How to collect a house from the sip panels. Panel house do it yourself

The ease and large size of the SIP panels makes this material one of the best for the construction of country houses. All major parts for construction are manufactured at the factory, their number needs is entered into the site and is collected as a designer. The big team is not needed for this, with the task you can cope with a brigade of 2-3 people. In addition to assembly readiness of the material, attractive and simplicity of its docking. Consider the key stages of the house assembly technology from the sip panels.

What foundation is suitable?

In the case of the SIP panels there is no need for an expensive powerful basis. The finished house on Canadian technology weighs no more than 15 tons, so it is enough to choose an economical belt foundation. In accordance with the construction standards, the foundation is laid on the depth of the primer of the soil, in our case, it is enough if the angular painters around the perimeter will be laid on this depth.

Second Stage: floor overlap

You can build a house from the sip of panels at any time of the year, construction does not have wet steps. Installation begins with the installation of floor overlaps. If the span is no more than six meters, standard panels apply for floor overlap. Isolation of the offline panels is made by antiseptic and bitumen mastic.

The joints between the panels are fixed with self-drawers and sealed with mounting foam. To give the design of stiffness along the horizontal axis, strapping bars are placed in the technological grooves of the ends. Installation of floor overlaps can be completed within a few hours.

Mount the wall

Before starting the installation of the first wall panels, we prepare a strapping circuit for walls. For this, a longitudinal beam with a thickness of 10 cm is attached to the floor overlapping with self-draws. The template will help check the correctness of its placement. The design is fixed on the foundation using anchor bolts, winding holes through panels and timber. All items must be treated with antimicrobial and water-repellent compositions.

The first mounted panels forming angle. The second at the right angle is the second. Due to the durable fixation of the angular elements, the design acquires the necessary rigidity. Next panels are mounted sequentially using a groove-comb connection. The connection of the panels between themselves with self-draws or large ship nails is fixed.

When all the panels forming the walls of the first floor took their places, their technological grooves are filled with mounting foam and closed with strained bars. Simultaneously with the construction of the perimeter, the space of the first floor is divided into zones by partitions from the panels. Additional stiffness of the design gives the overlap, connecting the walls with each other.

The same technological cycle is repeated on the second floor. The overlapping is assembled similarly to the installation of the floor, the support for it is the framework of the previous floor, the ceiling slabs are attached to it with self-draws.

Mansard and roof: no rafted

Roof mounting is one of the standard technologies for working with SIP panels. During the construction of the roof, it does not need, its own stiffness of the panels allows them to withstand all meteorological loads.

The bottom base for the roof panels is Maurylalat, fixed around the perimeter, the upper - the ski bar, fixed between the frontones. The laid panels to the bruse at the top and at the bottom are fixed with screws. The fixation of the roof panels between themselves occurs similarly to wall elements - self-drawing or ship nails.

Mansard, located under the roof of the SIP panels, will always be warm. The design of the panels is such that the roof does not need vapor barrier. The roof can be made from any, known, material: bituminous, ceramic or metal tile, others.

Sealing a finished home

Having completed the assembly, the design is sealed, missing all the joints with polyurethane glue. This is a very important stage, the thoroughness of its implementation guarantees long-term operation of the house.

Installation of doors and windows

Operactions for doors and windows are provided by the project and prepared in the factory conditions, it greatly simplifies the installation.

External and interior finish at home

Outside the house can be bred by brick or siding, clapboard, timber, natural stone or its artificial imitation. The perfectly smooth inner surface of the walls is also suitable for any finishing materials: wallpaper, staining, trim tiles and others. The use of drywall will give the walls additional fire resistance.

Engineering Communication

Communications are deposited upon completion of the frame assembly. All of them will be easily accessible due to external location. If necessary, they are closed by partitions from plasterboard or suspended ceilings. Plumbing and sewage in one-story house are made under the floor, special mines are arranged for a two-story building. A distinctive feature of construction using SIP is flexibility for communications. All wooden elements that will come into contact with water supply and sewage system are additionally soaked with waterproof compositions.

Factory production of all elements, ease of panels makes it possible to install in the shortest possible time.

The advantages of houses from the sip panels compared to houses on traditional construction technologies are obvious:

  • Strength. The sip-panel withstands up to 200kg load on 1m 2 with a deflection not more than 12mm.
  • No shrinkage and smooth walls. It is possible to recapture to the external and interior decoration immediately after installation.
  • Elevated fire resistance. Temperature range from -50ºC to + 50ºC
  • Ease of construction. Middle Hide House on Canadian Technology
    no more than 15 tons.
  • Increased heat capacity. For heating at the SIP technology, the SIP technology is 4-6 times less than resources than on the heating of the brick.

Look at home assembly in video:

Instructions for assembling houses from the sip panels. Sip Houses are produced at the SIP 47 building plant, that is, a set of elements of the board and sip panels made with high accuracy based on the project chosen by the customer. Domocomplekt from the sip panels remains only to assemble at the construction site like a children's constructor. All products are marked, and the installation scheme is attached to the set of elements, guided by which installation Sip panels. Before starting work, you need to explore the mounting scheme and check the complete set.

In order to better understand the features of the installation, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sip-panels.

