Ideas and advice from designers on the creation and design of stretch ceilings in the bathroom and toilet. Which ceiling is better to make in the toilet: a guide to options Suspended ceiling structure

Plastic panels today construction market are becoming more and more popular. This is no coincidence, because if you install such material in a toilet or bathroom, the room will look aesthetically pleasing and neat. The panels are easy to care for, they weigh a little. Take a closer look at this finish option when renovating a bathroom or toilet. The panel is attached to the frame with a stapler or self-tapping screws. Spotlights are built into the ceiling of this material.

Advantages of PVC

Plastic ceiling is the most the right decision, as it has advantages over other materials:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • withstand temperature fluctuations in the room;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not swell under the influence of moisture;
  • at elevated temperatures does not increase in size;
  • hygienic, does not allow the development of mold and fungus;
  • thanks to the excellent reflectivity of the panels, the toilet becomes lighter, and because of this, the consumption of electrical energy is saved;
  • electric wires that go to the lighting fixtures are removed under the panels;
  • the surface of the walls and ceiling becomes even.

The plastic panel is a long strip with an average width of 25–30 cm. The end is cut off, and there are locks on the sides that will connect the elements during installation.

In the photo - PVC in the context. Inside there are stiffening ribs. That's why material is light but at the same time durable.

Profiles for panels

This material is for decorative design when covering the ceiling or walls in the toilet or in another room using PVC panels. It is divided into the following types.

  • starting profile. Closes the cut ends of the panel. Fastened around the perimeter of the room.

  • Profile F1 closes the cut end on outer corner when you want to move to another plane. It is used in the event that one of the walls is sheathed, but the one around the corner is not.
  • Profile H (connecting). Serves to lengthen the strip, if it is not enough.

  • External and inner corner designed to cover the ends in the corresponding corners.
  • The ceiling plinth is arranged in the same way as the starting profile, but has a more attractive appearance.

Pros and cons of installing PVC panels

Each of the materials intended for cladding has its own advantages over others. The PVC panel also has many positive properties:

  • aligns the curvature of walls and ceilings in the premises, while it is not required to dismantle old coatings;
  • installation is quick and easy;
  • heat and sound insulation is laid behind the panels;
  • lack of dust and "wet" process;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • it will not be possible to complete a multi-level ceiling;
  • some panels look "cheap";
  • you can see the connection between the panels.

Therefore, when planning repairs in the toilet or bathroom, it is advisable to take a closer look at the quality of the material. After all, the better it is, the more expensive, and, accordingly, appearance more attractive. For this reason pvc panel limited in application. It happens that when installing a lighting fixture, the plastic ceiling is translucent.

Important! Before you buy plastic material, weigh all the pros and cons, so as not to regret later.

Calculation of material for installation

First, calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling in the toilet. Then divide the resulting figure by the total area of ​​​​one PVC panel. Add 15% to the resulting number for trimming and round up to a whole number.

To calculate the amount of a metal profile, follow the ceiling diagram in the toilet, observing the scale. Determine where the parallel lines will go across the ceiling. They are necessary for attaching the profile. The interval between parallel stripes is at least 50 centimeters. Based on such calculations, it is easy to calculate the required amount of material.

To fix along the perimeter of the surface, you need to purchase a UD strip, and for guides - CD. To attach PVC strips to the profile, you will need self-tapping screws with wide caps.

To complete the work on finishing the ceiling will help plastic plinth. To calculate its amount, measure the perimeter of the ceiling, divide this number by three, and then round up.

Mounting the frame for PVC panels

The installation of the frame in the toilet is carried out using the above-mentioned profiles: CD and UD. Use and wooden slats, but much less often, because wood is exposed to moisture, especially in a room such as a bathroom or toilet. The tree is subject to decay and will last less.

How to properly install the frame?

