House project with a winter garden (51 photos): When cozy and people, and plants. Wooden houses for winter accommodation: projects and prices All turnkey solutions - the optimal choice

Winter garden is a great opportunity to "make" at home some summer, sun and greens, which is not enough in our latitudes, with their cold and gray almost half a year. This is not only a great place for relaxation and recreation ( greenAs you know, has positive psychophysical properties for a person), but also the indicator of a certain status of its owner.

Despite the fact that the winter garden refers to the most complex type of premises, which will require special knowledge in architecture, engineering art and decorative gardening, the use of modern materials and construction techniques to implement a project of the house with a winter garden will not be particular difficulties.

Projects single-storey I. two-storey houses and cottage With a winter garden can provide different approaches in their creation and use:

  • garden buffer - serves as a transition zone between the street and residential premises, actually as a winter garden is used only in the warm period, so the heating system is not installed in it. Early spring for heating can be used portable IR emitters or electrical heaters. For glazing winter garden buffer use structures from aluminum profile and stained glass, as an option for the northern regions - lightweight double-glazed windows. An example of such a garden can serve as a glazed veranda
  • residential garden is an integrated space in which people and plants should feel comfortably. Most often is a recreation area, but there may be options and a living room, and dining room. In most cases, the garden heating system is a common heating system, during design and construction, special attention is paid to heat saving and waterproofing of structures. Plus - the ventilation system should ensure the maintenance of an acceptable humidity that does not allow mold and fungi, as well as corrosion of the metal
  • garden-greenhouse - the main indicators and conditions are adjusted taking into account the cultivation of colors and plants, this is precisely the priority and the choice and installation of all life-supporting systems depends on this. Most often, plants having tropical origin are grown in such gardens, therefore, reliable metal-plastic bags are used as glazing and create an integrated climatography system. As a residential premises, such a garden is not used, rather - as a place to relax.

House project with a winter garden: Important features

It is originally important to determine the direction where the winter garden will be located, because it will affect the design solutions:

  • the eastern direction is one of the most promising, first of all, due to the long duration of the daylight. In the summer it is not strongly overheated, but in calculations, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of additional shading (in summer) and forced ventilation
  • the West Direction - will save on heating, the heat accumulated for a day is held for a long time. However, in summer, additional cooling (air conditioning) of the air may be required, but in general, this placement of the winter garden is ideal if there is a recreation area in it
  • the southern direction is one of the most problematic, first of all, by absorbing a large amount of heat, which will require additional ventilation costs and watering plant, air humidification. On the other hand, such an accommodation is justified if the creation of a garden-greenhouse with a thermal-loving (tropical) flora is planned.
  • the northern direction - such a garden minimally accumulates heat, so additional heating will be required, but you can save somewhat on ventilation. On the other hand, the winter garden will create a kind of buffer zone that prevents cold air penetration in the residential area in winter

Everyone wants to build such a house in which it will be equally cozy in any season of the year. If you are one of these people, then the company "Marisrub" have something to offer - Winter wooden houses created on the basis of strong and resistant to extreme temperatures of materials.

Rounded log as the basis of durable housing

All the projects of the company are based on a rounded log, are not just beautiful at home, but well-thought-out and functional buildings, which will remain island of warmth and comfort even in very cold winters.

What is our secret?

1. Careful design.

Each ready-made home option is a full and thoughtful accommodation. In case of individual design, we are always looking for the most rational solutions that will facilitate the lives of future owners, will not bring any problems in the future and fit into the existing budget.

2. Own production.

The company "Marisrub" is a private workshop manufacturing wooden materials for construction. This allows us to track all stages of production and maintain high quality products that will subsequently become the basis of your home.

3. Materials.

It is important that we use the forest of the northern regions of Russia. This material is much more respected to temperature drops, and also has a thicker resin layer, which allows for a long time to maintain the properties of the tree.

4. Accounting for technological nuances.

Designing the future building, we definitely take into account all sorts of factors that will affect the building. In order to achieve a reduction in heat loss and create a truly warm winter house, the company's specialists use logs with a diameter of 220-240 mm. This solution allows the owners to get cozy accommodation, which will help save on heating.

All solutions "turnkey" - the optimal choice

It doesn't matter what option at home you will prefer, because thanks to "Marisruple" you can forget about temporary losses. The construction of "turnkey" by the company's specialists is a convenient and fast option that allows you to forget what stress is associated with the construction of the house.

The company's consultants will help to decide on the project, will prompt the best ways to save, and will also tell about all the features of construction and its timing. With "Marisruz" you always win!

Construction companies of Moscow offer two types of bathing of baths: summer and winter. "Summer" is a more fiscal option. "Winter" stands 30% more expensive. Knowing their main advantages, you will easily make the right choice.

In the old days, the baths attended all year round. The steam room created conditions for long-term storage of hot steam. At the same time, in the cold time in the pre-tribades, it also had to be comfortable. In the summer, the temperature differences between the steam room and the rest room are not felt due to the warmth from the street. In winter, this difference is particularly tangible. In the cold room it will be uncomfortable to rest between visits to the steam room. To avoid this, it is recommended to use additional warming of walls, gender and ceiling.

Such insulation and is included in the cost of the winter bath turnkey. The price includes various additional services. Particular attention is paid to the floor. The beams and shields used for the draft floor are thoroughly impregnated with firebobs. Between the draft floor and geepboard, the wind agreed membrane is laid. Also used a wider floor board, which allows you to withstand a load of up to 200 kg per 1 kV. m. Outer walls, floors, ceiling are insulated with a mineral width 150 mm wide. In the inner partitions, the insulation is not used, the exception is the walls of the steam room: its width is 100 mm. When buying a winter version of the turnkey bath in the price includes firebowing. In the configuration "Summer" this service is paid.

Drafts are some of the main enemies for health in winter. Plastic windows are installed on the winter bath project. They will not give to penetrate the room even a small unwanted blow of the wind. Wooden frames are inserted to reduce the cost of summer bath. For the installation of plastic double-glazed windows when buying a configuration "Summer" will have to pay extra. Save or pay more expensive?

This is everyone decides for himself. Someone prefers to buy a bathhouse inexpensive, and then gradually change the one in it, then another, making it better. Someone prefers to save one time and orders the most expensive option, including all possible additional services. There is a third category of buyers. They prefer to take a loan that is rapidly repayed, but it is better to have the best and more complete set.

If your country life does not stop with the arrival of cold weather in the Moscow region and you regularly visit the pair, it makes sense to choose a winter bath. You will be quite warm to stay in the rest room, relaxing after exposure to hot steam.

How to order a bath at low prices

To date, hundreds of firms work in the construction market of Moscow. All offer buildings of different quality and price. We guarantee that only qualitative materials that have been certified control will be used in construction. We comply with the technology of the construction, and you will be warm and comfortable to spend time in the Banke.

7 days a week Our hotline works for you. Operators will answer all questions relating to prices, our projects, production technology, complete sets and additional services. Make an agreement for the purchase We invite you to our exhibition complex in Kuzminakh. Here you can personally make sure of the high quality of our buildings, to visit the summer and winter versions of bath buildings. In Kuzminakh, if necessary, you make a loan on our products.

We included the maximum services in the Winter Ban, so that you do not have to pay anything. Every month we reduce the price of certain buildings. Call us right now, check if you have a discount on the bath you like. Lock the current price with the manager until the end of the year, and then no dollar jumps, the increase in gasoline prices are no longer afraid.