Cheaper to clad the house outside. How to sheathe walls in a country house inside inexpensively, maintain style and clean ecology indoors

A fairly large number of materials that are used to build houses imply additional finishing, and in this case the question arises of how to sheathe the house from the outside. Also, do not forget about those that may lose their attractiveness during operation, and in any case, sheathing of the house from the outside is required. It should also be noted that in most cases fixation of the material is required without the use of a solution, in particular, this applies to both wooden and frame houses.

In addition, you always want to carry out any work as profitably as possible and without loss of quality. Sheathing the house outside is carried out quite easily and with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the right material for its implementation. Let's look at how to sheathe the house from the outside, and the photos will help you visually familiarize yourself with each material and its type.

How to choose the right materials for cladding a house outside

First of all, when choosing a material, one should take into account the fact that the material exterior finish must be more permeable. In this situation high humidity air, which is quite common in homes, will be regulated by the removal of excess moisture in a natural way, which occurs as follows:

In case of violation this principle selection, all the moisture that will tend to leave the room will begin to accumulate between the layers of the material and form condensate. This phenomenon becomes the ancestor for the occurrence of fungus, decay and other aspects of corrosion. Considering winter time, then the wall simply freezes through, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation qualities and extra costs for heating, not to mention the fact that such a phenomenon destroys the material of the building and, ultimately, there will be a need for its dismantling and replacement.

But considering the characteristics of vapor permeability, it should be noted that only wood has this characteristic at the proper level, but different finishing materials there is a sufficient number. Accordingly, there is a solution to this problem. And you can protect yourself in two ways.

The first of these is the creation of a ventilated facade. Its design implies the presence, between the finishing layer and the wall itself, air gap, which creates a sufficient level of ventilation, which, accordingly, will protect against the occurrence of "diseases" of the surface. The gaps in this situation are equipped with a value of up to 15 centimeters. At the same time, in the lower part there are without fail ventilation holes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be 75 square centimeters by 20 square meters finishing area.

The second way is the arrangement of internal vapor barrier, which allows the fastening of the finishing material directly to the wall. In this situation, it is necessary to provide an improved ventilation system through which excess moisture will be removed.

V Lately the most common is the option using vapor barrier, which allows the house to be sheathed from the outside with any material that meets the operational requirements of the region. And given the emergence of new materials that improve thermal insulation, which actually reduces heating costs, this option becomes the most acceptable.

Wooden paneling of the house outside

by the most antique material, which is used in construction, both in the construction of buildings and their cladding, is wood. Its use became relevant many centuries ago, and for many years it will not lose its popularity. Such material has a rather attractive appearance, and in addition has good advantage, in particular, the property of regulating the microclimate of the premises.

This material is currently the only one that can remove excess moisture from the room without collapsing.

The most popular lately have become materials such as block house, or imitating timber. In addition, quite often you can find the use of lining for exterior decoration. Among the differences of such a material, it should be noted a rather large thickness, compared with the analogue used for interior decoration.

Considering materials such as block house, it should be noted that they look like rounded logs. At the same time, the front part of the material has a rounded shape, while the back is perfectly flat. Considering the imitation of timber, it should be noted that it is quite similar to planed timber. Each of these two types of facing materials is fixed to the crate, after which it is mandatory to grind and process protective compounds.

Answering the question of how to sheathe a house from foam blocks, it should be noted that the option with wooden surface cladding becomes the most acceptable. In this case, the installation is also carried out on a crate made of wood or metal. It is also possible to provide a heater. Enough an important factor becomes its type - you can use only basalt insulation, we note that the use of polystyrene foam and polystyrene is strictly prohibited.


By revising pricing policy, it can also be noted that wood occupies a leading position among materials for exterior decoration of buildings. At the same time, the range of costs is quite large. Considering the cheapest option, both among wood products, and in total among all finishing materials, it becomes an ordinary planed board.

The material itself has a thickness of 4 centimeters, the installation is carried out according to the same principle as or block house. At the same time, the elements are arranged in such a way that the top, with its edge, goes 1-2 centimeters onto the board from below, which creates a beautiful appearance. You can call this the bump effect. It is this material that fully answers the question of how cheap it is to sheathe a house from the outside.

Of course, a material such as wood has a number of inherent disadvantages, among them the following should be noted:

  • Pest damage
  • rotting
  • Loss of appearance

Thus, for wooden paneling needed good care, otherwise it will quickly lose its qualities. If you are more interested in a finishing option that will allow you to forget about the worries and extra time spent on caring for it, then wood is clearly not suitable.

