Bathroom slatted aluminum ceilings. Selection guidelines and installation methods

The bathroom belongs to the premises, the design of which, in most cases, is characterized by a high level of design, and where there is perfect cleanliness. Therefore, the interior decoration and interior must comply with certain standards and requirements. One of the most important parts of the bathroom is the ceiling, the finish of which largely determines the appearance of the entire room. For this reason, many home craftsmen ask the question, what should be the design of the ceiling and what materials should be used for this purpose.

Bathroom ceiling requirements

High-quality finishing of the ceiling surface in the bathroom must meet the following requirements:

  • Execution of technological functions.
  • The combination of beauty and aesthetics with the manufacturability of the finished design.
  • Strength, environmental safety and resistance to influences of various nature.

In this case, the question arises of what to use for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. The listed parameters are quite strict, and the room itself is distinguished by the presence of difficult operating conditions, therefore, not all finishing materials can correspond to them. The aluminum ceiling in the bathroom is one of the design options that meets these requirements and does not change the quality and performance characteristics in high humidity conditions.

Most often, the humidity level in the bathroom reaches 90%, the temperature regime can also reach critical levels. The combination of heat and plenty of moisture encourages the growth and growth of mold and mildew. For this reason, it is not recommended to use plasterboard and wood products for finishing the ceiling. In such a difficult operating mode, materials of this type begin to deform and spoil the appearance of the room. As for plastic panels, this option is considered too cheap decoration for many owners of apartments and private houses.

Considering the various options for finishing the ceiling surface, you should pay attention to the aluminum ceilings in the bathroom. At first glance, the use of metal products in rooms with high humidity is a dubious option.

However, this method of finishing the ceiling surface in rooms with a critical level of humidity has several advantages:

  • The ceiling made of lightweight aluminum slats looks stylish and beautiful.
  • The component elements in the form of slats contribute to the visual increase in the size of the room, which is especially important for small bathrooms in urban apartments,
  • Aluminum slats are durable, safe and practical material. Cleaning the surface with this finish is not difficult, and you can use conventional detergents. As for the appearance, it is always at a high level. Regardless of the cleaning agents used and the frequency of cleaning, the attractiveness and aesthetics of the aluminum ceiling always remain the same.

Description and characteristics of aluminum ceiling slats

Due to the high technological characteristics of aluminum, panels made of this material for ceiling decoration are very popular. The main advantage of such metal ceiling panels in the bathroom is resistance to high humidity. The fact is that aluminum itself is an inert material. It does not react with water, does not undergo corrosive processes and does not age under the influence of moisture, and the additional coating of the finishing panels with an anodized film greatly increases the surface resistance to the formation of corrosion foci.

Due to its stable structure, aluminum bathroom ceiling panels do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. When exposed to open fire, the panels do not melt or ignite, therefore, they do not pose a danger to human health. When it comes to hygiene and hygiene, aluminum panels are the ideal material. Abrasion resistance allows regular wet cleaning of the bathroom ceiling made of metal panels, which increases the hygienic characteristics of the room as a whole.

Design features of the ceiling made of aluminum strips

As well as technological properties, the structural characteristics of aluminum finishing materials are at a high level. Everyone knows that aluminum is a lightweight material, therefore, aluminum-panel bathroom ceilings do not require a strong frame. Due to the high strength characteristics of aluminum panels, the entire system is sufficiently strong and stable.

Installation of a suspended ceiling made of aluminum slats in a bathroom can be done independently, it is enough to have certain skills and knowledge. It does not take much time and effort to install the structure in a small room. Quick and easy installation of a metal panel ceiling in a bathroom is another advantage of aluminum slatted ceilings. However, not only assembly, but the ability to quickly dismantle the panels, is the key to the popularity of such structures.

Aluminum has a fairly noble appearance, which allows you to create very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing structures on the ceiling. Experienced designers actively use metal elements in combination with other finishing materials, especially since the combined surfaces are characterized by higher aesthetic and operational characteristics.

Thanks to the reflective coating of the aluminum panels, the appearance of the interior of the bathroom benefits significantly, and it becomes possible to emphasize individual elements of the interior.

Varieties of suspended ceiling structures for the bathroom

The suspended ceiling in the bathroom made of aluminum panels is available in two versions:

  • A system assembled from aluminum rails.
  • A system made up of aluminum cassettes.