Main The tool that is needed during self-assembly of the Sip Home:

Screwdriver (assembly on the self-tapping screw) / neulela (assembly on nails);


Circular Saw;


Building level;

Termozer for sampling groove in sippals.

Design of panels and their type sizes

Sip panel (Structurally insulated panel) is a construction product, which includes two OSP plates (oriented-chip) with an insert from insulation - polystyrene foam (PPP) between them, connected and compressable with a special glue under a pressure of 20 tons. Such a structure allows panels to perform a double function - they serve not only for heat and sound insulation of enclosing structures, but also able to withstand significant compressive and bending loads. Therefore, these products are suitable for the construction of any kind of buildings. Apply for walls, partitions, as slabs of overlapping and roof coating.

Typical dimensions of sip-panels

Thickness varies in such sizes from 68 mm to 244 mm. Frequently used SIP panel with a thickness of 174 mm (with a thickness of PPP 15 cm, OSB 12 mm) width 1.250 m; Length from 2.5 m to 2.8 m.
For the construction of the enclosing walls, the SIP panels of the standard of 17.4 cm are used, for overlaps and roofs - a thickness of 17.4 - 22.4 cm. Products 12.4 cm thick are used for partitions in the house.
SIP panels are lungs - no more than 20 kg / m 2, which allows you to install them with two, three people and without the use of the crane, and are also easily processed and lined with a manual power tool.

CIP assembly procedure

The SIP assembly of the house consists in a consistent implementation of the following operations:

  • Foundation devices and lower strapping devices;
  • Installation of the basement;
  • Installation of the walls of the 1st floor;
  • Assemblies of inter-floor overlaps and walls of the following floors in the case of a 2-3-storey house;
  • Installation of the attic overlap, attic, sip roof.

Foundation device and installation of lower strapping

The foundations may be monolithic tape, pile, and design In the form of a monolithic ribbed plate. The type of foundation should be chosen on the basis of the properties of soils that occur at the base of the construction in the construction site. When choosing a type of foundation, it is recommended to use pile foundation - The most suitable for the simplicity of the device, relatively low cost, the possibility of application with most types of soil conditions and convenience of combination with the base of the design of the national system of the house.

For supporting the strapping along the top of steel pipes protruding over the surface of the soil, special headings are installed with a horizontal metal plate, or a steel beam from the sheller's shelves can be laid. In the latter case, the strapping bar is attached to the steel beam by anchors after 50 cm. After immersing the screw piles, they are combined with a lower strapping or reference cross section of 200kh200 mm, which bearing the basis of the whole designs SIP at home. The strapping bar is attached to each pile by self-reserves "muchahchairs" having a diameter of up to 12 mm.

The strapping bar must first be impregnated with flameless composition, and a laying of bituminized paper, rubberoid or other rolled waterproofing materials, is predicted between its lower surface and support plates. In the case of laying a support bar on a metal beam or on a ribbon or slab foundation Waterproofing should be laid under the entire lower surface of the bar.
The strapping bar is installed exactly on the markup corresponding to the planning of the SIP at home and its installation Scheme.

At the corners and intersections, the elements of the bar are combined among themselves with brackets and are fastened with self-reserves 8x180 mm. Staples tested by time, the brackets withstand heavy loads and do not burst. Press extra hardness and durability in responsible areas.

In the event that the reference timber is placed on the horizontal concrete surface of the foundations of other types, it is attached to anchor bolts that must be bundled into the body of the foundation at least than 100 mm in a length of 500 mm.

Installation of chip overlap

After installing and securing to the foundation of the lower support bar, a sip overlapping is mounted on it, including: Wooden beams - lags 100x150, connecting inserts between panels from the bar with a cross section of at least 50x150 mm and the sisepieces of the overlap panel. Lugi are installed in the grooves available in each sip of the perimeter panel. Initially, the first SIP of the overlapping panel on any of the corners is stacked, the groove on the end is filled with foam from the mounting cylinder. In this groove inserted a short connecting bar with a cross section of 50x150, which is fastened through the shearing from the OSP plate with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm by a tree after 15 cm in length. Then the groove on the end of the second sip panel is repaid, and it is joined with the first sip panel. At the same time, the protruding part of the connecting bar is included in the groove of the second product and also be fastened with screws to work on a tree through the trim.

How many screws need one sippal? In a step of 15 cm, on average, one panel 2500x1250 mm will need 100 pcs. Self-timers, half of 600x2500 mm 80 pieces.

After connecting and securing the first row of the basement of the overlap panels, along the extreme span of the SIP house located near the end wall, the lag-beam is installed along the entire length of the span. Before this grooves are filled again. installation Foam and beam moves into this groove.

The subsequent assembly of panels, connecting bars and the installation of the lag is produced similarly, until one solid ceiling SIP plane is formed. For fastening wooden beams to flat overlap products, screws are used to work on a tree with a diameter of 4.2 mm with a length of 75 mm. In places defined by the installation scheme, reinforced beams are installed, timber. All overlap is fastened through the lags to the strapping bruster with self-draws of 8 x 280 mm.
Formed open ends of the sip of overlapping the first floor of the house are sewn by a board having a cross section of 50 by 150 mm or 100/150 mm, from all sides.