  1. Perform markup using a level. IN large room it is better to use a long level, and in a small toilet a simple rack tool will suffice. Marks are made for the guide profile. Location depends on them. suspended panels PVC on the ceiling.
  2. The profile, if necessary, is cut to the size of the room (profile length - 3 meters). It is drilled in increments of 50-60 centimeters. After that, the guide profile is applied to the wall, the holes are marked on it, the dowels are drilled and inserted. Each time check the horizontal level.
  3. Provides rigidity to the frame ceiling profile. The mount for it is chosen, taking into account the distance to the base: if the gap is insignificant, then you can use a U-shaped suspension. If it is large, then it is better to take quick hangers with knitting needles. Sometimes specialists make special “boots” for the UD frame. To do this, cut the metal with the letter "G" and attach it with the smaller side to the ceiling, and the larger one - to the carrier profile.
  4. Hangers are attached to the screws, checking by level. The step between the profiles is 50 centimeters, they are placed perpendicular to the PVC panels.

Definition of quality

When buying, carefully inspect the panels. quality products smooth, the pattern is evenly distributed. The face is smooth and even. Distortions and curvature of lines are not allowed.

Important! Count the number of stiffeners inside the panel. The more there are, the stronger the structure.

The thickness of the stiffening ribs and the outer walls of the plastic plays a role. Take two strips and try to connect them. The main thing is not the quality of the connection, but the ease of docking. There shouldn't be between lanes. large gap. To determine the strength of a material, take a strip and squeeze it hard, then inspect the surface. If it is not deformed or cracked, it is quality material. But slight deformation is acceptable.

Check the strip for bending. To do this, bend and straighten it 3-4 times. If after this procedure the material survived, then you can work with it. Poor quality plastic will deteriorate during installation.

What is required to work with plastic?

Plays an important role color scheme. Today this is not a problem, and everyone will find for themselves interesting option.

The lining of the toilet is impossible without source material and tools. You will need the following:

  • Sharp knife to reduce the size plastic strips. Kitchen knife ruin the material and cut unevenly.
  • Self-tapping screws for fastening strips.
  • Wooden bars for the frame with a section of 3 x 10 cm or the metal parts described above.
  • With the planned fastening of the panels directly to the wall, you will need liquid nails or mounting foam.
  • Any repair will not do without a tape measure.
  • Building level for mounting the frame.
  • The plinth is decorative, which is attached to the wall.
  • profile corners.

Mount selection

Before starting work, determine how you are going to fix the panels: mounting foam or using a framework.

The first option involves the purchase of foam cylinders. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the expiration date. Fresh foam will yield more. If the toilet is spacious and there is brick walls, it is not necessary to mount the frame. It is allowed to fix PVC panels on the glue "liquid nails". This work is not difficult, but it requires patience.

How to cut plastic material?

This process is easy. They take the strips and lay them on the base with the wrong side. Then make a cut with a sharp knife to make a line. The plastic is broken along it and again completely cut off with a knife along the intended line.

Preparation for work

Repair of the toilet and preparation for lining begins with cleaning: sockets are removed from the walls, lighting, hoses, pipes.

If selected wireframe method fasteners, it is more rational to use galvanized parts. If you took a wooden beam, treat it with an antiseptic.

First, the frame is mounted, and then the strips are installed where the panels are inserted. The work on facing the ceiling in the toilet starts from the corner. One edge of the PVC strip is inserted into the profile, and then the other side is attached to the screws

The next strip is easier to insert, it is pushed until a click occurs. And again, the other side is attached with self-tapping screws. Then install the plinth and decorative overlays. With their help, you can veil defects and technological gaps. They are fixed with glue, as these are purely decorative details.

Almost everyone will be able to repair the toilet using PVC panels. The process is shown in detail in the video:

The toilet occupies a small area in a house or apartment. Despite this, it, like any other room, needs repair. Consider how to make a ceiling in the toilet using modern building materials. And also get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.

Ceiling Features

If you do not want to repair the ceiling in the toilet and bathroom too often, you need to pay attention to the features of these rooms:

  • condensation may collect, which may cause mold to appear in the corners;
  • pipes may leak, and then their immediate replacement will be required;
  • suspended structure can visually reduce the space;
  • incorrectly selected material and finishing method can ruin the overall look.

Therefore, it is necessary to take all this into account and opt for the method in which you will have free access to the pipes, the height will be minimally reduced, and condensate will not collect. And also, importantly, the ceiling surface will be combined with the floor and walls.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing

Ceilings in the toilet and bathroom can be repaired in several ways.

Stretch ceiling

The stretch ceiling in the bathroom and toilet will look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful if you maintain glossy surface. To do this, you need to regularly wipe it, without damaging it. soft material.

