How can I wash the microwave inside. How to wash the microwave - the fastest and easy ways to clean

Fat is the worst enemy of our favorite kitchen utensils, is no exception and microwave. Each housewife is often asked about how to wash the fatty drops and the spots inside the microwave?!

The methods of cleaning the microwave from contaminants are quite a lot, but not each of them is convenient or effective. We all know that the multifunctional is quite useful in everyday life, because it can make many different dishes in it: from toast to grand cakes.

But we will not leave far from the topic, consider several options for laundering the microwave inside.

On the shelves of specialized stores, our attention is given many such as sprays, powders and various liquid species Soap. However, to make sure the effectiveness of a means, you need to buy it and try. Spending money for a large amount of funds, often many buyers are disappointed in them without receiving desired result. And again they are looking for ways to wash the microwave inside.

There are self-cleaning. For such microwaves, you just need to pour into a special water hole and press the desired button. Hot ferry microwave will melt fatty drops, and you will only wipe it inside the napkin. It is worth noting that such a pleasure is quite expensive. Each user needs to decide for itself - what microwave better suitable for him.

There are several "home" ways to laundering a microwave inside.

1 way

Soda and water. In the deep cup we pour water, put a spoonful of soda and put for 15 minutes. Then the napkin carefully remove the ingested fat from the walls of the microwave. Replace soda you can lemon Acid or slices of lemon itself.

Before laundering the microwave inside, prepare an orange, more precisely - crusts from it. Then put your crust to the cup with water and do the same thing as described in 1 method. In the same way, you can get rid of the unwanted smell of the microwave oven. You can choose an aromatic oil to your taste, add to the cup with water and boil a little. The more droplets you add, the stronger the fragrance will be from your microwave oven.

Laundry soap. Everyone knows that the household soap is perfectly coping with difficult pollution, but in order to launder the microwave inside, it is necessary to begin to begin well. Then evenly apply on the walls and leave for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with soap with warm water with a sponge.

4 way. The most effective

The easiest I. an effective way - This is, of course, the acquisition of a special cover, which does not allow the fat drops to splash on the walls of the furnace.

What washing the microwave - chooses, naturally, the housewife itself. All microwave ovens are different, for each need its cleanser, and how it will be - to solve only you.

The microwave requires constant care no less than the usual kitchen stove.

We will not sleep near or be lazy - and now on the walls of your favorite household applialection there is a disgusting fatty.

How to wash the microwave inside and outside?

How to wash the microwave using steam

If the furnace is not too dirty, it is very easy to wash it with ordinary water. More precisely, water "wage". You need to create an excessive moisture inside the chamber that disappears a dirty flare. It is done very simple.

Score into a wide shallow bowl for microwave oven clean water. The essence is to achieve big Square Sparking moisture, process all the walls of the camera.

Install the heating mode, maximum power.

Ten minutes to heat the water, to boil another five minutes.

Turn off the oven, sponge erase fat stains, then wipe the inner walls with a soft dry cloth.

Missing the microwave by abrasive cleaning means is impossible. They will spoil surfaces. The cleaning method is ideal with light pollution, when a fat flight did not have time to turn into stone deposits. It is important to create a real steam, that is, to choose the right dishes with water. The glass is clearly not enough to actively evaporate moisture.

How to washed microwave with vinegar

For the solar dirt covering the microwave ovens with unpleasant heavy sweeps and spots, the water vapor is clearly not enough. A stronger remedy is required. For example, the usual table vinegar, which is in each kitchen cabinet.

Of course, the fragrance from such a cleansing procedure will give themselves to know, but the effect will be excellent. Before you begin to act, you need to ensure the air ventilation, turn on the exhaust, open the window. How to wash the microwave inside with vinegar?

Prepare acetic solution in proportion one to four (for example, on 10 ml of vinegar 400 ml of water).

Pour it into a suitable wide bowl by analogy with the previous way. Acetic water should evaporate intensively.

Turn on the oven to the highest power, set the sensor for ten minutes.

After the processing is completed, open the door and wash the walls by the usual dishwashing agent, applying it to a sponge.

Wipe the camera with a dry cloth.

With severe pollution, only the first layer of dirt is removed. To the stove shine cleanliness, you will have to repeat acetic baths.

Instead of vinegar, lemon acid can be used. To prepare a cleansing solution, you need to take the usual powder bag (25 grams) per glass of water (250 ml).

