How to wash the ceiling. How and how to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen? Action algorithm for glossy and matte surfaces

A good hostess cleans the apartment every day. Washing dishes, washing floors, dusting - all this must be done regularly to keep the house clean. But washing ceilings does not apply to daily cleaning. Since this case is quite complicated and long. At first glance, if you look up to the ceiling, it seems that it is clean and white. But, in fact, a large amount of dirt and dust accumulates on top.

Where to begin

The dirtiest ceiling is most often not the kitchen, as it accumulates body fat, dust, dirt and more. In other rooms, dirt and dust appear due to periodically open windows. Therefore, washing should be done periodically. Every housewife needs to know how to wash the ceiling in the kitchen.

In order to wash the ceiling, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • Stairs. The stepladder is perfect for washing the ceiling. Most importantly, check that it is strong and does not wobble in order to avoid injury, as well as falls;
  • Special detergent. It is necessary to select a separate substance for a certain type of ceiling;
  • Mop with nozzles;
  • Wide brush with a special handle;
  • Basin, bucket;
  • Rag or soft, fluffy cloth middle length;
  • Latex gloves and glasses. This is necessary so that chemicals, as well as dust from the ceiling, do not get on your hands and eyes.

Means for washing the ceiling in the kitchen

Surface type

Before you wash the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to decide what type you have to wash.

Water based paint

In the kitchen, the ceiling is mainly covered with a water-based emulsion. Such material must be washed very carefully. To do this, use ordinary water with a small amount of soap. For greater effect, you can add a teaspoon of table salt.

When cleaning, do not use brushes and mops. It is better to wash with a regular cloth. Of course, it will be a little longer, but you will not scratch the surface. If there are a large number of greasy spots on the ceiling covered with a water-based emulsion, then it is better to first clean it with a dry brush with fine bristles, and then walk with soapy water.

Oil paint

If you have a painted ceiling oil paint, then the surface is better cleaned with a solution of water and washing powder. Such a ceiling can be cleaned with both rags and brushes. If wallpaper is pasted, then it must be washed depending on the wallpaper. Paper wallpaper should never be washed. Unless sometimes wipe with a slightly damp cloth. But, in general, paper wallpaper on the ceiling, it is recommended to periodically clean with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning solution for painted ceilings

Tensile structure

It is much easier for the owners of a stretch ceiling, since they practically do not accumulate dirt. Therefore, there is no need to wash them often. If you still decide to wash the stretch ceiling, then you should read the special care instructions. Most importantly, do not use cleaning brushes and chemicals.

Most the best remedy for washing the stretch ceiling - a soapy solution and a soft cloth. If the surface is glossy, then you can use not large quantity alcohol or an alcohol-containing product. It is necessary to wash the stretch ceiling carefully, without pressing hard on the surface. After washing, the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth. If during washing you damaged the surface of the ceiling, do not worry. Just seal the damaged area with ordinary tape and contact the company that made this ceiling for you. The experts will be able to repair the damaged area.

Stretch ceiling cleaning

Putty and whitewash

Putty ceilings are the most whimsical in terms of cleaning. Since the putty is afraid of water, cleaning with the use of water will not work. It is better to take a dry brush and a rag and try to remove the stains. You can also take the usual sandpaper and try to wipe the dirt stains. If this does not help, then you can apply wet cleaning, but very carefully.

Wash the surface very quickly. First wipe with a slightly damp cloth without any cleaning agent, and then immediately wipe the area with a dry cloth. And, in general, the putty ceiling is best vacuumed, at least once a month.


If your ceiling is covered with special ceiling tiles, then you can safely wash it with any cleaning products. Especially if the tiles are glossy. They are not afraid of water and chemicals. Simply go over with a damp cloth or brush and then let dry naturally. The big advantage of this tile is that it can be covered water-based paint. Therefore, instead of washing it, you can periodically just paint it. Thus, you will have a new, clean ceiling every time.


