Growing northern melons and watermelons - advice and personal experience. Growing watermelon and melon in a polycarbonate greenhouse: planting and care

Melon and watermelon are melon crops, especially demanding on air and soil temperature. They have a longer growing season than the main crops cultivated in Russia. That is why they are grown mainly in the southern regions of the country. However, a high yield of heat-loving gourds can be grown not only in the southern, but also in the central regions of Russia, by planting seeds of early ripening cold-resistant varieties or using seedling planting, as well as protecting plants from spring frosts. In addition, being annual plants, gourds will not bring additional trouble to vegetable growers, such as apricots or grapes. Despite this, Russian garden plots it is not often possible to find beds on which honey melon or sweet juicy watermelon grow. Growing melon and watermelon, of course, requires some effort, but even not very experienced vegetable growers can create the right conditions for their growth. The secret of success is choice suitable variety crops and proper agricultural practices.

The secret of success in growing watermelons and melons is the choice of a suitable crop variety and the right agricultural technology.

Choice of melon and watermelon varieties

Before planting, the seeds are soaked - in a container with boiled water it is necessary to stretch the aloe leaf (the volume of water should be about 5 times the volume of the leaf), lower the seeds for 6 hours.

For cultivation in the central regions of Russia, only early ripening cold-resistant varieties of melons and watermelons are suitable. When choosing seeds, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the growing season, that is, the number of days from the beginning of growth to the ripening of the crop. Watermelons and melons of early varieties should have time to grow and ripen in a period not exceeding 90 days.

The climate features of the central regions of the country will not allow growing a large fruit. It is best to give preference to medium-sized varieties, which in terms of their taste are in no way inferior to the southern "giants".

To receive high yield the best varieties of watermelons are: Pink Champagne, Spark, Siberian Lights, Moscow Region Charleston, Siberian Rose, Krimstar, Gift to the North and others. Of the melon varieties of interest are: Cinderella, Dessertnaya 5, Dubovka, Thirty Days, Iroquois, Golden, Northern Cantaloupe, Kharkiv early and others.

Agrotechnics and care for early ripening cold-resistant varieties of melons and watermelons are not much different from the rules for growing, for example, carrots, beets or cabbage.

All these crops in the center of Russia are grown by direct sowing of seeds in open ground mid to late May. Melon crops of other varieties can be grown only in a greenhouse way or through seedlings, while reducing the time spent on open ground. These varieties include mid-season varieties of popular Astrakhan watermelons or melons: Kolkhoznitsa, Pineapple and Honey.

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Sowing seeds of melons and watermelons

By direct sowing in open ground of seeds in the territory of the central regions of Russia, only early-ripening varieties of melons and watermelons are grown, as already noted. For sowing, it is recommended to use 2-year-old or 3-year-old seeds, which, as practice has shown, bloom earlier than accelerate the process of fruit ripening. In cases where sowing will be carried out with fresh seeds, they must first be dried for 2-3 days at a temperature of 30-35ºС.

Types of insulated soil: 1 - steam pit; 2 - steam combs; 3 - steam ridge.

It is better to plant seeds in a nested way, placing holes, depending on the variety, at certain distances. So, short climbing varieties can be planted more densely, and long climbing varieties less often. The optimal distance between the holes is at least 1 m.

Prior to sowing seeds, it is necessary to add 1-1.5 kg of humus or compost to each well. In addition, the application of phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers can be recommended for watermelons.

The seeds of melons and watermelons are planted to a depth of about 5 cm, after which the soil is generously watered with warm water. Seeds germinate after sowing in about 8-10 days.

Watering the growing shoots should be carried out with warm water as the soil dries abundantly, but not often, but about once a week.

As experts emphasize, when forming a plant, the process of pinching the tops of the shoots is important. This process necessary, since female flowers begin to develop better on second-order shoots. Pinching should be done when 5-6 leaves appear on the shoot of a melon or watermelon. It is possible to carry out repeated minting of plants, when 5-6 leaves appear on the shoots of the second order.

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Growing seedlings of gourds

The seedling method of growing gourds allows you to get good harvest melons and watermelons with a growing season exceeding 90 days. Seedlings of gourds should be grown in pots to avoid damage to the root system during planting.

You can grow melon and watermelon seedlings ready for planting in about 30 days. Before sowing seeds in pots, they can be soaked and germinated, which will reduce the period of emergence of seedlings.

The first female flower of a watermelon appears on the main stem: in early varieties after the 5-6th node and in later varieties after the 12-14th node.

Care for seedlings of melons and watermelons has features. First of all, it is necessary to provide an air temperature of at least 20ºС to obtain good seedlings. On cloudy days and at night, it is best to lower the temperature a little to prevent the plants from stretching. In addition, it is necessary to control that the plants do not touch the leaves, and periodically push the pots apart.

There is no need for additional lighting of seedlings, since the seeds of gourds for seedlings are sown around the middle or end of April, when there is enough natural light. But plant nutrition is necessary. It is best to do 2 fertilizing during the growing period.

Ready seedlings should have 3 to 5 leaves. Melon seedlings have their own characteristics: the formation of female flowers on the lateral shoots occurs earlier than on the main shoot. That is why the tops of plants ready for planting must be pinched. About a week before the date when the seedlings are planned to be planted, the daytime temperature is reduced to 15ºС, and the night temperature is reduced to 12ºС. In addition, periodic airing of plants is carried out. Thus, the seedlings are hardened and prepared for planting in open ground.

