How to make a playhouse. Playground: wooden house for children in the country

  1. Why plywood
  2. What to look for
  3. What to look for
  4. Let's get to work
  5. Additional functions
  6. Let's sum up

Apartments for dolls are often expensive, made of plastic - a fragile, quickly breaking material. The article describes how to make a toy house with your own hands.

To fulfill a child's dream of a house for a favorite doll, you don't have to go to the store. You can make a cottage out of your own project.

Arguments for DIY

Why you should build a homemade plywood dollhouse:

  • Individuality. The project will be unique.
  • Collaboration with the child. Helps strengthen family relationships.
  • Development of creativity, skills, motor skills, acquisition of new experiences by children.
  • The ability to create a home of any size.

Why plywood

A dollhouse is made from different materials. The best option is plywood:

  • The use of plywood for construction ensures the strength of the future home. With good fastening, the parts do not fall apart, do not break off.
  • Plywood can be easily processed with ordinary tools.
  • Wooden toys are pleasant to the touch.
  • The beautiful appearance of the tree allows you to do without additional decoration, surface design.
  • Low material cost.

What to look for

Formaldehyde is used in the production of plywood. They are part of an impregnating adhesive for bonding fibers. To avoid poisoning, the ingress of hazardous material into the nursery, you must pay attention to the labeling of the sheets:

  • E0 - less than 6 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of the product;
  • E1 - 7-9 mg per 100 g;
  • E2 - 10–20 mg per 100 g.

Furniture and its components must be made from the safest class of plywood - E0.

How to make

Making a house for dolls from plywood is a multi-stage process. It is required to follow a certain sequence of actions. To facilitate the work, you can use the step-by-step instructions.

Stage 1. Preparation of the sketch

The diagram should show the layout, the dimensions of the floors in length, width, height.

You can find a sketch on the Internet, correct it. The photo shows several basic schemes for a toy dwelling.

The most important thing is the observance of the proportions of the sizes to scale. This is necessary in case you want to change the dimensions of the product during operation.

The design can be thought over in advance in order to purchase and prepare the necessary materials for decoration.

Step 2. Prepare accessories and tools

For assembly you will need:

  • Plywood. To determine its quantity, a drawing is used: the number of parts is calculated, their dimensions, and the total surface area is obtained. Based on the result, they acquire the required number of sheets. For a desktop house, 2-3 blanks are needed, for a large mansion up to 7-10 sheets of plywood can be used.
  • Corrugated cardboard for the roof.
  • Tool for cutting wood. An electric jigsaw is recommended. It will help you quickly, accurately cut parts of the desired shapes and dimensions.
  • Joiner's glue for fixing assembly elements.
  • Assembly tape as an aid for fastening parts.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Roulette, ruler, pencil for marking.

For registration you will need:

  • PVA or silicate glue.
  • Wallpaper, colored films.
  • Self-adhesive film for imitation of flooring.
  • Colored cardboard or paper for decoration of individual elements of the premises (optional).

Stage 3. Transferring the image

To assemble wooden parts into a single whole, they must be cut from a blank sheet. To do this, sketches on a scale are transferred to paper, finished parts are cut out of it, and later used as a template.

If windows are not indicated on the diagrams, they are drawn when transferring patterns. On a flat-looking house without a front wall, window cuts are not needed.

Stage 4. Assembly

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. An electric jigsaw is used to cut out the parts transferred to the plywood. They try to do this carefully, without going beyond the contour lines: in case of a design error, they may connect incorrectly.
  2. Sand the edges to make the parts safe and avoid injury.

Cutting and edging should be done by an adult.

  1. The assembly begins by combining the interior space. Ceilings and internal partitions are attached to the vertical end walls using glue and mounting tape according to the scheme. To strengthen the connection, the inner corners are glued with thin strips. They will add rigidity to the structure. At this stage, the child may be involved in the work.
  2. Stairways are made of wooden rulers. They are placed in the form of slides or cut one, glue a real staircase out of it.

  1. Attach the back wall.
  2. Assemble the roof. Solid slopes can be cut out of cardboard and glued. Another option is to assemble the roof from individual pieces in the form of shingles.

The finished frame of the house is left for several days until the glue dries, the structure acquires sufficient strength.

After assembly, proceed to the design.

Stage 5. Design

The finished frame is decorated and furnished with doll accessories. Recommendations:

  • The floor can be left in its original form or decorated. Plywood has a wood pattern, so it is not advisable to cover it with a similar ornament.
  • You can make swing windows, doors. To do this, fit the canvases onto pieces of cardboard or use small metal door hinges. The passages are closed with fabric curtain cuts. Windows are sometimes replaced with cardboard shutters.
  • Ceiling, walls can be pasted over with colored films, wallpaper, painted.
  • Furniture for toys is placed in the rooms.

Additional functions

Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the house is important: toys must be stored somewhere, accessories must be removed, something must be hidden. Additional built-in drawers can be made in the upper or lower tier. This is appropriate if the house is large and takes up significant space in the living space.