To the advantages of such ceiling system should include:

  • perfectly flat surface;
  • hygienic material;
  • the ability not to attract dust;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • moisture resistance.

Making a stretch ceiling in the toilet is not difficult. This does not require alignment. base surface. It is necessary to mount the frame, carefully stretch and secure the canvas.


  • the material itself can be easily damaged;
  • stretching work is difficult to do for one person;
  • the area of ​​the room is noticeably reduced.

suspended structure

More practical option- This is a suspended ceiling for the toilet. Thanks to its installation, it is possible to provide high sound and heat insulation.

This design allows you to install spot lighting. For its installation, you can use various Construction Materials: drywall sheets, plastic panels, sets of slatted ceilings for bathrooms and toilets.

  • plastic ceiling

The ceiling of plastic panels in the toilet has several advantages:

  1. low cost;
  2. moisture resistance, which is important for their installation in these rooms;
  3. ease of maintenance;
  4. impact resistance and durability;
  5. acceptable substitution individual elements;
  6. resistance to temperature changes;
  7. resistance to the use of various household chemicals;
  8. big choice colors.

When choosing this material, you should also be aware of the disadvantages:

  1. not fireproof - in case of fire it is able to emit acrid smoke harmful to humans;
  2. in case of strong point impacts, a separate panel may be damaged, which will entail its replacement.

The slatted ceiling in the toilet is a separate group suspended structures, which is recruited from special aluminum elements.

The advantages of this material:

  1. durability thanks to high quality sheet steel;
  2. moisture resistance - does not deteriorate when in contact with water, thanks to a special coating with polymer or zinc, it perfectly withstands temperature extremes.
  3. A wide choice of colors for rails makes it possible to combine different shades.
  4. Due to its properties, it is suitable for finishing the ceiling in the toilet and bathroom.

The disadvantages include:

  • Plasterboard ceiling

Such a surface has several advantages:

  1. hides unevenness and roughness;
  2. after installation, allows finishing various materials;
  3. durability of drywall sheets;
  4. withstand temperature fluctuations.

The disadvantage of this design is that the distance between the ceiling and the floor is reduced. And also, if you decide to do the repair of the ceiling in the toilet with your own hands, you will need outside help. Since when attaching, it will be better if someone supports the drywall.

  • Mirror ceiling

The mirror suspended ceiling in the toilet allows you to visually enlarge the room.

The use of mirror panels has many advantages:

  1. great combination with others decorative elements;
  2. high functionality;
  3. visual magnification space;
  4. production from moisture resistant materials - from plastic, glass or metal.
  5. soundproofing and practicality;
  6. easy care - can be wiped with a dry cloth, or with the use of glass care products.

The surface on which the mirror panels will be laid must be absolutely flat.

Such ceilings will perfectly fit into any interior.

To decide which ceiling is best done in the toilet, it is very important to consider specifications and features of this space.

Color selection

The choice of the color of the ceiling in the toilet will depend on two factors - the finish of the walls and the height of the room.

  • low room

In this case, the ceiling should be lighter than the walls. Any will fit here pastel shades. For example, light blue or light pink. You can also visually "push" the space with the help of mirror panels. Suitable rack panels in silver, gold or chrome.

Stretch ceiling with built-in lamps in light pink color

  • Room with high ceilings

To bring the ceiling closer, you can use dark colors - red, purple, blue. In this case, the decoration of the walls should be lighter.

Do not make a ceiling in the toilet at home with artistic painting or photo printing. This option is suitable for public places.

How best to make the ceiling in the toilet or bathroom, you decide. The main thing is to choose high-quality moisture-resistant materials and then they will last longer.

The toilet is a specific place in all respects, both in terms of application, size, and environment. Often, when carrying out repairs in the house, this room is not given enough attention. But it is worth understanding that if you undertook to design a house, then you need to do it completely, nothing can be an exception. Moreover, the toilet is a small room, so repairs, including finishing the ceiling, will not require much time and money.

The features of this room and the design options for its ceiling are described below. The most popular types of finishes are provided with step-by-step instructions.

Requirements for the ceiling in the toilet

home distinguishing feature toilets - the presence of sewerage and water pipes, the toilet itself, which is obvious. Also sometimes there are switches for hot and cold water, counters and if we are talking about a private house, heating boiler. In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on the decoration of the toilet, including the ceiling.