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Planting seedlings of melons and watermelons

A feature of the melon is the absence of female flowers on the main stem - therefore, the first pinching is carried out over the 3rd leaf.

In order to do without greenhouses and hotbeds, you should not hurry with planting seedlings of melons and watermelons. Very often in the territory of the central regions of Russia, fine weather sets in at the beginning of May, which worsens noticeably by the middle of the month. Sometimes frosts occur during this period. Under such conditions, seedlings of melons and gourds may die. That is why it is best to plant seedlings at the end of May, having previously read the weather forecast.

In cases of unexpected cold snap, the shoots of melons and watermelons will require additional care: a temporary film shelter - a greenhouse - will need to be built over the plants.

Seedlings are planted in holes, as noted, at a distance of at least 1 m. Two plants can be planted in one hole, provided that in the future the growing shoots will be directed in opposite directions.

Planting melons and watermelons in a small area requires the preliminary application of at least 2 kg of humus or compost to each well. This is best done a week or two before transplanting. Immediately before planting, the holes are abundantly watered with warm water, the plants are carefully removed from the pots and planted in the slurry formed from watering. In order to avoid rotting of plants, deepening of seedlings is not allowed: the seedling clod should protrude above the soil surface.

Usually watermelons and melons are grown in the open field in the southern regions of our country. These melons grown in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions are considered the best, Krasnodar Territory and other regions with similar climatic conditions. After all, these plants are extremely sensitive to heat and the duration of daylight hours.

Grow gourds in the beds of garden plots and in middle lane Russia However, due to the shorter warm period in these regions, seedlings of watermelons and melons grown at home are planted in open ground.

The main varieties for open ground

Variety name Main characteristics fruit ripening time Transportability
Varieties of watermelons
honey giant Medium climbing, fruits are large, elongated, fruit weight 13 - 14 kg Early ripe (fruit ripening period - up to 65 - 70 days) It tolerates transportation well, keeping quality is good
sugar baby Large fruits, with dense skin and juicy scarlet pulp, fruit weight up to 5 kg Early ripe (about 70 days) Handles transportation well
The gift of the sun Drought tolerant variety, round fruits yellow color, scarlet pulp, sweet Ripening early (62 - 71 days) Carrying well
Prince Arthur 1 Hybrid variety, fruits are oblong, light green in color with dark stripes, weighing up to 2 kg Ripening early (about 70 days) Transfers well
Rafinade The fruits are rounded, the peel is dense, light green in color, weighing up to 5 kg Fruit ripening early
Rosario F1 The fruits are large, the skin color is dark green, the skin is thin, weight is about 5 kg early ripe Transport with care
Varieties of melons
Cinderella Fruit color - bright yellow, oval, weight - up to 2 kg Fruit ripening early Handles transport well
Story Fruits of an elongated shape with a bright yellow color of the peel, soft cream-colored pulp, fruit weight - up to 2 kg Ripening early, friendly (about 2 months) Transported well
Galileo Fruits are rounded, mesh, yellowish-orange in color, weighing about 1.5 kg Belongs to mid-season varieties Handles transport well
Assol The fruits are rounded, covered with a mesh, the skin color is orange-yellow, weight - up to 1 kg Fruit ripening - early Handles transport well
Scythian gold The fruits are rounded, the skin color is bright yellow, the weight of the fruit is up to 1.5 kg. Refers to mid-season varieties (up to 80 days) Handles transport well

All of the above varieties of gourds are suitable for growing in open ground.

Growing seedlings of watermelons and melons

  • These heat-loving plants need, first of all, good lighting during the day, as well as warmth. If these two conditions are not met, then healthy and strong seedlings unlikely to grow.
  • Since the seedlings of these gourds grow quite quickly - about a month passes from the moment the seeds are planted to the receipt of full-fledged seedlings - it is important to plant the seed on time. In the conditions of the central regions of Russia, melon seeds are planted for seedlings in the third decade of March - in the first decade of April.

  • It is better not to buy it from hands from unknown manufacturers, but to buy it in specialized stores. These seeds must be zoned for the regions in which they will grow.
  • The soil mixture in which the seedlings will grow should consist of one part soil and three parts of humus or compost. It is also necessary to add to this mixture a complex preparation, which includes fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. However you can buy a ready-made soil mixture for gourds in a specialized store.
  • Since seedlings of watermelons and melons are very tender, they should not be pickled. So seeds should be planted singly in peat pots. Besides, finished seedling will be large enough in volume, and if it is planted several times in a container, these gourds will interfere with each other during the growth process. If there is no suitable container for planting seed, a similarity of cups can be made by cutting plastic bottles.

  • Seedlings should be watered as the soil dries out. During the growth of seedlings, it can be watered with a solution of mullein a couple of times until planting in open ground.
  • Seedlings are considered mature enough if they have at least 5 true leaves.
  • In the conditions of central Russia, seedlings should be planted in open ground when the danger of spring frosts has passed - in the third decade of May or in the first decade of June.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to choose a place where these gourds will grow.

The beds should be located in a place where the sun will illuminate them throughout the daylight hours. The place must be protected from drafts and strong winds.

