Do-it-yourself furniture from car tires. Do-it-yourself summer cottage furniture from old tires How to make a car tire chair

From old tires you can build comfortable and unusual furniture for your home or garden.

The original design solution will be from old tires, which can be stationary or portable, with or without armrests.

At the same time, the budget of the event will be quite small, which will please the participants in the process.

The features of tires should include them high performance:

The advantages of making furniture from tires include:

  • Availability and cheapness of raw materials. Old tires can be found in the garage or purchased at a low cost at the service station.
  • Efficiency of manufacturing. On one piece of furniture you will need to spend only a few hours of free time.
  • High quality products. Such furniture will delight owners not only with exclusivity and creativity, but also with high technical performance.

Advice: a chair made of tires can be a wonderful decoration of the garden. At the same time, it will perfectly cope with all the negative environmental factors.

Wheel preparation step by step

Before starting the workflow, you need to draw a sketch of the future piece of furniture and prepare the material itself for use:

Advice: textiles can be used instead of paints. With it, you can hide all the defects of old tires.


To create an original chair from car tires, you will need to prepare the following consumables materials and tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • furniture stapler;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • car tires;
  • felt;
  • plywood;
  • foam rubber;
  • upholstery fabric.

How to do?

Step by step instructions for home use

The process of making a chair will look like this:

That's the whole simple process of making an original piece of furniture for the home.

Master class for outdoor use

Also, a chair made of tires can be made for outdoor use. For this:


As for finishing, the tire chair can be decorated in many ways. If the furniture is intended for outdoor use, it can be paint in any color. Also, any ornament or pattern can be applied to the product with acrylic paints.

When using the product under a canopy or in a house, it is better decorate with textiles. To do this, you can make a cover for a chair. For those who know how to crochet, the cover can be made from threads.


Despite their affordability, tires provide a great opportunity to show your creative talent:

Useful video

A detailed manufacturing process can be seen in the following video:


In conclusion, it is worth noting that by making a chair made of tires with your own hands, you can get bright, original and comfortable furniture to use. Having shown your imagination, you will not only be able to diversify the landscape design or home interior, but also make comfortable furniture in a timely manner, without making any special efforts.

In contact with

How to make furniture from tires with your own hands? Very simple, you can make a variety of crafts from car tires. Old car tires are becoming more and more popular in everyday life. Ask how they are used? Yes, very different! You may not believe it, but tires will not only decorate your garden or vegetable garden, but can also serve as furniture.

Crafts from tires, including furniture, can be made independently with your own hands. They will not only look great in the overall garden design, but also play their extraordinary role.

Do-it-yourself furniture from car tires

It is logical that to create our furniture, you will need old unnecessary tires, which it is high time to throw away. With the help of master classes, we can give them a second life and give them the opportunity to serve us a little more.

Read also: different crafts from tires with your own hands for giving.

So, moving on to the specifics, let's look at some furniture options that can be made.

Soft puffs from tires

Ottomans are always useful in the garden or in a country house. Arranging a barbecue or barbecue party, you can seat your guests on such ottomans.

To turn fantasy into reality, you will need tires and fabric that you don’t mind using. The point is to wrap the tire with a cloth (you can use a belt too) and give it an attractive look. The tires themselves are pre-fastened together.

The average figures recorded that it takes about an hour to complete all the work. Agree that this is a fairly quick and inexpensive business.

The diameter and size of tires can be completely different. The main thing is that they are not severely deformed or traumatic in terms of scratches and cuts.

Tire coffee table

Continuing the theme of do-it-yourself tire furniture, we can consider the option of a coffee table. It sounds quite unusual, looks interesting and is done very simply.

It is important to know that this table will be made in an eco-friendly way and will not harm the environment, which is also very important.

Of the materials that we need - it will be first of all the bald rubber of an unnecessary old tire. Since the appearance will not please us very much, we will hide the tires with a natural tourniquet cover. For this we need a rope. You can use both synthetic and natural. The main thing to note is that the tightness of the fit will depend on the diameter of the rope. With a small diameter cord, you will have to tinker, but the result will be thinner and more elegant in appearance.