The assembly of structures is carried out using a technology specially developed for each option. Accordingly, the appearance of the finished ceiling will also be different. Therefore, before choosing a particular system, each option should be studied in detail.

Cassette aluminum structures

The ceiling made of aluminum cassettes is made in the form of separate square or rectangular fragments. These can be elements made of solid metal or perforated, differing in structure and surface texture. That allows you to use such designs to decorate a room in any style.

Directly cassette design can be open and closed. The difference is as follows:

  • The open system is a frame that consists of aluminum T-shaped profiles that form a kind of cells. When installing aluminum panels in the formed cells, T-shaped profiles are used as support, which are open for visual contact. In other words, a suspended frame of this type is both a structural element and a decorative function.
  • A feature of the closed suspension system is the use of secret clamps, with the help of which the metal panels are fastened. Due to the tight fit of structural elements to each other, the ceiling looks like a monolithic and solid surface. However, in small bathrooms, such ceilings are not recommended, as they are more suitable for large rooms.

Rack aluminum ceilings

Among the large number of options for metal structures that are suitable for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, lightweight aluminum rack suspended structures occupy a leading position. In commercial enterprises, systems of this type are presented in a large assortment, including various shapes and sizes.

Installation of rack structures is carried out using open and closed suspension systems. In open structures, the slats are located at a certain distance from each other. The slots between them can be used to ventilate the space between the base ceiling and the suspended structure. Also, the space between the slats creates a ceiling surface with a unique aesthetic. If necessary, the slots can be closed with special decorative strips of the same color as the strips or by choosing a contrasting color.

The metal elements of the closed rack system are equipped with a special tongue that overlaps the edge of the adjacent strip. By using slats of different colors, you can create unique design elements.

The presented material on the design features of ceilings made of aluminum panels, on the device and design options allows us to draw appropriate conclusions. In particular, we are talking about the right of existence of such structures among a large number of finishing materials. Compared to plasterboard and plastic suspension systems that can be installed in the bathroom, aluminum panel ceilings are quite expensive. But all the costs are paid off during the operation of the system due to a large number of advantages. In addition, aluminum ceilings can decorate any bathroom, regardless of whether it is located in a spacious private house or in a small city apartment.

The use of high quality materials and installation in accordance with a specific technology make it possible to assemble a reliable and durable structure. Convenience and practicality of the slatted aluminum ceiling in the bathroom lies in the possibility of additional painting of the panels. To renovate the interior, it is enough to paint the aluminum ceiling with silicate, acrylic or silicone paint.

When decorating a bathroom, you have to solve many problems, and the main one is how to simultaneously protect against leaks from above and make the ceiling even and beautiful. Fortunately, the solution to this problem has long been found: these are aluminum ceiling panels for the bathroom.

It remains only to understand their types and features in order to choose the most suitable option.

Types of aluminum ceilings

Two main types of suspended structures are made of aluminum: rack and pinion and cassette. They differ from each other both in appearance and in the method of installation.

Cassette aluminum systems

Aluminum cassettes are square or rectangular panels. They can be all-metal and perforated, differ in color and surface texture.

The aluminum cassette ceiling for the bathroom can be mounted to an open or hidden suspension system:

  • Open harness It is a frame made of profiles with a cross-section in the form of an inverted T letter. The profiles are mounted in such a way that cells are formed according to the size of the cassettes. After that, the aluminum panels are inserted into these cells from above and held in them, resting on the horizontal profile shelves, which remain open and visible. Therefore, open grid profiles must also have a decorative finish.

  • In the case of a hidden harness aluminum panels are attached to the profile from below by means of special clips. The cassettes are in close contact with each other, completely hiding the harness and forming a continuous surface.

On a note. It is worth noting that such aluminum ceiling panels are used very rarely for the bathroom, since they look better on large surfaces. But if you like cassette ceilings, then it's up to you whether to use them in your home or not.

Rack aluminum ceilings

Aluminum are more diverse and in demand today. They are produced by many manufacturers, including in our country.

The products of each manufacturer differ both in the size and shape of the strips themselves (decorative aluminum strips) and in the design of the suspension system. Unlike a cassette ceiling, only a suspension system of the same brand is suitable for a slatted ceiling.