How to plant watermelons (video)

Usually watermelons and melons are planted in a square - nested method. The distance in the rows between them should be about 0.5 m, the row spacing should be at least 0.7 m. The soil should be light enough and at the same time good enough to hold moisture.

After planting seedlings in open ground, each plant is covered with a plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off. So for melons and gourds, a greenhouse effect is created so that they acclimatize faster in a new place. In addition, this is a kind of precautionary measure so that the plants do not suffer if the night temperature drops below 15 ° C. After 7 - 9 days, when the plant starts to grow, the bottles can be removed.

Growing from seed

In the southern regions, much earlier than in other regions of our country, heat comes. Therefore, melons and gourds can be grown with seeds immediately in open ground.

  • The place for planting is chosen in the same way as when planting seedlings of these heat-loving plants on the site - the main thing is that there is a lot of light.
  • Seeds should be soaked for several hours before planting. warm water , to which special growth stimulants should be added. Then they can be planted in the holes.

  • Plant two seeds in each hole.
  • When shoots appear, they are carefully distributed in different sides so that melon plants do not interfere with each other in the process of their growth.

Care Technology

These cultivated plants, like others vegetable crops, need regular watering, weeding, hilling and loosening. All these activities are very important for the normal growth of watermelons and melons.

Watering watermelons and melons should be done carefully so that moisture does not get on the foliage. If the weather is dry, then these plants are watered no more than once a week, but plentifully. When flowers appear on the lashes, the amount of watering should be increased. But during the ripening of the fruits, it is no longer necessary to water melons at all.

Also, watermelons and melons in the process of their growth should be fed several times per season.

  1. The first time to fertilize these plants should be immediately after they take root in the open field. The composition of this top dressing should include fertilizers containing P, K and N.
  2. When the lashes begin to grow, the gourds should be fed again. This time you should use solutions based on organic fertilizers (chicken manure, manure), to which superphosphate and potassium salts are added.
  3. For the third time, plants need nutrients when ovaries begin to form. To do this, prepare a solution containing the following minerals: dissolve a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium fertilizer and 1.5 tablespoons of any potassium salt in a bucket of water. Under each bush, 1.5 - 2 liters of such a complex fertilizer should be poured. The solution is poured into circular grooves located at a distance of 16 - 18 cm from the stems.

Growing lashes should be distributed over the garden, removing weak shoots, as well as those on which flowers and ovaries do not appear. This is how lashes of watermelons and melons are formed.

How to grow a melon (video)

It is possible to grow watermelons and melons in open ground both in the southern regions of our country and in the climatic conditions of central Russia. Plants are demanding for heat and light. By following all the rules for planting and caring for these melons, you can get good harvests.

Thanks to the latest technologies and a detailed study of biology, growing watermelons in a greenhouse became possible even in the most severe climatic conditions. Consider some tips and tricks that will help you understand in detail the technology for growing these crops.

Optimal working conditions

The first thing you should pay attention to is that watermelon and melon (see Growing melon in a greenhouse - let's experiment) are heat-loving berries. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of at least 18 degrees, and the best option It is considered from 25 to 35 degrees.

Note. For favorable growth, daytime temperatures should be maintained at 25-30 degrees during the day and 18 degrees at night.

Additional things to consider:

  • Melon and watermelon are drought tolerant, and react negatively to high humidity.
  • So optimal humidity air should vary from 60 to 70%.
  • Cucurbitaceae make rather high demands on the temperature regime and air humidity during rooting. For the middle band, these factors play a big role.

The secret to success in the right varieties is also influenced by the watermelon greenhouses themselves. For these purposes, the Strelka or Volya greenhouse is perfect.

What varieties are used for the middle band

Before you grow a watermelon in a greenhouse, you need to pay due attention to the selection of the right varieties.

Advice. For central Russia, early ripe varieties are suitable. It is also not recommended to chase varieties with large fruits, they are not suitable for this strip and will be able to realize themselves only in appropriate conditions in the south.

What you need to know, as additional information:

  • When buying fruits for cultivation, it is necessary to take into account in the description the number of days from setting to ripening.
  • It is best to give preference to varieties that are able to develop in the middle lane.
  • You can ignore the shape of the fruit (if you are growing for yourself).

Varieties for the middle band:

  • Pink champagne.
  • Moscow Region Charleston.
  • Gift to the north.
  • Crimstar.

One of the best varieties of melons is "Cinderella", it has sweet fruit and easy to grow.

Greenhouse for watermelons and melons: growing seedlings

In the middle lane, watermelons and melons are grown only through seedlings, and the future harvest depends on the quality of the seedlings.
Let's take a closer look:

  • The duration of cultivation, as for all pumpkins, is about a month.

Advice. Seedlings are grown strictly in pots to prevent damage to the root system.

  • For seedlings, pots with a diameter of 100 mm are used, in such pots 2 crops can be placed at once.
  • Before growing watermelons in a greenhouse (before sowing), the seeds are soaked, or germinated.
  • To get good shoots, you need a temperature regime of 27 to 30 degrees.
  • For seedlings from 20 to 25 degrees and 18-20 degrees at night.
  • Seeds for seedlings are planted in mid-April in the sunniest place.
  • Seedlings will be better if grown in a warmed and glazed loggia.
  • During the process, it is necessary to make 2 fertilizing with minerals. All work can be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

Advice. Pay attention to the arrangement of crops, it is very important that they do not come into contact with the leaves, so the pots must be moved apart.