List of materials to have on hand:

  • Tire.
  • Plywood, from which two circles can be cut, the diameter of which will be slightly smaller than the tire itself.
  • Harness, rope or cord for decoration.
  • Super glue or glue gun.
  • Self-tapping screws and drill.
  • Finishing coat - it can be varnish or wax.
  • Wheels for a coffee table.


Do-it-yourself tire sofa

To our ottomans and tables, you can still make a sofa out of tires so that the composition is in full.
And so, to begin with, we will decide on the materials that will be needed in the work.

We will need:

  • Truck tire.
  • Screws (8 pieces).
  • Wooden bars (5 pieces).
  • 1 sheet of plywood, 9 mm in diameter.
  • Sofa upholstery fabric.
  • Sofa legs (4 pieces).
  • Foam rubber (1 sheet, diameter 1 centimeter).
  • Foam rubber (2 sheets, 5 centimeters in diameter).
  • Nuts and bolts (about 20 pieces).
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Stretch fabric.

The materials are quite affordable and when everything is in stock, we proceed directly to the manufacturing process.

Points of Interest: DIY Tire Furniture

Photo of furniture from tires and tires

It's not good to throw away what you can reuse.

This is especially true for materials that are harmful to the environment, such as tire rubber.

Used tires are a valuable material for craftsmen.

At home, in the country and in the yard you can build many interesting crafts from old tires.

Skillful hands of craftsmen turn them into proud swans, decorative wells, comfortable benches.

How to make furniture from tires with your own hands - later in our article.

There are several options for creating tables from tires. Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

On two stacks of wheels

Washed, dried, fat-free rubber wheels without disks are first painted with acrylic, bituminous, enamel paints.

The most suitable coloring mixture for the treatment of tires - rubber paint. It withstands hundreds of cycles of sudden temperature changes, as well as atmospheric precipitation, without cracking or deforming.

The tires are stacked one on top of the other in the place where the table needs to stand. You need to install two stacks tires 4 pieces, preferably in different colors, at a distance of about half a meter between the outer walls.

On top of two stacks of multi-colored tires, a rectangular sheet of strong material is laid flat, which is at hand:

  • flat plywood;
  • plastic;
  • thick unbreakable;
  • metal sheet.

To the top rail of each stack of countertop fixed with four diagonal screws in places of contact.

The edges of the sheet should protrude beyond the outer diameter of the tires by at least 10 centimeters.

The table top can also be painted in any color that pleases the eye.

To prevent the wheels from moving, there are two ways to fix them:

  • inside each stack of tires pour earth or sand;
  • each joint between tires coat with binder- hot 1 cm thick, which will allow the tires to adhere securely to each other after drying.

Depending on the design, such a table will fit perfectly in the country, on the playground, in the garage.


This type of product is made from one tire, but larger sizes. By the same principle, you can make stools and chairs.

In the form of a full-fledged dining table, of course, it will not fit, but it can serve perfectly as a coffee table.

Let's get started:

  1. Tire of the right size wash and dry.
  2. Find four legs from an old armchair or make them yourself.
  3. screw legs to the tire with screws.
  4. Above put a circle glass, plywood or plastic to cover the disc seat.
  5. Decorate- completely wrap the tire on all sides with yarn or create a pattern on the tabletop.

Such a decorative table with legs will serve as an effective stand for a beautiful vase, magazines, pocket items.


The next method will require a little more effort and creativity.


  1. Cut a truck tire along the tread into two equal halves. One half will serve as a countertop.
  2. Cut the outer bead off five smaller car tires to make five rubber rings.
  3. fasten with screws four rings at the bottom on four sides vertically to the countertop. With the fifth ring, connect together the vertical rings on the floor surface. This will be the reference plane of the table.
  4. Remains of rubber bands tightly twist the mounting hole for the disc in the countertop.

At such a table it is great to play board games in the evening in the country, read newspapers.