Plasterboard ceiling is not recommended to be washed with water. Since it can swell and deteriorate. Therefore, a slightly wet cleaning is suitable for cleaning such a ceiling. That is, with a cloth slightly moistened with water, or with a special agent, walk along the surface of the ceiling. But, of course, it is better to clean the plasterboard ceiling with a vacuum cleaner or a special dust brush with a soft bristle.

Getting rid of living things

We figured out the cleaning of the ceilings. But, you may have another problem associated with ceilings in the kitchen - worms. These insects live on the ceiling, and it is almost impossible to notice them immediately after the appearance. These worms are food moth larvae. A small butterfly that is active at night. Therefore, it is very difficult to notice it. In the daytime, she sleeps and does not bother the owners of the house at all. Outwardly, it is not much different from the moth familiar to all of us, which loves to feast on wool and fur.

Such a moth does not live long, from several days to several weeks. But, in this short period, it manages to give birth to a huge number of larvae that poison a person's life.

food moth larvae

Moths can get into the house by any means. But, most often they come to us with products. Due to poor-quality processing of cereals or flour in production or due to improper storage in the store, this mole starts up in the products. Once the moth has entered the house, it spreads throughout the kitchen.

You can see it in cereals, nuts, dried fruits, pasta. But, there is an opinion that food moth during its short life does not eat, but only drinks water. But this theory has not been proven. Since you can often find it on food left on the table, sweet foods, such as jam, cookies and sweets, are especially attracted to moths.

food moth

It is not recommended to use food on which the moth lived. Although, many try to sort out cereals or noodles in order to clear the remnants of moth life. But, these measures are completely useless. Since it is impossible to completely clean the products. Everything on which the moth lived must be urgently thrown away. And products that moths and worms did not get on should be packed with plastic boxes, since they will easily gnaw through polyethylene.

Moth larvae in candy

You need to start fighting worms on the ceiling when you managed to drive away and get rid of moths. Because if you clean the ceiling of worms, and the moth remains, then soon they will give birth to new larvae and they will again occupy your ceiling. To get rid of moths, use folk methods or special chemicals and traps.

A good remedy for fighting moths is garlic. Just spread the heads of garlic in moth habitats, cupboards and grocery bags. The moth does not tolerate garlic, but for some reason they eat it with pleasure. Therefore, soon you will be able to get rid of annoying inhabitants.

Garlic - a remedy for fighting moths

Now we move on to cleaning the ceiling from worms. In order to clean the ceiling from worms, the most common soap solution is suitable for you. But, it all depends on the type of your ceiling. Therefore, choose a tool based on this. Cleaning the ceiling of worms is very simple, as they do not leave obvious marks and stains. Therefore, cleaning the ceiling after worms is very simple.

Glued rice grains


To prevent worms from appearing in your home, conduct a regular audit in your kitchen cabinets. Pack your products carefully. Cereals and nuts, store in airtight plastic containers. Make sure that the products do not stay on the shelves for a long time. In short, keep your kitchen clean. In this case, you will not have such problems. A good housewife should keep her kitchen clean and tidy. Only in this case, you will not get insects that will poison your life.

December 1, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing work and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The article is addressed to those whose ceiling in the kitchen has turned yellow and stained. In it I will tell you how to wash the ceiling from soot and grease with minimal cost time and effort. You need to complete several simple recommendations which are tested by experience and proved their effectiveness.

How to wash ceilings of different types

I will talk about how to clean three types of coatings:

  1. Surfaces painted with water-based paint;
  2. Ceilings covered with oil and alkyd paints;
  3. Stretch fabrics.

Each of the options has its own characteristics, so what is good for a stretch ceiling is not suitable for paint and vice versa. It is important to choose what you need and follow all the tips to ensure that you get a good result and not ruin anything.

Option 1 - washing ceilings painted with water-based compositions

To begin with, you must learn one thing: you can only wash those surfaces that are painted with moisture-resistant compounds. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, choose washable paints based on acrylic or latex. This will save you a lot of problems later on.

If your ceiling is still painted regular paint, then you can clean it up like this:

  • First, the surface must be vacuumed to remove all contaminants from the surface;
  • Take a dry brush with bristles of medium hardness. Her surface is processed wherever it is required. If the cleaning did not help, then it is better to repaint the ceiling moisture resistant composition so that you can easily clean it up later.