Boxes are also made of plywood... The drawing provides for a place for storing things. The sides of the box are cut out of plywood, glued together. Screw on the handle, insert it into the department.

You can make a hinged door as in the photo. To do this, the cut out canvas is screwed onto metal loops.


A DIY plywood toy house will be a good gift for any child.

The construction process will take 2-3 days, taking into account the preparation of blanks, their cutting, and drying of the glue... The child can decorate the premises independently.

Many summer residents, when planning and, are going to build at least a small children's house with their own hands, so that small owners have something to do and where to play in the summer. That is why we decided to write an article where we will describe in detail the process of creating this small structure on the site.

In our case, the height of the ridge of the building will be 90 centimeters, and the overall dimensions will be limited to the following indicators - 160x160x140 centimeters. To build a children's house, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Screws with nails;
  • 4 foundation blocks;
  • Dye;
  • 4 floorboards;
  • Edged board;
  • Lining;
  • 6 beam holders;
  • Mounting corners;
  • 11 bars for flooring and 5 for roofing;
  • Carved platbands;
  • Furniture board.

Work order

  • Assembling the frame for the floor... The first step is to carry out the foundation of the future structure, followed by reinforcement with metal corners and diagonal alignment.

  • Definition with a plot... Should choose flat place... If there is none, then you will first have to level the area for the building. On the site, using a frame, it is necessary to designate four corner points, which will become the markup for placing the foundation blocks.
  • We give stability to the base... Before laying out the frame of the house, place four foundation blocks on the surface of the sand cushion, no more than one bayonet of the shovel in depth. After that, a waterproofing material is laid between the frame and the base.

  • Floor execution... In the next step, the frame is completely sheathed with boards, thus obtaining a flat surface.

  • Bottom side processing... After the floor is assembled, it is necessary to process the outer surface of the boards, that is, the one that will subsequently adhere to the ground. Then you can begin to build walls, insert doors and windows.

An important point! For the construction of a children's house with your own hands, you should only select jointing materials... Thus, children will not be injured and receive splinters while playing in a small building. For the same purpose, it makes sense to chamfer the corners.

  • Rafters... First of all, a preliminary marking is drawn on the working surface. Then, with the help of temporary nails, the bait is made. The next step is to fix the reinforcement, and also close up all the joints with corners. At the end, the nails are removed.
  • Fastening the rafters... To install exactly on a plumb line, 3 rafters should be placed on the frame, resting them with an inclined support. The walls of the future orphanage will be attached to the frame with metal holders.

  • Wall cladding... A self-assembled frame can be sheathed with different materials, but lining is most often used for this.

  • Roof assembly... Starting from the ridge, the roof of the house is sheathed with carved boards on both sides. On top of it, you can lay ondulin, which is quite simply cut to size with a grinder.

  • External decoration... Having finished with the construction of the orphanage, you should not stop there - decorate the appearance of the new building for the child, making the building more elegant and beautiful. To do this, you can embellish the corners of the building with curly corners, and the doors, windows and ends with carved platbands.

  • Interior... Do not overlook and, placing inside, for example, a small bench or table.

Thus, you will get an almost finished children's house. As you can see, doing all the work with your own hands is not difficult at all. In the end, all that remains is to paint the walls of the new building.

Children's house on poles

You can easily build a playhouse for a child on your own at a summer cottage, right in front of your home. One of the most common options is a do-it-yourself building on pillars.

Instructions for work

Of course, the new structure on the site will not be very heavy, and therefore there is no need to make a foundation for it. However, some foundation is still required even for a children's facility. In our case, it is best to use a 100 x 100 mm wooden beam. You can fasten the timber together using steel corners.

The next step is to place supports that will hold the top floor of the orphanage. For this purpose, it is worth using boards with a thickness and width of 30 and 80 millimeters, respectively. For fastening, jumpers are useful, which will simultaneously hold the boards of the 2nd floor.

Together with this, wooden supports are installed, they will act as supporting structures for the stairs. A wooden floor is being installed.

Expert advice! In order for the overlap of the future structure to be able to withstand a heavy load, it is recommended to place the boards with the edges down.

It is best if the supports of the building will be placed not somewhere, but on paving slabs.

To prevent children from getting hurt while playing, it is worth installing balusters with railings on the stairs.

In the upper part, the supports must be fixed to each other. Jumpers should be used to secure the wall frame.

Walls can be sheathed using ordinary boards; it is recommended to use plywood for the roof.

For greater safety and to avoid injuries in children, before building a children's house, it is worth sanding all the timber with your own hands. In addition, it is better if you inspect all the boards in advance for chips, cracks and breaks in order to minimize the risk of splinters during the operation of the building.

Almost any modern soft roof can be used.

In addition to the main entrance, it will not be superfluous to provide for the construction of the house for children and "black" and simply an emergency exit. For this purpose, you can make a small hole in the floor of the structure, where the rope will be stretched. Undoubtedly, the guys will appreciate such a solution!

