Septic tank for the country toilet: turn the old barrel to the local sewage treatment. Country toilet made of metal barrels photos and drawings Country toilet Pita or barrel pluses minuses

Often you can find such a statement that the toilet is the face of the owner. There is some truth in this, as this small structure is always striking. For this reason, it is important to consider in advance where to place it and what it will be in mind. On the Internet you can find a large number of buildings, for example, as an option toilet from a metal barrel. This article will be described in detail how to make it stages.

Choosing a suitable place

It is not recommended to adjoin residential or economic buildings. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to protect the penetration of uncleans, smells and the spread of fungus to 100%. It is important to take into account and the predominant direction of the wind.

Note! According to existing standards, the cesspool should be at a distance of at least 10 meters from residential buildings.

However, some cottages are limited in space, so some norms will have to donate, it is better to choose less painful.

Installation of metal barrel

First of all, it is necessary to put a barrel. For this, the pit of the appropriate sizes is broken. If the future toilet is planned intensive use, then you can burst two barrels, in one cut the bottom. The advantage of such a design is that in the future, if necessary, it can be dismantled.

Note! It is not recommended to use concrete facilities.

When the barrel is installed for mounting the design of the toilet, it is necessary to plug in gravel, which should be carefully tumped. After, the uniform layer of sand is stacked. At the next stage, the construction of the base and walls is performed.

For the base or future sex, it is necessary to choose oak boards, which are resistant to rotting, 4 cm thick. The toilet size can be 1.20 × 1.20 m. This area will be enough for the toilet toilet too close. The base is placed on concrete stands. Next, walls are installed. As a rule, there will be a suitable height of 2.20 m., And the boards of 25 × 60 mm. Walls are also going from bars from all sides. Each connection should be fastened with stainless self-drawers.

If you wish, in one of the walls you can install a small window that will serve for the receipt of light and ventilation at the same time. Moreover, it is important to consider the location of the door with one of the parties. The frame itself can be chopped by any building material, for example, the same boards that will be painted in the future or a metal profile. It all depends on the financial capabilities and owner preferences.

Installation of the roof of the country toilet and strengthening the design

When the walls are trimmed to start the roof. The roof shape can be a single or double. As for the first, this option is easier. It is important to consider that the roof must be well fixed. For this reason, the method and method of its attachment should be thought out. Often, strong gusts of the wind may be observed in the cottages. Before mounting the roof and walls, you must make sure that all connections are securely secured. Moreover, all the construction should be concerned about the corners to the lower part of the foundation.

1. Crane toilet; 2. Singing a house of a house with a cleaning door; 3. Button coasters; 3.Don design; 4. Last wall with an entrance door; 5.Tell, top view.

At the very end, a hole in the floor should be chopped. It must fully coincide with the previously installed barrel. Inside the seat is made to bind to the overall design of the toilet. Depending on preference, the outer and internal finishing of the toilet is performed. This includes:

  • Installation of doors.
  • Roof installation.
  • Wiring of light and other necessary items.

As you can see, the country toilet from the metal barrel is very simple. The most important thing to be patient and have a desire! We recommend.

🔨 Country toilet is easy to make it yourself, if you attach some efforts and efforts. We picked up drawings with dimensions for popular country toilets that will serve you dozens of years! Also in the article, you are waiting for a step-by-step photo instruction on the construction of a country toilet.

The most time-consuming stage in the course of the exhaust place will be a digging of a drink, but this work can be done. The aesthetic side of the building is a secondary question, the most important thing is to correctly arrange a cesspool and create a reliable basis for an overhead structure.

It should be noted that some of the owners of country sites do not build a toilet according to the rules and costs the usual bucket substituted under the chairs. But, anyway, the waste of life is necessary to go somewhere, so without capital pit, it is still not to do. Therefore, it is better to fulfill all the works correctly and for many years not to return to this issue. It is especially important to make a capital structure in the event that the tenants spend a significant part of the year at the cottage.

When if a I do not want to spoil the design of the area of \u200b\u200bthe installation site, it can be hidden in the far corner at home, or invent such a design for him, which will help to organically enter the building in the landscape.

