Gym business plan with minimal investment and calculations. How to open? How to open a fitness club (business plan)

The popularity of sports in Russia led to an increase in demand for gyms and fitness clubs in 2018. People strive to be healthy, look beautiful, slim, and are ready to pay good money for this by purchasing subscriptions to visit gyms with numerous exercise equipment. In this review, together we will draw up a business plan for a gym “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

When opening a gym, it is worth considering that people want it to be close to home, well equipped, with a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for exercising.

Market analysis

First of all, you need to analyze your capabilities. At the initial stage, opening a large gym is quite difficult and expensive. It is easier to organize a narrow profile gym that will be in good demand and satisfy the needs of customers. Over time, you can open additional rooms and expand options.

For a good, profitable work of the gym, it is necessary to take into account in the business plan and analyze the following:

  1. Determine the class of the gym. It means the direct orientation of the hall. It can be a fitness center, a sports complex with a health-improving bias, a professional, sports club, or just an opportunity to work out on simulators.
  2. Conduct a marketing analysis. You need to compare the prices of gyms, study your area for similar places, etc.
  3. Do research on similar gyms nearby. If similar centers and sports complexes are located in your area, it is worth studying their specifics of work, services provided, sports programs, opening hours, prices, etc.
  4. Create a project for the future gym for training. We need a specific plan of the premises, taking into account the peculiarities of the location of not only the hall itself, but also auxiliary premises (cloakrooms, toilets, reception, etc.). This question can be addressed to specialists in the field of design /

Project Summary

The goal of the project is to open a middle-class gym in a city of up to 700,000 people. The target audience is people from 10 to 55 years old.

Sales income:

  1. Annual subscriptions - 30,000 rubles
  2. One-time subscriptions - 1,500 rubles
  3. Sports programs - 1,000 rubles
  4. Classes with a trainer - 800 rubles.

Hall premises and area

Before starting the search, it is necessary to determine the level of possible attendance of the hall in the business plan. In small cities and towns, it will be relatively less than in a large center.

Sanitary standards Russian Federation it is determined that at least 5 m² should fall on one visitor to the gym.

It is necessary to provide:

  • dressing rooms for men and women - 30 m2;
  • placement of showers, toilets - 20 m2:
  • reception - 10 m2;
  • group programs hall - 45 m2;
  • gym. recreation areas - 300 m2.

You can save on rent only by own premises. Its acquisition is expensive, so most gyms rent premises. Appropriate place can be found online without spending money on realtors. It is worth paying attention to the sleeping areas of the city, since in the center everything is already practically occupied and quite expensive.

It is important to take into account the features of the building, because not every room is suitable for a gym. Simulators, power complexes and equipment have a solid weight, so the floors in the building must be stable. In addition, athletes are constantly lifting and lowering heavy weights, sharply throwing barbells, kettlebells and dumbbells, and in the fitness room people are constantly on the move - they jump, run, and perform various exercises. Keep in mind.

Best placed on ground floor, or in the basement, in most cases this is the most appropriate option. There are many halls that are located on the second floor and above, but it is safe to say that the building was built with such a business in mind (or in the past the building had an industrial character).

It is not uncommon for aspiring entrepreneurs to open a gym on high floors, while the building is clearly not suitable for this type of activity. As a result, the constant complaints of companies from the lower floors: the ceiling is crumbling, cracks appear, constant noise. It is worse when an entrepreneur has to repair the building at his own expense. Or even look for a new place.

The costs of the business plan for preparing the premises include:

  1. laying a new suitable floor covering;
  2. equipment of places for training with simulators and necessary equipment;
  3. installation of sufficient lighting for the entire hall;
  4. "private area": ​​lockers for storing clothes, accessible and free showers, toilets;
  5. reception, where the staff will meet customers, as well as an office for negotiations and conclusion of contracts.

Purchase of equipment

In order for the gym to be in good demand, it must be fully equipped with high-quality sports equipment.

Gym equipment

Consider in the business plan that it is better to purchase inventory from specialized enterprises, since the cost will be much cheaper than in outlets. At the same time, imported equipment will be more expensive.

Use the following sample list to account for in your business plan:

EquipmentCost, rub.
Dumbbell row (5-45 kg)100 000
Urethane dumbbell set with different weight (0.5-15kg)140 000
Barbell bars (2-5 pieces, different lengths)10 000
w-necks13 000
Pancakes for barbells with different weights (up to 300 kg in total, so that 2-3 clients can work out at the same time)50 000
Squat rack with barbell (2 pcs.)40 000
Barbell bench (2-3 is enough)20 000
Press bench (1-2 is enough)7 000
Traction straps, belts10 000
Rugs (10 pcs.)12 000
Cardio equipment: treadmills, exercise bikes (5 pieces of each type)250 000
Strength training equipment500 000


1 152 000

Sports equipment for the gym costs quite a lot, especially exercise equipment. But this is the minimum from which it already makes sense to start work.

