Designs of harvesters for collecting lingonberry. About cranberry bins and a special cranberry harvester DIY cranberry harvesting device

At the end of August, it will be time to collect lingonberries. Both lovers of berries and pickers for sale will go to the forests. In order not to stay in the taiga longer than necessary and not to feed the mosquitoes, a berry harvester will help you. Making one yourself, with your own hands, will not be difficult. And again, there is no saving - a similar harvester in a store is not cheap. In order not to rush in search of the right thing when it is needed, I suggest preparing it in advance. Let it lie - it is better to have and not need than to need and not have! It will take a little time to make this instrument.

It will take

  • Cink Steel.
  • Marker.
  • Soldering flux and tin.
  • Steel wire, with a cross section of two millimeters (bicycle spokes can be used).
  • Aluminum wire, with a cross section of five millimeters, for rivets.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Hammer.
  • Thick fabric.
  • Aluminum tube (from a ski pole).

Making a harvester for picking berries

To begin with, we cut off two strips from galvanized: three by fifteen cm. We bend them in turn exactly in half, along the entire length. From each end, from one of the sides, cut off two cm. Of one of the layers.

Further, on the folds of both strips, in increments of no more than five mm. we make notches for knitting needles, with an emery wheel.

Now we cut off two strips five by eighteen cm - these will be the end walls.

We drill at the ends of the bent blanks along the hole, then, attaching them to the wide end strips, make marks with a marker and drill holes in wide strips.

Now we rivet the blanks.

We insert the knitting needles into the cut notches and, after pretreating with a flux for soldering and soldering the knitting needles, first to one strip, then to another, so that they do not hang out in the future.

Soldering the whole thing turned out to be as easy as shelling pears, I didn't even need a soldering iron - I just heated this structure with a torch and, holding it with pliers, simply attached the solder to the soldering points: the tin itself flowed into all cavities. Now let's start making the holder. It is necessary to cut off two narrow strips of one cm, fifteen cm long. However, I was too lazy to cut, and used old skewers of a suitable width.

You will also need a piece of aluminum tube, eighteen cm long.

Flatten the ends of the tube and make holes in them.

Next, we take two narrow centimeter strips, and drill holes in them in turn, at the ends and in the middle. Bend the ends with holes two cm in one direction.

We rivet these folded strips to the ends of the tube. You will get such a holder.

Now, using a chisel and a hammer, we align the knitting needles by one length - five cm and drill holes in the upper four corners of the end walls. Now we raise, by bending inward, the end walls and rivet the holder to these holes. Here's what you should get.

Now we bend the knitting needles up and fasten, with a rope or wire, a bag where the berries will roll. Instead of a bag, you can use a leg from old jeans, and adjust its length using hem and pinning.

August is a special time not only for ordinary people who like to observe an incredible riot of colors and the beauty of our nature, but also for berries or just for those people who have currant or blueberry bushes on the site. The berry ripening season is in full swing and you need to get everything from it! Gathering berries is a very exciting and interesting, but extremely exhausting activity: the branches reach into the eyes, the berries are difficult to get, and it just gets boring to throw one berry into the basket. The question arises: how can you speed up and simplify harvesting and the answer is - a berry collector. The thing is very practical - a comfortable handle, great pleasure, and most importantly, a high collection speed. Indeed, the harvest is about three times faster than usual, but there is an opinion that the berry pickers harm the berry bushes. You can even give an example: in Belarus, it is prohibited to pick berries with any mechanical devices. It is believed that a large number of leaves are torn from the bush and branches break off during use.

But this is only considered - an experiment was carried out, the results of which slightly do not coincide with the prevailing opinion.

In this experiment, a high-quality berry collector was used - not handicraft - like this .

What is the point? Lingonberries were harvested from a plot of 25 square meters - they were harvested well, without missing anything. After processing the plot, they started calculating the harvest - as a result, about 3 kilograms of berries, 40 leaves and a couple of inflorescences were obtained.

From this experiment, we can conclude that a high-quality factory berry collector does not harm nature in any way, and what does this mean, which means that this unit can be used to the fullest.

But I digress from the product itself - let's take a closer look at the berry picker itself, or rather, list its advantages over the manual method of picking berries:

Firstly, the berry collector greatly increases the efficiency of your work: you no longer need to bend, bend, crawl on the barks and climb over thorny bushes, just swipe over the bush once and all the berries are already in the container of the combine.

