two hundred degrees, and the temperature of the countertop is the same as the temperature in the room, that is, 20 degrees. In total, the temperature difference reaches a 10-fold difference. Therefore, when laying tiles, you need to consider the presence of expansion joints, because seamless cladding runs the risk of quickly bursting.

Of course, it can also happen that absolutely nothing happens to the tile. This is because high quality tile manufacturers tend to test their product for thermal and thermal shock, and try to raise these values ​​as much as possible. Therefore, they guarantee high quality facing tiles. In low-quality tiles, the enamel can easily burst due to the overloads described above.

What to do and how to deal with overheating tiles?

Imagine that you have made repairs in the kitchen, and after the first preparation, you are faced with a situation where you do not know where to put a hot pot, pan or baking sheet. You have two options - leave the pot on the stove, or the baking tray in the oven, or place the hot dish on a recently brand new veneered countertop. When buying a tile, you are assured that the product is of high quality, and the effect of high temperatures is unaffected by it. But, an inner voice tells you that in case of deceit (exaggeration), you risk making repairs again.

To understand this, you should know how tiles are tested at the factory. Several random samples are taken from each batch of ceramic tiles and placed in a special autoclave. In this setting, the examiner changes the temperature from 16 to 110 degrees, and repeats this procedure up to ten times. After that, he takes the tile out of the autoclave and sees if there are any defects on it. Moreover, he does not look at the eye, but checks with a special device - a flaw detector, which detects cracks that are not even noticeable to our eyes. In the absence of defects, the batch of tiles is marked with the strain “Approved for sale” or “Product tested”, after which it is sent to the market. It would seem that after such checks, you can completely trust the manufacturer. However, in your case the situation is somewhat different. After all, your tile is already planted on the base with adhesive material. Plus, if between the tiles is small expansion joint, or it doesn’t exist at all (because you thought it didn’t fit into the interior), things will be much worse.

Therefore, to solve the problem in this situation, equip the surface of the tile with some kind of rubber or wooden lining. It will help isolate most of the heat from the tile, and keep it from cracking. If you have provided thermal seams - great! You can safely place hot dishes directly on the surface of the tile (but if there is a mat, why not use it).

Sad as it may seem, but we must also recognize the fact that the tile has the ability to change its size, just over time. Like it or not, even if you maintain ideal temperature charts, and follow all the rules for using tiles, it will still expand.

This is quite natural, because, like all objects, tiles are also not eternal. After all, tiles are made by mixing natural ingredients such as clay and sand. With certain pressing processes and exposure to high temperature, tiles are obtained. Every natural material tries to return to its original form over time. Therefore, over time, the tile, as it were, climatizes to the new conditions of the state. Of course, it is difficult to name the exact expansion, because how it depends on what type of clay or sand the tile was made.

As practice shows, the tile, which was made with low temperatures, will expand faster in the first time after manufacture, but at a slower rate after this time. The tile, which is made at a high temperature, will practically not expand at first, but after a while it will begin to do so.

The study of the expansion and deformation properties of tiles is a rather topical issue and activity today. Many scientists and researchers are now actively engaged in this issue, even intersecting with historians who work with objects ancient world. Of course, the expansion of the tile is not as fast as it might seem. Look at the objects found at various excavations - some ceramic vases and plates have remained intact, despite the fact that thousands of years have passed.

It was found that the increase in size of the tile, and its deformation fluctuates within 0.03% after the first 5-6 years after manufacture. If we talk specifically about tiles, then ordinary ceramic tiles, 30 by 30 cm in size, expand by 27-28 mm². Terracotta tiles will expand by 0.07% during the same time, and by only 0.11% over 15 years of operation.

Also, research suggests that glazed pottery canexpand to 0.046% in the first three years. Of this indicator, 0.03% expands in the first 2 months, and in eleven months this figure will increase to 0.039%. Further, in 16 months the tile will expand to 0.041%, and in three years it will reach its 0.046%.

It would seem that this is absolutely unnecessary information that says nothing. But, now you just think - what is better to take? A new tile, just baked at the factory, or one that has lain in some warehouse for a year or two and has already managed to expand to constant values. It seems the answer is quite obvious.

Among the reasons due to which the tile may burst or deteriorate during operation, there are others, let's look at them in more detail:

When facing, use the wrong or unsuitable adhesive. Also, it is possible to use glue that has expired. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but in the end we get cracks right on the tile. For example, you tiled an object that is located near a heat source. Unsuitable or expired glue begins to dry out and dry out intensively, from which a variety of consequences arise. The same point can be attributed to the situation when mastic is used in rooms with high humidity, in addition to laying, for example, porcelain tiles.

The use of solutions and compositions that contribute to the rapid hardening of concrete. These products contain such ingredients in their composition that they react with mastic or glue, having a detrimental effect on them, from which the glue will not set well. As a result, the tiles begin to fall off, leave the place, the appearance of voids, and, in the end, the appearance of cracks. Moreover, such products provoke not only the appearance of cracks on the tile, but also on the concrete itself, and this is “mutual” for concrete and tile.

The presence of foreign objects on the base. If, for example, paint or varnish has been spilled on the base, this can cause the glue to simply not cling to the base, which means that the tile will not adhere well, which means that it may soon fall off or crack.

Moisture that gets under the tile also causes significant damage to the cladding. In fact, the effect of water on tiles is a fairly broad topic. In an apartment, in a bathroom, water can flow through the plumbing, at the toilet bowl, and so on. V own house in addition to leaking inside the house, water can break through the drainage system into the foundation or walls. And on the street, rain or snow can constantly affect the tiles. In all cases, water particles that get inside the tile, and under it, will never disappear from there. The water will begin to attack the adhesive, which will deteriorate and the tile will begin to fall off. Moreover, if you do not eliminate the place where the water will leak, replacing the tiles will be pointless. In addition, a fungus will begin to form, and this is both ugly and harmful.