Closer to the end, finishing works are carried out, for which various decorative elements and multi-colored coloring materials are used.

Finally, between the pillars, under the first floor, you can create a sandbox.

DIY master class on creating a house

First option

For work, you will need the following materials:

  1. Corners made of wood.
  2. Edged board.
  3. Sheet piling for flooring.
  4. Nails.
  5. Metal mounting angles.
  6. A bar for a frame with a section of 45 by 45 centimeters.
  7. Biotex.
  8. "Block house".

Before you start creating a children's house with your own hands, you need to draw up a drawing of the future design. In our case, the building will contain a single room with a doorway and a window and a small veranda.

As you know, any construction work begins with grounds, which will simultaneously play the role of gender. The three logs are connected together with the tongue-and-groove boards by means of fastening the tongue and groove and nails.

After that, a frame of a new building is made from a bar. Do not forget to use metal corners.

In order to prevent damage to the material and spoil its appearance in the process of fastening the "Block House", it is necessary to use scraps and a hammer.

Wall cladding should be based on the location of the doorway and windows.

The corners from the side of the street are covered with wooden corners.

Edged boards are used for the roof, which are fixed on each side with nails. The flooring is recommended to be made of bituminous shingles.

After you have completely built the children's house with your own hands, it is necessary to treat the walls, floor and roof of the building with Biotex. This composition will not only give the surfaces the desired color, but also will further protect the structure of the building from the negative effects of rain and sun.

Like last time, shelves, a table and benches are made inside the room.

Thus, with our own hands, without the help of specialists and additional costs, we will get a beautiful and reliable children's house, which your children will certainly appreciate.

Second option

In the second case, the following components and materials will be required to build a house:

  1. Thin boards.
  2. Roofing material.
  3. Six wooden planks 2.4 x 1.8 meters.
  4. A set of screws.
  5. Bars of various sections.
  6. Stain.

It is recommended to lay the foundation using crushed stone, if possible. Alternatively, you can simply level the ground under the new structure. Further, bars with a cross-sectional size of 10 by 10 centimeters must be cut into equal parts, and then placed with a step between the racks of 1.4-1.5 meters.

The support bars should be placed under the posts in the soil, so we will exclude the process of floor decay in the future. We place bars 5 by 10 cm in cross section between the posts and panels, which will subsequently become the floor. The fixing of the beams is achieved by means of screws. The existing voids between the lags should be covered with earth.

The next step is to cut the wooden panels into equal parts, and then lay them out in a strictly horizontal position. Fastening is achieved by means of a bar.

In order for the flooring to end up as even as possible, panels should be laid with a small margin, and then saw off the excess parts.

Next comes the work on creating the side panels. In this case, the markings should be performed initially, leaving at least a 6-centimeter margin in width on each side. As for the height of the wall for the orphanage, 1.5-meter panels can be made as an example.

In the process of assembling walls with your own hands, you should not forget about door and window openings, which are also created based on pre-made markings. In our case, the dimensions of the door will be 0.6 by 1.2 meters.

Internal and external panels are varnished. After the flooring is well fixed, the walls are attached to it with screws. A board with a section size of 10 by 5 centimeters is placed with a slight protrusion beyond the edge on the side.

Once a new wall is in place, its installation must be checked with a level. Only after making sure that the location is correct, you can move on to the next wall!

The next step is to build a roof, which at the end is covered with a layer of roofing material. A wide ridge should be used to cover the gaps that may accidentally form between the panels.

For greater beauty, you can create shutters on the windows or assemble a small porch in front of the house with your own hands.

At this, the children's building will be ready.

Above ground building with stairs and slide

An interesting option can be a children's house built on a summer cottage on a hill. In this case, the following materials and products may be required:

  1. Dye.
  2. Stairs.
  3. Chipboard plates.
  4. Sand with cement for the base.
  5. Slide.
  6. Bars made of wood for piles.
  7. Screws and nails.

This version of the structure will be erected mainly due to the thorn-groove connection, which will allow, if necessary, to disassemble the building, for example, for the winter.

The frame of the house is assembled in the same way as shown in the photo below.

If you are going to make shutters on a window opening, then you should buy hinges in the store in advance.

The railing is going under the porch. For this purpose, small holes are made in the bars with a certain step, with a depth of no more than half of the bar.

The slats should be tried on together with the drilled slots. After making sure that the slats fit well, they should be removed for a while and secured with nails for greater ease of painting.

The most important moment in the construction of any structure is the laying of the foundation. The orphanage is no exception! In our case, it is necessary to dig 4 holes under the piles of the building, the depth of which will be approximately one meter. Further, the supports are poured with a cement mixture, after which it remains to wait for final drying.

It is important to emphasize that the deeper the piles are placed in the soil, the more reliable the finished structure of the house will be, reducing to nothing the risk of collapse and mobility of the child's building.