How to wash the microwave with soda and lemon

Verified tool for combating fat - the usual food soda. She is applied in many business procedures. Nothing is in how to wash the microwave soda, no. The point is the same as in the previous methods, only the active component of the other.

Prepare a soda solution: a spoon of a powder sodium powder on a glass of water.

Pour into the bowl.

Leave for 15 minutes in a valid furnace.

Ring the remains of fat to the dishware to wipe.

It is important that water in the bowl is nalita not high, about one third. The fact is that when heated soda will begin to foam (as it happens, for example, with vinegar gassing). If there is a lot of water, foam will fill the camera and can damage the electronics of the device.

Very good method of washing the microwave oven citrus fruit, especially lemon. So you can not just get rid of fat, but also flavory air in the chamber and in the kitchen, get rid of unpleasant flavors.

Limon cut into slices.

Place everything in the same wide shallow bowl with water.

Turn on the oven at high power for 20 minutes.

After the timer do not open the door. The path of lemon water will work for another 2 minutes in the disabled device.

Remove the desert fatty flaw with a sponge, wipe the chamber dry.

Instead of lemon, you can take an orange, grapefruit, mandarin. Corks from fruit are suitable. They will give a wonderful natural flavor. The rest of the procedure is carried out in the same way as with ordinary water cleaning.

Other methods for washing the microwave oven inside and outside

To wash the microwave inside will help the legacy of Soviet times - the pieguish and not too beautiful economic soap. Many young mistress belong to him with prejudice, and in vain. It easily copes with mud, including with a fat solar flare on the walls of the microwave oven.

A piece of soap needs to clean the sponge or a soft cloth.

Wipe the surface of the oven, generously leaving the foam on the walls.

Leave soap to work ten minutes.

Wine foam together with mud, protect the camera with a wet shopping sponge.

Wipe dry.

After economic Soap when you first turn on can be felt slightly nasty smell. In this case, you need to wash off the remnants of soap clean water again.

An unusual, but an effective way for washing is not too polluted surface inside the furnace - a sponge with a dishwasher applied to it. That's what you need to do.

Apply a few drops of products on a wet sponge, squeeze several times to appear foam cap.

Place the sponge on the microwave glass rigging plate.

Set minimum power, time - 35 minutes.

After the signal, open the door, wash off the sponge dirt.

In this way, you can easily cope with strong pollution.

The last thing to say: how to wash the microwave outside. It is surprising that the means for washing the glasses to cope with this task perfectly. Due to the high content of alcohol and active detergent The means quickly and without divorces will remove the dirt, fat, dust, attaled garbage particles from the outer walls.

There are many ways to cope with mud. You can, of course, buy a means of household chemicals, specially designed for washing microwaves. However, it is not suiced, and the result is often zero. Homemade remedies are checked by hostesses, they act reliability and without harm to health.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a microwave oven. It is convenient not only to warm up food, but also prepare different dishes. The presence of microwave greatly facilitates the process of cooking. However, as for any household appliancesI need care behind it. Permanent operation leads to the fact that the microwave is contaminated, bold spots appear from the inside and not only. In our article, we will tell how to clean the microwave inside - a quick way there is, we will definitely tell about it below.

To the microwave stove serve you more than one year, you should know several rules for caring for her. The very first and important thing is to start it, you must turn it off from meals. These elementary safety rules that will protect you from possible negative consequences.

Specialists recommend not to use coarse and hard metal sponges, as they can harm the inner surface of the microwave oven. Such brushes and washcloths only scratch the coating, and the service life of the microwave will noticeably decrease.

Wash the microwave is very neat. It is better to use water at a minimum, otherwise you risk hunting in water some elements of the furnace. It is extremely undesirable to do it. In addition, when cleaning the inner surface of the microwave, sparing cleaning products should be applied. Any chemical preparation Equally leaves the precipitate on the surface, which affects the quality of the prepared food.

Another advice - if the dirt was hosted very deeply - the microwave independently disassemble exactly not worth it, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

As the same specialists say, it is better to wash the microwave from the top wall and the lattice, then continue to wash the side walls, the bottom and only then the door. To reduce the frequency of washing the microwave, it is better to use a special plastic cap - when you warm up food, it will save the microwave from unnecessary spots. In addition, food splashes are faster than all, if the microwave walls are washed immediately after dishes.

Such simple advice It will help you to save a considerable amount of time when caring for a microwave and extend the life of its operation.

Microwave cleaning inside:can be made by citrus, vinegar, citric acid, household soap or soda

What to clean the microwave?

