Arrangement, design and decoration of the "dry stream" with their own hands. Dry stream in landscape design - photo and construction technology Dry stream in landscape garden design

"Dry stream" creates the illusion of a dried-up reservoir and this technique is successfully used by professionals and amateur designers when designing parks and garden plots. Consider the main types of compositions, we give practical advice on arrangement and decoration, as well as describe the stages of creating a "stone stream".

Features of the arrangement of the "dry stream" on the site

Creating the illusion of waterfalls, the sea surface and the movement of stream flows was originally used in landscape design Japanese gardens. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have always appreciated conciseness, symbolism, and associated the surrounding objects with natural phenomena.

The key elements in the arrangement of a "dried" stream are stones, boulders, pebbles and ornamental plants. The size and shape of natural minerals determines the nature of the flow of the stream: large cobblestones symbolize turbulent streams, and small pebbles - water surface. Shrubs, flowers and grass along the riverbed give naturalness and organicity to the reservoir.

While contemplating the “dry stream”, one should get the impression that the mouth has dried up quite recently and the first drops of rain will bring it back to life.

In addition to the stylistic and decorative role, the “dried” source performs a number of other functions:

  • masking uneven terrain, old stumps, hatches, communications;
  • curved shapes streams visually expand the area of ​​​​the site;
  • zoning of space - the smooth outlines of the reservoir put together different zones or divert them to different shores.

The imitation stream will become great alternative artificial reservoir, as it has several significant advantages:

  • safety for children;
  • lack of annoying midges and mosquitoes;
  • the implementation of the project will not require large financial investments and efforts (work is completed in 2-3 days);
  • ease of maintenance.

Varieties of "dried reservoirs"

Theoretically, you can recreate almost any form of a stream, use unexpected boundaries, combine steep waterfalls with channels, etc. However, in practice, the following types of “stone streams” are most common.

sand jets- traditional element Japanese garden. The composition consists of several thin (up to 20 cm) streams, which are connected along the course, or diverge from each other. The effect of artificial waves is achieved by "combing" sand jets with a fine-toothed rake.

Waterfall- the source of the stream is located on a hill, symbolizing a rock, a well or a jug from which water flows.

Merging sleeves. In this case, the "dry stream" consists of one winding channel or several branches. Such a reservoir looks spectacular on relief areas, and its device is made so that the stream goes beyond the enclosing elements: a fence, dense vegetation or under a bridge.

The simulation of water can be depicted using flower arrangement using plants of white, blue and of blue color. This option looks very impressive, but is more difficult to implement and maintain.

Gravel, crushed stone or small stones are suitable for the channel. It is better to arrange the shores with boulders and cobblestones. As a "support" of the mouth, you can use wooden bars and branches - the composition looks more naturalistic.

Place the source of the stream on a small hill, and hide the mouth behind large leaves plants, vines or ferns.

If the area of ​​the site allows, then in the widest part of the stream, you can arrange a sandbank. Flat large cobblestones and huge boulders can become islands.

To create a uniform flow of water, stones are selected that are the same in color. The highlight of the composition will be given by contrasting cobblestones along the coast.

"Stone Stream" will be better in harmony with the surrounding nature if it is made from local mineral rocks.

Cobblestones are used to simulate a waterfall different sizes, mostly in light colors.

Flat stones, set edgewise, create the illusion of a fast flow of water.

The original reservoir is obtained by using decorative pebbles, glass granules or old blue beads.

The use of decorative elements "revives" the composition. Great solution will be the placement of the bridge over the "dried reservoir".

We create a "dry stream" with our own hands

Choice of location and form

The water element, even if it is its imitation, is conducive to relaxation and peace, so it is better to place the reservoir near the recreation area, the terrace of the house or the gazebo. Alternatively, you can equip a "stream" in the depths of the garden, and hang a hammock near it or install a comfortable bench.

When choosing the shape of the future stream, the features of the site are taken into account - its size and relief.

In order not to be mistaken with the shape, it is necessary to outline the contour of the stream using sand or twine. Assess how the "reservoir" looks, and, if necessary, correct.

Preparation of the base under the stream

The basis of the stream - stones and rubble, are selected in accordance with the chosen composition. You can experiment with color:

  • slate, gneiss with basalt - a gray-blue hue;
  • marble and limestone - light brown scale;
  • granite is red-brown.

