Do-it-yourself installation of plastic sewer pipes. How to install sewer pipes with your own hands? Bonding PVC sewer pipes

The sewerage system is one of the main engineering communications, which are equipped with all comfortable houses. As a rule, sewage disposal systems are assembled at the stage of building a house, but it is possible to equip a house with a sewerage system that has long been put into operation. In connection with the spread of plastic pipes, it became possible to install sewer pipes with your own hands. Since it is much easier to assemble a pipeline from polymer parts than from metal pipes and fittings.

Plastic pipes, which are used today for the equipment of sewage systems, have a lot of advantages. They are not subject to corrosion, resistant to the adverse effects of aggressive environments, and are distinguished by mechanical strength.

Sewer pipeline device

But one of the main advantages of plastic pipes is the ease of installation. Thanks to this quality, many home craftsmen refuse the services of professional installers and assemble sewers on their own.

This solution allows you to reduce the cost of building or reconstructing a house. However, do not forget that there are certain norms and rules for the installation of sewer pipes, compliance with which is mandatory.

When installing sewer pipes, we must not forget about the features of the operation of the sewer pipeline. Firstly, not only liquid, but also various solid inclusions enter this system, and secondly, the system, in most cases, is built by gravity, that is, the liquid is mixed through the pipes due to gravity, and not artificially created pressure.

Why choose plastic?

If a sewerage system is being installed in a private house or apartment, in most cases plastic pipes are chosen. These products offer the following benefits:

  • Minor weight. This quality facilitates the processes of loading, transportation and installation. Plastic pipes can be easily laid with your own hands, even without the involvement of assistants.
  • Life time. Cast iron sewer is valued for its long service life, but plastic can also last for decades before it needs to be replaced.

  • Tightness. If the connections are made correctly, the system will be completely sealed.
  • Resistance to aggressive influences. V sewer drains may contain various household chemicals, including aggressive ones containing acids and alkalis. Therefore, it is important that the pipeline is resistant to the negative effects of aggressive environments.
  • The ability to self-clean. Plastic pipes have an absolutely smooth inner surface. And this favorably distinguishes this material from cast-iron pipes, in which the inner surface is rough. The smoothness of the inner walls reduces the likelihood of blockages in the system.
  • Easy installation. A huge advantage of plastic pipes is the fact that they are easy to install. Many owners try to carry out repairs in a private house or apartment, and the ability to do the installation yourself is a big plus. After all, this reduces the cost of repairs. Using plastic pipes and fittings, you can assemble a pipeline of any configuration.

Pipe diameters and slopes

Thus, when constructing a pipeline, it is very important to correctly select the diameter of the pipes and maintain their slope angle. The choice of pipe diameter in the internal network is carried out depending on which plumbing fixture will be connected to this section of the pipeline:

  • When connecting a washbasin, it is allowed to use pipes with a diameter of 32-40 mm.
  • When connecting to the sink system in the kitchen and bathroom, it is recommended to take pipes with a cross section of 50 mm.
  • With the simultaneous connection of several plumbing fixtures, outlet pipes with a size of 70-85 mm are used.
  • To organize a drain from the toilet bowl and the construction of a common riser, pipes with a cross section of 100-110 mm are used.

If it is necessary to turn the pipeline, the assembly of sewer pipes is carried out by installing bends with an angle of more than 90 degrees. Since the presence of sharp bends in the pipeline can lead to blockages in this place.

It is extremely important to maintain the correct level of slope of the pipeline. It is clear that if the slope is insufficient, then the system will not work effectively, since the drains through the pipes will move too slowly. But it is also forbidden to perform too steep a slope, because in this case, the water will leave too quickly, not having time to wash off solid waste.

Advice! The slope of the sewer pipes is chosen so that the velocity of the liquid in the pipes is 0.7 -1 m / s. Exact value the slope depends on the diameter of the pipes and is, as a rule, from 2 to 15 percent.

Pipe cutting methods

Before installing sewer pipes, they must be adjusted in length. Cutting can be done in the following ways:

  • If you need to cut a large number of pipes, it makes sense to use a special pipe cutting machine. It cuts cleanly, no post-cutting is required.
  • A high-quality cut can also be obtained using a special saw for plastic pipes with a wide blade.

  • In the absence of a special tool for cutting, you can use a hacksaw for metal with a fine tooth.
  • If it is necessary to cut pipes in a limited space, then a thin cable equipped with handles on both sides is used as a tool.