A fabulous house for your kid

Every child dreams of his own corner, where he can freely retire from adults with their rules and advice. So the current fathers and mothers probably built a structure of chairs and bedspreads, which bore the name of "tents" and played a double role at once - it was the headquarters in which it is convenient to keep secrets, and the house for such a popular game of the daughter - mother. Modern children do not have to suffer every time to build a hut. Indeed, today in the market for children's goods there are such comfortable and practical wooden children's houses, in which you can not only gossip or play a role-playing game, but also hide from the bad weather by having a small tea party with friends.

Wooden children's house is an ideal solution for games in the country

For a useful and effective leisure time for the baby, it is recommended to purchase a children's wooden house for a summer residence. Such a house is made from high-quality and ecological materials, which allows manufacturers to guarantee their safety. Wooden children's houses are quite strong and, no less important, durable, which means that more than one generation will be able to play in this house. Children's houses made of wood are thought out to the smallest detail. They are functional and comfortable, and they look like a fairy tale has come to your yard. The design of such a house can be very diverse: with windows, doors, slides and ladders. And also have a different layout. One of the important advantages of a wooden children's house is its high environmental friendliness and safety. In the manufacture of such houses, in order to exclude the appearance of fungus and rot, the wood is pre-dried. This approach, in addition to all, contributes to an increase in its resistance to moisture and dampness. Absolutely all children love active games on the street and children's wooden houses for giving are an ideal gift for both toddlers and older children. And thanks to the wide assortment presented in our store, you can choose a wooden children's house that will not only meet the interests of your baby, but perfectly complement your summer cottage, adding a little fairy tale to it. All children love active games in the fresh air. And therefore, the children's country house will be an ideal gift for them. Parents will enjoy watching their children tremendously. After all, children are an inexhaustible source of fantasy and belief in miracles.

Wide choice - reasonable prices

A cozy hut, a colorful castle, an openwork gazebo, a fishing lodge or a two-story "mansion" for a little princess - our online store offers a wide selection of children's wooden houses for summer cottages. Here you can choose a house that will not only meet the needs of your child as much as possible, but also perfectly fit into the decor of your summer cottage. And if none of the presented houses suits you, then we will be happy to create a unique design of a children's wooden house with taking into account the interests and needs of your baby. Depending on the preferences of your child, the house can be decorated with his favorite cartoon characters or characters in any style, be it space or fairy-tale themes. Thus, you can give your baby the best gift, making his most cherished desires come true, and a walk into a fabulous adventure. Children's wooden houses for summer cottages are an excellent acquisition that allows you not only to spend time on the street fun and usefully, but also an opportunity to be with the children, plunging into the fabulous world of fantasy and childish carelessness.

Impeccable service and quality goods

One of the important points when choosing a particular store is high-quality service and the ability to quickly get help on a particular issue related to the purchase. This is especially true when it comes to the purchase of goods for children, where it is important not only quality and safety, but also aesthetic appearance, as well as dimensions.In our online store you can always get the advice of a specialist who will help you choose a wooden children's house and answer all your questions about the selected product. We deliver to all regions of Russia, at a convenient time for you. Payment is made in cash directly to the courier or by bank transfer. At the same time, if a wooden orphanage for some reason did not suit you, you can easily return it or exchange it for a similar product. In our store, we adhere to an open and trusting relationship, because we value our customers and are always glad to see you again in our online store. we care about our little customers and try to make purchases in our store comfortable and bring only joy.

If the child has nowhere to play and he is bored in the country, the problem can be solved by a children's house made of wood. Children are much less demanding than adults. Even the simplest house - no more than a hut made of wooden slats covered with fabric - can become the most wonderful place for them to play. What can we say about more complex structures - located on a tree, similar to wonderful forest huts, with a built-in slide, or even imitating a pirate frigate. Everything is more detailed later in the article.

Why wood: pros and cons

Of course, in order to make a house for a child, you can use a variety of materials - from plastic to real bricks. But wood has a number of specific advantages, some of which are lacking in other materials. This is:

In addition, a tree, purely in meaning, is best suited for the implementation of some ideas. For example, it would be strange to make a fabulous hut out of plastic, and it would not be possible to assemble an alien ship out of bricks at all. In addition, if you have a summer cottage and connections with neighbors, you can find a tree at a low price.

There are also downsides:
  • The need for care... Every year, the house will have to be painted or varnished so that nothing happens to it.
  • The need for careful processing... So that the child does not have a chance to splinter his hand, you need to carefully check all the boards, grind them if necessary.

A tree that is not cared for will quickly rot or dry out. But if you are ready to process it every spring, it will serve for a long time.

To further increase this period, you can make a house from one of the most common rocks in construction:
  • Pine... Among the conifers, this is the best you can choose. It has a delicate golden color and a faint resinous scent. In the first years, it will not need processing, since it does not rot due to the high resin content in the wood. It can have a positive effect on the state of the child's respiratory organs.
  • Oak or beech... Wood of a dark, noble shade, which, due to tannins, does not absorb moisture well and, therefore, resists well the external environment. Pliable and workable - it can be shaped to any shape if bent correctly during shrinkage.