High level of convenience. The berry collector is made in such a way that you will not experience discomfort when using it: a comfortable rubberized handle, sharp separators for separating berries from a branch and a very durable berry receiver made of high quality plastic. Harvesting will only be a pleasure.

- The most important advantage of berry collectors, rightfully, is speed. Is a bucket of blueberries in 15 minutes impossible? It is very possible! One movement along the bush and in the receiver of the combine is already half a glass of fresh berries - how do you like this alignment?

Now you know what berry pickers are, how they are dangerous and not dangerous, their main qualities and advantages, but you came here not to learn more about them, but to buy them. We list all the products of the berry collectors that our store offers:

Harvester for picking berries, 10 cm wide. An excellent tool, suitable for picking a wide variety of berries: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cranberries and even sea buckthorn. A distinctive feature of this harvester is that it does not capture leaves; of course, three leaves can be caught, as you understand - these are not serious losses from the bush.

Basic berry collector 14 cm. An excellent average option, suitable both for picking wild berries in the forest, and for your own bush on the site. Does not damage or crumple the berries - they get into the receiver of the combine safe and sound. Does not capture leaves. It has a comfortable grip, which is most important - having tried to collect with this instrument once, you will understand that you do not need anything else.

Berry collector wide 17 cm. Berry picking is a wonderful activity, you must agree: forest, nature, what else is needed, not if berry picking is a direct source of profit, then for industrial picking you need something more than a small picker. For such purposes, a wide berry collector was invented.

Berry collector for children. Berry picking is often a family activity. They also like to collect berries, but they will not pick them in five buckets and will not be able to use berry collectors for adults. Based on these reasons, a children's berry collector was invented. This harvester has two differences from the usual ones - design and size.

Factory-made berry harvesters began to appear on sale not so long ago. Previously, such structures were made in workshops. Despite the fact that now the device is easy to acquire, home craftsmen still try to make them on their own.

What is a berry harvester

Combines, with the help of which blueberries are harvested, consist of a body with a handle, the bottom of which is made of wire and equipped with a "comb" of rods. The harvester looks like a scoop, its size can be large or small. To prevent the berries from falling out of it during picking, a special curtain is installed on the hinges in the front part of the body, which should cover the cross-section of the body. In the upper part, it is movably fixed in the sidewalls of the body in such a way that when raking inside the berries, it turns and opens a passage for them.

How to make a harvester with your own hands

First, we make the bottom with a comb. Cut a rectangle out of tin with dimensions of 100x400 mm. Prepare rods from wire or knitting needles with a length of 100 mm. It is better to bend the sheet from one end so that a hard edge is formed - by about 5 mm. At a distance of 40 mm from the edge, draw a line perpendicular to the long side of the plate and drill a number of holes along it, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the rods.

The ends of the wire rods need to be ovalized, so they will more easily pass through the bushes and will not puncture the berries.

The first and last rods should be flush with the edges of the plate - they will then need to be soldered to the sides. The distance between the teeth is 3-4 mm. We bend the end of the plate along the line of the holes by 90 degrees to form a side that will not allow the berries collected by the "comb" to roll out. We insert the rods into the holes, fix them - for this you can use a lath made of wood, in which holes are drilled with the desired pitch. The rods are best soldered to the base for structural rigidity.

Now it's the turn of the sidewalls. We cut out two blanks - they should be the same length as the resulting bottom, choose an arbitrary height that will be most convenient for work. Bend the edges 90 degrees inward, solder the bottom to these folds. It is also necessary to solder the extreme rods to the sidewalls - this will give the structure additional rigidity.

From the inside, you can also solder a folding curtain to the sides so that the berries do not spill out back.

Fold a suitable tin blank in three or four times - you get a strip that must be bent in the shape of a handle. We solder its ends to the sidewalls. Additionally, you can wrap it with electrical tape so that the handle does not rub your fingers.

Harvester for picking berries, the device that will be discussed in this article. This is a scoop or comb, a special design of which is very well adapted for manual picking of berries in the forest.

The harvest of the forest was not harvested by hand in the old days. For this, there was a scoop for picking berries, which, of course, did it yourself. This special equipment was completely wooden. A little later, it could already be metal or combined.