It should also be noted that lumber is not available in every region, and in this case good decision will become . Speaking about when such material is used for cladding a house outside, it can be clearly noted that such a finish will help you forget about yourself for many years. The only care for it will be washing, because in heavy rains the material will be splashed with dirt, especially at the base. And such a factor, in turn, will significantly worsen the appearance of the finish and the house as a whole.

The use of siding will be a fairly correct answer when raising the question of how to sheathe wooden house outside.

The fastening of the material is carried out on the frame, which creates a ventilated facade, when building a house from a bar or other variety wooden materials, which independently remove excess moisture from the room, this option is most acceptable. Thus, the siding becomes good, and most importantly, enough budget option finishes. At the same time, the material is universal and can be used as a cladding in the construction of buildings from any other types of building materials.

The types of siding include:

  • Vinyl;
  • Metal;
  • basement;
  • Fiber cement siding.

Finishing the house outside with vinyl siding

The main material used in the manufacture of siding is polyvinyl chloride, which is why this type got its name. Considering the type and structure of the material, you can see that it is PVC strips (boards) 20.5 centimeters wide and 25.5 centimeters wide, while the thickness is 1.1-1.2 millimeters. On the edges there is a lock on one side, for fastening several strips, on the other side, perforation is made, for fixing on the frame.

Fixings of this type of siding are carried out on the crate. The best option becomes metal, but processed wood bars also find their use here. For fastening, self-tapping screws are usually used, while they should not be screwed in completely, leaving a small gap, to compensate for temperature changes, in particular, changes in the shape and structure of the material during climate change. This solution will avoid the destruction of the material as a result of sudden changes. temperature regime.

It should be noted that such material for cladding a house outside has a rather low price, in addition, it is quite easy to install, which allows you to mount the siding with your own hands.

Of course, there are certain disadvantages, among which, high level burnout of the material, which leads to the use of only non-bright colors, unless, of course, you want the building to soon lose its appearance.

But such a disadvantage, when using non-bright colors, is practically not noticeable, in addition, it is compensated by a rather large range of temperature conditions in which it can be operated. Thus, the material withstands temperature fluctuations from -35 to +50 degrees Celsius without changing. Of course, with even slight frosts, PVC freezes, which makes the product more susceptible to mechanical damage.

Also, note that the most suitable option siding becomes for buildings with broken architecture. Further, in the photo, you can see that with a straight wall configuration, without various kinds of protrusions, such material does not betray its beauty, but, on the contrary, creates a not as attractive look as we would like.

metal siding

The next type is metal siding. This material is the same strips as vinyl, including its fixing system is completely identical to previous version. The difference is the material of manufacture. If in the previous version PVC plays its role, then in this case it becomes aluminum or galvanized steel, which is additionally treated with protective compounds and a decorative coating.

Additional decorative coating made from polymers. This solution gives the material reliability, and most importantly, resistance to fading and impact. external factors which vinyl siding does not. The main disadvantage in this case is only a rather modest choice of shades.

Powder coating is another option. In this case, such a disadvantage as a small assortment of colors is excluded. At the same time, the coating lasts for many years without the slightest sign of peeling.

When searching good stuff, with which you can sheathe the house from the outside for many years, with high requirements for reliability, while the brightness of the finish, metal siding will be a good solution. It should also be noted that such material does not break, even under the most severe weather conditions it can bend a little, but no more.

Speaking of installation, the process is quite simple, for its implementation you only need metal scissors, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver or screwdriver. There are no special factors when fixing, everything is carried out in the same way as in the case of vinyl, the only difference is the possibility of installation at any temperature.

Among the features of the material is significant durability, but speaking of appearance, the building with such a cladding will not be too attractive. Metal siding has a more industrial look, which ultimately gives the building the appearance of not a beautiful residential building, but some kind of warehouse or production site.

basement siding

And the last view becomes basement siding. In fact, it is one of the varieties vinyl material. But due to a completely different configuration, thickness and overall appearance, it is quite often distinguished into a separate group. Initially, the development of this type was carried out purely in order to protect the basement, but over time, such siding gained popularity when carrying out facade cladding.

The material is made in the form of masonry, while considering the range, you can notice a fairly large number of variations in colors and varieties. In addition, in some cases, the coating is so high quality that it cannot be visually distinguished from real masonry. In this case, in fact, you can determine that this is siding only by touching it.

Installation of this type of material is carried out in the same way as in the case of its other analogues. The only difference is the shape of the material, if metal or vinyl products are made in strips, then the basement siding is made in the form of a wall section with curly edges, with which it is joined.

