Which profile of a plastic window is better to choose? Advice on the selection and rating of manufacturers. The best profiles for plastic windows - review, reviews, recommendations Which profile is good for double-glazed windows


The profile for PVC windows is the main element. It affects the functionality, reliability, durability of the structure. Despite the same appearance, the profiles are endowed with different properties, which must be chosen very carefully.

What are the designs?

Currently, there are a large number of companies that produce a variety of. They can differ significantly from each other even from the same manufacturer, not counting competitive products. What is the difference and is it worth paying more?

There are various, comparison of which will help the buyer to make the right choice. They are the constructive basis, from which frames and sashes are made. Different materials can be used: wood, metal-plastic, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride. The latter is the most popular: it is equipped with special steel inserts that make the product more durable and rigid. Air pockets help to achieve good heat and sound insulation. Some manufacturers fill these cavities with nitrogen to prevent the windows from fogging up in the event of temperature extremes. PVC profiles for windows must comply with Russian GOST 30673-99 or European EN 12608 SR.

PVC window profiles of all manufacturers are divided into the following categories:

  • Class A: characterized by an outer wall size of 2.8 mm. Inside, the thickness does not exceed 2.5 mm. Such a window provides good protection from weather conditions, perfectly keeps warm inside the room.
  • Class B: differs in thinner walls: outer - 2.5 mm, inner - 2 mm. This sample does less well with thermal insulation, but is suitable for use in warm climates or for glazing balcony rooms. It should be borne in mind that the risk of deformation of the structure increases by 15%.
  • Class C: products that do not meet Russian and import standards. Since there is no certification, there are no strict requirements for it, and manufacturers can choose the thickness at their discretion. As a rule, such windows are cheap, but their quality suffers.

On sale you can find an objective PVC profile. It is used for glazing of non-residential technical premises, commercial halls, since it is not able to retain heat with high quality, and there is a high probability of deformation. Outwardly, it is not much different from the standard one. You need to pay attention to the presence of the Object designation: unscrupulous traders sell such products for houses.

How to choose the right profile?

PVC window profiles have different characteristics, the comparison of which will help to make the right choice. You should not rely on the external characteristics of the products offered. Attention should be paid to the following properties:

  • Uniformity of the material. Choose products with plastic that is free from flaws. It should be smooth, pleasant to the touch, and uniform. If you notice that the surface is coarse, most likely you are dealing with a counterfeit made in violation of technology.
  • The coating should be complete, without streaks, paint traces.

High quality windows are always factory-marked. You should look for it on the inside of the package. Firms put their own hallmarks with the name, numbers may also be present: they mean the number of the shift that released the batch. The numbers indicate the number of the device that produced the window and the date of issue of the goods. Counterfeits either do not have such numbers, or the designations are the same.

  • Width. PVC window profile often has a standard parameter equal to 58 mm. Such a window is quite suitable for living rooms and is most often sold in stores. If desired, you can order a thicker version, the width of which will be 70 or 90 mm. The first option is relevant on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, as it can withstand heavy loads and is able to effectively withstand strong winds. It can also be used in cold climates. The second option is considered a premium class, it has a high ability to insulate sound and heat, has high strength, but the weight of such a product is much higher, it is not recommended to install it everywhere.

If you decide to install a 90 mm PVC window profile, do not order a window that is too large. Its flap will be heavy and will begin to sag. It is better to take two small ones or make a structure with two shutters, independent of each other.

