Quick removal of various types of dirt: how to wash the washing ceiling. My ceiling in the kitchen How to wash the ceiling from soot and soot

Suspended ceilings look great in any interior and combine practicality and sophistication at the same time.

According to their design, suspended ceilings are:

  • Rigid- plasterboard and rack.
  • Soft- stretch ceiling. They are made of polyester fabric or PVC film.

Dirt and dust from time to time accumulating on the ceilings spoils the entire appearance housing. Therefore, ceilings need regular cleaning. Depending on the type of ceiling and the material from which it is made, different cleaning methods are chosen.

At proper care for the material of the ceiling, it will serve its owners for many years. The main thing is to know how and with what to wash the false ceiling.

All owners of such ceilings over time have the question of how to wash suspended ceilings and how to do it.

To care for the surface of the ceiling, you can resort to dry or wet cleaning.

Dry cleaning can only be carried out with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle.

Important! When removing suspended ceilings, you should be especially careful. Excessive pressure on the surface must be avoided. Cleaning can be done with a soft cloth or with a vacuum cleaner with a special soft nozzle.

Sometimes it happens that dry cleaning is not enough, then you should resort to washing the surfaces of the ceilings.

Before you wash suspended ceilings, you need to take into account that the material from which its decoration is made has different level resistance to mechanical stress, therefore, the following means should be avoided:

  • Aggressive detergents (contains acetone, alkali and acids).
  • Materials with high hardness and rigidity (this should be taken into account when choosing sponges and cleaning cloths).
  • Knives, spatula and other sharp tools.
  • Cleaning products with solid particles.

Suspended ceiling how to wash

Self care suspended ceilings will not cause much difficulty. The main thing to remember about the rules of washing and the choice of cleaning products.

Ceiling cleaning tools and products

Store shelves sell a huge selection of cleaning liquids and powders, as well as cleaning tools and accessories.

Advice. When choosing a product, carefully study its composition. Not all detergents are suitable for the surface of ceilings. The agent must not contain acetone. It can spoil the appearance of the material.

Tools you can use:

  • Special products for washing ceilings. They are more expensive, but they easily cope with pollution, do not harm the surface and do not leave streaks.
  • Liquids for washing glass and mirrors and PVC products, which include ammonia.
  • Any dishwashing detergent without granules and abrasive particles.

Advice. Before using any detergent, test it on a small, inconspicuous area.

When cleaning, remember that strong pressure should not be exerted on the surface of the ceilings, as the material may deform.

Ceiling cleaning tools:

  • Dry cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner and a special nozzle made of soft bristles.
  • Washing is carried out with a mop, soft sponges, suede or microfiber cloths, fabrics and rags on a soft basis.

Sequence of work

Before work, we prepare the necessary inventory:

  • ladder;
  • soft wipes;
  • soft sponge;
  • vacuum cleaner with nozzle;
  • special detergents.

Depending on the degree of contamination, different cleaning methods are used. The most difficult thing is to wash the ceilings in the kitchen, as a large amount of grease and soot accumulates on them.

Minor dirt, streaks and dust can be easily removed damp clean cloth, then wipe dry with a circular motion with a dry cloth or rag.

To remove dust and cobwebs, you can use a vacuum cleaner. The brush should be at a distance 2-3 cm from the ceiling and do not touch the surface.

Stubborn soiling can be removed with a soft sponge and detergent diluted in lukewarm water. The surface is cleaned in a circular motion without the use of excessive force.

Then the ceiling is washed clean water.

After all procedures, the surface is wiped dry and polished by special means , glass cleaner or 10% ammonia solution.

Glossy ceiling surface

Such ceilings are best cleaned with a glass cleaner or special cleaners for glossy and mirrored ceilings. To carry out work you need:

  • Use soft suede or microfiber cloths or special cleaning cloths.
  • To achieve the original shine of the ceiling, after cleaning it can be rubbed with ammonia in a circular motion.
  • After treatment, the surface is wiped dry with a dry, clean cloth.

