Than to rub the armpits so that the temperature rises high. Low body temperature

An unnatural concept of body temperature is a way out of a situation when you do not want to go anywhere at all. Such a trick was used by many children, holding the thermometer for a short time to the hot battery.

Today, there are many more ways to quickly raise the temperature to 38. Some of them are safe, others need to be handled with care.

All the presented methods that help to artificially increase the temperature are not recommended, but can be applied if necessary. They will help to raise it to 38-39 degrees.

If a person has a low temperature, it is not recommended to use these funds - it is better to visit a doctor in order to normalize the indicators:

Some people believe that raspberries can raise the temperature. This is not so, because it is taken to lower the degrees. The berry promotes increased sweating, and the acetylsalicylic acid contained in the composition adversely affects the temperature.

Folk remedies

There are several not always pleasant but effective methods to raise the temperature. They are based on folk remedies, one of them is the use of salt.

To do this, take salt and rub it on your underarms. With such an action, there will be a local increase in the thermometer readings, but this will be sufficient.

Equally, the temperature increases onion, however, a specific smell emanates from it, which will be immediately recognizable by the nurse.

Note! If you are confident that others will not use a thermometer for measurement, then you can use another method that will briefly increase the performance.

To do this, you need to drink 2 glasses of warm tea in a row, and for greater efficiency, apply a hot compress to your forehead.

Ways to help raise the temperature of an adult safely in the body are based not only on the internal use of any component.

They are also associated with external remedies. Some of them urgently raise the degrees, for the action of others it is necessary to wait at least half an hour.

Consider methods of increasing degrees on a thermometer with folk remedies:

Douche First you need to pour a bucket of hot water over yourself. After that, quickly pour cold water over it. It is worth measuring the temperature and if it has not changed, stand by the battery for a while
Mustard solution Prepare a bowl of warm water in which to dissolve mustard powder. Keep your feet in the water for 20 minutes and soon it will be possible to detect an increase in the thermometer readings up to 38 degrees
Vegetable oil Pour a few tablespoons of the product into a frying pan and heat a little. As soon as the oil has cooled slightly, drink it. If you do not wait for cooling, there is a risk of burning your throat.
Physical exercises As you know, sport warms up the body, so it is necessary to actively squat for 10 minutes, run in place, and bend over. This method will not only raise the temperature, but will also help strengthen the immune system.
Glue The method is suitable for additional simulation of a runny nose. It is necessary to smear a little nostrils with PVA glue, then the temperature will rise to 38 degrees and will be accompanied by sneezing
Respiratory technique This method is borrowed from climbers who, in order to avoid hypothermia high in the mountains, perform special gymnastics for the lungs.

After 5 deep breaths, you must sharply hold your breath and tighten your abs and diaphragm. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then the temperature can reach 37.3 degrees

Fat This method will help maintain the elevated temperature for a long time. To do this, smear your body with fat and wrap yourself tightly under a blanket. The technique is fraught with fever, so it is important to be extremely careful

Another effective method that requires manual dexterity is to discreetly swap the thermometer. It is necessary to find out in advance how the thermometer will look and at home to artificially raise the indicators on it. Arriving at the clinic, put your thermometer instead of a medical product.

These methods are good in moderation. You should not resort to using the listed ingredients every day to perform tricks - it is recommended to do this once, as needed.

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Most people are faced with the issue of raising their body temperature when there is an urgent need to simulate poor health. Most often this is required for schoolchildren and students - a test, a difficult exam, an unlearned lesson, a boring lecture.

But there are times when adults also think about it. Then a natural question arises: how to raise the body temperature on your own quickly and safely. There are many ways, but caution is advised to use them. There is a risk of provoking an acute poisoning of the body or raising the indicators to critical levels.

A single increase in body temperature at home with the help of folk remedies will not cause much harm to the body. But doctors do not advise resorting to such methods often - serious complications may develop. Regular intervention in the heat exchange of the body leads to a decrease in immunity, which is dangerous for frequent diseases.

There are situations when an increase in body temperature is required for medical reasons. With a reduced work of the immune system, low temperatures are recorded for a long time - within 35 o C. In this case, it is necessary to raise it to a normal state - 36.6 o C.

