The scheme of the hinged gate on rollers. How to make a hanging gate with your own hands according to the drawings

The search for the best design of such an obligatory element of the fence as a gate led to the emergence of several of its types, among which one of the most convenient options in operation, called a suspended gate. This so-called modification of sliding gates has become widespread both for use in private construction for arranging the entrance to the territory of a house or summer cottage, and for industrial use, where hanging gates are used to enter protected areas, protect warehouses and hangars.

The principle of the device of suspended sliding gates is quite simple both in design and implementation. The door leaf is fixed by hanging it on a supporting beam, the height of which is the height of the door and limits the maximum height of the transported vehicle. Roller trolleys, with which the supporting structure of the hanging door leaf rests on the beam, ensure their free rolling along the beam and easy opening and closing.

For the manufacture of suspended gates, any materials used for the manufacture of these protective structures can be used, which can consist of either one leaf or two: the metal frame of the leaf frame can be sheathed with metal, profiled sheet, protected by a decorative lattice.

Modern suspended sliding gates by design features can be divided into:

  • Hanging gates with one and two leaves, which can move in one direction or in different directions;
  • A design with a manual drive, when the opening and closing of the gate is done manually. It is usually used where the gate is used infrequently, and they have a low weight of the leaf.
  • Electrically operated suspended sliding gates with remote electronic or electric control, which allows for a comfortable passage.

Among the disadvantages of this design, one can name the limitation of the maximum height of the vehicle with the supporting beam and the requirements for the availability of free space for the gate to roll back along the fence or wall. However, this space is considerably smaller than what should be kept unoccupied with swing gates.

Accordingly, when installing such a gate system, you will save yourself the need to clear a large area of ​​snow just to be able to open the gate. To ensure the free opening of the suspended gate, it is enough to clear the narrow space along the fence under the supporting beam.

In order for this type of gate to be reliable and easy to use, their design and installation should be entrusted to specialists with extensive experience in the implementation of such projects. When you need to install hanging gates, please contact MosKomplekt, and we will help you equip them quickly, efficiently and at the best price.

How to order the manufacture and installation of suspended sliding gates

To install hanging gates at your facility to protect the entrance to the territory, warehouse, garage or hangar, contact us for help, and MosKomplekt specialists:

  • They will come to your site to take measurements, select automation, help determine the type of cladding;
  • Develop project documentation and cost estimates;
  • The final project is agreed with the customer;
  • They will manufacture all the necessary components and purchase the required materials;
  • Deliver gate components and materials for their installation to your site;
  • Assemble the structure, check and adjust the gate automation;
  • They will hand over the work to the customer with the provision of warranty documents.

The prices for our hanging gates are determined individually after the development of the project and the calculation of the estimate. However, you can get acquainted with the approximate price for the manufacture of a structure, focusing on the average cost of our products, presented in the table.

Height, mmOpening width, mm / price, rub
3000 4000 5000 6000
2000 98343 117621 136962 156177
3000 114471 136836 159264 181692
4000 130662 156114 181629 207081
5000 146790 175392 203931 232407
6000 162981 194544 226233 257922

When you need high-quality, reliable and functional suspended gates, please contact MosKomplekt. The experience of our specialists, our own production base, as well as high-quality components will allow you to quickly obtain an optimal protective structure in all respects.

The principle of operation of suspension systems is similar to sliding ones. The only difference is that the hanging door runner is not attached to the side, but to the upper floor beam. This design, like the sliding one, is created on the basis of simple console fittings, so it will not be difficult to make it without the help of specialists. After studying this article, you will learn how to make a hanging gate with your own hands in your home or in the country.

The principle of operation of a suspended gate

In fact, such gates are a kind of "curtain" that moves along the upper cornice with the help of a system of rollers on which it is suspended. The role of a "curtain" can be either one or two or even three leaves, which can roll back to one or two sides or even move like an elevator door. Such mechanisms can be manually or electrically operated.

Gate leaves can be made of any material: metal, corrugated board, wood, plastic, etc. The only limitation is that they should not be too heavy. Otherwise, you will need to install a very powerful top rail on which they will be suspended.

Hanging gates

The main principles of trouble-free operation of such devices are:
perfect balancing of the leaves: at the slightest distortion, the gate will open and close with great difficulty;

Correct selection of fittings.

Hanging gates. Installation procedure

1. Before installing the gate, the soil towards which the rollback will be directed is leveled.

2. On both sides of the gate are attached vertical supports- metal pipes with a square cross section, with a diameter of 20-40 mm. Since the upper beam will rest on such supports, the distance from the ground to the upper part of the support should be such that a car can freely pass through the gate.

3. For the installation of supports, a hole is dug with a depth of 120-150 cm, into which a metal pipe is lowered, reinforcement is laid, and then the hole is concreted. The space between such a foundation and the ground is filled with crushed stone, while each layer of it is spilled with water and additionally compacted.

Concreting support pillars

Advice. To protect against moisture, metal or wooden plugs should be welded in the upper part of the metal support. This will significantly increase the service life of the supports and protect them from rust.

4. Swivel supports should be located strictly vertical... In the event of the slightest misalignment, the movement of the gate will be difficult or, on the contrary, they will open and close spontaneously. Therefore, when installing the supports, their location is carefully verified by the building level.

5. For top suspension beam a bent profile of a special shape is used (see photo). The size of its section depends on the weight of the suspended leaves. So, for sashes weighing up to 300 kg, it is enough to purchase a 40 × 35 × 2.5 mm profile. Heavy doors weighing up to 1000 kg will require a more powerful profile with dimensions of 90 × 75 × 4.5 mm. Moreover, its deflections are unacceptable.

Top beam profile

6. For a complete rollback of the sash, the length of such a beam should be 2 times the width of the opening itself. For standard garage doors, its length should be 6 m. If necessary, this size can be reduced.

Suspended gate arrangement diagram

7. For the installation of such a structure, the following fittings will be required:

Two trolleys (cantilever rollers) with a threaded axle;

Four brackets with a screw for attaching the rail;

Stoppers (limiters).

Carts with threaded axle

Components and fittings for the manufacture of suspended gates (brackets, hanging beam and cantilever rollers (trolleys))

8. Guide beam is fixed on the bearing support or on the upper part of the building wall using suspension brackets so that its lower working part, along which the rollers will move, faces downward.

Advice. If there is a weld in the beam, it can interfere with the free movement of the carriage. In order for the rollers to pass freely along the beam, it can also be positioned so that the seam is on the side.

9. No more than two roller carriages are required per blade of any size. The spacing of the carriages in this case depends only on the width of the web. First, their heels are cut off (the base on which the carts are mounted), and only then the rollers are welded to the sash frame... The door leaf should slightly overlap the opening (by 20 cm), and the distance between the soil and the sash should be at least 5 cm.

10. Then the door leaf is inserted by means of rollers into the upper suspension beam. To limit the movement of the sash along the edges, the beams are mounted on both sides plugs.

Suspended sliding system

11. In order to avoid swinging of the leaves in case of gusts of wind (this is possible if the gate height is too high), special restraints... They can be purchased ready-made or simply welded on pieces of reinforcement on the slit of the guide.


12. In the presence of automation, it is connected in accordance with the technical documentation and the attached diagram.

Advantages and disadvantages of hanging gates

The main features of such designs include:

Sufficient resistance to wind loads;

Less static effect on supports even with significant weight: the load is distributed more evenly in them;

The possibility of overlapping large openings up to 3 m wide;

Simplicity of construction;

Long period of operation;

The movement of standard sliding gates is carried out along the lower rail, which requires periodic cleaning from dust, dirt and snow ice; suspended structures are completely devoid of this drawback;

Significant space saving: unlike swing gates, no free space is required to open and close them; a small space along the fence is required only for their rollback;

It is not necessary to open the gate leaf to its full width: for the passage, it is enough to slightly move the leaf.

Perhaps the only one disadvantage of such devices is the restriction of space from above, which interferes with the passage of large vehicles.