  • Thickness. It can vary from 2.5 to 3 mm. However, it is not worth putting such a structure in heavy window blocks. A heavy load can call into question its reliability.
  • The number of air chambers. The profile, the thickness of which is 58 mm, has two chambers, less often it is equipped with three. This is enough for good thermal insulation. More chambers are available for a thicker profile of 70mm. It can have up to 5 cameras. Such profiles are most often used as glazing in high-rise apartments. If necessary, a 90 mm product can be ordered, it can have up to 6 chambers. The level of soundproofing and warmth inside the room depends on their number. However, it is worth remembering that the number of glasses and the dimensions of the profile also increase the weight of the structure, and the difference between the 3 and 4-chamber package is not too noticeable.
  • The number of double-glazed windows. Different brands of plastic windows offer products with different amounts of these elements. They should not be confused with air chambers. A double-glazed window is glass combined with a frame and a sealant. There are air chambers between them, they can be filled with gas. The single-chamber double-glazed unit is considered the lightest, since it includes a pair of glasses. Most often, such products are used for finishing terraces, balconies, loggias, since its mass is minimal, but such a window does not insulate heat well. For an apartment or private house, it is better to use a thicker version with three sheets of glass and two air chambers.

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should also be aware of such a feature of the product: the more glasses, the worse the light will pass through. Four-chamber products are installed in the server regions of the country; there is no need to install them in a warmer climate, this will only be an unnecessary overpayment. If the frost does not exceed -40 degrees, the difference between this product and the three-chamber product will not be noticeable.

When choosing plastic windows, you must first of all pay attention to the quality of the products, and also make a purchase based on the purpose of the profile, the climatic conditions in which you live. It is worth remembering that too cheap material cannot be of high quality.

7 minutes to read.

The profile is the basis for the production of window frames and sashes. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Material classification

For the production of modern window blocks, wood, aluminum, PVC are used. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for the production of window profiles are oak and larch, alder and pine are also used. The high cost of wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the peculiarities of the technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and high precision and craftsmanship play a key role in the manufacture of the product.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • preservation of natural air exchange between the room and the street;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling in case of violation of production and installation technology;
  • low fire resistance;
  • high price.


Since the metal is not able to retain heat, the aluminum profile is mainly used for utility rooms or when it is not possible or necessary to equip warm glazing.

Exists . A special thermal insert is placed in the profile, which ensures high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistance.


  • low heat-shielding properties of the "cold" profile;
  • high price of the "warm" option.

Polyvinyl chloride

Reinforcing U-shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profile has become the most widespread for the production of modern windows, due to its low cost in comparison with wood and aluminum and excellent heat-shielding and operational properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • prostate manufacturing and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of atmospheric precipitation, chemical reagents;
  • the ability to make products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable cost.

The main disadvantage- flammability, like all plastics. All other user complaints in most cases are associated with the choice of products of poor quality or installation errors.

PVC profile characteristics

The lion's share of all installed window units are plastic products. There are windows from the profile of dozens of manufacturers on the market, which at first glance look the same. Often a low level of quality manifests itself only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile does not cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the main significant characteristics of a PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A. This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall thickness of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure the best thermal insulation of a living space.
  • Class B. Products with outer wall thickness from 2.5 mm, inner wall from 2.0 mm. Such products less reliably protect against heat loss and are more susceptible to deformation during operation. The main purpose - installation in shops, public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows from it are intended for glazing non-residential, warehouse, industrial premises.

Read also: Using tape to insulate windows

Profile width

The indicator determines which glass unit can be mounted in a given profile. A double-glazed window consists of several panes connected by a frame along the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Two-chamber consists of 3 glasses, between which there are respectively 2 chambers, etc. The more the number of glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the installation dimensions for installing the window. As the width increases, the total weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base plates.

Typically the default value is 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide for the production of products designed for operation in harsh climatic conditions and featuring improved sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with insulating glass air chambers!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and divided by partitions. The thermal insulation properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the lintels - the more there are, the lower the thermal conductivity of the frame and window sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location is determined by technological calculation. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profiles.

Metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to reinforce the structure. This significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation and sagging of the window sash due to the many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped- reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; enough for small windows;
  • U-shaped- reinforcement of 3 profile walls; suitable for windows size up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed- the reinforcement is located along 4 planes and provides the greatest rigidity of the product; for glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for a buyer to determine the quality of a profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, one has to rely on the decency of the seller and manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that can help you avoid buying a poor quality product:

The window profile is the frame that holds the glass unit. Different types of window profiles differ in the material of manufacture and the internal structure. Let's consider in detail the differences and advantages of profile structures, their quality, cost and performance.