Note that the frame in this case must be brought under the dimensions of individual fragments of the siding. During the installation process, each element is initially fixed with the lock of the previous one, after which it is already fixed with self-tapping screws. It is also necessary not to tighten the fasteners, as is the case with vinyl, so that the material can freely “move” when the temperature changes.

Considering the frame itself, it can be noted that for its arrangement can be used as wooden elements, and drywall profile. You can learn more about the installation of such a peculiar type of siding in our other articles.

Fiber cement boards and siding

More recently, fiber cement products have begun to gain popularity, which are presented in the form of slabs and siding. These products consist of the following components:

  • wood fiber;
  • Quartz;
  • Mica;
  • Cement;
  • Chlorine;
  • Asbestos.

Compounds of these materials are formed into sheets, which are then dehydrated and fired. After which a certain kind is applied to them. protective covering. Such a coating can be presented in the following forms:

  • Acrylic. It has a fairly high level of fade resistance, in addition to being inexpensive.
  • Hydrophilic. Resistant to water, in addition, does not fade and is not erased. But such coverage is quite expensive.
  • And the last photoceramic, which is able to retain color for quite a long time, while being resistant to water and abrasion. The cost is average.

If you are still wondering “What is the best way to sheathe a house outside?”, Then fiber cement products will be a pretty good solution. We also note that they are quite easily mounted on any type of surface using various kinds of materials.

The finish coating itself can be presented as smooth, for example, matte or glossy, or textured, imitating brickwork or wood.

Installation of the material is carried out on guide profiles, which are fixed on the wall. In case of ignorance, how to sheathe frame house outside, such a material is well suited, since it creates an airtight connection, which in turn will protect the premises from the penetration of precipitation.

Considering directly siding from this material, it should be noted that it is in full compliance with manufacturing technologies, the same as in the case of slabs. The difference is the formation of the product into strips measuring 3.6 * 0.19 * 0.012 meters. The material is easily processed using a jigsaw, and mounted to a wooden crate.

Thermal panels

Another material for finishing the house outside is thermal panels. These products simultaneously perform several functions, among which, first of all, facing, in addition, additional insulation of the house. These products are a layer of thermal insulation, on which a decorative coating is additionally applied. At the same time, it can be made by imitation of marble or stone, in addition, it has a fairly high level of water resistance.

The manufacture of the material is carried out on the basis of expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or polystyrene. Installation, respectively, is carried out depending on the selected base.

  • In the case of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, the material is glued in accordance with the technologies for performing insulation work with this type of heat-insulating material.
  • When using mineral wool panels, installation is carried out on a special system of profiles.

This solution is becoming increasingly popular, due to the ability to simultaneously insulate the house, and at the same time complete its cladding. Of course, it should be noted that such material is quite expensive, but compared to separate thermal insulation and finishing, the cost will be almost one figure, with a slight difference.

The only negative factor is the lack of feedback on the material, which makes you trust only the words of the manufacturer. This is due to its novelty, and there is not much experience of use, therefore, you have to trust.

So, we answered the question of how to sheathe the house from the outside, the photos will help you visually familiarize yourself with the appearance of each type of finish. The cost of each material is different, then you decide, based on financial capabilities and requirements for the material.

Currently, the question of how to sheathe the house from the outside is very relevant for many owners. Now there are a large number of materials that can completely transform the structure. In addition, they are able to make it more comfortable, warm, respectable and practical. Next, we will analyze in more detail the better to sheathe the house from the outside.

General information

Many people ask themselves: how to sheathe a wooden house from the outside. Today there are several profitable options. As a rule, people tend to choose the least expensive one. What is the best way to sheathe a house outside?

costly way

It consists in building a brick wall around the entire perimeter of the house. In fact, this option requires a huge investment. First of all, this applies to the arrangement of a new foundation. At the same time, its "linkage" with the old foundation is a prerequisite.

Advantages and disadvantages

Docking with the roof creates a lot of additional problems. In fact, the building gets completely new walls. It should be noted that in this case the house will become much warmer. It will be less susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. This option cannot be fully called the sheathing of the building. In essence, the walls are covered with bricks. This, as already mentioned, is a very costly option. How to sheathe a house outside cheaply?

Popular materials

How can you sheathe the house outside? Among the popular materials, there are several:

  1. Siding.
  2. Block house.
  3. Imitation of a bar.
  4. Finishing quarter.
  5. Planken.
  6. Wooden lining.

Each of the above materials has its own characteristics. You should take them into account before sheathing the house from the outside.

