Who complaining if there is no heating. Where to turn if you do not have heating or battery at all "summer

With the arrival of autumn, the cold is coming, the air is cooled on the street, respectively, the cold penetrates into the apartment. The supply of heating to residential buildings is not only heat with them, but also causes new experiences, disorders and extra problems. If you have given heating, and the batteries are cold, you should not wait for everything to be resolved. There are several options for action that you can take.

Answer Look in the HOA

The first thing the question arises: when the cold batteries, where to complain? To begin with, it is worth talking to the neighbors and find out how things are with heating in their apartments. If your trouble has a common, and cold batteries throughout the house, you need to contact the management company. The obligation of the Criminal Code includes control over the provision of residential buildings by everyone as well as heating. The company has a contract from your face with contractors providing these services. The essence of the document is not only in payment of debt on receipts, but also as received and paid services. The task of HOA - find out why a contract organization did not provide the building with heating at the prescribed period.

Respectful reason for the total disconnection of heating

The cause of cold batteries in the apartment can be a major accident on the highway or CHP. In this case, utilities are forced to disable the feed hot water On a plot in which your home is located for repair work.

What should the tenants do if the house is cold batteries? Where to complain if no one warned and did not inform about the overlap of the coolant? In connection with a large accident, which violates the provision of warmth, all residential building, in addition to the management company, should be treated with a collective complaint to GGG (state housing inspection). This organization takes calls around the clock.

Collective complaint

Any complaint must be filed in writing. By making a statement from the team of tenants at home, you must collect their signatures - the more, the better. The complaint is written at the same time as a chairman of the management company and in the housing inspection in two copies. The paper describes the problem with the requirement to solve the question, why was given heating, and the batteries are cold. One copy remains in the company as a different with a stamp and the date of acceptance returns to you. It will serve as a confirmation of circulation in the case of unacceptable measures. Admissible sending a complaint by mail with a notice of delivery to the recipient. Written bodies are obliged to consider in the period corresponding to the law.

Temperature according to sanitary standards

With the beginning heating season Often, residents are faced with the fact that the battery is half cold or a little warm. This suggests that the water supplied to heating the rooms is not fully hot. To ensure this is enough to determine the temperature in the rooms an ordinary thermometer. Sanitary standards assume that comfortable daytime temperatures in the apartment should be at least 18 ° C above zero with a small excess of 4 degrees.

After making a complaint, a company engineer is sent to you, whose task to identify the causes of cold batteries. To do this, it measures the temperature in each room, fills the form of the act and gives the owners. If the testimony is lower than the required rules, the appropriate measures must be taken to the public utilities.

Where else can you complain?

It is hoped that after the elimination of the accident, heating to the house will come. But often public utilities, supplying a coolant to the house, ignore complaints of insufficient temperature for heating the entire apartment. In this situation, when in the house a little warm or cold batteries, where to complain about the non-executive control company?

Do not forget that you have a compiled engineer who came from the management organization, the act of insufficient heat supply. And you have neighbors as witnesses who have the same problem. You need to contact all authorities competent on utility issues. It should be applied to the official from local governments, which are subject to all housing and communal services. You can make an appointment or send an email complaint. To date, there is such an opportunity. You can also write in the application you need to specify that you have cold batteries in the apartment, mark the address and name of your control offer. After that, the experts of Rospotrebnadzor are sent in the Criminal Procedure, as a requirement to correct the disorders in the temperature mode. The requirement will be specified for which the problem must be eliminated. In case of non-compliance with the requirements for the management company, penalties will be imposed.

The last instance, which can attract the Director of the Criminal Director and thereby causing order is the prosecutor's office. The management company will be afraid to violate law enforcement requirements.

Not worth paying for not received

Dissatisfied and burning residents in their apartments have the full right to demand the recalculation of the cost of heating services. A certification will serve as an act compiled by an engineer of the management company, which indicates the date of the challenge when a violation was recorded. Applications are accepted in a single information and settlement center. Recalculation must be made next month. You can also require the payment of a penalty for insufficient heat. For every day of inconsistencies temperature mode With norms, 3% of the total payment for heating per month is subtracted.

