How to make holes in a stone. How to make a through hole in a stone? Manually

Sometimes such situations arise when working with stones, when it is necessary to make a hole. Of course, when the necessary equipment is at hand, it is much easier to do this and does not cause any inconvenience at all. Unfortunately, such equipment may not be at hand at the right time, and this hole is so necessary. For this case, you can use the advice provided and do it yourself.

Choice of tools

First, you need to choose special equipment in order to make a hole in the stone. In this case, a diamond drill is best suited. It is important to remember that a classic drill, which has a victorious tip, is not suitable for such purposes, but they are sold at every step in the construction market. At the same time, the drilling quality will be at the lowest level. In addition, such equipment can even ruin the work, and the required hole will not be made. Using such a tool, it quickly burns out and breaks the edge, and this is not a feasible result and a good option.

Diamond drill

Today, diamond drills are provided on the world market that are able to cope with such a task without any problems. Such a tool also has another name - a diamond core bit. Using such equipment, you can make a hole in the stone of any diameter that the master needs.

Why is a drill called a diamond drill? This is due to the fact that the tip has a diamond coating. It is because of him that the work is greatly facilitated, while making the hole clean and even. As for the cost, it will depend on the thickness of the spray, as well as the service life of the drill.

Any diamond bit can be used to make multiple holes, although there are exceptions. For frequent use of the tool, it is best to purchase a drill that was made by heat sintering. This method implies a rigid bond between the drill body and the granules. Such a tool is a significantly higher resource when compared to crowns, the manufacturing method of which is diamond sputtering.

The tool also differs in the way the crown is attached to the tool. Mounting is made both on a grinder and on a drill, unless of course there is a tail with an external thread and an internal M14. Fastening is carried out on a special installation that produces diamond drilling.

After the tool has been selected, you need to start drilling a hole in the stone. But in order for the hole to be neat and even, it is necessary to use well-developed techniques.

Hole drilling technique

In order to drill a hole in the stone, you must use water. This action is necessary because the water cools the cutting edge, thereby preventing it from overheating. Thus, the diamond drill will work much longer, and all sludge will be washed out of the spores. In this case, the edge will not jam, and the stone will not overheat during drilling, which is guaranteed, will give a neat and clean edge.

For example, companies that process stones have special installations. Diamond drilling is done automatically, as well as water supply. This happens through the inside of the device. In this way, the edge is constantly cooled and the drill is cleaned. When drilling at home, you can organize a bath that will be located around the hole, and thereby simultaneously cool the edge. So when drilling, you only need to raise the tool so that water constantly gets into the hole and the edges of the drill.

When punching holes in the stone, it is best to set the tool speed to the lowest. Small drills, which are made using diamond sputtering technology, should operate at speeds between approximately 700 and 1000 rpm when drilling.

For example, the crowns, which were made using thermal sintering technology, operate at a speed that is constantly changing, depending on the diameter. So for hole diameters:

At 4 millimeters, the speed should be between 1900 and 2100 rpm;
At 10 millimeters, the speed should be between 900 and 1000 rpm;
At 22 millimeters, the speed should range from 650 to 750 rpm.

Preparing to drill a hole

With minimal or no experience in drilling in stone, it is best to train on some other pruning before starting work.

The best place to start is to do some markup. Pencils very often become invisible on the stone, so it is best to leave marks with masking paper tape on top of which the marking will be made.

Drilling starts at a significant angle, through which a small groove is drilled. Gradually, you need to align the crown so that it acquires a vertical position, while you should not press hard on it. In the event that you start to press on the diamond drill, while pressing it harder against the stone, the tool will begin to move and ruin the surface.

With a little experience working with a drill, you can spoil the polishing of the stone, since it can be very difficult to hold the tool in your hands. In this case, the edges of the hole are broken, and the drilling is not carried out exactly in the intended place.

What should be laboratory furniture?

One important part of the laboratory is furniture. Each laboratory in which chemical, biological, medical research will be carried out must have appropriate furniture. Special tables, cabinets, cabinets, tables and cabinets are all an integral part of the laboratory.