It can be quite an acceptable option to buy ready-made used equipment in good condition, so you can save a lot on the budget. Among other things, sports equipment is in abundance on the private market and is in stable demand. Even if the business ever has to close, it will be possible to return a significant part of the investment.

The main thing is not to save on the simulators themselves, as this can scare away the target audience. In addition, high-quality equipment will help to avoid premature breakdowns and injuries to visitors, as well as extend their operation.

If we are talking about a ready-made fitness room that will work on the basis of a gym, then you will need to purchase separate fitness equipment.

Fitness room equipment

Sets of small sports equipment, such as balls, steps, dumbbells, etc., should be in the number of intended visitors to the hall.

For fitness room equipment, consider the following costs:

Such a fitness room is fully consistent with the demand of the audience, all the basic and necessary equipment is present. However, one must understand that equipment is not the main thing in a fitness room, more important are competent programs, as well as professional instructors who make up these programs.


Staffing should be given Special attention. He can be with or without experience, but with good knowledge and skills, as well as a desire to work and help visitors to the gym.

For the vacancy of a trainer, people are recruited who have some kind of rank in sports (masters of sports), an alternative option is extensive experience and knowledge of the matter in bodybuilding, fitness, the proof of which is body build.

To clean the hall, you need to hire cleaning staff and additional staff at the reception.

Periodically monitor the level of wages, as well as the suitability of staff qualifications, their courtesy and proactive assistance in training.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (rub.) The number of employees Salary Total (rub.)
Administrator 15 000 2 30 000
Gym trainer 25 000 4 100 000
Group Program Trainer 15 000 2 30 000
Room cleaner 10 000 4 40 000
Costs forsalary payment 12 200 000


Before opening, you must actively use advertising; this deserves a separate item in the gym business plan. The most acceptable are the distribution of flyers, posting advertisements on bulletin boards and publishing on the Internet. If you have the funds, you can advertise in the local newspaper. If the gym is located in the city, then you can place more advertising near your sports center to attract people living in the area.

When using flyers, make them memorable and colorful. Write clearly in them the cost of the subscription. This will help potential customers make a choice. You can hand out leaflets on the street yourself or hire other people (students), but then you have to control the work. It is better to hand out flyers near shopping centers, educational institutions, offices.

The main thing is to attract your potential audience. It is worth drawing their attention to positive sides hall, as well as offer discounts and bonuses.

It is possible, in connection with the opening of the gym, to hold a promotion for the sale of subscriptions at a reduced price. You need to constantly work on your subscriptions, club cards and discounts. It is worth making premium cards for regular customers, developing standard programs for those who train no more than 2 times a week, etc. The more and more varied your offers, the more customers you can attract. Everyone will definitely be able to find the appropriate conditions for themselves, suitable for the price and opportunities.

Besides, good decision flyers will be distributed to residential buildings in the nearest areas. It is worth noting in the business plan that about 50% of clients live 5 km from the gym. The distance from the house to the hall is a very important factor when choosing.

Costs and payback

Starting investment to open a gym:

  1. Premises for rent - 75 000 rub.;
  2. Gym equipment - 1 152 000 rub.;
  3. Fitness room equipment - RUB 170,000;
  4. Advertising - 60 000 rub.

Total: 1,457,000 rubles.

The monthly expenses in the business plan include:

  1. room rent + utility bills — 90 000 rub.;
  2. staff salaries - 200 000 rub.;
  3. tax and social contributions - 60 000 rub.;
  4. maintenance and repair of sports equipment — 5 000 rub.;
  5. advertising and promotion - 10 000 rub.;

Total: 365,000 rubles.

Income forecast for the business plan (per month):

  1. Sale of annual subscriptions - 30 pcs. 20*30000= 900 000 rub.
  2. Sale of one-time subscriptions - 15 pcs. 1500*5 = 7 500 rub.
  3. Sale of sports programs - 5 pcs. 1000*5= 5 000 rub.
  4. Conducting personal training - 15 pcs. 800*15= 12 000 rub.

As a result, the monthly income will be: 924 500 rubles.

Monthly payment of income taxes - 138 675 rub.

Net profit (after taxes and monthly expenses) is - 420,825 rubles.

Amount of revenue for the year will be: 11,094,000 rubles.

Amount of net profit per month is equal to 420 825 rubles.

Profitability: 420,825 /924,500 * 100=45.5%

Payback period, divide the initial costs by the amount of net profit: 1 457 000 /420 825 = 3.5 months.