Choosing a place of fault and its design

Usually the toilet is installed in closer to the long boundary of the site, and this is understandable, since at least a minor smell, but will be present in this room or near it. But sometimes used by another option, arranging a cesspool near the house, and free corner of the house is removed to the toilet, with a wide sewer pipe in the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water was carried out in the house, and the plans are setting an isolated container for collecting life waste.

In any case, you should follow the standards installed by sanitary and epidemiological services. They must be observed in order to protect themselves, neighbors and the environment from unwanted consequences, such as infectious diseases or soil contamination.

  • If a cesspool is satisfied, it must be arranged at a distance, not less than 30 m from water sources, and its depth should not reach groundwater.
  • If a septic tank is installed, then it is not closer than 15 m from the house.
  • If you plan to use an isolated container that will be cleaned as it fills asshenizatorsky The machine, it can be installed anywhere, as waste will not go into the ground.

Isolated capacity is also the exit in cases where the groundwater takes place not too deeply and the device of the cesspool, dug in the soil, is impossible.

Usually the pit of the simplest summer toilet has an area of \u200b\u200babout one square meter. If the pit is breaking round, its diameter should be equal to about 1 m. Its depth is 1.5-2 m, depending on the depth of groundwater.

After the place is defined for the pit, you can move to the selection of the toilet design.

  • The first thing you need to consider is the weight of the design - it will largely be predetermined by the material that is planned to be used for construction. The house itself should not be too heavy, since with time the ground under his weight can start to see and, in the end, the construction is deformed and damaged.

For construction, wooden bars and boards will fit well, or a thin metal - galvanized profiles and professional flooring.

If it is decided to build a toilet booth from logs or bricks, you will have to think about a well-fortified foundation. But to build such heavy buildings to nothing, as they still will not become warmer light buildings. Better if there is a necessity to thermalize Placing insulation, which have a small weight, for example, foam. Such a building will be lightweight, and warm, not blown in the cold season, and it will not be overly hot in summer.

  • Deciding with the material you can move to the size of the booth.

Usually, the standard toilet has a size in a width of 1 m, a height is 2.3 m, and the length of the room is 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m. However, these sizes are by no means dogma and may well vary. In any case, the room must be comfortable to find in it any family member in the position and standing, and sitting.

What will take to build a toilet

Deciding with the design and placement of the toilet, acquire the necessary materials for its construction. Wooden or metal "house" can already be bought in the finished form. If it is decided to raise it yourself, then the following materials will be needed:

  • Boards and wooden bars.
  • Fasteners - nails and self-tapping screws.
  • Metal corners to enhance the design of a wooden frame.
  • Handle for doors, hook or valve to close the door.
  • Roof coating material - slate or professional flooring.
  • Plastic or wooden stool with lid.
  • For necessity - foamart I am insulation of booth, and material for the inner covering of insulated walls, chipboard, thin board or plywood.

For the cesspool, you need to be required:

  • Cement, crushed stone, sand.
  • Armature to strengthen the foundation of the house.
  • Metal chain grid for tosing pit and metal brackets or pins for fastening this grid to the soil.

Another option, instead of a mesh and plastering with concrete, can be a brick that the walls are placed.

In addition, the wells for the device are often used having a hole in the walls. Many dackets prefer old rubber tires of large sizes.

Another, the most environmentally friendly option may become finished capacity - Septic tank. They produce different sizes, so you can choose the desired, depending on the number of family members and the duration of the residence period in the country.

Naturally, when the country toilet is erected, it is not necessary to do without tools, so you need to have:

  • Hand bug, which can help when digging a pit.
  • Soviet and bayonet shovel, with a long and short handle.
  • If the soil is stony, it may take a perforator.
  • Hammer and screwdriver.
  • Shlifmashinka - Bulgarian with disks on stone and metal.
  • Electrolzik.
  • Marking tool - ruler, roulette, square, construction level, pencil or marker.

