What can be painted with water-based paint. Painting walls with water-based paint - choose a material and learn to work with a roller

Painting is one of the most popular interior cladding methods. Most often they are painted with water-based compositions available on the market in a wide range of manufacturers and colors. Let's talk about the rules for choosing paints and varnishes and the features of painting rooms.

Choosing a water emulsion - which one to use for repair?

The water-based paints on the market differ in terms of manufacturer, composition and technical characteristics. Some materials are suitable only for indoor use, but even in favorable conditions quickly fade and fall off, others can be used both for decoration of rooms and for external walls, but retain their visual characteristics for many years. That is why it is necessary to be able to choose the right cladding for the house.

The basis of all water-based paints is water, to which mineral or polymer elements are added. When dried, the water evaporates, and the remaining components form a strong film on the surface, which not only gives the walls an attractive appearance, but also protects building structures from external negative influences.

Painting walls and other surfaces with water-based paint will lead to the desired result only if you can choose the material in composition that fully corresponds to the place of its use. By components, water-based paint and varnish facings are divided into the following types:

  1. 1. Mineral. The paint is created using white cement or lime. Differs in low cost and good adhesion, but quickly fade in the sun and is easily damaged by mechanical stress.
  2. 2. Silicate. It is made of liquid glass, which provides the material with high resistance to environmental influences. It can be used for interior and exterior decoration, retains its characteristics for 10 years.
  3. 3. Acrylic. Creates a smooth surface, ideally lies flat on the walls, tightens small (up to 1 mm) cracks, that is, it simplifies the preliminary preparation of walls for painting. Due to hygroscopicity, acrylic compounds can only be used in dry rooms. In some paints of this type, latex is added, which provides the material with moisture resistance and reduces vapor permeability to a minimum.
  4. 4. Silicone. Modern paint capable of sealing cracks up to 2 mm wide, creating a dense film on the painted surface. It is permeable to water vapor and retains its qualities for a long time, but it is very expensive.

After determining the type of water-based lining that is most suitable for you, you must select a manufacturer. We recommend purchasing formulations only from well-known companies. It is better to pay more for the cladding and enjoy its excellent characteristics for a long time than to save money and repaint the surface again after a few months.

According to professionals, it is better to choose paints from the following brands:

  • Marshall;
  • Finncolor;
  • Empils;
  • Alpina;
  • Dufa;
  • Tikkurila;
  • Beckers;
  • Dulux;
  • Sherwin-Williams;
  • Parker Paint.

The formulations of these brands are guaranteed to make the decorated surfaces attractive, protect them from negative influences and will serve you as long as possible.

Preparatory work - what needs to be done before staining?

To paint the walls with high quality, you must first prepare the surface. The wall should be even, for this you can first paste over it with wallpaper for painting or putty on irregularities and prime. Water-based compositions should not be applied over whitewash and oil paint. If you have just this case, then the old cladding must first be removed before plastering, level the wall and only then paint.

To dismantle the old water emulsion, you should first clean off everything that you can with a spatula, then moisten the old coating on all sides with hot water - moisten the roller and carefully roll it over the surface several times. Then leave the wall for 5 minutes, then repeat the procedure. After 2-3 hot water treatments, the paint swells up and can be easily cleaned with a spatula. This technology is also suitable for removing whitewash, but it is better to use not hot, but cold water.

After removing the whitewash, it is necessary to thoroughly saturate the wall with a solution of soda to neutralize the remaining particles of lime.

If you need to remove oil paint from the wall, you can use special chemical cleaners, but they are toxic and expensive. The second way is to use a drill or grinder with a special attachment - a brush with a metal wire. With this nozzle, you need to clean off paint at low tool speeds.

In the next step, you need to line up the wall. If you are using acrylic or silicone cladding, minor cracks can be left, the finish will hide them, but all other defects will have to be repaired. First, seal all gaps and large cracks with putty. After sealing large defects, you need to smooth out minor irregularities, and then prime the walls with a roller.

For better adhesion, you can completely fill the walls with a thin layer of putty. This way you will get the most even monophonic surface, for the finishing of which you can use paints and varnishes of any color. After the putty dries, the walls are re-primed and only then proceed to painting. The primer must be selected taking into account the type of paint used, acrylic primer is needed for acrylic water emulsion, silicone for silicone, etc.

Finishing rules - we color the paint and choose a roller

Water-based paint has a white color, however, by adding a coloring pigment to it, you can get any shade from the RAL palette. To give the material the desired color, you can order tinting in the store, where it will be done in special automatic devices, or you can buy a color scheme separately and add it to the water emulsion yourself.

We recommend using automatic tinting, since when you add it yourself, you determine the shade by eye, therefore you can hardly calculate the exact amount of pigment you need, plus you will have to knead the amount of material at a time, which should be enough to paint all surfaces. It is almost impossible to repeat the color previously made by eye.