Install the walls of the 1st floor

Design The first floor of the house of the panels of panels is a frame consisting of wooden racks and walls of parts, fixed to the lower strapping bruis, racks, and bonded. At the initial stage of the assembly of the enclosing structures of the walls of the first floor of the Domocompute, the boards under each wall with a cross section of 25x150 mm are put on a cross section of the cross section of 25x150 mm, the layout of which must comply with the design layout and the circuit. The strapping boards are attached by self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mM. and length 75. mM. To overlapping every 40 cm. Marking under the laying of the strapping must be made with maximum accuracy without deviations from the diagram, so as not to cause difficulties in the future. It should be noted that there should be lumeges between the edge of the basement, which coincide in the thickness of the cip of the panel from the OSP plate - 12 mm, which is indicated in the mounting scheme. The strapping boards are stacked without breaks in places corresponding to the location of the openings to install doors in order to increase the accuracy and speed of their installation. In the future, after installing the SIP of the wall panels, cuts are made in these places, so when placing self-seep care, it is necessary to take into account. The main stage of the wall assembly can be started from any angle of the SIP of the house, where the vertical rack is first installed, having a cross section of 100 to 150 mM.which is attached to the lower strapping board with two self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and 7.5 length MM.The first panel is mounted to it.
Further on one of the corner sip panels is filled with the mounting foam side groove, then the product is placed in the design position with the mounting to the rack. In this case, the rack must fit tightly into the side groove of the panel sip. After checking the verticality of the position of the element by means of a plumb or level, the panel is attached to the strapping board along the lower edge and the rack of galvanized screws to work on a tree with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40 mm on each side from below and on the side edge after 15 cm.
In the same way, another vertical timber is installed and the second flat wall, adjacent on the other side to the corner of the house. After checking the verticality, both angular wall products are additionally fixed to each other by means of structural screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 200 mm in 50-60 cm in height.

Starting from the first angular sip of the panels, the racks and ordinary sip of the exterior and internal wall panels are consistently mounted in each direction. Before mounting each element, the lateral grooves are properly proper, the sip of the panel is attached along the side edges to the vertical bars and from the bottom to the strapping with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and 40-45 mm in length each 15 cm.
On the angular nodes and T-shaped joints of the walls, the products are additionally stitched with structural-scores with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 230 mm every 50-60 cm in height. The installation of the walls is completed on one of the corners, in the reverse order to the operation of the first angle installation - in the side edge of the latter panel sip, pre-filled with polyurethane foam, a vertical timber closes the end part of the wall is inserted. The sip panel is attached to the vertical bruus and the strapping by self-draws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and a length of 40-45 mm in 15 cm increments on both sides.
Next, the two angular sipes of panels with structural-scores with a diameter of 8 mm and 230 mm with a pitch of 50 cm in height are carried out. The last wall installation operation is a compound of their upper strapping board. For this groove on the upper ends of the installed panels of panels are filled with polyurethane foam, after which they are laid off board The cross section of 50x150 mm, which is mounted with a diameter with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 75 mm to vertical racks, then all wall sipes of panels with screws with a diameter of 3.5 mm and 40-45 mm with a length of 15 cm are attached to it on each side.

Installation of the upper floors

If a house From the cip panels, the multi-storey panels, then after assembling the designs of the first floor, the installation of intergenerational overlap is made. All operations are manufactured similarly to the installation of the base overlap. Then the installation of the second floor is performed in exactly the same sequence as the installation of structures. first Floor SIP at home. Next, everything is repeated on the next floor.

Montage of the attic ceiling, attic, sip roof

The final stage is made by the installation of the attic overlap, after which it is constructed roof. When the indoor floor is used, the walls of the complex shape panel are used - trapezoidal and triangular, which relieve the details of the rafting roof. The roof includes a frame consisting of racks, rafters, runs, mauelalat, elements of endands and ribs on fractures, as well as special sipe of roof coating panels. These products in the case when roof Not two-tie, also can have both a rectangular and more complex geometric shape - a trapezoidal or triangular, so you must first carefully consider the mounting scheme and outline the assembly order. In the case when the last floor of the SIP house is not attic, then the Mauerlat from a bar, having a cross-section of 100x150 mm, is installed on top of the plane of the attic overlap around the perimeter of the walls. Then 100x100 mm racks, combined with a skate bar of 100x150 mm and rafters with a size of 40x200 mm, based on horseback to the upper end and the bottom to Maurylalat.

If the sip of the roof of a complex configuration, the framework is complemented by intermediate runs and parts of the eddes and ribs on the outer angles of the roofing planes intersection. Mauerlat, skiing bar, runs and other details can have a trapezoidal section, which they are given in the manufacture of a household complex at the factory for the purposes of accurate fitting of all elements of the roof to each other. All elements of the roof skeleton are rummaged with galvanized scaling screws 8x280 mm, one at each point of attachment. If necessary, in some places, metal connecting plates with screws for screws are used. After assembling the carrier roof frame, the roofing sip of panels is installed, which are attached to the power elements of the same way as the design of the fasteners used when assembling overlaps. If necessary, the edge of some panels can be trimmed using the power tool at certain angles on the construction site, for example, when you need to form a skiing node of docking two panels.