Video: Do-it-yourself hanging gates

Suspended sliding gates are a high-quality, reliable design, which is notable for its low cost and can be used for ordinary residential buildings, garages and industrial facilities. They can be done independently, having previously armed with the necessary materials and carefully studying the relevant information. If you follow all the rules, you can create a system that will work flawlessly in all weather conditions. And the addition of an automatic mechanism will make the operation of the gate a real pleasure.

Suspended gates consist of several main elements, such as:

  • guide parts;
  • support rollers;
  • base.


To make a suspended gate, a drawing must be drawn up before starting work, while the dimensions of all parts must be taken into account and a suitable location must be selected, which will prevent difficulties in the passage of vehicles and the passage of people. Calculations are also made to determine the total cost of the structure.

Hanging gates will last much longer when using high quality parts. This can be determined by the presence of all the details of the manufacturer and strong packaging. The products of little-known companies may have a low cost, but you should not pay attention to them if there is damaged, poor-quality packaging, and there are no accompanying documents for the goods. Due to such components, the gate may jam or simply not open at the most inopportune moment.

Suspended drawings and construction process

The first stage of work is the pouring of the base, on which the bearing supports are subsequently installed using fasteners or special supports. The pit for filling must have a sufficient depth exceeding the level of soil freezing. After completion of the foundation arrangement, the concrete mass hardens within 2-3 weeks.

To move the outboard drive, special guides are placed. It is also worth noting the existence of drawings in which there is no lower guide element, while there are additional differences in the form of a support roller system and location.

The next step is to purchase accessories suitable for the selected type of system - grippers, plugs, guides and rollers. The latter generally have a special coating that protects against adverse weather conditions. They are made of plastic and metal, the level of strength of the plastic elements is similar to that of steel, while they emit much less noise when using the gate.

Frame creation

The frame is manufactured by welding steel pipes. This process requires utmost care to prevent distortions, while it is necessary to systematically use a plumb line to check the evenness of the elements. The sashes are then fixed on the resulting frame with rivets or screws. The material can be a lattice, plastic or metal sheets, wood, the choice depends on the required strength and preferences of the owners. Do-it-yourself hanging gates can be decorated with the material used on the walls, so that they will not attract attention when closed and become almost invisible. In addition, artificial stone finishes are popular. Of particular importance is the tightness of fixing the plugs located on the sides of the guide structure, since they can be knocked out when the sash is moved.

Security measures

As a method of preventing unauthorized entry into the territory, the installation of barbed wire in the upper part of the structure is most often used, while it should not interfere with the rapid movement of the shutters, and the summing up of the electric shock system. Any drawing of the gate should provide for the presence of sufficient free space for moving the leaves, this will ensure correct operation and a long period of operation of the entire system. On average, the distance should be twice the entrance opening.

Automatic movement

Arrangement of automation requires power supply, while the supplied power cable must have high-quality protection against negative influences. In this case, suspended gates are opened after pressing a special button located on the territory, or dialing a code from the street side. It is also possible to create a remote control similar to an electronic key for cars. Do not forget about the illumination of the control panel for controlling the system and the space next to the gate.


The design of this type is characterized by easy movement and no need for additional free space on both sides of the gate, since only the sides of the leaves are used, which are parallel to the fence. Top-hanged systems have become widespread due to the possibility of opening the doors using an electric drive. This innovation significantly simplifies life by the fact that you do not need to move the suspended gates on your own, since in this case you just need to press a button, which is especially important after a hard day's work.

Previously, the lack of building materials and accompanying elements significantly complicated the task of self-manufacturing gates with an upper suspension. But today the search for the necessary parts does not cause any particular difficulties, while, due to the high competition of manufacturers, materials have become available for any category of the population. A self-made suspended gate structure will cost much less compared to the final amount that will be billed by the construction company after the completion of the work. Careful use will ensure long-term trouble-free operation of the door for at least 15 years. The support rollers run smoothly and quietly even without special maintenance or lubrication.

Sliding or sliding gates are gaining popularity among private developers, since all the necessary components for their installation at an affordable price have appeared on the market. In terms of cost, swing gates are, of course, cheaper. Sliding structures benefit from aesthetics and ease of use. You can reduce costs by saving on the services of installation companies by installing sliding gates with your own hands. This is not so difficult to do if you understand the diagrams, watch video tutorials, and also consult with experienced home craftsmen. To carry out the work, a ready-made kit for the installation of cantilever sliding gates is purchased, which includes two rollers, a carrying beam made of a U-shaped profile, several traps and holders. The assembly and installation of the sliding gate structure is carried out in a specific sequence.

This video demonstrates the do-it-yourself installation process. After viewing, all previously raised questions about the installation of sliding gates will disappear by themselves. Each individual operation is shown so clearly and simply.

Briefly about the device of sliding gates

Below is a diagram and a list of the main elements of a ready-made set of sliding gates presented on the market by both foreign and domestic manufacturers of this type of equipment.

Legend: 1. Guide U-shaped beam; 2. Roller supports or carts (two pieces); 3. Removable end roller; 4. Lower catcher; 5. Top catcher; 6. Upper clamp with rollers (bracket); 7. Plate for fixing roller bearings

On a foundation specially prepared for the installation of sliding gates, a pair of bearing roller supports is fixed at a certain distance from each other. The guide U-shaped beam is welded or screwed to the lower edge of the metal frame of the door leaf. Roller supports not only withstand the load falling on them from the entire structure, but also ensure its free movement. The supports are fastened using embedded bolts or a special plate that is securely fixed to the foundation.

Fastening of roller bearings to a steel channel, laid in the foundation together with the reinforcing cage, is carried out using bolts or welding

The gate is installed on roller trolleys so that they are inside the U-shaped supporting beam. This arrangement protects the rollers from contamination, which affects the duration of their trouble-free operation. As a result, the gate easily rolls to the side, both in manual control mode and automatically with the help of an electric motor.

Important! The frame for the door leaf, welded from a profile pipe with dimensions of 60x40x2 mm (main frame) and 20x20x1.5 mm (lintels), must be sufficiently rigid. After all, the gate leaf is under the influence of wind loads, which can be very significant. The canvas should also not undergo any deformation under the pressure of its own weight.

Many manufacturers are engaged in the production of fittings for sliding gates, among which the most famous on the Russian market are ROLTEK (St. Petersburg), CAME and Rolling-Center (Italy), DOORHAN (Moscow).

The sets of accessories required for the installation of sliding gates are subdivided by the weight of the structure and the width of the clear opening into three standard sizes:

  • small (up to 400 kg and up to 4 m);
  • medium (up to 600 kg and up to 6 m);
  • large (from 600 kg and from 6 m).

When choosing the required set, they are guided by the width of the overlapping opening, the height of the canvas and the total weight of the entire structure.

Preparatory stage - pouring the foundation

Work on the foundation for the sliding gate begins with the marking of the trench. At the same time, from the edge of the opening on the side of the gate rollback, the length of the concrete base is set aside, equal to half the width of the passage. The width of the foundation base is 40-50 cm. When calculating the depth of the pit, the level of soil freezing in a given area is taken into account. In the Moscow region, the foundation is laid with a depth of 1.7 m, and in Siberia - 2.5-3 m.

An embedded element is made from the channel 18 and reinforcement (d 12), welding all the parts together in accordance with the diagram. The channel must be used to enhance the strength and rigidity of the base being constructed. The low alloy steel used in the production of channels is able to withstand low temperatures and does not corrode. The length of the channel blank is equal to half the width of the opening. The length of vertical reinforcing bars is calculated on the basis that they must go below the depth of soil freezing.

The embedded frame is welded from a channel 18 and reinforcing bars, the diameter of which is 12 mm. Reinforcement can be replaced with steel corners

By connecting the vertical rods with steel lintels, a strong reinforcing cage is obtained, which is lowered into a prepared trench for pouring the foundation. Previously, a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the trench, which is carefully compacted.

Important! The level of the foundation must match the level of the road. The value of the ground clearance must be higher than 5 cm so that there are no problems when operating the door in winter.

Before pouring the foundation, you should check the horizontal position of the reinforcing cage, using a building level for this. During alignment, also make sure that the longitudinal axis of the steel channel is parallel to the fence line.