Another feature of the toilet is an extremely small area. For this reason, there are specific requirements for the ceiling finish.

The next question that needs to be considered is what colors and in what situations are used for the toilet ceiling finish.


Before choosing a color scheme for finishing the toilet, determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and how the ceiling height correlates with the length and width.

If the room has sufficient area and the ceilings seem relatively low, then they need to be visually “raised”. For this, light shades of blue, pink, green and beige are used. Suitable for this and classic White color. Silver or light metallic shades will help enhance the effect. An alternative option for visually “lifting” the ceilings can be a mirror finish using panels or PVC stretch fabric.

Prices for plastic ceiling panels

plastic ceiling panels

Black stretch ceiling the best way for toilet

And in a situation where the length and width of the toilet are very small and even the standard 2.5 meters seem extremely high for ceilings, apply light colors undesirable - the room will become uncomfortable, you, your household and guests will feel here like in a well. Therefore, use in moderation dark colors- blue, purple, dark gray. In some situations, golden is acceptable.

Important! The location of the fixtures in the toilet should be chosen based on the same considerations - if the ceiling seems low, then place the lamps at the top. In the reverse situation, the lamps are placed on the walls.

Another finishing rule that should be remembered is not to allow the walls and ceiling to be monotonous, the result will be a very uncomfortable room, more reminiscent of a prison cell.


Let's start from the very simple option finishes - whitewash. The main advantage of this option is cheapness, simplicity and speed of work. So, you can whitewash the ceiling in less than 30-60 minutes.

But similar benefits turn into disadvantages. When using whitewash, you can forget about moisture resistance - the coating gets wet and swells slightly. BUT old finish from contact with water even exfoliates. But in this case, the problem can be identified immediately and action taken. Again, no problem.

Before starting work, the concrete floor must be prepared. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, the process will not require much time and effort.

Step 1. It is determined using the level difference in the height of the floor in the toilet.

Step 2 In a bucket, using a drill or a puncher with a mixer attachment, the putty solution is mixed.

Whitewash prices

Types of putties "Knauf"

Step 3 Using a small spatula, cracks and defects in the ceiling are repaired.

Step 4 The solution is applied to the entire surface of the ceiling with a sufficiently thick layer and leveled.

Step 5 During the day, the applied putty should dry.

Step 6 The next day, it is polished with an emery cloth. Grouting should occur in wave-like movements.

Important! Use for toilet lime whitewash. The chalk-based composition will not last long enough.

The finished solution is poured into a paint tray, also called a cuvette, and applied with a roller to the ceiling surface. Make sure that the whitewash is applied evenly. The layers applied with a roller overlap by 5-15 centimeters so that there are no untreated areas left.

If the whitewash has partially crumbled over time or the finish layer has been broken upon contact with water, then the coating can be renewed, since this does not require a lot of time.

putty prices



In such a finish, the advantages are similar to whitewashing - relative cheapness, speed and ease of work. In addition, the paint has a variety in the choice of colors, which will make the ceiling in the toilet beautiful. For finishing, choose waterproof brands - oil, acrylic, compounds with latex or silicone. Also suitable for some types water-based paints, but here in the choice be careful - only waterproof formulations.

Table. Popular paint brands suitable for the ceiling in the toilet.

NameManufacturerTypePeculiaritiesConsumption - m2 per liter of paint
SNIEZKA KUCHNIA-LAZIENKASNIEZKAwater emulsionIncludes antiseptic, moisture resistant, biostatic12
Effect Facade Silicone TopeffectWater-dispersion with the addition of siliconeWater repellent5
TICIANA T100601ATICIANAAcrylicLight and waterproof, includes an antiseptic10

The application process is the same as for whitewashing.

  1. Concrete floor putty in the toilet. detailed instructions presented above, in the section on whitewashing.
  2. The paint is unpacked and poured into a paint bath.
  3. The first layer is applied with a roller. Between the strips there should be an overlap of 50-100 millimeters.
  4. Two or three more layers are applied in the same way. Make sure there are no unpainted areas. Brushes should be used at the junctions of sewer and water pipes with the ceiling.

Important! When working with some types of paint, for example, with oil, use a respirator mask - prolonged inhalation of vapors leads to poor health and headaches.