Various types of rollers can be used to apply the enamel. The most common are cheap foam tools, which can be bought at any store. Their main disadvantage is that they absorb a lot of paint and microscopic bubbles can form on the wall because of this. Such bubbles can negatively affect the attractiveness of the lined surface - the wall can look rough and uneven. There are fewer problems when using dense foam rollers, but they are much less common in stores.

Velor rollers are much less common and usually have to be found in specialty stores. They allow you to apply paint to the surface as evenly as possible. The disadvantage of velor is that it does not absorb liquid well, therefore very little paint remains on the roller, which means that the staining procedure can be significantly delayed. Although this disadvantage can be an advantage when painting the ceiling.

Fluffy rollers are the best choice for painting surfaces with a do-it-yourself water emulsion. There are such rollers on the market with different pile lengths, which determine the layer of paint to be drawn and applied. If you are covering well-putty surfaces, then you can use tools with any length of pile, the only thing - do not take the most "shaggy" ones, when using them the paint may spray.

Fluffy rollers are made from different materials. The best are felt and fur tools, they are more expensive than others, but they will serve you for a very long time. The available plastics are much cheaper, but wear out much faster. Polyamide bristles are also suitable for water-based emulsions, allowing paint to be applied without streaks. If you need to enamel non-woven wallpaper with a mild texture, then we recommend using fluffy rollers made of natural fur or polyamide fiber with a pile length from 6 to 14 mm.

Competent veneering is the key to an attractive surface

When all the necessary materials are purchased, and the wall is prepared for work, you can proceed to the most important thing - painting the surfaces. The job may seem daunting if you haven't worked with paints before, in fact anyone who can figure out which end of the roller to hold on can do.

First, you need to set the boundaries of the surface to be painted - to protect the baseboards, platbands and other interior elements from contamination with masking tape. Pour ready-to-use paint into a paint tray and attach a handle to the roller so that you can apply the cladding to the entire wall from floor to ceiling.

It is best to apply paint from one of the corners of the surface to be decorated. Paint over the corner itself and part of the adjacent wall with a brush at a distance of up to 50 mm from the corner. Next, take a roller, dip it in the paint, squeeze and start work from above, rolling the facing down. Paint over a solid strip of the wall, moving the roller only up and down. When applying the next strip, try to go 5-7 cm on the already painted surface, so you will avoid the appearance of poorly painted borders between the stripes.

We recommend painting quickly, because the water emulsion begins to harden within 10-20 minutes after application. Do not take breaks, you will only spend a couple of hours on all the work. If you stop briefly and one of the stripes dries up, it is likely that its border will be visible even after the cladding is completely dry.

You can paint over the second corner only after a distance equal to the width of one roller remains to it. This way, you can finish one strip of work on one wall and move on to the next, while the corner is still dry. To make the wall bright and vibrant, it needs to be covered with 2-3 layers of paint. Each next layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls are looking like new, we have to disappoint you. Surface painting is a work that is not devoid of nuances: the process can be delayed due to an incorrectly selected paint, roller, or a wrongly applied layer. And the time of day at which you pick up the instrument also matters. Training is, of course, the best way to achieve success, but we recommend avoiding other people's mistakes - we will tell you how.

Mistake # 1: painting unprepared walls

Small defects, dust, grains of sand, fibers from the brush during the previous staining can be under the paint and negatively affect the result. All the flaws will be visible under the layer of paint - it remains either to accept it, or to clean the wall and paint it again. And possible greasy spots will show through, no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: to avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plastering tool for sanding and go over the unevenness and imperfections. After - dust off with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake # 2: ignoring the primer

Don't use a primer before painting your walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or paint overruns. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which saves the means for coloring. And also the base gives the surface "adhesion" to the paint, which improves painting over the walls.

What to do: choose an appropriate wall primer. Brush it vertically in small stripes and then horizontally perpendicular to the first coat. After the base has dried, the surface can be coated with the first coat of paint.

Mistake # 3: improperly thinned paint

The paint is too thick or becomes so in the process. Then it needs to be diluted - this is an intuitive action. But what to dilute is already a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if a water-based paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with such a composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, the oil paint is diluted with water, it simply will not mix with the bulk.

What to do: read the composition on the paint can and select the appropriate agent for diluting the product. Do not add too much water or solvent - it is better to add a little, stirring the paint thoroughly.

Mistake # 4: painting without sample

Choosing a color is a tricky process, especially if a shade has to be combined with a different tone or pattern. The grief-masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated indefinitely. The same goes for the shade that you have to "get" with your own hands using the color scheme.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint little by little, stirring the contents thoroughly. First, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color - see what color you get. Get the tone you need, and then do the same in a larger jar if you like the result. To make sure that the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try painting - apply paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait until it dries. If you are satisfied with the result, get down to business.

