Colored circles wallpaper. Wallpaper in the interior: fashion trends and design options

When choosing wallpaper for the living room, you must first of all consider what kind of room you plan to design. The lighting conditions, the size and shape of the room play a decisive role, because color, tone saturation and the pattern of the wall covering can significantly change the perception of the interior.

Living room: types of wallpaper

The history of this type of decoration began in China, around the third millennium BC, when they began to stick rice paper on the walls. Modern wallpaper for the living room can be either traditional, paper-based, or washable, based on other materials. According to the base material, they are divided into:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Acrylic;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Metallized;
  • Liquid;
  • Natural (textile, bamboo, leather and others).

Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.


Classic wallpapers for the living room are made on a paper basis. They are not moisture resistant - but this is usually not required in the living room. Caring for such a coating is simple - from time to time they need to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. A variety of colors and patterns allows you to choose the right design for any interior, be it classic or modern style. The paper can be of different texture, color, smooth, textured or embossed.


Interesting designs are created using polymer fibers. Vinyl coverings on a non-woven base have a leveling effect and work as an additional heat and sound insulating layer. The silk-screened living room wallpaper design is suitable for classic styles. Vinyl with silk threads used for the top layer allows for impressive modern wallpaper designs for living rooms.


Toboi have a paper base on which a polymer is applied by the dot method. This gives them a definite advantage over vinyl, as it facilitates air exchange. However, they are less resistant to water and their service life is much shorter. The paper base is not able to mask wall defects, and the design possibilities are very limited, so this type of coating is not widely used.


Fiberglass wallpaper for living room walls has its advantages: they are very durable and strong, breathe well and can be washed. However, the disadvantages are also obvious: there is only one finishing option - painting, and you can repaint a limited number of times, since the paint gradually hides the relief, worsening the decorative properties. The high cost and complexity of dismantling also do not contribute to the popularity of this coating.

They are able to favorably emphasize the design in high-tech or techno style. Some options are also suitable for classic styles. The base is non-woven fabric, on which aluminum foil is applied on top with a thin layer. An embossing or pattern is applied to the foil, usually under the metal: gold, silver, platinum, bronze. The foil has heat-insulating properties, is resistant to moisture, does not fade, and does not wear out for a long time.

The composition of this finishing material includes cellulose as a base, silk fibers, dyes, decorative components (mica, mother-of-pearl, various minerals in crumbs, glitter, gold and silver threads), as well as substances that protect against mold, decay and binders. In appearance, they resemble plaster, are supplied dry and diluted with water before use.


Wallpaper can be made of fabric, bamboo or jute fibers, leather plates. Coverings made of natural fibers applied to non-woven fabric are also called natural. Real dry plants can be woven into these coverings. The original interior design is not the only advantage of this coating. Natural wallpaper has heat-insulating properties, does not fade, and is environmentally friendly.

Wallpaper color for living room

Using the color of wall coverings and its saturation, you can create various interior effects - for example, highlight functional areas, “raise” low ceilings, “push” walls, “brighten” a room, or, on the contrary, create an intimate atmosphere. This technique is widely used in the design of premises.

They will give it a splendor, add illumination, especially in those cases when the windows face the north side. Gradual, gradient fading from top to bottom will create the illusion of high ceilings. The traditional design of living rooms is the finishing of the lower, faster-dirty part of the walls, with dark, and the upper with light tones.

more often used to highlight a particular part of the wall - for example, in the fireplace area. The color scheme is selected in accordance with the chosen style of room decoration and the personal tastes of the customer, while there are several general rules that must be followed to create a comfortable interior:

  • Too bright and "acidic" tones should be avoided, especially in large areas;
  • In rooms with a lack of natural light, do not paste over the walls with wallpaper in dark, saturated colors;
  • In small living rooms, it is better to use one tone for the walls, and it should be light.

Combining wallpaper in the living room

The room set aside for the living room may have an irregular shape, or too low ceilings. A very large room is also not always good: a person will not feel very comfortable in it. These and some other shortcomings can be corrected by combining wall coverings of different colors, patterns and textures.