For a person who has practically no idea how the process of work in a laboratory takes place, it is completely incomprehensible why an ordinary table or chair is not suitable for this. But in fact, furniture plays a huge role in the laboratory, which is why household furniture cannot be in the laboratory.

What are the basic rules for laboratory furniture?

The most basic rule for laboratory furniture is that it must be ergonomic and practical. Experiments and investigations of a different nature should be carried out in a comfortable and well-planned environment. Different decor in such rooms is categorically unacceptable.

The second rule says that a table or some kind of cabinet, whether it is retractable or not, should be simple and multifunctional. For any business, there must be certain furniture that will be responsible for this or that task. For example, an oven must be used only for drying.

The third rule is: laboratory furniture in moscow must be very durable, since it has to withstand not simple loads. The strength of such furniture must be at the highest level, as a rule, laboratory furniture must be resistant to cracking. These furniture are often made from durable materials such as plastic, metal or glass.

Where to buy laboratory furniture at affordable prices?

Innogen LLC is engaged in the sale and production of laboratory furniture. Today, the production of this company is in high demand in all CIS countries. The production facility is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, namely in the city of Pskov.

For the production of laboratory furniture, only high-quality and durable equipment for metal processing and painting is used. It must be said that the laboratory furniture of the "Expert" brand has received a quality mark, and is also fully certified in accordance with all the requirements of GOST in Russia.

Almost every day there is drill holes in stone... And this does not cause any particular difficulties when using special equipment. But what to do if you do not have experience and knowledge, and it is necessary to drill a hole.
I myself remember the first time I went to a hardware store and asked for help from a sales assistant. I needed to drill 2 small holes in a granite slab. The salesperson advised me of the victor tipped drills, assuring me that they fit perfectly.
Without going into the details of my first drilling holes in stone, I can only say that 3 drills that I purchased from this hardware store burned out, broke the edge of the hole being drilled, and if these holes were not technical, it would take a long time to fix the problem.
So. How to drill a hole in the stone yourself and is it necessary for this?

Now on sale there are drills - diamond-coated crowns and they can be bought in almost any large construction market. The price depends on the thickness of the spray and the service life of the drill.

And if you need to drill one hole and two, then almost any will do. And if you are planning to use such a tool frequently, then it is best to purchase a crown in which the diamond is not sprayed, but pressed along the entire volume of the incisal edge.
The attachment of the crown is also different. You can use a drill or grinder. We use heavy cutting machines and a device for drilling holes in stone products, they have the same attachment as a small cutting machine.
And now you have become the owner of a diamond-coated drill, what should you do next?
How drill a hole in the stone so that it is even and neat?

I think 4 simple steps will guarantee you a long service life for your diamond core bits when drilling holes.

Step 1... When drilling holes in stone, use diamond drills at low speeds (revolutions). Small diamond drills should be used at about 1-2 speeds of your tool - that's about 700 to 1000 rpm.
Diamond drills should be used at varying speeds depending on their diameter.
6mm - 2000 rpm
12mm - 950 rpm
24 mm - 700 rpm
Step 2.
Drill holes in stone and other materials needed with water. Water prevents overheating of the cutting edge of the diamond drill, flushes the cuttings out of its pores. This, in turn, will extend the service life of the drill, protect it from jamming, as well as the stone itself will not overheat and the edge will remain neat.
In production, when drilling holes in a stone, water is automatically supplied to the inside of the drill under pressure and the drill is constantly washed with water. it is not always possible to do this. To do this, you can make a "bath" around the hole to be drilled.

You can cut out the middle part from a plastic bottle and glue it with tape to a stone surface, fill it with water. While drilling the holes, lift the bit so that water can wet the cutting edge and enter the hole to be drilled.