Virtually nothing has changed since then, only the berry picking tray (lingonberry blueberry cranberry) has become more convenient. Moreover, you can order a harvester for collecting berries, and not go anywhere for it, especially since there is no need to tinker it yourself. This saves time and is convenient again.

Berry picking container - principle of operation and description

The berry collector is designed to manually remove forest berries from bushes. Its principle of operation is to detach the berries from the branches of the bush. These berries are usually:

  • blueberry,
  • cowberry,
  • cranberry.

The process of separation itself is carried out with the help of teeth, with which it is necessary to pick up the berries, and pull the combine for collecting blueberries and lingonberries forward or upward. In principle, any other hand movement that is convenient in the current situation will do. The task is not so difficult that even children can cope with it. Therefore, there are children's devices on sale.

It is appropriate to highlight several characteristics, upon consideration of which, you can decide how to choose a harvester for picking berries. Thus, the main parts of the design of combines for collecting lingonberry will be highlighted and their description will be made.

The device for collecting blueberries and lingonberries consists of teeth and a ladle, into which the torn off fruits are rolled. In addition, the manual blueberry harvester is necessarily equipped with a handle.

There are two types of elements for holding berry pickers in hand:

  • the first option, when the handle is located on the upper part and a box with this type of device is used to pick berries from bushes growing higher. Although this characteristic of the bushes is less than correct. Since none of the above berries grows high. It will be more correctly said that it is located very low;
  • therefore, the harvester for picking blueberries can be not only from the top with manual, but also elongated. And attached following the example of a flat cutter. That is, such a tool is used in cases where the picker does not have the desire or ability to bow low to each berry. Having firmly attached a handle, more often of wood than of any other material, the comb will already be called a rake for collecting lingonberries and blueberries. Still such devices, namely with a handle like a rake, are simply called a rake.

The teeth also have some variety. Looking at the products in the section containers for collecting berries, you will notice that they do not have the same appearance. What is the reason for this? Fastest with the nature of the growth of the berries themselves. Some of them ripen above the ground and are clearly visible. Others are level with the ground, and even hide under foliage and moss. Cranberries behave this way most quickly. That's why:

  • located in the middle of the scoop. Its principle of action certainly will not allow the berries to wake up after they have entered the container;
  • such a box is not faster than a device, but a convenient and efficient harvester for picking berries with a shutter. Which, with its inside damper, will prevent crop losses more than once. After all, it is not realistic to collect small, albeit bright berries that have rolled under the leaves and natural crevices on the ground;
  • fasten in such a way that it opens freely in the middle. That is, at the slightest tilt, it simply sagged. And the berries were rolled into the apparatus. But when tilted in the opposite direction, that is, forward, a fruit picker with a flap for collecting blueberries and lingonberries will not be able to lose a single berry. That is, the flap will freely block the path for them to fall out.

And about the largest and no less important part in the design. The equipment of which is also arranged with a sense. It has both a cranberry comb and a blueberry picking tray. This is a spatula or a rectangular piece into which intermediate portions of berries are collected. The scoop itself for collecting lingonberries and blueberries into which the fruits roll may be with a bottom:

  • whole,
  • with holes.

The fruit picker with a flap and holes at the bottom of the bucket is considered a versatile effective device for harvesting forest crops. What are such holes for? As it turned out, they perform a very important function. The thing is that during the described lesson, together with the berries, we get a lot of unnecessary particles in the form of leaves into the berry collector. As well as branches and other debris. Which in any case will have to be selected. And what is typical, whether a machine for collecting berries will do it or this operation will be done only with the help of hands, there will still be garbage. But the less the blueberry scoop accumulates, the less time it will then take to screen it out.

What else should you pay attention to if it's time to buy a manual berry harvester? Of course, on the material of its manufacture. The fastest way to find berry pickers on any website of the online store is:

  • plastic. It is a lightweight and durable material,
  • metal. It can be food grade steel with paint spraying. In terms of strength, it is naturally not inferior to plastic. But heavier in weight.

All designs of berry collectors present on the Russian market do not damage the plants during their use. That is, after picking berries with their help, next spring the forest berry bushes will bloom again profusely. And in order for you and me to be able to feast on prepared vitamins in winter, of which there are many in lingonberries and other berry representatives, we will consider the rules for picking berries in the forest.