If you plan to install a drive to automate the control of sliding gates, then at the stage of pouring the foundation, wires are laid, hiding them in special corrugated tubes. The location of the exit of the bundle of wires is selected based on the planned location of the electric drive. Usually the equipment is installed in the middle of the foundation.

A reinforcing cage is lowered into a trench prepared for the foundation. In this case, the plane of the steel channel is aligned with the level of the roadway

To fill the foundation, a concrete solution is mixed from 4-5 bags of M400 cement, crushed stone (0.3 cubic meters) of sand (0.5 cubic meters). The poured foundation is left alone for 3-5 days, during which the concrete will gain the required strength. After the specified time, they begin to install the sliding gates.

Step-by-step instructions for installation work

Mark the door movement line using a cord stretched along the opening, placing it at a height of 200 mm from the road surface and at a distance of 30 mm from the counter post. Along this cord, you will align the position of the supporting profile (beam).

Prepare roller carriages for installation and insert them one after another into the supporting profile beam. Then move the carts towards the center of the gate. Place the gate leaf with the roller supports inserted into the profile on the steel channel of the embedded structure. Then place the first and second supports in the marked places, and adjust the gate so that they are parallel to the stretched cord and touch it.

Fastening roller carriages to the channel

Weld the adjusting pad of the second roller support to the channel. Having rolled out the gate into the opening to the very end and having checked the horizontal position of the curtain, weld on the adjusting platform of the first roller support.

  • Remove the sliding gate curtain from the roller supports.
  • Remove the supports themselves from the adjusting platforms.
  • After welding along the contour, weld the adjusting pads to the steel insert.
  • Attach the roller blocks to the welded adjuster pads.
  • Slide the sliding gate curtain onto the roller supports.
  • Place the door in the closed position and adjust the horizontal position of the plane of the supporting profile. To do this, use a wrench to raise or lower the adjusting platforms relative to each other.

Installation of the front bearing roller trolley is carried out 150 mm from the edge of the door opening, so that when they are fully opened, the end roller will abut against the support

Important! It is possible to give the gate a horizontal position only if it is in a closed state.

Freewheel regulation

Adjust the position of the roller bearings located inside the support profile. To do this, slightly loosen the upper nuts securing the roller bearings to the adjusting platforms. Close and open the gate by rolling it from edge to edge several times. In this case, the roller supports will be able to take the correct position inside the bearing profile, in which the gate moves easily and freely. When you have finished adjusting the gate free play, tighten the upper nuts of the roller supports tightly.

Mounting the end roller and plugs

Next, the end roller is installed, as well as the cover of the bearing profile. To do this, an end roller is inserted into the bearing U-shaped profile, placing it on the front side of the door leaf, and the part is fixed with fastening bolts.

The cover of the supporting profile, supplied in the sliding gate set, is welded on the back of the door leaf. This detail prevents the load-bearing profile from being clogged with snow in winter, which prevents the gate from jamming.

When installing the top bracket, it can be used for fastening, both anchor and welding. The rollers of the bracket are lubricated after installation for better sliding.

To install the upper guide bracket, loosen the fasteners of its rollers. Then the bracket is placed over the door leaf in such a way that the rollers touch the upper edge of the door leaf, and the side with the holes provided for fastening is directed towards the support post. Pressing the bracket to the surface of the support post, fix the part with fasteners.

Sheathing of the door leaf with profiled sheet

After that, they proceed to sheathing the door frame with a profiled sheet, cut in height and width to the desired size. Installation of the profiled sheet begins from the front edge of the gate. The cladding is fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. Each subsequent sheathing sheet is superimposed on the previous sheet "on one wave".

The most commonly used material for covering sliding gates is profiled sheet, which is complemented by forged elements that give the structure an elegant and special look.

Installation of catchers: why and how?

One of the last stages of installing a ready-made set of sliding gates is the installation of catchers. The bottom catcher, installed when the door is fully loaded, allows partially removing the load from the roller supports when the door leaf is closed. To determine the position of the lower catcher, you must close the gate and align it with the end roller.

The upper catcher allows you to keep the door leaf, which is in the closed state, from swaying during the action of sailing loads. The installation of the upper catcher is carried out at the level of the protective corners, and in the closed position they (corners) must touch the brackets of the upper catcher.

Rules for self-installation of automation

At the last stage, the installation of automation is carried out, if this option was originally planned. In this case, the movement of the sliding gate leaf is carried out with the help of toothed racks, which are sold in meter-long pieces together with fasteners. The slats are attached to the supporting profile. When installing automatic sliding gates with your own hands, you should know that in addition to the toothed racks, you will need an electric drive, a remote control, a beacon lamp and a key. Everything is installed in full accordance with the requirements of the instructions attached to the equipment for automatic control of the gate movement. If in doubt, consult an experienced electrician.

As you can see, you can cope with the installation of sliding gates on your own. However, this process cannot be called easy. Not only knowledge is required, but also physical effort. Therefore, many private developers prefer to entrust the installation of sliding gates to professionals.

A gate with a sliding or, as it is also called, a sliding system is an integral part of a structure designed to fence a summer cottage and adjoining plots.

To date, the range of such designs is extensive, but many craftsmen want to make their own gates of this type.

This is due not only to an economic point of view, but also in connection with the use of creative energy. Therefore, many people ask the question, how to make a sliding gate with your own hands and in a short time?

Types of sliding gates

Sliding ones are produced in different forms, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Cantilever gates

Console door design allows you not to limit the upper dimensions of the product, and also excludes contact with the lower rail passing near the surface of the earth.

This is one of the most difficult constructions to perform. The basis of such gates is a console or, as it is also called, a channel. These devices hold the sash of the structure when opening and closing the gate.

In modern doors with a similar type of movement, there are no lower and upper guides, which provides the car with free movement on the territory of the yard... The canvas is suspended on a special beam standing on rollers that move the surface of the product.

The roller blocks and the guide bar are usually placed in the lower section of the door. Often there are such retractable mechanisms with the reinforcement of rollers and beams in the upper or even in the middle part.

Such placement is justified in the case when it comes to a wall with capital properties or a sheet with increased strength, withstanding the large-sized weight of the structure.

For home use, it is best to do a bottom movement so that you do not have to carry out additional work to strengthen the wall.

This gate last longer than others, because the sliding structure completely fits into the guide grooves, which protect the product from the atmospheric effects of the external environment.

Cantilever doors are often electrically operated. It is attached between the roller carriages. The drive has a control unit and special devices to ensure safe movement.

Positive sides such gates are obvious:

Console systems there are disadvantages, but there are not many of them:

  • the design of such a gate is difficult to make with your own hands;
  • the installation of the gate assumes a free area for the gap, which is one and a half times larger than the opening itself. This is not always feasible;
  • the need to create a strong foundation.

Hanging gates

Suspended sliding gates are popular in warehouses, factories and garage docks. The principle of operation of such a mechanism is almost the same as that of conventional sliding gates, with only one difference - the guide bar is attached to the top of the opening.

When choosing elements for fastening the structure, you need to purchase only high-quality products.

It is recommended to choose a material suitable for this type of door from steel with additional galvanizing and PVC coating for resistance to negative factors of a natural nature.

The gates open along the wall, so they do not need additional space on the inside and outside. If desired, such a design can be equipped with an electric drive for ease of use.

Advantages of sliding gates on a suspended basis:

  1. Suspended structures significantly save space.
  2. The strength of the door allows it to withstand wind loads.
  3. There is no need for additional cleaning of the entrance in front of the house from snow.

Roller constructions

Roller gate are more popular for entering the courtyard than in the garage, because the width of the garage wall does not always allow for a solid sash and place the entire mechanism to the side when the structure is opened.

For the yard, this is an ideal option because of the space saving and ease of use of the device. When you press the button, the roller mechanism is triggered so that the fence moves to the side.

If you equip the device with automatic control, you can act on it using the remote control.

The gate structure consists of a guide profile attached to the bottom of the product, a roller mechanism on a bearing base, a frame sheet and other elements that fasten and hold the structure.