Advice. Treating the stones with varnish will give them a “wet effect”, and coating with waterproof paint with a luminous element will create a stream that will shine and resemble a “moon path” at night.

Arrangement of the channel under the stream

Stages of creating a channel:

  1. Apply the final marking of the future reservoir.
  2. Remove a layer of earth along the contour - about 15-30 cm. The wider the stream, the deeper it should be.
  3. Cover the bottom of the pit with rubber, a dense film or lutrasil - this will protect the composition from erosion and weed germination. Alternatively, you can concrete the future stream bed.

Selection and placement of stones

Laying stones is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Strengthen the banks with large stones. It is better to choose cobblestones of different sizes, but the same in origin.
  2. Dig large boulders a little into the ground.
  3. Fill the gaps between large minerals with medium-sized stones.
  4. The channel is filled with pebbles and rubble.
  5. You can create a grotto effect or create rapids using rock debris.
  6. The final stage of laying the foundation is the design of the coastal beach. Pour a layer of sand or crushed bark along the perimeter of the stream.

Video: creating a dry stream

Floristry around the pond

The area around the stream is lined with plants that prefer wet habitats and are associated with water. Such crops include: daylily, Chinese reed, bamboo-leaf, reed arundo. All of them have long thin leaves resembling river reeds and susak.

Plants with juicy blue-blue flowers will remind of coolness and water freshness: lobelia, bluebells, blue fescue, bearded iris and creeping tenacious.

dry stream care

  • under shrubs, grass and flowers, it is periodically necessary to loosen the soil - to enrich it with oxygen;
  • regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • prevent excessive growth - cut plants in a timely manner;
  • the moss that appears will create the illusion of a river bank, but its distribution must be controlled;
  • heat-loving plants for the winter should be covered with spruce branches.

Dry stream in landscape design: photo ideas

"Dry Pond" organically fits not only in the gardens oriental styles, but also in any other landscape design. The main thing is to choose the right direction of the stream, color palette compositions and do not overdo it with decorative elements.

A dry stream is an interesting design find for a garden. Arrange one in your country house, decorate it with a bridge on an iron or wooden base.

How to make a dry stream?

For its arrangement you will need the following materials and tools:
  • stones of different sizes;
  • black agrotex, spunbond or geotextile;
  • rake;
  • shovel;
  • rope;
  • sand;
  • pegs.
With the help of a rope and a peg, mark out the outlines of the future dry stream. Dig a ditch here 10-20 cm deep. Level its bottom with a rake, put geotextile or other black non-woven material here so that weeds do not grow.

Now lay down the stones. Small ones will imitate water, and large ones will decorate the shore. It remains to plant plants so that this corner of nature looks as natural as possible.

By the way, if you plant flowers of blue, blue shades inside the stream, there will be an effect of the presence of water.

What plants to plant in the country?

Here is one example of how you can decorate a dry stream, the photo shows that the following plants are used for this:
  • iris Siberian;
  • fescue Gauthier;
  • grate sandy;
  • bearded iris.
By combining just four of these types of plants, you will achieve the wonderful effect of a natural stream. Take undersized varieties of bearded iris, placing them with outside to be seen well.

The next option involves the use of conifers.

To design such a dry stream, you need to take the following plants:
  • various varieties of juniper;
  • undersized pine;
  • stonecrop caustic;
  • sedge hybrid;
  • creeping tenacious.
Basically, low-growing juniper varieties that creep are used here. The stalked form is placed in the background so as not to cover the rest. Stonecrop will grow well between stones, as well as tenacious, sedge.

If you like mediterranean style, then see which plants to plant along such a stream in order to achieve the desired effect.

As you can see, it uses:
  • plantain hosta;
  • hosta fortune;
  • bearded iris;
  • bergenia hearty;
  • felt yoke;
  • low juniper;
  • Siberian iris;
  • bow Ostrovsky;
  • geyhera small-flowered;
  • gray fescue.
Plant the hosta in a stream bed to make it look like it's dried up. In the upper plan, place a jug that will help achieve the necessary Mediterranean mood. bearded iris will bloom in spring and early summer, like Siberian, adding picturesque colors to this oasis.

If you want to add sophistication to a dry stream, then opt for the plants shown in the following photo.

If you have a small area, then it is best to make a dry stream in the form of a snake. This technique of landscape design will visually enlarge the space, and the plants located near it will help turn this corner into a realistic one.