Prices for popular septicists

Device cesspool

Classification of toilets
by type of waste disposal

Of course, they always begin with marking and digging pit. It will have a square or round shape, depending on the selected design.

1. If a two-chamber plastic septic is installed, the pit turns in such a way that the inlet nozzle is directly in the toilet's booth, since it will be mounted in stulchat. The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the room - it is needed for regular pumping of accumulated fecal masses.

The tanks are of different shapes, and the dimensions and the form of the pit will depend on it. The size of the pit needs to be made by 20-30 cm more than the existing capacity, as it is good to ravibrate the soil around it.

2. If the walls of the pit will be frozen by concrete or brick, it can be done round or square shape.

  • After digging the pit of the right depth, at its bottom you need to arrange drainage from a large rubble, stones, bricks debris
  • Then, the walls are covered with a metal chain mesh with a 50 × 50 mm cell. The grid is fixed, driven into the soil of the reference of steel wire or pins.
  • So that the walls are stronger, you can additionally reinforce the walls with a metal grid with large cells of 100 × 100 mm.
  • Further, the method of pumping, a concrete solution is applied to the walls, which are left to complete drying. The total thickness of the concrete layer should be about 50 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After setting the first sketched layer, the walls are placed until the same concrete solution. Twisted pit leaves left.
  • Blood a hole or finished reinforced concrete slab, or manufactured by place. It will serve for the toilet foundation and platform around it.
  • The boards are laid on the pit, which should go beyond 700 ÷ 800 mm and be recessed to the ground to one level with the soil. Boards must be treated with antiseptic means. This wooden substrate under the foundation of the VP can be replaced by concrete columns.

  • On the surface there are two holes for installing the stool and for a cesspool, which later should be covered with a lid. Formwork is installed around future holes.
  • Polyethylene dense film is spread to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future foundation.
  • The reinforcement grille is stacked on top of it, which is a formwork throughout the perimeter of the future foundation.

  • The height of the hole formwork should be the same as the formwork of the entire foundation. Formwork boards and will serve beacons when leveling the surface.
  • The concrete solution is mixed, poured onto the platform, it is recomposed and left to dry. For the durability and strength of the external concrete layer, it is possible, after the initial setting, to carry out "ironing" of the wet surface with dry cement.

  • On the finished area after its full maturation, you can install a booth for the toilet. On a hole, intended for pumping accumulated waste, you need to arrange a hatch. It can be purchased at the store or make it yourself. Luke cover should be easily open and closed.

3. Another option can be a round pit with car tires laid in it. But it should be noted that such a type of cesspool is not suitable for continuous use. The like toilet can be used only in the country conditions, when the tenants come only episodically, for example, on weekends, otherwise it will be very often for the gathered waste.

  • For the device of a cesspool of this type, a round boiler is rotated 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b200 mm more than the diameter of the available tires.
  • The drainage layer of 15-20 cm thick is stacked on the bottom of the drinker.
  • Then exactly in the middle of the pits are stacked on the On the other to the surface of the soil.
  • Around the tires, as the drainage of crushed stone and sand is falling asleep and tamper. This process PR is diluted to the top.
  • When the tires are fully laid, a shallow ribbon foundation can be arranged around the pit. To do this, on the perimeter of the future toilet, a trench of a depth of about 500 mm, in which concrete will be poured.
  • Bottom of trench it is rambling I. falling asleep layer of sand at 50 ÷ 70 mm, which too it is rambling I. Closed with a layer of rubble of the same thickness.
  • Waterproofing from dense polyethylene is stacked.
  • Next, you can do in two ways:

- cook and install the reinforcement grille, mount the formwork with a height of 100 ÷ 150 mm above the ground level and then pour with concrete solution;

- Share the foundation out of the brick, and then shook it with cement.

  • After pouring the solution from the cement foundation, the formwork is removed, and the brick is aligned from above.
  • Ruberoid is placed on its surface, which separates the concrete surface from wooden.
  • On the foundation or the finished design of the toilet is established, or it is erected independently.