In appearance, they are also divided into open and closed structures:

  • In open-type structures, the aluminum slats are fastened at close intervals. The resulting gaps can be left open - to ventilate the interceiling space or to give the ceiling an original look. Or you can close it with special narrow inserts to match the main finish or with contrasting ones.
  • Closed structures are characterized in that each strip has a "tongue" slightly overlapping the edge of an adjacent strip. The alternation of strips of different colors can give such a coating a decorative effect, to revive a solid surface.

Talking about what kind of aluminum slatted ceilings for a bathroom are, it should be noted that in addition to differences in color and method of attachment, they can be very different in appearance, depending on the profile of the slat itself.

You can easily distinguish German slatted ceilings from Italian ones:

  • German slatted ceiling design features a clear rectangular slat profile. The strips themselves can be of different widths, all-metal or perforated, with open or closed joints, but their edges are always straight.

  • The Italians also produce open and closed sets, and the edges of their slats are not straight, but rounded. This gives the surface relief and expressiveness. Italian slatted panels can also have an additional decorative relief - their surface is not flat, but wavy.

The same Italian manufacturers produce aluminum slats that are bent at the factory to create a non-standard wavy surface.

Designer aluminum ceilings

For those who are looking for non-standard solutions, you can suggest using not quite ordinary aluminum slatted ceilings for the bathroom.

Their originality in the shape of the profile of aluminum strips, unusual for the ceiling:

  • Cuboid profile. The decorative strip is made in the form of a U-shaped profile, all three sides of which are approximately the same length. On the cut, such a rail has the shape of a rectangle or square. The coating of such slats is distinguished by a bright relief and excellent appearance.
  • V-shaped profile. The slat on the cut resembles the Latin letter V with the edges curved inward. The raised jagged surface of the ceiling is very original, especially when using panels of different colors.
  • Plate-like profile. Decorative slats in this design are in the form of a curved plate, and are attached to the frame vertically, not horizontally. In addition to the original appearance, such a ceiling has excellent ventilation characteristics.

Features of aluminum ceilings

First, let's try to figure out why coatings made of this particular material have become so popular for finishing ceilings in bathrooms, and not only in them.

Material properties

The panels from which the coating is assembled have many positive properties, thanks to which they have become so popular and in demand.

  • Durability. Aluminum practically does not corrode, moreover, the panels are covered with anodized or laminated film. Therefore, such designs serve for a very long time, without losing aesthetic appeal over time.
  • Ecological cleanliness... Unlike many other materials, aluminum does not emit harmful substances into the ambient air.
  • Moisture resistance- this is exactly the property that aluminum ceilings for a bathroom should fully possess, since this room is more exposed to the risk of flooding from above than others. And the very atmosphere in the bathroom is characterized by high humidity, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of surfaces that are not resistant to moisture.

  • Incombustibility... In the event of a fire, the aluminum ceiling will not support combustion and will not become a source of corrosive smoke.

  • Hygiene- an especially important quality for the bathroom. Such a plane can be washed with any detergent that does not include abrasive substances.

Perhaps the only drawback of such systems is the rather high price compared to other materials popular for bathroom decoration - plastic panels and stretch ceilings.

Design advantages

  • Aluminum is one of the lightest metals, due to which the installation of a solid frame is not required for the installation of a suspended structure from it.
  • Like any other suspended systems (see), the aluminum ceiling for the bathroom allows you to arrange additional sound insulation and hide any communications in the interceiling space.

  • Ease of assembly and disassembly is one of the main advantages of aluminum structures. Having basic construction skills, it will not be difficult to install such a coating. Especially in a small room like a bathroom.

  • The possibility of combining with other types of coatings (see).

On a note. In addition to all the listed advantages, aluminum panels have one more thing: they are incredibly diverse in shape, color, and surface type. With their help, you can create any design with your own hands, from austere and laconic to bright and extravagant.


And after watching the video in this article, once again make sure that aluminum slatted ceilings for the bathroom are one of the most beautiful and practical finishing options.

The phrase "Rack ceiling" entered our life relatively recently. But, if today you ask which ceiling to choose for the bathroom, the aluminum ceiling will advise the overwhelming number of professionals who really understand in construction.

Let's see what exactly attracts specialists in aluminum rack systems, and for this we will take a closer look at its wooden and plastic counterparts.