If you make any understanding of this instruction on the installation of SIP at home, then we recommend that you contact the SIP SIP SPE specialists.

By deciding to build a private house yourself, often the bet is made not so much on the quality of the materials as they are at their low cost. Currently the most profitable and fast construction method - Construction of houses from sip panels.

Construction of panels won popularity over 50 years ago. Initially, this technique has proven itself in Canada, Europe, Japan. Today, the technology has acquired many supporters among Russians.

Types of material: What are made from?

SIP is a structural insulating panel consisting of two special sheets, between which the insulation is placed.

Layers glued together under the influence of the press high pressure. Standard plate thickness is 9 mm or 12 mm.

Let's figure the panel sip made from?

External layers can be made of the following materials:

  • oriented chipboard;
  • sheet of gypsum fiber or drywall;
  • plywood;
  • fibrolite stove.

As a heater applies:

  • polystyrene foam - a porous material that consists of 90% from the air is absolutely safe;
  • polyfoam - waterproof, but easily flammable, susceptible to fast burning;
  • polyurethane Foolder - has a high insulating threshold, does not heat heat, ignite;
  • mineral wool - bad burns, safe for health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sip Panel have significant advantages:

The disadvantages of the designs of the sip panels are considered as follows:

  1. Unsafe - First of all, depends on the quality of the materials used in production. Many factories make panels using foam. They are better not to buy, the foam allocates formaldehyde.
  2. Condensate is formed in the junction of the frame and the slabs, which leads to the appearance of the connection defects.
  3. The panels are sealed, therefore buildings need a forced ventilation systemWhat increases cost.
  4. The service life is limited. The design loses insulating properties in a few years. This problem is solved by replacing the insulation of the insulation on a longer expanded polystyrene.

How to build a house from the sip panels do it yourself?

Today in the construction market a huge number of companies build houses from the sip panels. Of course, you can collect the house and do it yourself.

Consider phased performance. So, we build a house from the sip panels do it yourself.

Preliminary work

At this stage, a project of future dwellings is drawn up. As a rule, the appropriate option is chosen from a variety of typical projects and refund independently.

Either seek help in design organizations. Thoughtful layout will provide quality and durability of the future house.

Then produced calculation of the required amount of material, buying a high-quality tool (necessarily need a screwdriver, hacksaw). Resort to the help of a specialized organization is likely to have.

Purchase standard panels, and then customized to your project quite laborious. Hence, it is easier to contact the company that makes and deliver the panel Required parameters.

Construction of foundation

Most popular Foundation types are:

  • pile or pile and ribbon;
  • monolithic plates with small baw in
  • columnar or columnar-ribbon;
  • ribbon blindness with the basement;
  • ribbon blindness.

Installing piles differs relatively low mounting speed, simplicity, efficiency and efficiency. Most experts consider piles the most acceptable foundation for the panel house.

Print pushing is a metal tube with a blade. The pile is screwed into the ground quite deeply, which eliminates the deformation of the construction.

Water supply, heating and electricity for the future house bred to the construction of the foundation.

Waterproofing, strapping, wall construction

At this stage, two layers of rubberoid or bitumen are placed on top of the foundation, and then the strapping bar, pre-treated with antiseptic. Then the starting boards are attached to the strainer bruus.

Follow the panels, which will continue to serve as a floor. When docking the grooves are treated with sealant, fixed by self-draws. Forms also treated with sealant, trimmed by boards.

SIP panel attached to the starting board. Mounting follows from the corners of the structure. The connection is carried out simply, the groove is inserted into the ridge, fasteners are enhanced by screws.

Be sure to use the level in order equip the design from distortion. For joints apply the mounting foam. Also worth entering and with the ends of the panels before docking them with each other.

Installation of sip panels. Instruction

An example of mounting the nodes of the panels of panels is given to the use of panels with a thickness of insulation of polystyrene foam 150 mm and walls from an OSP 12 mm.

Depending on the climatic conditions and tasks of the Customer, it may be advisable to use thicker panels with insulation 200 mm

Node number 1. Foundation-floor-wall

Recall that during the construction of the house on the monolithic plate there is no need to use the strapping bar and the sip of the panel as a floor. Therefore, we will end in more detail on the installation features on the tape and pile foundation.

As for the slab, it is cost-effectively used to use other methods of black floor insulation, for example, extruded high density expanded polystyrene.

The foundation is fed 2 or more layers of waterproofing To prevent saturation of wood moisture. This condition belongs to all types of foundations.

Waterproofing should be strong enough so that under the weight of the whole house did not break the properties of reliable isolation from moisture for decades.

Waterproofing stacked strapping bar And securely fixes to the ribbon in a step of 400 mm or to the pile glovers. The strapping bar must be a minimum size of 45x145 mm, but it is better to use a larger size, for example, 90x145 mm or 145x145 mm.

Read more about the features of its installation in the description of the foundation.

Secure the strapping bar in the tape it is necessary with the help of anchor bolts with a diameter of 12-14 mm. The nut of the bolt should be takenlended in the bar and do not hang out. To do this, it should be drilled in it a small hole of the larger diameter than the nut. In the foundation, the anchor must enter at least 100 mm.