There are other options for decorating this creation. For the next, you will use plants such as:
  • warty birch;
  • viburnum ordinary;
  • bulrush.
The design of a dry stream according to this principle requires a minimum of costs. After all, you can dig a birch in the forest, while it is still young, plant it in your area. Perhaps you got a cottage where this tree already grows. Then place it in the background of the stream, and plant viburnum in front. It can also be found in the forest near water bodies or in the lowlands.

If you do not believe in omens, then, like birch, reeds can also be dug up in nature. Bring the rhizomes of this plant by taking them near a pond or lake. But plant in a damp area.

Using these plants, you will achieve volume. Thanks to the trees in the background, it will seem as if there is a forest that goes into the distance. The front space will become free, the reeds will only slightly cover it.

DIY flower river

This is another variant of the design of a dry stream with flowers.

If you want this hand-made work to look like running water from afar, then plant blue flowers here. Muscari was used for this. They breed well, grow quickly, then after planting them in a few years it will not be difficult to plant them in a form dug for a river or stream.

But unlike the first option, here you need to provide soil for plants. Mark the outlines of the future stream, dig the soil with the addition mineral fertilizers. If the land is infertile, then add humus here.

You can use other flowers with a blue color to decorate a dry stream, for example, undersized irises, hyacinths. To shade them, white and pink peonies were planted along the shore of this reservoir. They bloom at about the same time as muscari, so in late spring and early summer, such a floral charm awaits you.

If you don't have desired plants in such numbers, then you can plant a smaller number of them along a dry stream, decorating it in this way.

Even unpretentious cornflowers or carnations will be a wonderful design element of the coast.

If you still like a dry stream of flowers, then at least make a small one if there are not enough such plants. Plant blue in the center, frame them with plants of a contrasting color. So, red and white flowers perfectly emphasize the beauty of such a stream.

If you have daisies, do you like original styles, then put a jug-like container in the background, plant flowers that seem to flow from it. Daisies reproduce perfectly by seeds, delenki, self-sowing, so the lack of planting material will not.

Dry stream design

You can use not only natural stones, but also purchased painted.

Such material desired color can be purchased at a gardening store. Do not forget to also lay a non-woven material of a dense texture on the bottom of the reservoir, and pour colored crayons of blue pebbles on top.

You can even buy blue wood chips, use it to make a dry stream. With your own hands, you can make other items of its design., Decorate it. For this you will need:

  • tire;
  • large stones of approximately the same size;
  • host;
  • fern;
  • flowering plants;
  • thin logs;
  • saw;
  • small garden figurines;
  • self-tapping screws.
After you have arranged a dry stream of the desired shape, lay out stones along its bank. To do decorative bridge, dig the tire halfway into the soil, screw sawn-off logs to it with self-tapping screws.

Plant a hosta to the right or left of the bridge, a fern behind it, and tall flowering plants in the background. Set up a couple of lanterns so that after sunset this place is illuminated, adding to its mystery. Also small sculptures on maritime theme such as duck, frog.

You can put a small boat in the center of the stream, it will also add realism to the whole picture.

If you want to make not a stream, but a river to convey its seething streams, then use stones of different sizes and colors. White, bluish, dark beige will be appropriate here.

Beautifully laid pebbles will also help to achieve the effect of flowing water. Put a couple of boulders in the center of the stream so that the streams seem to go around them.

Alternating white and blue interspersed with light brown stones will also achieve the effect of flowing water.

Lay stones along the edges of this stream in two or three rows so that the bank becomes higher.

It will look great next to a pond, which you can make from ordinary flower pots.

The following tips will teach you how to achieve the desired effects:
  1. If you want a dry stream to be a gray-blue hue, then use slate, basalt, gneiss to decorate it.
  2. If you need to create the illusion of water, then lay pellets and glass beads in the stream near the stream. If you do not have such material, use concrete balls or stones that you have painted with mirror paint.
  3. To give a brown-red tint to a dry stream, decorate it with granite, limestone, marble.
  4. To emphasize the structure of the stream, use stones of different sizes to decorate it.
  5. The channel looks more natural and graceful if it is of different widths.
  6. To create the effect of a stream, use flat large pebbles when decorating the stream itself, while you will form the coastline from large stones.
  7. It is not necessary to make the borders of the stream too clear and regular, it is better to make them heterogeneous, blurry, to emphasize its natural look.
  8. If you need to mask the unevenness of the site, lay light stones here.
If you know how to make a bridge, then you can decorate your dry stream with it. If you have a welding machine, metal racks, then you can make something like this.