What types of windows are there?

Modern window profiles for double-glazed windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), wood or metal (aluminum profile). Each of the above materials has its own advantages that determine its popularity and cost.

Wooden window profile

Wooden frames represent the most expensive, prestigious window opening design. Natural wood requires long drying, thorough impregnation with an antiseptic and protection from moisture. Therefore, the cost of a wooden window is much higher than a plastic profile. If the wood is insufficiently dried or improperly processed, then expensive windows can collapse in a year after their installation.

The look of natural wood creates a prestigious design, attractive aesthetics... With high-quality preparation, the tree is quite durable and reliable. The best wood for the manufacture of window profiles is oak, larch, alder and pine wood are more readily available.

Let's summarize the advantages of wooden profiles:

  • aesthetics and prestige;
  • natural environmentally friendly material;
  • good heat capacity.


  • Possibility of warping, swelling, cracking and other types of destruction;
  • High cost;
  • High professionalism of the master-manufacturer is required.

An option for using wood for double-glazed windows is wood-aluminum profile... In it, the wooden material is closed from the outside with metal plates. From the inside, from the living side, the frame shows natural wood, from the outside, the frame is protected from moisture by metal.

Aluminum profile

Aluminum window profiles are made with a small number of chambers (two or three). The metal itself is an insufficient heat insulator, which makes the metal windows cold. They are mainly used for glazing large shopping areas, airports, but also balconies and loggias. "Warm" metal windows are equipped with a thermal liner that increases the heat capacity of the profile structure. The cost of such windows is much higher than that of "cold" ones.

The metal window has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • low flammability;
  • durability.


  • low heat capacity (for "cold" profiles);
  • high cost (refers to "warm" structures).

Two main types of aluminum alloy profiles are in demand in various buildings. "Cold" aluminum profile is used where an inexpensive frame, good strength, without special requirements for heat retention is needed. "Warm" expensive profile is installed in heated rooms for long-term operation in cold winters.

PVC - profile

PVC profile is called a plastic window. Its characteristics:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • varied design (thanks to the gluing of the laminated film).

Thermal insulation properties are provided by the presence of hollow chambers inside... Due to the resistance of plastic to atmospheric precipitation, it does not absorb moisture, does not swell, does not rot or crack.

PVC has some disadvantages:

  • flammability (typical for most plastics);
  • the more chambers, the greater the weight of the structure, the higher the requirements for the installation of the window.

Due to its affordable cost, PVC profile has become the most popular material for the manufacture of double-glazed windows. Dozens of different manufacturers are engaged in the production of PVC. Their profiles differ in the number of chambers and the thickness of the plastic wall. Let's consider what characteristics are used to evaluate PVC profiles.

Characteristics of PVC window profile

Popular manufacturers of window profiles

  1. REHAU is a German manufacturer with its own production facilities in Russia. It supplies six models of profiles to the Russian market: 3-6 chambers, the width of a standard glass unit is 32–40 mm, special glasses are installed in wide glass units (86 mm), and fiber is used. The coefficient of resistance to heat transfer is from 0.64 to 1.05 (for fiber profiles). The manufacturer regulates that the coefficient from 0.95 corresponds to the heat capacity of a brick wall with a thickness of one meter.
  2. KBE is a German manufacturer with two subsidiaries in Russia. It produces 8 models of profiles with different characteristics: 3-6 chambers, glass unit thickness from 32 to 52 mm. The heat transfer coefficient of the KBE profile is 0.7 - 1.04.
  3. VEKA is a Russian-German manufacturer, VEKA Rus is a subsidiary of VEKA AG. Produces standard blocks and non-standard design structures for window openings and balconies in accordance with the European RAL standard. The main manufactured models are: Softline (for insulating glass units from 4 to 42 mm, five chambers, coefficient of heat transfer resistance 0.75), Softline 82 (width of insulating glass unit 24-52 mm, seven chambers, coefficient 1.0), Euroline (three chambers, insulating glass unit 32 mm, factor 0.64), Proline (four chambers, 4-42 mm, factor 0.75), Swingline (6-42 mm, five chambers, factor 0.77), Alphaline (elite 6-chamber profile with high coefficient of 1.04).