An emergency method of increasing the temperature can be resorted to in case of dangerous hypothermia of the body, when there is a pronounced risk to a person.

After a long illness, the body is exhausted, which is expressed by a sharp decrease in temperature indicators. This condition can be provoked by a general overwork of the body, as well as a failure in the functioning of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland, which is manifested by hormonal disorders.

In these situations, it is better to seek the help of a doctor in order to establish the true cause of the ailment. During an independent rise in temperature, you can underestimate your own feelings, which can provoke intoxication of the body and an acute susceptibility to other diseases. This is especially dangerous with children, which requires a serious attitude to their own health.

How to quickly raise the body temperature of an adult, a child at home?

How to raise body temperature quickly interests those people who urgently need to go to sick leave. This is often caused by several factors - a personal nature, pathologies of the immune or endocrine system. When the indicators drop to critical levels, it is worth taking some measures to normalize the condition.

You need to carefully monitor the children so that when you try to imitate the disease, unpleasant complications do not happen. The use of drugs that increase body temperature is especially dangerous.


In order to quickly stimulate fever, many resort to medication. This is a fairly quick and effective method that does not require much effort.

The following drugs can be used:

Name Description
PyrogensPyrogenal, purified sulfur. Active substances cause a state of fever within 20-30 minutes, so you should be careful and careful. It is necessary to accurately calculate the dosage so that there is no intoxication. Fever can occur along with nausea, headaches, muscle aches and vomiting.
EchinaceaRestores the immune system and promotes a short-term rise in temperature. To obtain the desired effect, you can prepare a tea based on it. It is allowed to take the tincture, but in small quantities.
St. John's wortTincture based on St. John's wort promotes rapid warming of the body, which is expressed by an increase in temperature indicators. To do this, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry St. John's wort and pour boiling water (1 glass). You can stir, cover and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to drink the tincture warm. The desired effect will come faster with simultaneous warming of the legs and taking the tincture.
Valerian and motherwortThey help to restore heat exchange after suffering stress. Substances contribute to the natural production of essential enzymes that stimulate an active increase in body temperature.
VitaminsSome people have had a short-term fever after taking the vitamin pill. Here the effect manifests itself in each case individually. Low vitamin content can stimulate fever in some people, while others require a large dose.


To get sick leave, you can use food products with increased stimulation of heat transfer. This is one of the most popular ways to induce fever at home. Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, which stimulates the burst of heat. You will need to take 1⁄4 tsp. seasonings and add to food for several days.

Do not replace jalapeno and habanero cayenne peppers - the desired effect will not be achieved. Ginger is a versatile remedy for many diseases. A small piece of medicinal root can also raise the temperature.

You can simply chew ginger slowly or make tea. To do this, put the root in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it, cook for 5-10 minutes. You can use beets with sweet potatoes, carrots instead of ginger - the effect will be the same. Eating brown rice for 5-7 days contributes to the saturation of the body with complex carbohydrates, which are quite difficult to digest.

The additional stress on the digestive process raises the body temperature naturally.

Coffee is used most often for sick leave. This will require a soluble powder. Ground coffee and beans do not have the desired effect. You need to take a dry drink inside. The coffee powder should be chewed slowly (2-3 tsp). Drinking coffee with any liquid is prohibited.

Chocolate is often used to increase body temperature. During its processing, a large energy consumption is noted, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Of course, you won't be able to go on sick leave after a few bars of chocolate, but you will be able to get warm.

Hot chicken broth, which is packed with nutrients, will help warm you up quickly. Potatoes are enriched with starch, therefore, they contribute to the rapid release of heat. For a quick rise in temperature, you can eat peanuts. During digestion, energy will be spent and the temperature will rise.

Many people use the raspberry honey method to create a fever in a short period of time. In fact, the effect will be negligible. To do this, you need to eat a lot of pure natural honey, but this is dangerous for the heart muscle. Therefore, it is worth considering seriously before using this method to go on sick leave.