Advice! Whatever method of cutting pipes is used, it is necessary that the cut be made strictly perpendicular, and that there are no burrs at the ends of the segments.

Connection Methods for Pipes and Fittings

If you install sewer pipes with your own hands, then the connection individual elements the pipeline is carried out in a socket way. This connection method is quite reliable and, at the same time, simple.

Its implementation does not require the use of special equipment and tools. The end of the pipe is simply inserted into the socket, and the tightness of the connection is ensured by the presence of a rubber sealing ring.

In the event that the installation of sewer PVC pipes, sometimes a connection method is used, which is called chemical welding. To implement this connection method, special adhesive compositions are used.

Methods for inserting into a sewer pipe

There are situations in life when there is a need to attach an additional branch to existing system sewerage. Consider how to crash into a sewer pipe if general system assembled from plastic or metal pipes.

Installing a tee on metal pipes

To connect an additional sewer branch to common pipe a tee may be required. If the sewerage is assembled from metal pipes, the work is done as follows:

  • A piece of pipe is cut that matches the length of the tee.
  • The tee is installed in place of the cut in the form of a coupling.
  • Seams are welded.

Cutting into a plastic pipe

If the overall system is assembled from plastic, it is inserted into the pipe without welding:

  • A piece of pipe is selected, on which there is a branch pipe of the desired size.
  • A blank is cut out of this segment, in which the branch pipe itself and a small part of the pipe are left, which can block the cut in the main pipe.
  • In the main pipe, using a crown nozzle on a drill, a hole is drilled, which in diameter exactly matches the size of the nozzle on the workpiece.
  • The inner surface of the workpiece and the surface around the hole on the main pipe is lubricated with a silicone-based sealant.
  • The blank with a branch pipe is superimposed on the pipe and clamped with clamps, the tie-in into the plastic sewer pipe is completed.

Advice! The clamp must not be overtightened, as with excessive force the pipe may burst. A sign that the tightening is sufficient will be the sealant protruding beyond the edges of the part.

How to prevent the formation of blockages?

Clogged sewerage is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, during the installation process, you should pay close attention correct location pipes. Pipe slopes should be precisely maintained, since it is the violation of this parameter that most often leads to the formation of blockage.

Be sure to install on the pipeline special fittings for cleaning, closed with plugs. Such a measure will help to relatively easily eliminate the blockage, if it does form. It is necessary to install such fittings for pipeline maintenance every 15 meters in straight sections, as well as in places of sharp turns in the pipeline.

Quality control

Having completed installation work, you need to test the system to make sure that the connections are completely tight and the system is functioning properly. To carry out the test, it is necessary to turn on the water supply in all plumbing fixtures.

The water should leave quickly enough, if the liquid is drawn up to half the sink (with the drain hole open), then the sewerage system has insufficient capacity.

In addition, you need to carefully inspect the joints of the pipes for leaks. You can put a sheet of paper under each joint in advance. The presence of wet spots indicates insufficient tightness of the field connection. The connection with the defect must be redone using silicone sealant.

So, the installation of sewer pipes is a crucial stage in the construction of a wastewater disposal system. When performing this work, it is extremely important to comply with the rules and regulations adopted in modern construction.

The main difference between plastic pipes and cast-iron counterparts is the ease of assembly.

Whereas in the past heavy cast iron products were installed using sulfur and oiled rope, today the installation process is much simpler. To assemble modern cylindrical structures, it is enough to stock up rubber seals. In this case, the mass of plastic pipes is of no small importance. Due to their light weight, their assembly resembles a game of children's constructor.

First you need to determine where the plumbing fixtures will be installed. To do this, a plan is drawn up, which indicates all the necessary components. The next step is to calculate the dimensions.

It often happens that products do not fit in length. They need to be shortened special tool. The ends of the cut pipes must be cleaned. If this is not done, household waste will begin to accumulate in the butt joints, which can cause leaks.

Installation with a minimum of blockages

How to properly install

Docking plastic products causes no difficulty. The connection of parts must be reliable and tight so that the sewerage system has served for more than a dozen years. For this, there are several types gaskets, which are divided into the following groups:

  • single-feather;
  • two-feather;
  • equipped with a plastic ring.