Always wear safety goggles when cleaning the ceiling. When working, splashes of detergent inevitably fall down, and without eye protection it will be difficult to work.

If your ceiling is painted with washable paint, then this greatly simplifies the workflow. Let's figure out how to wash the ceiling from soot in this case:

  • For work, we need a cloth or sponge, as well as dish detergent. The same Fae is great for work;

  • You will also need a bucket for the cleaning solution and a ladder-ladder or from which you will freely reach the ceiling;

  • Work begins with the fact that the surface is vacuumed;
  • The cleaning solution is being prepared. To do this, a little detergent is added to 5 liters of warm water, after which the composition is stirred until foam is formed;

  • Work begins with any area, you need to carefully wipe the surface with a sponge. If necessary, the work is repeated until all contaminants are removed;
  • You can use a microfiber mop instead of a sponge. Then you can wash the ceiling much faster. But if you do not have such a device, you can do without it;

  • After treatment with a detergent, you need to walk with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture and remove all stains from the surface.

Option 2 - cleaning surfaces painted with oil paint

This type of finish is often found, so you should deal with it. Paints of this type protect the material from moisture very well and create a strong film on the surface, which is easy to clean.

Let's figure out how to wash such ceilings:

  • For work, a sponge or rag is used. Brushes should not be used, as they can damage the surface;
  • Best used as a detergent special formulations for washing dishes from soot. They perfectly wash away soot from a ceiling painted with an oil or alkyd composition. I usually use "MasterCleaner", and it suits me completely;

    • Cleaning solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package. They clean the surface thoroughly. If necessary, processing is done again;
  • After washing, you need to moisten a cloth in warm clean water and wipe the surface again. This will remove the remaining dirt and stains.

If you have places where soot has accumulated (most often they form near the hood), then they need to be treated with a special composition. Take 100 grams hot water, in which 50-100 grams are dissolved blue vitriol. Such a tool very effectively fights soot that has settled on a smooth surface.

Briefly tell you how to clean the lime. Whitewash does not tolerate water, so it can only be processed with a soft brush. If such cleaning did not help, then you will have to apply the composition again.

Option 3 - washing stretch ceilings

This type of coating is becoming more and more popular. For the kitchen, it fits perfectly: it does not absorb dirt and grease and washes well if you know how to do it right. To work, you need a certain list of tools and devices, everything is in the table.

Do-it-yourself instructions look like this:

  • If there is dust on the canvas, then it must either be brushed off with a dry cloth or removed with a vacuum cleaner. In the second case, you do not need to touch the surface so that the vacuum cleaner does not damage the material;
  • Detergent is best purchased in the form of an aerosol, then you can quickly apply it to a separate area. If you have a composition that is diluted with water, then after preparing it, moisten the mop nozzle, wring it out and put it on the working unit;
  • Washing is simple: the surface is wiped with a mop with little effort. If you press hard, you may damage the canvas. You need to carefully go section by section until the entire surface is clear;

  • The question is often asked, how to wash off the ceiling after cleaning it? In fact, nothing needs to be washed off, the work is done with a dry microfiber cloth. Her surface is gently wiped to remove all stains from the mop. Just look at the ceiling, and where you see streaks, rub them off.

Further information: washing after a fire

I want to tell you about how to wash the ceiling after a fire. In such cases, the surface is covered with a thick layer of soot, and if you just start washing it or scrub it with a brush, it will clog into the pores so that you are unlikely to remove it. To achieve the best result, you need to follow the surface cleaning technology.

First, let's figure out what you need to work:

  • First of all, purchase protective equipment: a respirator, goggles and gloves. There should be a hat on the head, and clothes should be such that it can be thrown away after work - it is impossible to remove things from soot;

  • Vacuum cleaner with powerful dust suction;
  • Hard-bristled brush;
  • Sponges for soot (several pieces);

  • A basin for detergent composition and detergent (Fairy is also possible). Collect as many rags as you need.