  4. MONTBLANC is a German manufacturer that supplies four types of profiles from 3 to 6 chambers to the territory of Russia (eco, thermo, nord and grand). The width of the glass units is 32, 42 and 52 mm. The heat transfer resistance is between 0.6 and 0.82 mm. Frame thickness from 60 to 80 mm. Six air chambers are 80 mm wide. High heat-saving functions make the profile popular in Russia.
  5. SALAMANDER (also Germany) - produces profiles from 3, 5 and 6 chambers with a frame thickness of 60 to 92 mm. Sizes of mounted insulating glass units: 32 mm, 48 and 60 mm. The widest profile of the Salamander BluEvolution has a heat transfer resistance of 1.0. The manufacturer regulates high burglar resistance of windows(thanks to the closed reinforcement system).
  6. Schuco is a German manufacturer that produces 3 - 7 chamber PVC profiles for standard and energy efficient construction. The maximum coefficient of resistance to heat transfer is 0.94. Double-glazed windows up to 36 mm thick. In wide frames with a thickness of 82 mm, it is possible to install anti-burglar fittings. Also Schuco produces warm aluminum profiles with the number of chambers from 3 to 7, steel profiles for cold glazing.
  7. TROCAL is a German manufacturer, the pioneer of the industry, which introduced the first plastic window to the construction market (in 1954). Has been producing window profiles for almost 60 years. The width of the double-glazed windows is from 30 to 58 mm. Four to five chamber profile, 70 and 88 mm assembly width. The heat transfer coefficient is 0.82. Lead-free technology allows you to set the profile in childcare facilities (kindergartens and schools).

http: //site/idei-dlya-dizayna/variantyi/frantsuzskiy-balkon-chto-eto.html

And finally: fittings

Fittings are a combination of metal parts that provide a flexible connection of various elements in the overall structure of the window. The durability of the window product depends on the quality of the fittings.... It is important to know that famous brand manufacturers have cheap lines of lower quality accessories for Eastern Europe.

Types of window fittings:

  • Swing-out (for opening the window and tilting tilt).
  • The lock and handle is a multifunctional design that locks the frame in any position with an internally laid axle.
  • Parallel-sliding (for sliding leaves).
  • Tilt and slide.
  • Vertically sliding.

In addition to fittings, the construction of double-glazed windows uses. They provide the necessary insulation from noise and cold.

The choice of a window profile, its main characteristics and accessories is carried out in accordance with the required heat capacity of the window and with the price level for its manufacture. The quality of the profile and fittings determines the appearance of the glass unit and its performance characteristics: thermal insulation, sound absorption, strength and durability.

Miser pays twice

The cost of a window from a profile of well-known brands is a priori higher than that of other manufacturers. Which profile is better for a plastic window? Is it worth "overpaying" for a well-known brand, or can you save money?

Which profile is better for windows - brand or non-brand?

Customers associate the word "brand" with high quality that can be trusted. The brand's reputation is not an empty phrase, it is always backed by solid investments in research and development, first-class equipment, high-quality materials, employee training and communication campaigns. Not a single self-respecting manufacturer will invest in advertising a product whose quality is not certain.

The window market is highly competitive. In the struggle for the client, the price is increasingly becoming the only argument, and window manufacturers are more willing to offer an economy-class profile.

"It's the same, only cheaper, no overpayment"- can be heard in sales offices. Are all profile systems really the same and the only difference is in the promoted brand?

If the choice of plastic windows is limited only by the price factor, then the result will be obvious - the buyer will choose the cheapest option and the rest of the arguments will be powerless. Operating only with low cost is not an approach for thinking people who know how to count their money. Why are windows from well-known and proven profile manufacturers more expensive? What can manufacturers save on for the sake of low cost? Which profile is the best?

What is a window profile and what is its role in a window?