Chair making

To make chairs from tires, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare one whole tire - wash, dry, degrease.
  2. From another clean dry tire cut off one outer bead.
  3. paint both blanks in any color you like.
  4. saw off with a hacksaw, four round wooden logs with a diameter of 6 cm. Two of them are 90 cm long, and the other two are 45 cm long.
  5. close disc hole in a whole tire with a plastic mesh, sewing it with a harsh thread to the sidewall. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. Stretch and sew the same mesh to the bead, cut off from the second tire. This will be the back of the chair.
  7. screw with long screws to the whole tire, two short logs on one side - these will be two legs. Also screw two long logs on the opposite side with screws - these will be the other two legs with a back.
  8. Screw the cut off round bead from the second tire with a stretched plastic mesh to the back between two high logs with screws.

The country chair is ready, you can rest on it in between work on the site.

Country chairs from old tires

There are several options for creating a product. Let's dwell on the most popular, spectacular and uncomplicated.

  1. Cut off the sides on one of the tires. Cut the formed ring on one side.
  2. Cut off one third of the second tire along with the bead.
  3. paint two whole tyres, one piece with the bead cut off in the form of a split ring, and a second piece representing one third of the tire with the bead.
  4. For the manufacture of one chair from bald tires, you need fold two whole tires on top of each other.
  5. To fix the joints between them, it is necessary smear with hot bituminous mastic. Glue or sew a plastic grate onto the top tire with a harsh thread.
  6. To top cover screw or bolted vertically one third of the tire with the bead bottom.
  7. To the top of the vertical one third of the bead also screw the middle parts with cut edges. Bend this part in the shape of the back and handrails of the chair.
  8. Lower ends fix with screws or bolted to the top lying tire.

It turned out to be a very comfortable chair made of tires for a summer residence, a private courtyard, a recreation center.

It is best to build several of these chairs for all family members.

Another seat option:

  1. You will need one whole tire, and from the second tire you need cut a sector of one third.
  2. Wash both parts, dry, paint with black rubber paint.
  3. Find legs from an old armchair or from a Soviet TV. Fasten the legs with screws to the bottom of the whole tire.
  4. Saw off two either three wooden blocks about 5x5 cm in size, 40 cm long. Sand, paint with black rubber paint.
  5. Hole for the disc in the whole tire on top close with plywood covered with leatherette. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. Also close the inner cavity and ends of the second tire with a cut-out sector with plywood and cover with leatherette. This will be the back of the chair.
  7. Assemble the structure: screw two or three bars to the tread surface of the whole tire.
  8. Screw the backrest with screws higher to the bars.

It turned out a cozy chair with a minimalist and concise design.

It can be as in the photo or slightly modernized depending on the materials that are at hand.

Why not an imposing leather armchair from a designer furniture salon!

It is not a shame to furnish with such not only a summer cottage, but also creative interior apartments or houses.

In Europe, such furniture in living quarters is no longer a rarity, because the environmental trend is gaining popularity every year.

Other furniture and crafts

At the dacha, every object, every useful thing is welcome. There is a spirit of fantasy and creativity here. Every seemingly unnecessary item will always find its use. Worn-out automobile rubber is a valuable material here, a strategic raw material.

They make excellent front gardens for flowering plants and green spaces from it. Tires make brightly colored houses.

Benches for sitting, rocking chairs, funny insects and striped caterpillars, flowerpots - this list of uses for old tires is endless.

Useful video

In this video, the process of creating furniture is shown more clearly:


The main process of creating crafts is a flight of fancy and collective creativity. The whole family can be involved in the manufacture of furniture, and children will be happy to participate. This is how country masterpieces are born from old worn tires.

In contact with

How to make furniture from tires with your own hands? Very simple, you can make a variety of crafts from car tires. Old car tires are becoming more and more popular in everyday life. Ask how they are used? Yes, very different! You may not believe it, but tires will not only decorate your garden or vegetable garden, but can also serve as furniture.

Do-it-yourself furniture from tires and tires.

Crafts from tires, including furniture, can be made independently with your own hands. They will not only look great in the overall garden design, but also play their extraordinary role.

Do-it-yourself furniture from car tires

It is logical that to create our furniture, you will need old unnecessary tires, which it is high time to throw away. With the help of master classes, we can give them a second life and give them the opportunity to serve us a little more.

So, moving on to the specifics, let's look at some furniture options that can be made.