Secure the strapping bar you can with a pile with a heel 12-16 mm with 2 nuts. The ideal option is to the center of the pile headband to breed the stud with an occasion inside the pile by 100-200 mm, with subsequent pile concreting and welding the headband. 2 and more layers of waterproofing are also laid on the pile, and the stud passing through the strapping bar through. Cropped by the level of timber and fixed with a nut with a pre-prepared hole to nut was recessed in a bar.

On the strapping bar begin laying the sip panels in accordance with the laying plan. For the floor it makes sense to use 625 mm wide width panels to increase the number of beams-lag. The foundation project should take into account the presence of support points and a strapping bar under all the inner walls.

In high-quality construction Try to reduce the number of cold bridges and, accordingly, thermoses. Therefore, it is advisable to mount the outer wall of the panel of the panel until attaching a strapping bar, and the sex panel is started behind this outer wall (see node 1.1). This solution will require the use of a higher panel wall sip.

Economical option It provides for the installation of wall sip panels directly to the floor panels. In this case, there will be 3 thermoshva, instead of 1. (see node 1.2), but the panels can be used by a smaller height. For builders, such a solution is faster and simple, as it is not necessary to crop each wall panel. But living in the house you!

Choosing one of these options, You can start the installation of floor-sized panels. They or will be shifted to the center of the house by 12 mm (the wall thickness of the wall of the wall panel) in the first version, or will go to the strainer with a strainer - 2 options.

Outdoor panels are mounted according to the layout plan using the installation information of the node number 2 panel panel.

An important nuance - The lower part of the floor sip panels is covered with mastic,to protect them from moisture located in the ground. If possible lower thermal gap of floor panels is also sealed. In case of it impossible to gain access to it after installing the panel, you must apply the sealant in advance

on the already installed panel.

There is also an alternative opinion that mastic cannot be used to the lower part of the first floor overlap. In the event of the penetration of moisture from the inside of the house in the floor overlap she will have nowhere to go out. This can occur due to the poor-quality sealing of the seams (for example, they simply fought, instead of using thermoshva technology).

Fastening floor panels to the strapping bruus is performed First, the screws 4x60 mm diagonally from the ends. This is necessary to prevent the panel displacement in the foundation plane. After the installation of all floor panels, the ends are closed with an antiseptic dry plagated board 45x145 mm (end board in the diagram).

According to technology, everything bruus tabs in the panel must be pre-stamped with high-quality mounting foam-glue. In order for foam to work as efficiently as possible, before applying the surface of the surface, water from the sprayer should be sprayed. The polymerization of foam occurs under the influence of moisture, and this simple action will make it possible to achieve a better quality of foam hardifying.

When the floor is fully ready, begins Installation of a connecting bar of fastening wall sip panels. You can use 45x145 mm (in the diagram) or 90x145 mm - depending on the project of the house and the required balance of the strength and thermal characteristics. The wall mounting timing is mounted below and placed on the floor sip panel.

There is a modification of technology, when a roll insulation of foamed polyethylene with a timber with a ber and a thickness of 2-3 mm is placed between this board and floor sip, or 2 grooves 3-4 mm are made in the board and the cord of the foamed polyethylene is 6-8 mm (on the diagram These variants of the insulation are not represented).

The connecting bar of the wall is fixed with high-strength TORX M8X280 mm structural sketch (purple in the diagram). The length of the self-press is chosen such that it passes through the sex panel to the middle of the strapping bar). Fastening step - 400 mm. This is a very important attachment knot for the foundation, we do not recommend saving on it!

Do not forget about the correct location of the mounting board on the floor sip panel. When working on Option number 1, the board goes to the panel. When working on a cost-effective version No. 2, the board is shifted inside the house by 12 mm (the thickness of the OSP wall panel). Before installing the wall panel, the mounting board to the floor is sprayed with water and propumes from all sides (green seam in the diagram).

Fastening the wall panel to the mounting board is carried out from 2 sides (outside and from the inside of the house) with the help of Torx 4x60 mm structural screws in 150 mm increments.

Knot number 2. Panel Panel

The panels are connected to each other with connecting Bruus.

Its dimensions can be different: for panels with a heater thickness 150 mm used dry planed antiseptic ram width 145 mm and a thickness of 90 mm (see the Scheme version number 1). Phase samples in the insulation make a depth of 40-45 mm.

Light-loaded structures can be connected by a timber / board 145x45 mm (see Schema Option number 2).

The same facilitated version is sometimes used for roof panels. The depth of the sampling of the groove in this case is 20-25 mm.

Also used dry planed board 145x25 mm for insertion in the sample grooves in the ends of the panels. For example, in the lower and top of the wall, around the perimeter of floor panels, these are the ends of the roofs of the roof.

Before inserting a bar in the panel groove, it is necessary to moisten the surface with water using the sprayer, then apply a mounting foam into the groove of the panel sip.

If the cluster size is properly selected and the depth of the insulation sample in the panel sip, then the heat seam between the walls of the panels will be 3-5 mm.

For high-quality sealing seam must be used cord isolon and sealant(see above). In this case, call the thermal gap Thermoshva - it will be elastic, air-moistureproof and will provide a long service life of the SIP at home.

In a cheap siep, thermoshva technology does not apply. All thermal gaps are rolled by the mounting foam, which is cut off after drying.