Rail gate

The principle of operation of rail gates is to slide the protective curtain over the surface of a special rail located on the surface of the earth. The movement takes place due to the roller welded to the bottom of the product.

Of all types of gates with a sliding system the rail mechanism is the most simple and demanded... It is often used at the entrance to private homes.

Such a mechanism has a number of advantages:

  • the sash is supported, so it will never sag;
  • the simplicity of the device allows it to be made by a craftsman who does not have much experience;
  • the sash does not take up much space and is equal to the width of the entrance opening.

Flaws such devices:

  • the operation of the sash can be disrupted by trapped debris or snow;
  • the guide rail must be cleaned regularly;
  • a rail laid on top of the soil cover slightly protrudes, which makes it difficult for a vehicle to enter.

Sliding gates in two parts

Sliding gates are sometimes made in two parts. This working principle allows you to save space in the width of the wall, since the gate is divided into two parts.

The structure can also be equipped with automation and opened with a remote control. Electric drives are installed in each gate leaf.

The design and device of the gate with a sliding mechanism

One of the most demanded gates are cantilever gates, the design of which consists of the following elements:

Making sliding gates with your own hands

Preparation for work start by checking the necessary tools:

All of these tools can be found in every home, with the exception of only a welding machine. You can ask your friends or neighbors for it. If funds allow, it is better to buy it, such a tool will never be superfluous.

Drawing and schematic creation

If all the necessary tools are available, you can proceed to the calculation of building materials that must be purchased on the construction market and metal warehouse.

The frame is done by welding first pipes 60x40 mm, 6 meters long to the guide. Next, two vertical pipes 60x40 millimeters are attached, 2 meters each, the first to the edge, the second at a distance of 4.4 meters from the edge of the horizontal pipe.

Attached to the upper ends of these pipes is a horizontal one, 4.4 meters long. The free edge of the lower horizontal pipe and the edge of the upper one are connected at an angle with a 2.56 meter pipe.

The fabric of the frame must be filled with vertical pipes 40x20 mm... Next, go to the power frame.

The foundation for the future structure must be prepared by digging a U-shaped pit with a depth of at least one and a half meters.

The section with an opening of four meters should be equal to six meters. Road clearance you need to draw at least seventy-five millimeters.

Power frame It is prepared from a channel (2.2 meters long and 20 centimeters wide) and reinforcement, the height of which is 1.5 meters, in mutually perpendicular directions.

This structure is concreted and the drive platform and stand are welded to it. Next, the lower rollers are attached to the stand and the upper roller to the post. The upper and lower traps are attached to the post opposite to the moving gate.

The last element the circuit is automation and a gear rack.

Material selection

Having drawn a diagram of the proposed design, you need to carefully study the material for the frame and door leaf.

The frame is made of wood or profile pipe.

The inner part of the gate is created from:

When choosing material from forged elements or wooden components, it is important to remember that reinforced parts of accessories and additional accessories are needed for such a structure.

Screw piles in sliding sliding gates are often used, and such supports are made within three or four days. If you use a concrete base, such work is carried out in a warm and dry season.

For the final drying of the material, a month must pass., and this significantly postpones the installation of sliding gates.

So screw piles are more practical and wiser when installing the gate yourself. Such piles can be moved to different places, and the concrete will remain poured in its original place.

Structures withstand vibrations thanks to their blades, and the cement base will loosen over time and disrupt the entire propulsion system of the structure.

Foundation made using screw piles, is durable, and the installed canvas serves for a long time and without failures. Piles can be installed in weak and water-saturated soil. They cut through the soil to the limit until they find a solid footing underground.

Installation of screw piles

The main condition for the high-quality installation of screw piles in such a structure is rigidity. This condition is due to the increased load on the screw piles. Material should not go into the ground even under its own weight.

When installing such a structure, a profile pipe with the selected parameters and a pipe sheathing should be used. The frame is pre-coated with a primer.

The accessories for the gates are chosen taking into account the weight and height of the product. The canvas moves to the side along the guide, it is its quality that determines how long the structure will last.

It is important to know that the door rollback must exceed the size of the opening. This distance is considered to be the measurement indicator of the console, which is equal to the width of the opening.

For the effective movement of gates installed on screw piles, an appropriate area is required.

The choice of the site must be approached thoroughly and with the expectation that the width of the gate should be multiplied by a factor of one point five, then the ideal distance will be obtained. This is important for the convenient operation of the product..

Installation of piles produced in several stages:

  1. Laying the foundation, including the marking of the territory and clearing the holes from the soil. Installation of embedded materials and, if necessary, pouring with concrete.
  2. If the wizard plans to set up automatic control, electrical cabling.
  3. Sequential installation of pillars and the entire gate system.

Estimated movement of the gate system fix with lacing stretched along the line of the entire opening. The recommended fixing height is two hundred millimeters.

If the pit was filled with a concrete solution, it will take seven days to continue the work until the solution is completely dry.

Frame preparation

Metal product for the frame treated with anti-corrosion coating and give it time for the solution on the surface to dry out.

The frame can be made by yourself, but most importantly, so that the welded elements are without holes in the joints... If there are such holes, dirt and snow will get into them.

The base of the frame consists of 60x40 mm pipes, as shown in the photo with the sketch above. The ribs of the structure and the lintels inside can have a cross-section of 20x40 millimeters.

Rama is assembled in the following order:

  1. Profile pipes are measured and cut according to the prepared drawing.
  2. The resulting parts to create a frame product are degreased, painted and treated with a special solvent.
  3. The prepared elements are laid out on a flat surface.
  4. The frame perimeter is assembled and tacked with a welding machine.
  5. The corners of the product are checked and, if everything converges, they are finally welded together.
  6. After welding, stiffeners and internal bridges are installed to the product.
  7. The lower part of the product is connected to the supporting beam.
  8. The surface where the welding work was carried out is covered with an anti-corrosion coating and an additional layer of paint.

Manufacturing sliding gates with a wicket significantly complicates the entire design and installation process. Necessary take into account the location of the gate at the earliest stages of work.

Installation of corrugated board

To trim the gate you will need, screws 19 mm long and a screwdriver.

If the owner does not want to spend additional material for the counterweight triangle, this can be discarded, because it will not be noticeable from the street side.

Automatic gates will look even better if the pillars are sheathed with bricks. With basic knowledge of the masonry process, this is easy to do.

Necessary fittings

The parts needed to create a gate are best purchased from specialized stores. It doesn't make sense to make them yourself. because it is not economically justified.

Before buying a rail mechanism, you need to calculate the required length. It is calculated based on the width of the gate and multiplying the number by 1.5.

Door rolling hardware, is selected based on the weight of the structure... There are parts that can withstand loads of up to four hundred kilograms, and sometimes there are models for forged gates on sale that can withstand up to eight hundred kilograms.

For gates with corrugated sheathing, parts that can withstand up to four hundred kilograms are suitable.

When choosing carriages with a roller mechanism, you need to decide from what material they will be created.

The building materials market offers to choose between metal and polymer materials. It is best to choose a polymer coating, if used correctly, it will last a long time and will create less noise than metal.

Fastening the cover strips

In a brick row, three embedded parts are made for the subsequent installation of a cover strip. A piece of reinforcement is welded to the post. A corner is attached to the edge of the reinforcing product in such a way that one part of it is held on the brick, and the other protrudes outward.

Top and bottom embedded parts installed at the level of third bricks, and the middle one is in the middle of the product.

A pipe is welded to the protruding corners - a strip with dimensions of 60x30 millimeters.

Guide rail

It is impossible to produce a rail for moving the structure at home, so you have to spend money to buy such a part.

When choosing a material, you must first of all pay attention to the presence of a mirror surface and correct angles... Manufacturers usually take care of their reputation and polish products from rust.

Based on the weight and size of the structure, a suitable rail is selected.

Rail maintenance is easy: you need to regularly check its surface for dirt and excess debris.

Roller carriages

Roller carriage movement allows you to move the gate system along the opening... Each carriage of the system consists of eight rollers made of metal or polymer coating.