The work is done in the following order:

  • The floor is covered with a covering film so that soot does not fall on it;
  • A vacuum cleaner is taken and everything that is possible is removed in the most powerful suction mode. Do not touch the ceiling with a pipe or brush, run along the surface;

  • Next, you need to take a stiff brush and sweep the soot from the ceiling with sharp movements. Try to rip off the soot, and not rub it into the surface. It is better to move in one direction, so the purification is better;
  • A special sponge allows you to remove even more soot, she also needs to work with jerky movements in one direction. As the sponges become dirty, they are thrown away and new ones are taken;
  • A cleaning solution is prepared, after which the surface is wiped several times with the help of rags with the same sweeping movements. As they get dirty, the rags are thrown away, and detergent composition replaced with fresh
  • The finished base is primed several times with a penetrating compound, after which it can be puttied and painted.

The surface painted with water-based paint is resistant to moisture, but not to intensive washing, therefore, when cleaning it from dirt, a special approach is needed. Washing the ceiling surface is carried out during the operation of the premises and before preparing for re-painting. From quality preparatory work depends appearance new coating and its durability, so it is so important to know how to wash the ceiling before painting with water-based paint.

Advantages of water-based ceiling painting

Compared to other types of ceiling coatings, water-based ceilings have the following advantages:

  1. The coating is resistant to conditions of high humidity.
  2. Ecological purity of the material. The paint does not emit toxic fumes even when the air temperature in the room rises.
  3. The water-based composition is easily applied with a brush, roller or spray gun.
  4. In comparison with other paints and types of ceiling coatings, water emulsion has an affordable price.
  5. By adding pigments, you can get the desired shade.
  6. Paint provides speed repair work and cost savings.

TO additional benefits Such colorful coatings can be attributed to the fact that they are suitable for application to concrete, wood and plasterboard surfaces. The question of how to wash a painted ceiling arises only in the kitchen, because in other rooms such a coating does not need special care and cleaning.

Important! Since the ceiling surface in the kitchen is contaminated with soot, grease and dust, you need to know exactly how to wash the ceiling painted with water-based paint.

What ready-made detergents can be used?

Before you wash the painted ceiling, it is important to figure out what kind of colorful composition it was painted with. The easiest way is to wash the ceiling, painted with paint, using plain water and a soft sponge or rag. This method is suitable for removing surface contamination and dust in rooms for various purposes.

However, to cope with soot and grease on kitchen ceiling plain water will not work. In addition, before washing the painted ceiling, it is worth considering that not all types of water-based paint can withstand intense friction even with a soft sponge. It will not work to wash off grease and soot from a surface painted with ordinary water-based paint without the addition of acrylic and silicone. The fact is that these contaminants eat into the paint layer. In this case, there is only one way out - to completely repaint the ceiling in the kitchen.

Another question is how to wash the ceiling, painted with water-based paint with the addition of silicone or acrylic. This coating is resistant to intense friction, so grease and stubborn dirt can be removed with soapy water or ordinary kitchen detergent. Just do not apply detergent directly to the surface of the painted ceiling. First, dilute it in water, and then wash the ceiling with it. So you will achieve uniform distribution solution and protect the coating from streaks and stains.

Attention! It is forbidden to use abrasive products and solutions containing solvents and active chemical components to clean the ceiling.

  1. Use detergents containing bleaching ingredients to wash the ceiling. Otherwise, light stains and stripes will remain on the ceiling. In the worst case, the coating will be completely washed off the ceiling and it will have to be repainted.
  2. Wash the ceiling with hard brushes and very wet, unwrung rags.
  3. Use solvents, alcohol and other aggressive substances.

Advice! Before using detergent, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling surface, such as in a far corner or behind a cabinet. Only after you are convinced of the soft and safe action of the product, you can use it to wash the main area.

Tools and materials for cleaning work

Before washing water-based ceiling, prepare the following tools and detergents:

  • kitchen dish detergent or laundry soap;
  • container with clean water;
  • ladder or small platform;
  • a mop for cleaning windows and surfaces with a removable cover;
  • a brush with soft bristles on a long handle;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • foam sponge and a clean rag;
  • rubber gloves, headgear and goggles.