Risk Probability of occurrence Force of influence response measure
Lack of clientsMediumhighSubscription price review

PromotionsRevision of territorial affiliation

Formation of a loyalty program

Inexperienced staffThe averageThe averageTraining

Continuous professional development of employees from experienced coaches in the sports industry

Staff turnoverThe averageLowImplementation of material motivation of personnel

Exercising in the gym, as part of a healthy lifestyle, is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising. To visit the gym, you do not need to look at the weather outside the window, you can just take a sports uniform and go to training.We are also interested in how to open a gym from scratch. Therefore, we will consider this business in more detail.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start your business, you must have ready business plan gym. It should include the main types of expenses. For instance:

  • the cost of renting premises from 20 to 50 thousand rubles / month;
  • staff wages 80 thousand rubles / month;
  • funds for advertising 10-20 thousand rubles / month;
  • capital for the purchase of simulators 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • current expenses. This may include unexpected costs, for example, to repair a broken pipe or other unforeseen expenses of 10-15 thousand rubles / month;
  • payment of utility bills 15-25 thousand rubles / month
  • payment of taxes and fees depending on the form of ownership.

Accordingly, the minimum expenses will be 135 thousand rubles / month, plus money for the purchase of simulators and the payment of taxes.Since in the example considered, our operating expenses are 135 thousand rubles / month, respectively, with a subscription price of 1.5 thousand rubles, we need to attract 90 people in order to break even. To make a profit, customers, of course, must be more. After all, we need not only to cover the costs, but also to make a profit and recoup the money spent on equipment. worth considering good strategy to attract more clients.

Premises selection

When choosing a room for your future gym, you need to proceed from the correct ratio of price and location. It is not necessary to have premises in the city center to run a successful business. It is enough that it is located in places of high traffic of people. This may be near metro stations or near a university. Opening a gym in a residential area will also be quite successful, as it is convenient for people to go to workouts close to home.

The size of the future hall should be at least 100 square meters. m. With a smaller area, it will be difficult to provide for the availability of all the necessary facilities - locker rooms, showers, toilets and a normal-sized training room. In general, when determining the area of ​​​​the future premises, one should proceed from the considerations that a minimum of 2 sq.m is required for each potential client. Actually, it should be understood that with a room size of 100 sq.m, 50 people can comfortably stay in it, 200 sq.m - 100 people. Therefore, when choosing a room, you need to take into account the number of desired customers.

The main training rooms should have good ventilation to avoid stuffiness and high humidity. The presence of air conditioning is also very desirable, otherwise in the summer the flow of customers will be greatly reduced.

Showers are required in the gym. Actually, the lack of showers is a significant minus that can play a fatal role. After all, some attend training before work, and just after playing sports, you need to put yourself in order.

We select a room

Pay attention to the condition of the room. It might need renovation. This may result in additional costs. Then this money will also need to be taken into account when calculating the starting capital.The money invested in repairs can be quite substantial. In order to repair a room of 150 sq.m, with a toilet and two showers, a minimum of 100-150 thousand rubles will be required. This is provided that you do not have to change the wiring and communications.

Collection of necessary documentation

First you need to choose and register the legal form of your future business in the tax office. At first it will be easier and easier to register as individual entrepreneur. This will help to avoid additional costs for accounting and will provide an opportunity to use a simplified taxation scheme.

Codes must be entered when registering. of the all-Russian classifier types of economic activity (OKVED), for the services that you will provide. Here is the list of codes:

  • physical culture and health-improving activity 93.04;
  • other sports activities 92.62;
  • activity of sports facilities 92.61.

The only thing to remember is that if you expand the range of services in the future (for example, add a children's room), then you should indicate this in advance.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. This will require the availability of medical documents from employees, a contract for the maintenance of the premises, a passport for a sports facility and a production control plan (PPC).

Equipment selection

To equip the hall with the necessary simulators, you need to carefully consider their number so that it is possible to work out all muscle groups. It is also worth considering that our estimated number of clients can be engaged at the same time. The list of equipment below is designed for a 100 sq. m.

Equipped gym room

Minimum number of trainers:

  • horizontal bench 3-4 pieces;
  • press simulator 2-3 pcs.;
  • bench with a leg machine and a barbell rack 2-3 pieces;
  • leg press simulator 2-3 pcs.;
  • simulator for the development of chest muscles 1-2 pcs.;
  • Smith machine 1-2 pieces;
  • treadmill 1-2 pieces;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, discs and many other little things.

Dumbbells and discs for barbells should be several pieces of different weights, so that it is easy for clients to train with the right weight.The above set is the minimum. If the area of ​​​​the premises and funds allow you to purchase more equipment, then you should buy:

  • emphasis for the press;
  • traction of the upper block;
  • hyperextension;
  • t-simulator;
  • crossover.