Common variant

Many owners decide to sheathe the house with clapboard. Outside, this finish is considered optimal. There are several types of material. For example, euro or ordinary lining. The first has its own characteristics. They consist in additional processing, which is produced using special compositions that significantly improve the technical parameters of the lining. Thus, it becomes less susceptible to atmospheric phenomena. Due to this, its service life is increased.

Encountered differences

All wooden lining is equipped with mounting grooves. They greatly facilitate the installation work. In addition, thanks to them, the strength of the structure increases. It should be noted that in most cases the grooves of eurolining are located deeper than in other variations. There are several options for wood that are used in the manufacture of this facing material. The most popular include larch and pine species. Birch, ash and oak are expensive options.

Main advantages

When deciding how to sheathe a house from the outside, home craftsmen choose materials that have certain qualities. First of all, the exterior finish should ensure the preservation of heat. Wooden lining greatly contributes to the heat and sound insulation of the building. This material is quite resistant to oxidative processes. However, the tree needs additional processing. In particular, various formulations are used. They help in the fight against the effects of insects, mold and fungi.


When choosing how to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, many prefer this particular material. According to external signs, the planken is similar to that described above. In this case, the absence of docking grooves is noted. Planken, as a rule, has beveled or straight edges. Installation work is carried out end-to-end. However, the stipulated technological gaps should be taken into account. Thanks to them, the facade will be well ventilated. The advantages of the material include practicality, efficiency and ease of installation. Planken does not imply additional interventions during shrinkage of the structure or drying of the material.

Finishing quarter

This material is also not equipped with spike fasteners. However, it is slightly different from planken. The finishing quarter is distinguished by the presence of technological grooves, which are located on the ribs. They are designed for overlapping panels. By analogy with planken, this material is used to create a ventilated facade.

Block house

It is one of the varieties of lining. Block house is a board of natural wood. Its front side is spherical. There is an external resemblance to a rounded beam. Backside is flat. It has technological ventilation slots. The ribs are equipped with mounting elements, which is also observed in conventional lining.

Key Features

The materials used to make a block house can be different. Currently, coniferous trees are the most popular. Larch is also often used. During the manufacturing process, the materials must be thoroughly dried. Thus, the block house becomes more durable and wear-resistant. This is its advantage over conventional lining. This material is considered one of the most practical and economical. Before sheathing a house from the outside using a block house, its disadvantages should be taken into account. These include, in particular, poor vapor permeability. In this case, the likelihood of cracking is high. For this reason, during installation work, it is necessary to use special formulations, which are designed to process the block house.

timber imitation

When choosing how to sheathe a frame house from the outside, many stop at just such material. The obvious differences in the imitation of timber include the front surface, which is flat. This material is very similar to profiled timber. Thanks to him, the house will look very respectable. Imitation of a bar can significantly transform the appearance of the entire structure.


He is one of the most modern options. Every year "siding" sheathing wooden house is gaining more and more popularity. The material is easy to install. In addition, it does not require special care.

Exceptional Advantages

There are two common options for this material - metal and vinyl. The latter is made of PVC. At the same time, vinyl siding is one of the cheapest options for cladding a building. This material has one peculiar advantage. It is able to "imitate" most natural materials. In addition, installation and maintenance are exceptionally easy. Siding is fairly fire resistant. However, its environmental friendliness cannot be compared with natural materials, as it is significantly inferior to them. In some cases, this factor is key. Then the owners should think about choosing a different material for cladding. Metal siding also has certain advantages. It is resistant to various microorganisms and atmospheric phenomena. This material is considered quite durable. Its service life is enviable. At the same time, throughout the service, he continues to maintain his shape. However, it is worth noting some nuances. Wooden building clad with metal siding needs additional insulation. It is also worth noting that the panels themselves are quite massive. It is natural that such material is suitable for finishing buildings with a stable frame. It is necessary to lay any rolled insulation in advance before sheathing the house from the outside. It is recommended to use a strong and dense material.

How to sheathe a brick house outside?

Finishing in this case has some features. It should be noted that brick is a very durable building material. It is believed that the structure erected with the help of it does not need special finishing. However, this stereotype is not confirmed in practice. In reality, sheathing of brick buildings is observed quite often. The following materials are mainly used for it:

  1. Thermal panels.
  2. Tile.
  3. Siding.

However, their purpose is not only an aesthetic function. They are also able to significantly insulate the structure. How and how to sheathe a house, only its owner decides. However, it is worth learning more about the most popular materials and their associated installation elements.

To carry out the work, as a rule, the following tools are required:

Thermal panels

This version of the skin began to gain popularity relatively recently. Any thermal panels consist of two layers: external - clinker tiles, internal - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. In this case, the tile serves to decorate the building. At the same time, polyurethane foam acts as a heater.