A wooden slatted ceiling, and in the common people just lining, is the first such type of ceiling system, using special profiled wooden slats as the main finishing material.
In general, the distillation is excellent environmentally friendly. A product that is widely used in modern construction, but it is irrational to use it in bathrooms.


The advantages of a tree should always include its environmental friendliness, as well as the original, natural texture and rigidity of the resulting structure. Unfortunately, this is where the benefits end. Disadvantages begin.


The first and main disadvantage of using wood in bathrooms is rotting. Where there is high humidity, the tree rots, and there is no getting away from it. It is possible, however, to use impregnation slowing down the destruction process, but then the main advantage of natural material - its environmental friendliness - disappears.

The second, just as important drawback of the lining is the very process of making a finished ceiling product from the latter. Installation, grinding, staining and varnishing. Each of these technological processes requires a known work experience and skill from the contractor. This means that the manufacturing price will be significant.

In addition to all of the above, the tree in the bathroom requires complex and expensive care, since its structure is easily contaminated and is susceptible to fungal attack. In this regard, the aluminum suspended ceiling for the bathroom significantly outperforms its wooden counterpart. To care for him, you can do with just a napkin.

Plastic slatted ceilings also have a long history and are known as PVC panels or simply "plastic".


Unlike wood, such a ceiling is not subject to decay, is easier to maintain and does not require any finishing work. And besides, it is significantly inferior to natural material in price.


But with the environmental safety of PVC, everything is not so simple. After all, this is an artificial material and the cadmium, chromium, lead and formaldehyde contained in it are recognized enemies of human health.

It has plastic and a purely operational drawback - it is very easily damaged. It is enough to lightly hit such a ceiling with any angular object, as a gap is formed in the PVC panel, which cannot be "darned"

Aluminum slatted ceilings

The aluminum bathroom ceiling combines all the advantages of both wood and plastic materials. From the tree, he took the environmental friendliness and durability of the resulting product. From PVC - non-susceptibility to decay, ease of maintenance and lack of finishing.

But, in addition, it is possible to highlight some of the advantages that are inherent only in aluminum rack systems, and the main one is ease of installation. It is possible to assemble such a vault even without special training. The installation principle is intuitive and does not require any special skills from the performer.

The only drawback of aluminum ceilings is their price on the market; it ranges from 1,000 to 1,700 rubles per square meter.


Despite the resistance of aluminum itself to moisture falling on it, the coating of the slats does not always have such high-quality stability characteristics. That is why in the bathrooms it is nevertheless necessary to thoroughly think over and design the ventilation system of the room even before the installation of the very substructure of the aluminum slatted ceiling of the bathroom.

Colors and textures

Choosing an aluminum ceiling for your bathroom, one cannot but pay attention to the richness of the choice of textures and colors of similar goods provided on the construction market.

The most widespread textures are mat and gloss. Mirror and metallic that are coming into fashion are trying to compete with them.

When choosing a texture, one should take into account the size and geometry of the bathroom, as well as the general design of the room. So the mirrored ceiling has every chance to expand the boundaries of the room, but only spruce will not reflect the black and gloomy walls.

As for the colors, in addition to traditional tones and shades that cover the entire range of the visible spectrum, there are ready-made textures such as Mirage, Safari, Northern Lights, Karelian Birch and many, many others. Designers. those working for the largest manufacturers of aluminum ceilings do not sit idle, and therefore more and more interesting textures come out every season.

Why is there aluminum in the bathtub?

As a result, to all of the above, I would like to say that aluminum slatted ceilings are simply created specifically for toilets and bathrooms. Good hydro and wear resistance, excellent aesthetic appearance, ease of use, good biostability. It is these qualities, like no others, that are important when arranging rooms with high humidity.

And if you remember that bathrooms have never been famous for their huge area, then the significant cost of the rack and pinion products used in them will not play a decisive role.

If you are still in doubt whether you need an aluminum ceiling in the bathroom, look carefully at the photos of rotten and smothered ceiling paintings made of other lath materials.

Due to their moisture and corrosion resistance, slatted ceilings are often used in damp areas such as swimming pools, bathrooms or kitchens. The slatted ceiling in the bathroom will withstand high humidity and direct exposure to water. It is easy to clean, durable and easy to clean. In addition to practicality, such ceiling coverings are distinguished by a variety of design design and beauty. Aluminum slats allow you to mount curved surfaces and multi-level ceilings with smooth transitions between tiers.