First, let's look at what a window profile is and what role it plays in a window. A window profile is a plastic frame and a window sash, into which steel reinforcement, a glass unit, fittings and a seal are installed. The main task of the PVC profile is to shape and maintain a strong frame of the window structure. The wider the profile, the more options a window can have - better sound insulation, safety and heat saving.

Which window profile is better to choose - what do manufacturers save on?

The basis of the quality of any product, no matter whether it is bread or a window profile, is made up of high-quality ingredients and adherence to production technology. Of course, any manufacturer is interested in reducing the cost of production. But well-known and well-established brands cannot agree to reduce the cost of the recipe by reducing the quality.

The laboratories of major manufacturers are constantly working to improve the mixture. It is impossible to draw up a recipe once and for all - new technologies appear, suppliers of raw materials change, and requirements for products become more stringent. Any change in the recipe from a large manufacturer is confirmed by a comprehensive check.

A decrease in the composition of expensive components - PVC-S, impact modifiers, titanium dioxide (color catalyst), leads to a decrease in the durability of the profile. It happens that the window does not survive the first frosty winter or deforms on a hot day.

● Brittleness or fluidity instead of strength - savings in recipe costs

To reduce the cost of a window profile, manufacturers often increase the content of hydrophobic chalk from the permissible 8 parts to 30, and sometimes even up to 40, to the detriment of the polyvinyl chloride content. This savings leads to increased brittleness and cracks in the profile or at the welded corners. Cracks on a fragile window profile can appear both during transportation and 1-3 years after the installation of the window. There is only one way to eliminate the marriage - by replacing the window.

Replacing expensive polyvinyl chloride in PVC profiles with monosyllabic acids makes the profile too plastic. Warming up in the sun, it can "melt", irrevocably losing its shape. As a result - not opening, jammed sashes, cracked double-glazed windows and the need to replace the window.

● Window profile turns yellow - saving on additives

Plastic windows are firmly in the lead. They are distinguished by a high level of heat and sound insulation, in addition, they provide a choice of fittings, a method of opening the window and the color of the profile. You can also choose a double-glazed window with the required number of cameras. But few people think that it is the window profile that ensures the strength and durability of the entire structure. In the article, we will compare profiles of plastic windows that are different in characteristics and manufacturers.

General information about the profile of plastic windows

On average, the thickness of the profile of plastic windows varies from 58 mm to 86 mm, but some firms produce products up to 127 mm wide.

Its interior is hollow, but divided by bridges that create several air chambers. A special technical calculation determines their size and location. The wider the profile, the greater the number of chambers in it that increase the heat-preserving properties. Another characteristic of the profile system is the width of the filling, which determines what type of glass units can be installed in the profile. They come in one or two chambers, the width of the glass in a standard glass unit is 4 mm (grade M1).

Each cavity has its own purpose:

  • for the outflow of water;
  • fastening fittings;
  • responsible for strength, etc.

The color of the profile can be varied, the color is applied in several ways:

  • by the co-extrusion method - multilayer films create a kind of barrier that allows the product to withstand dynamic loads without damage;

  • lamination - with imitation of texture, for example, marble or wood;
  • monochromatic staining.

Characteristics of PVC profile for plastic windows


  • This product is made from a type of plastic - white polyvinyl chloride.
  • The material is highly resistant to chemical attack by alkalis, solvents, acids and mineral oils.
  • It is harmless to humans and the environment.

  • Polyvinyl chloride, due to its distinctive properties, makes it possible to manufacture frames for double-glazed windows not only of rectangular or square shape, but also in the form of arches, triangles, circles, and so on. Thus, giving absolutely any simple or complex configuration to the window, allowing even the most non-standard idea of ​​designers and architects to come true.


The inner part of the plastic profile body is divided by longitudinal partitions, which in turn form cavities (air chambers). The minimum number of chambers in the profile is 3, the maximum is 8. The number of chambers determines the degree of thermal insulation and sound absorption of the window; the more air cavities, the higher these indicators. It should be noted right away that 3- and 5-chamber profiles are popular.