To date, there are many ways to clean the microwave. This can be both household chemicals and home methods. Let us dwell on each of these options.

Microwave cleaning with household chemicals

Currently, many household chemical manufacturers offer to the consumer to purchase funds that are fully suitable for cleansing a microwave oven. These household chemicals have a rather gentle composition that does not harm the surface and does not scratch it. As a rule, they are made in the form of a spray, which is convenient to apply and flush. Spray spray on the walls and bottom of the microwave, leave for a few minutes, after which they wash off with a cloth moistened in warm water. Next, the surface need to wipe dry.

Spray should be sprayed very carefully, otherwise you can get to the elements of the power supply.

Economical hostesses use another head fabric Household chemicals - Fairi. It not only helps launder fat on dirty dishes, but also copes with difficult stains on the inner surface of the microwave. The principle is simple - apply to the sponge and wipe the surface. But there is another, not less effective method - to squeeze the cleaning liquid on the sponge, stand on it, put it into the microwave. After that it should be included on half a minute. This method is effective if food splashes are difficult to be purified in the usual way. Couples "Fairi" softened pollution, and they are cleaned quite easily. The main thing is to follow, so that the sponge is not melted.

Microwave cleaning by people

Home remedies are not inferior to buying household chemicals. SAME best products To purify the inner surface of the microwave oven are fresh citrus, citric acid, soda, vinegar and a household soap. These means are non-toxic, allowing to gently and quickly remove the fatty flaw without disturbing the protective coating.

Microwave Cleaning with Fresh Citrus

This method helps to make the microwave cleaner, while filling the kitchen room with a pleasant citrus aroma. Fruits can be any - lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin. Citrus Cut into pieces, shift into any container and fill with water. After that, we put the plate in the microwave oven and leave it to warm it in the area of \u200b\u200b15 minutes. You don't need to remove citrus at once, they should stand a little.

Microwave turn off from the network and open the door. Removes the plate and wipe the entire surface of the microwave twice - first wet, then a dry cloth. There will be no trace from the oily fly.

Microwave cleaning vinegar

Vinegar helps to cope even with the strongest pollution. In warm water, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and put in the microwave. Next, it should be included on the highest temperature and leave to heat the water for 15 to 20 minutes. With the help of a pair formed by the microwave walls, the stains are easily flushed. The only thing to open the stove immediately, it is better to do it after an hour. The kitchen should be well ventilated.

Cleaning microwave lemon acid

The absence of vinegar can be compensated by citric acid. The principle is similar - a bag with citric acids pour into warm water, put in the microwave to the maximum power, we are waiting for 20 minutes and turn off.

Cleaning microwave soda

Soda is a faithful assistant in the kitchen at any hostess. It helps to cope even with stains on the inner surface of the microwave oven. How to clean the microwave inside? Fast way With the help of soda - 2 - 3 tbsp. Soda is mixed with 0.5 liters of water, put in the microwave for 10 minutes. The obtained pairs greatly dissolve fat on the walls. After 20 minutes you can already wash the microwave.

Microwave cleaning equipment soap

Without economic soap, it is difficult to imagine a struggle with stains. More our moms and grandmothers knew that this soap could cope with any pollution, including with a fatty bloom. For this, the economic soap replaced and the resulting foam is applied to the inner surface of the microwave, leave half an hour and wash off with water.

Another simple, but no less effective way to quickly purify the furnace is ordinary water. Pour it into a deep bowl and turn on the microwave for 15 minutes. After this time, the door does not immediately open, giving the way a couple to influence the stains longer. Then my microwave, neatly flushing the contamination. That's so easy you can wash the furnace without resorting to additional means.

As we see, clean the microwave inside quickly and with the maximum result is easy. But to resort to the above methods as close as possible, you should cover special dishes. It will save your time and money.


How to easily wash the microwave from forged fat? What can be washing to be safe?

In our life, more and more innovation and microwave no exception. She largely facilitates the life of the hostesses. As well as on the whole kitchen utensils, sooner or later there appears the solar fat stains, and how to cope with it at home and without much costs will consider below.

It will take:

  • glassware for a microwave furnace;
  • simple water.

The easiest way is to unpack the sucker fat, and then delete

Pour water into glass dishes and put it inside the microwave oven. Select the heating mode and turn on the device. Time exhibit for 13-17 minutes. The first 8-12 minutes water will heat up, and the next 5 boil, it will be enough to make fat melt a little. It will only be to wipe the microwave camera with a sponge.

Council. In order for evaporation to spread throughout the microwave, you should take a shallow wide glass dishes for the microwave oven.

