How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor. Ceiling insulation: basic principles

Insulation of an apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls since they have insufficient thickness, cool down quickly, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the premises drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question arises before most homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses, they become especially cold especially quickly, and often, due to temperature changes, they begin to damp and become moldy.

Sometimes, when there is such an opportunity, the thermal insulation of the walls is carried out from the outside, since this more effective method keeping warm. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to independently carry out such events, without using special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area. But, be that as it may, a warm apartment with a slightly smaller area is better than large cold rooms. Internal work may well be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose correct material and have the right tools.

If equipment is installed in the apartment autonomous heating, then wall insulation will help to save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Compared to the external thermal insulation of walls, the internal insulation of an apartment has its own rather significant disadvantages:

  • The insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses are from 8 to 15%.

At internal insulation The "dew point" may be inside the insulation, which leads to dampness
  • The "dew point" with internal thermal insulation is located between the insulation and the wall, sometimes - inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies. .
  • An incorrectly insulated wall from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material over time.

Correct insulation

So that condensation does not form under the thermal insulation layer from temperature drops in winter period, and also, as a consequence, no mold spots appeared on the walls, all technological recommendations for insulation must be carefully followed concrete walls from inside the apartment.

An important element in the structure of the thermal insulation "pie" is a high-quality vapor barrier. It must protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What kind of work is required to achieve this goal?

  • It is necessary to purchase a vapor barrier film High Quality and waterproof tape for sealing the seams at the joint of its sheets.
  • For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing insulation, its surface is completely coated with glue using comb-spatula, and it is very tightly pressed against the surface of the wall, so that even small cavities do not remain between them.
  • In order to avoid the occurrence of excessively high relative humidity inside the premises, they must be equipped with additional ventilation of natural or forced type. For example, for this on window frames install valves through which air will enter the room.

  • Next, you need to accurately calculate required thickness insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in the region in winter time... The thickness of the insulating material should not be less than the parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam-thermal balance will be violated.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will "cure" the wall, prevent mold colonies from forming on it, and also increase the adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Insulation installation can be started only after the wall is completely dry.
  • Formations of "cold bridges" must not be allowed, which can negate the entire insulation process. The risk of their occurrence is especially great at the joints of walls and ceilings.

What heaters and how are they used?

Cork is excellent natural material for thermal insulation

Such a thermal insulator is made in the form of plates or rolls from the bark of a special type of oak - balsa wood... Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly safe insulation, which is very important for interior decoration premises.

Using high quality material, three problems can be solved at once - these are noise and sound insulation, as well as decoration walls.

An important prerequisite for installation cork cover the evenness of the wall is, therefore, before proceeding with its gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. This process is carried out as follows:

  • The old coating is completely removed from the wall.
  • Then the entire surface is processed, which will protect the wall from damage by fungus or mold.

  • The next step is to level the surface.
  • You can refine the walls and drywall, but in this case, the sheet must be completely missed waterproof glue or polyurethane foam, so that there are no voids left under it. Drywall is firmly pressed against the wall and is additionally fixed anchoring or plastic "fungi".
  • On a dry wall, you can stick cork material... To do this, use a special glue designed for such purposes.

TO positive qualities material, in addition to its environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity and good noise absorption, can be attributed to:

  • Ease of installation of cork wall covering while observing accuracy in work.
  • Aesthetically attractive respectable look.
  • The surface of the material is always warm and pleasant to the touch.
  • A variety of release forms, textured patterns and shades.

Cork is not only an excellent thermal insulator. She will give the room a special decorative effect.
  • Cork insulation does not have a large thickness, therefore it does not make the area of ​​the room smaller - with this quality it compares favorably with other thermal insulation materials.


Penofol, in essence, is a roll of foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm, on one side of which it is applied, which contributes to the reflection of heat into the interior of the room.