Mistake # 5: wrong tool selection

Using the correct brush or roller is just as important as choosing a paint. And it's not a matter of taste. In order to paint over the wall evenly, you need to purchase a pair of rollers and a brush. First you will "roll up" the surface, and with a brush - paint the corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: for the first layer of paint, it is better to choose a roller with a long nap - 1–1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to get uniform coloring. For re-painting, a roller with a short nap - 6-7 mm is more suitable: it will help to use the paint more economically, and will definitely not leave “streaks”. Opt for a natural bristle brush - it will not leave lint on the surface.

Mistake # 6: applying paint "in different directions"

If you apply the paint vertically, then horizontally, and then completely, as necessary, in the hope that the wall will look decent when it dries, you are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you are using a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will lay evenly, and the painting will not look ridiculous due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake # 7: applying paint in one coat

When applying paint in one layer, the staining may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface in a drastic way, you will definitely not be able to finish the work quickly. Even if you change a lighter shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: for an intense shade, apply two or preferably three coats. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake # 8: painting over wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. Therefore, we often do not think about the consequences of painting on a "wet" wall. As a result, the wet layer begins to peel off and stick to a brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, can go in bubbles - all the work will have to start over. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and polishing the places with defects.

What to do: be patient. While the paint dries, do anything else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicates how long it takes for the paint to dry completely. If it's an emulsion on one base, it won't take long before you can get to work again.

Mistake # 9: Lack of paint

This can be a serious problem. Firstly, because during the trip to the store, the already applied layer can dry out (after drying, the joint between the fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to find the right shade if you added color to the paint yourself.

What to do: the easiest option is to take more. In extreme cases, you can return the unopened can to the store or leave it “just in case” - touch up the places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake # 10: Wrong timing for painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the composition to dry too quickly - even before you distribute it evenly. Also, the paint may begin to foam or peel off. And if you paint under the light of an electric bulb, all errors will be barely distinguishable.

What to do: the best option for painting the surface is during the daytime, without direct sunlight falling into the window. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not so bright.

Painting the walls with water-based paint is a simple type of finish that everyone can handle with their own hands. The spread of this finishing material is due to its variety of properties, availability, environmental friendliness.

The choice of water-based paint

The choice of a mixture for painting depends on the desired end result, the price of the material, and its properties. The benefits of water-based paint and application tips in the video from the finishing experts

Varieties in composition

For each room there is an optimal version of water-based paint, in all of them water acts as a solvent, the mixture does not irritate the skin and respiratory tract. When working with it, you do not need protective equipment for the hands and respiratory tract. Easily washed off clothes and tools under running water.


The most common is acrylic water-based paint. Manufacturers offer many options with different properties.

It is available in various degrees of whiteness, which determines the price. Low whiteness is good for tinting in subtle colors. To obtain a bright saturated color, a colorless base is purchased. High whiteness is usually chosen for application to the ceiling, it is impractical to buy it for tinting - in order to drown out the snow-white pigment, you need to use a lot of color.

Latex additives create a more elastic, wear-resistant mixture. Depending on the amount of latex, there are several types of finishing surface, which:

  • not afraid of water, resistant to detergents - a lot of latex;
  • wiped with a damp cloth, but is afraid of a stronger effect - latex is enough;
  • does not wash, but does not chalk when held by hand - little latex;
  • crushed - no latex.

The price of the mixture rises in direct proportion to the amount of latex

Washable water-based paint withstands frequent washing, it is chosen for painting the walls of corridors, kitchens, and nurseries. Some children use inexpensive paint with a low latex content for children's rooms, and when blots appear on the wall, they are simply painted over. Such cosmetic repairs are easy and cheap to do with your own hands, the surface of the walls will always be updated. But for this there must be remnants of the mixture of the same color. It is impossible to make an absolutely identical shade with your own hands, so there is a free computer tinting service in hardware stores. This is very convenient, because if there is a shortage of water-based paint, you can return for a purchase and get exactly the same shade.


For rooms with constant high humidity, silicone water-based paint is used. It is vapor-permeable, prevents the formation of mold and mildew on the walls, ideal for treating mineral surfaces with your own hands. Expensive, but very durable. It can be used for painting the premises on the basement floor, baths, saunas, swimming pools.


Silicate water-based paint - water solution of liquid glass. When painting walls, it creates a very durable coating that is breathable and resistant to temperature changes, retains translucency even in color. Skillful do-it-yourself application can create the effect of a fresco or Venetian plaster.

It is used for exterior works, for interior painting of walls of basements, saunas, swimming pools. The service life of the coating is up to 20 years.


Water-based paint made from cement or hydrated lime is the cheapest type of wall painting. It is used for undemanding decorative qualities and service life. Can be used for painting walls in utility rooms. Adding a color scheme improves the decorative qualities; it is more expedient to produce a color scheme for such a cheap painting with your own hands. There are no external differences from more expensive water-based paints, but you should not hope that the surface of the walls will remain unchanged for a long time.