To do this, you first need to study the scheme.

Then with the help welding machine the base of the bridge is being created, four posts will be buried in the ground.

It will be necessary to attach thick boards to walk on. It is believed that larch is one of the best materials for open air. But when it dries, it releases sharp, hard spikes that can hurt you. Therefore, the craftsmen who made this bridge turned the boards upside down and covered them with an antiseptic.

The balusters to the railing were welded in place as they need to be adjusted to fit.

Further, also with the help of a grinder, it is necessary to cut the handrails to the railing right size, attach them to the ends of the railing using a welding machine.

Then the metal base must be coated with a metal primer. Then you need to apply paint. And the last stage is the fastening of wooden boards.

If you are looking for a simpler option, then you can make a bridge for giving, using the following photo hint.

You will learn more about how to make a bridge in the country from a short video.

If you want to see the intricacies of making a dry stream, then watch the following story.

A dry stream in landscape design is used by designers as a technique for decorating the exterior. Moreover, it can be called one of the most common modern landscape design tools. You don't have to work with water. Stones act as the bottom, which are designed to imitate the bed of a stream that once dried up. The main advantage of this unusual design element is that its arrangement is not accompanied by large ones. Let's see how to equip it and what materials to choose.

Advantages of a dry stream

Dry stream in landscape design was first used in Japan. Distinctive feature This element of the exterior is the opportunity to equip the imitation where there is no way to supply water for any reason. It can be used with confidence on any site that is decorated in garden style. A dry stream in landscape design is quite simple to arrange without much effort. In addition, the construction work will take very little time. This will take about three days. But it will be even easier to take care of such an element of your garden, the work of maintaining the stream consists only in the need to remove weeds and maintain the shape of the channel. If there is a real reservoir on the territory, then caring for it provides for periodic cleaning of deposits, as well as algae.

In order to choose plants for such a place, you can only be guided by your own preferences. Whereas if we compare this criterion of a dry reservoir with an ordinary one, then only those plants that love water are suitable for the latter.

A dry stream in landscape design can be designed even when there are small children in the family, as it is completely safe. In the described elements, unlike natural ones, there are no mosquitoes that can cause a lot of interference for a good rest. Before arranging the bed of a dry stream, there will be no need to buy expensive compressors, as well as systems that are designed to supply and then purify water.

Shape selection

Despite the fact that the arrangement of the described exterior element is not accompanied by difficulties, this issue should be approached competently. Initially, the location of the channel has to be planned. You can place the stream in the place where there is a need to hide the imperfections of the relief. Thus, if you make the channel narrow and meandering, then this will externally deepen the space. This technique is especially relevant for small gardens, the territory of which needs to be visually enlarged.

Once the design ideas have been considered and the shape has been chosen, you can experiment a little on the ground, for this you should use sand to draw the outline. After you manage to decide on the shape and dimensions, you can proceed to the choice of material. When planning the described solution for the territory of the site, it is not necessary to use clear boundaries and uniformity. Since your task is to simulate the flow of water. A small river, which has an unequal width along the course, will look more harmonious and natural.

Dry stream material selection

Once you have thought about the design ideas, you can proceed to the choice of material. It is from him in more depends appearance stream. For decor, it is preferable to use large cobblestones; however, fine-grained pebbles will also look great. It is best to combine stones of different textures, sizes and colors. This will allow you to get a natural composition, as if created by nature itself.

Decoration with stones

If there is a need to create a stream, the shade of which will be gray-blue, then it is recommended to use gneiss, slate, and also basalt. But to get the effect of red-brown color, limestone, granite and marble should be used. Stones can be pre-prepared on their own. To do this, it is recommended to use the method of staining them. If you apply this technique, the stones will glow somewhat in the twilight. When developing the site, it is possible to supplement the territory with a stream, the stones at the base of which will be covered with a layer of varnish. They will shimmer in the sunlight. Moreover, in this way it will be possible to achieve which allows us to believe that the stones have just been treated with water.