Stone or tile?

If one of these materials was chosen for sheathing, then some nuances must be taken into account. The glue must have good frost resistance. Do not use a composition made on the basis of cement. The thing is, it doesn't absorb water. Thus, peeling occurs. To apply the adhesive, you will need a notched trowel. Recommended to clean beforehand work surface from dirt and dust. Only then can you start priming. The adhesive is evenly distributed over the brick with a notched trowel. Stone and tiles are laid out on a horizontal level. Frost-resistant mass is recommended for use as a grout. When mixing it, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturers. For example, too much water can lead to discoloration or reduced strength. When choosing a natural stone, a number of nuances should also be taken into account. It is known that granite and marble are very heavy. Accordingly, not every building can withstand such a sheathing. For lighter options, you can choose sandstone or limestone.

To protect the outer walls of the building from the adverse effects of the weather and at the same time decorate them will allow the installation of a hinged (or ventilated) one. The concept of "ventilated facade" in domestic construction circles appeared relatively recently, although this is enough traditional way wall cladding, including in our country.

Despite the laboriousness, they trim the facades with wooden "scales" - shingles, shingles, shingles.


Planken is a type of wooden facing board. Its difference from lining or block house lies in the method of installation. If wood siding with a thorn-groove connection (block house, lining), with a quarter-lock, or a board sewn with an overlap, create a solid wood flooring, planken finishing implies gaps of 3-5 mm between the boards.

There are three types of planken:

  • straight - rectangular in cross section, with machined, rounded chamfers;
  • oblique - has a parallelogram in cross section;
  • straight with grooves - on both sides, in addition to rounded chamfers, it has a groove for the entire length of the board for installation.

Planken can be mounted directly on the frame through the board or using hidden fasteners like in the photo above.

metal siding

Outwardly similar to vinyl siding- the same types of profiles, installation methods, but made of thin-sheet galvanized steel. The front surface is either painted according to the RAL classification, or a polymer coating is applied to it with a pattern of wood or stone texture.

In addition to steel, aluminum is also used for the manufacture of facade cladding. Aluminum siding, in addition to the traditional profile molding ("board" type), is also produced in a more original design.

The modern market of building materials for facade cladding also offers facade cassettes. This cladding option is a box bent from sheet metal- galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, corten and others. The metal cassette is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets to metal frame on the wall.

Most often, cassette ventilated facades are used for finishing commercial buildings. But this option is also well suited for private houses with modern architecture.

Composite materials

A special niche among the materials for the facade is occupied by composite materials. The most common are WPC panels and siding based on OSB boards.

liquid tree

For some strange marketing reason, wood-polymer composite (WPC) panels are called liquid wood by manufacturers. Of course, such facade panels(otherwise composite siding) are quite solid. They have a wood texture and are much more pleasant to the touch than vinyl ones.

Siding based on OSB boards

Another type of siding that can be attributed to composite materials is smart siding (SmartSide). Panels in the form of a single board are made on the basis of OSB (Oriented Strand Board, OSB). The front surface of such material has a well-defined wood texture.

Smart siding is mounted on the crate in the same way as regular siding. wood cladding from the board - overlap. Then the lined surface is painted.

The lack of additional and mounting accessories is one of the positive traits of this material: you do not need starting and finishing strips, corners, framing openings, etc. Window and door slopes and also the corners can be made from the same siding board and painted however you like, and for vinyl siding the range of accessories is very limited in color.

In conversation about composite materials worth mentioning about alucobond (Alucobond) and its analogues - multilayer sheet material aluminum and polymer. Alucobond is used for the manufacture of facade cassettes.

Fiber concrete siding (cement siding)

Fiber cement siding, as the name implies, is made from concrete with the addition of reinforcing fiber. Like OSB siding, it does not require additional elements for mounting.

In addition to the texture of wood, fiber-reinforced concrete siding can have a wide variety of surface textures. Sometimes this material is sold under the names "Japanese siding" or "ceramic siding". It is offered in the form of boards or panels. Its main disadvantage is a lot of weight.

Ventilated facades made of tiles and facing bricks

Having finished considering an extensive list of materials that are somehow called siding, I will move on to other options for constructing a ventilated facade. Here you can recall all the materials discussed in the article Thermal panels, tiles made of stone, clinker, terracotta, ceramics, porcelain stoneware can not only be glued to the wall, but also mounted on outer wall using a frame and special fasteners.