Beginners believe that such elements are not required to be installed. When the pipes are equipped with single-feather rubber bands, their assembly is easy, even special lubrication is not required. But parts equipped with two-feather gaskets or having a plastic ring are quite difficult to assemble. This is the reason for ignoring the installation of gaskets.

The operation of the entire system depends on how correctly the sealing part is installed in the socket. Not even the slightest distortion is allowed. In order to avoid leaks, deformed rubber must be immediately replaced with another, absolutely even one.

To improve the slip of the gaskets, you can use any tool:

  • soap;
  • cleaning solution;
  • "Vaseline".

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the material and its reaction to the lubricant, because an incorrectly selected viscous substance can cause the rubber to harden after a few months.

A solid seal is not able to hold water flows. The joints will start to leak. Applying detergent, it is necessary to check whether it contains aggressive substances that destroy the seal. Soap, on the other hand, does not have a strong effect on rubber, but it creates a film that begins to break down over time, which in turn provokes clogging. In this regard, it is recommended to use only a special lubricant, which contains silicone.

The most a big problem, which has to be solved, is the creation of a flat surface of the ends. factory product necessarily has a special chamfer at the end, which facilitates the joining of parts. When the pipe is adjusted, this element is cut off. Therefore, it has to be done again with your own hands.

To do this, the end of the pipe is turned with a grinder. It is not possible to achieve perfect smoothness, the surface of the chamfer becomes rough. It is not easy to assemble such products, but the quality of the connection does not suffer from this.

The quality of the entire assembly depends on how well the pipeline was fastened. Otherwise, the tightness of the joint will be broken, as a result of which a leak may occur or a counter slope may form. This situation can lead to constipation.

Cylindrical structures are fastened in increments of 1 meter near each socket.

Bonding PVC sewer pipes

Such products can be assembled without the use of a viscous composition: the pressure in the system is low, the joints are perfectly held by o-rings.

However, if necessary, the craftsmen resort to the adhesive method of fastening. To ensure high-quality sealing, it is required to glue each pipe, having previously cleaned its ends.

Before starting this work, you need to make sure that the connections of the parts are secure and the quality of their fit. A cylindrical product should easily enter 2/3 into the socket. Its further movement is performed with a slight interference.

For better adhesion, the parts to be glued are treated with a special sandpaper until the desired roughness is obtained.

There is a large selection on sale. adhesive compositions for PVC products, which also include a cleaner.

The gluing technology looks very simple. The surface is degreased with a cleaner, which is applied in a thin layer with an ordinary brush.

Next, the pipe is covered with glue, while the seat is lubricated less abundantly. After applying the adhesive, the fitting is put on. If the connection turned out to be of high quality, the circumference of the pipe near the joint will be covered with an even layer of glue, similar to a roller.

In order for the parts to stick together well, they need to be pressed tightly and held for 30 seconds. To fill possible voids, the joint is additionally smeared with a brush.

Only straight sections are allowed to be glued. Hard to reach places, where a blockage can form, it is not worth lubricating with glue. For this purpose, it is sufficient to use an o-ring.

How to choose the right pipe slope

This parameter is very important when creating sewer system. The angle of inclination is selected taking into account the location of the cylindrical structures. It should not be large, since the water will begin to drain very quickly, the contents will not have time to leave along with the flow of liquid and will remain on the walls. This can cause clogging. For internal sewerage, the slope should be made at the rate of 1 cm per 1 m of pipeline length.

To fix the pipes to the wall and create a passage through existing structures, stops are installed on open cylindrical products. For vertical section a step of 1 m is maintained, for a horizontal one - 40 cm. Usually, these parts are installed under the socket.

Cylindrical PVC structures and steel clamps must be separated from each other by sealing parts made of rubber. Usually they are included in the set of stops and the mentioned connecting elements.

If it is necessary to lay a pipe through a foundation or ceiling, a cylindrical product must be wrapped with several layers of roofing material. The resulting hole is filled cement mixture or concrete mortar. After completion of the installation of sewage from plastic pipes, the system is tested for tightness. The reliability of the connections should not cause any doubts.

Leak test

A similar procedure is carried out specifically to detect leaks, determine poor-quality assembly and poor fastening. To do this, the sewer outlet is closed with a plug. The system is filled with water, rising to the first floor. There should be no leaks at the joints, which confirms the reliability and tightness of the structure.