The obvious minus of this solution is that foam under the influence of oxygen gradually collapses and crumbs. In the seam will fall moisture, and it will not only Bridge cold, but also the likelihood of damage to the bar and end panel fungi.

Osters Cutting Osp Plate Size Panelmost susceptible to fungal damage, so they should be processed by antiseptic. Ideally - buy the panel sip immediately with the processed ends + independently process ends when cutting a solid panel.

If the sip panel is used 200 mm thick, For a stronger option, the connecting bar is suitable 195x90 mm, And for lightweight - 195x45 mm.

The durable option is used if the house is raised volume or in several floors. Also used 195x25 mm board for sealing the ends of the panels.

In a cheap SIP construction, builders can save on the use of a quality timber of the desired thickness. There are 2 options for replacing the bar of smaller boards.

Option number 3.

Instead of a bar of 90x145 mm, 2 dry planed boards 45x145 mm, bonded by self-draws and foam among themselves. Obviously, this connection will give a significant bridge of cold.

Option number 4.

It uses 3 boards to recreate the size of a bar of 90x145 mm. This option is more complicated in the manufacture, but the cold bridge will be less than in version number 3.

Node number 3. Corner of the panels 90,45,135O

There are several options for mounting the node. Options "Economy" with protruding outwards and 3 thermoses, we will not lead, as not recommended. Especially since they are nothing but 20 minutes of the work of the builders, do not save.

The correct angle contains 1 thermoshov. In one of the panels it is necessary to make a cutout of the insulation and the inner part of the OSP under the size of the second panel. After that, there is an additional sample of insulation under the bar 45x145 mm and the inner bar is mounted.

In the second panel, a sample of insulation under the bar is 45x145 mm (specified in the diagram) or (if necessary, the constructive amplification of this angle) uses the sample and the bar of 90x145 mm.

This corner bar is first fixed to the first panel with torx 4x60 type screws. Fasten it in such a way that there remains a place for the walls of the OSP of the second panel. If you mount the angle of the wall, then do not forget about the need for a fastening bar on the floor.

The second panel with a finished groove is inserted to the last queue. After leveling in terms of level in all planes, the panels are fixed to the fastening bars around the perimeter.

Use only 4x60 mm screws is not enough to reliably fasten the angle. The main fastener in this node is the TORX 8x200 structural self-erase, which is attached through the second panel to the fastening bar of the first panel with a step of 400 mm.

By the same principle, sharp corners in the construction of construction are mounted.

It is important to cut the fastening agent under the desired angle and consider that in the case of placing a bar at an angle in the panel with 150 mm insulation, the timeline should be more than 150 mm.

Perhaps the dry planed beam of 45x195 mm or more will be needed.

Also, the thickness of the used timber can be increased when it is necessary to enhance the design element.

The connection of the sip panels under a stupid angle, for example, 135 degrees, it is possible to produce by analogy with the node of the panel panel - the panel panel (see above), but the connecting bar must be used longer, as it is also at an angle in the panel.

To simplify the installation of self-tapping screws at an angle, it may make sense to sew a 2.5-3 mm hole drill.

It is also possible to use a thicker timber in the installation - with the need to strengthen the design.

Knot number 4. Window and door knot

Installation of the window and door opening in the diagrams are shown In the context of the wall plane.

The sip panels are mounted in such a way that the window opening is obtained.

stacked timber 45x145 mm.

The timber is fixed on the self-tapping screw, and all the seams are fought, and the foam is covered outside after drying.

The timber is treated with a flush in the panel. It is important to ensure the leveling of the bar in terms of the level. This will greatly facilitate the subsequent installation of windows.

The doorway is mounted in many respects similar to the window. When installing walls the bottom mounting timber remains on the floor until the installation of all sections of the wall. This is necessary to ensure a flat wall plane.

At the end of the construction of the doorway, the fastener bar is cut in it and cleaned.

A small insertion of the sip panel above the door can be mounted and inserted separately. It is very important to provide a single plane of the panels on the left and to the right of the door.

Alternatively, you can fix the connecting bar in advance along the top of the panels, it will simplify the alignment of the plane.

There is an installation option with a sample in niches (windows, door) of just 25 mm and the use of timber, respectively, in size 145x25 mm.

The illustration shows an example of the tab of the connecting bar in the opening to the fastening step by its self-draws.

Node number 5. Inter-storey overlap

Installation of inter-storey overlap in the SIP house can also be performed by several options.

In our versions Floor Panels 2 floors rely on the walls of the 1st floor and fasten through the 2nd floor mounting ram. (Construction Self-timber 280 mm in a step of 400 mm in the diagram).

There is an opinion that it is cheaper to manufacture a flood using standard framework technology - wooden lags and cotton wool. But, if you consider all the subtleties of the correct installation of frame floors and moisture / vapor barrier, then the option with sip panels will be not much more expensive.

For overlaps, most often use SIP panel 625 mm wideWhat allows you to increase the number of lag and the strength of the structure. Lagas in this case are fastening brushes in the sip panels.

The fastening agent of the ceiling 1 floor, floor 2 floors and floor lags can be both 45x145 mm and 90x145 mm depending on the necessary structural strength of the building.