Why are lingonberries, blueberries and cranberries good for?

There is frankly a lot of information about how useful these fruits are. But since the presented type of product is directly related to its collection, let us recall some interesting details about forest gifts in the form of berries.

A treasure trove of useful properties that blueberries have:

  • a large amount of vitamin C - our body will be able to resist many diseases. Some of them are colds in the winter;
  • healthy nutrients can help improve vision. And constant use in food will serve as a preventive measure against impaired vision;
  • useful fibers regulate the metabolism in the human body. People who eat blueberries will never have problems with digestion;
  • the antioxidants present in the pulp help you stay healthy and young for longer.

Cranberry and its benefits:

  • flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • the genitourinary tract will be more protected from infections, as doctors say. In this case, it is necessary to drink a glass of natural cranberry juice without sugar every day;
  • to maintain oral hygiene - a glass of cranberry juice. Proanthocyanidin will prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth. No bacteria - no caries.

Useful properties of lingonberry are necessary for expectant mothers:

  • the iron content allows you to save a pregnant child;
  • will help to relax the nervous system, strengthen immunity and prevent the development of infectious processes;
  • infusion of leaves relieves swelling, reduces pressure and strengthens blood vessels.

A fruit picker with a flap is always convenient to have when picking lingonberries in the forest. As can be seen from the described properties that forest gifts have, it is necessary to stock up on them to maintain health. To collect strawberries, you must also devote enough time. If there is an opportunity and desire, why not take advantage of the gifts of nature.

It's time to pick berries, a great time to stock up on vitamins for the winter.

To make the harvesting process faster, you will need a berry harvester. With its help, you will not need to bend over every lingonberry or blueberry. But if a manual berry harvester has not yet been purchased, then you must first choose it. And due to the specificity and special characteristics of the principle of their action, you also need to know how to choose a harvester for picking berries. A special blueberry harvester looks nothing like a cranberry harvester. It is rare when you can combine them. Therefore, it is better to understand the specifics of their designs. Which bucket is suitable for picking which berries. And the rules for picking berries in the forest? You need to know the same. Since different berries grow, which one is on the bush, and which one is closer to the ground. Therefore, a scraper will be needed in different situations.

What designs is there a device adapted for picking berries. And what material is it made of? Let's figure it out.

Equipment for collecting various varieties of berries (classification)

If you do not complicate with the classification of this type of devices, then they can be divided into 3 types.

1. Scoops, the simplest kind of fixtures. The blueberry scoop is a regular household scoop design. Only its edge is not even, but jagged. They are an indispensable part of the fixture. Since with their help the berries themselves rise above the ground and break off from the stems.

2. Rake or rake. The difference between them and the scoops is that here the handle is adapted for attaching the rod. The rake for collecting lingonberry and blueberry resembles in its appearance the usual, only small garden rakes. Hence the name. The handle lengthened in this way allows the person picking lingonberries or blueberries not to bend low.

3. Combine, this is a closed version of the scoop. Only in the middle, to prevent the berries from spilling out, a damper is placed. The overall design of the combine looks like a hopper with a closing and opening door. The harvester for picking berries with a shutter is the most convenient and practical of all types of picking devices on the market.

Manufacturing material

Based on the materials from which the devices are made, the device for berries can be:

  • polymeric
  • natural.

Polymeric includes plastic.

To natural:

  • wooden,
  • metal.

The sizes of the fixtures are different in width and height. And also by weight. In addition, specially colorfully decorated scoops are sold for children. If parents took their children with them to pick cranberries or blueberries, then they should also be interested in doing this.

Advantages and disadvantages of one and the other

The wooden scoop is environmentally friendly. But its prongs often break. Steel is of course a very durable material, but the metal harvester is quite heavy.

When you need a berry picking tray (lingonberry blueberry cranberry), strawberry

If the harvest is good, then the manual harvesting period can be delayed. Of course, you can handle small plantations manually, but if time does not wait, and the harvest is large, then:

  • you cannot do without a faithful assistant. And this is a harvester for picking blueberries and lingonberries and cranberries;

  • very convenient devices that are developed based on the knowledge and experience of specialists. People who have more than one year of boxing in their hands, and for harvesting;
  • the manual operation speed is very low. A scoop for picking berries helps to speed it up several times;
  • having felt the difference at least once, any of us will rush to order a harvester for picking berries.