  • Seedling in ready-made should have 3 to 5 leaves.
  • A week before transplanting, seedlings are specially hardened. During the day, the temperature is artificially reduced to 17 degrees, and at night to 16 degrees.

There are differences between melon and watermelon when growing seedlings. Watermelons form female petals, both on the side and on the main stem.
And on a melon, female petals are formed on the lateral stems earlier than on the main stem. Therefore, during the seedling period, pinching is performed at the melon over the 5th leaf.

Conditions for growing crops

Melon in the middle lane is grown strictly in a greenhouse or under temporary film cover.
Greenhouse for watermelons and its features:

  • The design can be of any shape and area. But its height should be at least 200 cm. In order to grow crops with high quality, you will need trellises, to which plants are tied. Greenhouses for watermelon are designed for solar heating.

Advice. Many vegetable growers do not deal only with watermelons and melons, but additionally grow tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other crops. In our case, it is better to plant crops along with tomatoes, where there is lower humidity.

  • A watermelon greenhouse is prepared according to a special standard scheme. In early April, the snow is cleared and covered with a film coating.
  • When the soil thaws, cold hardy early ripening crops are sown.
  • After the harvest, there are already heat-loving crops, including melons and watermelons.
  • When green crops are grown, the soil warms up qualitatively. Watermelons and melons should only grow to the trellis.

Advice. If you plan to grow watermelons along with tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, then it is better to plant them in the north side.

Seedling planting instructions

Given that watermelons and melons prefer warmth, it is best to get down to business in early May.

  • At this time, the daytime temperature maneuvers from 15 to 20 degrees, and at night 5-10. Under the film coating, the temperature rises to 30 degrees.
  • The bottom line is that inexperienced vegetable growers immediately begin to plant heat-loving crops under a film cover.
  • Sometimes it happens that by mid-May the weather deteriorates, sometimes even frosts come. If the tomato can withstand a long cold snap, then heat-loving crops will die instantly.

After carrying out all the work, the plants are covered with a film.

How to care for crops

Initially (in the first week) no care will be required, except for the fact that it will just need to be aired in good warm weather.

Advice. Airing is best done at temperatures above 30 degrees.

After a week, when the soil dries up, you can water the plants with warm water (mixed with 20 g of saltpeter into a solution of water (10 l). Only 2 liters of solution goes to the hole. Care in the greenhouse and under the greenhouse film have a difference, let's take a closer look.

Seedling care in the greenhouse

After about 1.5 weeks, the plants are tied up. The technique resembles working with cucumbers.
Watermelons are grown in one stem, and with side shoots they do this:

  • Shoots without ovaries are removed.
  • Shoots that have started are pinched. 3 leaves are left above the ovary.
  • When the plant reaches the trellis, it is pinched.
  • When 2-3 fruits reach the size chicken egg, the rest of the ovaries are removed.

As for the melon, everything happens as follows:

  • During the seedling period, the plant produces several side shoots. Of these, no more than 2 of the strongest are selected.
  • Then they are led as the main ones and tied to the trellis, and the rest of the shoots are removed.
  • Then, everything is formed in the same way as with watermelons.
  • In addition to the formation, once a week it is necessary to water. When the fruits ripen, the amount of watering is reduced.
  • Then it is necessary to organize 2 more top dressings with complex substances with a difference of 2 weeks.
  • Also take care of timely pollination of fruits.

Advice. If it is found that some fruits grow intensively, while others do not want to develop, then this indicates insufficient nutrition of the crops.


Latest, no less milestone growing crops is harvesting. Despite the fact that some fruits may seem large, in no case should you rush to collect them, some pumpkins may not yet ripen.
Determining maturity can be very simple:

  • For example, a melon takes on a characteristic color, and directly emits the aroma of a ripe fruit.
  • With watermelon, things are a little more complicated. An inexperienced person may not be able to tell.

A ripe watermelon acquires a clear pattern, the wax coating weakens, and when tapped, a muffled sound. For more detailed information it is recommended to watch a video where you can get acquainted with the technique for growing and caring for fruits.

How to grow watermelons and melons in cold regions of Russia

In the old days, my mother always planted two melon seeds in the greenhouse. varieties Collective farmer. By the end of summer, about five yellow fragrant melons the size of a dessert plate appeared on our table. They were not as sweet as imported southern ones, but they were completely environmentally friendly.

Later, when many varieties of melons and watermelons appeared in stores, indicating "ultra-early", "early", "northern", a lot of money was spent on these treasures.

Alas, in best case analogues of our melon Kolkhoznitsa grew up, and the watermelon Sugar baby, or in the English manner Suga baby, turned out to be a domestic spark.

Numerous experiments with seeds resulted in the selection of one variety of medium-sized early sweet melon and one variety of watermelon, also small.

Large ones, although they gave a good harvest, but the pulp clearly lacked sugar content.

It is noteworthy that neither one nor the other variety completely corresponded to the descriptions that were given on the packages. So your favorite watermelons and melons grow nameless.