Polyvinyl acetate

Do-it-yourself wall painting with polyvinyl acetate water-based paint has high strength, resistance to pollution, and ease of cleaning. The mixture is thick and inexpensive, it can be applied directly to a plastered wall. It is used for painting walls in rooms with high traffic.


Acrylic water-based paint with the addition of grains of various textures can imitate decorative plaster when painting. The relief of such a coating is much less, but the application technology is simpler and the cost is lower. With the correct application and formation of the pattern with your own hands, you can create an original wall design.

All types are available in various degrees of smoothness: matte, glossy, semi-matt, semi-gloss. On a washable matte wall, the top decorative layer wears off with frequent washing. The same goes for the glossy finish. For places of frequent contact, strong abrasion, it is worth choosing the option of semi-gloss or semi-gloss painting of the walls.

Material consumption is an important indicator, it depends on the viscosity and hiding power. Very often, an aqueous emulsion mixture, which is more expensive per unit of volume, turns out to be cheaper in total consumption due to fewer layers required and better elasticity.

For quick painting of walls with your own hands, it is convenient to use a water-based mixture with a guarantee of hygroscopicity, which does not flow or drip when applied to walls and even the ceiling. It costs much more, but does not require furniture protection. Used for high time value.

For painting wallpaper, paint of the “wallpaper” category is selected, it is more elastic, is applied in a thinnest layer and does not hide the texture of the base.

Important! When choosing a water-based mixture for painting walls with your own hands, you should take into account the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the package. They guarantee a long service life provided the necessary conditions are met.

The more expensive the mixture for painting, the less the possibility of not coping with the application with your own hands.

Base types

Water-based paints are suitable for work on all types of substrates. These can be: wood, brick, concrete, metal, slate, glass, plaster, wallpaper. The preparation of the wall surface for painting with water-based paint depends on the design features.

In the classic version, perfect wall alignment is required with plaster or drywall. A weak base should be repulsed and reapplied, otherwise it crumbles, the repair will have to be repeated. You can check its strength by lightly tapping on the wall.

If there is an old layer of decorative coating, it must be removed with an iron brush or a special remover. The wooden surface is treated with an antiseptic. Concrete, brick, slate, plaster - deep penetration primer. Metal - primer for metal. Glass - fine grain concrete contact. Wallpaper is a universal primer.

Important! A primer is always a necessary link between the base and the decorative coating. It improves the adhesion of the layers.

Painting technology

Painting the walls with water-based paint with your own hands is a simple process. But violation of the manufacturer's recommendations can ruin the final result.

Roller painting

The dyeing technology is as follows:

Important! The desire to paint over everything with just one thick layer will ruin the surface, smudges will appear, a visible difference in color due to the thickness of the application.

Spray painting

Painting the walls with water-based paint with your own hands will be much easier with a spray gun. The modern tool guarantees an even application and a thin layer. To do this, it is imperative to prepare the mixture: stir, strain through cheesecloth. Water-based paint is poured into the tank, applied to the surface with a spray gun.

Such work requires no furniture or very good protection with special bags. Painting the wall with a spray gun with water-based paint also occurs in several layers, but they dry much faster. In a timely manner, the tool is washed very easily, with the help of an abundance of running warm water. It can be rented from a hardware store.

Important! When painting the walls with a spray gun, you must wear a mask.

Features of applying textured paint

Textured water-based paint is applied with a trowel, coarse brush, roller. The final drawing on the wall depends on the method of painting, the granularity of the mixture, the number of layers.

To create an additional decorative effect from painting, stencils and curly rollers are used on the walls. With the help of imagination, the material allows you to create your own unique design, but even without using various effects, an interesting texture of the walls is obtained.

Important! Such a mixture lends itself to deformation within 15 minutes, then becomes viscous, the surface already deteriorates from exposure. Formation should take place immediately after painting the wall.

An interesting painting master class from the manufacturer of textured water-based paint is presented in the video:

Walls painted with water-based paint can be a background for a modern design or create its own uniqueness.

Boldly experimenting with colors in a teenager's room feels more like a modernist piece of art than a living space. Ideal order must reign here, otherwise the feeling of chaos will crush. It is impossible to stay in such an interior for a long time when the design gets bored - re-painting the walls with your own hands will not be difficult and costly.

And this cute wall can be in the nursery or occupy part of the corridor. Simple self-made design brings a feeling of warmth, comfort and eternal summer. The drawing is applied with water-based paint in several layers, after the previous one has completely dried. Painting adjacent walls can be lighter.

Painting with bright contrasting stripes is suitable for a spacious room of a dynamic owner. Not everyone can tolerate such a combination of colors. Only a strong personality with precise goals in life will feel comfortable within the walls of such an interior.