The process of making the carriage is not difficult: holes are made in the marked metal plates to place the roller mechanism in them.

To create a caret you can use bearings from an old machine, for example, from Zhiguli.

If the metal is not strong enough, then the plates are welded. When drilling, it is best to use oil to cool the surface.

The axles and holes are measured and the surface is cut to the desired length. Washers are placed on the axis, then the wheels, and the resulting structure is screwed to move. Before welding the base bearings must be tightly packed with grease.

The process of making homemade rollers for sliding gates is shown in the video:

Catchers and plugs

Metal plates bent in a special way are intended to catch the gate and their commit after closing... With the correct selection and quality of the metal used, it will not be difficult to make such products.

The plugs protect the guide from snow and mud. It is possible to purchase ready-made protective elements made of rubber or plastic material. You can simply weld the ends of the bar material with a welding machine.

Self-production of fittings is allowed, but on the condition that the master already has experience in carrying out such work.

With a lack of experience, it is better to purchase additional items in specialized stores from reliable manufacturers.

Installation of the frame and gate

After completing the creation and preparation of parts and structural elements, you need to install the frame and gates.

Carriages are placed on the channel installed in the foundation, while trying to push them apart when strengthening.

The sliding gate frame is attached to the carriages and is set taking into account the level indicators. The carriage platforms are then lightly welded to the channel system.

After the performed actions, control measurements are made and the platform of the carriages is finally welded.

It is important to monitor the level indicators, which will indicate the presence of distortions in the structure.

After that, the traps of the upper and lower sections are welded in, and the end rollers are also installed.

Important to remember that the end rollers should go over the lower catcher system so that they completely unload it when the system is closed.

Automatic sliding gate system

Automatic opening of sliding gates is carried out by a mechanism, equipped with an electric drive... Opening occurs using the remote control button. Any materials from the garage are suitable for assembling such a mechanism, and the fastening will take no more than a day.

The signal is supplied by a roller or chain system using an asynchronous motor.

At the preliminary stage of work, you need to select the appropriate engine for the mechanism.

If a three-phase meter with a star winding is available, it is recommended to stop at this particular device.

With such a device, movement problems of the system can be avoided and increase the efficiency of the gate.

If the three-phase meter is not available, you can use single-phase capacitor type... It is important to know that such a device is characterized by low performance, especially at system startup.

If neither the first nor the second option was found, you can use less expensive materials. The reliable connection of the kinematics must not be forgotten. The reduction shaft is connected to the motor using a rigid coupling.

The gearbox can be replaced by a belt drive... This method of assembly work has the complexity of the connection in the tripod elements and the additional use of the automobile tensioning mechanism.

The mechanism with an independent shaft is given special importance when using a belt mechanism. Extreme care must be taken to center the shaft. because it has two transmissions.

Self-made electric drive

The most basic installation method automation of the sliding gate movement process is a chain or, as it is also called, rack and pinion transmission.

A bicycle chain is fixed on the gear shaft, and on top of it another one is installed, a special one with a diameter in the links similar to that in the sprocket.

The chain is installed horizontally. Sprocket rotation in one direction or the other, it sets the entire sliding gate mechanism in motion.

The motor and gearbox are fastened with bolts with special nuts. The support for them must be rigid. Elongated holes are made under the base to securely fix the motor mechanism.

The next step in the installation is to attach the chain to the gate. The chain is installed in the lower part of the beam, and a casing is used as additional protection made of rubber material.

In order to finally strengthen the chain, welding is used.

Installation of automation on the gate

To put it all together, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Before installation, you need to choose a place for installation and start installing the rail in such a way that so that it is on the surface of the gear.
  2. At the desired point, the drive is fixed with a welding machine.
  3. Next you need install the toothed rack... It is welded to the pipe and pulled over the surface of the web.
  4. All elements are checked and re-welded.
  5. The next step is the installation of limit switches. They are mechanical or magnetic.
  6. The connection of the system must be made according to the instructions given by the manufacturer. Settings for additional functions are carried out using the remote control.
  7. Further install light elements capturing photo signals.
  8. For installation, you need to make a hole in the pipe and pass the main power supplies through it.

  9. Attachment of a signal type of a lamp that transmits data about approaching objects. This element can be excluded from the installation, but for the safety of the structure it is better to use it.

How to make a simple sliding gate with your own hands, see the video below:

In this article, we will consider all the subtleties of installation and construction, as well as all the possible problems that may arise if you decide to install sliding gates with your own hands. Usually the biggest challenge is drawing the sliding gate. Next, we will consider the basic principles of installing sliding gates with our own hands, video instructions and photos of various designs.


This is the most important question that you must answer first. The width means the free space between the pillars of the sliding gates when they are completely open... To answer this question, you need to decide on several factors:

  • What cars will be calling? Cars? KAMAZ trucks? Tractor? Gazelles?
  • At what angle will they drive in, especially cargo ones?

In practice, the width of the gate is made such that when passing through, there is a gap of at least 35 cm between the mirrors of the car and the pillars of the gate on all sides.

Practice shows that the optimal width of a sliding gate is approximately 4.5 m, and the ideal width is 5.5 m.

Please note that everything written above refers only to the width of the opening, but not to the width of the canvas. If we consider the canvas, then there is an important nuance that must be taken into account. The width of the canvas must be approximately 25 cm wider than the width of the opening. Otherwise, when the gate is closed, a gap will appear, which can be seen at an angle to the plane.


Some people think that if the height of the canvas adjacent to the fence is 1.8 m, then the height of the canvas must be 1.8 m. In fact, this is not the case. Let's let's look at an example:

Now let's see what happens in the end. In these cases, you take into account the same height of corrugated board, but do not take into account the fact that in the version with a fence, the profiled sheet will go straight from the ground and its edge from above is clearly 1.8 m above the ground. But, in the case of a gate, the bottom edge should not touch the ground, it must be raised by about 15 cm.

It should be noted that the distance between the ground and the bottom of the door can be adjusted using the adjusting levers, which are usually included in the set of rollers. Roller supports are put on and fixed on the adjusting platforms using nuts, and with the help of them, the installation height of the supports can be adjusted in the range of 6-10 cm.

Further. Unlike a fence, a profiled door leaf is usually installed in the profile from which the leaf frame is made, and the profile is most often welded from profiled pipe 40x60 mm... The door height is already obtained: 100 + 40 + 2000 + 40 = 2180 mm. But that's not all, since a guide beam, which has a height of 60mm, is welded to the canvas at the bottom. That is, taking into account this beam, the distance from the ground to the top will already be 2180 + 60 = 2240 mm. As you can see, according to this scheme, the upper edge of the canvas will be 240 mm higher than the top of the fence.

Diy drawing and diagram of sliding gates

The design of this type of gate is so simple that you don't need any drawing. Below we will explain the gate operation scheme, then you will easily understand their construction. So, the basis of the design of sliding gates are two rollers and a moving guide beam along them.

The guide, moving along the rollers, is the basis of the whole structure. It is welded to the bottom of the frame and now it moves along the rollers. Since the rollers should not be located in the opening, so as not to get in the way under the feet, they are fixed to the side, outside the opening, and the gate is extended with a "counterweight"... A typical design is one where the counterweight is half the length of the door opening. In other words, for an opening of 5 m, the length of the frame is 5 + 5/2 = 7.5 m. Moreover, 2.5 m in the frame will be a "counterweight" that goes beyond the opening and is on the rollers.

All other components of sliding gates, the drawing of which should be drawn up by a professional, bear almost no loads and are required to protect the canvas from swinging.