Matte suspended ceiling

It is much easier to take care of such ceilings, because after wet cleaning there are no streaks left on them at all.

Can be used for cleaning water vapor or washing with any detergent approved for use on suspended ceilings.

After washing, the canvas must be wiped dry and polished if necessary.

fabric ceilings

The most fragile and capricious suspended ceilings are fabric stretch ceilings.

For cleaning such surfaces do not use glass cleaners, since the dyes included in the composition can spoil the color and structure of the canvas.

fabric ceilings cannot be brushed in a circular motion. There will be many divorces.

Ceilings are cleaned with a dry cloth, strong dirt can be wiped with a powder solution or a special agent.

My false ceiling in the kitchen

Ceilings most often get dirty in this room. To ordinary dust are added greasy spots and soot.

The surface of the ceilings in the kitchen is washed in the same way as in other rooms.

To clean the ceiling from grease and soot will help ordinary dishwashing liquids and ammonia.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video on how to clean ceilings:

All of the above methods are suggested to be used by both manufacturers of special detergents and professional cleaners. In the case of installing stretch ceilings, the manufacturer usually leaves instructions for cleaning and caring for the canvas.

The most important thing is that if you carefully handle suspended ceilings, carry out regular cleaning only with authorized means, they will serve their owners for many years.

Cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen is not a daily or even weekly procedure. If the kitchen is equipped with a good hood, then cleaning is carried out no more than once every six months. However, washing surfaces is not always easy: the pollution here is very specific.

Tools and Tools

How to wash the ceiling in the kitchen depends on the nature of the surface: the properties of water-based paint and stretch film are very different. But the tools are almost always the same:

  • a mop with a soft nozzle, preferably with a movable one;
  • brush on a long handle;
  • water container - basin, bucket;
  • soft cloth for wiping, napkins;
  • detergents corresponding to the type of ceiling surface.

It is also advisable not to neglect protective equipment: glasses protect the eyes from the ingress of small solid particles, and gloves protect the skin of the hands from the aggressive action of detergents.

Ceiling cleaning - painted or whitewashed

Despite the diversity ceiling structures the most common finishing methods are still staining or even whitewashing. This method is the most affordable, but, unfortunately, it does not differ in durability and wear resistance.

  • Whitewashing with chalk or lime eliminates wet cleaning, even the simplest. The only way to bring the ceiling surface into relative order is to gently clean the soot stains with a dry brush. Grease and colored stains cannot be removed: when touched with a damp or wet cloth, even if the stain can be removed, streaks or gray spots remain.

Whitewashing has to be repeated every year, or even six months, to keep the kitchen in order.

  • Coloring water-based paint provides more durable results. This paint dries quickly and is odorless. However, its solvent is water, and therefore the painted ceiling is afraid of the action of water.

If possible, the surface should be cleaned with a dry brush.

If the stains from soot and grease are stable, use warm water with the addition of laundry soap and soda. It is better to do without a mop and brushes and clean the surface by hand.

  • Rare, but staining still occurs oil paint. The latter is not afraid of water: you can wash the ceiling warm water with the addition of washing powder. In case of severe contamination, pressure and the use of special means are allowed.

Ceiling covered with wallpaper

if used paper wallpaper, then it is not possible to cook anything with them. The surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Noticeable stains from soot or grease can be carefully removed with a damp cloth. But this method is only suitable for small areas, since scuffs remain after the stains, and the pattern is erased.

Water-repellent or non-woven wallpaper also allows wet cleaning. Certainly, we are talking with a damp cloth and a mild detergent solution.

Plastic ceiling panels

The material is resistant to wear, perfectly tolerates and high dampness, and hot steam. One more useful propertyplastic panels do not absorb dirt, grease and soot, so they are washed without much difficulty.

  • Use a mild soapy solution, water with the addition of a neutral detergent. If the lamellas white color, then you can wash the ceiling from soot with water and bleach - for 10 liters 2 tablespoons of bleach.
  • It is most convenient to work with a mop with a microfiber nozzle, or a brush with a long handle.
  • After applying the soapy solution, rinse the plastic with clean water and wipe dry with a napkin. Especially when it comes to glossy panels, on which stains are very noticeable. In the photo - the working moment of cleaning.

