Do-it-yourself cold-smoked brick smokehouse. Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse

The cold smoking process differs in that the products are exposed to cold smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed twenty-five degrees. Therefore, all drawings of a cold smoked smokehouse take into account the location of the firebox at some distance. While the smoke goes through the pipe and rises in the smoking chamber, it is cooled and freed from soot and harmful impurities.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked brick smokehouse. Step-by-step instruction

Before proceeding directly with the construction, you need to do drawing cold smoked smokehouse and mark the location of all its constituent elements on the site. The combustion chamber should be no less than two and a half meters... It is better to choose a place with a slope, so that the smoking chamber itself is located on a hill, and the firebox is at a slope.

Cold smoked smokehouse. Operating principle

The most thorough and reliable design is a cold smoked brick smokehouse. To build it correctly, several points must be taken into account. The step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse cover all the details of the process.

... Stage one - laying the foundation

In the place where it will be located smoking chamber, the soil is selected. The depth of the pit should be sixty centimeters. A formwork is installed in it, towering twenty-five centimeters above the edges. The space is reinforced, placed in the center ten liter bucket to make a recess after pouring concrete mortar... At this point, smoke will come out of the chimney. Before pouring, the pipe must also be laid, which will begin to supply smoke. When all necessary elements will be placed, the foundation space is filled with concrete.

... Stage two - erection of walls

For the walls of such a smokehouse, it is used building brick or concrete blocks ... The specific design of a cold smoked smokehouse depends on the personal wishes of the owner. It can be very small for a minimum amount of food, or it can be spacious. You can equip a window in it, but it should be small. Since the sun's rays are harmful to smoked products, it should face the north side or be located so that light does not fall on the area where smoked meats are placed.

... Stage three - arranging the roof

The most economical, easy to set up and convenient option is an soft roof ... To create it, from a bar of a small section, they construct rafter system... Lay on the rafters sheet material e.g. moisture resistant plywood or OSB boards... Elements of flexible tiles are already mounted on a flat base.

... Stage four - arrangement of the firebox

The firebox can be folded out of bricks or used as such metal stove... If a brick is used, then it is necessary to take a refractory chamotte. You also need a refractory pipe that will divert smoke from the firebox to the smoking chamber. The diameter of the pipe must be large enough for the smoke to flow slowly, cool down and free of soot particles.

... Stage five - internal arrangement

The inside of the smokehouse is very simple. Above the smoke outlet are installed lattice and are suspended hooks.

After that, the cold smoked brick smokehouse can be used.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

The relief of the site with slopes and terraces simplifies the installation of a cold smoked smokehouse. The presence of a terrace allows you not to deepen the firebox into the ground. It can simply be placed on the lower tier, and a smoking chamber can be installed on the upper tier. As a result, the amount of work is reduced, the smokehouse is erected faster, with less labor and time.

Step by step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Video

Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse made of wood. Step by step photos

To make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to use a brick. A tree is also excellent for this purpose. Help in construction step-by-step instruction for the construction of a cold-smoked smokehouse made of natural wood.

1. Digging on the site trench for pipes, smoking and combustion chambers. The depth of the trench should be between one and a half to two shovel bayonets. The chimney section is slightly higher than the smokehouse pit.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

2. Pit for smoking chamber dig into two or three bayonets of a shovel deep. When it gets into it, the smoke lingers slightly. At this time, large particles of soot fall out of it, i.e. the smoke is cleared. After that, he goes up to the smoking chamber.

3. The furnace pit is poured cement to create a solid floor. Such an even foundation is necessary so that the brick-built combustion chamber does not subsequently collapse with natural movements of the soil.

4. In a trench for the chimney is laid pipe... Its diameter must be sufficient for the smoke to pass freely to the smoking chamber, cooling along the way.

5. Spread combustion chamber... To do this, take a refractory brick, from which the walls of the furnace and its upper part are folded.

6. Fix the cast iron door to the firebox, which closes securely. This will cause the smoke to travel a longer path through the chimney and prevent it from being lost.

Step by step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

7. For a cold-smoked smokehouse made of wood equip base... For this building bricks the walls of the recess are laid out under it and they are brought out to a certain height above the ground. Then the wooden part of the structure will be installed directly on such a brick base.