Even front brick can be used to create a ventilated facade. If brickwork cladding is carried out separately from the wall device, then between its structure and cladding is left ventilation gap, in which, in addition to air, there can also be .

Brick cladding is additionally attached to the wall masonry mesh, wire ties or special anchor consoles for mounting facing bricks. Openings are left in the lower and upper parts of the masonry for air circulation in the ventilation gap.

Materials for the device hinged facade many, you should not be limited to only the most common vinyl siding. If you yourself or with the help of specialists arranged the ventilation facade of your house, share with us in the comments what material you chose and why.

It is a facade covering of the walls of the building, consisting of panels laid on the crate.

The range of panels is diverse: they can be made of various materials and have a variety of shapes, textures and colors.

Installation of siding is quite simple, its operational period can reach fifty years.

In this article, you will learn how to sheathe a house outside except for siding.

The popularity of siding cladding is primarily associated with its characteristics, which are inherent in this species material. Houses sheathed with siding have an aesthetically attractive and very neat appearance.

Siding features are:

  • The durability of the material;
  • a large assortment;
  • a variety of manufacturing materials (wood, vinyl, metal);
  • ease of care;
  • Availability air gap between the wall of the house and the cladding prevents the formation of mold or fungus;
  • quite easy to install;
  • UV resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • waterproof;
  • has resistance to mechanical damage.

rather fragile negative temperature, highly flammable and quite combustible.

It requires care during installation, since even with a slight bend the material cannot be restored: the panel needs to be replaced.


In the presence of shortcomings, the advantages of siding are still much greater, which leads to a rapidly growing interest in this type of cladding.

Siding analogues

In addition to siding panels, it is possible to perform house cladding with other materials that are no less common in the construction market.

They include:

  • decorative plaster;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • sandwich panels;
  • natural and fake diamond;
  • tree;
  • brick.

Each type of house cladding has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a cladding option, one should be guided not only by the aesthetic appeal of the material, but also by its technical characteristics.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster refers to budget materials so it is widely used.

Plaster can be non-aqueous and anhydrous based. Popular mineral plaster, which is made on the basis of cement and additional components.

Decorative plaster can be polymer, silicone or silicate.


The material is presented in the form of a dry mixture, and for application this mixture must be diluted with water. Various colors and impurities can be added to the plaster mixture to achieve desired color and effect.

Virtues decorative plaster are:

  • no toxic fumes;
  • high adhesive ability;
  • long shelf life of the dry mixture;
  • no special care is required;
  • ease of manufacture and application;
  • does not absorb pollution;
  • big variety color solutions, invoices;
  • the vapor permeability of the material provides a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • good soundproofing and heat-insulating property.

Plaster perfectly withstands atmospheric and mechanical influences.

Decorative plaster has disadvantages, but they are not decisive when choosing a cladding:

  • in the absence of a reinforcing mesh, the plaster is prone to chips and cracks;
  • conducting repair work must be produced at temperatures above +5° C;
  • the cost of decorative plaster is much higher than usual.

When using decorative plaster, you should be guided by the recommendations for its application.

Creating a textured relief requires professionalism and a lot of time.

Decorative plaster

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a pressed and fired clay mixture with the addition of quartz, feldspar and natural-based dyes.

The main quality of the material is strength.

Porcelain stoneware is made in the form of slabs of various thicknesses, textures and colors. It has properties that are not inferior to natural stone.

The main indicator of the color, structure and texture of the material is its composition, which includes manganese, chromium, iron, zirconium or cobalt salt. The surface is matte, polished, embossed, polished or glazed.

Features of porcelain stoneware are:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • independence from weather changes;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no fading;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • fire safety and protection of walls from fire;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • ease of installation;
  • with a ventilated facade, a comfortable microclimate is provided.

The aesthetic appearance of a porcelain stoneware building is ensured by the textured color of the material. It is easy to maintain and easy to repair.

The disadvantages of porcelain stoneware is the heavy weight of the plates, due to which it is required solid foundation building and load-bearing walls and high cost.

Porcelain stoneware

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are a thin aluminum sheet with a heat-insulating layer. They are used for finishing office, administrative, sports and public facilities.

The panels are glossy, matte, lacquered with color coatings, and also processed with powder or polymer mixtures.

The advantages of sandwich panels are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • soundproofing;
  • good thermal protection;
  • a light weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and decay;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

Sandwich panels are easy to install and the structure itself is not heavy, which does not require additional reinforcement of the walls.

  • the possibility of the presence of fire hazardous heaters in the panels;
  • limited assortment;
  • the joints during installation are required to be glued with a special sealing tape.