I often use hot raspberry tea, but there will be no significant jump in body temperature. Raspberries have antipyretic properties, so here you can get the opposite effect. After a hot drink with a berry, a visible sensation of heat appears, but the thermometer will show the absence of the desired indicators.

Folk practice

How to raise body temperature quickly at home is of interest to many during an urgent need to skip a work day or other undesirable event. There are many folk remedies that have the desired effect. The recipes are simple enough, but they require caution during use. There is a risk of serious complications, so you need to strictly follow the recommendations.


If you want to quickly provoke a fever, it is worth using PVA glue, so that the doctor does not guess the manipulations carried out, it is better to buy a transparent one. The temperature usually rises to 37-37.5 o C. You need to take a small amount of glue and apply a thin layer on the nasal mucosa. After 20-30 minutes. the first signs of malaise will appear - headache, runny nose and mild fever.

This state will last for 3-4 hours, which will be just enough to get a sick leave.


Many schoolchildren use iodine to skip tests and get sick at home. But it is impossible to use the tincture in its pure form - it is dangerous to health. To do this, you need to take lump sugar, bread or cookies. Put 4-6 drops of tincture on any product (sugar, bread, cookies).

To do this, you can use a pipette, then you will be able to maintain the exact dosage. You do not need to chew, it is better to swallow it right away and drink it with cool water. Thermometer in 15 min. will show 38 0 С. With tincture of iodine you need to work carefully. It is necessary to accurately calculate the dosage so that there is no poisoning. This condition will require urgent hospitalization with subsequent consequences.

Slate pencil

How to raise body temperature at home quickly and safely is of interest to many. Lead from a simple pencil is a tool that helps to create a strong fever in a short period of time. You only need to use a simple lead - the pigment contained in the colored ones is capable of provoking a strong intoxication of the body.

Slate pieces should be swallowed quickly, without chewing, and washed down with cold water. After 15-30 minutes. long-awaited signs of malaise will appear. Body temperature can rise to 40 0 ​​С, so you need to be prepared for this. The fever will stay for 3-4 hours, which is usually enough for a sick leave.

Geranium leaves

In order to quickly raise your body temperature, you can use geranium leaves. They need to be placed in the nasal cavity for 15-20 minutes. After about 30 min. a runny nose will appear, and the thermometer will show 37-39 0 C. The fever lasts for 2-3 hours. Then you can repeat the procedure, but do not get carried away.

Armpit rub

How to raise body temperature quickly at home with the help of improvised means is of interest to many. Most often, schoolchildren and students resort to such means to skip school days for a good reason. Rubbing your armpits is one of the safest ways to increase your thermometer readings.

You can use garlic, onion, pepper or salt here.

After treating the armpit with the selected ingredient, you can safely go to the doctor's appointment or call the doctor at home. The long-awaited effect will be in 15 minutes. One has only to take into account the fact that after onions and garlic there is an unpleasant odor and signs of irritation on the skin surface. Body temperature usually rises to 38 o C.

Steaming legs

In order to walk an unwanted event, you should use a simple tool - steam your legs. But it takes some time, so not everyone is suitable. To speed up the process, you can add mustard powder, aromatic oil from St. John's wort or eucalyptus. The fever lasts 3-4 hours, which is usually enough.

Climbers method

Climbers quickly know how to raise their body temperature. There is a good method they use when climbing the mountains to keep warm in a short amount of time. You need to take 4 deep breaths and draw more air into your lungs on the 5th breath.

Retain the entire volume in the lungs for 20-45 seconds. All manipulations are recommended to be repeated 5-6 times, which allows increasing the temperature indicators to 37-38 0 С. But it is worth remembering that without preliminary preparation during such breathing, severe dizziness occurs.

How to make a mercury and electronic thermometer show "disease"?

When people do not want to test the body's resources with the help of tablets and other folk remedies, appropriate manipulations with the thermometer can be carried out. It is only recommended during manipulations not to exceed the mark of 39 ° C - this will allow you to keep external intervention secret from the doctor. You also need to masterfully play the malaise in order to achieve the desired sick leave.