Soft puffs from tires

Ottomans are always useful in the garden or in a country house. Arranging a barbecue or barbecue party, you can seat your guests on such ottomans.

Do-it-yourself ottoman from a tire.

To turn fantasy into reality, you will need tires and fabric that you don’t mind using. The point is to wrap the tire with a cloth (you can use a belt too) and give it an attractive look. The tires themselves are pre-fastened together.

The average figures recorded that it takes about an hour to complete all the work. Agree that this is a fairly quick and inexpensive business.

Ideas for ottomans from tires.

The diameter and size of tires can be completely different. The main thing is that they are not severely deformed or traumatic in terms of scratches and cuts.

Tire coffee table

Continuing the theme of do-it-yourself tire furniture, we can consider the option of a coffee table. It sounds quite unusual, looks interesting and is done very simply.
DIY tire coffee table.

It is important to know that this table will be made in an eco-friendly way and will not harm the environment, which is also very important.

Of the materials that we need - it will be first of all the bald rubber of an unnecessary old tire. Since the appearance will not please us very much, we will hide the tires with a natural tourniquet cover. For this we need a rope. You can use both synthetic and natural. The main thing to note is that the tightness of the fit will depend on the diameter of the rope. With a small diameter cord, you will have to tinker, but the result will be thinner and more elegant in appearance.

List of materials to have on hand:

  • Tire.
  • Plywood, from which two circles can be cut, the diameter of which will be slightly smaller than the tire itself.
  • Harness, rope or cord for decoration.
  • Super glue or glue gun.
  • Self-tapping screws and drill.
  • Finishing coat - it can be varnish or wax.
  • Wheels for a coffee table.


Do-it-yourself tire sofa

To our ottomans and tables, you can still make a sofa out of tires so that the composition is in full.
And so, to begin with, we will decide on the materials that will be needed in the work.

We will need:

  • Truck tire.
  • Screws (8 pieces).
  • Wooden bars (5 pieces).
  • 1 sheet of plywood, 9 mm in diameter.
  • Sofa upholstery fabric.
  • Sofa legs (4 pieces).
  • Foam rubber (1 sheet, diameter 1 centimeter).
  • Foam rubber (2 sheets, 5 centimeters in diameter).
  • Nuts and bolts (about 20 pieces).
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Stretch fabric.

Materials for work: a sofa made of tires.

The materials are quite affordable and when everything is in stock, we proceed directly to the manufacturing process.

Car tires and tires that can lie in the garage unnecessarily are a versatile material. They are distinguished by their strength, durability, tires are not afraid of moisture and especially rain, as well as heat or other weather conditions. In addition, they can be easily dialed at any tire fitting absolutely free of charge, which makes the material accessible to lovers of extraordinary and creative things.

After the next rain or heat, the owner does not have to worry about the fact that it could somehow deteriorate. The only thing to work with tires, you need to purchase a sharp cutter that will help you easily cut the material.

What kind of furniture can be made from tires?

Due to their versatility, tires are great for implementing various ideas, as well as for creating practical interior items. Such a solution will be an ideal option for decorating a summer cottage or a country house.

It will allow you to turn a resting place into a comfortable area where you can spend time with family or friends. Rubber itself is a fairly durable material, but at the same time it has a high level of elasticity. And this makes it easy for workflows:

The following furniture can be made from rubber:

Important! Many recommend using old tires. This is because they have had much more time to go through the oxidation process and get rid of the dangerous chemicals. Fresh air will help get rid of the specific smell of rubber.

Stylish garden table made of car tires

Tire tables have already become popular among the population. They will become an original piece of furniture in the room, as well as comfortable furniture in the country.

The main materials are taken:

  • 2 tires;
  • plywood;
  • building glue;
  • glue for wooden surfaces;
  • rope.

First, the tires need to be washed and dried. Then cut out a circle from the plywood sheet using a jigsaw, which will match the diameter of the tire. Attach to the rubber surface with glue or nails.

The tires are joined together with construction adhesive, which is given time to dry completely. With the same glue, you need to lubricate the rope and completely cover the entire surface of the rubber with it in a circle. Plywood can be painted any color or patterned.