Water-based paint is an excellent material for painting walls. The creation of a classic calm room design and the fulfillment of desires from the sea of ​​the owners' fantasies is possible with the help of such a simple material. Painting any walls is possible with a suitable water-based paint, can be easily done by hand. For a high-quality finishing layer, proper preparation of the base plays a special role.

Painting the walls with water-based paint opens up a wide range of colors, surface textures and interesting ornaments for the performer. Various methods of painting and the use of various tools allow you to create an original, unique element of the interior.

Types of water-based paints for walls

For the decoration of both external and internal elements of premises, oil paints are less and less used due to their toxicity, vapor resistance, fragility and other not very favorable characteristics.

Water-based paint has a number of significant advantages:

  • the paint dries quickly;
  • does not have an unpleasant odor and is not toxic - after staining it is not necessary to leave the room;
  • wide color palette - water-based paint can be given any shade by adding special pigments to the base color;
  • ease of paint application.

Water-based paints are an aqueous emulsion of polymer dyes containing various targeted additives that increase elasticity, hydrophobicity, adhesion, strength and other qualities. Depending on the type of additives used, the following types of water-based paints are distinguished:

  1. Acrylic paints- the most expensive and high-quality composition. To increase elasticity, latex additives are introduced into them. The paint is practically devoid of drawbacks - the enamel fits well on gas and foam concrete, brick, glass, concrete, stone, wood, plaster and primed metal. The surface, painted with acrylic paint, is durable and water resistant. Manufacturers guarantee 7000 wet washes without harm to paint.
  2. Mineral paints- used for the treatment of concrete and ceilings exposed to moisture. The enamel contains quicklime and cement. The demand for mineral paints has dropped significantly due to the appearance of "water emulsion" with better performance.
  3. Silicate paints- emulsion of liquid glass with colored pigments. The paint has good vapor and air permeability, resistance to atmospheric influences and a long service life. Often used to treat plaster, brick and concrete. The silicate composition is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity.
  4. Silicone paints"Enriched" with silicone resins. This composition allows the use of silicone enamels to treat almost any surface. The paint fills in all the unevenness of the base (up to 2 mm). After drying, a strong film with water-repellent properties forms on the surface.

  1. For a kitchen, walk-through room or bathroom, it is better to choose paints based on latex, acrylic and silicone. Such enamels are not afraid of water and frequent wet cleaning.
  2. Water-based paint has another name - water-dispersion paint, therefore the inscription "VD" is often found on containers with enamel.
  3. It is better to buy paint in a specialized hardware store. It is more difficult to avoid counterfeits in the market.
  4. All high quality emulsions are white. You can get a different shade by tinting. It is better to entrust this work to professionals or automation. With manual tinting, there is a risk of making a mistake and getting the wrong color.
  5. There are various brands of paints on the market. Emulsions from such manufacturers have proven themselves well: Tikkurila, Caparol, Oreol, Dufa, Teks.

Options for painting walls with water-based paint

Painting the walls with water-based paint can be performed not only in the traditional way, but also in more interesting methods. Usually they are used to obtain a textured surface or decorative pattern.

Textured types of cladding, for example, decorative plaster, are painted in two stages:

  1. Base color application. For this work, use a roller with medium hard bristles or a spray bottle. The surface is processed so that all the grooves are filled with paint.
  2. Re-staining is done with a sponge or smooth, bald roller. The paint is applied to the protruding parts of the texture.

The use of this technology gives the surfaces a volume - unusual visual effects are created.

The desired texture can be given to the wall using the paint itself. For this, the paint does not need to be diluted with water - it must remain thick. Using a smooth roller, you get an uneven surface, as if in pimples. If you add a little water to the paint, the effect will be a little blurry.

Painting the walls with water-based paint using a textured roller gives an amazing result - a beautiful, complex pattern is formed on the surface. The disadvantage of textured painting is high paint consumption.

Multi-colored painting of walls with water-based paint: photo

Advice. It is not necessary to buy a special textured roller. You can make it yourself. Attach pieces of material (preferably natural leather) to an ordinary smooth roller. Before painting the entire wall, you need to evaluate the resulting pattern - dip the roller in the paint and draw several stripes over a sheet of paper. If the drawing is completely satisfied, then you can start painting the walls.

How to paint a wall with water-based paint

Choice of tools: rollers and brushes

The quality of painting the walls with water-based paint with your own hands largely depends on the choice of tools. Basic painting tools: brushes and rollers. The roller ensures an even distribution of paint over the surface. Brushes should be used in places where the use of a volumetric roller is difficult - these can be the joints and edges of the walls. A sponge is used to create decorative effects.