Option number 1

Installation of the walls of the first floor ends with a rear of 45x145 mm in the wall of the wall panel. It is based on the SIP panel of the inter-storey overlap. It makes sense to immediately collect a number of panels and fix overlappings in the rows according to the planned panel layout plan.

In version number 1, the overlapping panel has a shift 12mm inside the house so that the OSP panel of the 2nd floor wall closed the overlap. This allows you to make 1 thermos, instead of 4. But in this case, you need to use higher walls of the panel.

The lags themselves are not shown, only a joint with a wall of 1 and 2 floors.

The overlap panel during the installation process must be recorded on the temporary fastener to the mounting bruster wall of the 1st floor. After laying out a number along the wall, mount the walls of the walls of the walls of 2 floors on the panels and pull the structure with a long construction torx 8x400 mm with a step of 400 mm.

The sip of the walls of the walls of the 2nd floor is trimmed from the inside to the thickness of the overlapping + in them there is a sample of the insulation with thermal under the fastening seam floor 2 floors.

Node No. 6. Maurylalat. Wall-roofing

The wall connection node from panels is presented in the variant With ceiling overlap of 2 floors, also from the sip panels.

Just as in inter-storey floors (see above), this overlap can be performed according to various technologies, including and represented in the scheme.

The outer wall of the OSP goes to the end of the wall. Inside the floor is made to install the overlap and sample for the connecting bar. Mounting begins with the installation of this connecting timber and bringing all the brusons of this wall to one plane using a laser level.

Sip Panel overlapping mounted with an end board already fixed in them. Installation of panels should be carried out by rows, fixing the panels for temporary fasteners so as not to move along the mounting plane.

Use the designed panel layout plan. For overlaps, the sip of a 625 mm width panel is most often taken.

Ends up the wall of the wall of the installation beam called " maurylalat. This is mounted under the angle of the wall of the thick bar, for example, 150x150 mm. Maurylalat is fixed through the overlap panel to the connecting wheel of the 2nd floor wall using TORX 8x280 mm structural tapes with a pitch of 400 mm.

On the roof panel, which also most often has a width of 625 mm, mounted stop bar 50x50 mm - for stop in Mauerlat and exclusion of scaling panels from the roof When installing. This bar is needed only for the convenience of starting the panel mounting and will not bear the main design load.

The main fastener of the roof panel is the TORX 8x240 mm structural screws are also with a pitch of 400 mm.

At the end of the installation of the roof, the end parts of the roof panels are sewn with a board of 45x145 mm or 25x145 mm.

There is an option to install the roof with a sip panel only before the walls start. Further, the removal of the roof comes using a connecting bar of panels (rafted), but without insulation inside. This solution allows you to save on the necessary area of \u200b\u200bpanels, but ultimately depends on the length of the span and the need to trim the panels or the use of integers.

Knot number 7. Run. Roof Panels

The run is a thick bar, mowed under the corner of the roof, which transmits the load on the walls from the middle part of the roof (between the Mauerlat and the skate). The run is required when the roof is span more than 4 meters long.

The run bar is mounted in the walls in the niche prepared for it. From the niche you need to select the thermal insulation and install the connecting bar according to the scheme.

The run should not be installed in an unprepared opening, based only on the edge of the OSP plates!

The connection of the roof panels is performed on the place of installation of the bar of the run. 45x145 mm or 90x145 mm (according to the project and calculations) is used as a coupling.

Perpendicular to Mauerlat, run and skate connective bars will be the roof rafters.

Sip roofs do not pipe a separate rafter system under them.

The main fastener of the node is a structural self-based Torx 8x360 mm and 8x280 mm. A long self-tapping screw should be used through the connecting bar under the run. Self 280 mm go in places span, between the walls.

It is possible to strengthen the design with the help of galvanized mounting corners, which additionally fix rafters to run. When using them, you will need to make a small cutout in the next sip of the panel under corner.

The most popular solution is to use the sip panels in the roof panels with a heater thickness 200 mm. In this case, a wider timber 45x195 mm or 90x195 mm is applied.

There are decisions that provide for the use of a standard rafting system under the sip roof. This makes it possible to increase the strength of the structure, but increases the installation time.

Node number 8. Kind of roof

The horse or the ski beam is the main carrier element of the roof, located at the very top of the frame.This is usually a 150x150 mm beam or larger. For long thick beams makes sense to use high-quality solutions from glued timber. They give minimal deformation and provisis.

The connecting bars of the sip panels of the roof panels are simultaneously with a rapid system, tested with each other with a board of 45x145 mm TORX 4x95 Samores. The strapping board goes in this case along the outer layer of the panel sip.

The main carrier fastener of the node is the TORX 8x240 mm structural sketch. In the case of fasteners through a cross section, a rafter with a thickness of 45 mm makes sense to drill a hole of 5-6 mm under the self-sufficiency in the rafters to exclude their cracking during installation.

The rafter also makes sense to damage the mounting corners to the ski beam, as well as the galvanized plate to combine the rafted rafters of different rods of the roof.

If you are in search of the optimal opportunity to build a warm home, without confidenceing with a whole state, consider the process of building a household from SIP panels. Pricing for the purchase of materials for the construction of the "box" size of 10 * 10 square meters, excluding finishing materials - approximately 17-20 thousand US dollars. At the same time, consider the fact that the additional warming of the construction in your case will not need.