How I grow my melons and watermelons

  • I collect seeds only from the first ripened fruits and dry them.
  • Before sowing, be sure to pickle in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Then I wrap the seeds in a linen napkin and water with a solution of aloe juice (5 drops per 1 tablespoon of water) so as to only moisten the cloth. I keep it in a warm place, regularly sprinkling with a solution of aloe juice until the seeds hatch. It is advisable to do this on April 18-25.
  • Every hatched seed I plant in Plastic container 9x9x9 cm in size with fertile loose soil, I water it, cover it with a film and put it on a south, well-lit window
  • With the appearance of a sprout, I remove the film and make sure that the plant does not stretch, in warm weather I put it on a glazed loggia.

After May 9, I plant seedlings on a warm bed, cover with plastic bells from five-liter water bottles, then cover with two layers of plastic wrap in arcs.

AT last years our summer has become noticeably warmer, so we are already growing melons with watermelons not in a greenhouse, but in a small film tunnel along with peppers. Yes, and they grow under the film only in May-early June.

Then we remove the film and return it to the arcs again only in the second half of August.

So that melons do not interfere with the growth of peppers, we plant two copies of melon and watermelon at the end walls. In the tunnel every 3 m I put a ten-liter bucket of water: during the day the water heats up and gives off heat at night. At the same time, the humidity in the tunnel also increases.

Growing watermelons and melons- the process is fascinating, children are well attached to it: even kids are happy to pull out weeds on our “melons”, water watermelons.

Therefore, every year I buy new seeds for testing, because I want to finally get a fruitful and excellent variety or hybrid in taste.

I plant the novelty in a greenhouse, where I tie up the shoots, and place the pouring fruits in nets.

If earlier it was impossible to drag the children into the greenhouse, then with the appearance of the first ovaries on a watermelon or melon, they check the “weight gain” every morning and already know when the plants need to be watered or sprayed on the leaf, open or close the windows in the greenhouse.

I regularly water watermelons and melons once every 2 weeks with manure or nettle infusion, once a month with infusion wood ash. I stop watering 2 weeks after fruit set.

It is very important to pinch the shoots in a timely manner and remove the ovaries - I usually leave 3-4 ovaries. I form watermelons in 3 lashes, and melons have everything side shoots I pinch after the first flower appears on them (more on pinching plants, including melons and watermelons).

Melons and watermelons: growing seedlings | Kitchen garden | Garden Star - information portal

Useful qualities of watermelon and melon

Watermelon- a berry that is rich in fiber, it is known that it perfectly improves bowel function and assists our stomach in digesting food. This berry is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, as it is an excellent diuretic: it removes unnecessary fluid from the body, harmful toxins and cholesterol. And also watermelons significantly improve the general condition of the body with atony and hypertension of the intestine.

Melon- it contains starch, easily digestible sugar, vitamins, proteins, fiber, organic acids, pectins, various mineral salts as well as potassium and iron salts. This fruit is useful for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, anemia, gout, rheumatism, kidney disease. And lovers of a beautiful tan should definitely eat melon pulp, as it contributes to a stable and even tan.

Since melon contains folic acid, it is very useful for expectant mothers and women in menopause. Vitamins C, E, B2, B6, pantothenic and nicotinic acid supply the body with antioxidants - so melon helps to prolong youth.

How to plant watermelon and melon seedlings

Melons and watermelons are heat-loving plants, therefore they grow mainly in the southern regions. But, if you use the seedling method of growing and protect it from spring frosts, you will get a good harvest of early and late large-fruited varieties.

The most optimal for these fruits are light chernozems and sandy loamy soils.

Fertilized soil significantly increases the likelihood of a good harvest, but you need to bring in not fresh manure, but humus, calculating as follows: 3 centners per 100 square meters. m. For watermelons, mineral fertilizers (potassium and phosphorus) are suitable, and humus is quite enough for melons.

When planting watermelons and melons it is better to use the nesting method, that is, place holes, depending on the variety, at the following distances: watermelons - from one and a half to two meters, melons - from one to one and a half meters. Short climbing early varieties are best planted thicker, but late and medium, long climbing varieties are a little less common. In the process of planting, 0.5 - 0.8 kg is introduced into the hole. humus, and for watermelons, about 15 gr. superphosphate and 4 - 5 grams of potash fertilizer.

For sowing, it is better to use 2 - 3-year-old seeds. It is also allowed to sow fresh seeds, but in this case they need to be dried a little before sowing (2-3 days), the temperature should be 30-35 degrees. Plants that are grown from two - three-year-old or heated seeds will bloom much earlier, as a result of which the fruit ripening process is significantly accelerated, and the yield is larger.

For watermelons, the seeding depth should be 5 - 6 centimeters, for melons - 3 - 4 centimeters.

Watermelons and melons germinate after sowing within 8-10 days. If some seeds do not germinate, then you can re-sow.

  • To obtain early harvest melons and watermelons, it is better to use potted seedlings. Plant 2-3 seedlings with pots in each hole and water abundantly before planting, then sprinkle the holes with dry earth.
  • It is necessary to start caring for crops immediately after shoots have appeared from loosening row spacings; such loosening must be repeated throughout the summer about 4-5 times.
  • Also, young plants can be protected from frost by fumigation. On the site, it is necessary to decompose heaps of dry manure in advance, then it is better to light it before dawn (at low temperatures), forming a smoke screen.

Business for growing watermelons and melons in a greenhouse

To be able to grow a non-traditional crop for a certain climatic zone is considered a skill in vegetable growing and horticulture. Today, it is not often possible to find apricot, grapes and cherries in garden plots. With representatives of gourds, the situation is simpler, but they are also not frequent guests on personal plots.