To clean the ceiling surface in the living room, dry cleaning will be enough. To do this, simply sweep dust from the ceiling with a long-handled brush or vacuum the coating. Wet cleaning and all of the listed products are useful for washing the coating in the kitchen or for preparing the surface for re-painting.

How to prepare a painted ceiling for re-painting and renovation?

Before starting repairs, the question arises of how to wash the ceiling in the kitchen, painted water-based composition. Before starting wet work, dry clean the ceiling surface. So you get rid of dust and cobwebs. To do this, walk with a soft brush along the ceiling or simply vacuum it. Small dirt can be removed with a rubber band. Just do not rub the coating too hard, otherwise you risk rubbing off the paint along with the dirt.

Then try to wash off the dirt with plain water and a soft sponge. Do not rub the ink layer intensively. All movements should be smooth and soft, without pressure on the sponge. Particularly contaminated areas and stains are removed with soap and water.

If this does not help, then pour a little baking soda into a basin of water:

  • ten liters of water will need 3-4 tablespoons of soda;
  • the contaminated areas are washed with the prepared solution;
  • wait a quarter of an hour;
  • washed with clean water;
  • gently dry the surface with a dry cloth.

If washing with baking soda doesn't help, try adding the same amount of table salt. In preparation for new painting or updating the surface from the ceiling, be sure to remove traces of mold.

In this case, the following purification methods are used:

  1. First, they try to wash off the mold with soapy water. If the stains are gone, then the base is treated with antiseptic compounds to protect against damage by fungal microorganisms in the future.
  2. If this does not help, treat the moldy places with a solution of copper sulfate. After that, everything is washed with water. It is impossible to leave unpainted areas washed with copper sulphate. Therefore, after the moisture has dried, the surface is impregnated with antiseptic compounds so that mold does not reappear in the future. Then the prepared base is painted with a water-based emulsion in one layer.

If you are cleaning the area before repairing or repainting, the concentration of soap or detergent in the water may be higher. The same goes for sponge moisture. You can even work with a stiff brush and wash off the detergent with plenty of water.

Important! Allow surfaces to dry completely before repainting.

As you can see, it is not difficult to wash the water-based coating, but the result will not always please you. If the composition of the water emulsion does not contain silicone or acrylic, then it is forbidden to rub the paint layer strongly and use any detergents other than water. If after washing the ceiling surface looks unpresentable, the coating is updated with another layer of water-based paint.

The ceiling is an integral part of the entire interior. And of course, it must be attractive in order not to spoil the overall appearance of the room.

Yellow stains, cooking stains, old whitewash, stains from bays - all this makes the ceiling look old and ugly. How to deal with stains? How to wash the ceiling and not damage it?

Cleaning equipment

  • It doesn’t matter which ceiling you decide to clean from pollution - do not use sharp objects during the washing process. Arm yourself with a soft foam sponge or rag.
  • Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from detergents.
  • You need to wear a scarf on your head. To prevent detergent from getting into your eyes, protect them with goggles.
  • If funds from strong smell, then It is best to wear a mask for your own safety.
  • Special funds.

Types of ceilings and their cleaning

Depending on which ceiling you have to wash, you need to choose a cleaning method.

whitewashed ceiling

With slight pollution, a composition of 5 liters of water and 200 grams of copper sulfate will help restore the ceiling to its former attractiveness. In order not to damage furniture and other things, cover them with polyethylene or paper. Received apply the composition by means of a roller on the ceiling in two or three layers.

After the surface has completely dried, apply primer and whitewash to it. Remember to take precautions while working. In case of contact with skin, immediately flush the area with water.

This composition will help get rid of heavy pollution. To do this, add a little more vitriol to the water.


Easiest to wash. For these purposes, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft, lint-free cloth. Window cleaner is used as a cleaning agent. In no case should you use sharp objects that can damage the surface of the ceiling.


As well as in previous version, can be used . To remove stains, a regular schoolboy eraser is suitable. Remove traces of fat with soft tissue and soap solution. Keep in mind that the rag should not be too wet, because this can lead to deformation of the surface.