There are several methods:

  • You can raise the thermometer to the desired mark using a hot object. To do this, you can go to the kitchen, if the reception is at home, and use boiling water or a hot battery. But here you need a certain skill so as not to raise it to critical levels.
  • You can apply the laws of physics, which are often used by schoolchildren. To do this, rub the tip of a thermometer (mercury) on a sofa or a fleecy cloth. But first you should practice so as not to break the device.
  • With an electronic thermometer, it is more difficult to get sick leave by deception, but there are several ways. You can buy the same device as the doctor's office and fill in the same numbers. Replace quickly during temperature measurement, but there is a risk of exposure. A certain skill in manual dexterity is required.
  • When measuring body temperature with an electronic thermometer, you can prepare in advance at home - fix the heating pad on the body in the armpit area. But here you need to withstand the required temperature so that the device does not show critical indicators.

How to raise body temperature at home quickly and safely is interesting to many. The situation for an unplanned truancy can arise for everyone, which requires urgent action.

Video about an increase in body temperature

How to trick a thermometer without heating:

Bodies. For example, you don't want to go to school and are trying to convince your parents that you are sick. Or you have an important exam on your nose, for which you have not prepared, and now you are going to miss it, supposedly due to illness. Or maybe you are so tired of work that you want to spend a week on sick leave? The best way to convince someone that you are sick is with a fever. But how do you get your body temperature higher than normal? There are several ways.

Thermometer trick

Everyone knows that temperature is measured with a thermometer. Whether this device will be your ally or enemy depends only on you. There are many tricks for getting your body temperature up. The simplest of these is to hold the thermometer under running hot water until the desired temperature is reached. If there is no boiling water nearby, you can attach the thermometer to a hot battery or light bulb. These methods will not work if someone else is in the room. In this case, the temperature should be filled in a more complex way - using friction. Carefully so that no one else will notice, rub the thermometer on any fabric surface, such as a blanket or rug. Apply a certain amount of force and do it quickly enough to warm up the thermometer. Such methods will help you to deceive not only the thermometer, but also your parents. But do not overdo it, because from excessive exposure, the device can simply crack.

Real temperature rise

Cheating a thermometer is a good way to convince your parents that you have a fever. But how do you actually raise your body temperature? You will not heat the thermometer by the battery in the doctor's office. For a real increase in temperature, you can use the following tips:

Before looking for options on how to raise your body temperature, consider whether you really need it. The methods listed above can lead to adverse health effects. Maybe it's better not to try to hide from problems at the expense of a false illness, but to solve them? In any case, it's up to you.

How to raise a low body temperature, which is a consequence of chronic pathology, knows everyone who has encountered this.

But not every person knows how to raise the normal temperature without harming his own body.

The indicator of the thermal state of the human body, or simply the body temperature, is directly related to the metabolism and the body's ability to maintain its own temperature within the required limits.

As a rule, more often a person is faced with increased rates as a result of inflammatory processes or viruses. But when the thermal state of the body is below the normal level, it is alarming. There are many reasons for this pathology and they include:

  1. Natural (physiological) decrease in temperature exchange. This is a feature of the human body and the work of its brain. In this case, an indicator of 35.0 - 35.5 is the norm.
  2. An unnatural (abnormal) decrease in the body, which is a consequence of chronically occurring processes in the human body.

The reasons are different:

  • hematological diseases;
  • liver problems;
  • low levels of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • thyroid problems;
  • pituitary pathology;
  • improper production of insulin and pancreatic pathology;
  • syndrome of vascular dystonia;
  • dyscircular encephalopathy;
  • dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • intracranial damage;
  • cancerous tumors of the hypothalamus;
  • drug hypothermia or a persistent decrease as a result of the use of a certain number of drugs that lower it.
  • pregnancy.

Low temperature signs

As a rule, the need to measure with a thermometer arises when signs of a cold appear, and this is usually accompanied by an increase in indicators.

What can provoke low rates:

  • morning weakness, even if the sleep was full;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • the ability to bring any undertakings to the end is lost;
  • slowing down situational reactions;
  • distraction of attention;
  • it is impossible to concentrate;
  • constant desire to lie down and fall asleep;
  • chills as a result of hypothermia of the body;
  • apathy;
  • not a very good mood, for no apparent reason;
  • headache;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • bradycardia;
  • violation of coordination of movement.