To give rigidity, the profile is additionally reinforced. The metal frame provides the necessary structural strength and reliability during the operation of the window. Galvanized steel is used to reinforce the profile, so it does not deform under temperature extremes or other environmental influences.

  • L-shaped type of reinforcement - a metal insert is installed along two walls;
  • U-shaped type of reinforcement, where metal reinforces three walls;
  • Closed type of reinforcement - a metal insert is located along four walls.

For window structures that have double-glazed windows up to 1900 mm in height, a U-shaped reinforced profile is suitable. However, for plastic windows of large dimensions, for example, for a loggia or balcony, a profile with a closed reinforcement is required.

Profile class

The thickness of the profile walls determines its belonging to a certain class:

  • Class A - the thickness of the profile walls must be at least 3 mm;
  • Class B - a profile where the wall thickness is from 2.5 mm;
  • Class C - non-standardized wall thickness.

As a result, the width of the profile of plastic windows directly depends on its class. The higher it is, the correspondingly wider the profile.

Comparison of manufacturers of plastic window profiles

Many domestic and foreign manufacturers represent their products on the Russian market. The leading positions in the rating of profiles for plastic windows are occupied by the companies:

  • Slovakia - INTERNOVA;
  • Korea - LG CHEM;
  • Belgium - DECEUNINCK;
  • Russia - MONTBLANC and PROPLEX.


  • The profile is produced according to German technology in Russia, they always correspond to class A, suitable for all regions, with any climate.

  • Profile systems from VEKA are presented in 8 types, the installation depth of which ranges from 58 to 90 mm, and the number of chambers varies from 3 to 6. As a result of all the improvements, this profile is reliable, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.


  • An internationally renowned profile from a German company.
  • It presents these products from economy to elite class, taking into account all weather conditions.
  • Mounting width from 60 to 86 mm, number of chambers - from 3 to 6.

  • Windows with the REHAU profile are distinguished by a high level of sound insulation (class 5), good thermal insulation, if desired, they can also be with gray gaskets.
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


This company is equipped with modern equipment, uses quality materials and the staff consists of qualified personnel. Thanks to this, it produces the entire line of profiles, fittings and seals.

  • Window profile designs are available in widths from 60 to 82 mm, the number of chambers is from 3 to 8.
  • SCHUKO windows are easy to use and have good burglar resistance.


On the territory of Russia there are 4 manufacturing plants for the production of profiles.

  • The Russian-Austrian company is equipped with a production base, where the latest technologies are being developed and introduced.

  • The Mont Blanc line contains 6 types of profiles, where the installation width is from 58 mm to 120 mm, chambers - from 3 to 6.
  • The durability of the profile system (60 years) is achieved through specially designed performance characteristics for harsh climates.


  • The plant, located in Podolsk, produces profiles on German equipment using Austrian technologies.
  • These products are produced in widths ranging from 58 mm to 127 mm, chambers - from 3 to 6.
  • The original recipe allows the production of a high-quality profile, characterized by impact strength and special whiteness.

You can also compare the characteristics of plastic window profiles using the tables below.

Profiles of the German company KBE

It is believed that German profiles of plastic windows are superior to the products of other manufacturers in terms of quality, whiteness, and technical characteristics. They do not lose their properties even during a long service life, they perfectly withstand almost any dynamic loads and significant temperature drops (from -50 ° C to + 50 ° C).

KBE company produces and supplies 2 types of the most demanded profiles: KBE Etalon and KBE Expert.

KBE Etalon - three-chamber profile

  • The mounting width is 58 mm;
  • front wall width - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit can be up to 34 mm;
  • 3 cameras in a frame, sash, impost (horizontal and vertical crossbeams of the window);
  • can be used in harsh conditions (-60 ° C);
  • service life - 40 years;


  • with a profile width of 58 mm, it has 3 air chambers, their size and optimal position provide resistance to heat transfer. Such windows have a high degree of tightness, which exceeds the existing GOST requirements by 5 (!) Times, which guarantees the complete absence of dust and drafts in the room;
  • two sealed gaskets provide excellent sound insulation (up to 46 dB). The profile is additionally equipped with horizontal bridges, thereby increasing the strength of the lock when the window is closed;
  • stiffeners are installed in the KBE profile, which provide additional strength of the window structure. Also, the rigidity can be increased by special stops, with the help of which the exact position of the reinforcing metal insert is achieved.