Flooded neighbors. How to remove stains?

It’s worth saying right away that after flooding, yellow spots on the ceiling can be removed by simply applying whitewash or paint over the traces.

This option will save time and effort, but it is not durable. After some time, the spots will appear and again spoil the appearance of the ceiling.

To get rid of forever yellow spots after the flood:

  • First of all, remove the old layer of paint or whitewash. The latter is best washed off.
  • In order to discolor the stain, whiteness and a soft sponge are used. The composition is applied to the stain and wipe it until it turns white.
  • After that, the stain should dry completely, after which a primer and whitewash are applied to it.

How to remove whitewash

If you decide to make repairs, then for sure in this process there will be an update of the ceiling surface. People who are doing repairs on their own for the first time very often face the problem of removing the coating. How to quickly wash whitewash from the ceiling, and what tools are needed for this?

You can remove the old layer with an ordinary spatula.. The tool must be wide. This option is used if it is necessary to remove whitewash from a small area. Irregularities and roughness that occur during the work are eliminated with sandpaper. Due to the large amount of dust, it is recommended to protect your face with goggles and a mask.

You can get rid of whitewash with ordinary water. This will require a hard sponge and a basin of water. In a circular motion, it is necessary to apply water to the ceiling surface until the whitewash is completely washed off.

Having prepared a paste, you can get rid of the old layer of whitewash in the shortest possible time. To prepare the composition you will need: 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. starch. Using a large rag, the paste is applied to the surface and allowed to dry. After complete drying, the ceiling surface will become one large “crust” and the whitewash can be easily removed with a spatula.

Take warm water and add 3% vinegar solution to it. Saturate the whitewash with the resulting composition, let dry and remove the coating with a spatula.

Kitchen ceiling cleaning

The kitchen is a room that, as a result of constant cooking, requires thorough cleaning. From soot and splashes of grease, the ceiling eventually loses its original appearance. What to do in such a situation?

In order to rid the plastic panels of traces of grease, they it is enough to wipe with a solution consisting of water and a few drops of detergent. For white panels, water with the addition is suitable (for 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of the product). For greater convenience, use a long mop.

After cleaning, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in plain water. This is necessary to eliminate divorces.

In order to eliminate greasy spots with you can use a special detergent, or prepare a soap solution. As in the case with plastic panels, after cleaning the ceiling must be wiped with a damp cloth.

With ceilings covered with wallpaper, the situation is a little more complicated. Grease and soot can only be removed small areas surfaces with a damp cloth. After removing the stains, the pattern is erased. This of course applies to ordinary wallpaper on paper basis. and special washable wallpapers can be wiped clean without fear of damaging them.

So how could you make sure to clear different types ceilings from pollution is not so difficult. The main thing to remember is that to save time and your own efforts, it is best to eliminate fresh stains, and not wait until they become old and difficult to remove.

Installation stretch ceilings happens once in many years. The surface has excellent external characteristics, but over time, the ceilings collect dust particles on themselves, because of which it no longer looks so presentable.

Advantages of stretch ceilings:

  • Perfectly integrated into interior design.
  • Manufacturing materials are highly durable.
  • Resist the negative effects of moisture.
  • They are waterproof and prevent mold and mildew.
  • Possibility of re-assembly.

According to the material of manufacture are divided into:

  • Film. They are made from PVC.
  • Fabric. fabric material made, as a rule, by weaving from a polyester thread impregnated with a special water-repellent polyurethane mixture.

Type of invoice:

  • Glossy. They are highly reflective. Visually significantly "expand" the space of the room.
  • Matte. Unlike glossy, they have a rough surface, devoid of reflectivity.
  • Satin. They are an intermediate component between glossy and frosted ceiling. Their surface is impeccably smooth and at the same time absolutely devoid of a reflective effect.

Is it possible to wash stretch ceilings

According to the manufacturers, dust should not settle on the smooth film coating of the stretch ceiling, since the coating itself is impregnated with antistatic. But! Firstly, advertisers often wishful thinking, and secondly, if your glossy ceiling adorns the kitchen, then the appearance of droplets of fat and other waste products on it is inevitable even with a good hood, and it will have to be cleaned.