Method number 2. Lemon will come to the rescue

This method is considered exactly this method, the main thing is to have:

  • ordinary water - to the floor of the liter;
  • glass dishes for microwave;
  • lemon juice - 4 tablespoons, for the lack of such - one tablespoon of citric acid.

In the glass dishes we pour water, we also send lemon juice or citric acid. We place the liquid into the microwave chamber and turn on the maximum. Time is chosen depending on the degree of pollution, it can be from 3 to 15 minutes. After turning off the device, we wait 5 minutes and wipe inside the cloth. The rag can be made in the used solution, it will give a microwave fresh smell of lemon.

Council. In case the microwave furnace camera is covered with enamel, then lemon clean Do not abuse.

Method number 3. Economic Soap - Return to the USSR

About the "laundering" abilities of ordinary economic soap also knew our grandmothers, and here we were already accustomed to the new-fashioned detergent. It turns out that when combating old fat in the kitchen should not be forgotten about such a soap.

For washing a microwave oven need a strong soap solution. It is good to foole and the resulting foam oily wipe all the inner surfaces of the camera. After half an hour, it's very thoroughly rinse the surface with a soft sponge using a large number of running water.

Ultimately, get clean microwave, washed out no worse than special dear detergents.

Method number 4. Always will rescue soda

Soda has always reserved the owners in the fight against the dried old stains of dirt and fat. This time she will not let down either. For cleaning you need:

  • knee glassware for microwave;
  • warm water 500 ml;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of soda.

In the dishes mix water with soda. The solution is sent to a microwave oven for 5 minutes if the water during the preparation of the solution was not warm enough, then the time increases to 10-12 minutes. After the signal conclusion signal, wait 15 minutes so that the pairs with soda fall on the walls of the chamber and dissolved pollution. I wipe the rag soaked pollution and microwave shiny cleanliness.

Council. To eliminate the unpleasant smell in the microwave oven, you need to a solution with soda drip a few droplets aromatic oil (choose yourself yourself). Fragrance resistance can be adjusted by the number of aroma drops.

All the above methods are good, but if after each use of the microwave ovens, wipe the inner part with a sponge, removing the remains of food, then contact complex methods Cleaning does not have to.

How to wash the microwave: video

Removing the kitchen, you should pay enough attention household appliances. This is especially true for products with which we are preparing food. One of them is a microwave. Today it is practically in every home. Its multifunctionality allows the hostesses to find in the microwave an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, so there is quite often in the work.

However, the splashes of fat, evaporation from liquid products can strongly pollute the inner surface of the aggregate. The inability to wash the inner walls in a timely manner from dirt leads to the fact that the stains are eaten. So how to quickly wash the microwave? With what methods?

Microwave ovens relatively recently entered the housewives. Today, with their help, we can not only warm the cooled products, but also to defrost them, cook food, sterilize banks for the order.

The simplicity of the device allows you to use it even people of old age and small children. The latter, by virtue of age, are still not sufficient, so avoid contaminants of the device, including persistent, is very difficult.

Before answering the question, how to easily wash the microwave from fat and other contaminants, you need to disassemble with the main moments proper use instrument.

Before you use one of the small life, telling how to wash the microwave, you need to get acquainted with common rules Cleaning:

  • disable the device from the power supply;
  • refuse hard brushes, especially those in the bristles of which there are iron. Its remaining particles inside the furnace will burn it immediately, as you turn on the device to the network;
  • use water in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse cleaning agents;
  • do not disassemble the device yourself, do not try to remove the top covers. This work is under the power of only professionals.

Wash the inner fat we can with detergentssold in household chemicals. They are manufactured specifically for microwave ovens. Safe will be on the label of which there are appropriate icons.

Typically, the means are made in the form of sprays or solutions. Use them very simple:

A more accurate instruction for each cleaner is printed on its label.

We need to use sprays very carefully. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the lattice under which the magnetron is located. There should be no fluid there.

Special tools intended for cleaning ovens will also perfectly melt fat. They need to be distributed through the inner surface of the oven with the help of a sponge, wait a few minutes and wash off the wet cloth. After that, the microwave should be left open for a couple of hours to destroy the remnants of the cleaning agent.

Another means of household chemicals, very effective in the fight against kitchen pollution, is the soap, despite its unpleasant smell and non-primable appearance. These two negative qualities Compensated by antibacterial and disinfectant soap properties.