Stretch ceiling cleaning

PVC film does not absorb dirt and grease at all, so it is quite easy to clean it.

  • You can also clean the film during dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, but you need to make sure that the nozzle does not touch the surface.
  • Wet cleaning is carried out with a napkin or soft cloth- microfiber. Hard brushes are not used, they are easy to damage or scratch the surface.
  • For washing, use warm water with the addition of a mild detergent - ordinary or special. If the canvas is glossy, alcohol-based window cleaners are perfect.
  • After cleaning, the surface must be wiped dry to avoid streaks. Glossy canvases are wiped with a solution of ammonia - in this way it is easy to restore the lacquer shine to the surface.

The video demonstrates the cleaning of ceilings of different plans.

Most of the dust, grease, and smoke tends to settle on ceilings, especially in kitchens, laundry rooms, and near doors, windows, and fireplaces. Grey, black and yellow spots smoke not only looks unpleasant, but also contributes to the deterioration of paint and drywall. Fortunately, with proper preparation and proper assessment of the source of the stain, cleaning a ceiling from smoke stains is not difficult.


Part 1

Prepare work surface

    Take care of ventilation. If you have to deal with caustic cleaners, you first need to make sure that the area is well ventilated. This can be achieved different ways but the easiest is to open a window and turn on the fan.

    • If there are no windows in the room, leave the door open and turn the fan on as high as possible.
  1. Lay the film under the work area. Particles of soot and smoke can fall from the ceiling to the floor, so the presence of a film will facilitate subsequent cleaning. This is especially true for walls and ceilings with traces of damage from smoke and soot, because during the cleaning process, the soot will begin to flake off and crumble.

    • The film can also be used to catch dust and stray cleaner drops that could damage the floor. Alternatively, the floor can be covered with a thick tarpaulin.
  2. Put on strong rubber gloves. Some cleaning agents are quite caustic and should not come into direct contact with the skin. Choose a pair of thick rubber gloves. Do not use thin latex medical gloves as they can easily tear and even melt or burn when exposed to some cleaning solutions.

    • Most rubber gloves on the market are strong enough for this job. Be sure to check out the home improvement section of your local hardware store.
  3. Put on a protective mask. Since debris can fall from the ceiling, eye protection must be provided. Choose between a simple mouth and nose mask and a respiratory mask depending on the amount of air circulation in the room.

    • To protect your hair and eyebrows from falling debris (although not dangerous), wear a head protection.
  4. Take a stepladder. Use a sturdy stepladder to reach the ceiling and top of the walls, and avoid flimsy outdoor stools or ladders. A stepladder will allow you to achieve greater stability, without which it will be difficult for you to clean the ceiling.

    Part 2

    Clean the ceiling of soot
    1. Vacuum your work surface. Vacuum the walls and ceiling that need to be cleaned before you start cleaning. Dust can stick to soot and oil deposits from smoke stains. Vacuum the dust to reduce cleaning time and the amount of rags and cleaner used.

      • Vacuuming is especially important for acoustic ceilings and other uneven surfaces, since with the help of water and a rag you simply cannot penetrate all the cracks.

      Michelle Driscoll is the owner of Mulberry Maids cleaning service in Colorado. She received her Master of Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health in 2016 and understands the importance of a clean environment to health.

      Founder of Mulberry Maids

      If the ceiling has a porous structure, use only a vacuum cleaner and a dry sponge. According to cleaning professional Michelle Driscoll, porous ceiling tiles absorb soot, which is difficult to remove. Vacuum the tile first to remove as much grime as possible, and then wipe the tile with a dry sponge or grime remover to remove dirt and grime. Do not wipe porous tiles with a damp sponge. If the ceiling is significantly damaged, it is best to replace the tiles or hire a professional to clean the ceiling.

      Wipe off the dust with a dry towel or sponge. Wipe off the remaining dust from the vacuum cleaner with a dry towel or sponge.