You can also use an apple tree, but first you need to make sure that its wood is completely dry - during drying, it cracks, changes shape. It makes no sense to process it until it is completely dry.

You should not buy wood for a house that does not meet standards - it is unsafe, and will also greatly affect its appearance.

You do not need to take boards that have:
  • cracks- this means that they are overdried, they quickly crack further;
  • green spots- this is mold or rot, which means that the boards will quickly fail;
  • protruding knots- it is ugly, and the child can catch on during the game;
  • resin filled cavities- it will have to be pumped out, otherwise the board will be fragile.

Ideally, the tree should be of a uniform color, without admixture of shades, without large knots, without spots, without minor defects. Then it can be used for a house without fear.

What are the houses made of wood?

Children's houses can be very different from each other - several different categories can be distinguished at once.

The first one - by number of storeys:
  • Single-tiered... It is easier to make such a structure, since you do not need to calculate whether the pillars will withstand the second tier, whether it will not be dangerous for the child to be on it. But they usually look less impressive, you cannot attach a slide to them, you cannot satisfy the endless love of children for lasagna. However, if you approach the design correctly, the result can still be noteworthy.
  • Bunk... Such houses look more interesting, plus you can attach a slide, a ladder or even a rope to them, along which the children can go down. They require precision, accuracy - if you do not calculate, the pillars simply will not stand, the second tier will collapse, and it’s good if there’s no one on it at that moment.

You can, of course, be creative and build a three-story house for children, but usually they refuse such an idea - it is costly in terms of materials, labor, and it is more difficult to calculate.

The second is by design:
  • Open... These are, in fact, small gazebos that are relevant in the southern regions, where children will suffer too much from the heat indoors in the summer. They are made either in the form of a hut, or in the form of posts that support the roof, and they themselves are connected with a wooden lattice. As a result, there is a shelter, but it is cozy and cool. And if you want privacy, the child can always hang fabric between the posts.
  • Semi-open... Such houses have one or two walls, and the rest - posts with a lattice, as in a gazebo. On the one hand, they are not too stuffy, on the other hand, the child will not suffer from rain if it goes, and it is more convenient for him to hide from the sun.
  • Closed... If you make two windows and keep them open, you can even be in the heat inside - especially if you place the house under the trees, in the shade. It is to this variety that most structures belong - castles, huts, ships, houses in a certain style.
The third - by placement:
  • Outdoors. In the courtyard of a private house or in the country, so that the child can spend more time outside is good for health.
  • Inside... Usually in an apartment, for those who do not have a summer house or private house. Such a house cannot be two-tiered, does not require laying the foundation, but it can become an excellent playground.
Fourth - on mobility:
  • Mobile... These are constructions that can be assembled and transferred to another place if desired. Usually these are plastic houses, but huts on wooden slats can also be easily rearranged.
  • Stationary... They stand in one place for several years - most of the wooden structures belong to them.

What will be the house that you build depends solely on your imagination and the tastes of the child.


If you are going to build a structure in a country house where you only spend the weekend, a mobile open house that you can assemble and remove during your absence is better for you. And if you live in a private house, then it makes more sense to make a stationary one - the child will be able to play in it even in winter.

How to build a house?

You need to approach the construction carefully, without haste. There is nowhere to rush, and the quality of the result depends on how much effort you put in, how much time you spend on calculations, how well you select the material.

Preliminary work

In order for the house to serve for a long time, you need to lay the foundation from the very beginning. There are rules for this:

  • Without a drawing - nowhere... The finished drawing can be found on the Internet, or you can do it yourself. Imagine what a dream construction looks like. What size should it be for the child to be comfortable, how to achieve this. The easiest way is to draw a drawing of an ordinary wooden box - and this is exactly what you can do to get started. Then, once you understand the principle, you can do something more complex.
  • Height... For the child to be comfortable, the structure must be thirty centimeters higher than his height so that he can stand up. In fact, this rule is inaccurate - children grow up quickly, and soon the ceilings will get in the way. Therefore, it is better to take a universal height of sixty meters - although, if you suspect that a teenager will not get tired of the house, then you can take two.
  • Width with length... The area near the house should be such that the child can turn around normally in it. Usually it is one and a half to one and a half - on such an area you can plant toys, put a table, turn around with board games. But less is possible.
  • Accommodation... The correct place for the house is in the shade, but not too close to the trees, otherwise they may start to graze it. It is also desirable that it is convenient for you to look after the playing children from anywhere in the house and garden, and that no large-scale changes are planned in its place.
  • Foundation site... It should be clean and even. If there is no such in the garden, you can do it yourself by removing the top layer of soil, leveling it with the same shovel.

And, of course, you need to stock up on materials.

For the simplest hut, this is:
  • several (from five) rails of the same length;
  • strong twine;
  • fabric about two by one and a half meters plus nails.
For a single-tier structure, you will, of course, need more:

You will also need nails, screws, fastening corners along with tools with which you can fasten them.