Thanks to a detailed study of heat-loving crops, the development unique technologies according to their cultivation, today almost any summer resident can grow watermelons and melons in a greenhouse, even in the Moscow region.

Melon and watermelon are warm and light-loving gourds. When planting a melon in a greenhouse, its seeds germinate at a temperature of 18ºС, but the best temperature for it will be from 27 to 35ºС. In order for melons and watermelons to feel good in a greenhouse, daytime temperatures should be within 30ºС, and night temperatures should not fall below 18ºС. Both melon and watermelon are drought tolerant but fearful high humidity. If the humidity is very high, then they are prone to the development of a variety of fungal diseases.

Air humidity of about 60% will be optimal for growing watermelons in a greenhouse. The secret to the successful cultivation of such crops will be right choice a suitable variety and providing the necessary agricultural technology.

The selection of varieties for central Russia is very wide today. And there is no need to chase varieties with giant fruits, they can realize such properties only in southern conditions. When reading the description of a particular variety, it is necessary to pay attention to the period from fruit set to ripening (the smaller it is, the better it will be). The melon in the greenhouse should be of such a variety that it would have a short ripening period.

How are melons and watermelons grown?

"How to grow a melon in a greenhouse or how to grow watermelons in a greenhouse?" - you ask. In our area, melon and watermelon can be

grow only using seedlings, the quality of which will largely depend on the future harvest.

As for all types of pumpkin crops, the period of growing seedlings of melon and watermelon is not significant and lasts about a month. Seedlings should be grown in pots to avoid damage to the root system. Pots are used with a diameter of about 10 cm, the seeds are soaked before planting, this reduces the period of similarity of the culture. To obtain good seedlings, the temperature at which it will grow should be within 25ºС.

Throughout the entire period of growing seedlings, two plant feedings are carried out using complex mineral fertilizers. You also need to make sure that the plants do not touch each other, for this the pots are periodically moved away from one another, as the plants increase in volume. In the central zone of our country, melon and watermelon can be successfully cultivated only in a greenhouse, a greenhouse for these crops will be small.

If you plan to grow melons in a greenhouse, then the greenhouse should be at least 1.7 m high, it is better if it is 2 m. Usually solar-heated greenhouses are used for such purposes.

Of course, the melon in the greenhouse will not be the only representative, next to it you can successfully grow watermelons, tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplants, cucumbers and other crops. In this case, the seedlings of melon and watermelon are planted in a greenhouse with the main crops planned for cultivation.

Some summer residents use two greenhouses, one of which is used for growing melons and watermelons, and the other for all other crops. This approach to solving the issue of growing is the most correct, because for each of the crops you can choose the required temperature, relative humidity and daylight hours.

Preparing the greenhouse for cultivation

The greenhouse is prepared as usual in late March or early April, the snow is removed and the frame is covered with foil. After the soil thaws, early ripening cold-resistant crops are sown. After harvesting, it is the turn of seedlings of heat-loving crops to come, melon and watermelon are no exception. During the cultivation of greenery, the soil in the greenhouse is already quite well warmed up. It must always be remembered that in a greenhouse, melon and watermelon grow up to about 2 m in height, up to a trellis. Therefore, if watermelons and melons are planned to be grown with other crops, such as, say, bell pepper, then it is better to land on the north side of the greenhouse so as not to obscure other crops.

How to grow a melon in a greenhouse and get a good harvest? This will primarily depend on the seedlings. Since melon and watermelon are heat-loving crops, it is unnecessary to rush to plant seedlings. In some years, in our country, or rather its middle zone, rather warm weather sets in by the beginning of May, the daytime air temperature reaches 20ºС, and at night it does not fall below 5ºС. In the greenhouse, in the daytime, the temperature can rise to 30ºС and above . And at this time, inexperienced summer residents begin planting heat-loving crops under a film, but often by mid-May the weather conditions worsen, and there may even be frosts. If we talk about crops such as tomatoes, they can withstand sharp drops temperature regime, but watermelon and melon can die. Therefore, based on many years of experience, it is recommended to plant watermelon and melon seedlings in a greenhouse after the twentieth of May. Before landing, it will not be superfluous to find out the long-term forecast from weather forecasters.

If, nevertheless, after some period after planting, the temperature drops, then we need to protect our seedlings using old film, paper, rags, etc. Also in the film greenhouse for the period of cooling above the seedlings is additionally installed the simplest frame, which is covered with any improvised materials.

Plant care after planting

Usually in the first week after planting, no care is needed for the plants, except for airing the greenhouse on sunny, clear days. Ventilation is done when the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds 30ºС, for this you just need to open the windows, or tuck the film on its ends.

After two weeks, they begin to water the crops with warm water, combining watering with ammonium nitrate and nitrogen fertilizers. Watering is done very carefully, trying so that water does not fall on the hypocotyl knee and plant leaves. Approximately ten days after planting, work is done on the garter of plants. The garter system is the same as for cucumber cultivation.

Watermelon is grown in one stem, with lateral shoots formed in the axils of the leaves themselves. This is done as follows: shoots on which there is no ovary are removed; pinch the shoots with the ovary, leaving only a couple of leaves above the fruits. After the plant reaches the height of the trellis, it is re-pinched.