In a word, the impact of moisture is negative in any case, and it most often leads to tiles falling off, cracking, and so on. Also, you should be aware that moisture can penetrate not only from the inside of the tile, but even from the outside, right through the grout. After all, grout, as a rule, is a porous material, and therefore it remarkably passes water through itself. Also, it can change its size if it has been exposed to a large amount of moisture for a long time. Therefore, in rooms with high humidity, use special grouts that are resistant to water (this is usually indicated on the package).

The curvature of the base on which the tile is laid also largely determines the reliability of its operation. Therefore, keep a close eye on the surface on which the tiles will be laid. Align if necessary, because even the best quality tiles will deteriorate due to a curved floor or wall.

And of course, one of the reasons for the spoiling tiles may be not quite qualified performers. If you know how to make cladding, do it yourself and do not trust this business to unfamiliar craftsmen. Even if you don't lay the tiles correctly, you won't feel the frustration and disappointment that you might experience when someone else does the work for you.

Thus, wondering why the tile is cracking, you get a lot of reasons and nuances on which it all depends. You just need to know that laying tiles is not at all a joke, so if it is done correctly, then the tile will be used normally.

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If the harmony in your apartment was broken by cracks in ceramic tiles, then you have come to the right place. Blog He will tell you what causes cracks and how to mask the defect so that it does not hurt the eyes.

Let's say right away that globally cracks on the tile appear due to:

  1. – Aging of the material,
  2. - Mistakes in surface preparation and laying.

It's time for tiles in the cemetery

If the cause is aging, then disguise will not help. Cracks in the tile due to the old age of the tile look like a fine mesh (cobweb), when wiping the wall or floor, a characteristic crack is heard. How long does a tile last, and why do cracks appear from aging tiles? Modern tiles will serve without problems for 20 years, sometimes more. The tile from the times of the USSR has already exhausted its resource and is asking for dismantling.

And yes, at old tiles it is not the ceramic base that cracks, but the glaze. The material will not fall off the walls, and can serve for a long time, but it will not work to disguise the mesh due to the nature of the defect and the number of small cracks. Raise money for laying new material.

Cracks due to laying errors

If the tile is relatively new, but cracks have appeared, then you made a mistake with the choice of the master or made a mistake yourself. There are many reasons for the appearance of cracks, of the most common we note:

  1. - Bad surface preparation,
  2. - Use of low-quality glue,
  3. - Increased load on the tile,
  4. — Constant humidity in the room.

Surface preparation

Poor surface preparation is a complex concept. It could be:

  • – Poor alignment of the wall or floor before laying,
  • - Incorrect proportions of the solution during the screed,
  • - Laying tiles on fresh screed or plaster.

If the surface is uneven, then in one place the layer of tile adhesive will be more, in the other less. Density adhesive composition Ceresit or Ilmax differs from the density of the base, so cracks appear when the tile is loaded. Deviations per meter of a wall or floor should not exceed 5 mm along the plane. The thickness of the adhesive layer is at least 3 mm, maximum for walls 10, and for the floor 15 mm. Anything more/less is a direct road to cracks.

If a mortar with the wrong proportions was used when screeding or plastering walls, it can absorb water faster (increased absorption), so the adhesive dries unevenly. It also often results in cracks and chips in the tile.

Also, you can not lay tiles on fresh screed and plaster - at least 3 days must pass after plastering the walls and 5 after laying the screed.

Glue, load and humidity

Glue for laying tiles must be of high quality, sorry for the banality. If bags of glue have been lying on your balcony for the winter, or you buy them in the market, where they are not stored on a pallet and fall into the rain, then get ready to dismantle the tiles.

Ceramic tile is a durable material, but it is not titanium - if you move heavy furniture on it with the joy of a loader or drop hammers, then cracks may well appear. When moving across tiles heavy furniture, put felt under the legs, and do not throw heavy objects on the tile. Banally simple.

Tiles vary in terms of moisture absorption, some series withstand constant humidity, others poorly. There are collections that are not intended for installation in the bathroom, as the material absorbs moisture and loses its strength. Specify this point when buying material and the likelihood of a good mood after installation will increase.

Crack masking

If cracks are a global problem, then only repair surgery will help - dismantling the tiles and laying a new one. If the cracks appeared piecemeal and there is hope that they will not breed like rabbits, then the cracks are masked. One tile is removed from the wall (the seams are cut and the tile is raised), soaked in water, the glue is removed from it and glued again, pressing the cracks or replacing the tile. You can mask cracks without removing the tiles.

For this it is used:

  1. — Fugue,
  2. - Special corrective composition,
  3. - putty,
  4. - Dye.

If the crack is large, then expand it with something sharp, sand the defect, putty, sand again and paint over with paint to match the tile. Small cracks can be masked with a Ceresit fugue in the color of the tile - just fill the chips with an elastic band.

As an alternative, corrective compounds, sealants and colored wax are used. It is impossible to give specific advice on what to buy, since the choice depends on the humidity of the room, the type of tile and a number of other factors. Seek advice from a hardware store salesperson if you see a spark of knowledge in his eyes and can describe the problem to him.

Also, always leave the contacts of the tiler who did the installation. It is not necessary to shout obscenities at him when cracks appear, perhaps it is not his fault, but ask good advice will not be redundant.