For the convenience of the construction process, the wooden base frame, made of powerful bars, is fixed on the foundation of CH middle, and other elements of the design will be mounted, depending on the selected construction model.

4. It is impossible not to mention another way to arrange a cesspool - with the help of metal barrels with a cropped bottom. They are installed one on the other and the same as in the previous case. A gravel mixture is torn around the resulting pipe or a mixture of sand with rubble.

Cesspool of metal barrels - clearly long will not last

Prices for country toilets

country toilet

It would seem that the method is simple in performance, but he has much more flaws than the merits. Metal barrels under aggressive impact and from the inside, and outside, from the ground, very quickly corroded, and will serve such a toilet very long.

Popular country toilet projects

Construction of a cottage toilet house

When the pit, and the site for installing the toilet room are ready, you can move to the installation of a house in advance of the diagram.

Toilet houses can have a variety of forms, for example, even in the form of a fabulous hut. The uninitiated immediately and will not determine that this room was so perfect in the landscape design of the site. Such a structure can be performed with your own hands, knowing the scheme of its assembly.

The photo presents the option partially made of logs that give this structure with decorativeness, mask the purpose of the construction itself.

Original teremok - not immediately and understand that this is a toilet

The scheme presents the basis of the construction of a log house, only instead of logs used boards. It can be clearly seen how the walls are collected and the roofs rose. Distributed internal space and chosen location Stulchak.

Approximate scheme "Teremka"

The next stage will go the roof lamp, roofing and the walls of the walls chosen for this is the material - it can be both a tree and metal.

Such a house can be either installed on a cesspool, or used as a room for the dry lad.

Video: Making a house - "Teremka" for a country toilet

Another variant of the breakage of the toilet, which is called "Chalas". In this case, the house is built as a triangle, and its side walls are at the same time the roof. The form is quite simple, so it will be easy to build the construction.

Toilet - "Shalash"

Such a design is not only easy to build, but also convenient to operate - it is stable at the base and is quite spacious inside.

Installation of the toilet - "Shalash"

On the presented drawing, the entire inner structure of the house is seen, the location of the stool and the way of the wall-roof shaft. The front of the forefront of the structure and the back wall has begun. Domik- "Shalash" can be put on the equipped cesspool, as in this case, and can also be used as a room for the dry lad.

This form of a house can be called traditional, since most often it can be found in the plots. But even such an uncomplicated design can be decorated in their preference.

For example, a toilet on this household territory was decided to do under the Japanese house. It is told by hieroglyphs written on a plate suspended on chains, a Japanese lantern at the entrance and even an additionally arranged roof. In addition, the internal design of the room is also sustained in general style.

A similar attitude to the design of the site says that even from such a structure, as, you can make a small work of art, if you make a little effort.

The approximate scheme of the construction of such a toilet is presented in the figure. The device of a cesspool, installation of a toilet structure and a cleaning hatch on it, is clearly visible. The design is quite simple in the device, and it is easy to build it. But that it was reliable, it is necessary to achieve stiffness of ligaments of all parts among themselves.

The internal space of the toilet, suitable over the cesspool, in the process of the construction of the walls may look like. That is, bars of the foundation are installed on the foundation for which the framework of the future structure is fixed.

After final finishing of the toilet from the inside, the room may have such a neat and a cozy view.

If desired I. opportunities can be Invent another design of the country toilet, but you need to make all the inner finish from warm materials. It is not recommended to use ceramic tiles for design, as this is a very cold type of material, and besides this, in winter, the tile becomes very slippery.

Video: Multiple options for a dacha toilet device


If there is no way to build a country toilet or simply lacking a desire to contact construction work, you can use a biotage. This option will save both from digging a pit and, possibly, from the installation of a house.

Biota usa is an excellent solution for country conditions.

- It is an autonomous toilet, which does not require any separate room, nor connecting to the allocated communications

The relay consists of two compartments-cameras, the upper of which performs the role of the toilet, and the other is used for biological waste recycling. In the second, the bottom chamber are active substances that decompose the feces and turn them into a homogeneous mass, which does not smell. The actions of the bioactive fluid decomposition is enough for ten days, then the chamber is cleaned by pouring the contents into the central sewer or to the soil. The disposal method will depend on which active substances will be used in the beyute flight. These substances are there t.rech types: Composting, chemical and microorganic. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of biotage.