8. The trench with the chimney is covered with earth and carefully tamped. The earth is needed for better cooling of the chimney and smoke. Wet ground conducts heat better than air.

9. Create a wooden smoke chamber:

To make a cold smoked smokehouse from wood, use wooden blocks... It is advisable to take material from hardwood. The base of the future chamber is assembled from the bars.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

Even planks are stuffed onto the base. They should fit as tightly as possible to each other so that smoke does not escape through the cracks.

The roof is made single or gable. The door is fastened to the front so that it fits snugly and easily opens. The shutter will help to avoid spontaneous opening.

A hole for the pipe is left in the roof and it is installed there. The pipe should be small in diameter so that the smoke does not come out too quickly.

The first kindling will help to check the correct operation of all parts.

Smokehouse from a barrel

If all previous options seem complicated and expensive, then you should pay attention to the cold smoked smokehouse from the barrel. The basis for the construction of the sneaker will be a barrel made of wood or other material. The only exception is plastic. The bottom of the container is removed so that the smoke can pass through.

To make a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands, you need to dig two holes in the ground for the firebox and the smoking chamber, as well as the trench connecting them. The firebox should be about fifty centimeters in diameter and about forty centimeters deep. The bottom is covered with a sheet gland... The walls can be reinforced with bricks, but the firebox will function without it.

Pit under smoke chamber dug out of the barrel at a distance of about three meters. In diameter, it should be slightly less than the diameter of the base of the barrel, and about forty centimeters deep.

Pits connect trench to be used for conducting smoke. The depth of the trench should be about thirty centimeters. The finished trench is covered with metal sheets, covered with earth and tamped. It is not necessary to use a pipe, but it is better to tamp the walls of the trench so that they do not crumble over time.

They are fixed to the bottom of the barrel metal grill. It will be filled with smoke filtering material such as straw or burlap. The filter materials are humidified so that they better remove large particles of combustion products from the smoke. This layer makes the smoke lighter, thinner, and does not contain soot. In addition, the grate will not allow food to fall into the depth of the pit.

At the top of the barrel is installed twigs on which the meat hooks will be attached. You can install and lattice for product placement.

The resulting cold-smoked smokehouse from the barrel is covered with burlap, wooden shield, or similar material. The smokehouse is ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

So that the smoke does not get lost, does not come out of the bottom from under the barrel, the bottom of it is covered with earth. This soil is carefully compacted around the base.

Cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator

In almost every farm you can find old refrigerator which broke down long ago. In order not to multiply the amount of garbage, it, or rather the body, can be used to make a smokehouse.

Building a cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to take refrigerator body(the insides are dismantled), a pipe about four meters long, heat-resistant bricks for arranging the firebox and an iron cover for it.

The firebox is equipped below the level of the smoking chamber. It is better to use an area that has a slope for easy placement. A hole is dug for the furnace, which is laid out heat-resistant brick... If the farm has a metal container of sufficient volume, then you can dig it in. From above, it is closed with a metal cover so that the smoke goes into the chimney.

The next element of the cold smoked smokehouse from the old refrigerator is pipe for smoke evacuation. It should be quite long so that the smoke passing through it has time to cool down. In addition, it is recommended to bury the pipe underground. Surrounded by damp earth, it will cool down better and cool the smoke to the desired temperature.

The entry of the pipe into the refrigerator body can be done in two ways. In the first case, the binding is made to the already existing holes, which served to accommodate the main working parts of the refrigerator. In this case, the entrance can be both above and below. The exact option depends on the refrigerator model.

The second way is pipe tie v lower part housing. This requires additional work, but provides the most optimal smoke delivery. It will run from the bottom up and will provide the best result as more smoke will pass through the product.

The inside of the refrigerator body is equipped with all necessary fixtures for product placement. Lattice shelves or hooks are used to hang the meat or fish.

At the end, a homemade smokehouse should be equipped with chimney for the outflow of smoke. But it will only be required if the seal on the door is still effective enough and does not create cracks. In most cases, the seal on the old refrigerator leaves small gaps through which the smoke outflow is carried out.