Installation of sandwich panels should be entrusted to professionals, as minor errors can reduce the thermal insulation qualities of the cladding.

Particular attention should be paid to the places where the connection of the plates takes place.

Sandwich panels

Natural and artificial stone

Facade stone can be natural, which is classified according to rocks, and artificial, which is an imitation of a natural rock or organic mineral.

Natural stone

There are several types of stone cladding for masonry:

  • "from a die";
  • "Castle";
  • "Plateau";
  • "Shahriyar";
  • "Assol";
  • "Rondo".

Texture natural stone can be granite, marble, limestone, shale, sand.

The advantage of natural stone cladding is durability and strength. The material is environmentally friendly, frost-resistant and fireproof.

Facing made of natural stone requires its processing protective equipment to prevent the formation of salts on its surface.

The disadvantage of natural stone cladding is its cost and heaviness.

Natural stone

Fake diamond

It is produced by mixing polymer and mineral components, which are poured into molds and solidified under a vibropress.

It happens:

  • clinker;
  • concrete;
  • architectural;
  • polymer sand;
  • resin based;
  • ceramic.

Artificial stone has similar characteristics to natural material, but is much lighter.

Compared to natural stone, the resistance of artificial to external influences is much less. and as a result the service life is reduced.

Fake diamond

Cassette facade

Cassette facades are facing material in the form of plates. Cassettes can be composite and metal. The design of the structure is worked out by computer, based on the shape, size of the building and the material of the cassettes.

Small cassettes are made from aluminum. For large molds, composite materials are used.

Cassettes differ in color, size and texture.

Positive characteristics of the cassette facade:

  • strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • ease of construction;

A high degree of decorativeness provides individuality to any building equipped with cassettes.

A significant disadvantage of this type of façade improvement is the high cost.

Cassette facade


Wood is used as cladding to give the house a natural look.

Under the tree, you can use modern types of cladding:

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • facade board (planken);
  • beam imitation.

The lining is a solid board. It has a different quality class. Differs in ease, availability and low cost.

Block house - high-strength material, which is a coating in the form of a bar. Classified by color, texture.

Front board - profile material reminiscent of siding panels. The peculiarity of the installation lies in the technology of the allowable distance between the boards to ensure ventilation.

Imitation of a bar looks like a board. Mounted using tongue-and-groove technology.

The advantages of wood are environmental friendliness, non-toxicity and good thermal and sound insulation properties.

A significant disadvantage of wood is its susceptibility to decay and fragility. However, with regular processing of a wooden facade, its service life is significantly increased.


Brickwork, which is carried out for facing the building, is designed to give the building strength and protect the internal load-bearing wall.

Facing brick in structure can be:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate;
  • hyperpessed.

Brick on the front surface is classified into:

  • smooth;
  • raised;
  • glazed;
  • engobed.

Brickwork may be different color, and the material itself differs not only in texture and composition, but also in color.

Main advantages brick cladding- strength, resistance to external influences, protection of the house.

In addition, the brick has:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • frost resistance and low thermal conductivity.

The disadvantage of brick cladding is significant weight. In addition, the price of a brick is quite high.


Thus, quite a few alternative cladding options, in addition to siding panels, can be used when finishing the facade. It is possible to determine what exactly is suitable in a particular case, based on the price, material characteristics, the ability to mount it yourself, and also in accordance with design ideas.

Useful video

In this video we will look at all the analogues of siding:

In contact with

Wood - durable and beautiful construction material, which at proper care last for many decades. At the same time, wood is quite an expensive material, especially if we are talking O various types well-dried timber, so the walls are made thinner, and heat loss is reduced by additional insulation and outer skin. Let's talk about the requirements for the material for sheathing, and also compare various materials to determine which one is best suited for a wooden house. In addition, we recommend to organize a ventilation system (ventilated facade) for any cladding, because this approach prolongs the life of wood and reduces the requirements for cladding materials. We will try to answer the most main question- the better to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, so that it is cheap and beautiful.

Cladding material requirements

Any cladding material must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to fire;
  • precipitation resistance;
  • resistance to temperature difference;
  • resistance to ultraviolet;
  • ease of installation;
  • low price.

fire resistance- one of the most important parameters for sheathing material (cladding). It is clear that there is a strong fire near the house, then any material will light up, but it should be very difficult to set fire to it with a match and paper, or even douse it with gasoline. In addition, the lining should not be afraid of rain or snow, that is, precipitation should not lead to its destruction. Another condition is resistance to temperature extremes. If the facing material strongly absorbs water, then when the temperature drops to negative values, the water in the outer layers will freeze and tear the material. UV resistance protects the cladding from discoloration under the influence of sunlight - the more resistant the material, the less it fades over time. Equally important are parameters such as ease of installation and cost of material. After all, the use of material that is difficult to install increases the overall costs, because it is necessary to use special technologies or equipment, access to which is far from being available to everyone.