Tips for choosing painting tools:

  1. A roller with removable coats is suitable for painting large areas. The basic rule for choosing a fur coat: the smoother the surface of the base, the shorter the pile on the roller should be.
  2. For textured and uneven surfaces, it is better to use sheepskin fleecy rollers.
  3. The upper part of the wall should be painted with a roller on an extended handle.
  4. Rolls with a foamy structure are best avoided. After painting, air bubbles may appear on the surface, which subsequently burst and leave indentations on the wall.
  5. A good quality brush has long, thick, tapered bristles. The villi of such a brush easily regains its shape after bending.
  6. It is best to use a polyester nylon brush for applying water-based paint. Regular brush bristles absorb liquid and reshape, while nylon bristles repel water and do not deform.
  7. For painting edges and corners it is better to use 50mm and 150mm brushes.

In addition to a roller and brushes, you will need the following tools and materials for work:

  • special pallet with ribbed surface;
  • container for diluting paint;
  • putty knife;
  • ruler;
  • masking tape;
  • putty for leveling walls;
  • primer for preparatory work.

Preparatory activities

Surface preparation is an important part of painting. The paint is applied in a thin layer, so the surface of the wall should be as even, smooth as possible, not have elevation differences, chips and defects.

Before painting the walls with water-based paint, the following measures must be taken:

Water-based paint has a fairly thick consistency, so it must be diluted with water and mixed. For mixing, you can use a drill with a special attachment or a regular stick. When the required paint consistency is reached, the paint can be tinted by adding the desired pigment in the correct proportion.

If the surface to be painted is large enough, it is imperative to ensure that the paint mix is ​​sufficient for the entire area. It is very difficult to achieve the desired color again without automatic tinting.

Painting the walls

Here is a sequence of how to paint a wall with a roller with water-based paint:

  1. Pour a small portion of paint into a special tray.
  2. Soak a brush in paint and walk along the perimeter of the wall.
  3. Dip the roller into a container with paint and let it soak well.
  4. Roll out the roller on any clean surface (board or sheet of thick paper) so that the pile is saturated with paint.
  5. You can start painting from any position, but perhaps the best option is on top of the wall. With this sequence, drops and drips will not spoil the painted areas and then roll out with a roller.
  6. Wall painting is done in two or three layers.
  7. Each subsequent layer of paint is applied when the previous one is partially dry.

Important! All the time while the paint dries in the room there should be no drafts.

Painting walls with water-based paint: video

Methods for removing a layer of water-based paint

It is enough to wash off the water-based paint based on PVA from the surface with soapy water. The acrylic paint will have to be cleaned off with a grinder, spatula or chisel.

An alternative removal method is covering the wall with newspapers:

  1. The glue must be prepared by yourself - boil the starch, bringing the solution to the consistency of sour cream. Ordinary wallpaper glue is also suitable for pasting the surface.
  2. Stick the newspapers on the wall and leave to dry completely.
  3. Carefully remove the paper from the walls. The layer of paint will be removed along with the newspapers.

Chemical removers are used to remove acrylic-based paints. After being applied to the wall, the solution is absorbed into the paint and gradually destroys it.

Wall design with water-based paint: photo ideas

Sequential painting of walls through a stencil.

Wall and ceiling decoration in the children's bedroom. Smooth transitions create a single harmonious space.

Contrasting combination of walls and ceiling. The project was implemented using water-based paint.

Stencil painting as an alternative to wallpapering walls.

Textured painting of walls with water-based paint. Undiluted acrylic paint was used to recreate the decorative effect.

One of the ways to decorate rooms is to paint with water-based compositions. Why is this option good? Walls painted with water emulsion are combined with all types of interiors. And with the hi-tech and minimalism popular today, there are almost no options - the walls should only be smooth, without a pattern. This can be achieved by painting or pasting with plain wallpaper. The second plus is that you can choose any color, and by choosing the appropriate type of paint, you can get a matte or semi-matte surface. The third positive point is that painting the walls with water-based paint is a simple process. You can do everything yourself.

What water emulsion to choose for walls

Under the name water-based paints, there are compositions with different properties - some can only be used indoors, and even then they quickly wear off and fade, with others they paint the outer walls and they do not lose their appearance for years. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a composition for specific tasks and goals.

The basis of water-based paints is water, which contains polymer or mineral particles. When dry, after painting, the water evaporates, and polymers and minerals form a film on the surface. The properties of this film are determined by the type of polymer, therefore, when choosing, it is the composition of the water-based paint that is of key importance. And they are:

Having decided on the composition, you need to choose a manufacturer. There is no news here - it is better to pay a little more, but you get high-quality paint than to repaint everything again after a few months. When choosing, pay attention not only to the price and volume, but also to such an indicator as consumption. It is indicated in grams per square meter and sometimes differs significantly. Moreover, often expensive paints have a much lower consumption.