When harvesting what berries do you usually need a comb to help with? Where and how do they grow? And most importantly, when do they ripen? These are not the vitamins that grow in the garden beds.

How blueberries grow and when ripen

It grows both in the forest-steppe zone and in the tundra. Starting from western Europe and ending with eastern Siberia. A very low shrub, up to 50 centimeters high. This is a rather stunted plant. And to bend over each ripe berry does not always have enough strength. This is where you need a device for picking blueberries.

The first difference from cranberries and lingonberries is that blueberries drop their leaves for the winter. Its not bright flowers appear in early May.

And if there are no frosts by the end of this month, the beginning of June, then you can count on a good harvest. Then we need a blueberry collector. The berries begin to ripen by the end of July. And by this time the blueberry picking tray should have already been purchased.

How to use a blueberry harvester

During the collection, first of all, the weather should be dry, not hot. And as soon as the morning dew has disappeared, you can proceed.

It is not for nothing that the device for collecting blueberries and lingonberries is combined into one common tool in the name. Since the manual blueberry harvester is also suitable for harvesting lingonberries. And it has a general appearance, as shown in the photo.

Very often, those who like to eat a healthy berry ask the question: "Why is it called by the word the root of which is black, that is, black?" After all, it is dark blue in color. And only the one who has been holding a picker with a flap for picking blueberries and lingonberries all day can clearly answer this question. The whole secret is in black spots on the hands, left by crushed blueberries.

How does lingonberry grow and when it ripens

It is an evergreen perennial shrub up to 20 centimeters. Its age can be up to 300 years. On the upper part of such a bush, lingonberries ripen in small clusters. This happens from mid-August to early September.

If the lingonberry will please you with a good harvest, the berry picker will be just right. After all, this is hard work, bending over a 20-centimeter bush for a few berries.

How to use the lingonberry collection container

Please note that:

  • even using a combine harvester for collecting lingonberries, you should not start collecting them before they are fully ripe;
  • a not quite ripe berry, a scoop for collecting lingonberries and blueberries will not hurt at all. But ripening not on a bush, it will acquire a sour bitter taste;
  • spoil earlier than usual;
  • if a lot of leaves and other small debris have accumulated in the box, then this is not a problem. He will be eliminated if he winds what he has collected in the wind;
  • this must be done with freshly picked berries. Raise the container a little higher, catch a small stream of breeze, and only berries will fall into the container for transportation.

Important information about lingonberry

In addition to the fruits themselves, its leaves have quite useful properties. And those leaves that have fallen into the blueberry fruit collector can be used for making tea. Such a drink will restore strength and invigorate.

How does cranberry grow and when it ripens

On the territory of Russia, mainly common cranberry grows. It grows in swamps in the north of the European part of Russia. And also in Kamchatka and in eastern and western Siberia. It can also be found in swampy forests, tundra and forest-tundra. These are the areas where almost every second local resident has a fruit picker with a cranberry picker. A shovel or bucket is an integral part of their life. If such a scoop becomes unusable, then a new one is immediately bought.

The cranberry is a short, evergreen bush. With tiny leaves and thin creeping strong stems. Large oblong cranberries are poured and ripen at the end of August. They become so heavy that they can hardly be held in the bushes. This is the time the cranberry scallop is the most necessary item. In order not to miss the collection time, when the cranberries may be lying on the moss, then not only the comb, any container or equipment will turn out to be by the way.

How to use a fruit picker for picking berries with a shutter

The container for collecting cranberries is designed in a completely different way than the collector for lingonberries and blueberries. This is an adaptation, in the design of which the dividing rods are arranged in a completely different way. This can be seen in the photo.

Features of collecting strawberries

The first strawberries ripen in places open to direct sunlight. You can start collecting it in the morning, but after the sun has dried the dew. For collection, it is better to adapt a small scoop. Since this berry is very soft, it can crumple under weight in a large container. Unfortunately, there are no special devices specifically for collecting strawberries. For this, adapt the fruit pickers intended for blueberries or lingonberries.

A fruit picker with a flap can be purchased in our online store. The assortment also includes other devices of this orientation.