      • To remove soot and smoke stains, there are special sponges. You can find them at most hardware stores.
    2. Treat the work area with a grease remover. If the surface of the stain is small enough, start cleaning with a degreasing dishwashing detergent. To clean a larger surface, you will need a more powerful tool. Sodium orthophosphate will quickly corrode grease, soot and stains, which will greatly facilitate the entire cleaning process.

      • Sodium orthophosphate should never come into contact with bare skin, so be sure to wear gloves. Also, be sure to use a cleaning rag or sponge that you don't mind, as sodium orthophosphate can cause discoloration and wear of the material.
      • For a milder alternative, use 1 cup (240 ml) of ammonia diluted in a bucket of hot water.
    3. Wipe the stain with a clean cloth or sponge. After spraying the product, wipe off the solution and soot with confident movements. If there is a lot of soot on the ceiling, you will have to use several rags or sponges and often wash off all the collected dirt from them.

      Continue cleaning with degreaser until all soot is removed. One pass of a degreaser may not be enough, especially if it is a large area covered with a thick layer of plaque. Continue to treat the ceiling with a degreaser until all traces of stains and soot have been removed.

      • In case of significant damage to the treated surface, add more cleaner to the solution, but only in small portions.

    Part 3

    Remove cigarette smoke stains
    1. Scrape off hardened resin drops. Cigarette smoke can leave yellow droplets on ceilings and walls. Before proceeding with cleaning the ceiling from stains, the frozen drops must be scraped off. Use a butter knife or spatula for this.

      • If there are a lot of drops on the surface of the ceiling, then during or after their removal, part of the drywall may fall off. In such a case, you will most likely need to replace the ceilings first before proceeding.
    2. Mix water with vinegar or sodium orthophosphate solution. After removing the resin drops, prepare enough solution of vinegar or sodium orthophosphate so that the damaged area can be covered several times. For small spaces, such as a bathroom, a 4-liter bucket will suffice. For best results, follow the instructions on the cleaner's packaging.

    3. Apply vinegar or sodium orthophosphate to the ceiling. Dip a rag or sponge into the solution and wring it out gently so that the solution does not get on your face. Put on gloves and apply the cleaning solution to the stain.

      • Dip and wring out the cloth or sponge again when it is completely soiled.

Stretch ceiling systems appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to prove themselves perfectly. Everything large quantity people installs such structures in their homes. This is understandable, because they are reliable, beautiful and durable. Stretch ceilings do not need special care- it is enough to wipe them from dust several times a year, and then remove dirt to maintain their beautiful appearance.

Although they are made from materials that do not attract dust and are not affected by microorganisms and mold, it still does not hurt to know how to clean stretch ceilings. The ceiling can be dirty, for example, by carelessly opening a bottle of champagne. Also, the canvas may simply fade after a while. If tensile structure installed in the kitchen, you will have to clean it often, because grease and soot will collect on it.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how and with what to clean the stretch ceiling so as not to damage the surface and achieve a good result.

How to choose a cleanser

How to clean stretch ceilings is an urgent question. For general cleaning, it is recommended to use a soft, lint-free cloth that does not leave small lint on the surface, and liquid detergent without chemical active substances. For example, soapy water or dishwashing liquid will work. The cleaning agent is selected based on the material from which the ceiling is made and its texture.

If the surface is slightly dirty, there are only a few spots that are easily wiped off, then it is usually enough to wipe it with a dry cloth. fabric ceiling can be brushed with a long soft bristle brush. You can also vacuum the surface, just be careful. As for how to clean the tension glossy ceiling, then products containing alcohol are perfect for this purpose (in more detail: ""). Such a composition can be made independently by mixing ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 9. Special polishes and aerosols have been created for stretch ceilings. To clean it from glue that got on it, for example, during wallpapering, it is recommended to use TM Fairy dishwashing detergent. In the event that this does not help, you must contact the company that installed the ceiling structure.