Characteristics of water-based wall paints

NameApplicationSpecial propertiesConsumptionPrice for 1 literPainting price per square meter
Tikkurila Euro-7 AConcrete, wood, brick, fiberglass (wallpaper), plasterWater-repellent latex paint based on acrylic8-10 m2 / kg292 rub / l29.2 - 36.6 rubles / m²
Optimum (Leningrad paints)Concrete, drywall, wood, brick, plasterWaterproof and vapor permeable6 - 8 m2 / kg42 rub / l5.25-7 rubles / m²
Dulux Diamond Matt BWConcrete, brick, fiberglass (wallpaper), plasterIncreased wear resistance, stains are easily washed off12-17 m² / kg801 rub / l41-66 rubles / m²
Dufa Superweiss RD 4Concrete, fiberglass (wallpaper)White acrylic moisture resistant paint6.5 m² / kg252 rub / l38.7 rubles / m²

Preparing walls for painting

Painting walls with water-based paint requires a flat surface. It can be a special paintable wallpaper or a plastered and primed wall. At the same time, it is impossible to paint over oil paint or whitewash with water-based emulsion. Previously applied coatings must be completely removed - before plastering, then the defects must be repaired, primed, and only after that can be painted.

Removing old paint

The method of removing the old layer of whitewash and water-based paint is somewhat similar. First, "dry", with a spatula, clean off everything that happens. To quickly remove the old emulsion from the walls, the surface is moistened with hot water. Just take a roller, dip it in hot water and roll it several times. Leave for 3-5 minutes, then repeat the procedure. Usually, after the second portion of hot water, the coating swells and is easy to clean with a spatula. Some particularly difficult areas need to be wetted again.

With the removal of whitewash from the walls, the situation is similar, but cold water is used and more of it may be required - lime has a high hygroscopicity. But when wet, it peels off well. Another feature is that after everything has been removed, the surface must be well impregnated with a solution of soda. This neutralizes the lime remaining in the pores. After drying, it is already possible to prime and putty.

The most difficult process is removing the oil paint from the walls. It is ineffective to heat the walls with a building hair dryer - they heat up very slowly. There are also chemical compositions - washes. But, firstly, they are toxic, secondly, they are expensive, and thirdly, they remove one layer well, and all the layers below have to be smeared again. In general, this is not the best way for this situation.

Most often, mechanical methods are used to remove old oil paint from walls. A metal wire brush is put on a drill or grinder. Turning it on at low speed, they clean off the paint. The method is not bad, but it produces a lot of dust, which is not good. As it turned out, it is much more effective to use a drill with a crown for drilling outlets. Oil paint flies off in pieces, there is almost no dust, the process is fast.

Repair of defects and putty

In the case of water-based emulsions, you cannot rely on the fact that the paint will hide the flaws of the walls. Quite the opposite - it will emphasize. Unless you use a silicone emulsion, but even with this paint we advise you to cover a small piece and see if the result suits you. If not, you will have to putty.

First of all, grooves and cracks are closed. First, the cracks widen with the angle of the trowel, removing anything that might fall off. Then they are covered with a primer (dip the brush into the composition and moisten well) and after it dries, putty is applied, aligning it with the plane of the wall.

If a significant piece of plaster has fallen off, it is better to restore it with a cement-sand mortar. The resulting hole is moistened with water, but it is also better to go through with a suitable primer (based on cement), fill it with a solution, and level it flush with the wall. The matter is complicated by the fact that further work can be carried out only after the solution has dried and turns light gray. But do not try to dry it forcibly - it will crumble and crumble.

When all defects are repaired, the remaining irregularities are smoothed out with a putty on the entire surface. The walls are pre-primed. It is easier to do this with a roller, pouring the composition into a tray.

The putty is sold in bags, it can be primary and finishing. The primary one is used if a layer of more than 5 mm is required to level the walls. If the wall is relatively flat, small irregularities can be smoothed out with a finishing compound (a layer of no more than 5 mm).

It is most convenient to seal the putty in a plastic container. This is usually a 10-15 liter bucket. First, pour water - according to the recommendation on the package, then pour out the composition and mix thoroughly. For mixing, use a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle. Particular attention is paid to the bottom and walls - dry powder often remains here.

For further work, you will need two spatulas - one wide, the second - an ordinary small or medium size. They work like this:

  • Take a putty with a small spatula and lay it with a roller along the blade of a large one.
  • A large spatula is pressed with a blade against the wall, carried in one direction, while maintaining the same degree of pressure. In this case, the composition is distributed along the wall, filling in the irregularities. The thickness of the applied layer depends on the degree of pressure: the more you press, the thinner the layer of putty remains on the wall.
  • If stripes, grooves or other defects have formed, then a spatula is again carried over this place, correcting the defect.
  • All these steps are repeated until all the walls are aligned.

The putty is left to dry for about a day (depending on the layer thickness, temperature and humidity). Then they take sandpaper or a special mesh, attach it to a grater (a construction tool - a platform with a handle). With this platform, the remaining strips are equalized, achieving a flat surface.