The structure of the rack systems consists of bearing profiles, stringers, hangers and rails.

The last product is made from different materials:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • become;
  • aluminum.

Before installing such a suspension system in the bathroom, you need to choose strips from a material that is suitable for use in a room with wet processes:

  1. Wood products are distinguished by their beauty and environmental friendliness. However, they do not tolerate high humidity conditions, are susceptible to damage by microorganisms, do not differ in fire resistance and durability. That is why it is better to refuse to use wooden planks in the bathroom.
  2. Plastic slats allowed to operate in a humid room. The products are distinguished by their lightness, unpretentiousness in care. Plastic panels do not rot and are not damaged by mold. However, PVC products are considered flammable. In case of fire, they release toxic compounds. The service life of plastic is shorter than that of metal rails. The material turns yellow over time.
  3. Steel panels are affordable. They are commonly used in production areas. Even strong steel is not protected from corrosion, so products made of this material are not used in places with high humidity. Steel panels are galvanized to protect against corrosion. Although such elements are cheaper than aluminum products, galvanized suspended ceilings are not distinguished by their beauty and variety of design.
  4. The best option is aluminum ceiling in the bathroom. Aluminum panels are lightweight, moisture resistant, durable and fireproof. They are not damaged by mold and rot, they are not subject to corrosion. The surface is easy to clean and does not require any special maintenance. These ceilings are durable and beautiful, as there are many decorative options. You can use white, colored, matte, glossy, chrome, mirror and resin strips.

Important! Bathroom ceilings made of aluminum panels are the best solution for wet rooms. Thanks to the variety of textures, colors and shapes, you will receive an original and durable coating.

Pros and cons of slats in the bathroom

Rack ceiling systems offer the following benefits:

  • Aluminum panels do not rust, do not change color, do not oxidize, do not burn. They are not affected by various microorganisms. They are moisture resistant and can withstand direct water ingress.
  • Installing a slatted ceiling in a bathroom with your own hands is a fairly simple matter that even a beginner can do. Simplicity and speed of assembly is ensured by the availability of the necessary components, holders with locks, profiles and hangers.
  • Behind the suspended ceiling, you can lay communications, install lighting, hide base defects and protruding building structures.
  • Several panels are easy to dismantle to replace or provide access for repair and inspection of utility lines.
  • The coating can be used with different types of luminaires.
  • The aluminum surface is washable. It does not require any special care.
  • The base ceiling does not need preparation and leveling.
  • Smooth metal reflects and refracts light well, which provides good illumination of the room and saves on energy.
  • Thanks to self-assembly, the cost of the rack system is lower than the purchase and professional installation of a tension web. Even the high price of slatted ceilings in the bathroom for a square is not so scary, because the area of ​​the room is small.
  • A wide range of colors, surface textures and overall dimensions, as well as the ability to create multi-level coatings and curved surfaces are also considered advantages.
  • An impressive service life of up to half a century.

Cons of aluminum panel ceiling structures:

  1. The price per m2 of aluminum slatted ceiling is $ 8.4-19.2 / m2. And keep in mind that the price of installing a rack ceiling by professional craftsmen is $ 8 / m².
  2. Another disadvantage of these structures is to lower the height of the room. The minimum amount by which the ceiling drops is 5 cm. If there are built-in lamps or hidden lighting, then the surface drops even lower.
  3. The main disadvantage of such systems is the impossibility of replacing one element. If you need to dismantle one rail, then you will have to disassemble part of the coating to it.

Installation technology

Now let's talk about how to install a slatted ceiling in a bathroom. Thanks to step-by-step instructions, all work can be done independently.

Measurements and calculation of the required materials

Based on the perimeter and area of ​​the bathroom, the number of materials is calculated as follows:

  1. The total length of the supporting profile, which is attached to the walls of the room, is equal to the perimeter of the bathroom.
  2. The number of ceiling rails (stringers) is determined taking into account that they are attached to the base surface every 1200 mm. Moreover, these elements are located perpendicular to the direction of laying the rails.
  3. You will need suspensions to attach stringers. Their number is equal to the total length of the ceiling tires, divided by 1.2 m. It is with this pitch that the adjustable hangers are attached.

Important! If the height of the room is small, the base ceiling is fairly flat, and communications will not be laid in the ceiling space, then suspensions can be dispensed with. Stringers mount directly to the main ceiling.

  1. We count the number of rails by the area of ​​the room. If the design is open, then we take into account the step of the slats. For closed systems, it is enough to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one rail and round the value to a whole element.

Tools and materials for work

From materials you will need ceiling strips, holders, hangers, guide profiles. For closed systems, buy slot inserts. You will also need dowels and screws to fix the elements.

Stock up on the following tools:

  • stepladder or scaffold;
  • puncher and drill;
  • laser level;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • tape measure, pencil and ruler;
  • scissors for metal work;
  • painting cord.

Important! Before installing the frame, the base ceiling is cleaned of old, poorly attached finishes. Places with mold are antiseptic. At the preparatory stage, the laying of engineering communications is carried out.

Installation of the rack ceiling frame

Before assembling the supporting frame, the walls and ceiling in the bathroom must be marked. To do this, from a low angle, we put down the mark to which our ceiling is lowered. We make the same marks with the help of a laser level in other corners. We connect all points with lines, which we draw with a paint cord. On the ceiling, we mark the installation locations of stringers and hangers.

After the breakdown, we proceed to the assembly of the frame:

  1. We install supporting profiles along the lines on the wall surface. We fix them on self-tapping screws and dowels, which we install in 50 cm increments.We place the extreme fasteners from the walls at a distance of no more than 5 cm.
  2. We mount adjustable hangers according to the markings on the base ceiling. To fix each element, we use two dowels and a self-tapping screw. The outer hangers are mounted from the walls with a step of 300 mm, and the elements in the middle of the row are installed every 120 cm.
  3. We attach stringers to the suspensions. In this case, each holder is cut to length according to the size of the room, but so that a gap of 1 cm remains at the ends. Thanks to this, the material can expand freely when the temperature in the room changes.
  4. We adjust the height of the suspensions with special clamps so that all stringers are located in the same plane.

Installation of metal rails

Before installation, we unpack each rail and remove the protective film from the surface. We cut the product to the size of the room. In this case, the length of each element should be 0.5 cm less than the distance between opposite bearing profiles.

We put the ends of the rails into the grooves of the wall bearing element. We fix the lock on the longitudinal side on the stringer. To snap the rail into the groove of the ceiling holder, it is enough to press the element tightly with the locks to the grooves.

Cut the last cover element to the width. Then we put the cut edge of the plank into the groove of the wall profile. We insert one end all the way into the groove of the wall element, and the second into the groove of the product on the opposite wall, slightly shifting the rail. We snap the longitudinal lock onto the ceiling rail.

In the process of assembling the coating, we cut holes in advance for lighting fixtures. We install the fixtures and connect them after finishing the installation of all the rails.

The specific features of the bathroom room impose certain requirements on the choice of design features and materials used for finishing walls or installing ceilings. If the walls in most cases are tiled with ceramic tiles, then when finishing the ceilings, more options are provided. Numerous suspended or tension structures allow not only to hide the flaws of the building left by the builders, but also to radically transform the interior. And if plasterboard or tensioning systems are more suitable for a classic-looking or country-style bathroom, then modern aluminum cassette or rack-type suspension systems can be successfully used when creating i-tech or techno interiors. The aluminum slatted ceilings for the bathroom shown in the photo clearly show what the broadest possibilities in the design of the room are provided by such systems.

A large number of colors and sizes allows you to create a wide variety of interiors, and the excellent water resistance and durability of the decorative coating applied in the factory give hope for a long service life. Aluminum slatted ceilings, which were previously widespread in retail or office premises, are increasingly used in interior decoration of residential premises.

Properties and features of aluminum systems

Suspended ceiling systems made of "winged metal" have a number of advantages when used as a ceiling covering:

  • High strength of the supporting system and the rails installed on it. The thickness of the slatted panel is 0.5-0.6 mm, with a certain geometric shape with the presence of stiffeners;
  • Original appearance due to the different width of the panels, which can vary from 50 to 200 mm;
  • Excellent sound insulation properties perforated panels that effectively damp sound vibrations;
  • High fire safety. The cover is made of materials that are resistant to open fire and high temperature;
  • Amazing moisture resistance. Rack systems do not absorb moisture and do not corrode;
  • A large number of colors, allowing you to create a stylish aluminum ceiling for the bathroom in rooms of any size;
  • High reflectivity, which helps to increase the illumination of the room without increasing the number of light sources;
  • Unrivaled hygiene of the coating, not affected by pathogenic microflora.

Choosing a slatted ceiling for a bathroom

Suspended ceilings made of aluminum slatted panels are available in many versions of both slats and load-bearing elements:

  • The German-style ceiling is made of a flat ceiling strip, the edges of which are bent strictly at right angles. The gaps between the panels can either remain open or filled with special inserts;
  • On the contrary, Italian ceilings do not tolerate "rectangularity", and all the side edges are rounded and only with open joints. Optionally, you can install a perforated panel with a hole size up to 1.5 mm;
  • The symbiosis of the Italian and German type of ceiling forms a surface of a flat ceiling strip with small radius curvatures, produced under the name Omega panels, adjoining each other, forming a flat surface with slightly noticeable seams. The combination of different widths and the alternation of blind areas with perforated ones allows you to create a kind of interior;
  • Ceiling panel S design. Flat panel with invisible joints, combining alternating strips of 100, 150 and 25 mm width. The uniform joint of the panels creates a directional surface pattern that emphasizes the architectural features of the room;
  • An interesting option for ceilings with a cubic profile with different aspect ratios. Allows you to create a deeply embossed ceiling pattern with only open joints;
  • V-shaped panels are similar in design to cubic aluminum bathroom panels. The appearance of the finished ceiling is perceived as an independent original solution;

Each of the presented types of panels can serve as a good basis for making an aluminum suspended ceiling for a bathroom.

Installation of aluminum suspension systems

Why is it not talking about suspended panels or ceilings, namely about suspended systems? Because each type of aluminum panel has its own fasteners, connecting structures and edging, which is not suitable for installation on other types of panels.

Installation of an aluminum ceiling in a bathroom begins with preparatory measures, and the list of works itself depends on the type of slatted ceiling. If a ceiling with closed joints is installed, you can limit yourself to high-quality surface cleaning, treatment with antiseptic fungicidal materials and penetrating primers. Due to the absolute inertness of aluminum panels and suspension elements to moisture, it is even possible not to carry out waterproofing of the existing ceiling. With adequate ventilation, moisture will not accumulate.

But if open-type aluminum panels are installed, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the surface, perform all the necessary operations and paint with waterproof interior or facade paints to match the future ceiling.

With some skill in handling tools and a little neatness and patience, you can independently mount an aluminum ceiling in the bathroom and save some money for purchasing the necessary accessories. The whole difficulty of installing aluminum panels lies in the exact marking of the horizontal line on which the wall corner will be screwed. This structural element serves as the base for the ceiling panel and provides an abutment between the ceiling and the wall surface, providing a complete appearance.

The basis for fixing the panels is a traverse of a special shape, individual for each type of panel, which is suspended from the existing ceiling using universal adjustable suspension devices, referred to among builders as Euro hangers. If there is no need to place luminaires or communications between the ceilings, the traverse can be fixed directly to the surface of the existing ceiling, checking the levelness of the surface with a building level. The traverses are made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Naturally, an aluminum profile for a bathroom is preferable to a steel one due to its better corrosion resistance.

After fixing the required number of traverses, and the number is indicated in the instructions for a specific system, you can proceed with the installation of ceiling panels, carefully inserting them into the traverse locks. Under no circumstances should significant efforts be made to avoid irreversible deformation of the panel.

Important! When installing aluminum ceilings in a bathroom, the panels of which are located diagonally, it is necessary to accurately measure, or even better, to make a cardboard template in order to correctly cut the panel and maintain the required angle. The width of the wall strip may not be enough to hide the inaccuracies made when trimming the panel.


Bathroom aluminum ceiling panels allow you to create interesting surfaces that accentuate the shine of chrome or brass fixtures, mirrors and accessories, while mirrored surfaces expand the boundaries of the room, despite the fact that you have to sacrifice a few centimeters of height. Ease of installation and high maintainability, original appearance and durability - this is not a complete list of the positive qualities of a suspended rack ceiling.