Often to the application from the entire team of the unwanted home react on time and correct the problem on time. It is more difficult for those who discovered that warmly gave, and the batteries are cold only in their apartment.

Bell dispatcher

If you are too busy or do not want to find out the reason yourself, fearing to break the operation of the heating system, then the first thing is calling in the servicing company. The dispatcher must be introduced to write down your data, mark the appeal and register an received application. Then a plumber will be sent to you, which will determine the cause of the lack of heat, and if it is possible to do quickly - eliminates breakage.

If you have serious problemThe employees of the management company must come to you on the call and make an act in two copies, measure the temperature in all rooms. In the absence of employees of the Criminal Code, call the neighbors who testify and confirm that it is cold in your apartment. Together with them, make an arbitrarily act and fix the available on this moment Temperature.

Mark the date of submission of the first application and indicate that no one came to you. Put together with the signatures of the signature and send the paper in the Criminal Code. Signatures in the act must be at least three. After correction of violations, an act of compliance with the normal conditions is compiled. This procedure is considered completed.

Let us clarify the situation

At the beginning of the article we found out when the cold batteries in the apartment, where to complain. But you can not raise panic, but try to understand the absence of heating itself. If you found that the riser is hot, and the cold battery, it suggests that hot water does not do into it. Check the position of the crane, providing access to the coolant to the apartment, whether it is locked. Maybe you just forgot to open it. Make sure the riser is not blocked due to the work in the basement.

Threat of air traffic jam

The reasons why cold batteries in the apartment with the onset of the heating season, several. And this problem arises from many inhabitants every year. Moreover, in one apartment building, someone has a heating order, and someone is still cold. One of the frequently encountered situations is the accumulation of air in the system. If the battery is heard bouffaging, then it makes it airlockwhich you need to release.

The air accumulated in the pipes prevents the free movement of water, which should continuously circulate, damn the room. In addition, the air is not capable of conducting heat. This leads to the fact that the riser is hot, and the battery is cold. The presence of air clusters reduces the wear time of the heating devices, causes the occurrence of rust.

We descend the air

Usually in a situation where the cold batteries in the apartment, the tenants descend the air on their own. For this, the battery is located

Before opening the valves, you must first turn off the heating and sash under the rag battery, as dirty water will flow with air. The crane opens with a screwdriver, which is inserted into a special hole and slowly turns. The available air from a special opening will go off with hissing. When the air stopper comes out, the fluid should flow. Crane can be closed. Thanks this method The impaired circulation of the coolant is restored. The valve is installed on all batteries in the apartment, but it will be logical to carry out the procedure only with cold heating devices. Perhaps the crane will have to open more than once.

It is more difficult when the air has not accumulated in the room battery, but in the pipes located in the basement. You twist the crane, and in the room still cold batteries? What to do? In this case, the plumber from housing and communal services is caused, which will open a special valve and lifts the air drunk.

Blame the neighbors

It may be that the neighbors, taking care of comfort in his apartment, illegally make changes to the design of the domestic system - increase the battery into several sections or set another radiator. The incoming heat carrier fills the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe heated device, losing heat for the next apartment. Entering further on the system, the water is cooled. As a result, it turns out that in your apartment cold batteries.

What to do with dishonest neighbors, and how to correct the situation? Taking an example, you can do the same way. But this will lead to the fact that the coolant will cool faster, and the increased amount of batteries will not bring the desired heat in the apartment. To establish justice, contact the housing and communal services.

Why the battery is cold below

The cause of partial heating of the heating device may be its incorrect connection, which causes an uneven distribution of hot water. With an erroneous connection, part of the sections is heated, and the remaining battery area is not. The best option The diagonal scheme is considered. With lateral connection, the coolant does not proceed throughout the battery, and chooses a short path, so the lower part of the radiator will be cold. It will be necessary to correct the situation and simulate the diagonal scheme with the help of an injection tube. It lengthens the duct, due to which the battery is heated evenly. This can only be done by a qualified plumber.