Step 3.
If you have little experience, before you start drilling holes in the stone, practice some trimming.
Make the markup. Draw a line on the stone. Often on polishing, a pencil practically does not leave marks, so you can use masking paper tape and make the necessary marks on it.
The first way, which is often recommended for drilling holes in stone.
First, start drilling the stone at a significant angle to drill a small groove, then gradually flatten the crown until it is upright, while continuing to gently press on it. If you immediately press the diamond bit to the surface of the stone and start drilling, the drill will not stand still, but will "roll" over the surface and spoil it.
The drills are not always well centered, and if you have little experience in drilling holes in stone, then initially you can not hold the tool and spoil the polish, break the edge of the hole being drilled, and, finally, simply drill inaccurately.
There is a fairly simple second way for precise drilling of holes.
To do this, you can drill a hole in any cut of the stone, you can say practice.
Once the hole has been drilled and completely finished, it can be used as a template. Just simply attach to the product in which you need to drill a hole and clamp. Thus, the drill will move along the already drilled hole, it will not be hit and there will be a neatly drilled hole in your product. You can also add water there.
Step 4.

I have already mentioned this, but still decided to highlight it in a separate column.
Do not press hard on the crown while drilling holes. Diamond core bits are very sensitive to pressure and overheating. Lift it up periodically to keep it wet and cool.

Be patient and diamond drills will last much longer. Good luck!

Check out my Master Class "How to drill a stone":

It is best to drill artificial stone with a drill, at the end of which there are hard alloy solders. In construction, such drills are used when drilling concrete. To make the work more productive, drilling is done with a hammer drill. Drilling with a hammer drill occurs due to the impact force of the drill.

To drill artificial stone, a perforator and small diamond-coated drills are used.

At the same time, the drill almost does not heat up, and the holes are drilled much faster.

Artificial stone can be drilled with a diamond drill. You can use a regular electric drill here. If a thin hole needs to be drilled, for example in a small natural stone for decoration, a diamond tipped needle is used. This is done on a drilling machine.

If a large diameter hole is required, the artificial drill is drilled with a crown. The bit, like the drill, has hard alloy solders. In construction, such drilling is done in load-bearing concrete walls. This is done when it is necessary to lay plumbing or ventilation pipes. It is necessary to drill the material with a bit, which has a large diameter, only at low speeds. During drilling, cold water is always supplied to the carbide-tipped bits. This is necessary so that the soldering does not overheat. Otherwise, they will fail ahead of schedule.

The main tools for drilling stone are:

  • tungsten carbide drill;
  • serlo with diamond plating;
  • tungsten carbide crown;
  • puncher;
  • diamond tipped needles;
  • drill.

In the event that it is necessary to drill holes of large diameter in stones, special equipment is used. So, in order to drill them for communication pipes, such equipment is mounted on a monolithic concrete wall. To prevent the stone from damaging the working surface of the crown, cold water is supplied to it with the help of hoses.

Drilling technology

The processing of solid materials is associated with the use of a certain technology. Drilling stones has its own specifics. For example, granite is a very hard and at the same time very brittle stone. When choosing the revolutions of rotation of the tool, you must proceed from the diameter of the hole to be drilled. The larger the hole is needed, the lower the revolutions are required.

To get the hole in the right place, you need to make a small groove by tilting the rotating drill to the side.

During drilling, the water supply must be mandatory. Water, firstly, protects the cutting edges of a diamond drill from overheating, and, secondly, flushes out the cuttings. Before starting drilling, in order to get the hole in the right place, you need to tilt the rotating drill to make a small groove. The drill is then leveled and smooth drilling begins at this point. This is necessary so that at the very beginning the drill does not move out of the set point.

The drill must be well centered to avoid damaging the edges of the hole. The object to be drilled must be on a level surface and well fixed. Unlike concrete, it is undesirable to drill granite in perforation mode. It is very fragile and can crack in shock mode.

When drilling granite, one should proceed from the following parameters of the hole diameter and the rotation speed of the drill. With a hole diameter of 6 mm, the rotation speed should be 2000 rpm. With a hole - 12 mm, rotation speed - 950 rpm. If the hole is 24mm, the rotation speed should not exceed - 700 rpm. Such data are obtained empirically and are the most optimal.

In some cases, granite needs to be reinforced. Such a need arises when a countertop is made from a relatively thin sheet of granite. A large load on the table surface can break it. To increase the strength of a granite slab, it is reinforced with a steel bar.