By highlighting one of the walls with photo wallpaper or wallpaper in a contrasting tone, you can partially correct the geometry of the space. Using combined wallpaper in the living room in the vertical direction, visually "raise" the ceilings, in the horizontal direction - "expand" the walls.


Various combinations of wallpaper colors in the living room are used to divide the space into functional areas - fireplace, reading area, TV viewing area and others. The same technique helps to highlight the living room in open plan layouts.

Wallpaper - decorative element

Both two colors in the living room can be used to create an original wall decor from wallpaper with a pattern or pattern. For example, all walls are light, and some areas are dark with a pattern, they can be framed using a wooden, metal or plastic strip.

Wallpaper in the living room: photo of interiors

The photos below show examples of the use of modern wallpaper in the interior of the living room.

Photo 1. Gray wallpapers in the living room interior highlight the fireplace and TV area.

Photo 2. Wall-paper in the living room in two colors gives graphicity to the interior and divides it into functional zones: fireplace and sofa.

Photo 3. White wallpaper in the living room in combination with dark elements - furniture and flooring - give the interior a graphic look.

Photo 4. Traditional design with light wallpaper with floral ornaments.

Photo 5. Decorating the living room with brick-like wallpaper highlights the sofa area in modern interior design.

Photo 6. The combination in the living room of light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern and dark furniture gives the interior expressiveness.

Photo 7. An interesting idea of ​​wallpaper for a living room in an eco-style design.

Photo 8. Beautiful wallpaper for the living room in pink tones creates a romantic interior.

Combining different types is a relatively new technique, but designers quickly fell in love with it and became widespread.

The countless number of combinations allows you to make your wildest dreams come true, expand the space, divide the room into zones and give the interior a fantastic look.

Wallpaper manufacturers keep up with the times and combine style-appropriate wallpapers in a collection that will help those who decide to go in for a combined design decide on the choice.

Before going to the store, it is useful to study the advice of professionals and understand the basics of combining wallpaper in the interior.

Combinations of coatings

You can combine not only colors and their shades, but also ornaments, patterns and textures of wallpaper, or play with different textures within the same color. Below are several types of such combinations.


The spectrum is understood as a combination of several shades within the same color. For example, one wall can be made with a gradient, when one color, for example, pale beige, turns into dark brown after several colors. Another example is four walls painted in different shades of the same color, for example, from light gray to black.

You can place them clockwise or counterclockwise, the main thing is that the colors gradually pass from one to the other.


The basis of this technique is a combination of complex wallpapers with intricate patterns and simple monochromatic ones, the color of which repeats the color of the pattern of complex wallpapers.

Combination of opposites

This technique is perfect for decorating a teenager's room. The idea is to combine wallpaper in contrasting shades according to the color wheel.

So that such a combination does not put pressure on the psyche, it is better not to decorate the room in active opposing colors, let one of them dominate, while the others passively balance the overall impression.

Game of textures

To emphasize the difference in the textures of the wallpaper, it is better to decorate the room in one color. In this case, it will turn out to bring the idea to life and focus on textures.

Practical application of combination

Before buying wallpaper, it is important to decide exactly what tasks you want to solve with its help.

Masking wall irregularities. With the help of a bright strip on a light background, which is located on the opposite wall, you can distract the observer's attention from various defects.

Using this technique, you can also mask communications and details that spoil the interior. With the help of wallpapers of different colors, you can easily divide the room into zones without resorting to additional costs for arches and partitions.

Resizing the room. By highlighting one wall with bright wallpaper or print, you can visually expand the room.

Decorating. With the help of bright accents, you can define the general idea of ​​the whole room, set the mood for textiles and other decorative elements.

You can highlight one object and thereby make it the main thing in the room, for example, highlight the bed area in the bedroom with several stripes of contrasting wallpaper of the same color.

Important rules for combining

It may seem to you that buying several types of wallpaper is as easy as shelling pears, but it is not. Here's a quick guide for anyone getting started with choosing a wallpaper.

The difference in textures and the difference in the thickness of the wallpaper are not the same thing.

It is better to choose wallpaper of the same thickness so that the joints are not visible after gluing. Do not combine more than two variegated patterns and more than three colors in one room.

More shades are permissible only in one shade range, for example, from beige to brown.