Another reason why the battery is cold below may be its pollution. Skip and rust settle at the bottom and walls of the radiator, thereby narrowing the passage for the coolant. In this case, the circulation of hot water is disturbed, and the battery is not completely warming up. To clean the battery, you need to rinse it several times under pressure.

In any case, if there is no heating in your apartment, please contact all instances. By law, public utilities must fix uncomplicated disorders in the heating system. Complex repair utility organizations should hold a week.

The heating bills are becoming more and more: the tariffs for warmly grow, but the quality of heating does not always sleep for the price. Probably, many people would like to be warm and cozy in their apartment, and the fee for it was small.

And what about when it is not warm in the apartment (and it may even be cold), and large heating bills continue to come regularly. Agree, this is a noticed situation when you actually require payment of services that have been rendered inappropriately.

In any field of civil legal relations, the issues of the interaction of the buyer and the seller in the supply of poor-quality goods are determined by the Civil Code and the Law on Consumer Protection. Necessary actions Buyer when buying bad goods are well known. For example, if in the electronics store you will get a faulty TV, then return the defective goods and get money back for it does not represent special difficulties.

In the field of housing and communal services, consumer rights are also protected. But the interaction of the consumer and supplier or artist communal services When delivering poor-quality services will be different from ordinary interaction Buyer and seller. This is due to the fact that if management Company Suppresses a poor-quality heat supply service (for example, in the apartment cold batteries or too low air temperature), the consumer does not have the physical possibility of loyalty consumed heat.

But in this case, he has the right to pay less consumed heat. And maybe not pay for the heat this month at all.

Unfortunately, few people know how to act in a situation when cold batteries are in the apartment: where to complain and contact the situation. Let's figure out how the consumer's actions are prescribed in the legislation in such a situation.

The regulatory values \u200b\u200bof air temperature in the residential room are defined in paragraph 15 of Appendix 1 to "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment houses and residential buildings "approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 №354. It is indicated that: should be" ensuring the regulatory air temperature in residential premises - not lower than +18 ° C (in angular rooms - +20 ° C), in areas with The temperature of the coldest five days -31 ° C and below - in the residential premises - not lower than +20 ° C (in the angular rooms - +22 ° C). "

In other words, the minimum temperature in the rooms of the apartment should be at least 18 degrees for non-burning rooms and not lower than 20 degrees - for angular. In areas of harsh winter and cold weather - even higher at 2 degrees, respectively. That is, legislatively does not regulate the temperature of the coolant in batteries: there may be cold batteries and heating risers in the apartment, but the temperature should be within the approved norm.

It is worth noting that in accordance with the same paragraph 15 of Annex 1: "Permissible excess of the regulatory temperature - not more than 4 ° C; permissible reduction in the regulatory temperature at night ( from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - not more than 3 ° C ;
Reduced air temperature in a residential room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) not allowed.

What to do and where to complain if the batteries in the apartment are cold and the above temperature norms Are not respected? On the pages of the portal, we already told how to calculate the heating fee in the apartment.

Here we will tell you how this fee. according to law can be reduced.

The law definitely defined the procedure for the actions of the consumer in the provision of a utility service of improper quality. In the previously mentioned "rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government Decree of 06.05.2011 No. 354 there is a whole section dedicated to this problem. This section of the number X and it is called "the procedure for establishing the fact of providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration (paragraph 104-113 of the rules).

If the apartment is cold, then you need to perform the following actions:

1. Call the phone or by hot line or to the emergency dispatch service performer of the communal service (management company or HOA). A cold battery complaint should be registered with a hotline employee or emergency dispatch service and inform you your name, surname and position and registered number of your complaint to low temperature in the apartment. You can contact any other way, but you need to keep in mind that the notification is possible, you will need to prove in the future.