  • For a composting dry content, peat is used as an active substance. It has a high absorbent ability - so, one kilogram of the peat absorbs ten liters of fluid. Received as a result of active processes, not smelling compost is perfect for fertilizing beds.

Usually, in a set with such a relay, there are tons of ventilation, which are discharged by unpleasant odors during processing.

  • The biotales, whose work is based on the use of chemicals, has an indicator that indicates that the container requires cleaning. Waste, processed in this way, merge into the sewer, to protect the environment. For such models, special substances are manufactured with non-freezing property.
  • The third type of this useful adaptation is a biotoid, in which microorganisms are engaged in recycling, turning them into compost. The resulting material is environmentally friendly and harmless to soil and animals, so it will not be disposed of it.

Benefits and disadvantages of the beytail

  • high levels of environmental safety;
  • ease of use;
  • no unpleasant fragrances;
  • affordable price;
  • durable material.

  • there is a smell leakage, it will be necessary to install in a ventilated room;
  • with a strong contamination of the tank capacity, it will have to wash his own.
  • in rooms with low temperatures, it is not possible to use peat looks. From the cold, all processing processes stop, the contents of the lower reservoir freezes, as well as the peat itself. The problem is solved by the transfer of the dry content to the warm room.

If desired, the dry lads can be installed in the most common room, built with your own hands, which is located in the courtyard, and for the winter it is to put it in a house, removing a convenient angle for these needs.

Prices for a popular range of biotoids


Biological toilets

To help the owners of country sites that have toilets with cesspools on their territory, special means are developed similar to those used in the biotales.

Before applying, it is necessary to study the instruction, since the composition is poured or poured into parts. How to use such substances correctly, you can learn from the information on the package, since each means is dosed in different ways. A similar substance is used, as a rule, very economically. For example, one packaging or banks of some funds are attached for a year for a cesspool with a volume of 3.5 ÷ 4 tons.

So, there are many ways to solve the problem of the country toilet - there is always the opportunity to choose one or another option.

Accommodation in a private house involves the presence of autonomous sewage. It consists of an inner wiring, an external pipeline and drive (or los). For residents of country villages or temporary houses (seasonal) accommodation remains a relevant cesspool as the best way to collect and partial waste recycling.

We will tell you independent homemade craftsmen how a cesspool is built from the barrel. This is an extremely simple option requiring minimum of funds. Taking into account our recommendations, you can easily arrange autonomous sewage with a grazing.

Previously, the word "septic" was unknown, and a cesspool played the role of the only possible place to collect waste.

Structurally, all the grazers were similar, the difference concerned the presence or absence of any container. Often in the ground, the usual pit was pulled out, and the wooden house was built over it. Such street toilets still can be found in old country villages.

The modern version of the toilet, which is in the courtyard, is a beautiful house, neatly painted and decorated with flowers. Under it burned the sewer container with the neck for pumping

The pit without hermetic capacity is an ecological threat to the garden plot. If the household owners are interested in cleanliness of soil and water, they will definitely place the reservoir in the yam for the bump.

Previously, it was made of boards or bricks, now - from concrete rings or monolithic concrete. Often used barrels, metal or plastic, specially designed to arrange sewage.

Even a large hermetic reservoir made of modified plastic is just a drive that is quickly filled and requires regular pumping. It is for this reason that cesspools are absolutely not suitable for family cottages.

Gallery of images

It is often the first one, about what a person thinks after buying a plot: how to make a simple street toilet in the country with your own hands and ready-made drawings here will come to the way, as well as a detailed description of all stages of construction, tips and nuances.

One of the most important and vital buildings on the country or garden plot is the toilet. The need for a simple structure arises after a few hours after arrival. And even if the owners already have a bathroom in a cozy house, street amenities will never be superfluous.