All these conditions can be the result of a pathological decrease in temperature, which requires a visit to a doctor and additional examinations.

How to increase it to normal

In order to start raising the temperature, you need to know the reason that causes it, since the means in different situations will be different.

Freezing hypothermia:

  • it is necessary to go to bed, carefully wrap the body - especially the arms and legs;
  • dry heat should be put on the chest (bottles with warm water, thermal sheet);
  • it is necessary to drink a hot, but not scalding drink - this is a heated compote or weak tea with lemon and honey;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use any kind of alcoholic beverages to raise the temperature and even simply add them to hot non-alcoholic beverages;
  • without signs of frostbite of the body, you can take a warming shower or bath, but the water should not be hot - no more than 38 degrees Celsius.

Low rate due to unbalanced diet. Since the body loses strength, vitamins and macro / microelements with a lack of food, while there is a general decrease in immunity, the strategy of action will be as follows:

  • first of all, balance the diet, but do not pounce on everything that comes to hand;
  • use immunostimulants;
  • use complex preparations containing vitamins - C, B, A, E;
  • if an unbalanced diet is a sign of anorexia, consultation with a psychologist is necessary.

Decrease as a result of chronic pathologies in the body:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • identifying the cause;
  • prescribing adequate treatment for the underlying cause;

In this case, only a deep medical examination with the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment prescription can help to regulate the thermal state of the body. At the same time, do not harm the body, but, on the contrary, help get rid of chronic pathology.

How to quickly raise the temperature above normal at home

Quite often situations arise when you need to be in the wrong place. In this case, a sick leave or a medical certificate can help. But to get them, there must be good reasons, and this is just a rise in temperature. For a sick leave or medical certificate, indicators within 37.0 + degrees Celsius are sufficient. There are many ways to do this.

The most proven way to get a sick leave is to call a doctor at home (clinics do not refuse this) and get ready. When the doctor calls your door, a well-heated piece of tissue should be placed under your armpit. When the doctor checks the indicators, the thermometer, placed in the right place, will show an increased body temperature. Sick leave is likely to be provided. The tissue in the armpit tends to keep warm for a long time.

Ordinary hot water will also help before the doctor arrives. Taking a hot enough shower or sitting in a bath can cause more than just a rise in blood pressure. Which in itself will help you achieve your goal.

For thrill-seekers, there is a way to boost performance with a large dose of instant coffee. It must be consumed not in a drink, but a couple of tablespoons of dry coffee. This will provoke a rise in the indicator on the thermometer.

With iodine. This method will make it possible to leave the house and walk to the clinic. The use of iodine contributes to a rapid rise in the indicator on the thermometer and is kept for several hours:

  1. Up to 10 drops of this chemical, or rather its alcohol solution, drip onto a piece of refined sugar. Put in the mouth and wait until the sugar dissolves. Better to put the product under the tongue - the effect will be faster. In about twenty minutes it will jump to 38.0-39.0 degrees Celsius. Maybe higher, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.
  2. You can also use this method, just take a piece of bread instead of refined sugar. Place up to 10 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine on the palate and chew thoroughly - swallow. The effect will be the same.
  3. You can use an alcohol solution of iodine and water. Add up to 10 drops of iodine to a small amount of liquid (100 ml) and drink.

With a lead... For this method of lifting, an ordinary "simple" pencil is suitable, or rather its contents - a stylus. It is necessary to take the non-colored inside of the pencil, grind it, pour it into the mouth and wash it down with plenty of water. The scale on the thermometer will rise, but not to critical heights. Within the subfebrile condition.

Rubbing his armpits. There are several methods for this method:

  1. With salt. You need to take food salt and wet it. With this tool, rub the armpits. The procedure must be done very carefully so that the salt particles do not injure the delicate skin. After that, you can measure: the result will be higher than normal.
  2. With the help of pepper. It is necessary to rub the armpit area with the help of ground red pepper for about 15 minutes. The procedure is very unpleasant. But the end justifies the means - tempera. more than enough will rise after the procedure.
  3. With mustard powder. Take a dry powder and rub it on slightly moistened armpits for 10-15 minutes. Then cover with a napkin. Works well as a topical remedy.
  4. With the help of garlic or onions. When rubbing the armpits with this remedy, a local rise in temperature is guaranteed, but it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell.