Let's consider element by element set of accessories, which are required for the installation of sliding gates with your own hands:

  1. End cap for inner rail. Its purpose is mostly decorative, and also to prevent snow from stuffing inside when the gate rolls back in winter;
  2. Support rail with 2 adjustment rollers. It is located on top of the post and simply keeps the canvas in an upright position from tipping over and swaying;
  3. Top catcher. It is mounted on a "receiving" post. The task of the catcher is to protect the canvas from swaying when they are closed;
  4. Lower catcher. Almost the same as in the previous paragraph, but with a support platform, where the support roller is rolled if the gate is completely closed. The task is to keep the gate from swinging, and also to relieve the guide and drive rollers;
  5. Support roller. It is both a plug for the front of the rail and a damper. When the gate is closing, it enters the "lower catcher", dampens the impact of the closing;
  6. The guide itself, due to which the gate moves back and forth along the rollers.
  7. Support rollers with adjustment stands are elements that ensure the rolling of the gate and bear the main load.

Adjustment stands required for:

  • the possibility of replacing the roller bearings if they fail;
  • adjusting the height of the gate to the ground;
  • precise installation of straight roller bearings.

DIY installation of sliding gates


For most people, the embedded element raises many questions, since the dimensions and shape of this part are not clear, and everyone is trying to find its design diagram. You don't need a circuit. The task of this element is only to prepare a certain basis on the foundation for further fastening of the rollers and the drive by welding. With this in mind, the shape is absolutely irrelevant, the dimensions may vary. Under the mortgage channel # 10-25 is used... The heavier the gate, the more powerful the channel is needed. The mortgage must stand directly on the line of movement of the door leaf, the platform for the electric motor is shifted from this line to the inside of the territory.


This is probably the most responsible and important element of the entire structure. To begin with, the foundation is required for a mortgage, where the support rollers will be fixed. Some companies and private builders offer a more economical base option than reinforced concrete, namely, they propose to screw a couple of screw piles, where the mortgage is then welded upward, and now, by and large, almost everything is ready.

Then, next to it, another one is screwed into the bundle of piles slightly obliquely (since there are not many piles exactly next to it), under the pillar. We will not even consider this method. Probably, it will fit light and small sliding gates, for example, 2.5 meters long with a light frame, but a larger gate will “walk” on this base.

We believe that in this case there is no alternative to a reinforced concrete foundation, but it can also be performed in different ways. So, for example, it is often proposed to fill only one foundation - directly under the mortgage, or two separate ones, one of them - under the mortgage, the other - under the "receiving" post.

This option is much better than the very solution of installing screw piles, but the presence of two separate foundations can end in disaster, especially in cases where these foundations are not below the freezing level of the earth. It's just that as a result of frost heaving, these individual foundations can move independently of each other. In this case, even with small displacements relative to each other, everything can end with the gate not getting into the catchers that are on the receiving post, and you will need to readjust them all the time.

The solution to this problem is very simple (but more expensive than two separate foundations) - both pillars must connect with one foundation... In this case, even if the base is displaced, both pillars will constantly be located parallel to each other, moving in one bundle.


They must be installed before pouring the foundation. In the version with sliding gates, they carry almost no load, in addition to the wind. That is, at the curtain, the gate, as a rule, has a large "windage" and in a strong wind, the entire load is transferred from the curtain to the pillars. If we consider the best option, then for these gates it is enough to use a 65x65x2 mm pipe.

Regarding whether it makes sense to put U-shaped pillars or ordinary - there is no general opinion. The accessories can be installed without problems on single posts. But the U-shaped version is better, this option is preferable in the case when in the future you plan to supply not only the drive, but also a set of automation for the gate, which includes photocells. To begin with, it is much more convenient to install photocells on the inner poles, and not on the poles outside (taking into account anti-vandal considerations). And also, inside the pillars inside, it is quite convenient to lay hidden wiring to the signal lamp and photocells.

Frame construction

The frame is preferably made of metal. Structurally, it is made of square or rectangular pipes of several standard sizes. Larger pipes are used in the role of a load-bearing frame, internal infill in the form of stiffeners made from smaller pipes.

It is advisable to immediately weld the toothed rack (or threaded cylinders for fastening the toothed rack) to the frame. Gear rack fasteners (threaded cylinders, 3 pieces per meter of rack) are included as standard. Be sure to check this fact at the time of purchase! In order to then install the automation without any problems. Otherwise, then it will be very inconvenient to weld it evenly to the bottom of the canvas.

Its length must be at least one meter longer than the opening. This one extra meter (or even more) of the rack goes into "counterweight" to constantly mesh with the cogwheel of the carcass drive motor. The toothed rack is versatile and fits 99% of drives(NICE, SAME, Alutech, Dorhan and so on). If you weld threaded cylinders for further fastening of the gear rack, then it is advisable to weld them first to the guide.

Also, do not forget that if you want to install a wicket in a sliding gate (by cutting the wicket directly into the door leaf), then it must be done in that part of the gate that is closest to the supporting rollers on which the leaf is held. If you want to make a wicket at the far end of the curtain from the gate rollers or the middle one, then you can significantly disrupt the balance of weight distribution, strength, "increase the lever", that is, those indicators that affect the rollers.

Yes, sliding gates can be quite expensive, but with their manufacturability and simplicity of design, they will give a big head start to lifting and swing gates. Installed clearly in compliance with technology, they are less likely to jam and deform.

Sliding gates can be called the most popular type of gate today. Previously, not everyone could purchase such a structure due to the high cost of both the fittings and other elements of such gates. Today their price is much more affordable. The advantages of such gates are practicality and durability. But since this is a complex technical design, it is better to leave the installation of the gate to professionals. If you are confident in your abilities, have some construction skills and tools, then installing a sliding gate with your own hands will not be associated with many difficulties. What's more, you can save on hiring specialists. The main thing that is needed is taking into account technical requirements, selection of components, compliance with regulatory loads and following instructions. Let's take a closer look at the installation process.

Elements and components of the gate

In fact, having everything you need to complete the work, it will not be difficult for you to install the gate. You will not need particularly deep knowledge in construction, basic knowledge, material and following the recommendations of specialists are enough.

You will need consumables for the work, but the main and important part of the elements is the fittings that are responsible for the movement of the gate. It consists of:

  • roller carriage or carriage (2 pcs.);
  • bottom and top catcher;
  • guide of the U-shaped beam;
  • gear rack;
  • removable end roller;
  • top lock with rollers;
  • plates for fixing the roller carriage.

When choosing high-quality fittings, pay attention to trusted manufacturers, taking into account the price and quality of products. You can also seek help from professionals who will help you choose the best option.

It is much easier to buy a ready-made set of gates with all the necessary elements, which you just need to assemble and install in place. It contains special installation instructions, thanks to which you can easily do all the necessary work.

Work plan

  1. Trench digging and foundation construction. The sliding gates are quite heavy, so you will need to make a foundation for smooth and correct operation.
  2. Installation of wires, if you want your gate to open independently from the drive, or if you plan to install a video camera on it.
  3. Installation of roller elements.
  4. Installation of gates on a rolling mechanism. At this stage, you need to hang the gate without adjustment.
  5. Fastening fittings that catch the goal line.
  6. Final adjustment of the gate.
  7. Connecting automation, if provided.

If you want your gate to serve for a long time and without interruption, you need to strictly adhere to the plan and follow the instructions, carefully following each step.

Digging trenches and preparing the foundation

First of all, you need to complete the preparatory work for the foundation. Start by planning your trench. To do this, follow these tips:

  1. From the border of the doorway, retreat a distance that is equal to half the width of the entire passage. For example, the width of your driveway is 4 m, then the length of the foundation will be 2 m from the border.
  2. The width of the trench depends on the width of the structure of the gate itself. For example, the width of your gate is 20 cm, then you need to dig a trench 10-15 cm wide in both directions, that is, 40-50 cm.
  3. Depth is a matter of controversy for experts. Some say that it is important to deepen the trench below the freezing level, others say that this factor does not affect the future foundation at all. In the opinion of the former, the foundation should go 1–1.5 m deep, in the opinion of the latter, 0.5–0.7 m will be sufficient. What depth you choose is purely your decision. We recommend making it no more than 1 m.

After you have decided on the dimensions, use a shovel to dig a trench in the right place. You should end up with the image below.