Toilet in the country area easy to build with your own hands

The simplicity of the design allows even a person without much building experience to equip the toilet for giving with his own hands. And if you connect fantasy, then a house for thinking about

it will actively fit into the design of the site and, perhaps, even will be decorated.

What toilet build: species and features

Actually there are only two options: with a cesspool or without it.

  • A toilet with a cesspool is simple, proven experience and time a construction that consists of an equipped cesspool and a toilet house above it. As it is filling with uncleanness, the pit is cleaned manually or ordered an assessing machine.
    And it happens, just tolerate the house to another place. The old pit is buried, and after 6-7, its contents will finally overload and you can again put the toilet back.
  • Lesuft-closet is a variety of street toilet with a pit for uncleanness, but with the difference that it should be sealed. Such a toilet has to build if it is located close to home, water source or when groundwater is highlighted.

Scheme: How the Lesuft Klozet is arranged

  • A toilet without a cesspool or Pood-closure is equipped if the groundwater is locked very high or if the toilet uses little. In this case, the capacity for collecting uncleanness can be anything other than the pit (bucket, barrel, plastic tank). The desired volume determines the intensity of the use of the bathroom.

After each campaign in such a toilet of impurities, sudes dry peat, sometimes using sawdust or ashes, so in the house there should be a box for a "masking powder". After filling, the container is retrieved by hand, and the contents are evacuated into the compost pit. If the uncleanness was crossed by peat, then after time they become wonderful fertilizer.

Toilet without cesspool (Poll-closet)

Important! If the groundwater is lowered below 2.5 meters, you can build any type of toilet, but if they are located above, then from the cesspool will have to abandon.

Where to build a toilet

For toilets with a cesspool, there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions, which depend on their location on the site.
Minimum distances from toilet to other objects:

  • To water sources (wells, wells, lakes, rivers) - 25 m;
  • To houses, cellars - 12 m;
  • Before the summer soul or bath - 8 m;
  • To the nearest tree - 4 m, and shrubs - 1 m;
  • Before the fences - at least 1 m.

Scheme: The correct location of the toilet relative to other buildings in the country area

Important! Choosing a place of construction, it is worth considering not only objects located on their own plot, and those that are on the next.

In order for the summer evenings on the terrace, amber, the place is chosen, taking into account the wind roses. If the site is located under a slope, the toilet is better to put at the lowest point.

Construction of a cesspool

After selecting and preparing the site, they begin to dig a cesspool. As a rule, it is a square shape, a depth of at least 2 meters.
The cesspool is two types:

  • Hermetic. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before the fill, and so that the reinforcement does not sink in concrete, it is put on pegs. The walls are also sealed, put off with a solution or shut off the seams by bitumen.

Sealed cesspool for toilet

  • Absorbing. What a pit is better to dig to the sand, then the liquid fraction of uncleanness will be faster to go into the ground. The bottom is covered with a layer of large rubble or pebbles.

Construction of absorbing cesspool

Strengthen the walls of the cesspool can be in several ways:

  • Brickwork;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Ready reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic tank.

From above, the pit is covered, bars, slate or concrete, leaving only a plot under the stool, and start assembling a toilet house.

Construction of a toilet house

The optimal sizes of the country toilet are 1 × 1.5 m, height - 2.2-2.5 m. Otherwise, it will be simply uncomfortable, especially for people with large forms. It is not necessary to make the toilet drawings on their own, if there are no special requirements and ideas can be used ready.
First of all, the scheme is convenient because it allows you to correctly calculate the number of building materials and the preliminary cost of the yard bathroom.

The construction of the toilet above the cesspool (the scheme of proper placement)

The base of the carcass

The dressing house is recommended to push 2/3 forward above the cesspool, providing, thus, access to it for cleaning the rear wall of the structure.
The resistance of the building can provide a shallow foundation. Between it and the frame laid waterproofing, 1-2 layers of rubberoid. But for easy construction from the tree, it is not at all necessary. The basis is enough to install on concrete blocks.
You can also put four reference pillars. To do this, in the corners of the future design, four pits of about 60 cm depth, in soft soils you can up to 1 meter, and lower asbestos pipes. A third pit is filled with cement mortar. After that, the support beam is installed in the pipe, and the pit is fully filled with concrete.