Another option for finishing the ceiling in the toilet - different kinds tiles. Them overall advantage lies in the fact that an attractive external coating is created that eliminates small differences in height and unevenness of the concrete floor, but, unlike suspended and tension structures, tiles do not make the ceilings in the room lower.

ceiling paint prices

ceiling paint

When choosing such a finish, attention should be paid not only to the quality of the material, its color and texture, but also to the size. Small tiles will create an effect that visually expands the length and width of the toilet.

The following types of tiles are used as decoration:

  • foam;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • cork.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are distinguished by an extremely low price - only whitewashing can be cheaper. Gluing the tiles to the ceiling is not difficult, but at the same time it changes its color over time. In addition, during the laying process, you should be very careful not to break the thin and fragile foam panels.

The process is as follows.

Step 1. The concrete floor is covered with a deep penetration primer - this improves adhesion to the adhesive, and the tiles hold better and longer. Let the primer dry.

Step 4 Glue is applied to the foam panel - a few drops in the center and a strip along the perimeter of the tile.

Step 5 The tile is applied to the ceiling, pressed lightly (but not too hard so as not to damage the material), after which you need to wait a while for the adhesion to be established.

Step 6 Until the glue has set, the tile is carefully leveled. Remains of glue are removed with a narrow spatula.

Step 7 The previous steps are repeated and the rest of the tiles are laid in the same way. Joint gaps should be minimal. In the future, they can be treated with silicone sealant.

Advice! Finishing can be supplemented with a ceiling plinth.

PVC tiles are more expensive than foam tiles, but they are more durable. In addition, this finish is waterproof. When buying PVC tiles, carefully monitor its quality - made in violation technological process finish will deform or fall off over time. The laying process is the same as for foam tiles.

Another alternative to foam tiles is foam panels. cork tree. But they have their own characteristics. Firstly, the color panels are not suitable for toilets with low ceilings. Secondly, their cost is significantly higher than that of analogues made of polyvinyl chloride or expanded polystyrene. But in addition to an attractive appearance, cork tiles have soundproofing properties.

Plastic panels

Now let's move on to the description of the finish for the ceiling in the toilet using suspended structures. They completely hide all the flaws and irregularities of the concrete or hardwood floor, but at the same time hide from 30 to 50 or more millimeters from the height of the ceiling. Therefore, they should not be used in rooms with very low ceilings.

First, consider the plastic panels. This is an affordable and very diverse finishing material with the following advantages.

  1. Ease of maintenance - dust, dirt and condensation accumulated on the ceiling can be easily washed off with a rag or sponge dipped in soapy water.
  2. Ease of installation - the process is accessible even to those who are not qualified and do not have extensive experience in repair work.
  3. Variety - There are many types of plastic panels. Some are stylized as wooden lining, there are also panels with a mirror surface or with a surface imitating stone. Here you will definitely find the right option for you.
  4. Moisture resistance - plastic is not afraid of condensate. And when competent installation a solid suspended structure will be airtight enough to withstand a small flood caused by neighbors.
  5. Heat and sound insulation. The plastic itself air layer between it and the ceiling serves as a barrier to sounds from above or rising warm air.

As for the disadvantages of plastic panels, such products can be damaged when hit by sharp objects, and when burned, they emit smoke containing harmful substances.

Now consider how to mount a similar design.

Step 1. The surface is being prepared - the old finish is removed from it, if any, the seams and cracks in the ceiling are sealed.

Step 2 A crate is installed on which the panels will be directly mounted. She settles out wooden beam section 3 by 3 centimeters. The interval between the elements of the frame is from 30 centimeters to half a meter. Fastening to the ceiling occurs with the help of self-tapping screws with dowels.

Step 3 If you plan to install luminaires, wiring is laid and fasteners are installed under the luminaire. In the panel, which should be in this place, a hole is made with a drill with a crown nozzle exactly according to the diameter of the future lamp.

Drywall prices


Making a hole for a lamp

Step 4 Start, finish and side profiles are installed.

Step 5 The first panel is brought into the side profile, moves to the starting one and is fixed there on the crate with the help of small screws screwed into the bar adjacent to the bars. The outer surface of the panel must not be drilled or otherwise damaged.

Cutting PVC panel 5mm shorter

Installing the first panel, step 1

Installing the first panel, step 2

Step 6 Similarly, the next panel is started and carefully joined with the first tenon-groove connection. The fastener operation is repeated.