An even groove is made on the inner surface of the slab with the help of a grinder and a diamond wheel. The depth and width of the groove should be 1 mm larger than the steel bar. After removing dust from the groove, a steel bar is placed in it. The rod laid in the groove is filled with superglue. After the glue hardens, the strength of the reinforced granite slab will be increased several times. This has also been established empirically.

Due to the beauty of the pattern, the variety of colors and its durability, this natural material is in great demand in high-class and high-class buildings, as well as in projects for the reconstruction of old buildings. Therefore, the issue of processing natural stone, including drilling granite, is relevant when carrying out construction and repair work.

Drilling in natural stone requires knowledge, skills and special tools. An incorrectly selected drill or a violation of work technology most often leads, at least to damaged drills, and in the worst case, to cracked material.

Before you start drilling granite, think carefully and answer the following questions:

  • how much you need this hole and is it possible to do without it;
  • what the exact dimensions of the hole should be;
  • how many holes are required in total;
  • what tool is the best to do it.

Work associated with drilling granite must be done very carefully, without haste and only after accurate, verified markings. In this case, it is required to follow certain rules for performing such work. It will be very difficult or even impossible to correct and redo the mistake later.

Drill bit with diamond coating.

Four important rules

The rotational speed of the drill or crown should be minimal and selected depending on the diameter of the tool. The larger the diameter, the lower the number of revolutions of the drill should be. So, for example, with a drill diameter of 12 mm, the maximum permissible rotation speed is 950 rpm, and at 20 mm - 700 rpm.

It is necessary to supply water to the drilling site, which will cool the cutting tool and flush out the slag formed during operation. The use of water prevents the drill from seizing and extends its service life. In addition, the water will cool the granite so that the edges of the hole will be smooth and neat.

The stone to be drilled must be pressed against a flat surface. To secure it securely, you must use clamps or other hold-down devices. No part should be suspended.

Be sure to mark out before starting drilling. To do this, stick paper masking tape on the surface, draw the outlines of the hole and its center. The tape will prevent the drill bit from slipping away and leaving scratches on the surface of the stone outside of the hole.

If you have never done this kind of work before, then try drilling a hole in an unnecessary piece of stone. If the trial was successful, this shard can be used as a guide template. To do this, fix it with a clamp in place of drilling and guide the cutting tool along the template. The drill will not slide, and the water supply will be easier if it is poured inside.

Granite Drilling Instructions

To drill natural stone, you must use a drill with the ability to change the number of revolutions. It is best to use a diamond core bit of the diameter you need as a cutting tool. In addition, you need to prepare 2-3 clamps, masking paper tape, a marker and water in a plastic bottle with a hole.

Place the granite workpiece on a flat surface and fix it securely with clamps, and so that the clamps do not scratch the polished stone, place wooden planks under them. Stick a piece of paper tape over the drilling area and mark out the center and outline of the hole.

Scratch the center mark with a drill or tap so that you can start drilling from that point.

Attach the diamond core bit to a power drill and set the center guide to the scratched center of the hole. If the design of the crown does not provide for a guide, then make a template of the required diameter from a wooden board, fix it on the surface, and use it as a guide during operation.

Drill at a low speed corresponding to the diameter of the cutting tool being used. The larger the diameter, the lower the rotations of the bit should be. Water the diamond core bit regularly with water from a bottle to cool and lubricate it.

Do not press too hard on the drill during operation, as this may cause the granite to split prematurely. The process should continue until the crown has passed the entire thickness of the slab. Only then can the crown be removed from the hole.

If there is no diamond tool

In addition to diamond cutting tools, you can use diamond drills, diamond dust or corundum to make holes. These methods are less effective and more time-consuming, but they also allow you to achieve the desired result.

Drilling holes in granite with a victor drill is carried out at high rotational speed and constant water supply. If the process starts to slow down, then the drill must be removed and sharpened.

To make a hole in granite using corundum, diamond dust, or ground pobedit, you need a copper or brass tube that needs to be fixed in a drill. On a granite surface, around the diameter of the marked hole, make a side of plasticine or quick-drying putty 4-5 mm high.