The ceiling must be washed at least once every six months. But if you think that this is too rare or often, then "as it gets dirty" is the best option.

To properly care for stretch ceilings in the house, you need to know exactly what material it is made of.

How to care for a stretch ceiling

Use a foam sponge or soft cloth.

Dry cleaning

The method includes removing dust and cobwebs from the surface of the ceiling. It is carried out using a soft lint-free cloth (for glossy ceilings) or a brush with soft long bristles.


Requires compliance with simple rules:

  • Suction power should be low.
  • Use only a smooth nozzle to avoid damaging the surface.
  • To clean as safely as possible, the distance between it and the brush of the vacuum cleaner should be at least 5-10 centimeters.

Wet cleaning

Most often, the ceiling does not require thorough washing, limit yourself to the following:

  • After winding the rag around a mop or long-handled brush, carefully walk along the surface of the ceiling without pressing the rag. So you clean the surface of dust and cobwebs. If the ceiling is glossy, polish the surface (where necessary) with a soft cloth using mastic or window cleaner.

Ready funds

The easiest way is to use specially created household chemicals. They are able to qualitatively wash out dust and stains from the PVC surface. The composition of such products contains special components that have the ability to dissolve dirt, polish and clean the film, give it extra shine and maintain its appearance at a height. In addition, stretch ceiling cleaners leave no visible to the eye a film that acts as a protection against the appearance of various fungi and microorganisms.

Fund types:

Brands and manufacturers:

When choosing a detergent, consult with the masters who installed it and be sure to try the composition on pieces of film left after installation.

How to wash a glossy ceiling without streaks

The basis for the manufacture of glossy coatings is a film of polyvinyl chloride. It is distinguished by high strength and unpretentiousness in operation. It is important to know that gloss is very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. Do not expose it to cold. This is especially true in winter period, it is necessary to avoid wide open windows and freezing of the room.

It is more difficult to care for a glossy stretch ceiling, because it is prone to streaks, in addition, it is here that scratches and damage are more clearly visible.

A single monthly dry cleaning is enough. Wet care is recommended to be performed at least three to four times a year.

If a glossy coating is installed in the bathroom and in the kitchen, he will need wet cleaning more often. In the bathroom, the source of pollution for gloss is the constantly accumulating condensate. And in the kitchen there is a stove on which food is cooked. Splashes of grease and soot deposits that settle on the surface require timely cleaning. An extractor hood installed in the kitchen will help reduce the negative impact of these factors.

It is better to wash the glossy stretch coating with the means recommended by the manufacturer. But if there are none, then:

  • Clean the dirty glossy ceiling with a microfiber cloth soaked in a solution of water and soap or dishwashing detergent. Then rinse the solution off the surface with clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  • Wash the glossy surface of the ceiling warm water with the addition of a small amount of ammonia. Ammonia helps to get rid of stubborn dirt and give a glossy surface a radiant sheen.
  • Those products in which alcohol is the main ingredient are also quite suitable. Means for washing glass and mirrors. They will not leave any streaks on the glossy ceiling, and the stains will be removed quickly and efficiently. Before use, test the product on the least visible area.

Ammonia is needed to clean the glossy ceiling.

  • To give dazzling reflections, rub it with a special mastic - polish, which is sold in a household chemical store.

How to wash matte ceilings

If the coating is not very dirty, it is not necessary to wash it, dry cleaning with napkins and a vacuum cleaner is enough.

For wet cleaning, the first step is to choose the right detergent.

  • Dish gel solution, laundry detergent solution, or alkaline soap solution. The substance must be well diluted in water so that there are no hard granules.
  • Glass cleaner containing ammonia. With it, it is easy to get rid of dust and minor greasy contaminants. The main advantage of such compositions is that after them there are no divorces.
  • Prepared if desired homemade solution at home. You will need water and ammonia, 30 ml of product per 5-7 liters of liquid is enough to tidy up the film.