Step 7 The remaining panels are laid in the manner indicated above.

Step 8 The finish panel is cut so that it can be inserted into the profiles. This completes the process of laying plastic panels.

Mounting last panel, step 1

Installing the last panel, step 2

In a similar way, a ceiling made of natural lining or cassette panels is installed, the design of the crate can only vary.

Stretch ceiling and plasterboard ceiling

The remaining options for suspended structures are a plasterboard ceiling and a stretch fabric. But their use for the toilet is a matter of personal preference, and a very controversial one. This finish is perfect for large rooms, but in small rooms, multi-level structures may not look entirely appropriate.

Another controversial issue of such ceilings is access to communications. To repair or replace sewer and water pipes in the toilet, partial or complete dismantling of suspended structures will be required.

If you decide to use one of these designs, then remember the following nuances.

  1. Choose only moisture resistant brands of drywall. Other options for constant contact with condensate will quickly become unusable.
  2. The profile for suspended structures must be galvanized - without corrosion protection, it will lose its strength within a few years and at one “perfect” moment the entire ceiling may simply collapse.
  3. A stretch ceiling with a PVC sheet is extremely convenient when flooded from above - PVC can withstand up to 80-100 liters of water per square meter.
  4. Use baguettes and canvas with harpoon fasteners - so dismantling during pipe repair will be carried out as quickly as possible and without damage.

It makes sense to use a plasterboard or stretch ceiling in a newly built building, especially made of wood, since such structures (we are talking about ceilings) do not deform and do not lose their attractiveness during shrinkage in the vast majority of cases.

Stretch ceiling prices

stretch ceiling

Finally, it is worth saying that, regardless of the chosen ceiling finish, before performing it, solve the issue of waterproofing - several layers special film on good fasteners will significantly reduce damage in case of possible leakage from above.

Video - Suspended ceiling in the toilet. Part 1

Video - Suspended ceiling in the toilet. Part 2

Video - Suspended ceiling in the toilet. Part 3

Video - Suspended ceiling in the toilet. Part 4

Video - Suspended ceiling in the toilet. Part 5

August 1, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

For repair, you can choose 4 finishing options, these are plasterboard, plastic, rack and stretch ceiling in the toilet. Of course, there is also the option of a conventional putty ceiling, but this no longer applies to the category of suspended structures. Let's now look at each of these designs, and you will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the video in this article.

Dropped ceilings

First, let's look at the principle of suspended ceilings as such:

  • any suspended ceiling - created with your own hands, implies the presence of a frame for installing the cladding;
  • this means that you definitely need to hit the horizontal level, along which both the frame and the cladding will be mounted;
  • the crate here can be ambiguous, that is, it can be CD profiles, rails or a profile for stretch ceilings(wall, ceiling, harpoon and so on);
  • the essence of the installation of each of the frames is as follows - not only cladding should be installed there, but also built-in lighting fixtures. At a minimum, such a cartridge has 70 mm, therefore, this figure should come as a minimum depth, although, most often, it is 100 mm;
  • to beat the level horizontally, as a rule, use water or laser level , although, personal experience pulls the balance to the side of the water device;

  • please look at the diagram above - you see here the principle of installing a batten under any type of false ceiling. That is, the plane must be perfect, without any drops, for which nylon threads are used (in the diagram they are indicated in blue);
  • don't ignore the baseline- it must be rigid so that the frame holds well.

I won't go into detail about the installation of each cladding - it usually comes with practice. But, nevertheless, it is important to understand the principle of each of them so that you can make such repairs yourself.

PVC panels or wooden lining: 1 way

Let's briefly understand how to make plastic, MDF or wooden ceiling in small room toilet. First of all, this is the installation of the crate, which can be either from CD profiles or from wooden slats (there is, in fact, no difference as such).

The main difference here is only in the attachment. If the plastic is fastened with a stapler through the edge of the panel, then MDF and wood are fixed with steel clamps.

In addition, the panels can be fixed with self-tapping screws - I personally prefer this option - screws are always more reliable than metal brackets. In addition, carnations are sold with kleimers, but it is better not to use them - fix this bracket with a self-tapping screw into the central hole.