2. If the Contractor's emergency-dispatch service employee is not known to the cold in the apartment, it is obliged to agree with the consumer the date and time of checking the fact of violation of the quality of the communal service.

The time of testing is appointed no later than 2 hours from the date of receipt from the consumer a message about the violation of the quality of the communal service, if the consumer has not been agreed by a different time.

In other words, employees of a communal service must arrive to compile an act in an apartment at a convenient consumer time or no later than 2 hours from the moment of circulation.

3. If for any reason, employees of the contractor of utilities did not profit to the outlined deadlines for drawing up an act, the consumer may compile such an act independently. However, in this case, in the act you need to fix the air temperature in the apartment, and sign an act of the Chairman of the Council of the apartment building, as well as 2 neighbors - owners of apartments.

4. After drawing up such an act, the Contractor is obliged to take measures to provide a utility service for the heating of good quality. These measures can be: settlement of the necessary issues with heat simpets (boiler room) to increase the temperature of the coolant, repair of heating stands in an apartment building, pumping pumps and more.

If no action was taken before the end of the month, and the consumer did not report the fact of the beginning of the supply of heat of proper quality, then the consumer has the right to appeal to recalcify the cost of heating for the month.

If the apartment is cold, the size of the recalculation of the cost of heating is determined as follows: for each hour deviation of the air temperature in the residential room, in total during the estimated period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of utility service fee for such a billing period decreases by 0.15 percent for each degree deviation.

For clarity, we give a simple example. The air temperature in the apartment at the time of drawing up the act was 16 degrees. Consequently, the deviation from the norm is 2 degrees. The period in which the temperature was kept was 10 days or 240 hours.

The size of the reduction in the cost of heating will be: 2 degrees x 240 hours x 0.15% \u003d 72%. That is, the cost of heating this month should be reduced by 72%. With the usual average monthly amount of payment for the heat of about 3000 rubles, this month the consumer must pay 3000 rubles - 2160 rubles \u003d 840 rubles.

To do this, the consumer needs to write a statement to the executor of the communal service, attach a copy of the compiled act, specify the date and registration number of its initial appeal upon the fact of the cold in the apartment.

Approximate sample complaints about poor heating in the apartment.

After receiving the complaint, the performer is obliged to recalculate the cost of heating.

If for some reason he does not want to do, then you can contact:

1. To the State Housing Inspectorate with a complaint against the actions of the Contractor.

2. To the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor.

3. To court with a claim to reduce the cost of heating and coordinating the executor of the communal service to adequately fulfill the obligations to supply utility resources.

At the end of the article, I would like to wish to live in a warm quantine with hot batteries, and the fee for heating did not hit the pocket.

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During the beginning of the heating season in people who live in apartment buildings, new troubles appear associated with the clarification of the formation of a low temperature in apartments.

Some tenants began to get used to periodic failures, during heat supply and try to heat their housing with different heaters or other methods.

But such equipment cannot provide a convenient temperature for living in the whole house, which is why there is a need to determine the cause of the occurrence of problems in the work of the heating system.

But where are residents in such cases, if there is no heating, and in the courtyard minus temperature?

Why no heating? Find the cause.

When it gets really cold

If there are problems related to cold in the apartment, you can communicate with neighbors around the site to find out how they are doing with heating.

In the event that the neighbors' apartments are provided with heat, it means that malfunctions are individual and relevant only for this housing.

In this case, it is necessary to make an appeal to the DEP, which serves this house, or in the HOA, in case the person consists in the partnership of the owners of the housing, in the management company, presenting the request to the direction of special equipment in this apartment.

Special technician is obliged immediately, upon arrival, inspect communications and find out the reasons due to which there is no heat, and will take some measures to eliminate it.

Based on the laws on the elimination of communal organization problems, which provides residential buildings heating services, give no more than a week. It is necessary to spend unearthly repairs from the domestic heating system for several days.

If the cold applies to the tenants of the entire entrance, the reasons for this situation will be larger. There is a chance that some major accident happened on the heating networks, and to eliminate it, the utilities turned off the heating.