Penofol - foamed polyethylene foam
  • Before its installation, the surface is prepared in the same way as for cork.
  • Penofol can be fixed on smooth walls with construction double-sided tape. Under any circumstances, the material is placed with the foil side in the room. This creates a kind of thermos for efficient heat retention.
  • Stripes penofol stacked end-to-end. They are glued together with special tape, which also has a foil-coated reflective surface, since the entire coating must be airtight.

  • On top of the penofol fixed to the wall, a crate made of strips, bars or galvanized metal profiles is installed. This frame has a base for mounting lining or wall cladding drywall sheets... The plasterboard surface can subsequently be covered with plaster, pasted over with wallpaper, or thoroughly putty and sanded, and then painted.
  • It is very important when installing drywall or lining on the top and bottom of the structure to leave a gap that will serve ventilation hole for air circulation so that moisture does not accumulate.

Despite its small thickness, penofol is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as a separate insulation, but it is quite possible to use it in combination with other materials. It attracts with its simplicity and speed of installation on walls, floors or ceilings, as well as a long service life.

Video: insulation of internal walls with foil material

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing a material for insulating a dwelling from the inside, you must first inspect all wall surfaces on which the thermal insulation will be installed. If the wall is dry and there are no mold spots on it, then you can start preparing the surface and purchase insulation material... Carrying out such work on an unprepared basis is strictly prohibited. Not only that, such insulation will not give the desired effect - you can thoroughly spoil the apartment atmosphere, make it damp, unhealthy, since the spores of many types of mold or fungus are extremely dangerous to human health, especially for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or a predisposition to allergic reactions ...

In general, any of the methods of the apartment presented in the publication from the inside will not require any complex additional equipment, and this one technological process it is quite possible to do it yourself.

/ How and with what to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside?

How and with what to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside?

Inhabitants modern houses are often faced with the fact that the standard panels of which they are composed do not always withstand very coldy... We have to insulate our apartments additionally. Residents of the upper floors are familiar with another problem - cold ceilings. It is more difficult to insulate them. Usually, it is problematic to do this from the outside, you have to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

Basic materials

Among all the materials that can be used in the case of insulation concrete ceiling from inside the apartment, several of the most popular stand out. Each has its own characteristics.

Styrofoam. It retains heat well, but it also has a drawback - it is rather fragile, and you need to be careful during installation. In addition, the foam structure can be too bulky for the apartment. However, insulation of the ceiling with foam from inside the apartment is quite popular.

Polystyrene. Also, like Styrofoam, it can be brittle. It is much thinner and will take less height off the walls. Installation can be one of the simplest - the slabs are simply glued to the concrete base. The same can be done with foam boards. The cost of both of these materials is quite low.

Mineral wool. At cost, it can come out even cheaper than polystyrene with foam. However, to achieve good performance heat conservation, a sufficiently thick layer is required. In addition, for the installation of this insulation, you will need to assemble a frame, inside which it will be laid.

. Oddly enough, but even such a thin layer of decorative finishing material, will help keep you warm a little. There will be two advantages at once - and the ceiling will become more beautiful, and the thermal insulation will improve. At a cost, these tiles are very affordable.

The order of work and the basic principles of insulation from the inside

Ceiling insulation in an apartment is somewhat different from the same operation in a private house. Here, the height of the premises will, as a rule, be lower, and other materials must be used.

If the ceiling slab is flat enough, you can do without the construction of a special frame for the insulation layer. This solution is especially important when using polystyrene or expanded polystyrene as a heater.

These materials are simply glued to the floor slab. tile adhesive... You can use other adhesives. The main requirement for them is a high bond strength and the possibility of using it with foam.

Additionally, the plates of such insulation are fixed with special dowels with a wide plastic cap.

To avoid condensation, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the seams and joints of these glued materials are filled with polyurethane foam.

After sticking, outside the insulating layer is either plastered or hidden behind the false ceiling.

Mineral wool will be much more difficult. Although some of its varieties can be glued to the ceiling, the outer finishing layer needs to be attached to something, but it cannot be attached to the cotton wool. The construction of a frame base is required.