Such ceilings have sufficient strength and rigidity, so you should not be afraid to damage them. But, nevertheless, when choosing means for cleaning stretch ceilings, you need to remember that abrasive substances can ruin the canvas in a decorative way, in other words, scratch it, turning it into a spectacular shiny surface in nondescript matte. To make sure the product is safe, it is better to test its properties on scraps of fabric left after installation.

How to care for a stretch ceiling

About the properties of the materials from which it is made ceiling system, you can find out from the experts who installed it. They are well aware of the features, so they will be able to tell you how to clean the stretch ceiling with various types of pollution. Tension cloth cleaning has the following features.

To create a structure, a smooth film with antistatic properties is usually used, so frequent maintenance of the surface is not required. You can vacuum the ceilings no more than once a month, and you need to wash it with soapy water or other detergent a couple of times a year (more: ""). In progress wet cleaning you should be careful, but you don’t need to worry too much about the coating - good canvases, if they are also correctly installed, do not sag and tolerate light mechanical stress well.

Cleaning the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

To clean the surface of the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, you need to put on a wide, smooth, lint-free nozzle on it and reduce the power to a minimum so that the canvas is not attracted to it during cleaning. If included with household appliance there is no suitable nozzle or there is no possibility of adjusting the power, then cleaning should be done in a non-contact way. In other words, the nozzle must be at a safe distance from the ceiling surface. As for everything else, cleaning the ceiling surface with a vacuum cleaner is no different from cleaning the floor and other surfaces.

Cleaning stretch ceiling, video example:

Stretch ceiling cleaning

Be sure to know how to clean stretch ceilings and what is needed for this. The easiest way to clean the surface is with a microfiber cloth or soft sponge, although the first option is preferable.

As for how to clean the glossy stretch ceiling, you can use a window glass cleaner containing alcohol for this. It is used according to the instructions: spray on the surface and wipe dry with a napkin or rag. Alcohol-based stretch ceiling cleaner perfectly cleans and enhances the glossy shine.

There is nothing complicated in how to clean a stretch ceiling. This does not require special expensive detergents, and the cleaning process itself does not take much time. If you pay attention to the ceiling and wash it several times a year, then it will retain an attractive appearance for many years.

December 1, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing work and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The article is addressed to those whose ceiling in the kitchen has turned yellow and stained. In it I will tell you how to wash the ceiling from soot and grease with minimal cost time and effort. You need to complete several simple recommendations which are tested by experience and proved their effectiveness.

How to wash ceilings of different types

I will talk about how to clean three types of coatings:

  1. Surfaces painted with water-based paint;
  2. Ceilings covered with oil and alkyd paints;
  3. Stretch fabrics.

Each of the options has its own characteristics, so what is good for a stretch ceiling is not suitable for paint and vice versa. It is important to choose what you need and follow all the tips to ensure that you get a good result and not ruin anything.

Option 1 - washing ceilings painted with water-based compositions

To begin with, you must learn one thing: you can only wash those surfaces that are painted with moisture-resistant compounds. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, choose washable paints based on acrylic or latex. This will save you a lot of problems later on.

If your ceiling is still painted regular paint, then you can clean it up like this:

  • First, the surface must be vacuumed to remove all contaminants from the surface;
  • Take a dry brush with bristles of medium hardness. Her surface is processed wherever it is required. If the cleaning did not help, then it is better to repaint the ceiling moisture resistant composition so that you can easily clean it up later.

Always wear safety goggles when cleaning the ceiling. When working, splashes of detergent inevitably fall down, and without eye protection it will be difficult to work.

If your ceiling is painted with washable paint, then this greatly simplifies the workflow. Let's figure out how to wash the ceiling from soot in this case:

  • For work, we need a cloth or sponge, as well as dish detergent. The same Fae is great for work;

  • You will also need a bucket for the cleaning solution and a ladder-ladder or from which you will freely reach the ceiling;

  • Work begins with the fact that the surface is vacuumed;
  • The cleaning solution is being prepared. To do this, a little detergent is added to 5 liters of warm water, after which the composition is stirred until foam is formed;

  • Work begins with any area, you need to carefully wipe the surface with a sponge. If necessary, the work is repeated until all contaminants are removed;
  • You can use a microfiber mop instead of a sponge. Then you can wash the ceiling much faster. But if you do not have such a device, you can do without it;

  • After treatment with a detergent, you need to walk with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture and remove all stains from the surface.