For washing the oven you need to prepare a solution of chips of the economic soap and warm water. Beat the abundant foam, which is applied to the inner surface of the microwave, then wait 30-40 minutes. Dirt must move away without a trace.

Many say that I truly and clean the device special meansBut the effect is zero. If you can't wash the furnace chemical compositions Or are afraid to use them, try using effective people's methodssuitable for use at home.

Methods, how to clean the microwave from fat, there are many. All of them are available at home. You need to choose your own method on the basis of the degree of pollution, as well as the time period that has passed since the last cleaning of the furnace. If fresh stains can be removed very easily, then with those who have founded it is pretty tinted.

Pretty fast you wash the oven ordinary water. To do this, in a shallow capacity you need to pour the liquid, place it in the oven and turn on a couple of minutes in the maximum power mode.

During the boiling of moisture in the form of condensate covers the walls of the microwave and dissolves fat leaks. Upon completion of the procedure, all the walls clean the soft cloth or sponge. If some part of the fat continues to stay on the walls, the procedure should be repeated.

If there are very strong pollution in some places, they can be removed using a mustard powder or drinking soda. These versatile funds are perfectly cleaning the surface, but at the same time will not harm the coating, so are rather soft.

You can remove the thick layer of fat with vinegar and lemon.

Vinegar is a universal tool in any kitchen and in every home. It is not only added to dishes, but also actively used as a cleaning agent for different surfaces and appliances. Despite the sharp smell, which, by the way, will destroy after a short period of time, with the help of vinegar, too strong contaminants are laundered, including on microwave ovens.

If the fat stains did not really occupy the inner surface of the microwave, then it is enough just to apply the solution on soft fabric And go through all the walls of the device.

In the case when old flax spots occur, you need to use others, more effective method. In the dishes suitable for use in microwave ovens, pour one liter of water and dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in it.

Put the container inside the instrument, turning it on maximum power. Product operation time - 10-15 minutes. Upon completion of the cycle, do not open the furnace about one hour. During this time, the acetic couples cover the walls of the microwave and dissolve the fat layer on them. Spots will be erased without a trace.

If the use of vinegar, you consider unacceptable due to its smell, it is worth using other, more fragrant and not less effective tool - Lemon.

You can not only wash the microwave using lemon, but also get a fresh citrus fragrance in the kitchen. In addition to lemon, other citrus-orange, grapefruit can be used.

We clean the microwave lemon as follows:

  • cut two to three small lemon on the slices;
  • we put them in the dishes intended for use in the furnace;
  • pour one glass of water;
  • we put inside the device, which turn on the maximum power for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the heating cycle is completed, we are waiting for another 10-15 minutes;
  • turn off the device from the network and proceed to washing.

Wash out fat residues with simple water and a soft cloth. It will be done very easily, because the pairs isolated by lemon have already performed their function - dissolved fat and other pollution.

With this method, you can use not only the whole lemon, but also its zest. The procedure will be similar to the above method.

If the lemons are absent, the same can be done with citric acid. It is quite simple its crystals (30 grams) to dilute in 200-300 ml of water, evaporate liquid into the furnace and rub. Only the smell of lemon in this case will not wait.

How to wash the microwave soda?

Despite the skeptical attitude of manufacturers of microwave ovens with respect to food Soda, this is available tool It can become a real panacea in the fight against fat and other pollution on the inner surface of the device. If the powder is properly applied, it will not be difficult to wash the microwave inside.

It is important not to use soda as an abrasive tool for aggressive cleaning microwave. Otherwise, the surface damage cannot be avoided.

In order to warm up the microwave from the inside, you need to use a simple recipe:

  • dissolve in 0.5 liters of water five tablespoons of food soda;
  • place the container with a solution inside the furnace and turn on the unit to the highest power for about 15 minutes;
  • when the evaporation process is completed, leave the device closed for 10-15 minutes;
  • soft cloth wipe all the inner walls of the product.

Who at least once took advantage of a similar method, was able to make it effective and continues to clean the microwave with it. This method is especially effective in the fight against the resulting fat.

Cleanliness will be incomplete if after washing from the device is an unpleasant smell. You can also get rid of it with the help of available funds.

If you werehed the oven, but when you first turned on, they felt, it means that the device was not good. It is not scary. You just need to wipe everything again.

All of the above tips will not only make an irrelevant question, how to quickly and quickly wash the microwave from fat and other contaminants, but also allow maintenance of the device in constant purity. Agree, after all, cook and warm up food in a brilliant oven is much more pleasant than in the dirty.