Preparing the embedded element

In order to make an embedded element, you will need:

  • channel with a width of 18–20 cm (it can be replaced with a corner of the same dimensions);
  • reinforcement Ø 12–15 mm;

The filling element is a structure made of a channel and reinforcement, which in the future is installed in a trench and will be concreted. Take a metal channel and cut it to the length of the entire trench. If it is 2 m, then the channel should be 2 m long. After that, the reinforcement must be welded to it so that a metal frame is formed. The length of the reinforcement rods should be 5–10 cm greater than the depth of the trench so that it can be sunk into the ground. How exactly you weld the reinforcement depends on you, there are no restrictions here, it can be welded in increments of 15 cm. The main thing is that the frame is strong, has a vertical base, which is connected by jumpers.

Instead of fittings, you can take another type of metal products, for example, corners.

After the frame is ready, it can be installed in the trench. But before that, the bottom of the trench should be covered with sand or fine gravel and tamped down, making foundation pillow 5 cm high. Sink the reinforcement so that the channel surface is flush with the road surface. Using a building level, align the frame perfectly level. If there is a strong skew on either side, remove the frame and add sand to that place. If the mortgage is not aligned, it will prevent the gate from moving correctly.

The foundation must be level with the road. The ground clearance can be no more than 5 cm, so that during the winter you will not have any problems with use.

Electricity wiring

If your gate will be equipped with an automatic gate opening and closing system, or you need to install a video monitoring, you need to take care of the electrical cables. They need to be carried out immediately before pouring the foundation. The cable is placed in a special corrugated hose and laid in the foundation structure. In advance, you need to decide on the place where the drive will be installed, and lead the wires there. The free ends of the wires must be brought out above the level of the foundation by 1-1.5 m. In order to do everything with your own hands, look at the diagrams and drawings of the wiring for the sliding gates.

Pouring the foundation

Once you have laid the wiring, the embedded element can be poured with concrete. For this you will need cement M400 brands, sand and crushed stone. The proportions are as follows: 1 kg of cement requires 3 kg of sand and 4–5 kg of crushed stone. Water should be half the weight of all components. It turns out:

In total, 4 liters of water per 1 kg of cement, 3 kg of sand and 4 kg of crushed stone are obtained. Knead the required amount of mortar and fill the trench. It is important that the surface of the channel is not completely concreted, the concrete must be at its level. Now the foundation must be left to dry. It will take 3-5 days, during which it will get stronger and be reliable enough for further work.

Assembling the door leaf

To make a frame for a gate, you need to have the skills to work with welding machine, since all elements must be connected by welding. If you have no experience in welding, you can ask for help from friends or to a special workshop, where they will make a door frame according to your drawings.

To make a door frame, you need to purchase shaped tubes. Their size will correspond to the desired size of the gate. There are many design options you can make. The main thing is to choose the one that suits you, cut the pipes to the required size and carry out welding work. Professionals advise to weld the frame so that the horizontal cross members are on top of the vertical pipes. Thanks to this, you will prevent corrosion, you only need to plug the horizontal pipes. When the structure is ready, the joints must be cleaned, and the frame must be covered with protective paint.

If your gate is larger than 1.5 m, in order to strengthen the structure and prevent sagging, you need to weld the crossbars in 50 cm increments.

At the same stage, a U-shaped guide beam should be welded to the lower pipe, thanks to which the gate will move. Then the frame is sheathed with a profile sheet.

One of the options for how to make a door frame is presented below.

Installation of roller carriages to the channel

Roller carriages can be called the most important mechanism, since they must withstand the load of the entire structure, therefore, they should be attached to the channel as securely as possible. The plates for fastening the rollers must be welded to the channel. Everything is done as smoothly and in one plane as possible so that the gate moves freely. You can use a laser pointer or a taut cord to align them. Another option is to draw a parallel line on the foundation that will be a tangent line to the edge of the plate. The plates should be welded in the middle of the channel. To do this, step back 15 cm from the edge, closer to the opening and fix the first plate. The second plate is attached 10 cm from the opposite edge.

Now you need to attach the roller carts to the plate. They are usually connected with bolts and nuts. Tighten them securely and install the gate. Check the smoothness of the movement, carry out control measurements and adjust the position of the roller supports to set the gate perfectly level. To do this, you can use a cord that must be pulled along the gate opening line, at a distance of 20 cm from the surface and 3 cm from the second post. The cord will serve as a guide to help keep the gate perfectly straight.

Installing the top clip

So that when the gate moves, they do not slide out, a retainer or guide is installed on top of the post. It will stop the gate and prevent it from swinging in strong winds. To do this, mark the holes for the fasteners on the support post. Measure everything correctly so that the upper frame can go into the retainer without obstruction.

A bracket for attaching the rail must be installed on the post. If you will be fixing it in concrete or brick, use an anchor with a stud diameter of 10 mm. If you attach it to metal, then special self-tapping screws will do. In the case where welding is used, the rollers must be removed.

After attaching the latch, check it. The gate should move smoothly, maintain verticality, and the rollers should wrap tightly around them.

There are different fasteners, roller or in the form of a regular bracket. Which device to choose is your decision.

End roller and plugs

From the bottom to the end of the U-shaped guide bar, in its front part, you need to fix the removable end roller, which is inserted into the profile. It is easily attached using a bolted connection. On the opposite side, you need to install a plug (plug) or the same roller.

Such a roller is needed so that when the gate is closed, the guide rolls onto the catcher located below, which will be installed on the post on the other side. This way you can reduce the stress on the base plates that hold the rollers to the foundation. Plugs or plugs keep snow, rain, dirt and debris out of the guide bar. If they are not there, then the roller carts can quickly fail, and the gate will not open smoothly and easily.

Attaching the upper and lower catcher

To secure the lower and upper catcher, you need to close the gate as far as it will go. On the post, mark where your gate frame ends. In this place, above and below, you need to fix the mortgages, to which the catchers will be attached. Depending on the mortgages, they can be fastened by welding or bolting.

The catchers will soften the contact of the door frame with the supporting rollers, and also minimize the loosening of the structure in strong winds. The bottom catcher also serves to reduce the sagging of the frame, which may appear after long-term operation of the door. Finally, check that your gate is installed correctly. Open and close them several times, make sure they run smoothly and evenly.

Installation and connection of automation

If you want your gate to close and open automatically, you need to purchase special equipment and install it.

First of all, a mounting plate should be welded to the channel, to which the drive will be connected. Usually such a plate is included in the kit. For welding, you can use profile pipes that are welded to the channel, and then a plate is welded to them. After that, the engine itself is installed on the base and fixed with bolts, which are also included in the kit. It has adjusting screws, thanks to which the motor can be adjusted up and down, left and right.

It remains only to weld the toothed racks to the U-shaped frame. This requires patience and precision, as the slats should be welded so that they are as a whole. Then, when driving, you will not hear any extraneous knocking of the gate. Then adjust the drive so that it can easily operate the gate. It remains only to configure the mechanism according to the manufacturer's instructions.

That's all, after all the manipulations, your gate is ready for use. You can be proud of yourself, because you yourself were able to do such a great job. Correctly installed gates will be quite reliable, and their service life will please you.


See detailed video instructions for installing sliding gates:

Another video instruction:

Sliding gates are a compact and ergonomic solution for a country house. As a rule, they are produced and installed by professionals who have a workshop and equipment at their disposal. In this article we will show you how to make and install sliding gates yourself.

Sliding gates are a sliding structure that moves along the fence, completely blocking or freeing the entrance to the territory. There are two types of such gates:

  1. Monoshirma - consists of one sash. The entire structure rests on an additional foundation through a steel embedded part. Does not require constriction along the tops of the pillars and is displaced to one side. It is used when the blade height is up to 2 meters. Option for private construction, open parking lots, courtyards.
  2. Double synchronous design - consists of two identical canvases that move simultaneously in different directions. Supported by two additional foundations. Requires the installation of an upper beam, along which the canvases move on rollers. Withstands heavy weights. It is used at a height of more than 2 meters. Option for tall hangars, strategic and industrial facilities and cargo areas.

The main advantage of sliding gates is that they do not require space inside or outside the site when opening.