Usually, after the first leveling coat, there are still drawbacks. Close them up with a finishing type of putty. In it, the components are ground more finely, the composition of the mixture is more plastic, it is applied in a thinner layer. The sequence of actions is the same.

To understand if you have aligned the walls well, you need to highlight them from the side. Such lighting will reveal all the irregularities. They are usually leveled with a trowel with a fine mesh stretched. If this is not done, the imperfections will be revealed by the laid layer of paint.


The primer is selected depending on the base of the paint. An acrylic primer is used for an acrylic base, a silicate primer for a silicate base, etc. As a rule, it is sold in cans of different capacities in the same stores where water emulsions are. Apply with a roller.

Why should the walls be primed for painting with water emulsion? Firstly, so that the paint holds better, does not crack and does not blow up with bubbles. Secondly, to reduce paint consumption. The primer slightly closes the pores, reducing the absorbency of the surface.

Painting walls with water-based paint: technology and rules

The base color of water-based paint is white, but many companies allow you to get any shade from the RAL palette, and this is a little more than 200 options. For this, a coloring pigment is added to the composition. You can order tinting in special machines, you can buy a color scheme separately and add it yourself.

When tinting a water emulsion with your own hands, you determine the color "by eye", while the machine has programs according to which it measures the required amount of dyes. In any case, at one time it is necessary to tint the entire volume of paint necessary for the walls and even with a small margin - to paint over spots or scratches. It will not be possible to repeat the same color for sure, and the cars give out slightly different shades.

When self-tinting, first the paint is diluted with purified water to the desired consistency (usually it is thick). Then they take a clean wooden stick or a clean nozzle for a drill, begin to stir the paint in a bucket (drill at the lowest speed). Having opened the color scheme, the color scheme is poured in a thin stream. Having obtained the desired shade, stir for another 2-3 minutes, then leave the water emulsion, wait until the foam settles.

Roller for water emulsion

You can apply water-based paint with rollers of several types:

  • Foam rubber. There are in any store, they cost a little, but they absorb too much paint, which is why microscopic bubbles may appear on the surface of the wall. The surface will therefore be uneven and rough. High density foam is better, but harder to find.
  • Velor. This type of roller is not so widespread, it is necessary to look for it in specialized stores. When using them, the paint lays down evenly, but velor is a very dense material and it has little twist. Because of this, during the work process, you will have to dip it in paint too often.
  • Hairy. Painting walls with water-based paint with fleecy rollers is the best choice. The length of the pile can be different, depending on it, the paint layer turns out to be thinner or thinner. To paint smoothly putty walls, the length of the pile is not important, but it is better not to take too shaggy ones - there may be splashes. There are fluffy rollers made of natural fur or felt, they last a long time, but they are expensive. Artificial materials are cheaper, but wear out faster. For water-based paints, polyamide bristles are best suited.

For wallpaper with water-based paint with a mild relief, it is better to use fleecy rollers made of polyamide fiber or natural fur. The length of the pile in this case is 6-14 mm.

Water-based emulsion application technology

Before the start of staining, masking tape is glued to the skirting boards (if not removed), platbands, window sills, along the edge. If it is necessary to mark the boundaries of painting on the wall, they are also marked with masking tape - draw a line, stick adhesive tape along it. If the ceilings are already painted, it will not hurt to stick the tape on the ceiling as well. This way you are guaranteed not to get it dirty. Please note that the tape is removed immediately after the area is painted over. If the paint on the scotch tape hardens, then tearing it off without damaging the wall is unrealistic.

The paint ready for application (diluted and tinted to the desired color) is poured into the paint tray. To paint the wall up to the ceiling, a long handle is attached to the roller. Usually it is a plastic pipe or a thin well-processed wooden grip (for a rake it is thinner and more comfortable to hold).

Painting starts from one of the corners. The corner itself is passed with a brush, painting over about 5 cm on the wall. With a brush, paint over the corner under the ceiling (if paint to the very top). Then they take a roller, dip it in the paint, squeeze it on the platform and, starting from the top, roll the paint down. Moving the roller up and down, paint over a continuous strip of paint, going 5-8 cm onto the already painted surface. This avoids the appearance of paint boundaries.

Water-based emulsion on the wall “grasps” in 10-15 minutes. Therefore, you need to act quickly, without smoke breaks and breaks. If the border of the strip dries up, it will then be visible. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain a high rate of painting.

Paint over the second corner when one roller width remains to it. If you immediately paint the second adjoining wall, you can paint over it with a brush.

It is recommended to apply three layers of water-based emulsion on the plastered walls. After each, you need to wait until the paint dries. The exact waiting time between coats is indicated on the can and is usually 2-4 hours. If the water-based paint is applied to the wallpaper, one coat is sufficient.

Note! When buying and tinting - on the plastered surface of the walls, three times more paint is required than on the wallpaper pasted over.