And the rest - only accuracy, along with the willingness, if anything, to redo.

Directly construction

To make a hut - and nothing is easier to come up with - not so much effort is needed:
  • the slats are dug into the ground in a circle with a radius of about a meter;
  • the ends of the slats are tied together with twine;
  • the fabric is attached on top - first to one rail with the help of nails, then to the next, and so on until two adjacent slats remain.

It is somewhat more difficult with a real single-tier structure - it will not work to build it in half an hour. Although you also need to act consistently:

  • fold the base bars into a square, fasten them with corners, plus attach a separate bar in the middle with them;
  • dig four recesses for the foundation blocks in the selected place and lay them;
  • put the frame on top, sheathe it with boards to make the floor;
  • attach the bars of the walls to the frame - four at the corners, two each where there will be windows and doors, one on the remaining free wall, fix the frame on top, similar to the foundation;
  • make rafters - connect two bars each with special corners at an acute angle, attach them to the wall frame;
  • sheathe everything with shield sheets - from walls to roof;
  • hang a pre-prepared door and windows.

Of course, in the details, the process is much more complicated, but its main stages look exactly like this. The result is a simple house that needs to be furnished to look good.


You need to approach the design of a children's house with imagination. It should be bright, interesting even in appearance, but at the same time not devoid of taste.

Ready ideas

Of course, you don't have to take something that someone else has already invented before you. But you can always use other people's ideas for inspiration. So, a children's wooden house can look very different.

The first solution is like a fabulous hut.
  • External design... The walls are finished so that it seems as if they are made of logs (you can use imitation for this). The door is squat, also made of logs, but vertical. The roof is gable, with a carved visor and a casing in the form of a cockerel. The shutters are carved and can be closed if desired. Colors - natural wood, bright red, bright yellow.
  • Interior decoration... The walls are made of the same logs, the floor is wooden, there is a homespun (at least in appearance) carpet on it - it is comfortable for children to play on it, softly. In the corner is a small, whitewashed brick-built stove, in which, of course, you can't really bake anything, but you can perfectly play the same Kolobok.
  • Interior decoration... At the walls of the shop - they are sitting on them. In the middle is a table - you can put board games, a construction set, sandwiches brought from a big house on it. There is a traditional chest in the corner, there are toys in it, and you can hang a lock on the lid. Hang bunches of herbs, beads, dried flowers under the ceiling. A Russian rag or straw doll will look good.

Of course, children will quickly turn a thoughtful design into something of their own - they will play with a doll, they will spill something on the table, the carpet will be littered with toys - but the general atmosphere will still be traced.

The second is the sultan's pavilion.

  • External design... There are no walls - instead of them there are four pillars, a wicker wooden mesh that looks intricate, interesting (instead of a wooden one, you can take a metal one). The roof is peaked, if you have enough skill - in the form of an elegant onion. Instead of a door, there is an arch. It will be beautiful if grapes or other similar plant are trailing along the net. Colors - wood, red, blue, white, gold.
  • Interior decoration... The floor is wooden, without a carpet. A fabric is fixed under the ceiling - if it is hot or if you want to hide, it can be stretched by closing the mesh.
  • Interior decoration... Lots of colorful pillows on the floor, a low table that not only plays on the surroundings, but is also child-friendly. An intricate iron candlestick with a real candle - of course, light it exclusively in the presence of adults. A dream catcher or wind chime hangs from the ceiling.

If children do not have allergies, you can put a stand for incense sticks - in the fresh air their smell will not be suffocating, but pleasant.

The third is a pirate ship.
  • External design... The walls repeat the shape of a pirate ship, instead of a roof, in fact, a deck. You can make an ordinary door, or you can make a round sunroof, like on a real ship. Then the child will need to climb a rope ladder to the deck and go down through the hatch. These exercises are useful for coordination, but if the child is awkward, it is better to give them up.
  • Interior decoration... The floor is made of wood, the walls too, the round portholes are not curtained by anything. There are benches on the walls or hammocks in which you can lie down, read, swing. You can put a table, but you can do without it.
  • Interior decoration... Mandatory - marine-themed accessories. Encyclopedia with ships. A rope with which to learn to knot. A compass with which you can determine directions. You can even give everyone who goes to the ship an eye patch to make it easier to play pirates.
The fourth is a European-style house.
  • External design... Paint the walls, make the door paneled, beautiful. The windows are simple, with rectangular shutters. In front of the entrance, you can set up flower beds, which the children can take care of if they want. The colors are pastel, with bright accents on the roof and doors.
  • Interior decoration... Pape over the walls with simple wallpaper, leave the floor wooden, whitewash the ceiling. You can put a rug to make it more comfortable.
  • Interior decoration... Necessarily a vase of flowers, a small sofa for children. You can make an imitation of a fireplace, you can put a bookcase. Plush toys, table with tea set. Nothing superfluous, nothing flashy.