Preparatory work

Gate production is not cheap and can be up to 60% of the final cost. Therefore, we will consider the possibility of making them with our own hands.

To make a sliding gate leaf, you will need locksmith tools, clamps, a welding machine and the corresponding skills. It is worth considering that the product must be welded without distortions and strains, so you need to choose a flat area and prepare goats or a prefabricated frame workbench of a suitable size (the dimensions of the future canvas plus 1 meter on each side).

  • the pillars should be static (not dangling), supporting elements will be attached to them;
  • the surface under the moving part of the gate must be horizontal, without a slope;
  • "Ground clearance" not less than 50 mm;
  • the length of the entire movable stage will be 50% greater than the width of the opening.

Attention! The upper edge of the canvas should be at least 20 cm below the top of the posts.

The sliding gate is based on a set of fittings. This is a set of parts required for the normal functioning of the finished product. Such kits are produced as standard, all elements are carefully adjusted and are presented in three versions:

  1. Small kit. Opening width up to 4 m, weight up to 400 kg.
  2. Medium set. Opening width up to 6 m, weight up to 600 kg.
  3. Great set. The width of the opening is more than 6 m, the weight is more than 600 kg.

Attention! Be sure to take these data into account when choosing the filling of the canvas frame.

The kit includes the following parts:

  • main rail (6 m)
  • support bar with rollers
  • end roller
  • top and bottom catchers
  • roller carriages of trolleys
  • plastic guide plugs

Manufacturing of sliding gates

Consider the assembly of the frame and material consumption using the example of a canvas for an opening 4 meters wide, 2 meters high from the ground (ground clearance 75 mm) and light filling from a profile (as the most common option). A distinctive feature of the retractable design is the presence of a counterweight. It is a part of the canvas that does not cover the opening. As a rule, its length is taken as 50% of the opening width.

For the manufacture of the frame, you will need rectangular pipes of the following dimensions:

  • 60x30 - 16 lin. m (3x6) - to create a frame. 1 piece - 6 m, 1 piece - 4 m, 2 pieces of 1.85 m each, 1 piece - 2.7 m;
  • 40x20 - 20 lin. m (4x6) - to create the inner part of the frame. 3 pcs of 4 m, 4 pcs of 2 m;
  • 6 m guide rail from small or medium set.

A 60x30 pipe is welded onto the tire along its entire length with a wide part, while 30 mm should be retreated from the visible edge (a vertical stand will stand there). Welding seams with a length of 50 mm are placed at 400 mm intervals on both sides. Along the width of the gate (4 m) perpendicular to the tire, 60x30 pipes with a length of 1.85 m are seized.The free ends of these pipes are cut (if necessary) and connected with a 60x30 pipe with a length of 4 m.

Attention! At this point, you need to check the diagonals, set the size and eliminate distortions before welding.

1 - guide rail 6 m; 2 - pipe 60x30 5.97 m; 3.4 - vertical pipes 60x30 1.85 m; 5 - pipe 60x30 4m; 6 - slope 60x30 2.7 m

After eliminating the distortions, in place we mark a 60x30 pipe with a length of 2.7 m from the free end of the tire to the upper corner of the frame (in the form of a slope). After trimming, we install it on the tack and weld all the pipe joints.

We divide the inner part of the frame into equal rectangles (6 in total), lay out the 20x40 pipes, mark them in place and cut them. These pipes will be welded with a narrow plane to the frame along its axis, therefore, 20 mm spacers should be prepared in advance, so that there will be space for the profiled sheet to the edge of the frame. We grab and weld pipes 20x40.

All welded seams must be cleaned (grinding disc) and polished (disc "petal") with a grinder.

As with any steel structure, the frame must be painted. First you need to remove metal dust and scale. Then be sure to wipe it with a cloth soaked in solvent. Then prime and paint.

After the paint has dried, fill in the frame. We fasten the cut-to-size profiled sheets to the 20x40 pipe with rivets or self-tapping screws according to the marking. Filling options can be very different - blockhouse, sandwich panels, paneled panels, mesh, polycarbonate, steel rail or lattice. This does not affect the design and assembly principle of the frame.

Attention! In the case of filling the frame with artistic forging, a blockhouse or other massive elements, consider the weight of the product when choosing a standard set for sliding gates.

Installation of sliding gates

To install the gate, you will need a powerful embedded part (ZD), as a rule, from channel No. 20 (width 200 mm), firmly fixed to an additional foundation, which takes all the load from the structure. It will be located on the side of the pillar, towards which the rollback will be made when opening. The foundation will be made in the form of two piles (1 m each) at the edges, united by a grillage that will act as a cushion for the SP. For ease of installation and reliability, it is better to weld the frame in advance and make it in the form of a whole structure with a channel. Before placing concrete, make sure that the position of the SP is strictly horizontal in all directions.

1 - piles 1 m long; 2 - channel with a width of 200 mm and a length of 2 m (1/2 of the opening width)

After the concrete has hardened along the edges of the door, we weld on the roller carriages from the set strictly along the axis of the gate movement. We bolt the rollers onto them.

On the support pillars from the side of the gate, we fix vertically pipes 60x80 (false pillars) along the height of the canvas plus 10 cm. canvas between openings. We grab the support bar with rollers to the side post at the required height. On the receiving side - upper and lower catchers.

Attention! All welding work until the end of the adjustment is carried out by spot welding ("tacks").

We mount it tightly on the seat. The rollers of the lower carriage must go into the tire, the upper tube of the 60x30 frame must fit between the supporting rollers. If you have free hands, the strip with supporting rollers can be installed in place - during the installation of the blade itself. We attach the end roller according to the instructions. We carry out tests, noting the nuances of the gate. Then we make the adjustment and final fixation of all welding units.

Sliding gate automation

Like any other type, sliding gates provide for the use of automatic operation and remote control. However, the installation of such devices requires specific knowledge and practical experience.

It is quite possible to make and install the structure itself, but it is better to turn to specialists to connect the automation. The equipment, if desired, can be installed at any time, but if you know about it right away, then it is better to lay the sleeves for the power cables in advance.

You can also make your choice in advance. We recommend the following automation models:

Sliding gate kits:

Firm The country price, rub. Note
Small Average Big
Rolling Expert Ukraine, Kiev) 4000 5000 6700 +600 RUB for 1 running. m of rail *
Rolling-HiTech Ukraine, Zaporozhye) 4500 5500 7800 +730 rub. for 1 running. m of rail *
Wesler-Profile Austria-Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk) 4800 5900 7400
Alutech Belarus (Vitebsk) 6300 7000 8100 +660 RUB for 1 running. m of rail *
Rolling Center Italy 15500 27300 36500 +800 RUB for 1 running. m of rail *

* - Each standard set includes a 6 m rail. The amount of surcharge is indicated for each additional meter of length.

Estimates for the manufacture of sliding gates:

Name Unit rev. Qty price, rub. Cost, rub. Note
Pipe 60х30 (1 running m = 3 kg) pog. m 18 90 1620 New * 6 m each
Pipe 40x20 pog. m 24 60 1440 New * 6 m each
Professional list m 2 8 160-270 1280-2160 Depending on thickness and finish
Channel pog. m 2 750 1500 New * by r. m
Rebar 16 pog. m 20 30 600 New * 6 m each
Concrete m 3 1 1000 1000 Approximate price of sand + cement + crushed stone
Paint, primer kg 3 100 300 Conventional for metal
Other (discs, drills, electrodes) - 1000 About
Total for material - 8740 Without the cost of automation
Work - 6000 Without automation connection **
Total - 14740 Fabrication and installation of canvas

* - in the manufacture of the frame, it is allowed to use a used material cleaned from rust. Savings can be up to 60% (for the indicated positions).

** - the approximate cost of work on connecting automation is 3000-5000 rubles.

Sliding gates are not a cheap pleasure. However, in the long run, they justify every ruble invested. Successfully combining practicality and compactness, they are the arithmetic mean of swing and lifting-section structures. At the same time, due to the simplicity and manufacturability of the device, correctly installed sliding gates are less susceptible to distortions and jamming than their counterparts.

Vitaly Dolbinov,