Laying sewerage is not difficult. It doesn't take long to do this kind of work. However, a beginner who does not have construction skills and knowledge technological process It is recommended to turn to professionals who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

The main purpose of sewer pipes is the withdrawal of dirty waste water outside the settlement and industrial enterprises.

Today, cast-iron and plastic pipes are used to equip the sewerage system, but the former is preferred, since in addition to convenient installation, they have good performance.

Properties of sewer cast iron pipes


  • resistance to corrosion;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • noiselessness;
  • fire safety;
  • able to withstand heavy loads without violating the integrity and connections;
  • optimal diameter allows self-cleaning;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • high wear resistance.


  • the properties of this material can be affected by: seismically active zone, weak soil and saline soils;
  • installation of cast-iron sewer pipes requires special accuracy and accuracy in work;
  • connecting them by the socket method is a long and laborious process;
  • with their help, not all projects can be implemented;
  • when installing, it is necessary to observe exact centering;
  • the number of pipes of different diameters should be limited;
  • the occurrence of such a system should be up to 10 m;
  • metal consumption;
  • significant weight;
  • rough inner surface creates resistance to water flow;
  • high price.

Properties of plastic sewer pipes

Types of plastic pipes for sewerage:

1. PVC pipes (gray or orange).


  • resistant to sub-zero temperatures;
  • have good strength;
  • have increased mechanical and chemical wear resistance of the inner surface;
  • short-term working temperature— 80°С, maximum — 40°С.

According to the strength class, they are divided into:

  • medium (equipped under a small roadway);
  • light (not used under roads and mounted at shallow depths);
  • heavy (laid under large industrial enterprises and highways).

2. Polypropylene pipes(grey).


  • unlike PVC pipes, polypropylene pipes are less rigid;
  • have increased heat resistance;
  • can function at temperatures up to 80 ° C;
  • scope — sewer internal networks;
  • burn badly;
  • not suitable for arranging external sewage and laying it in the ground;
  • have insufficient rigidity;
  • can be damaged by rodents.

3. Corrugated polyethylene pipes.


  • installation of corrugated sewer pipes is carried out exclusively in the external sewer;
  • they are laid in the ground to a depth of 15 m;
  • the outer corrugated wall gives them increased strength;
  • a smooth inner wall ensures the normal movement of water;
  • sometimes such pipes are made from polypropylene.

Rules for the installation of sewer pipes

Plastic sewer pipes, which are installed using fittings, provide the highest quality connection. If butt welding is used, then it is recommended to use it when installing a hidden pipeline.

The principles of installing a sewer system can be divided into:

  • installation of sewer pipes in the house (internal);
  • external installation of the sewerage.

Rules for installing the internal system

  • when creating a sewer installation, it is desirable to use as few joints and turns as possible;
  • it is necessary to use pipes with a diameter of 50-100 mm;
  • the angle of inclination of the pipes can vary from 1-2 cm/m;
  • when equipping pipes made of plastic, it is recommended to use additional lubrication;
  • revisions should be provided at each turn;
  • when fixing the material with plumbing fixtures, transition cuffs made of rubber and a sleeve should be used;
  • risers should be fixed from the bottom up with clamps;
  • PP pipes are cut with a special hacksaw or grinder;
  • when installing sewer pipes in an apartment from the remnants of the material, the latter are connected using repair shaped couplings;
  • docking of PP pipes using sockets does not imply additional sealing.

Rules for installing external sewerage

  • such sewerage is installed in trenches equipped below the level of soil freezing;

  • if necessary, as well as at a sewerage system laying depth of up to 0.5 m, it is recommended to insulate it with fiberglass;
  • lined at the bottom of the trench sand cushion a layer of 10-15 cm;
  • the laid sewer pipe is covered with sand from the sides and rammed;
  • at the corners, as well as every 25 m, revision wells are equipped;
  • the finished system is displayed in cesspool or connected to a septic tank.

Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes

Sewer pipe installation technology

  • installation of the sewerage system begins with a diagram of the future network. So it is necessary to visually try on the project at the place of its future location and draw up an approximate drawing. The turns and all the necessary fittings will be marked here. In addition, you should calculate the total footage of pipes with a small margin;
  • if the branches of the system are located in the same horizontal plane, then all connections are installed using oblique tees and are made with bends at an angle of up to 45 °;
  • each turn must be equipped with access for revision;
  • it is strictly forbidden to fix pipes in a horizontal plane at an angle of 90 °;
  • the riser for the sewerage system must be equipped with a ventilation pipe;
  • the fan pipe is brought to a height of 0.5 m of the roof level;
  • sewerage can be laid inside walls and floors;
  • internal installation of sewer pipes, the price of which depends on the building material used, is created with a slope of 1-2 cm per meter of pipeline;
  • a larger slope is permissible only in areas no more than 1.5 m from the riser;
  • it is not recommended to create air gaps between concrete and a sewer pipe;
  • the thickness of the plaster layer should be from 2 cm;
  • when laying pipes from the outside, they are fixed with ordinary clamps with a fastening step of 10D;
  • risers are fixed every 1-1.5 m;
  • from the wall to the riser pipe there must be a distance of less than 5 mm;
  • it is obligatory to fasten the pipeline under the socket.

Video installation of sewer pipes:


To date, the market offers a fairly wide range of pipes for sewerage. Most modern products are made of plastic, and this is not surprising: this material has a number of positive qualities, which allows them to be used in sewer systems. Plastic pipes perfectly withstand the impact of aggressive environments, which is very important when working with domestic wastewater.

Also, such pipes are lightweight, so the installation of sewer pipes with your own hands becomes quite possible, and special equipment is not required. In addition, plastic pipes have a smooth inner surface, which significantly reduces the risk of clogging and rapid wear, since it is much more difficult for solids to linger in them.

An important advantage that emphasizes all of the above is the low cost of plastic pipes, so they are optimally suited for the sewer system.

Despite all the advantages of plastic pipes, their installation should still be given due attention, since improper installation of sewer pipes with your own hands can nullify all the advantages of such a sewer. The cause of the problems may lie in different aspects: for example, if the pipes were not prepared for installation, or the installation process itself was of poor quality.

V apartment buildings these nuances can be treated somewhat easier, since the diameter of the pipes in them is larger, which eliminates minor installation errors. In apartment buildings, sometimes a plug is installed on the sewer to debtors, for non-payment of services. With private houses, the situation is somewhat more difficult: one wrong bend can lead to regular blockages in this place, or even cause a complete paralysis of the sewer system. About how to properly install sewer pipes, and will be discussed in this article.

The design of the sewer system

Blockages appear in the sewerage system very often. The origins of this problem lie not only in the improper operation of the structure, although this phenomenon also exists: often the sewer is perceived by residents as another place where garbage can be dumped.

The main cause of clogged pipelines is due to installation errors. Firstly, rough pipes are often used to equip the system, in which blockages occur much more often due to the layering of waste on the surface. Secondly, the design of the sewer system is often carried out illiterately, but the installation of sewer pipes in a private house is done correctly. The result is a well-assembled inoperable system in which clogging occurs due to large angles of rotation, bends or ledges.

All these nuances should be taken into account when it is planned to install sewer pipes in a private house. Again, your choice is best to stop on plastic parts, because their processing is carried out very easily and without the use of complex devices. If necessary, you can even cut the pipes, which will fit them to the proper size.

Pipes are cut by the following methods:

  1. For cutting a large volume of pipes in free space, it is best to use cutting machine, as a result of which the edges of the pipes are very clean.
  2. Plastic pipes can also be cut with a special saw - the result is quite high quality. In addition, this method is also very convenient, which also has a positive effect on work.
  3. At home, pipe cutting is performed with a conventional hacksaw: due to the small teeth, the number of burrs will be minimal, but it will be difficult to cut the pipe evenly, so it may require additional processing.
In any case, pipe cutting requires free space, and in its absence, other methods must be used. For example, in a cramped enclosed space pipe trimming is carried out with a thin cable, at the ends of which there are handles. This device is pulled around the pipe, located at a right angle to it, after which the plastic is frayed with a cable. Of course, cutting the pipe perpendicularly in this case is problematic, but it’s still worth trying, otherwise the installation will come out of insufficient quality.
When cutting pipes, burrs always occur. This is normal, but not when the sewer system is running: correct installation sewer pipes cannot be made with burrs, and they must be removed so that protruding pieces of plastic do not further interfere with drains moving through the pipe. In addition, the burrs located outside will not allow you to create a reliable and tight connection.

To remove burrs, an ordinary knife is used: they are simply scraped off from the outside, and on the inner surface it is necessary to do this work very meticulously, because the functionality of the sewer will depend on the quality of cleaning.