From its construction, the insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the apartment with mineral wool begins. All the intricacies of this process should be discussed separately. Moreover, the basic principles will be the same for the construction of frames for any type of insulation.

Mineral wool insulation

As already mentioned, it all starts with assembling the base. But, before proceeding with its installation, you need to make a markup and lay all communications. Doing it later will be problematic.

The markup starts from the lowest corner of the room. When such an angle is found, such a distance retreats from the ceiling plate, which is required for the installation of the frame base. Usually, at least ten centimeters are required. This is enough to accommodate a sufficient layer of insulation.

The mark must be transferred to all other corners of the room, and connected with a straight horizontal line. She will be the reference point for all subsequent operations. The easiest way to make a line is with a marking line.

After that, go to the ceiling surface. On concrete base, it is necessary to mark all the attachment points of the hangers to which the rest of the frame will be attached.

You can start assembling the base. You should start with the details that are located on the walls around the perimeter of the room. The next hangers are attached to ceiling slab.

Longitudinal frame sections can be inserted. They are located in suspensions so that they are all in the same plane. The easiest way to control their position is by a thread stretched from corner to corner. If necessary, you can stretch several cords across the room.

The transverse parts of the structure are mounted last. When the last of them is fixed in place, you can fill it with insulation, but, first, you need to do something else.

Insulation of the concrete ceiling from the inside of the apartment can lead to an increase in the level of humidity in the room. Mineral wool is able to absorb moisture, which reduces its ability to retain heat. To avoid this, you will need to cover a layer of insulation. special film-. It is sold in hardware stores.

After covering the insulation, you can begin the final finishing.

The outer coating of such ceilings is usually either drywall or various types of panels that are all attached to the same frame.


Almost anyone can insulate the ceiling of their apartment from the inside. There are no particular difficulties here, and minimal skills in handling the tools are required.

After warming, you still need to make the outer finishing layer. For this, you may already need to invite a specialist. But, in most cases, you can handle everything yourself.

Foreword... If you have set yourself the task of creating warmth and comfort in an apartment, then you should think about how and what to insulate the ceiling on top floor at home. It is for apartments on the last floors that this issue is relevant. In the article, we will analyze the methods of thermal insulation of this structure, as well as show a video instruction on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside on the top floor on our own.

Ceilings in apartments on the top floors apartment buildings are the places of the greatest heat loss. Up to 50% of the heat can escape through the ceilings, especially if the attic is poorly insulated Management company... Therefore, with the approaching cold weather, the question is how to insulate the ceiling and floor in the apartment, what thermal insulation material to choose for these purposes, for residents of apartment buildings is becoming especially relevant.

Do I need to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside

If you do not make high-quality thermal insulation of the room, then the heat will leave the living space through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to get the job done efficiently and inexpensively. Today on construction market there is a wide variety of thermal insulation materials. Consider in the article the materials and methods that are often used for this.

It is quite simple to carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling in the apartment from the inside on your own. The main thing is to accurately calculate the amount necessary material, calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation on the calculator. It doesn't matter what material your ceiling is finished with - plasterboard, clapboard or painted water-based paint... All these materials can be finished with thermal insulation materials.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside

For insulation various designs today they use penoplex, polystyrene, mineral wool and the most inexpensive option- foil-clad penofol. Styrofoam plates are the most convenient option for ceiling mounting, but do not forget that expanded polystyrene gives off harmful substances, therefore, it is more suitable for warming the facade of the house. Extruded polystyrene foam boards are denser and more durable.

Warming with expanded polystyrene

Plates of polystyrene or polystyrene foam are attached to the ceiling with glue for expanded polystyrene, and for reliability they are fixed with a dowel-fungus. Further, a painting net is glued to the slab thermal insulation, and the entire surface of the ceiling is putty and painted. On the surface of the foam, the mesh is glued so that it is completely covered with a putty layer. After that, the surface is covered with a finishing putty.

Once finishing putty dries, the entire surface is primed and painted. Now you are already a little familiar with the question of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside on the top floor with foam. If in your apartment the ceiling height is sufficient for the installation of the frame, then you can use glass wool or mineral wool to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside on your own.