During such a development of events, it is also necessary to know where to apply, in cases of a heating problem? At this case, you can contact the management company or in the housing inspection. Most often in the heating season, such organizations open a "hot line" to receive citizens calls.

When you have to write a complaint

Sample complaint

If you ignore such calls and expressions of unwillingness to find a solution to the problem of high-quality heating of the apartment, you must contact the listed structures in writing.

And the application is necessary in two copies, on one of the instances, it is obliged to put a mark where the number and date of reception of the document for consideration.

Thanks to the law, the written statement cannot be ignored, on the basis of which the specialist should be directed, for performing temperature measurements in each room.

It is also necessary to measuring device was at the level of 1.5 m from the floor and in the meter from outdoor Wall. The results of the check serve as the basis for drawing up an act reflecting the results of the measurements carried out. One of the copies of this document must be taken by the owner of the apartment.

Based on existing sanitary and epidemiological rules, in the premises of residential buildings it is necessary to withstand the following temperatures.

What should be the temperature in the apartment at different times of the year

These are regulatory temperature indicators in the apartment, if they do not correspond to reality - you can safely submit a complaint.

In cases where the representative of the housing organization did not appear, it is necessary to draw up an act independently, inviting other tenants to witness. In the act, it is certainly necessary to indicate, about the failure to appear the invited employee of the housing organization during the examination of the apartment.

Not knowing where to address the problems associated with heating, it is necessary to, apply and write complaints to the following authorities:

To local authorities. At the moment it became possible to do with email. The address can be easily found on the official website of the city administration or other settlement in which you are.

In Rospotrebnadzor. In the complaint, you must specify the name and address of this Management Company. In winter, specialists of a certain state body solve problems associated with heating.

And on the basis of the results of the verification, which experts from Rospotrebnadzor conducted, the head of the Management Company will be issued an order to eliminate problems associated with the temperature regime in a residential building. The prescription always indicates the term of execution, for the violation of which a penalty sanction is envisaged.

To the prosecutor's office. Written complaint with the requirement of initiating a case against the Director of the Management Company under Art. 7.23 Administrative Code.

By tradition, there must be a stand with information for citizens who add to the housing inspection.

In Russia, before order in the field of housing and communal services is still very far away, because of which each resident is obliged to know where to apply for problems with heating, in its absence or weak functioning. The activity of the struggle of tenants is faster upgrades the work of housing and communal services.

If there is no heat in the apartment, you must immediately contact the management company or HOA. Upon receipt of low-quality services, every citizen has the right to demand recalculation.

Every year, with the inclusion of heating and throughout the heating season, various emergencies arise, which can lead to the fact that the temperature indicators in the room will be empty below the norm.

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All questions that are associated with the lack of heat in the apartment must be addressed immediately. To do this, you need to call the emergency numbers of phones either in the management company or in the dispatch service provider of services.

Temperature Standards in the apartment in GOST

At the state level, the norms of temperature regime are regulated. There is a document in which the air temperature parameters in the room are described, this Documents are GOST 30494-2011.

In these limits of temperature fluctuations, it is considered the norm. It is assumed that such indicators are optimal for the human body.

In addition to the GOST, it is also necessary to be guided also by the mind, the standards must take into account the purpose of the room.

In the winter season, when the temperature decreases, it is necessary to spend more energy in order to warm up.

In such a microclimate, a person experiences fatigue and stress, the level of immunity is reduced and psycho-emotional state deteriorates.

The high temperature in the apartment also leads to deterioration of well-being, the air indoors becomes very dry.

Where to contact

If there is no heating, then first it is necessary to contact the dispatch service, which provides this area or district.

The dispatching service is accepted and the application is made and within a few hours determines for what reason there is no heat in the houses.

If at the time of inspection, the technical specialist confirms this fact, it must compile an appropriate act. The document is drawn up in two copies, one is issued to the applicant.

Elimination of factors that lead to the absence of heating should be carried out as soon as possible.