This solution is only suitable for calm, introverted children - this should be taken into account. It is not interesting to play active games in such a house, but to do something economic is quite.


When building a house, be sure to use the help of a child. Discuss with him what he wants to see. Invite to participate in the creation of the sketch. Even if the baby is only four years old, it will be he who will use the result, which means that his opinion is also important.

Additional nuances

To make the house look even better, you can use tricks:

  • Make a separate track for it... You can lay it out with stone, tiles or wooden blocks - depending on how it looks as a whole. So, for a Russian hut, mossy stones are suitable, scattered so that you need to step widely from one to the other. But for oriental motives beautiful tiles are needed.
  • Plant flower beds... Not all children like to tinker with flowers, but if yours like it, it is quite possible to allocate him a plot near the house so that he can plant whatever he wants on it.
  • Use not only simple varnish and paint... You can paint the walls with interesting drawings (for example, your favorite cartoon characters), you can draw beautiful patterns, or you can decorate them with intricate carvings. Even a stained-glass window instead of ordinary glass in a window will look beautiful.

While adults are busy taking care of the garden and landscaping the garden, the kids should not get bored: let them be carried away by a fun game nearby. Comprehensively thought-out children's houses for summer cottages made of wood can become the center of attention for children, because their infrastructure meets all the needs of the younger generation. For a localized playground to always generate excitement, it can be designed as an illustration of the interests of the child - in the form of a ship for a young navigator, a palace for a princess, a scientific laboratory for an enthusiastic researcher. In general, if you wish, you can implement any project of a children's house for a summer residence, the main thing is to arm yourself with imagination.

Children's house made of wood, stylized as a ship Source

But you cannot start solely from aesthetic considerations: the structure must be safe and comfortable. In this aspect, professional intervention will help - specialists will tell you what materials will be appropriate, use ergonomic zoning techniques, and make sure that all technical and sanitary standards are observed during construction.

Choosing a location and optimal material

For the construction of a children's wooden house, you should find a site that will be equally well visible from the entire territory of the property - then the parents will be able to continuously monitor the child. It is not recommended to plant trees, shrubs around the perimeter, break up flower beds: due to inevitable watering, soil moisture will increase, which is fraught with fungal and mold damage to wood. Fountains and artificial reservoirs pose the same danger.

If there is already a barbecue area on the site, the play hut cannot be placed nearby: a combination of open fire and gusty wind can lead to a fire, and the abundant smoke from the barbecue will not benefit the young body.

All wooden structures need to be thoroughly impregnated with fire-fighting compounds.

Most often, children's houses are installed on a flat area, far from other outbuildings Source

Why is wood recommended as a basic building material? The secret is in the natural origin and the minimal risk of provoking allergic reactions. Wood, unlike plastic and metal surfaces, does not heat up, does not emit hazardous chemical components into the air (provided that all coatings and impregnations were chosen with great care). The fittings can be made of a similar material, plastic, metal.

The unique texture, pleasant color and natural pattern are the key to the aesthetics of the finished structure, it does not need additional decoration, it is enough to indicate in the work plan the application of several layers of protective varnish. If, on the contrary, you want to create a bright composition, it is easy to paint the tree in any scale.

How to order a house made of wood: models made of plywood, boards, logs

These are environmentally friendly materials, easy to assemble and process, therefore they are taken as a basis for the construction of structures intended for the leisure of kids.

It is easy to make a full-fledged playground next to the house Source

Plywood construction

To build a children's house out of plywood, craftsmen circle life-size part templates on sheets and cut out blanks from them. Usually a material that is resistant to moisture is used. Next, the prepared "semi-finished products" are fixed on a frame made of thick beams using self-tapping screws. All these manipulations are preceded by the assembly of a support belt buried in the soil from a large bar or the laying of a full-fledged foundation.

A plywood house is also an extra reason to paint with your child. Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Simple plank hut

All parts are pre-impregnated with antiseptic compounds that protect the wood from rotting, fungal attack, and mold. The thickness of the boards should exceed 40 mm, of which the parts are cut out according to the template. The frame, as in the previous case, is equipped with thick beams, it is sheathed, observing the window and door openings noted in the project.

For the construction of a gable roof, the same brand of boards can be used, it is additionally reinforced with roll or siding roofing materials, tiles.

In such a "hut" you can play Snow White and Three Little Pigs Source

Fabulous log cabin

A simple project of a children's house made of wood can turn into a fabulous hut. In this case, the complexity of construction is comparable to laying a log house for a full-fledged dwelling: as a result, a small, strong, stable building is formed. The interior space is equipped with window openings on three sides; full shutters can be provided here.

The entrance area can also have a "twist": a mini-terrace or porch without an elevation is enclosed under the same roof as the house, patterned railings are assembled, chairs and a compact tabletop are placed. This makeshift summer kitchen can be easily converted into an area for painting or board games.