Pour abrasive material inside the fence and drill with a pipe at the lowest speed of the drill. Remember to periodically add water to cool down during operation.


Drilling granite is a rather difficult job that requires skill and accuracy. However, with the availability of the necessary instrument and attentive attitude to the performance, any home master will be able to perform it on his own. And it will be nice if you practice on unnecessary trimmings before drilling.

The best tools for drilling granite are diamond core bits. Only their application will allow you to get the perfect hole without excessive effort.

It is possible to drill a hole in a stone as strong as granite, but it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for this difficult procedure. For drilling, you will need not only a drill for granite, but also a set of appropriate tools and accessories. The workplace should also be properly prepared.

Features of drilling granite

What is needed to drill stone (including granite)? Let's consider the stages of the procedure and preparation for it in more detail.

Workplace preparation

The working surface on which the stone element will be laid for processing should be not only strong and reliable, but also completely flat, and its dimensions should not be less than the dimensions of the workpiece. It is very important that none of the parts of the latter remain in weight.

Special tool with integrated coolant supply - a professional approach to natural stone drilling

Tools and supplies

To successfully drill granite, you need to prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • electric drill;
  • a drill bit of the required diameter, on the working part of which diamond spraying is applied;
  • water.

To prevent the diamond drill, with which a hole will be formed in the granite, from sliding off the smooth surface, a recess must first be made at the processing site. For this purpose, you can use a conventional metal drill.

What is water for?

When wondering how to drill granite, keep in mind that it is not easy to perform this procedure without using water as a coolant. Cooling of the drill for granite during operation is mandatory, for this purpose it is necessary to supply water to the processing zone.

The simplest device for cooling a stone drill can be made from a plastic bottle by making several small holes in its cap. You will get a kind of spray that is very convenient to use during processing. It should be borne in mind that when drilling, water should always be at hand in order to be able to cool the heated drill at any time.

Having selected a diamond drill according to the required diameter, which is optimal for drilling in stone (including such hard as granite), the tool must be fixed in the chuck of an electric drill. After that, you can start forming a hole in the workpiece.

An alternative to water cooling - a bit with a grease-like lubricant inside, which flows out when heated into the drilling zone

How is drilling done

How to drill a stone so as not to split it, but to form a high-quality hole in it? This question is asked by those who have never encountered the procedure before and are going to carry it out with their own hands. In such cases, it should always be remembered that the tool being used must not be placed in punching mode, as the shock load generated may cause the workpiece to split.

Making holes in the stone (including drilling in marble) should be started at low speed of the tool, positioning it at a significant angle. After a small groove has been formed on the work surface, the position of the drill can be gradually leveled.

The drill pressure on the stone during processing should be small, while it is necessary to ensure that the cutting tool does not damage the polished surface of the product. Do not forget that water must be constantly supplied to the drilled section of the hole in which the drill continues to work. Very often, to fulfill such an important condition, a rim is created around the hole to be formed from the middle part of a plastic bottle, which is attached to the granite using ordinary tape. Water is poured into the inner part of such a side, the level and presence of which is constantly monitored. It is possible to use this simple device, which prevents not only overheating of the drill, but also the formation of stone dust, only when processing horizontal surfaces.

How else can you form a hole in granite?

A stone drill, with which a hole is formed in granite, can be made from a tube made of non-ferrous metal. This method, in comparison with the option in which diamond drills are used, is technically more complicated.

How to properly drill granite with a non-ferrous tube?

  • Around the center of the future hole on the granite surface, it is necessary to form a side with a height of at least 5 mm, for which you can use ordinary plasticine or the middle part of a plastic bottle.
  • It is necessary to pour diamond dust, corundum or victory powder into the inner part of the formed rim.
  • Water is poured into a rim-shaped tray filled with abrasive powder. In order to constantly replenish the water level in such a bath, it is necessary to prepare a separate vessel in which it will be contained in sufficient quantity.

Drilling granite using this technique alone is problematic, so you need the help of another person who will make sure that the tub formed around the hole being made is constantly filled with water. Drilling with this technology is also performed at low speeds.