Option 2 - cleaning surfaces painted with oil paint

This type of finish is often found, so you should deal with it. Paints of this type protect the material from moisture very well and create a strong film on the surface, which is easy to clean.

Let's figure out how to wash such ceilings:

  • For work, a sponge or rag is used. Brushes should not be used, as they can damage the surface;
  • Best used as a detergent special formulations for washing dishes from soot. They perfectly wash away soot from a ceiling painted with an oil or alkyd composition. I usually use "MasterCleaner", and it suits me completely;

    • Cleaning solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package. They clean the surface thoroughly. If necessary, processing is done again;
  • After washing, moisten a cloth in warm clean water and wipe the surface again. This will remove the remaining dirt and stains.

If you have places where soot has accumulated (most often they form near the hood), then they need to be treated with a special compound. Take 100 grams hot water, in which 50-100 grams are dissolved blue vitriol. Such a tool very effectively fights soot that has settled on a smooth surface.

Briefly tell you how to clean the lime. Whitewash does not tolerate water, so it can only be processed with a soft brush. If such cleaning did not help, then you will have to apply the composition again.

Option 3 - washing stretch ceilings

This type of coating is becoming more and more popular. For the kitchen, it fits perfectly: it does not absorb dirt and grease and washes well if you know how to do it right. To work, you need a certain list of tools and devices, everything is in the table.

Do-it-yourself instructions look like this:

  • If there is dust on the canvas, then it must either be brushed off with a dry cloth or removed with a vacuum cleaner. In the second case, you do not need to touch the surface so that the vacuum cleaner does not damage the material;
  • Detergent is best purchased in the form of an aerosol, then you can quickly apply it to a separate area. If you have a composition that is diluted with water, then after preparing it, moisten the nozzle of the mop, wring it out and put it on the working unit;
  • Washing is simple: the surface is wiped with a mop with little effort. If you press hard, you may damage the canvas. You need to carefully go section by section until the entire surface is clear;

  • The question is often asked, how to wash off the ceiling after cleaning it? In fact, nothing needs to be washed off, the work is done with a dry microfiber cloth. Her surface is gently wiped to remove all stains from the mop. Just look at the ceiling, and where you see streaks, rub them off.

Further information: washing after a fire

I want to tell you about how to wash the ceiling after a fire. In such cases, the surface is covered with a thick layer of soot, and if you just start washing it or scrub it with a brush, it will clog into the pores so that you are unlikely to remove it. To achieve the best result, you need to follow the surface cleaning technology.

First, let's figure out what you need to work:

  • First of all, purchase protective equipment: a respirator, goggles and gloves. There should be a hat on the head, and clothes should be such that it can be thrown away after work - it is impossible to remove things from soot;

  • Vacuum cleaner with powerful dust suction;
  • Hard-bristled brush;
  • Sponges for soot (several pieces);

  • A basin for detergent composition and detergent (Fairy is also possible). Collect as many rags as you need.

The work is done in the following order:

  • The floor is covered with a covering film so that soot does not fall on it;
  • A vacuum cleaner is taken and everything that is possible is removed in the most powerful suction mode. Do not touch the ceiling with a pipe or brush, run along the surface;

  • Next, you need to take a stiff brush and sweep the soot from the ceiling with sharp movements. Try to rip off the soot, and not rub it into the surface. It is better to move in one direction, so the purification is better;
  • A special sponge allows you to remove even more soot, she also needs to work with jerky movements in one direction. As the sponges become dirty, they are thrown away and new ones are taken;
  • A cleaning solution is being prepared, after which the surface is wiped several times with the help of rags with the same sweeping movements. As they get dirty, the rags are thrown away, and detergent composition replaced with fresh
  • The finished base is primed several times with a penetrating compound, after which it can be puttied and painted.