Preparation and installation of sewer pipes

The preparation stage includes fitting all the details of the future sewage system in terms of dimensions and connections. It is also necessary to check how accurately it will be possible to observe all the angles and inclinations specified in the design of the sewer system: this is required by the rules for installing sewer pipes.

Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes is carried out according to the following algorithm:
  1. The first step is to make marks indicating the location of each element of the pipeline. This will require a marker.
  2. In order for the sewer to be airtight, all its elements must be carefully fitted and connected. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to first prepare the parts for connection, and only then glue them.
  3. Before gluing, the fit of the parts must be checked. The optimal condition is achieved under the following condition: the pipe enters the socket of the sewer pipe by 2/3 without problems, and further connection requires little effort.
  4. The inner surface of the pipes should be smooth, but the parts to be joined should be processed until a slight roughness appears, for which a sandpaper is used.
  5. Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes involves the use of special glue. To glue pipes, different types of glue can be used, so you need to know which one the manufacturer recommends.
  6. Immediately before gluing the parts, their edges are degreased and softened, for which methylene chloride is well suited.
  7. To apply the adhesive, a special swab is used, usually supplied with the adhesive. If not, then you can take a regular brush. The pipe itself is smeared with a thick layer of glue, and the inside of the socket with a small one.
  8. When the adhesive is applied to the surfaces to be joined, the fitting is put on the pipe. It is impossible to leave the parts in this form right away: first they must be held so that the marks made are a few centimeters apart.
  9. The parts are rotated so that the marks match. When properly connected, a small, even layer of adhesive will come out of the socket.
  10. After combining the parts, they need to be held for about half a minute. After that, the joint must be smeared with glue in order to completely fill the joint. In general, one such operation takes no more than one minute, so assembling sewer pipes with your own hands will not take much time.

The subtleties of installing plastic pipes with your own hands

There are several nuances that should be observed in order for the system to work correctly in the future:
  1. Cutting pipes should be accompanied by cleaning their edges from burrs. To make the job easier, you should take a saw with small teeth and a wide blade: the cut will be made at a right angle, and the number of scuffs will be minimal.
  2. Before assembling sewer pipes, it is worth performing a preliminary assembly, during which control marks are applied. After that, the system is disassembled.
  3. When laying a pipeline in a wall, the most commonly used metal pipes, which are connected to plumbing fixtures by means of plastic pipe sections. Couplings that do not have sockets are used to connect different types of pipes.
  4. When drilling a hole for the pipe, the stand may loosen. You can fix the problem using special overlays, which return the racks to their original strength.

Sewer fittings

The sewer system implies the presence of a certain number of fittings, the determination of which requires an accurate calculation of the project.

Installation of fittings is carried out according to certain rules and has some features:

  1. Fittings with an angle of 22.5, 45 and 90 degrees are equipped with sockets on both sides. Transition elbows usually have only one socket. Such fittings are often connected to regular fittings, which saves some space: two standard fittings connected by a pipe will take up more space (read also: "").
  2. Transition fittings should preferably be installed with the end without a socket pointing down.
  3. 90 degree elbows are commonly used to connect vertical and horizontal branches. Fittings with an angle of 45 degrees are used separately for both types of construction. To ensure the transition vertical pipe horizontal, it is better to use two 45-degree fittings. Small bends and turns are carried out with a knee at an angle of 22.5 degrees.
  4. Tees must be used when connecting two pipeline branches. Different types tees make it possible to connect pipelines at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.
  5. 45-degree tees are suitable for any pipeline lines, but 90-degree tees can only be used when connecting a horizontal branch to a vertical one. Some models of tee fittings may have different diameters exits.

Do-it-yourself sewer pipe installation requires other elements. For example, cleaning hatches are considered obligatory detail any sewer. They are necessary to control the operation of the system and allow you to clean it in case of clogging. There are several types of hatches. An example is an end hatch mounted on a pipe socket. Such manholes are most often installed on the upward part of a 45-degree tee in a horizontal system. The design of the end hatch assumes the presence of a plug, after removing which access to the inside of the system is provided.

Also important element sewer system are siphons, the main function of which is to create a water seal that prevents the penetration of odor from the sewer into the living space. In addition, small debris accumulates in the siphons, which can then be removed without problems. Siphons are usually installed under plumbing, in easily accessible places.