This option for recycling the old refrigerator can be considered the most optimal, because it will still be useful.

Home cold-smoked smokehouse "Smoke Dymych"

If, looking at the drawings of a cold smoked smokehouse, you understand that they are not suitable for a small personal plot, then you should turn your attention to a home smokehouse Smoke Dymich.

Such a household smokehouse is made from cold-rolled steel sheet , the thickness of which is eight tenths of a millimeter. The smoking tank has a volume of thirty-two liters. The set includes a smoke generator and a compressor. The smoke enters the smoking chamber through a flexible hose.

V smoke generator wood chips are laid in the smokehouse. Smoke is emitted there, which is sent to the smoking container. The smoke supply is regulated by means of electric compressor... Through a hose, which is seventy-four centimeters long, the smoke passes to the stored food. The smoking time depends on several factors. Firstly, they depend on the weight and volume of the food, and secondly, on the activity of the smoke treatment. The result is time frames ranging from five hours to fifteen.

This smokehouse has several advantages at once. It is compact and can be stored anywhere when not in use. You can use the device not only in a suburban area, but also in the city, for example, on a balcony or not far from home. Smokehouse Dym Dymych is sold in a completely ready-to-use form. It does not need to be pre-assembled or manufactured in-house.

With the help of a smokehouse, delicious smoked products are easily and relatively quickly made. Long-term exposure to cold smoke creates an environment that is unfavorable for bacteria. As a result, the product not only gets a unique taste, but is also stored for much longer.

From the presented variety of devices for cold smoking, everyone can choose the best option for themselves. If there is no desire to build a smokehouse on your own, and the cooking volumes are small, then the last option will do. If you want to make a special, your own smokehouse or save money, then you can pick up any of the DIY options.

It is also worth mentioning that food must be prepared before smoking. They are pre-salted according to a certain scheme. If this is not done, then real smoked meats will not work out of them.

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses on the market for a summer cottage or a private house. But it is much safer to build a brick smokehouse on garden plot do it yourself. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

What kind of smokehouses are there?

You can smoke chicken legs, bacon, fish, homemade sausage, meat. When smoked, products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-fired smokehouse, you won't be able to achieve this result. No liquid smoke, tea infusions and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

On personal plot you can install both a purchased smokehouse and build it from scrap materials with your own hands. Homemade smokehouse may be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from the bucket;
  • from welded metal sheets;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke food in the chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous in terms of technology. fire safety.

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, the laid out skillful hands the design can be a real highlight landscape design plot. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish structure.

Brick smokers differ:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site, you can build both a very small in volume and a fairly impressive size smokehouse. It is recommended to design large smokehouses in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouses of different design can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, pouring hot smoke over the food. Cold smoking implies a hearth of fire slightly distant from the camera so that the smoke can cool down before getting to the food. Products are cooked by hot smoking on average 2.5 hours, but cold smoking will take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the device of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with or a barbecue.

What does a smokehouse consist of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • furnaces;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal grates and horizontal beams with hooks;
  • tray for collecting fat.

The wood chips placed in the firebox form thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in a blower located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. It is imperative to install a removable drip tray to collect the resulting grease.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right place for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process is associated with fire, smoke and soot. The main requirement for fire safety is remoteness from residential and utility buildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. It is also necessary to take into account that the area of ​​the selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

The site chosen for construction must be cleared of foreign objects, debris and grass in advance. It is also worth taking care of necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • refractory bricks;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • materials for roofs;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

For quality work experts recommend that beginners prepare a drawing of the structure in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that should be followed when building a smokehouse with their own hands. It will not be superfluous to study the theory, get acquainted with the photos and videos of upcoming works.

Laying the foundation

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to carry out the markup according to the size of the future smokehouse. To do this, use wooden stakes and a cord. For small smokehouses, a 40 cm deep foundation will be sufficient. If a more voluminous structure is being erected, the foundation should be deepened more and reinforced when pouring.

For pouring the foundation, he uses a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, the foundation trench can be laid construction waste, and pour concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Advice. To ensure waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing material.