KBE Expert - five-chamber profile

  • The mounting width is 70 mm;
  • front wall width - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit is up to 42 mm;
  • 5 chambers in a frame and sash, 3 or 4 in an impost (horizontal and vertical crossbeams of the window);
  • Suitable for use in harsh conditions (-60 ° C);
  • the sealing contours correspond to class A;
  • service life - 40 years;
  • the production uses environmentally friendly materials, does not contain lead.


  • the five-chamber structure allows to achieve the best thermal insulation value, such a profile is able to retain heat 20% more than typical three-chamber systems. Excellent sound insulation can be achieved by installing wide double-glazed windows in a 70 mm profile;
  • 13 mm groove in the profile allows you to install anti-burglar fittings, thereby ensuring the safety of the room;
  • KBE Expert profile has additional horizontal bridges, thanks to which the handles and hinges will be securely fixed;
  • during installation, the assembly seam turns out to be about 20% wider, in turn allowing additional insulation.

Estimated cost of windows from KBE profile

An important factor when choosing one or another glass unit is its price. It is often decisive, but high quality German window profiles cannot be cheap. Below is the approximate market value for Russia.

  • On average, a single-chamber double-sash window with dimensions of 140x130 cm, in which one sash is of a blind type, and the other is a swing-out sash, will cost:
    • from a profile of 58 mm from 7500 rubles,
    • from 70 mm - from 10,000 rubles.

  • The price of a two-chamber three-leaf window with a size of 140x203 cm, in which the first sash is pivoting, the central one is of a blind type, the third is a swing-out sash, will be from:
    • from 58 mm profile 13,000 rubles;
    • from 70 mm 14500 rub. and higher.

  • When buying a balcony block with an opening door 210x67 cm in size and a blind window - 140x136 cm, you will have to pay at least:
    • from a profile of 58 mm 11,000 rubles;
    • from 70 mm from 13000 rubles.

What to look for when choosing a plastic profile with a glass unit

In order to determine what profile thickness is required, you should have basic knowledge about a double-glazed window, because up to 70% of heat losses occurs precisely through it.

This transparent element consists of 2 or more glass panes that are sealed to the frame. A chamber (air gap) is formed between them, filled with rarefied air or an inert gas such as argon or krypton. This kind of filling is used in the production of energy-efficient insulating glass units.

A single-chamber double-glazed unit is a construction of 2 glasses of 4 mm each and an air gap of 16 mm, abbreviated as 4-16-4. Thus, its installation width is 24 mm. A construction equal to 36 mm is obtained from a two-chamber double-glazed unit, which consists of 3 glasses of 4 mm and 2 interlayers of 10 mm - 4-10-4-10-4.

Therefore, an appropriate profile is selected for the required glass unit. For example, the optimal solution for an ordinary apartment or house is a 5-chamber profile with a 70 mm installation width and a 30 mm double-glazed unit, where a heat-reflecting coating must be applied to one glass.

If the windows face the north side and there is a road loaded with cars nearby, then in this case the following option is suitable: a 5-chamber profile with a depth of 86 mm, supplemented by a 32 mm glass unit with a protective soundproofing film.

When a balcony (loggia) is combined with an adjoining room or it is planned to make a small office (recreation room) out of it, then the profile should be 5-chamber with an installation depth of 86 mm, and the double-glazed window should be energy-saving, two-chamber with a width of at least 40 mm.

For simple insulation of a balcony, a 60 mm 3-chamber profile and a 30 mm single-chamber double-glazed window are suitable.

But it is not enough just to choose the optimal PVC profile and glass unit. It is equally important to entrust the installation of the finished window to professionals. Otherwise, no matter how expensive the design is, poor-quality installation will invalidate all of its high characteristics.