Installation of the bottom of the toilet on concrete blocks

Assembly of the carcass

For the construction of the frame, it will be enough for a bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 or 80 × 80 mm, more dimensional material is inappropriate.

  • First, they collect a rectangular support with a jumper, from which the front wall of the stool will climb, and screw it to the foundation or support racks. On top wealing the board. The thickness of the floor board must be at least 3 cm.

Construction of a wooden frame toilet

  • The frame of the front, rear and side walls are collected from the bar. In this case, the front wall should be higher than 10 cm above the rear, it will provide the necessary roof slope.
  • For greater strength, the design on the side and rear walls is recommended to make diagonal drives.
  • On the front wall, the strengthening for the door corresponding to the size and make up the hole below the window.
  • Frames of the walls are fixed on the base with metal corners, on top and at the level of the stool make the strapping.

Strengthening toilet carcass with metal corners

  • The next step will be the assembly of the frame of the stool and its skin, if there are no alternative options, for example, the floor toilet.

Saving framework

Cut the frame with wooden boards. The vertical location allows you to significantly save the material, and the horizontal imitates the log house and looks interesting. The boards are tightly customized to each other and attach to the base. Instead of a tree, sheets of professional flooring, slate or any other material corresponding to the construction budget also use.

Tailing framework

Tip! All wooden structural elements are desirable to handle a special antibacterial impregnation that will protect the material from moisture and pests, and after varnish or paint


The roof should not be outside the walls of more than 30 cm. Installation starts with fixing parallel boards at a short distance. After that, the visor is sewn below, attach the boards outside around the perimeter. The prepared base is placed by a layer of waterproofing, usually, this is a rubberoid, after which they cover the design by any roofing material (slate, metal profile, bituminous tile).

For the toilet, it is enough to build a simple flat roof

Dachini, which the standard house diagram does not suit, can find drawings of more interesting options, make it independently or purchase ready-made toilet houses, they are going along the design of the designer, and for convenience, instructions and all related drawings are necessarily attached.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in the summer toilet - is a pipe that removes odors from a cesspool. Its lower edge is crushed into the pit, and the upper must rise above the roof at least 20 cm.

Country toilet ventilation

A plastic tube with a diameter of 100 millimeters is suitable for ventilation arrangement. It is attracted to the rear wall from the inner or exterior side of the structure and fixed with iron clamps. To strengthen the craving on the ledge installed the disflector nozzle.

Installation door for toilet

Doors install ordinary wooden, ready-made plastic or homemade, from the material that the frame was trimmed. Plunct the door to 2 loops. The closing method in principle may be any, traditionally it is a latch, a scoring or hook, outside and inside. From more cunning lock systems, for example, with latches, it is better to refuse, since their mechanism will be influenced by moisture and quickly degrees.

For the installation of the door enough two loops


For more comfortable use of amenities, it is better to take care of their lighting in advance. It can be a wall lamp that works from the battery. Alternatively, you can bring the wiring and connect a small lighting device.

Country Toilet Lighting Options

And the day to illumine the inner space will be a small window. Cut it, usually, above the doors or at the top of the door, but the options are actually more, from curly windows on the walls and to the transparent roof.

Tip! The cesspool will serve longer if it does not throw toilet paper and other hygienic or household accessories, so it must be a bucket in the toilet. If sizes are allowed, it is convenient to establish a conventional washbasin with a pendant nose, especially since you are ready for a rowing pit.

Poll-closet: Features of the structure

The lack of a cesspool is the main difference in construction. But there are some differences in the design of the house. We will have to think about the method of extracting the container in which uncleans are collected.

Scheme: Patron closet device

The door, usually, equip the posterior wall of the house or the front wall of the chairs. Inside the booths set a special box for peat (ash, sawdust). Without ventilation, it is also not to do here, only the pipe is not descended into the pit, but directly under the chairs.