With glue. It is necessary to take not a simple glue, but an office glue, designed for gluing paper and cardboard. You don't need to eat or drink it. This remedy, 15 minutes before visiting a doctor, must be applied to the area inside the nose.

This method will not only raise the indicator to subfebrile numbers, but also create a complete picture of colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI. In this case, there will be obvious symptoms of the disease - red eyes, runny nose, lacrimation, but there will be no painful sensations.

How not to harm health

There are many ways to raise your body temperature. But there is an important point, what goals are pursued for this. If the goal is simply to cure hypothermia, then a hot drink with honey and lemon will not harm your health. When the goal is to simulate the temperature, it is better to use a local remedy such as baths, glue, or underarm rub. These methods will not cause serious harm to health. The use of chemicals (lead, iodine and others) can lead to poisoning of the body and burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, stomach. That in the future will need to be seriously treated. You just need to make the right choice.

It is possible to raise body temperature for those who are in need for health reasons, and raise it for those who “urgently” need it. It is necessary to approach this issue very carefully and deliberately. In order not to reap the fruits of wrong actions.

Good time of the day! My name is Khalisat Suleimanova - I am a phytotherapist. At the age of 28, I was cured of uterine cancer with herbs (more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist read here: My story). Before being treated according to the alternative methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save you time and money, since diseases are different, herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. So far there is nothing to add, but if you need help in choosing herbs and methods of treatment, you can find me here by contacts:

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If you ever needed to simulate an illness, then you probably wondered how to raise your body temperature to 37.5 quickly and safely. After all, if you urgently need to issue a sick leave, then in 98% of cases it is impossible in the absence of temperature. There are several ways to do this. It should be noted right away that if you suffer from body temperature below normal, then it is better not to try to find a solution to the problem on your own. Since this can be a signal for the development of a number of diseases. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Proven methods

But if you are interested in how to increase the body temperature to 37.5 at home, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods described below.

Eating the lead

This is the easiest way, which even schoolchildren often use to skip classes once again. It is recommended to eat a lead from a simple pencil. To do this, you need to break the pencil in half and take out small parts of the lead from it. Next, you need to eat it with a little water. Keep in mind that if you chew it, it will have a black mouth and your secret will be revealed. Therefore, do not chew it, but drink it like a tablet.


This method is popular due to the fact that in addition to fever, you can also get cold symptoms such as consumption, runny nose. The glue should be the simplest, domestic. In no case should you drink it. You need to take a small amount of glue and anoint your nose with it.


Many people love this vigorous drink, it manifests itself especially in the morning when you need to cheer up. But few people know that with its help you can raise the temperature and go to rest on sick leave. Only for this you need not drink this product, but eat. It is enough to eat two to three teaspoons of regular instant coffee, and you will achieve the desired result.

Armpit rub

This is a very interesting method that will help to urgently raise the body temperature. Only here you need to rub your armpits for a reason, but with the help of products such as:

  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • garlic.

However, when using it, be aware that there may be a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in public places. Experts recommend rubbing one of the listed products on the armpits for at least 10 minutes. Then the body temperature will rise to the indicator you need.

Climbers method

This method is used by climbers in cases when it is necessary to warm up, but movement is impossible. To carry out the procedure, you must:

  • take four deep breaths
  • then draw air into the lungs,
  • tighten your diaphragm and abs, as if trying to crush the air inside you.

Hold your breath for 40 seconds. This exercise must be repeated at least 5 times, then the temperature will rise.


In order to raise the temperature using this method, it is enough to drop a couple of drops of the product on the bread. Then this piece should be eaten and washed down with water. The effect after using this method lasts for several hours.

If the temperature is measured without anyone's control, then you can take a thermometer and immerse it in warm water for a few seconds. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

No matter how safe these methods seem to be, before raising your body temperature, think artificially how much you need it. Since sometimes trying to simulate illness, it can arise in reality.