Make the last lining by 5 mm of the already required distance - this is the width of the chamfer and it will be much easier for you to insert it.

Slatted ceilings: option 2

The installation of a rack ceiling is very similar to the installation of a lining, only here there is a significant difference in the profiles. Along the perimeter, as usual, a U-shaped profile is installed, but now, the intermediate traverses represent a device with latches (see the photo above). Here, a single panel is simply fixed - it is simply snapped into place.

In most cases, the rails are installed with gaps, where inserts in the form of stripes of a different color are later installed. The rails themselves can be plastic or metal (aluminum), which determines their price. Holes for fixtures are best cut before installing the panel on the crate, but for this it is important to make the correct markup.

Plasterboard ceilings: method 3

But drywall sheets, in my opinion, are the easiest to install - they are large, 1200 × 2500 mm, and the toilet is in a high-rise building (with separate bathroom) is never wider than 800 mm, and in length 1200-1300 mm (it happens in different ways). In fact. Half a sheet of ceiling drywall will be enough for you - it can be 6-8 mm in thickness (depending on the manufacturer - thinner in China).

Here, too, you can use both CD profiles and wooden slats, although my experience suggests that metal is still better. GKL is fastened with 25 mm self-tapping screws in increments of 30 cm, but you can also make such a ceiling from pieces - in any case, you will have to putty it. The most important thing here is that each screw is recessed by 0.5-1.0 mm - this will help with plastering - the head will not interfere.

Stretch ceilings: 4 way

In total, there are three types of baguette for stretching PVC fabrics - these are cam, wedge and harpoon. In fact, they are all the same from a technological point of view - just from the technical side, the installation of the web is somewhat different. The stretching of the film is carried out by heating the polyvinyl chloride with a gas or electric gun.

I want to note that the installation of ceilings from pvc is better just entrust to specialists so that you do not spoil an expensive product. However. If desired, such things can be done independently.


It’s hard for me to say which is the best ceiling for your toilet - it’s important to just focus on the wall decoration and your own taste. But if you have any specific suggestions, then write them down, please, in the form of a post in the comments.

August 1, 2016

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Repairs in living rooms can be carried out at least every year: change the wallpaper, repaint the walls, renew the floor, and so on. Bathroom makeover and toilet room happens much less frequently. As a rule, renovation of the bathroom is started at least once every ten years. After all, the cost of materials in this case is greater, as well as work in this room. Therefore, the choice of materials for finishing the bathroom should be approached responsibly so that you do not have to do repairs again and spend money again. We invite you to find out what is in the toilet and bathroom.

Requirements for the ceiling in the bathroom

The toilet, even if it is not combined with the bathroom, is a place with high humidity. Therefore, not all materials are suitable for wall and ceiling decoration. When choosing a coating, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  1. The moisture resistance of the material must be very high.
  2. The color of the ceiling finish in the toilet is chosen in light shades to visually enlarge an already small room.
  3. The type of material depends on the height of the ceiling. It decreases if special structures are used (for example, with suspended and stretch ceilings).
  4. The material must have a long service life.
  5. Unwanted elements such as mold, smudges, streaks, condensation, etc. should not appear on the ceiling.
  6. It must be possible to install built-in elements (for example, hoods, lamps, etc.).
  7. There must be access to hidden elements, if provided.
  8. Acceptable price for the material itself and related products.

Based on the above requirements, there are the most acceptable options for finishing the ceiling in the toilet.

Types of materials for the ceiling in the toilet and bathroom

Today, there are a fairly large number of options for finishing bathrooms. When comparing price and quality, the following types of ceilings can be distinguished, which are popular:

  • tension;
  • rack;
  • plastic;
  • colored;
  • tiled;
  • drywall;
  • lined with vinyl.

Each of these options has a different price category, and also has its pros and cons.

Ceilings finished with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is relative inexpensive material, which is suitable for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom. Thanks to the technology by which they are produced, this finish copes with all the requirements inherent in the toilet room.

Pros of vinyl wallpaper:

  • affordable price;
  • outer synthetic film that is not afraid of water and humidity;
  • can be changed frequently without special efforts.

Disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • a carefully prepared surface is necessary in order to aesthetic appearance premises;
  • the presence of joints can provoke the development of the fungus;
  • short-lived, require frequent replacement.

painted ceiling

The ceiling in the toilet (see photo example above) can only be painted with a special acrylic paint on the water based designed for bathrooms. It dries quickly, does not have a bright bad smell, is not afraid of water and humidity, also protects against fungus and mold. And there is also a rich palette, thanks to which even the most daring design ideas can be realized. Another indisputable plus of paint is its price. Therefore, painting is budget options repair.

The disadvantages of a painted ceiling include the need careful preparation surface, which must be perfectly flat. Unless, of course, you want to have a beautiful dressing room.

plastic ceiling

This type of finish will cost a little more than the previous two, but will last much longer. in the toilet it is a frame made of metal profiles, on which sheets of plastic are attached. They are available in various sizes, colors and surface types (glossy or matt).

Advantages of a plastic ceiling:

  • budget price;
  • hides ceiling communications (hoods, wires and pipes);
  • has excellent moisture resistance;
  • does not provoke the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • panels can be easily removed individually;
  • has a long service life.

Disadvantages of plastic ceiling:

  • underestimates the height of the ceiling due to the features of the attachment;
  • only the master can install;
  • Recessed luminaires are required.

Plasterboard ceiling

The ceiling in the toilet and bathroom, made of plasterboard, is usually used in cases where it is much cheaper to sew up the surface than to bring it into proper shape. Finished construction from drywall puttied and painted with acrylic water-based paint.

The disadvantages of this option are that it is necessary to hire qualified people, the height is “eaten up”, there is no possibility of quick access to hidden objects (for example, wiring of built-in lamps). Virtues plasterboard ceilings is the implementation of various design ideas(for example, two-level structures). Also, such a surface turns out to be perfectly even, which is impossible in other options (except for tension).

Stretch ceiling

The stretch ceiling in the toilet helps to visually enlarge a small space due to its glossy surface. It also allows you to hide all the flaws. The ceiling is perfectly flat and airy in appearance.

Advantages of a stretch ceiling for a toilet:

  • long period of operation in the absence of emergency situations (flood);
  • high moisture resistance;
  • exclusion of the situation of the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • you can make the effect of "starry sky", when a lot of small luminous dots appear on the ceiling, arranged in a chaotic manner and resembling stars;
  • wide color palette, options with and without a pattern.

Disadvantages of stretch ceilings in the bathroom:

  • high cost of materials;
  • the need to hire highly qualified specialists;
  • inaccessibility of easy access to hidden objects and pipes.

Slatted ceilings in bathrooms

The rack ceiling in the toilet is made of a material such as aluminum or steel. It's relative new version finishing, which was previously most often used in public spaces. The slatted ceiling has a fairly wide range of colors, which has about 50 shades (for example, chrome, gold, mirror surface).

The service life of this finishing option is quite large - about 15-20 years. Slatted ceilings absolutely non-flammable and environmentally friendly. Reiki do not absorb moisture and do not rust. It is worth noting the fact that such a ceiling can be given absolutely any shape. And yet, as in the case of the stretch and plasterboard option, you can hide all the imperfections of the surface. True, the height of the ceiling decreases in the same way - by about three centimeters.

For installation rack structures it is necessary to hire specialists who already know how to do this.

Tiled ceiling

Ceiling tiles are one of the simplest and most affordable bathroom tiles. This material has a wide range of sizes, textures, color palette and drawings. Its main advantage, in addition to the price, is that it can be glued even on an imperfect ceiling. Tiles are able to cover all the imperfections (except for large differences) of the surface and help to visually level it.

Installation of the material does not require much effort, it can be done independently. Changing it is also quite easy. Ceiling tiles moisture resistant, they are not affected by fungus and mold. They can also be painted if you are tired of the old design, but do not want to change the finish. It is worth noting the fact that, together with additional accessories (for example, special friezes), you can make a very interesting design premises.

Remember that the ceiling in the toilet and bathroom should not only serve, be moisture resistant and protect against fungus and mold. It also plays a significant role in interior design. With it, you can not only hide flaws, emphasize the dignity of the room, but also make it unusual. Therefore, choose not only a high-quality and affordable option, but also one that allows you to make the bathroom cozy. Also remember that, regardless of the type finishing material, the ceiling must be primed to further protect the surface from moisture, fungus and mold. It will also help increase the life of the finish and save you from unexpected costs.