Combine bright colors with calm pastels. To finalize the color, place two wallpaper samples together under natural, preferably street lighting. Glue the wallpaper only on well-prepared, even walls.

Combination methods

There are many ways to combine wallpaper, your room should itself tell you which one to choose.

Patchwork technique. With this method, pieces of wallpaper of a simple or more complex shape are combined into an original panel. It can occupy the entire wall or be part of it. For example, an area with a TV can be distinguished in an original way using a wallpaper mosaic.

Wallpaper can be an independent decorative element in this technique. Horizontal combination. One of the most popular methods in the West and in America, in our country it has not received such wide distribution.

Perhaps this is due to the strong association with a hospital or an entrance, where the walls are traditionally painted in two colors. In fact, such a combination looks very comfortable, here you just need to follow a few rules:

  • the top wallpaper should be lighter than the bottom one;
  • the ornament is best used only for the top row of wallpapers;
  • the border dividing the boundaries should be below the middle of the room height and not divide the walls in half.

In a room with low ceilings, it is best not to use this technique at all, but to choose wallpaper with horizontal stripes, they will visually move the ceiling up.

Accent. The current trend is to highlight one wall with bright wallpaper with a geometric pattern or a bright print. In this case, the other three walls need to be decorated in a calm range.

Disguise. If you want to hide unwanted elements of the room, for example, a niche or a functional box, you can do this with dark or variegated wallpaper. In the same way, you can mask the unevenness of the walls, which could not be eliminated in the process of preparing for wallpapering.

Ornaments. If you want to divide the rooms into zones, you can use the technique of combining wallpaper in a similar color scheme, but with different ornaments. It is important here not to deviate from the chosen palette, so as not to overload the room with color.

There are a lot of ideas for combining wallpapers, you can make your choice by searching the Internet for photos of combined wallpapers in the interior. Do not hesitate to give free rein to your imagination, but remember that it should always be combined with a sense of proportion and style.

Photo of combining wallpaper in the interior

Combination is a simple and effective design technique that allows you to transform any room, embodying your fantasies in an original and stylish interior. By combining materials for walls of different colors, textures and patterns, you can visually adjust the space and divide the room into functional zones. To decide how to glue two species to achieve the desired effect, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of combination.

Combination rules

The dissonance in the finish, discovered after the completion of the renovation, is difficult to eliminate and requires additional costs.

Living in a room with a boring or “flashy” interior negatively affects the mood of the household and can cause a deterioration in well-being. Competent combination is carried out according to certain rules and must take into account several factors.

Compatibility assessment criteria

When choosing materials for decorating walls in a room, pay attention to the following parameters:


To assess the harmonious combination of different shades, you can use the color wheel scheme. An elegant classic interior suggests options for gluing adjacent tones, and contrasting colors should be preferred for decorating rooms in a shocking pop art style.


When using canvases with different textures for walls, it is advisable to select one shade. In this case, the difference in surface finish of the material will be more noticeable.


In order for the gluing design to be harmonious, their decorative design should be combined in color and style. A composition of smooth monochromatic and patterned canvases looks good. Combination with vertical and horizontal patterns of bright colors is undesirable, since such a decor option is perceived negatively.

Among the popular options are wall decoration with wallpaper of the same color, but in different shades. Graduated canvases in peach, beige, coral or navy blue can be positioned both horizontally and vertically.

They go well with plain and with a pattern in the form of wide or narrow stripes. This decor visually increases the height of the ceiling and creates the effect of a more spacious room.

Selection rules

In order for the combination to be harmonious, the following rules must be observed:

1 The material for finishing must be of the same thickness, otherwise there will be a noticeable difference in the structure and at the joints. Paper canvases are combined with paper, and vinyl with vinyl. The surface of the walls is leveled before pasting.

2 To assess compatibility, you need to attach the selected samples to each other in natural light.

3 By combining canvases of different colors, they choose: various options for shades of cold or warm colors; closely spaced tones or contrasting colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel.

4 When buying wallpaper in a room of different colors, you should choose a material with the same texture and surface finish. It is undesirable to combine matte and glossy canvases.

Studying the various options for gluing, you need to decide on the method of wall decoration and the effect that is supposed to be obtained as a result of the repair of the room.

Combination problems

The choice of materials for transforming the interior depends on the purpose, overall dimensions and design features of the room. The combination allows:

Divide the space

The use of partitions, furniture and screens in a large room for dividing into functional zones is costly and leaves a feeling of cumbersomeness.

To highlight areas, we combine different colors, decor or textures. This method clearly defines the boundaries of individual zones, allowing you to maintain the effect of spaciousness.

Hide defects

Aligning walls is a laborious job that requires certain skills, time and significant financial investments. If you combine the two types, you can hide surface defects and create a unique interior.

Correct proportions

In many apartments with a not very good layout, the overall dimensions of the premises violate the harmony of perception.

By pasting the walls with different wallpapers, you can visually change the space and adjust the proportions of the room.

For example, the perception of an elongated rectangular room will change if you paste over the ends with dark or bright canvases, and use pastel colors for the side walls.

To create an interior with unusual decor, you can combine rich colors with smooth or patterned canvases in soothing shades.

This combination draws attention to the highlighted area and gives the room a unique flavor. As an accent, instead of bright canvases, murals are often used with an interesting image of flowers and landscapes, picturesque views of cities or with an abstract pattern.

Combination methods

To understand how to glue beautifully, you need to study different ways of decorating walls and choose the appropriate option. Various methods of combining canvases are used to decorate the premises.

Horizontal combination

It provides for pasting in the form of two stripes with a horizontal division at a certain height. For the upper part, canvases with a volumetric ornament are usually used, and for the lower part, a pattern of vertical stripes of different thicknesses.

In terms of color, the wallpaper can be of one shade, but the lower area should be darker. This will avoid distortion of the proportions in the visual perception of the room.

The division of the border is made out using a border. A photo will help to evaluate how such combined wallpapers look.

How to glue it beautifully with horizontal division? The main thing is to choose the right location for the line that separates the different canvases.

Its height depends on the height of the ceilings in the room and for standard apartments is 1 m. For low rooms, this type of wall decoration is undesirable, since it can visually reduce the space.

Wallpaper, combined with dividing the canvases horizontally, look harmoniously in spacious living rooms and in offices in a classic or traditional English style.

Vertical stripes

If you are going to glue beautiful wallpapers of two types on the wall, pay attention to the canvases with vertical stripes.

Such a pattern visually increases the height of the ceilings, and the room is perceived as more spacious.

However, you should not paste over all the walls with striped wallpaper: the same type of decor quickly gets bored, and many small stripes can cause fatigue. Option - a combination of striped decor with matching plain colors or canvases decorated with a discreet pattern.

Using vertical combination, you can highlight functional areas. A photo will help you decide how to properly glue striped wallpaper on the walls: after looking at different combinations, it is easy to choose the finishing option that suits you.

Accents and niches

One of the popular finishing techniques involves highlighting one wall with decor. Using wallpaper in bright saturated colors or with an interesting and unusual pattern, they create an attention-grabbing object.

The rest of the walls are pasted over with neutral canvases of suitable shades. The photo will help to understand how such wallpapers are glued.

The layout of some premises provides for the presence of a niche. It can be draped with curtains, covered with a partition or built-in furniture.

Another way to mask niches and various protrusions is to use wallpaper in dark shades and with a variegated pattern. On the contrary, you can highlight non-standard structural elements with the help of bright canvases.

An interesting way of decorating walls is the patchwork technique. Such decoration is especially effective in a children's room, in a country-style kitchen or in a bedroom decorated in a "Provence" style.

To understand how to combine wallpaper with each other in these cases, you can look through photographs of various interiors or find inspiration in the works of patchwork sewing women. To create a panel, you will need pieces of canvases of the same shape.

Despite the constant replenishment of the assortment, it is the strict and restrained motives that are most popular, and the coverings that really inspire delight are wallpapers with geometric shapes.

Geometric motifs on the walls allow you to set a certain rhythm and dynamism to the interior, they can affect its size and perception of the overall environment, correct the imperfections of the walls and transform the parameters of the room. The emphasis in this design will be on the simplicity of the forms., as well as the abundance of shades used.

Features of wallpaper on a geometric theme

Geometry wallpaper won consumer loyalty for a reason: in rooms with different designs, shapes and layouts, they can create the most unusual effects.

Let's take a look at their capabilities:

The use of wallpaper with geometry in the interior allows beat any zone correctly, therefore, it is often typical for spacious rooms that perform several functions at once. For example, it allows you to divide the space of the kitchen and living room in studio apartments.

Remember! Since the geometric pattern on the walls must be complete, carefully align the canvases before gluing the wallpaper to the surface around the entire perimeter of the room.

Despite the versatility and multifunctionality of such materials, gluing geometric wallpaper for walls requires adherence to several rules. Firstly, try not to use a lot of bright accents in the interior, decorated with wallpaper with a geometric pattern. Secondly, curtains and other textile design elements should be monochromatic and have or neutral shades. Thirdly, furniture in this design should be as simple as possible and do not include flashy inserts or clipping.

Decorating rooms

You should be careful when decorating your home interiors in a geometric style: the key feature of such a design should be rigor and simplicity, therefore, it is unacceptable to create chaos by mixing different shapes and shades. That is why geometric wallpaper in the interior is extremely rarely combined with wallpaper for floral, classical and other themes.

Bedroom in geometric style

The most suitable for the bedroom will be wallpaper with thin lines, restrained geometric motifs and small prints... For example, wallpaper with squares or triangles will allow you to balance the design: using such coverings as background, you can emphasize a calm atmosphere, and if you choose bright patterns with squares for decorating the bedside area, you will form an exquisite accent.

Advice: since squares are not characterized by dynamism, you can diversify such a design with the help of bright inserts or accessories.

Rhombuses can also be attributed to orderly motives that do not interfere with rest and create a harmonious atmosphere in the interior of the bedroom. But, since such prints are often large, give preference to light or neutral shades:, greenish, and others.

The cage looks quite interesting and impressive in the bedroom: such a pattern is not only has a calming effect, but also allows you to freshen up the atmosphere and maintains its novelty and relevance for a long time.

Checkered motifs on the walls in any color scheme look homely, cozy and warm.

Special attention should be paid to the design of the nursery. Most often, this room is used for several purposes at once (at least - for sleeping and playing your child), and each zone requires compliance with certain rules for the selection of wallpaper with geometric patterns.

In the play area of ​​the room, you can stick wallpaper with bright geometric elements, and even mixing them is allowed. Bright squares, circles, triangles, zigzags, and more will help keep you active your children.

In the sleeping area, it is better to use not too catchy geometric shapes of muted shades: light circles, a neutral cage, small squares or beige.

Living room: current trends in geometric format

A characteristic feature of wallpaper with geometry on the wall can be considered their the ability to fit into both modern and antique living room interiors.

In modern designs (such as modern or minimalism), wallpaper with circles and polka dots is appropriate. In addition, small circles on the walls symbolize the simplicity and sophistication of classic and provincial styles, and will also harmoniously fit into the country style interior.

Another a good option for a modern living room is squares and rhombuses... When placed correctly, such figures stretch the room and make it more free and spacious. The accents of bright shades in such prints make it possible to highlight the main zone in the interior: as a rule, for these purposes, the zone with the TV is chosen, as well as the area near the window.

If your living room is decorated in an old style (classic, provence, country) - allowed less strict shapes: waves, circles, vertical and horizontal lines.

With the help of each of these motifs, you can emphasize the charm of the style: for example, they will symbolize a restrained and luxurious classic theme, and unpretentious circles that are depicted on wallpaper without observing a certain trajectory - provincial design.

Remember! When using wallpaper with lines or stripes to decorate the living room, you should pay attention to the width and frequency of the pattern. The more often strips of different shades alternate, the faster you get tired of contemplating such a design.

Some old style living rooms have a fireplace: this area can be properly beaten with geometric wallpaper for the walls. It is enough to choose catchy, but not very bright shades - and this wall will stand out against the background of neutral shades around the entire perimeter of the room.

Yellow is also considered the most suitable shades for this effect. Curtains and textiles in the living room interior are selected taking into account the shades present in geometric compositions.

Geometry on the walls of the kitchen

When decorating a kitchen interior it is better to give preference to geometric wallpaper that can emphasize a cozy home environment... For example, in kitchens that are decorated in country or Provence style, you can stick light wallpaper in a cage or coverings with circles and squares in bright and warm colors.

Modern kitchens allow for more geometric wallpaper.

Bright zigzags, even stripes or squares of dark shades can harmoniously fit even into the workspace of this room.

If your kitchen reflects a classic design, look for wallpaper with custom geometric ornaments or diamond patterns. Such wallpaper will look more effective in neutral colors: blue, green, gray, white or brown.

It is advisable to hang curtains for such wallpapers in plain colors: since the kitchen is not always large in size, patterned textured fabrics will make the window area rough and less expressive.

Against a background of similar wallpaper, you will not be able to create the desired contrast, and the windows will blend in with the background wall coverings.

Entrance hallway in geometric style

Wallpaper with geometric elements is considered a profitable option for hallway design. Firstly, this room has a minimum of free space, therefore pulling effects in such interiors will not be superfluous... Secondly, almost all hallways are not lit with natural light, therefore geometric patterns depicted on a light background, will not only become an interesting addition to the walls, but also make the room brighter.

Nevertheless, decorating a hallway on such a theme can cause a number of difficulties:

  • large patterns will make this space tighter;
  • small prints in an interior with limited dimensions will have an additional effect on vision;
  • some types of geometric patterns will be difficult;
  • the use of auxiliary accessories is not typical for this type of room.

One of the most successful hallway design options is striped wallpaper or chevron prints (zigzags). Depending on the location on the walls, such motives allow you to transform the shape and size of the room according to your preference.

The ability to change the perception of space is the main advantage of wallpaper depicting geometric shapes.

Think about what type of drawing you and your family will like, harmonize with the layout and size of the room and match the style features.

We are confident that you will find many suitable options, and we hope that only interesting design experiments await you.

Most likely, not everyone knows that there were times when wallpaper in the interior was considered bad form. Preference was given to whitewashing, while the following reasons were put forward: whitewashing is easily renewed, so keeping the walls fresh will not be difficult, and if you want to revive the look of the walls, you can add some color to the whitewash, but wallpaper is the salvation of idlers who do not often want to do cosmetic repairs of the apartment.

It should be noted that the wallpaper in those days (and these are the fifties - sixties of the last century) were very primitive, both in the pattern and in the texture of the base, they quickly became saturated with dirt from the air, turned yellow under the influence of light, and departed from the walls in bubbles and cracked under the influence of dried glue. So, often, the fresh whitewash of the walls surpassed any wallpaper of that time in attractiveness.

But times change, and with them our tastes and preferences change, the wallpaper also changes, and, it should be noted, for the better. Now the fantasies of designers are so sophisticated, and there is such a wide assortment on sale that it has become very difficult to make a choice, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Incredibly realistic 3D wallpapers will transform the room beyond recognition. This is what our next article is about:

Well, you decided to renovate your apartment. An important task at the moment is the selection of wallpaper. In the interior of the living room, as in other rooms, they play a major role. It is necessary to take into account how the room is located relative to the cardinal points.

If the window faces south, then unnecessarily "cheerful" wallpaper will tire your eyes, if to the north, then the calm color scheme will make the living room gloomy, that is, take this moment into account.

Giving preference to this or that wallpaper material, first of all, you must proceed from your material capabilities. Budget wallpaper options include paper-based wallpaper.

Benefits of using

  1. They are very attractive in appearance;
  2. Relatively inexpensive;
  3. The gluing work is not very difficult, if you do not need to join the intricate pattern.

Their main drawback is considered to be relative fragility, but this can also become an advantage over more expensive ones, since the same thing will sooner or later get bored, and, you must agree, changing faded wallpaper from a psychological point of view is much more convenient than boring, but solid ones.

More expensive, but at the same time, more durable and convenient for gluing, are non-woven wallpaper, among which the wallpaper of the Russian manufacturer Loymin occupies a worthy place.

It is also worth noting such manufacturers as AS Creation (Germany, average prices), Blumarin (Italy, the wallpaper is quite expensive) and Demoxy (Italy, the wallpaper is extremely expensive).

There is a way to update the living room interior without re-pasting wallpaper, this opportunity is provided by special “paintable” wallpaper. The most environmentally friendly are textile, liquid and fiberglass. These wallpapers are very beautiful, they can make the living room irresistible. Linkrust wallpaper, superior in beauty and sophistication to almost all, if not all wallpapers, will help to give the living room interior a special solidity. They are indispensable for the reproduction of luxurious classic interiors.

Wallpapers of German brands are environmentally friendly and have a high level of durability. You will learn more information from our article:

Color selection

Wallpaper for small living rooms is best used in light colors, bright, they visually increase the volume of the room.

The following colors work best:

  • Light green;
  • Pistachio;
  • Terracotta;
  • Coffee with milk;
  • Light olive;
  • Silvery.

Drawings on this wallpaper should not be "heavy", preferably with monograms or polka dots, it is important that the drawing is small, a large drawing will emphasize the small size of the room. To enhance the effect of space and give liveliness to the room, they are used with a panoramic view on one wall.

Combination ideas

It is also suggested to use wallpaper combinations - this is quite a fashionable and widespread trend. The arrangement of interesting combinations from different wallpapers requires a well-known taste and skill from the performer, but you can use ready-made combinations, the so-called partner wallpapers, which are offered on the market.

As a colorful finish, they use:

  1. Tiger and leopard wallpaper, reproducing the pattern of the skin of the corresponding animal and, to some extent, characterizing the predilections of the owner of the premises;
  2. Tapestry or tapestry wallpaper - fancy wallpaper imitating tapestry.
  3. Newspaper - wallpaper imitating fragments of newspapers pasted on the wall, etc.

Also, a rather fashionable option for gluing is the fragmentary use of material with a colorful print on a monotonous background of the main wallpaper.

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom

A place where it is comfortable and quiet to sleep should contribute to this with its non-irritating color, dim lighting and good sound insulation. Here it is convenient to think about the upcoming actions, to look for solutions to many everyday, and not only everyday, problems. When decorating a bedroom interior, wallpaper is almost always used.

The use of decorative items should be kept to a minimum, if not completely eliminated.

Wallpaper can solve all the design tasks in the bedroom interior. They should be organically combined with the decor in the room (furniture, curtains, lighting devices, etc.). When using wallpaper with an ornament, the curtains should be monochromatic and vice versa. Most people prefer calm tones that create an atmosphere of peace. If you still want to add some kind of "zest" to the design of the bedroom - a beautiful vignette or something similar on the wallpaper, then it is desirable to place it on the wall behind the head of the bed. But how many people, so many opinions, in this case - tastes. There are lovers of the exact opposite attitude to the bedroom interior design proposed above.

Wallpaper with circles in the interior of the room

In decoration, geometric shapes, especially circles, are at the forefront of fashion. This includes not only wallpaper, but also curtains and decorative ornaments. It is only necessary to make distinctions when decorating premises of different functional orientation.

If this is a living room, then you should not skimp on materials, following the proverb about "cheap fish", choose the best.

It is good to use dark wallpaper with light circles, the arrangement of which corresponds to a certain rhythm, and they are glued to one of the walls.

A fashionable and safe option is the combination of dark brown with burgundy colors. Polka dots on the wallpaper are a classic of the genre, but you need to adhere to some rules in the selection of colors: in large rooms there should be light polka dots on a dark background, and in small rooms, vice versa. You can also use photos of cities, both Amsterdam and Paris look good.

Interior of a room with photo wallpaper

The adage that everything new is well forgotten old is the best fit for this case. At one time, there was, if not a general, then a rather active hobby among the fashionable part of the population, photo wallpapers. The possibilities that photo printing provides in the production of photo wallpaper, nowadays exceed the needs for them, so you can order any photo wallpaper with an exclusive pattern or plot, everything is determined by the material capabilities of the customer. The advantages of this type of wallpaper include the versatility of their application, they are good both at home and for the office, they are relevant both in entertainment establishments, and as wall decorations.

Wall murals that increase the space of the room (video)

As you can see, there are a great many options to give your home comfort and individuality, it is only important to find parity between violent imagination and desires on the one hand and a sense of style and financial capabilities on the other.

Wallpaper in the interior (photo)