In order to avoid such situations, the plumbing records annually check the elements of the central heating system.

In addition to calling a dispatch service, issues related to the lack of heat in residential premises can be solved by contacting the following services:

  • management company that should serve this house;
  • housing partnership;
  • operations service that solves questions about the proper maintenance of a residential building;
  • city housing inspection.

When contacting the management company or HOA, specialists are required to carry out all the necessary technical measures to include heating. In case of deciding that the batteries are faulty, they are subject to replacement.

Otherwise, it is necessary to provide an act of the absence of traffic jams and working batteries from utility services.

In case of failure, the document can be made independently, for this it is necessary for the presence of two neighbors. Act is written in an arbitrary form with a fixed temperature in residential rooms.

Then the compiled claim must be sent to the Heat supply company, if a contract has been concluded directly, or the management company.

The letter must specify that the services provided are poor-quality and demand recalculation.

If the consideration of the issues is delayed, then you need to contact the MOCE. This service solves all the issues related to heating and heat supply of residential buildings, and also eliminates the accidents on the heating.

Moscow Housing Inspectorate must submit a complaint about the provision of poor-quality services and non-fulfillment of its obligations to the management company and the HOA.

To do this, make a complaint in writing and send it by mail, including either either personally contact the department.

In addition, there are hotline phones where citizens can apply and declare violations.

In case the problem with the absence of heating was ignored by employees of utilities, then in this case it is necessary to contact the higher authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor - the complaint can be left by using the online service or sending a statement by mail;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • local administration;

Communal services seek to solve all questions without the participation of higher services, since otherwise such a situation will bring them losses and may be a little responsible.

Video: What to do if the batteries do not heal

Hotline phone numbers on battery disconnection in winter

If in the winter season in residential buildings No heating, call in Moscow is needed to emergency line of housing inspection.

To solve emergency issues, there is telephone 8 (495) 681 - 77 - 80. You can contact around the clock.

If citizens discovered hot water soles or a strong guy, then in this case you need to contact PJSC "MOEK". The phone is the hotline Next - 8 (495) 539 - 59 - 59.

In the event of an emergency, which is associated with heating, as well as on domestic systems of hot and cold water supply, please contact the dispatch service Department of Moscow Accommodations of Moscow by phone:

  • 8 (495) 681 – 73 – 67;
  • 8 (495) 681 – 05 – 49;
  • 8 (495) 539 – 53 — 53.

The numbers of the telephone control company and the HOA must be viewed on the website of the House of Moscow.

Is it possible to recalculate

According to a new government decree, if there were violations on the part of the communal service provider, which may be the basis for the recalculation of the heat being recalculated:

Room temperature in heating season Must exceed 18 degrees
In regions where air temperature per day Below 31 degrees, then in the residential room, the indicators should be above 20 degrees
In case of an accident, cessation of heat supply There should be no more than 16 hours a day and no more than 24 hours for a month in the amount. Recalculation will not be made if the room temperature exceeded 12 degrees
Deviation is allowed From the norm on 4 degrees, both in one and the other way, during the daytime. At night, the temperature cannot decrease more than 3 degrees

The basis for the recalculation of heat consumption is deviations from the specified norms. The main reasons for recalculation are:

  • the supplier provides low-quality services;
  • the supply of heat was discontinued;
  • the lack of tenants in the apartment for a long time.

To apply to the management company with recalculation requirements, it is necessary to prepare the following package Documents and references:

  • receipts on the payment of heating for the entire period of recalculation - in case of loss of checks, it is necessary to provide an extract from the relevant organization;
  • heat circuit cards;
  • information about the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

In order to fix receipt of non-relevant quality services, the management company must check the premises.

If refusal is received, the check is carried out independently. Required measurements Performed in the presence of two neighbors, and the data is recorded in the act.

The act must have the following information:

  • date and time;
  • temperature indicators indoors;
  • the period of lack of heating.

Indicators that were recorded performing the beginning of the report of the violation period. The document must be transferred to the Criminal Code.