Sheathing materials

Here is a list of the most popular materials for sheathing wooden houses:

  • various thermal panels;
  • reinforcing mesh and plaster;
  • PVC siding;
  • metal siding;
  • wood pulp siding;
  • fiber cement siding and panels;
  • fake diamond;
  • block house;
  • board;
  • waterproof OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and plywood.

Thermal panels- the simplest finishing option, because they combine polystyrene or foam insulation and various exterior finish. The most popular panels with a brick finish. However, to install them, you must first mount the bars of the ventilated facade. Plaster with a reinforcing mesh can be applied to any hard surface, so it is often used if a wooden house is insulated with foam or heavily pressed mineral wool. Such a finishing scheme is very popular - mesh + glue + bark beetle plaster.

All types of siding are mounted on an insulated ventilated facade with wooden blocks or metal profile. Siding is the easiest way to decorate a room, the difference is only in the cost of materials. The advantage of siding is that you can use both classic rectangular panels and "log-like" panels. Fiber cement panels are used if it is necessary to increase the resistance of the house to fire, because this material is ten times more difficult to set on fire than even a timber treated with pyrophobic impregnation. After finishing the house with fiber cement boards, the sheathing must be painted with waterproof paints. Artificial stone is tried on for finishing a ventilated facade. To lay it, the facade must be sewn with a hard material such as fiber cement board, OSB or plywood. Then the artificial stone is glued to the facade, using the same reinforcing mesh as for the plaster.

Block house, that is, a board, the outer part of which imitates a rounded log. Sheathing a wooden house with a block house allows you to restore its exterior to some extent, demonstrating to everyone the owner’s aesthetic taste and his desire to live in a house made of wood. natural materials. A house sheathed with a block house must be regularly treated with antiseptics and impregnations. Read about how to choose antiseptics and impregnations in this article (I think it's called how to choose impregnations or antiseptics, I don't remember exactly). The advantage of a block house over other materials is its very high vapor permeability, so the requirements for facade ventilation are much lower. Another wood material is a wagon board. It is cheaper than a block house and creates a more primitive exterior of the house, but has all the operational qualities block house.

OSB and plywood used in three cases:

  • when it is necessary to create a hard rigid surface for applying plaster;
  • for facing outbuildings;
  • for cladding for painting.

Waterproof plywood and OSB have all the advantages and disadvantages of a board and a block house, however, they are much cheaper. Therefore, they are used for facing inexpensive houses and outbuildings, where there are no high requirements for the exterior.

The cost of finishing materials for cladding a wooden house

Below we have given the average cost data posted on the websites of stores selling finishing materials:

  1. Russian-made thermal panels, 60–80 mm thick, panel size 100x68 cm (length and width), cost per panel 1000–2300 rubles, cost per m² 1600–3400 rubles.
  2. Reinforcing mesh for plaster (glue + bark beetle plaster) will cost 20–50 rubles per m² of mesh. The cost of one bag of dry plaster (20 kg) is 150–300 rubles, at a consumption rate of 2–4 kg m². That is, one bag is enough for 5-10 square meters. The cost of one bag of bark beetle plaster (20–25 kg) is 150–500 rubles, at a consumption rate of 3–6 kg per m². That is, one bag is enough for 3–8 m².
  3. PVC siding - the price per m², excluding the cost of the crate, is 100–300 rubles.
  4. Metal siding - the price per m², excluding the cost of the crate, is 200–700 rubles.
  5. Wood-pulp siding - the price per m², excluding the cost of the crate, is 60–200 rubles.
  6. Fiber cement siding and panels - the price per m² is 1-3 thousand rubles.
  7. Artificial stone - price per m² 600–3000 rubles.
  8. Dry board block house - price per m² 200–600 rubles.
  9. Board (lining) made of coniferous and hardwood wood 150–250 rubles per m², from valuable wood 300–700 rubles per m².
  10. Moisture-resistant plywood and OSB 12–16 mm thick price per m² 150–250 rubles.


The right choice of material for finishing a wooden house will allow you to minimal cost achieve the desired effect. After all, cladding is not only decorative element, but also protects the insulation and walls from external influence. By choosing one or another coating, you can dramatically change the exterior of the house, both emphasizing that it is made of wood, and harmoniously coordinating it with other buildings in the area.