Warming with basalt wool

In case of choice of slabs mineral wool to protect the structure, do not forget that the basalt material absorbs moisture from warm air and it should be protected with a vapor barrier from the side of the warm room. A vapor barrier film is used for insulating any surfaces with mineral wool, for example, for insulating a ceiling in a bath. After laying the insulation, lining or drywall is attached to the frame.


1. Close up the cracks in the ceiling and apply liquid waterproofing;
2. We mount the frame on the ceiling with a step smaller than the width of the mineral wool slabs;
3. We put the basalt insulation between the frame guides;
4. We close the entire structure with insulation roll waterproofing;
5. We sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard, or order a stretch ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively

If you do not want to mount the frame on the ceiling or this does not allow you to make a low ceiling in the room, then you can insulate the structure in another way. Penofol or decorative foam plates can be ideal for this. Both of these materials are very easy to stick to the ceiling, anyone can handle this task. At the same time, penofol and decorative plates do not hide the space in the room.

Before starting work, apartment owners should determine exactly which method of ceiling insulation is more suitable for them and which thermal insulation material will be appropriate. Otherwise, heat will continue to escape from the living space through the ceiling. By tradition, we have posted a video instruction on this topic and you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the technology of carrying out work on your own.

Video. Insulation of the ceiling in the apartment on the top floor

Foreword... If you are concerned about creating warmth and comfort in an apartment on the top floor of the house, then you should think about how to insulate the ceiling. The issue is especially relevant for apartments on the last floors of residential buildings. In the article, we will analyze several methods, including the simplest and most inexpensive ones, and also show a master class - a video on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands on the top floor.

Is it worth insulating the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor?

The ceiling of the apartments on the upper floors is a zone the greatest warmth losses in the room. It is through this surface that up to 50% of the heat in the room is eroded. Therefore, the question of how to inexpensively insulate the ceiling in apartments on the last floors, and what material to choose, becomes for homeowners in apartment building especially relevant and as sharp as floor insulation in an apartment on the first floor.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside

For example, if you do not make high-quality insulation, then the heat from the room will go out through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to do this cheaply and efficiently. Today there is a wide variety of materials for do-it-yourself insulation, as well as ways to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively and with a guarantee.

Let us consider in the article exactly those methods that are often used today by specialists for these purposes. It is quite simple to carry out the insulation of the ceiling in the apartment on your own. It doesn't matter what the ceiling is made of - drywall, wooden lining or plastic. The thermal insulation is fixed with guides or glue.

How to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside?

For insulation, polystyrene, polystyrene foam, mineral wool and the most a budget option- thermal insulation foil. Despite the fact that polystyrene is the most inexpensive and convenient option, do not forget that polystyrene foam emits harmful substances and is easily flammable. From plate heaters it is better to use penoplex - the plates of the material are denser, do not burn and do not emit harmful substances.

Thermal insulation with slab material

Plates of polystyrene and polystyrene foam are first glued to the ceiling and, for reliability, they are additionally fastened with plastic dowels. Next, a paint net is glued to the insulation, and the entire surface is putty and painted. A heat-insulating base is glued to the ceiling surface with a putty, and a mesh is glued on top of it so that the mesh is completely drowned in the putty layer, after which everything is leveled with a spatula. After drying, a finishing putty is applied.

Once finishing layer dries, the entire surface is primed and painted. Now you already understand a little about the question of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the last floor with your own hands without extra costs... If the ceiling height in the apartment is sufficient and allows it to be lowered a little, then you can use mineral wool to insulate the apartment on the top floor with your own hands.

Warming with basalt material

Insulation of the ceiling in the apartment with mineral wool

If you have chosen slabs of basalt or mineral wool, then do not forget that the material absorbs moisture and must be protected. vapor barrier film on both sides. The insulation of all surfaces is carried out according to the same principle - from the insulation of the ceiling in the bathhouse to the walls and ceiling in the basement of the house. A lining or drywall is placed on top of the insulation, on a pre-designed frame.