Just a little imagination and "visiting a fairy tale" is not just a TV show Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of construction of structures. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Country tree house

Every child will be delighted with such a project, even adults will enthusiastically participate in children's games. A logical connecting link in this category is one sprawling old tree or several nearby trees, on which a house is “built up” with minimal damage to nature. The playground can be closed, that is, with a full roof (and in some cases walls), or open, equipped with high railings.

The ladder can be screw, attached (if desired, the child will raise it up), stationary, a special training mesh stretched over the frame looks interesting. In the free space under the floor, you can hang rope simulators and attractions, bungee and swing with one crossbar will be relevant. In large-scale projects, two or more sites are connected by a system of bridges.

After the construction of such a house, you can visit the child Source

House on poles for children with a sandbox

This solution fits perfectly into small suburban areas, since the sandbox is located on the ground floor - directly under the bottom of the hut. In addition to the ladder, a miniature climbing wall and a Swedish wall can lead upstairs. A swing and a slide are attached to the house. It is recommended to equip the sandbox with a toy box and benches.

When developing all models placed at height, special attention is paid to elements that level the injury factor. By ordering such a house from professionals, you can be sure of its stability, thoughtfulness and all-round safety for the child.

Such a house can easily replace a full-fledged sports ground for a child. Source

Drawing up a plan and determining the future dimensions of a children's house made of wood

When developing a project for a children's house for a summer residence, several factors must be taken into account:

    foundation will significantly extend the operational life of the building. It will protect the wood from constant contact with moist soil, which will prevent premature destruction of the material;

    type of building... The huts can be closed or open, in the first case, at least 2 windows and a door should be included in the plan. Open structures look like mini-gazebos, the roof is supported by vertical supports, fences are being introduced along the lower edge;

    dimensions set depending on the parameters of free space in the local area;

    mobility... The structure can be transferred from place to place if you initially adhere to the collapsible design.

To reduce the risk of injury, experts suggest paying attention to the one- or gable roof design: sooner or later, straight horizontal roof variations become an object of children's interest - they climb them, try to jump off.

Gable roofs will allow stationary structures to naturally free themselves from snow during wintering.

Such a roof is very beautiful, but few children will not want to climb on it Source

Specific boundaries are set for openings:

    the height of the door must exceed the height of the child by at least 25-30 cm;

    windows should be at least 50-55 cm above the floor.

The final dimensions of the huts, built directly on the foundation, are determined by the operational needs and capabilities of the site. As for the houses on trees, posts, the height of their floor relative to the ground level should exceed 1.2 m, the height of the residential part to the top of the roof - from 1.6 m.Taking into account slides, stairs, attractions, the site must be vacated at least 4x4 m. This space will be enough for the games of preschool kids; for older children, all parameters need to be increased by about 1.5 times.

Stages of building a wooden house for children

Based on the drawing of the orphanage, the builders calculate the required amount of materials and, after their delivery to the customer's territory, they begin assembly.

Key steps:

    Formation of the foundation made of brick or decking. On request, the masonry can be supplemented with a timber strapping. The specificity of the structure does not imply the pouring of a full-scale concrete base.

Children's house on a columnar foundation Source

    Floor create according to the classic scenario: they knock together logs, sheathe them with a floorboard. In some cases, it is permissible to use plywood in several layers with offset seams.

    Frame looks like beams dug in the corners of the foundation, which have undergone preliminary antiseptic and water-repellent treatment. In areas where openings will be located in the future, additional supports are installed. Metal corners provide stability to the frame.

    Walls are made of plywood, boards.

    Gable roof based on pediments - triangles made of thick timber, fixed on two opposite walls. If an overall structure is planned, it will not hurt to install additional gables between the main ones. The structure is stuffed with a bar and sheathed with roofing material - boards, straw, shingles, roofing felt, etc., depending on the budget of the event.

    Finishing in its simplest form, it consists in thoroughly sanding all surfaces that children will touch, covering the wood with protective compounds.

Careful finishing and painting are the key to the safety of the structure Source

The latter are necessary to prevent the processes of decay and insect damage. Next, the tree is opened with varnish, stain, and, if necessary, painted. Furniture, which will be placed both inside and outside, is made from the remnants of the material and is also processed.

Building a tree house begins with finding the right hardwood specimen. Professionals note that the shape of the tree will change in proportion to its natural growth, therefore, they design models located mainly on the lower branches.

The supports and the floor are assembled at the chosen location, while the preliminary assembly of the walls and roof is carried out on the ground, then the workpieces are lifted and fixed. The safest and simplest ladder is a wooden one with a handrail to spur children's interest, you can also provide a rope for a quick descent.

Video description

And a few more beautiful orphanages are clearly visible in the following video:

Choosing a project together

To always delight the child with a visit to the dacha, let him also take part in drawing up a sketch. In this case, the wooden children's home will become a favorite platform and a starting point for the development of the creative abilities of the younger generation. Further, the joint family practices are transferred to professionals who will calculate the project taking into account the aesthetic and operational requirements of the customer, draw up an estimate, bring the material and start construction.