Sip panel - characteristics and properties

Build houses from the sip panels began in the 2nd half of the 20th century on the territory of Canada. Technological methods of such construction are very simple, the construction of buildings will require relatively small temporary costs of a little time (two weeks). The construction spent time depends on the chosen project and the degree of its complexity. Only a carcass house can be cheaper.

The house from the panels, based on its structure, has a sufficient level of strength. In the English panel, SIP is called, which is essentially a construction abbreviation: Structural Insulated Panel. Translation of this abbreviation has the following content "Constructive insulated panel". Based on this, the Russian variation of the abbreviated name of the CTP. In reality, the replacement of Latin on Cyrillic is applied. As the result, we have the name "Sippar".

This material is formed from a pair of OSB plates, between which the polystyrene foam layer is located. In the end, we have something like a sandwich. From here there was another name of the slab material - the sandwich panel.

Panel Size House

You can build a house from the sip of panels in two ways:

From building a skeleton base. In the building of a private house, you can take the basis of the timber bar, while the framework of high-rise buildings is most often steel.

With such a panel technology, they are connected using a bar of various diameters.

Frameless reception implies a CIP connection with thermoshop - inserts from small thickness panels.

In our state, the highest popularity has been greatest over the years. The wood frame is capable of making the strength of the additional order. The carrier function of the sandwich panels even without the use of the frame is abused for the construction of one-two-storey houses in the private sector. But the awareness that the basis of the house of the bar, somehow calms the inhabitants. This technology is present at another advantage, namely maintainability. With arising difficulties, you can dismail the damaged panels and replace them with new ones.

Houses from sip panels for permanent residence

Advantages and disadvantages of SIP panels

As each progressive technology for our environment, the construction of buildings from the sip panels has a whole circle of opponents and adherents. The opponents of the fundamental argument is considered to be the unfortunately used raw materials, the likelihood of pollution of the medium with malicious substances. Indeed, this material consists of OSB and conventional foamflast. Polyfoam is very standard material and is dangerous exclusively when burning. OSB is also available on the market for a long time, it is produced from a compressed chips of a large fraction. Smolded formaldehyde-based compounds are added as binding elements. That's actually it causes all complaints: formaldehyde - poison and its presence in the atmosphere can cause poisoning.

The percentage of formaldehyde is regulated by such a structure as a SES (sanitary-epide. Station), exceptionally safe materials should be applied. So, if you wanted to build the house of their sip panels, you should choose the manufacturer more often. OSB plates, EGGER, which is located in Germany, are most high-quality. Formaldehyde emissions they have E1 (safe level).

The Glunz Agepan panels are also a good option, but they are used in our country, it is extremely small. If we are talking about Russian companies, we advise you to take your eye to turn to the products of Kaleval.

In the manufacturing process, exceptionally safe and reliable materials are used:

  1. OSB-3 has shown the E1 emission class;
  2. Glue - TOP-UR (Russia);
  3. Polystyoltilol -25c Knauf (RF).

Any part of the construction is adjusted under certain panels.

Why many during construction choose a sip panel?

Since such a house from the panels has a number of solid advantages:

The small weight of the structure, in view of which can be saved on the works on the foundation device. For these buildings, pile foundations are suitable.

Not high heat loss, reduced heating costs. Polystyrene foam is an excellent insulation, clamped from both sides by sheets. This circumstance makes the house very warm.

Low price per square meter.

Not long manufacturing time. The box of the house for 2 floors can be twisted for the month.

Full absence of any shrinkage. The sediment is only at the foundation.

Finish can be done immediately after collecting.

In general, all of the above circumstances makes people choose towards houses from Satwich type panels. Build houses both for permanent residence and seasonal. Based on what, even with a very limited budget, you can build houses from the sip of panels, with something successfully.

We carry out construction with your own hands

We are building a house from the sip panels with your own hands in the following ways them are two:

We purchase a home set under a clearly specified project in a firm, which carries out this type of work, and we will collect it independently. Not all companies can agree on this, but most of the installation service has an installation from the manufacturer.

Get plates. Crop under the size you need, then buy a bar, all this - we carry out yourself. In this case, responsibility for the level of quality will only fall on you. If you have carpentry skills or you have relatives ready to tell you, you can go with this option.

Briefly let's talk about what is a home complex. This is nothing but ready, coupled with a wooden bar of the desired size and fasteners required for construction. All building ingredients are numbered in a certain way. At the time of the assembly, you are connected in advance by the procedure. The whole process is similar to standard design from the designer, only truly.

The houseclock is particularly beneficial subject to the exact execution of all parts.

Construction of houses from sip panels

Stages of construction work

Build a house from the sip panels, as in other matters, start with the selection of the type of foundation and its immediate construction. Optimal under houses from the sip panels with moderate ease is considered the foundation produced from piles. It is in most examples of SIP-technologies and is used.

Sometimes a SWINTAKA foundation on a specific locality is not possible due to:

  • solid soils, due to expensive drilling work (rocks);
  • on the soils of an unstable position with reduced resistance to the load (peatlands);
  • with the presence of cavities.

As a foundation is arranged - you can go to the construction and assembly of the panels.