If you have concerns about the safety of a detergent, do an experiment. Take a few drops of the composition and test it on a small area of ​​the film. If nothing happened to the material within 10-15 minutes, calmly apply the product.

How to clean fabric ceilings

Textile materials are easily cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner, do not accumulate bad smell. And if, nevertheless, fabric ceiling a stain appears, then it can be easily cleaned - the main thing is to know the nature of its origin and not hesitate to clean it.

Before you start cleaning, it is useful to read the following recommendations:

  • Before using one or another product to clean satin, you should test the possibility of its negative impact on a test piece of material that was not used during installation.
  • When the stain is fresh, it should be immediately blotted with a soft flannel cloth or paper towel.
  • Regardless of the nature of the contamination, begin to remove stains, moving in the direction from the edges of the ceiling to its center.
  • To avoid streaks, do not wash satin ceiling using large amounts of water.
  • Before cleaning fabric ceiling stain remover, you need to carefully study its composition. If it contains chlorine, its use is not recommended.
  • When the stain is removed, the surface is wiped with a damp soft cloth, and then the remaining moisture is removed with paper towels.

You will need a soft sponge and soapy water. In cases with more complex pollution and in the presence of stains of grease and soot, add a little washing powder or dishwashing liquid to warm water.

The ceiling, matte or glossy, can only be washed with products. acid-free.

How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is a room where the ceiling requires special care. The reason is that greasy deposits and soot are added to the settling dust. Remember that simple wet cleaning unlikely to be limited.

To effectively clean the film from dirt and not spoil the expensive coating, take into account the following rules:

  • If you do not wish to purchase special agent, use formulations marked "anti-grease", such as dishwashing gel. If the pollution is not too abundant and old, laundry soap will cope with them.
  • If you have opted for a solution of washing powder, use formulations designed for automatic washing. Such a powder will not give abundant foam and will be easier to wash off the film without leaving streaks.
  • No matter how strong the dirt, you can not use iron brushes and use abrasive detergents, as well as bleaching compounds. Since the material is vulnerable, you risk damaging it.
  • When washing the film, try not to press hard on it. Otherwise, you will violate the structure of the material and the uniformity of the surface.

How to wash the stretch ceiling after repair

After the repair, it is necessary to clean the ceilings from building dust, and maybe from paint stains.

To wash away construction dust and dirt:

How to clean stretch ceilings from paint stains:

  • In no case should you try to scrape off such pollution, this will not solve the problem, but spoiling the coating is quite easy.
  • Water-based paint dissolves easily with a large amount of water.
  • Try wiping other types of paint with White Spirit or glass cleaner that contains ammonia.

If the funds do not bring results, it makes sense to seek help from professionals with a rich arsenal of tools.

How to wash the stretch ceiling from nicotine

It is not uncommon for people to smoke in the kitchen and other areas where there is a PVC coating. Cigarette smoke tends to remain in the form of plaque on all surfaces of the room.

Most often, nicotine appears as a slight yellowish tint, and, fortunately, is easily washed off with an ordinary soap solution. In the case when the smoke has left serious traces, it makes sense to use products for cleaning stretch ceilings, for example, containing detergents capable of eroding greasy stains.

Sponges and abrasive compounds should not be used, if the former necessarily leave stains, then the latter may well damage the surface of the ceiling.

How much does it cost to wash a stretch ceiling

Some housewives do not want to take risks and entrust the care of their home to professionals. Sometimes older people no longer have the strength and physical ability to put the ceilings in order. Therefore, washing the ceilings can be entrusted to the clearing service. Depending on the region, the cost of cleaning PVC ceilings can vary significantly. How much does such a service cost in your city?

However, the average price of such works is at the level of two thousand rubles per square meter.

In addition to the obvious advantages, professionals always have all the tools necessary for high-quality cleaning.

Summing up, it is worth noting that stretch ceilings are a real decoration of the home, which, like any surface, tends to get dirty. Washing stretch ceilings at home is within the power of everyone. Faced with such a problem, you should not be upset, you need to approach its solution wisely, carefully select cleansers. If you do everything correctly, stretch ceilings will please the eye with their neat appearance for a long time to come.