The melon is tied up as follows: after the top of the plant has been cut off from it, during the seedling period, lateral shoots are formed. It is necessary to choose a couple of the strongest of them, and delete the rest. Further, everything is the same as with the garter of a watermelon.

It must always be remembered that one of the most basic stages in the cultivation of watermelon and melon is the garter of the fruits themselves. Usually fruits that have reached the size of an apple are placed in the middle of the net, which in turn is tied to the edge of the trellis, this is done with each of the fruits. And the last, and perhaps the most pleasant stage in the cultivation of these crops will be their harvesting, but there is no need to rush here either - even an impressive size watermelon or melon fruit can be unripe. You can determine maturity in different ways, melon - by its characteristic color, and watermelon by a certain sound. Good luck and happy growing!

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Oksana Kharitonova October 4, 2014 | 4531

Everyone wants to enjoy a juicy and tasty melon or watermelon. How to grow these southern crops in your garden? Find out from the article.

I take me under the melon small plot 3 by 5 m. Since autumn, I dig 2 trenches along the edges of the site with a depth and width of a shovel bayonet, I fill it in half plant remains, sprinkle with soil, leaving a slide for snow and moisture.
In early May, I wrap dry seeds of zoned varieties of watermelons and melons in gauze. I keep them under a stream of hot (60 ° C) water for 30 seconds. Then I soak the seeds in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

After rinsing, I dip them for 10–12 hours in a solution of Humate or another growth stimulator (on the tip of a knife for 0.5 tablespoons of water). After that, the seeds, without washing, are laid out in gauze single-layer bags. I put a well-moistened circle of foam rubber in a plastic plate: it provides air access. I put the bags on top, cover with a film and put in a warm place (28–30 ˚С).

When the seeds hatch, I plant them in cups. I use the soil that remains after tomato seedlings, adding ash. I put the cups in tomato boxes and keep them at a temperature of 12–15 ˚С until 1–2 leaves appear.

Seedlings in boxes can be placed in a film greenhouse, then it will be more hardened and will not stretch. I plant seedlings from May 15 to June 10. 2 weeks before that, I fill the trenches with humus, sprinkle fertile soil mixed with complex fertilizer and ash (1 handful per 1 m of trench). Before planting, I spill the trenches with warm water. I plant plants one at a time in 20–25 cm, water them. I install small wire shackles and cover with a film, which I leave until the beginning of June. When whips are formed, I lift one edge of the film and release them to one side.

Melons prefer organic matter, so I feed them simultaneously with cucumbers 3-4 times per season with mullein infusion (1:10). The ovaries are formed on the side shoots, so after the appearance of 5-6 leaves, I pinch the central stem. I fertilize watermelons only with complex fertilizer and microelements (a handful per 1 m of trench). I pinch the central stem after the appearance of 2-3 ovaries. I handle the shoots very carefully: the lashes cannot be moved, they form additional roots, if they are damaged, the plant may die.

I put a board, foam plastic or brick under each fruit so that the fruits do not rot. Melons ripen in early September. The peel is covered with a network of small cracks, and with light pressure with the thumb on the place where the flower is attached, it slightly springs. An overripe melon loses its sweetness and becomes watery in taste. Watermelons ripen later. True signs - ringing sound when tapping and drying out the tail. I water less towards the end of ripening - the fruits will be sweeter.

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And open ground is not fraught with great difficulties. Some summer residents refuse to plant gourds, considering it inappropriate to borrow large area site. Meanwhile, these crops get along well together and give an excellent harvest, subject to certain rules. On a compact garden plot, it is not necessary to divert separate place for melons and for watermelons, they can be planted side by side and enjoy juicy sweet fruits.

Seed treatment before planting

Seed material is planted in peat forms at the end of April. Before sowing, it is advisable to warm the seeds well indoors or near heater. It is also recommended to soak them in warm water and disinfect in one of the solutions:

  • hydrogen peroxide solution is prepared at the rate of 10 tablets per liter of water;
  • a weak solution of manganese or boron 0.05% concentration;
  • "Epin extra", the stimulant is diluted as follows: 6 drops of bioadditives per 100 ml of water;
  • "Zircon", the solution is prepared at the rate of 2-4 drops of liquid per liter of water.

Treatment with biostimulants will not only destroy pathogens, but also allow plants to adapt to temperature disasters, and also increase crop yields. Soaking is carried out in a cotton bag, which is dipped in heated (about 60 °) water, the liquid is allowed to drain and left for a day. During this time, the seeds should swell and crack a little. If this did not happen, planting them in the ground does not make sense: the culture will turn out to be weak. When planting, 2 seeds are placed in each mold, in the future this will allow you to remove a weaker branch.

Simultaneous soaking and heating of seeds is better preparation to seedlings. Water gourds only with water room temperature, while making sure that it does not irrigate the leaves. Seedlings of gourds are quite capricious and require good lighting, warmth and careful watering.

Special soil is sold in stores, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, add to suitable soil mineral fertilizer"Kemira universal". For each pot, 1 teaspoon is enough, then the earth is well mixed. Seeds are buried to a depth of 2-3 cm and watered. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots appear on the 5-6th day, and after a week you can see the first leaf.

Planting gourds in covered ground is carried out at the end of May. By this time, the soil will already be warm enough, and frosts will not hurt root system. Previously, young plants are recommended to be hardened, for this they are taken out into the street at a temperature of 13-15 degrees or the air in the room is cooled to these figures. The best age of seedlings for planting is approximately 25-30 days.