Assembly of external sewerage

The installation of the external pipeline is carried out in pre-prepared trenches, and their depth should slightly exceed the level of soil freezing. In addition, it is imperative to observe the difference in the sewer pipe (2-3 cm per meter of pipeline). The socket method is used to connect the pipes, and the laying itself is carried out so that the pipes do not bend under the weight of the earth. You can read more about the installation of external sewerage in an article on this topic.

A house without running water and sewerage will never be comfortable. The improvement of these communications should be dealt with in the process of designing a building, or during reconstruction, if it has already been built.

Autonomous sewerage is a necessary thing in every private house. It is carried out in several stages, each of which requires its own materials and knowledge. Now we will not go into details, but consider one of its important processes - laying sewer pipes with our own hands.

Pipe selection

On the internal sewerage high loads act, while the outer one is much stronger, therefore, the requirements for tubular products for it are appropriate. Since sewer pipes are laid in deep pits, the pressure of the earth on them cannot be ignored. Moreover, when laying such products under the roadway, it is necessary to choose them with the highest class strength.

For outdoor sewage, manufacturers make special pipes and paint them red or Brown color. For internal communications, the same products are painted with dark gray paint.

To outdoor sewerage served for a long time and effectively, it is necessary to use pipes:

  • Smooth polymer. They are often made of PVC, but there are also polypropylene products.
  • Corrugated polymer. They are made of polyethylene, but there are many copies made of polypropylene.
  • Cast iron.

Today, homeowners prefer polymer pipes. Moreover, where the load is especially high, it is recommended to use corrugated products. Most often, people choose products with a diameter of 110 mm. Remember that not only these materials will need to be bought, but also fittings.

Work plan

The process itself is conditionally divided into three parts:

  • excavation;
  • installation;
  • burying.

Naturally, before laying the sewer, it is necessary to prepare trenches right size. Here are a few rules that can simplify the process itself:

  • It is quite difficult to dig a trench on your own, so it is better to entrust it to earthmoving equipment.
  • The trench should be wide enough so that a person can work with sewer pipes with their feet touching the bottom of the pit. For example, for standard products with a diameter of 110 mm, you will have to dig a trench 60 cm wide.
  • Where harder question depth, since no one will tell you its optimal value. According to the rules, the bottom of the trench should be half a meter lower than the depth of soil freezing. In practice, everything turns out to be different - pipes are laid above this level, but are additionally insulated.
  • When digging a trench, it is necessary to make a slight slope, which, as a rule, is 2 cm per meter.
  • By project documentation the pit for the water supply must be of a certain depth, but in practice it must be made deeper by 10 cm, which will create a shock-absorbing pillow.
  • Defects in the form of boulders found in the trench should be removed, and the bottom should be carefully compacted.
  • The bottom of our pit must be covered with gravel or sand. Compaction of the embankment is not required, but where revision wells will be installed, it is necessary to compact by two meters in all directions.


  • You need to start installation from the place from which the internal sewerage ends.
  • Pipe products are laid along the trench. The sockets must be placed in the opposite direction from the movement of sewage.
  • If it is necessary to organize a turn, then bends can only be taken with an angle of 15 degrees or 30. It is strictly forbidden to use products at 90 degrees.
  • Do not forget about revision wells, with which you can repair or clean sewer pipes.
  • Pipe insulation is recommended to be made with polyethylene foam materials and only if provided.

Pipe connection

After thorough cleaning of the socket, we check the presence of a rubber ring, which serves as a seal. We clean the ends of the pipes. First, it is worth checking the depth of entry of tubular products into the socket, marking with a pencil on the smooth end.

Silicone grease or soap can be used to facilitate the connection. Now you can insert the pipe into the socket, pre-lubricated. The pipeline can be subjected to linear deformations, therefore it is recommended not to insert the pipe to the end, but to leave a gap of a centimeter. This is where the pencil mark will come in handy.


Before backfilling the trench, it is recommended to check the slope of the pipeline again. For about 10-15 first centimeters, the pit is filled up exclusively with sand, which is carefully compacted along the edges of the pipes. It is strictly forbidden to press sand over the pipe. Now you can continue to bury the sewer pipeline with ordinary earth.

Laying pipes is not difficult, but this process takes time, effort and accuracy. The pipeline will work efficiently and for a long time if all relevant standards are observed during its installation.

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We suggest watching a video that will help you avoid a number of serious mistakes when installing sewer pipes with your own hands.