You can get the effect of water flow in another way, which involves the need to use glass granules. As alternative solution you can use glass beads. If you do not want the stream to be very different from the local landscape, then it is recommended to use the rocks found near the house. The illusion of water flow can be obtained by using pebble stones. Irregularities in the terrain are easy to veil by using stones that have lighter tones.

Arrangement of a dry river

After the design of dry streams is selected, you can proceed with the installation work. To do this, it is necessary to dig a trench along the previously indicated contour, the shape of which should resemble a trough. The territory should be rid of the soil layer, deepening by 15-30 centimeters. Then the base of the pit must be carefully leveled with a rake. In order to exclude the germination of weeds from under the layer of stones, it is necessary to cover the bottom of the pit with dark nonwoven fabric which is able to pass moisture and air. For this, geotextiles or lutrasil are perfect. You can also fill in a very thin layer of the solution, some craftsmen use a polymer film. After the surface has been leveled, and after it is laid, it is permissible to start laying stones.

When making a dry stream, the scheme of which is presented in the article, you should not be too zealous. It is important to act in moderation. Laying stones should start from the "shores". Cobblestones and rubble should be used to support the edges, but the pebble will perfectly allow you to lay crevices, the channel should be filled with fine-grained pebbles.

Plant decoration

A dry stream in the garden will not look harmonious without plants. Of course, you can be guided by your own preferences, but it is advisable to follow the advice of experienced landscape designers. In this case, shrubby, flowering, as well as decorative leafy plants are acceptable. It is necessary to take into account the illumination of the territory, the composition of the soil, temperature and humidity conditions. When making a channel, it is recommended to use plants that grow in water. If pebbles were used, then plants whose shade is associated with water will be able to harmonize with it. It could be forget-me-not or

A dry stream in the country can also be decorated using plants that have blue-green hues. A beautiful addition will be, for example, lobelia, bearded iris, as well as fescue. If possible, do not refuse Chinese reed, willow sunflower and sedge.

Additional elements of the stream

You can arrange not only a small river. It is permissible to use not only plants and stones in the design, but also a bridge that you can make yourself. In order for the latter to look harmonious, it is recommended to use wood, which is subsequently artificially aged. It is desirable to make such a bridge as narrow as possible, but in length it should be somewhat wider than the stream itself. It is recommended to paint it with a protective varnish, then your design will not be afraid of the effects of snow and rain.

According to Eastern philosophy peace, in which we live is the result of the interaction of the elements: metal, fire, water, wood and air.

Any harmonious the landscape must include all these components in order to repeat the beauty and completeness of our world.

If when creating a landscape small area you can put a metal bridge or a lantern, plant a tree, leave a place for a fire, and there is always air, then with artificial reservoir may have problems. For it, it is necessary to allocate enough space and provide a supply of water, which is not always available.

However, you can use the symbol - dry stream, an element of landscape design that imitates the bed of a dried-up water stream: when you look at it, it seems that just recently water ran cheerfully over these pebbles.

While creating imitations stream on personal plot use different components: stones different sizes, glass and even sometimes plastic bottles. In order to fully reproduce the water landscape, bushes and flowers are planted around the channel, growing near water bodies.

Mandatory element - bonding structures, such as bridges and paths. They not only give the landscape a finished look, but also allow you to cross a dry stream without damaging its components.

A dry stream is created to beautify the landscape and complete it, but can also be used as functional element. With it, you can:

  • Hide drains And hatches, while the stream itself can serve to divert water on rainy days;
  • Divide the site into zones or combine various poorly combined elements into a harmonious landscape;
  • Visually enlarge the space a small area;
  • Create extraordinary and beautiful landscape without extra costs.

If thoughtfully laid smooth shiny pebbles and add bits of blue glass, which will gleam in the sun, you can achieve a complete illusion of running water, and white large cobblestones will become an imitation of thresholds and .

Note! Unlike an artificial reservoir, a dry stream will not be a breeding ground for such ubiquitous insects as mosquitoes, which very often spoil outdoor recreation.

Stages of creating a dry stream

Determining the location on the site

Mark out the contours future dry stream with sand or pegs with twine.

At this stage, you can make adjustments to your plan, shift the course, change shape, contours, bends and width of the reservoir simulation.

It should be borne in mind that a dry stream, according to Japanese traditions, should fit into the terrain as harmoniously as a natural stream.

Source is on a hill channel always pointing down.

Many natural reservoirs branch out, the same can be done with artificial: create delta from sand jets or several diverging streams in difficult areas of the landscape.