The soil is tightened before planting plastic wrap, in which holes are cut for peat containers. This allows not only to protect heat-loving crops from low temperatures but also increases productivity. Fertilizers are additionally added to the wells: humus, ash or mineral additives. From above, the nutrients are covered with a layer of earth.

The greenhouse should maintain optimal temperature and light conditions. The temperature during the day should be 20-25°, and at night - 15-18°. Water moderately and infrequently with warm water. To prevent condensation, the greenhouse must be periodically ventilated. Watermelons and melons are quite sensitive to excess moisture, their seedlings can rot, and the fruits themselves grow watery and tasteless. If it gets colder outside, you should cover the soil and young shoots with a film, cotton cloth or paper.

At the time of planting gourds in the greenhouse, you can have time to harvest young cabbage, early radishes and greens. This will not only additionally warm the soil, but also save space.

Boarding order

The scheme of planting in open ground is as follows. The distance between plants should be 40-50 cm for watermelons and 50-60 cm for melons. When grown together in a greenhouse, watermelons and melons are planted in a checkerboard pattern. Peat containers are buried shallowly in the ground, there should be a gap of about 3 cm between the leaves and the ground. This trick will further protect the plant from diseases and decay.

When planting, the scheme and the distance between the rows are taken into account. It is usually recommended to plant in 2 rows, between which a piece of land 50 cm wide is left. The next planting of melons in the ground is carried out at a distance of 80 cm from the first rows.

Care for melons in the greenhouse

Caring for watermelons and melons is not particularly difficult and not too laborious. Young shoots can be covered with pruned plastic bottles, this protective frame allows you to increase the yield. As the plant grows, the bottle is removed or replaced with a higher shelter. When the stem has grown sufficiently in length, it is attached to a special support - a trellis, you can tie the top with a thread to the ceiling of the greenhouse. Heavy fruits are placed in nets, carton boxes. The main thing is that they do not come into contact with the ground.

7-10 days after disembarkation, you can feed nitrogen fertilizer- urea or saltpeter, for this, 20 grams of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Caring for gourds consists in loosening the soil, watering and top dressing. It is necessary to ensure that after planting, weeds do not appear between the sprouts. Young plants are watered once a week, then it is allowed to do this twice a month.

Watermelons and melons are drought-resistant crops, they sprout in the southern regions, where the absence of rain for a long time is considered normal. When the first fruits appear, watering is stopped. Irrigate melons should be carefully, making sure that water does not get on the root part of the stem. Otherwise, the culture may be damaged by rot.

Every 2-3 weeks, the soil should be fertilized with mullein infusion and minerals. During feeding, a small handful of ash can be added to each well.

Artificial pollination in the greenhouse is carried out male flower, it is determined by its impressive size. The flower is plucked and applied to female flowers. Before pollination, the crop should not be watered so that excess moisture does not affect the quality of the pollen. Many gardeners attract bees to pollination: they open the doors of the greenhouse, put saucers with sugar syrup.

plant formation

As they grow, the stems are bred in different directions. In the future, they are tied to wooden or metal trellises.

To teach a good harvest, you must follow the rules.

  • On melons stop the apical part of the stem. This procedure will be sufficient for early ripening varieties. Late-ripening varieties of melon are docked differently. In addition to removing the top, the side parts are also examined, their thickness and power are estimated. Young lashes are removed, leaving 3-4 strong branches.
  • With watermelons will have to tinker. The cultivation of this culture is carried out in one stem, it is chosen according to the presence of shoots in the leaf axils. The stems on which there is no ovary are removed, the rest are pinched. When the culture grows above the size of the trellis, the apical lash is re-pinched at the level of the 4-5th leaf.

Features of growing in open ground

Before planting plants in open ground, you should decide on a place. Watermelons and melons prefer to grow in somewhat elevated flat areas that are well warmed up and illuminated by the sun's rays. Here they grow better, fruit abundantly and ripen early.

Care is carried out by loosening the soil, removing weeds and excess lashes. In the process of growth, several inter-row tillage is carried out. The first - when young leaves appear, to a depth of 6-8 cm, the second - when 5-6 true leaves appear, loosening can be combined with top dressing.

Harvest watermelons and melons as they ripen. The ripeness of watermelons is determined by the drying of the tendrils in the axils of the leaves, the disappearance of haze and the appearance of shine, and the lightening of the skin of the fruit. If you knock on a watermelon, there is a dull sound, but to distinguish it, you need to have practical skills.

The ripeness of a melon is determined by the dried stalk.

Are melons compatible?

Is it possible to plant watermelons and melons side by side? These crops consume from the soil similar chemical substances and require approximately the same processing methods. If you plant them side by side, this will greatly simplify the care procedures: watering, garter, bait. However, melons and gourds greatly impoverish the soil, and they can be planted in the same place only after a few years. To prevent this, watermelons and melons should be regularly fed with mineral fertilizers.

Collect seeds from watermelons and melons when they joint landing not recommended as cross-pollination occurs. The result of such a hybrid may not be entirely palatable.

If you are the owner of a large plot of land, it is better to plant these crops in open ground in different places vegetable garden. If the plot is small, then they can be planted nearby, nothing terrible will happen. The proximity of melons to each other will not affect the yield.