Detailed sequence of actions:

1 ... We prepare the surface (seal up possible cracks and crevices on the ceiling) and apply a primer or concrete contact.
2 ... We fix the vapor barrier, which prevents the insulation from getting wet and the absorption of moisture from the air.
3 ... We mount the lathing in 60 cm increments (the height of the guides must be at least the thickness of the insulation).
4 ... We put the insulation between the battens and cover the material with waterproofing.
5 ... We sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard, clapboard, PVC panels or we order a stretch ceiling.

How to inexpensively insulate the ceiling in an apartment

If you are eager to install additional frame or a low ceiling does not allow it, then the process can be carried out in the following way.

For our needs, decorative foam plates can also be ideal. They are very easy to glue, the plates do not retain heat so well, but anyone can handle this material, and they do not hide the space.

And now we will show a video of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor with our own hands.

If your home is on the top floor, then, regardless of the presence or absence of an attic, it will not be superfluous to insulate the ceiling of the apartment, because no one wants to lose precious gigacalories of heat. V modern houses builders take care of this most often, but in old buildings this work is shifted onto the shoulders of tenants and zealous owners understand that since utility bills are growing, it is better to spend it once for long-term savings.

Insulation of the ceiling outside

The simplest and most suitable option for maintaining the volume of the living space of a room is to insulate the ceiling from the outside, that is, from the side of the attic, unless, of course, the attic space is used for communal needs and the housing office allows this to be done. In this case, the floor in the attic is cleaned, thermal insulation boards ROCKWOOL (you can additionally fix them with glue, but not necessarily) and a layer of expanded clay is poured on top of them (Figure 1). Insulation must be carried out, capturing part of the territory outside the apartment, and limiters (boards) are placed along the edges of the site so that expanded clay does not crumble from the edges.

In some cases, the insulation from the attic is closed with a layer of waterproofing and a screed is made from above. This is a more time-consuming and expensive process, it is economically justified only if insulation is carried out throughout the attic, because you will not only have to buy expanded clay and insulation, but also order (knead) the screed solution and lay it on a level.

You can use not only Rockwool. But also ordinary styrofoam. When insulating the floor of the attic (cold attic), the insulation does not need to be fastened with butterflies - you can do with the usual adhesive composition for fastening thermal insulation boards.

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside

For insulation of the ceiling from the inside There are several ways, but any of them will "eat" part of the volume of the living space, so before carrying out the work, you need to calculate their effectiveness. The best option this is a combination of ceiling insulation and its sewing with plasterboard in decorative purposes, because in this case it is possible, having lost the volume, to win in the design of the room at the expense of new system backlight. In this case, thermal insulation is made between the ribs. profile frame fastening plates or foam close to the profile with self-adhesive tape.

If you are interested in classic insulation without drywall, then you can go in two ways -

  1. - Install the frame for the thermal insulation boards,
  2. - Fasten ROCKWOOL insulation or similar to the base of the ceiling using special “butterfly fasteners” and glue.

In the first case, a distance equal to or slightly exceeding the thickness of the thermal insulation recedes from the base of the ceiling and a guide profile is attached along the perimeter of the room. Further on it, marks are made on the sides every 40-50 cm, which are connected by a ceiling profile element. It remains only to break the inter-profile niches into cells, using self-tapping screws to fix the profile, fill them with insulation and fix it to the frame edges. From above, such a cake is closed with a reinforcing mesh for glue and undergoes a standard painting finish.

If the insulation is attached directly to the ceiling (Figure 2), then first the insulation plates are fixed with glue, and then they are additionally pressed with “butterflies” after drilling holes in the ceiling plate with a puncher (several per m2) and thermal insulation.

We recommend using LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC 800x600x50 mm for insulation. One package contains 12 plates of thermal insulation 5 cm thick. The package is enough for 5.76 m2, and its price for the fall of 2017 in Moscow is 470 rubles.