Any stream is located below ground level, therefore, before laying stones, it is necessary to remove upper layer soil up to 30 cm to give the flow depth.

  • Basalt, gneiss And slate used to give the bottom a grayish-blue tint. By supplementing such a surface with glass, you can achieve an unusual visual effect, reminiscent of the appearance of running water;
  • Limestone And marble they will dilute the gray-blue streams with light “jets”, and from large stones of this type you can create an imitation of rapids and waterfalls. Limestone, due to its rough heterogeneous structure, will resemble whirlwinds, and marble will complete the illusion, gleaming in the sun;
  • Granite will bring red and brown shades, it is possible to build coastal "cliffs" from it.

Small sections of "coast" and "shoals" created using sand, visually soften the relief of the channel.

Note! If you cover some of the stones with fluorescent paint, then at night a “moon path” will appear on the stream.

IN design"shores" and "shoals" of an artificial stream, you can use any plants, as long as they are harmoniously combined with each other and with the rest of the elements of the composition.

When choosing herbs, consider illumination locations, soil type, saturation moisture and temperature.

It is best to use plants growing around natural reservoirs, but you can just plant your favorite flowers.

It is believed that the best design for a dry stream are low plants with narrow straight foliage:

  • Miscanthus Chinese, or Chinese reed. Popular ornamental grass. young plant very vulnerable, so it is better to plant it between large stones to protect it from the cold wind;
  • Helianthus (sunflower) loose leaf. It goes well with many plants. Tolerates cold well;
  • Day-lily. It can grow in the shade, but blooms profusely only in a well-lit area;
  • Bamboo leaf. One of the most decorative and fastest growing types of bamboo;
  • Cortaderia, or pampas grass. Looks great in the design of the coastline. Unpretentious, drought-resistant. Her fluffy panicles will become wonderful decoration garden in winter.

The alternation of these herbs will give the shore natural outlines. The main thing is not to abuse tall plants, which, if planted along a dry stream, will simply hide it from the observer.

Perception of a dry stream as a stream of water will help strengthen plants. with inflorescences of blue shades:

  • Aubrieta. Very decorative, forms bright carpets in spring, sometimes re-blooms in autumn. Leaves remain on the plant in winter;
  • Lobelia. In late summer - early autumn, it pleases the eye with small flowers of sapphire color or blue with whitish centers. Needs a lot of sunlight and regular spraying;
  • The fescue is blue. One of the most decorative cereals. Pairs beautifully with dark blue pansies;
  • Ayuga, or tenacious. Retains its decorative effect summer season. Looks impressive in the recesses between the stones;
  • Bearded iris. A very beautiful and popular plant in landscape design.

Advice! Some areas of the bottom and shore can be covered with moss, this will give naturalness to a dry stream.

Japanese style in landscape design is a combination nature And handmade elements.

Therefore, the dry stream will not to look like completed without bridges, sculptures or other details, which, meanwhile, can serve their intended purpose.

bridges can be used to cross the stream without damaging the legs on the stones, while they will visually connect different areas of the site.

sculptures people and animals bring the landscape to life.

You can also put or trolley with flowers.

Dry stream can be combined with a real body of water. For example, use it as drainage system to drain water from pond, which will thus become the compositional source of the dry stream.

You can do the opposite: make the stone stream flow into the pond. In this case, if the height difference is large enough, you can create a composition of dried waterfall, and during a heavy downpour, living streams of water will merrily run along it.

The main thing to remember is that the Japanese landscape is naturalness And asymmetry, everything should repeat the natural landscape.

The shape of the channel and the design of a dry stream can be very diverse and depend only on your imagination. We offer you several design options:

Any object of landscape design requires constant attention. Caring for an artificial stream is not difficult:

  • spring plants need to be taken care of loosen And fertilize soil;
  • Omnipresent from time to time weeds still make their way through the stones at the bottom and banks of a dry stream, in this case they must delete, although some wild flowers, such as daisies and bluebells, can be an additional decoration;
  • Growing up grass around the riverbed you need to periodically undercut;
  • Do not forget that the stream is still dry, and not real, so the plants around it need to be regularly water, like any flower bed;
  • autumn dry stream purify from fallen leaves;
  • Front winter plants that are prone to freezing insulate.

Details on how to make a dry stream with your own hands are described in this video: