Gradual repair of the loggia. Do-it-yourself balcony repair: we make a balcony in stages with a photo instruction

In Soviet times, the balcony was a real pantry for storing pickles, old skis and sledges. Currently, they are an additional room in the apartment, which can be turned into a living room or office. But in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to carry out a good repair using a design project.

Features and Benefits

Modern balconies and loggias are based on reinforced concrete slabs, which are fixed on the walls of the building. But the shape of the balconies can be quite diverse. Very often, adjacent apartments are visually isolated with special fences in the form of screens.

Several features can be noted:

  1. Good access with adjoining rooms in the apartment.
  2. The balcony should look good from the side of the street and not violate the overall architectural concept of the house.
  3. It should be located in such a way that from the windows there is good review to the adjacent territory. But the balcony area should be as isolated as possible.
  4. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony should be of medium size so that it is not possible for them to organize a place of rest.
  5. Worth paying Special attention protection against noise, wind, rain and strong sunlight.

Modern technologies make it possible to install balconies at the construction stage or replace old structures at the time of restoration of houses. Such technologies imply complexes consisting of load-bearing frame made from metal. The kit also includes fencing panels, concrete slabs that serve as the basis for the entire structure and additional accessories. The undeniable advantage of this kind of kits is the use of balconies of all shapes and sizes. In the process of repair, the plates can be replaced without forcing the residents of the houses to move out of their apartments for a while.

Attached structures have different sizes. For uniform distribution weights, such models are attached to the frame of the house with the help of side supports. For the front pillars, a point-located foundation under the balcony structure itself is used as a support. Attached models are the most profitable from an economic point of view. They are attached to the facade with the help of load-bearing consoles, some of the load falls on the racks, based on a point foundation. Hinged options are mounted by experts regardless of the territory located under it for installing the foundation. The plates are fixed on the outside of the building with the help of specific fasteners in the wall of the house.

In private houses it is possible to use all types of installation. Low-rise low-rise buildings allow builders and architects to use systems to install balconies different sizes. In our country, balconies are very popular. Their indisputable advantage is the decoration of the facade of the house and additional square meters in the apartment. It enhances the comfort level of the building and ennobles it. appearance. A feature of the structure of the balcony from the loggia is a ledge from the plane beyond the outer side of the facade. As a rule, the design has 3 open sides, unless we are talking about corner apartments. Previously, they did not have special fences, but now this is a prerequisite for the safety of residents. Non-standard view is a French model, which is practically not endowed with a place for review.

The houses, which are over 70 years old, have balconies made of stone and reinforced concrete slabs. They were placed on special reinforced concrete beams and fixed in the walls of the facade. In the houses that are called "Khrushchev", the slabs were embedded directly into the wall of the building. Currently, in the construction of such sites, slabs are used, which are fixed to the walls of a residential building. Balcony railings are made mainly of steel rods with a round section, and wooden beams act as handrails. According to the standards, the height of such a fence is at least 90-100 cm, and the distance between the railings is not more than 10-12 centimeters.

A feature of balconies is the possible rapid wear of balcony slabs. Often, slabs for future construction are installed at an angle, which contributes to the accumulation of moisture. As a result, on concrete slabs appear small cracks. With temperature changes, such cracks increase, which ultimately leads to a weakening of the entire structure. The absence of gutters for draining water also affects rapid wear. Currently, apartment owners are hard at work repairing their balconies. Some of them are building a new parapet and trying to securely seal all joints, install plastic double-glazed windows and thus turn balconies into additional usable space. The owners of such apartments are very lucky, unlike those people whose layout does not provide for a balcony or loggia. In order for the structure to last longer, and inside everything to please with cleanliness and comfort, it is important to make a good repair.

Who should do the repairs?

Many houses on the secondary market have a terrible condition of porches, roofs and balconies in particular. In order to avoid tragic cases of collapses with human casualties, it is important to carry out preventive inspections in a timely manner and repair collapsing areas. The issue of liability for repairs apartment building very ambiguous. Some articles refer to housing departments - public utilities, others for housing and communal services and homeowners associations. The duties of the management company or housing and communal services include repairing the walls of the house, foundation, ceilings and enclosing columns, structures. The Housing Code states that the balcony is a private area, so the owners of the apartment should control its condition. Timely repairs significantly extend the service life. If you strengthen the frame reinforced concrete slab, then this will make it possible to make a small recreation area from a balcony or loggia. Waterproofing work will prevent the accumulation of moisture, keep the frame and concrete dry and strong. Installing double glazing will help make it warm, allowing you to grow flowers or relax on a rainy day with a book in hand.

Who should make repairs in a privatized apartment and at whose expense? If the balcony is in disrepair, then the repair of the bearing plate and the wall of the house is carried out by the managing organization. If the owner of the living space is engaged in this process and purchases building materials at your own expense, it is important to keep checks and receipts intact. These documents will be proof of the money spent in the future.

Thus, we can conclude that in this case the management company is obliged to deal with the repair of the balcony. But the owner of the living space has a number of obligations that he must comply with. The owner of a privatized apartment has certain obligations established by law, these include the following items:

  1. Timely replace damaged windows, frames and doors.
  2. Insulate the parapet.
  3. Remove mold, rust and mildew.
  4. It is necessary to insulate balcony openings, which will allow more economical use of resources and money.
  5. Timely paint facades and cover windows and balcony elements with special anti-corrosion and moisture-repellent agents.
  6. Monitor the condition of the external fastening on the balcony.

The management company or HOA are obliged in turn:

  1. Conduct frequent inspections and inspections of balconies and load-bearing structures.
  2. In the event of a breakdown or emergency situation, immediately take measures to correct them.
  3. According to the schedule, to be carried out in a new building, in panel houses or brick houses safety classes and rational use loggias and balconies.
  4. In case of detection of an emergency area, seal the room to avoid human casualties.

If the homeowner decided to repair the old balconies on his own, then after all the work has been completed, he has every right to demand that the management company reimburse the money spent. To do this, you need to take a sample application, and referring to the housing code to demand reimbursement of expenses. In case of refusal of the management company, it is necessary to file a claim with the court. From this we can conclude that the owner of the apartment is responsible for the redecoration of the balcony, and the management company is responsible for the overhaul of the carrier plate.

Repair of balconies is carried out by industrial climbers who have access to work at height. They can repair the stucco consoles of stalinka houses. From the balcony in the house of the "Stalinka" or "Khrushchev" type, due to the meager area, it will not be possible to make an additional room. Warming it also does not make sense. The most optimal solution for the owners will be the decoration of the premises with plastic panels with sliding glazing.


How to make repairs with your own hands: step by step instructions

V last years balcony plays a significant role in increasing usable space in the apartment. Therefore, in its appearance and design solutions, it should not be inferior to the rest of the premises in the apartment. Before starting repairs, you need to consider which room it is adjacent to. Renovation should be started only, taking into account all possible nuances and following a strict plan. The proximity to the kitchen will allow you to create a recreation area with a bar counter on it. And access to it from the bedroom will suggest an idea for creating a romantic corner or accommodation. dressing table with the necessary lighting.

A good solution would be the equipment on it winter garden and rest rooms. Repair includes high-quality glazing of the balcony and it can be divided into several stages. Repairs can be done with your own hands, or you can attract a special service for construction work.

  • Work order. Many are wondering where to start repairs on the balcony. First of all, you need a well-designed design - a project and an estimate. The estimate should clearly state the necessary work, material and the final cost of the work. It is not necessary to contact a specialized organization to create a project by designers, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Then it is necessary to carefully remove all old coatings and partitions. All surfaces should be well checked for the presence of cavities or tubercles and cleaned. All work should be carried out in stages. First, all external work is carried out, and then internal.
  • Inside. Work begins with the insulation of the room with special materials and glazing. Much attention should be paid to waterproofing. Often they are glazed with PVC frames. In favor of this material is its resistance to various external influences, the tightness of all joints, frost resistance, easy maintenance and external attractiveness. Experts recommend choosing double or energy-saving double-glazed windows.

The next step is the insulation of the walls and floor. When insulating the floor, expanded polystyrene is used, which can be laid on the floor in 2 ways. It is either glued to the floor or placed in a special wooden frame. A sheet of plywood 10 mm thick is placed on top of the insulation, and then the topcoat is already laid. The same materials can also be used to insulate walls, they are only attached to pre-prepared wooden bars.

If the owner does not plan to combine the balcony with a room or kitchen, then you can select the finishing material, regardless of the design in the room. For a balcony connected to the kitchen or hall, you should choose materials similar in decoration to the room. As a rule, the walls on the balcony are lined with clapboard made of wooden slats. This material gives the room additional comfort and warmth. Drywall is perfect for interesting design solutions hosts. With its help, it will be possible not only to quickly align the walls, but also to create multi-tiered structures.


The use of plastic panels as a finish is perhaps the most a budget option. Wallpaper can also be considered a simple finishing material. Pay special attention to replacing plastic doors and not just windows. Through well-insulated doors, the cold will not penetrate into the apartment in such a way, especially with open balcony. Interior view balcony after the end of all repair work will delight their owners for years to come.


Outside. The view of the balcony facade can say a lot about its owner. It is necessary to start facade work after assessing the condition of the balcony slab. With small defects, a new screed will be quite enough. If the deformation is more serious, then a reinforced mesh is placed on the cleaned slab. Reinforcing mesh poured with a screed so that the concrete was 2 times thicker than the mesh. Then an iron screed is made and then the plate is reinforced with profile struts with holes for fasteners.

Thanks to the repair work on the street side, the balcony acquires a finished appearance. Since the work involves a certain height, it is necessary to prepare all the equipment for climbing in advance. The main condition for the performance of such work is the strict observance of safety regulations.

Repair work is carried out before or during the glazing of the balcony. When choosing a material for exterior decoration, it is important to take into account the features of its operation. The finish must be resistant to various weather conditions. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that exterior finish balcony must comply with the general color design residential building.

Basically, modern material is used for facing the balcony:

  1. Plastic or vinyl lining is a fairly budget option for landscaping a balcony. Its advantages include acceptable price, the attractiveness of the material, it is quite easy to install and requires minimal installation time.
  2. Siding, according to most experts, is considered the best option for facing a balcony. It retains its visual appeal for a long time. It is very easy to care for, as dust and dirt settle on it a little. It is distinguished by high environmental friendliness, fire safety and a large number of color solutions. Installing siding will require more experience and skill than cladding with plastic panels.
  3. Decking or professional sheet is galvanized corrugated steel. It is a good material for finishing the balcony from the outside. Decking, or rather, its sheets can be of various sizes and have a rich palette of colors. Its undeniable advantages include light weight, good specifications, long service life and aesthetic design. Installation of this material is quite simple, so repairs using corrugated board can be done by hand.

Comprehensive repair of the balcony from the outside includes surface preparation for cladding with the selected material.

  1. You need to start by cleaning the base of the balcony and removing railings and old coatings on it.
  2. It is necessary to carefully remove rust on metal objects, and then prime everything well.
  3. Eliminate all irregularities and level the base with concrete mortar.

After that, the installation of the crate is carried out, on which the finish coating is subsequently attached with the material that was chosen for finishing. Some families prefer to turn to a balcony repair service, and some do it all by themselves. On the top floor Roof leaks are a common problem. Often it flows in the autumn and spring, when the snow melts. This unpleasant situation can be corrected with the help of visors and additional flooring on the roof. The owner of the apartment needs, together with the HOA or management company check the quality of the ebbs for water and sewers.

It will be necessary to start repairs from scratch in a new building, when a draft version of the finish has been completed in the entire apartment. It is better to renovate it at the end or along with the room to which it is adjacent. Many, after insulating the balcony, lay part of the wall and get a small room with a window. Due to the glazed plastic windows, it will be warm and cozy. Such small space not enough to create a rest room, but it is perfect for a study.

For a room combined with a balcony, this technique will allow you to use additional space. If the kitchen and balcony are combined, then you can completely separate the cooking and eating areas and create a small dining room with a beautiful view.



Many designers create real masterpieces of style even for the smallest spaces. Consider the most typical projects for the repair and decoration of the balcony area.

  • For 9 sq. m. Pretty decent space for the embodiment of the most creative ideas. V modern design– projects, you can even meet the converted space of the balcony under the mini gym or laundry. But such creative solutions sometimes require not only a sufficient amount of financial resources, but also appropriate permissions. The balcony is great place in order to use household items that are made by hand. From construction pallets if desired, very touching benches will turn out. Thus, it is possible not only to save money, but also to create a unique style of the room.

On the balcony of 9 sq. meters, corner sofas will fit perfectly, which have drawers below and will serve as an excellent storage system. Designers recommend using every meter of the balcony rationally. Under the windowsill along the entire wall, you can make shelves that will accommodate a fairly large number of necessary little things. Sliding doors will help hide the storage space and give an aesthetic look to the room.

On such a territory of the balcony, a built-in wardrobe from ceiling to floor can be quite successfully accommodated. In any case, it is worth giving preference to light models that will not visually conceal an already narrow space. Mirror surfaces on furniture will help to make furniture more airy and light.

  • For 6 meters, the option with sliding windows, which will not clutter up a narrow space. The most popular option for storing things on the balcony will be racks. They fit perfectly on the wall and do not take up much space.

A small sofa will fit perfectly on 6 square meters. And to give a cozy look to this recreation area, indoor plants and cute trinkets will help. Besides, this perfect size for organizing workspace on the balcony. A small console can be used as a desktop surface, a chair and a couple of shelves for storing documents will not take up much space.

A great design project can be the organization of a reading or needlework corner on the balcony. To do this, you will need bookcases, a comfortable chair or ottoman, as well as good lighting. Very popular are projects to create dining area on the balcony. If the view from the window opens on the panorama of the forest, river or city, then you should definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

The width of the loggia will allow you to install compact table and chairs. You can install a bar counter, which will serve as a continuation of the window sill. Very often, in addition to the popular design techniques, which imply light tones and proper lighting, you have to make furniture to order. Not always standard sizes will be appropriate on the balcony at 6 square meters.

  • Folding furniture is perfect for an oblique balcony in order to save space. Do not forget about the walls, which can be decorated with photographs, frames or magnets from trips. On this balcony great idea will be the organization of the winter garden. Non-standard space can be decorated with bright and elegant accessories in the form of pillows, blankets and flowers. On the balcony of an oblique design, small chairs and a table or a small sofa with space for things will fit quite well. Cream colors are best for decorating walls and floors.
  • For a balcony 3 meters wide, there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent variations. Making such a space is not difficult. It can accommodate an air bed with a mountain of bright pillows, which will serve as an extra bed or a reading nook. This area can easily be turned into a small living room with a sofa, armchairs and a small table. The walls can be either decorated with photos in the same style or with various reproductions.

In every family, the loggia has its own meaning. Someone keeps old things there and dries clothes, for someone this place is a recreation area, and someone uses it as a gym or a greenhouse. The loggia is considered an integral part of modern housing, so the task of transforming it must be approached with all responsibility.

The loggia is unfairly called a balcony, and storage of old trash and tools falls to its lot. Warming the loggia is a top priority in order to turn it into a living room.

You can resort to the help of professionals who will repair and insulate the balcony for money, or you can repair the loggia and create a special comfort there with your own hands.

Even without hiring builders, you can make the loggia a multifunctional and comfortable room.

To start repairing the balcony, you need to make preparatory work. First of all, you need to remove the old shirt, unscrew and take out everything that is not included in the balcony package.

Now you should check the damage that could have formed over time. These may be cracks and crevices along the edges, which must be excluded. To do this, the surface is cleaned of all kinds of debris, stone, chipping parts. After that, the damaged areas are treated with a primer, you need to wait for drying and apply a cement layer. For minor damage, one cement layer is enough. The cement mixture must contain an adhesive base so that it does not erode or crack.

If the cement surface has a variety of voids, then they must be carefully cemented.

Materials and tools for do-it-yourself repair of loggias (balconies)

Balcony renovation cannot do without certain tools and materials that need to be selected. Insulation of the room requires materials such as mineral wool or polystyrene. To finish the parapet, you need siding or decorative panels. Wooden panels require mandatory treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants.

To repair the loggia, we need materials such as:

  • polystyrene foam or polystyrene (4-6 cm);
  • moisture resistant sheets of drywall and gypsum fiber;
  • foil polyethylene film;
  • foil foamed polyethylene;
  • polyurethane foam without toluene;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • saw for cutting sheathing material;
  • sheathing material (wooden lining);
  • fasteners for wooden surface(nails);
  • mounting thread;
  • wooden beam for (40x50);
  • direct suspensions for a metal profile;
  • mounting stapler and staples.

Do-it-yourself glazing installation for loggias (balconies)

To protect the apartment from external influences, leaving sound insulation in the background, you can get by with ordinary wooden frames. In this case, there will be a slight muting of external sounds, but not sufficiently effective. The advantages of such glazing - inexpensive repair, easy installation, as well as good fresh air permeability.

To achieve maximum comfort on your loggia, you need to install plastic windows. They will provide protection from wind, noise and other external irritants, they will keep the temperature, regardless of the time of year.

Plastic windows have a long service life. The only disadvantage of such glazing is the lack of free air circulation in the apartment.

First we need to assemble window structures. Double-glazed windows, sashes and sandwich panels must be removed, and the frames connected to each other and to expansion elements.

Now the elements for fastening to this structure are installed. After the fasteners are installed, it is necessary to proceed with fixing the window structure in level with the help of self-tapping screws. They will guarantee secure fastening. After that, a facing corner is mounted on the sides and top of the window structure, and a low tide is installed from below.

At the next stage, the openings between the walls and the window are filled with foam. Now you can mount double-glazed windows, sandwich panels, sashes and other additional accessories.

Upon completion of the glazing of the loggia, carefully check the sealing. This will help to keep warm and significantly eliminate noise.

Now you can start mounting the lighting. Here you can use any lighting. They can be mounted on the ceiling or wall, built-in and regular are suitable. You need to use your imagination and build on the design of the room. Sockets and switches are installed using a cable with three cores of one and a half squares in cross section.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the ceiling and walls of loggias (balconies)

After installing high-quality plastic windows, you need to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor.

In order to insulate the walls of the balcony, you need a heat-insulating material, such as foam or polystyrene foam. You need to fix it to the wall with wooden slats or dowels with a plastic head. The joints are carefully processed with the help of mounting foam, in order to avoid the ingress of cold, the joints between the sheets of insulation must be glued with adhesive tape. A mounting foam that does not contain toluene should be used so that the expanded polystyrene does not dissolve.

Next, you need to proceed to fixing the vapor barrier and the reflective layer. To do this, you need foil polyethylene film or foam foil polyethylene. The vapor barrier is attached to the joint with adhesive tape or polyurethane-based glue.

On the ceiling, insulation is done in the same way, but better fit suspended ceiling, which will hide the wiring for lighting the loggia.

To begin with, transverse logs are attached to the ceiling, onto which the facing material will need to be screwed, after which foam sheets are placed between them. Joints are filled mounting foam.

Do-it-yourself sheathing (repair) of the ceiling and walls of loggias (balconies)

In order to finish the loggia, wallpaper is the least suitable, as they will quickly deteriorate under the influence high humidity and temperature fluctuations. Here you need a moisture-resistant finishing material. It is best to finish with wall panels, moisture resistant drywall, as well as plastic or wooden clapboard.

Before you start finishing the balcony with panels, you should upholster the walls with cork or wooden frame. After that, you can proceed with the installation with panels or other finishing material, connecting them together. The ease of connecting the panels to the frame is that the tongue of the groove on the outside is shorter than the tongue on the inside. In the case of finishing both the ceiling and the walls, you need to install a lag on the ceiling. For this, 3 lags are mounted. The first log should be placed in the middle, and the rest along the long walls.

You can upholster the walls with wooden clapboard. First you need to fix direct suspensions on the walls under the profile in 3 rows every 50-70 cm. You should take the far corner and measure 50 cm from it, then fix the suspension with a perforator and impact dowels.

With the help of a level and a suspension, the bars are attached to the suspensions. In order to simulate a flat surface plane, a mounting thread is pulled. Next, the surface of the bars is treated with an antiseptic and the walls are insulated with mineral wool. Mineral wool is attached to the suspensions with its edges. Now you need to attach the waterproofing film using a mounting stapler.

Finally, you can start mounting the wooden slats. You should start from the far corner. The lining is attached to the beam with nails. If the last rail does not fit entirely, then you need to measure the desired part and saw off. The repair ends with the application of varnish on the lining and the installation of skirting boards.

Do-it-yourself insulation and finishing (repair) of the floor of loggias (balconies)

There are several ways to insulate the floor on the balcony:

  1. Wooden logs. For the base of the future floor, logs are attached in the longitudinal direction and fixed with mounting foam. Then a heat-insulating material is placed between them, it can be foam or mineral blocks. If you use mineral wool as a heat-insulating material, then you need to evenly cover the entire surface. At the end of the work, tongue-and-groove boards are attached to the lags with self-tapping screws.
  2. Screed. To do this, you need a screed with a width of 4 cm. You need to leave a gap between the wall and the screed, for this you need polyethylene foam, which needs to be a centimeter strip. At the end, ceramic tiles are placed on the screed with glue.
  3. Screed with floor heating. The floor is leveled with a screed. The heating cable is laid and fastened with construction tape to the screed. The cable should be 90-100 watts per 1m². A self-leveling mixture is poured on top, it should completely cover the heat-conducting elements. Ceramic tiles should be laid on top.

Cosmetic repairs of loggias (balconies)

At this stage, the main thing is fantasy. Only financial possibilities can limit you. The loggia can become a cozy, secluded place in which you will play sports, have a tea party or grow flowers. The selected finishing material completely determines the style of the balcony.

Here are the most popular ways cosmetic repairs balcony and what it can be used for.

On your loggia you can equip:

  1. Greenhouse. For this plan, you need to make additional lighting and insulation. Plants that bloom all year round, fully compensate for all your costs.
  2. Room for tea. To do this, you can provide your loggia with a wooden table, a pair of chairs, a carpet with a large pile.
  3. Study. V small apartment the loggia will find a way out in order to create a personal space. To do this, the room is complemented computer desk, chair and additional lighting.

Today, loggias from a storage of unnecessary things are increasingly turning into full-fledged living rooms. For such a transformation, sometimes it is enough just to make a step-by-step repair of the loggia with your own hands.

It is the strict observance of all stages of work that is the main condition for the successful repair of the loggia, during which the utility room can become part of the living space of the apartment. Consider step by step all the stages of work, following which you can repair your balcony yourself.

Preparation for repair

Make a project and free the balcony from trash

In order to qualitatively repair your balcony, special attention should be paid to preparatory stage. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a project that will reflect the entire scope of the forthcoming work. Next, you should free the balcony from unnecessary things and the remnants of the previous finish: clean the walls and ceiling from paint and plaster, floors - from the old floor covering.

Glazing of the loggia

One of the key stages is the facade glazing. The window group mounted on the balcony performs several functions at once:

  • thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing;
  • protection from street dust;
  • rain protection.

Since the glazing of the loggia performs very important role, when installing windows, preference should be given to high-quality modern systems. It is better if they are plastic or aluminum windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows.

Before installing windows, it is imperative to examine the parapet to see if it can withstand the load of window blocks. If there is any doubt about this, then it would be best to make it additionally strengthened.

Loggia insulation

The next step after glazing will be the insulation of the walls, floor and ceiling of the loggia. This can be done with the help of any, the most suitable insulation.

The choice of material for insulation

When choosing a heat-insulating material, one should take into account not only its cost and ease of installation, but also the thermal conductivity index.

This coefficient shows how effective this or that insulation is - this determines its minimum thickness necessary to protect the balcony from external factors and sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, insulation should be carried out in accordance with building codes (SNiP) for your region.

The most commonly used for repair work on the balcony are polystyrene foam, foam plastic, penofol, mineral wool and slabs.

Preparing for the installation of thermal insulation

Install insulation on cleaned and prepared walls

Before proceeding with the laying of heat-insulating material, all cracks and cracks in the joints of balcony structures should be carefully sealed. If this is neglected, in the future the cracks will become ways for dampness and cold air to enter the room. To seal cracks, depending on their size, plaster or putty mortars, as well as mounting foam, can be used.

ecowool insulation

Then all surfaces should be treated with a water-repellent mastic. Waterproofing will prevent the appearance of dampness under the insulation and the development of mold and fungus. Next, on all internal surfaces, a frame should be mounted for attaching future finishing elements. You can do without a frame on the floors if you plan to pour a cement screed over the insulation.

It is also possible not to mount the frame on the ceiling if ceiling plate will be sheathed with dense sheets of insulation and puttied. To create a frame, you can use wooden bars or a metal profile for plasterboard.

Insulation installation

The space between the frame elements is filled with insulation, cut according to the right size. If used as a heater roll materials(mineral wool, penofol), then the frame can be mounted on top of them, using bars as fasteners.

Insulation is fastened using building adhesives or dowels. The most practical is the option of fastening with plastic dowels-fungi. For more information on how to insulate a balcony, see this video:

The gaps between the insulation and the frame bars should be carefully puttied to avoid heat loss.

decorative trim

As a final stage, we install communications and decorative trim. We carry out electrical wiring, bring out wires for sockets and lighting in the right places, and sew walls and ceilings with decorative panels. There can be a great variety of options for decorative wall decoration, as well as floor coverings - fortunately, the modern market offers a wide range of finishing materials to create any interior.

As you can see, by doing a step-by-step repair of the balcony with your own hands, you can get a good living room instead of a utility room for storing trash.

When building new panel houses balconies in them are made according to standard patterns and most often do not carry any special appeal. They differ in a number of design features, the absence of any decorative finishes, some of them are not even glazed. For these and other personal reasons, it is worth considering the option of reconstructing a balcony room. If execution prices installation work specialists can not afford, then you can safely take on the repair yourself.

standard balcony panel house

Assessment of the condition of the balcony in a panel house

Let's consider the stages of overhaul of the loggia with our own hands using the example of panel houses of type P 44. In them, the sites differ wireframe features from standard balconies, and in appearance resemble a zigzag shape. The correct approach to the reconstruction of the balcony will significantly increase the free space. Here you can easily accommodate a wardrobe, a coffee table with chairs, and if necessary, you can organize a personal office.

The bearing capacity of balcony structures in prefabricated houses is famous for its long service life. Finishing materials used in construction are rarely of high quality. In a panel house of type P 44, it is necessary to make repairs to the interior and exterior finishes.

Renovated balcony - a cozy corner in the apartment

Exterior finish

The need for exterior decoration of a balcony for houses of type P 44 is not a rare case. There are a number of fundamental rules for choosing materials for outdoor decoration:

  • Only quality materials with durability and long service life.
  • The material for exterior decoration should be well tolerated by any atmospheric influences and precipitation.
  • Affordable price.
  • Ease of installation by hand.

Exterior decoration of the balcony with corrugated board

The most suitable for the above criteria are:

  • Metal profile.
  • Clapboard.
  • Siding.

Balcony cladding with vinyl siding

For do-it-yourself repairs, PVC siding (vinyl) is ideal. The material is characterized by light weight, high strength and reliability, easy installation. Such material looks good on balconies in a panel house of type P 44. Before starting work, you need to prepare:

  1. Vinyl siding (the number of square meters is determined from the volume of the sheathed area + 15-20% is added for additional trimming).
  2. Wooden beam 40x40mm for mounting the batten (the length depends on the perimeter of the lower part of the balcony).
  3. Starting strips mounted at the bottom of the structure (the number depends on the length of the crate beam).
  4. Exterior corners to hide the corner joints of the siding.
  5. Fasteners (anchors with dowels, self-tapping screws).
  6. Planks under the window sill.
  7. Mounting tool: a grinder with discs for metal and wood, a puncher with a set of peaks and drills, a level, a screwdriver with nozzles, screwdrivers, hammers.

Installation of siding outside the balcony

Sheathing begins with mounting a wooden crate. In houses of type P 44, from 9 to 16 floors, therefore, carry out high-altitude work with your own hands in strict observance of all safety regulations.

Important! If the siding is planned to be installed in a vertical position, then the crate is mounted horizontally and vice versa!

To do this, racks of wooden beams are attached to the corners of the balcony with the help of anchor bolts. Nuts will help to better secure the crate from the inside. Then horizontal bars are installed along the upper and lower faces of the structure. Now you can attach the vertical posts of the crate.

At the final stage of the repair, fixing the siding to wooden structure. Special outer corners are screwed to the corners of the crate, and the ends of the product will be wound into them.

The balcony of the panel house is sheathed with siding

Installation vinyl siding do-it-yourself begins with a starting bar, which is attached to the lower wooden beam with self-tapping screws. Now each subsequent bar is inserted into the previous one and fixed. The uppermost span is not mounted; instead, a bar under the window sill will be installed. When screwing in self-tapping screws, it is important to leave 0.5-1 mm as a gap, which will prevent the siding from deforming during thermal expansion.

Interior decoration

After the completion of outdoor work, it is necessary to give the balcony a cozy, warm and elegant appearance. For this use the following materials to choose from: PVC panels, plastic lining or drywall. The easiest to install with your own hands are PVC panels.

The walls of the balcony are sheathed with plastic panels

Wall and ceiling cladding with PVC panels

Before starting work, you must prepare the following materials:

  1. Wooden beam 20x20 for mounting the crate (the number of square meters is calculated from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room).
  2. Styrofoam or penofol for wall and ceiling insulation.
  3. PVC panels: U-profile, H-profile, F-profile (width: 0.250, 0.3, 0.5 m; length: 5.9, 2.95 and 2.6 m). For exact definition the number of parts for repair, we measure the perimeter of the room and divide by the selected panel width.
  4. Mounting foam.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a press washer and for wood.
  6. Tools: perforator with drill bits, grinder with discs for metal and wood, screwdrivers, hammers, screwdriver.

Installation of battens for cladding a balcony with plastic panels

Mounted first wooden crate according to the principle of exterior decoration using vinyl siding with horizontal rails. We insert foam sheets into the places between the frame, securing them with dowels. Then the starting corner panel is installed in the corner of the balcony where it is most difficult to work.

Each subsequent panel is inserted into the previous one using special grooves. We use the F-profile to bypass the corners of the balcony. In places where the wall joins the ceiling, we install ceiling plinths. The blanking profile is mounted at the end of the work.

Floor installation

To choose a flooring option, you must proceed from the available tools and materials. Most the easy way do-it-yourself floor installation in P 44 type houses is a typical raising and warming. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • Screwdriver.
  • A grinder with a wood disc or an electric jigsaw.
  • Dowel 80 mm.
  • Plywood or chipboard in 20 mm.
  • Wooden bars 40x40 mm.
  • Wood screws.
  • Styrofoam or penofol 30 mm thick.
  • Tape measure, pencil, screwdriver, hammers, level.

Installation of underfloor heating on the balcony

Holes are drilled with a perforator for fastening a draft beam along the entire length of the room. We measure the width of the balcony (in houses of type P 44 it is 105 cm) and cut the bars 40x40 mm into the appropriate size minus 1-2 cm. They are laid and mounted at a distance of 40 cm from each other. Then we drill through holes and fasten with dowels 80 mm.

Styrofoam is tightly packed into the formed cells. We make sure that there are no gaps. Foil is placed on top. Using a level, evenly expose the layers of plywood. If necessary, we put another layer of foam or penofol. Now it remains to paint the floor in your favorite color. On this repair of the balcony floor is over.


Balcony glazing is the final stage of do-it-yourself repair. In houses of type P 44 the most suitable option is the installation of double-glazed windows. Windows must be ordered from a trusted manufacturer. First of all, you need to take measurements. To do this, remove the old window frames up to the base of the parapet and the upper ceiling. Now we measure the distance between the walls and from the parapet to the ceiling. According to the received technical data, we produce windows.

For self-assembly plastic windows you will need:

  • Ready-made frames with double-glazed windows.
  • Drill or perforator with 140 mm drill bits.
  • Self-tapping screws with plastic dowels.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Roulette, level, screwdrivers.

Installation of metal-plastic windows on the balcony

So, before installing the windows, we take out the double-glazed window from the frames. The frames are inserted into the window opening, where the points of future holes are marked. We insert plastic dowels into the drilled holes. Then we mount the frame using self-tapping screws, screwing them into the dowels. All cracks are filled with foam. After we install double-glazed windows, fixing them with a plastic bar. We attach the swing-out doors.

The balcony is a wonderful, functional place in the house. Here you can work, relax, go in for sports, arrange flower greenhouses, dry clothes, enjoy the street scenery. From the balcony you can make an office, a game or sports room, a home library.

Repair on the balcony is a complex process. Building materials will require space in the apartment. Dust and dirt that have arisen during work will settle in the rooms, so it is advisable to repair the balcony with your own hands at the same time as the neighboring rooms.

Where to begin

First, a repair plan and cost estimates are drawn up. After that, you can clearly determine what degree of complexity the work will be carried out, what materials you will use, how much this repair will cost you.

Create a prototype of your balcony room, lay out all the proposed work in stages, decide on the list of necessary materials.

Do-it-yourself balcony repair in stages

Installation window system, exterior finish

Modern windows protect the balcony room from noise, dirt, dust and moisture from the street, so glazing is a must. Windows must be installed with high quality, according to standards. Correctly choose the configuration of the window system with mounting a special frame.

Varieties of window profile:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • aluminum.

For a balcony design, the winning option would be plastic profile. It is quite heat-resistant, durable, weather-resistant, frost-resistant, does not require special care, and will last a long time.

When choosing window opening systems, it is preferable to choose sliding sashes, since there is a minimum load on the parapet, but tilt-and-turn sashes can also be used.
Also perform the decoration of the parapet. The best option for cladding the exterior walls of a balcony is siding. The material is durable, safe, has a beautiful appearance, affordable price.

Thermal insulation and sealing

Wall, floor, ceiling insulation is being installed, all cracks and cracks are sealed. First you need to choose a reliable heat-insulating material that will meet the operating conditions.

The best option for insulating a balcony are mineral wool, polystyrene in foam, and sandwich panels. They are resistant to moisture, cold, heat.

To insulate walls and ceilings when repairing a balcony with your own hands, it is preferable to purchase a sandwich panel in stages - a 3-layer insulation with a rigid frame. The surface of such material can be faced with decorative coatings: paint, tile, stick wallpaper.

The floor must first be leveled, all defects eliminated, applied self leveling cement-sand screed. A foam layer is applied under the ceramic tile on top of the screed, then covered with a dense film, the tile is mounted.

If the floor is made of laminate, then it is desirable to make a cork substrate, it has heat-insulating properties. The balconies have successfully used a system of underfloor heating, which regulates the floor temperature according to preferences, which ensures comfort in cold weather.

Installation of electrical wiring

Electrical wiring to the balcony must be done, even if it is not planned to be used in the near future. In the future, there will definitely be a need to connect this or that equipment, and then it will be necessary to start repairs again or pull adapters from the rooms.

A balcony with lighting can be equipped in a study, where it will be comfortable to work in the dark. Carefully consider the location of sockets, lamps, because the wrong location will not allow you to properly arrange interior items. It is recommended to draw a design project to speed up the installation work and complete it efficiently.

It is better to entrust electrical procedures to electrical installation specialists in order to avoid possible injuries and not to worry about fire safety.

Finishing work

Finishing materials for the balcony choose responsibly and carefully. It is important that the finish is of high quality, has a long service life. Do not use heavy, marble, stone, porcelain stoneware tiles.

You should also avoid the usual paper wallpaper, moisture can get on them, repairs will have to be redone. Excellent in wall and ceiling decoration plastic panels. They are varied design, colors, textures. Easy to clean, the panels can be washed with detergents.

Other finishing materials:

  1. Wooden lining with the texture of natural wood, its surface can be varnished.
  2. Plasterboard constructions allow you to level the walls, the coating must be puttied and painted.
  3. Wallpaper choose lightfast.

The final putting things in order on the balcony in stages

First, you need to remove the debris after the repair work. Then arrange the furniture, then add decorative accessories.


The nuances of repairing a balcony in different buildings

In a panel house

If you properly equip a small balcony in the house, it can be converted into a recreation area, an office, using fashionable finishing materials.

With the help of a frame, steel profiles, you can change the configuration of the balcony, it will become more practical. However, all the work will fall on you, housing offices serving panel houses will not participate in these works. If the slab begins to crumble or the frame is rusted, everything will have to be changed independently.

Balcony repair begins with the restoration, strengthening of the structure. Carefully examine the condition of the plates and frame, you may have to dismantle and build a new frame step by step.
The exterior finish should look organically with the facade finish of the house, be easily attached to the frame, and be durable.

Pay attention to the roof structure and the gutter system of the panel house. To get rid of water from entering the balcony, you need to make a visor, but often, according to all the rules, a real roof is made with insulation and waterproofing (especially on the upper floors).

balcony frame

For the manufacture of the frame, a metal profile is used, which is attached welding machine. Separate parts of the frame, made using modern technologies, from a lightweight steel profile, can be fastened with self-tapping screws. This option is more suitable for panel old houses, so that the load on the structure is less.

When installing a new frame, it is necessary to ensure a strong attachment to the walls of the house, the presence of a remote part at the edges with a slope of 45 degrees. Then the frame is prepared for the installation of windows and other types of work.

The floor device includes: installation of the frame, insulation, installation of plywood, flooring. Here you will need wooden logs, insulation is laid between them. Then a layer of plywood is attached.

A balcony is a remote structure that exerts a certain load on the walls of the building. Frame materials are carefully selected. Profile metal pipes, light steel structures are ideal, they are easy to assemble with your own hands. After completing these works, take on the outer skin, insulation and installation of windows.

In new panel houses, balconies are made according to templates and are not attractive.

Video about repairing a loggia in a panel house:

in Khrushchev

Repair and glazing of a balcony in Khrushchev is a work of high complexity. Here it is necessary to ensure the reliability and strength of the balcony structure as much as possible. You will need to select the finish, since such a balcony will not withstand all of its types. Choose materials with low weight.

They begin repairing the Khrushchev balcony with an analysis of its condition. You can use the services of a specialist, which will require financial investments. Self-examination is free, but it is unreliable: most likely, you will have to strengthen the slab, and it is difficult and almost impossible to do it yourself without special devices and tools.

Even if a normal stove is needed welding work: installation metal frame and fasteners on which the base will hold. Also, you yourself will have to install fasteners in the walls. With such laborious work it will be very difficult to be alone, call someone for help.

It is better to choose thicker double-glazed windows, the design should retain maximum heat in winter.

Installation of double-glazed windows is carried out as standard, but is controlled by a plumb line and level. The Khrushchev balconies have a terrible floor, it will have to be leveled. All work must be carried out using lightweight methods, the additional load on the plate should be minimal. Sheathed balcony should not let the cold in, be moisture resistant.

Repair of a balcony in Khrushchev can be done by yourself, but at the initial stage, the help of professional repairmen may be required.

Materials for finishing a balcony in Khrushchev:

  • the best floor finishes are laminate, plywood, linoleum.
  • lining, liquid wallpaper, plastic panels are suitable for walls and parapets, textured plaster, wallpaper, cork panels.

The old balcony before insulation and glazing will require a major overhaul.

Do-it-yourself balcony repair in Khrushchev is possible in various styles. You can also combine a balcony with a room to expand the living space, but this is a laborious, complex process. Combining will improve the room, change its design. The room will become brighter.

However, such redevelopment must be coordinated with the relevant authorities and high costs are possible. A distinctive feature of the balcony in Khrushchev is a small area and low quality concrete.

Video about repairing a balcony in Khrushchev:

In a brick house

Metal balcony railings in this type of home are ideal. The brick drills perfectly and the dowel holds perfectly on it. The requirements for the frame are strict, it must be strong, durable, capable of constant loading of materials.

If the metal fence is in an unusable condition, it is necessary to remove the old one so that you can work with embedded elements.

Over time, the concrete slab crumbles, especially at the corners. Do not repair the slab with concrete mortar. Such defects are eliminated with a mounting film, but first a metal corner is attached around the perimeter of the plate. In front, the corner is welded to the embedded plates, and for the side corner, recesses from 5 to 10 cm are made with a perforator.

TO concrete slab corners should fit snugly. To install a fence on the corner of the front of the balcony, 7-8 profiles of 20-40 mm are sufficient, which are located along the frame. On the sides, 3 vertical ones will suffice.

When welding, the profiles must be flush on the street side outside corner. From above along, a similar profile is welded. A plank is screwed to the wall with dowels, to which a horizontal profile of the fence is welded.