It will be useful to equip the basement. To do this, it is necessary to build a wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

We lay out the chimney

The principle of construction of any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal device... First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

A trench of the following dimensions is dug under the chimney in the ground:

  • width - 50 cm;
  • depth - 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully tamped and a row of bricks is laid using clay solution... It is important that there are two bricks along the length of the chimney, located end-to-end. The chimney channel is limited on one side by the firebox, and on the other - by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The rule of positioning the chamber implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying the chimney, the brick is installed on the edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of bricks. For convenience, it is recommended to perform it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, the solution used must be allowed to dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber by more than 25-30 cm. The layer of soil poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

We lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can start building the smoking section. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular camera. Drawings, photos, videos and step-by-step instructions, widely presented on the Internet, will come to the rescue. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out bricks with high quality. For home smokehouse a camera measuring 1 x 1 m and a height of 1.5 m will be quite sufficient.

It is advisable to lay the masonry on a clay mortar, laying the brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful substances.

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, on which a grate or rods with hooks for food will be mounted. In the lower part, it is necessary to provide fastenings for the burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle - fastenings for a removable grease pan.

The top of the chamber is covered with a special cover that regulates the density of the smoke. If the construction of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about the ventilated opening holes. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install the doors and mount the devices for laying out the products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is installed at the end of the chimney opposite to the chamber. Its construction is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small blower is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. From the back or side, the firebox is connected to the chimney.

WITH outside it is recommended to cover the firebox with bricks. This will protect it from the effects of precipitation and give a complete appearance the whole structure. The whole process of erecting a smokehouse on a personal plot can be seen in detail in the video.

DIY step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. Digging a trench for the chimney.
  3. We lay out the brick chimney.
  4. We are building a smoking chamber.
  5. We equip the firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient, and slowly, step by step, follow this hard work... As a result, the brick smokehouse will serve you for a long time and regularly.

DIY brick smokehouse construction: video

Brick smoker: photo

What could be tastier than homemade smoked meats? Many craftsmen are interested in describing the principle of creating homemade products that are useful in the household.

The finished products are captured in the photo, cold smoked smokehouses can be made by hand. Products homemade Is a welcome treat.

Self-fabrication of the structure

Cold smoking is the treatment of food with smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees. The process must be organized competently, so the master will need to figure out how to make a cold smoked smokehouse correctly. It is important not to be mistaken with the construction scheme.

It is necessary for the hot smoke to turn cold. For this, a tunnel is used, which connects the firebox to the compartment where the products are placed. The length of the tunnel can vary from 2-7 m. This distance is taken into account to calculate the length of the chimney.

If the firebox is located more than 7 m from the smokehouse, draft problems, as a rule, cannot be avoided.

How does the device work?

The principle of operation of a homemade smokehouse can be represented as follows. Food processing can last from 3 days. The process can take several weeks.

The main thing is to make sure that the smoking process takes place evenly. Do not mix in the smoking chamber different kinds food.

You need to cook food in one go. It is important to sort foods by size.

More about the construction of the smokehouse

To make a firebox, you need to dig a trench with dimensions of 50x50. These values ​​can be higher. Often the width with the depth of the pit is made one meter.

The bottom of the firebox can be made of brick and then covered with a sheet of tin. There is no need to prepare the grout. It is enough to tamp the bricks close together. The sides are also finished with bricks. Here, clay mortar is needed for masonry.

When creating a drawing of a cold smoked smokehouse, it is required to take into account both remoteness separate parts designs and sizes of materials.

A trench is specially dug under a chimney with a diameter of 25 cm. From above it must be closed with a sheet of iron. To prevent smoke seepage, the sheet material is covered with earth.

A filter is placed at the junction of the smokehouse with the chimney. A metal mesh with small cells is taken as the main element. A dense material is placed on the mesh. The filter protects finished products from soot.

It is important to make the smokehouse durable and reliable. In this case, the structure will stand stable and will not fall if someone accidentally touches it. At the top, the smoker is equipped with stainless steel rods.

The indicator of their thickness varies in the range from 8 to 10 mm. They are sturdy and are used to hang food prepared for smoking. Usually food is hung on special hooks. Alternative replacement the usual lattice serves.

The simplest scheme

A smoker is considered a budget option, which allows the master to save building materials and time spent on construction.

The chamber with products is 2 m away from the firebox. A metal barrel can serve as the basis for the smokehouse.


Stages of work

Having determined for yourself the size of the smokehouse, you can start building. First, you need to dig a hole under the firebox chamber. Its bottom is covered with a tin sheet. This ensures a more uniform smoldering of chips and sawdust.

The next stage of work is the device of the chimney. The dug trench needs to be covered from above. Only non-flammable materials are suitable for this purpose.

The pit can be covered with a sheet of slate. From above, the chimney is covered with soil to ensure tightness.

The smoking chamber is arranged in a barrel with a cut-off bottom. At the bottom, a metal mesh is mounted, on which burlap is placed. The combination of these materials effectively solves the problem of filtering out soot particles.

At the top of the barrel, a metal grate is bolted, stepping back from the edge 20 cm.This option is not necessary to use, you can limit yourself to rods with hooks.


To fully understand all the nuances, you need to watch the corresponding video clip.

When smoked cold, food loses moisture gradually. During the drying process, the smoke penetrates deeper and deeper into the food. The result is meat and fish delicacies with delicious taste.

When the carcass of an old animal is smoked, its meat will remain harsh. In order not to be disappointed, at first you need to be guided by recipes that have already been tested by many. It is better to leave experiments with shades of taste for later.

In a finished factory-made smokehouse, there are several grates and a pallet. It is better to choose a product with a large capacity so that smoking is carried out more evenly.

For lovers of long hikes, you need a smokehouse made of metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm. In the country, you can install heavier options, where the thickness of the steel case is 2 mm.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse photo


Such a brick smokehouse will become a decoration of the site.

It is worth saying that for a person who is familiar with a hammer, brick and others building materials, it will not be difficult to build a smokehouse of any type. The main thing is to have a desire, to bribe some materials and working tools, and you can get down to work. You will also need a little free time and a couple of assistants, you can ask relatives or neighbors, because they will sometimes come to visit to smoke a fish or sausage, so why not take them as assistants?

Before building a brick smokehouse, it is worth saying what it is good for. Remember that such structures have been popular since the time of our ancestors. True, in those days they were somewhat antediluvian and primitive, but, despite this, they performed their function no worse than modern ones. Smoked products are used both for immediate consumption and for long-term storage. They are distinguished by a special, pleasant taste, since they are prepared according to their own recipe with the addition of spices and other seasonings to taste. Thus, you can prepare amazing delicacies of unique aroma and taste.

The most common are cold and hot smoked smokehouses, although a stationary smokehouse does an excellent job with the functions of the first and second model.

Important points

Before building a smokehouse of any kind, you need to think carefully about everything and draw up a plan, according to which it will be much easier to make a structure without missing anything. So, you need to think about the place where the brick smokehouse will be located. Remember: it should not interfere with backyard territory and cause discomfort neither for you nor for the neighbors behind the fence. Next, think about your choice of material. Of course, many people today can build a smokehouse from the same tin barrel. But if you want to use a smokehouse long time, then a brick smokehouse is the best option.

Let's figure out what kind of smoking you want the smokehouse: cold or hot. Depending on this, drawings will be drawn up, so think carefully about which type is preferable to you. Also, think about what products you will smoke, because it is for them that the structure will be built. And as a rule, some products are quite demanding and have smoking characteristics.

As for the design of smokehouses, there are also differences and features. For a hot smokehouse, you will need to equip the ignition center directly under the chamber. In designs for cold smoking, the ignition center is built to the side, and an elongated chimney is led directly to the chamber.

Diagram of a brick smokehouse

An important point for building a good smokehouse is the use of clay, not cement mortar for coating wood parts. This is due to the fact that clay is a natural, natural material, which affects the smell of products cooked in the smokehouse.

The chimney is best built from bricks, despite the fact that metal version will be cheaper. To protect against precipitation, it is worth putting a metal cap over the pipe. It will also affect the smell and taste of meat or fish.

A good solution would be to install a removable tray in the smoking compartment. This will make it possible to remove residual fat that drips from the food during the cooking process. If this is not done, then over time, unpleasant tastes and smells of old burnt fat will be added. Projections can be made to accommodate removable grates to hold food pieces instead of hanging them on hooks.

Let's start building

Since it will not be possible to move the smokehouse in the future, its location will need to be chosen deliberately. The site for its construction should be convenient, located away from the house and the growing garden so that the smoke from smoking does not harm it. Also, the site will need to be cleared of debris and vegetation, since you will need to build a foundation for the structure.

As you already know, you can build a smokehouse from any available materials, but the most the best option still counts as a brick. Therefore, we will build a smokehouse from this material.

Despite the varieties of smokers, and they are for the hot and cold method of processing products, their design is almost the same and consists of the following elements:

  • fireplace;
  • grate;
  • firebox;
  • grill or holder for products;
  • lid.

The combined version consists of two chambers. One of them is located above the hearth, which gives hot smoking, and the other is located behind the partition and is connected by a chimney channel. This solution allows for cold smoking.

Universal two-chamber smokehouse

Before starting construction, it is necessary to draw up drawings and a work plan. It is advisable to break them down into stages so that you do not get confused yourself later. Thus, you will be prepared and you will know exactly what to do for what, follow all the nuances and will not make mistakes.

Stages of work:

  1. site preparation;
  2. purchase of building materials and tools;
  3. foundation construction;
  4. bricklaying;
  5. construction of a supply for smoke (of course, if a cold smoking device is supposed to be installed);
  6. checking the structure for correct operation.

So, in order to build a standing smokehouse with your own hands, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • bricks: you can take ceramic or refractory bricks, refuse silicate bricks, they are not suitable for the construction of such structures;
  • clay;
  • a shovel and a container for preparing a solution;
  • doors for your smokehouse;
  • a metal grate or rods, so that there is where to place products for smoking;
  • metal cover;
  • construction level;
  • spatula and trowel;
  • components for the foundation.

Construction of the foundation for the smokehouse

To arrange the foundation you will need: steel mesh, concrete, crushed stone and sand are also quite suitable concrete slab... You can create a do-it-yourself concrete pillow as follows:

It is advisable to cover the foundation from above with roofing material to provide waterproofing.

We spread the smokehouse

Before laying a brick, you should know what the names of its sides are:

  1. jab:
  2. pastel;
  3. spoons.

We have built the foundation, we begin laying bricks with our own hands:

This video tutorial will help you to get acquainted with the bricklaying process in detail:

At the end construction works to give the designs aesthetic appearance grout the joints.

Ordering a brick smokehouse

Detailed masonry diagram

From the third row, we begin to lay out the exhaust duct of the future smokehouse.

It is necessary to fix the door of the ash pan and stove. We continue to lay out the exhaust duct.

Laying out the twentieth row, put the jumpers from the corner with shelves to each other.

Front part brick smokehouse cover with a lid to keep the smoke from smoking. For the convenience of placing food in the chamber, we provide iron brackets in the side walls. You just need to drill a hole slightly smaller in diameter than the bracket itself and hammer in with a hammer. The food can now be placed on the wire shelf.

Possible modifications of smokehouses

As already mentioned, smokehouses are very different, making them with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is not to be lazy, to have a great desire. You probably figured out how to make structures for smoking. Moreover, today, thanks to Internet resources, you can get enough information to draw up the correct picture of the construction of smokehouses.

True, it should be said that you can always make a single-tiered or multi-tiered smokehouse on your personal plot, which allows you to smoke different products with your own hands, and not buy them in the supermarket.

There are also horizontal and vertical views, which are easy to build. You can build a smokehouse with a barbecue, this design looks not only aesthetically pleasing, it is quite practical to use. Moreover, it is quite easy to build it with your own hands, the main thing is to draw up a work plan and have drawings, simple tools and building materials at hand.

You must remember that after the construction of the smokehouse is built, it will need to be tested. If, when you first use it, you notice that smoke is coming out of the device, it means that somewhere there are cracks of insufficient tightness. After the malfunctions are eliminated, the smokehouse is working correctly, you can please your own family with delicious and aromatic smoked meats made from meat or fish.

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses on the market for a summer cottage or a private house. But it is much safer to build a brick smokehouse on a garden plot with your own hands. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

What kind of smokehouses are there?

You can smoke chicken legs, bacon, fish, homemade sausage, meat. When smoked, products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-fired smokehouse, you won't be able to achieve this result. No liquid smoke, tea infusions and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

On a personal plot, you can install both a purchased smokehouse and build it from scrap materials with your own hands. A homemade smokehouse can be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from the bucket;
  • from welded metal sheets;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke food in the chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous in terms of fire safety technology.

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, a structure laid out with skillful hands can become a real highlight of the landscape design of the site. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish structure.

Brick smokers differ:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site, you can build both a very small in volume and a fairly impressive size smokehouse. It is recommended to design large smokehouses in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouses of different design can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, pouring hot smoke over the food. Cold smoking implies a hearth of fire slightly distant from the camera so that the smoke can cool down before getting to the food. Products are cooked by hot smoking on average 2.5 hours, but cold smoking will take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the device of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue or barbecue.

What does a smokehouse consist of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • furnaces;
  • blower;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal grates and horizontal beams with hooks;
  • tray for collecting fat.

The wood chips placed in the firebox form thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in a blower located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. It is imperative to install a removable drip tray to collect the resulting grease.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right place for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process is associated with fire, smoke and soot. The main requirement for fire safety is remoteness from residential and utility buildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. It is also necessary to take into account that the area of ​​the selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

The site chosen for construction must be cleared of foreign objects, debris and grass in advance. It is also worth taking care of the necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • refractory bricks;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • materials for roofs;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing the solution.

For high-quality work, experts recommend that beginners prepare a drawing of the structure in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that should be followed when building a smokehouse with their own hands. It will not be superfluous to study the theory, get acquainted with the photos and videos of upcoming works.

Laying the foundation

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to carry out the markup according to the size of the future smokehouse. To do this, use wooden stakes and a cord. For small smokehouses, a 40 cm deep foundation will be sufficient. If a more voluminous structure is being erected, the foundation should be deepened more and reinforced when pouring.

For pouring the foundation, he uses a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, the foundation trench can be laid with construction waste, and poured with concrete on top. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Advice. To ensure waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing material.

It will be useful to equip the basement. To do this, it is necessary to build a wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

We lay out the chimney

The principle of construction of any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal structure. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

A trench of the following dimensions is dug under the chimney in the ground:

  • width - 50 cm;
  • depth - 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully tamped and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that there are two bricks along the length of the chimney, located end-to-end. The chimney channel is limited on one side by the firebox, and on the other - by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The rule of positioning the chamber implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying the chimney, the brick is installed on the edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of bricks. For convenience, it is recommended to perform it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, the solution used must be allowed to dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber by more than 25-30 cm. The layer of soil poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

We lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can start building the smoking section. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular camera. Drawings, photos, videos and step-by-step instructions, widely presented on the Internet, will come to the rescue. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out bricks with high quality. For a home smokehouse, a chamber 1 x 1 m in size and 1.5 m in height will be quite sufficient.

It is advisable to lay the masonry on a clay mortar, laying the brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material and does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, on which a grate or rods with hooks for food will be mounted. In the lower part, it is necessary to provide fastenings for the burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle - fastenings for a removable grease pan.

The top of the chamber is covered with a special cover that regulates the density of the smoke. If the construction of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about the ventilated opening holes. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install the doors and mount the devices for laying out the products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is installed at the end of the chimney opposite to the chamber. Its construction is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small blower is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. From the back or side, the firebox is connected to the chimney.

It is recommended to cover the firebox with bricks from the outside. This will protect it from the effects of precipitation and give a complete appearance to the entire structure. The whole process of erecting a smokehouse on a personal plot can be seen in detail in the video.

DIY step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. Digging a trench for the chimney.
  3. We lay out the brick chimney.
  4. We are building a smoking chamber.
  5. We equip the firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient, and slowly, step by step, do this painstaking work. As a result, the brick smokehouse will serve you for a long time and regularly.

DIY brick smokehouse construction: video

Brick smoker: photo