When purchasing exercise equipment, it is worth taking a closer look at good producers. Perhaps, to save money, it is worth buying not new, but already used units. This will allow you to buy high-class equipment with significant savings.

In general, gym equipment should be reliable and durable - these are the main selection criteria.

Customer acquisition

To attract as many customers as possible, you need to conduct an advertising campaign.You can hire students to distribute flyers in crowded places (at the entrance to shopping centers, supermarkets and subways) and stick information sheets on poles and a bulletin board near your hall.

Distribution of leaflets

Develop loyalty programs for regular customers. Expandrange of services and training programs to reach a wider population. Design special programs for women and teenagers. This will increase the number of potential visitors.


When selecting staff, you need to remember that a good team is the key to your successful business.When choosing coaches, you can communicate with physical education teachers from nearby schools. Their workload and salary are low and there is an opportunity to hire a good specialist for a moderate fee. It is also worth considering candidates for the position with experience in coaching in sports schools and sections.

Please note that your employees, especially trainers, do not have bad habits. Gym employees drinking or smoking on the porch is a negative image of your business.

In principle, for a small gym, it will be enough to hire two coaches who will work in shifts. It would be nice, of course, to have a cleaning lady and an administrator, but, in principle, an administrator can combine these two positions. The minimum number of staff is five people.

Benefits of the sports business

The segment of this business is still quite free and there is an opportunity to avoid high competition. Therefore, it is worth considering the gym as a business. The payback period for such a business is from one to one and a half years. That with a fairly small investment makes it very attractive.With the right customer acquisition strategy and good choice locations can achieve high profitability and a good level of income.

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Opening a gym is expensive, but with good planning, it could be profitable as early as the end of its third year. A well-designed gym business plan will help determine the costs and calculate its profitability.

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When opening a gym from scratch, first of all, it is necessary to meet the needs of its future visitors.

Most people go to the gym for:

  • cardio training;
  • strength training.

Given that they come to the gym unprepared, it is necessary to provide the services of a qualified trainer who will draw up a training program.

If there is free space, you can open an additional gym, where you can organize classes:

  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • dancing;
  • fitness.


The relevance of the business is determined by:

  • desire to lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • the need for a beautiful figure;
  • lack of similar centers in residential areas;
  • relatively quick payback of the business.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym

Description and analysis of the market

Almost every major city has gyms. This is due to the needs of the population in taking care of themselves and their health.

  1. Moscow. The fitness services market is highly developed and is in steady demand among the population.
  2. Saint Petersburg. Here the market is quite developed, but the leadership still remains with the capital.
  3. Million cities. The market is relatively underdeveloped, but is gaining momentum, there are opportunities to develop your own business.
  4. Other cities of Russia. The market is very poorly developed or not developed at all.

According to the data of major sociological services, it is considered promising to open gyms in small towns. Provided that the market is not crowded with offers from competitors.

To date, large fitness networks are represented in the capital regions, but they are beginning to expand.

So, the regions went:

  • X-FIT;
  • Fitness area;
  • Hammer;
  • Fit Studio.

The target audience

As a rule, people go to the gym:

  • from 15 to 50 years;
  • women who want to lose weight;
  • men who want to shape the figure;
  • to maintain physical tone;
  • office workers suffering from physical inactivity;
  • those who want to strengthen the heart muscle (cardio training).

They choose a gym according to the principles:

  • proximity to home;
  • proximity to work.

Therefore, when calculating the target audience, the location of the fitness center is taken as the basis.

To calculate the audience, you need:

  1. Determine the radius of action on the map. A dot is placed in the center of the proposed location and a radius of 2 km is outlined. There are potential visitors in houses and offices located in this segment.
  2. Define competition. If there is a competitor's gym within your intended range, we recommend choosing a different location. It is desirable to be farther from the competitor than the border on the map passes.
  3. To study the need of the intended audience for the services of the gym. It is possible that in this area there is an outdoor workout area, which is popular among residents and you can attract them to a paid gym only in winter.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of the gym can be:

  1. flexible price policy. The gym can launch a wholesale sale of subscriptions for a year at the price of a monthly payment of 10 months. This move will increase the loyalty of regular visitors.
  2. Flexible class schedule. A person is free to independently choose the schedule of classes (time, day). If he is limited only by the calendar month and the number of training sessions, he will be able to set his own schedule. This approach will appeal to those who want to control their workouts on their own. The coach is free to set the training time based on his schedule.
  3. Possibility of replacement. You can attract additional visitors by allowing the replacement of one visitor with another. At the same time, the number of classes per month is limited, so walking every day with one subscription will not work.
  4. Equipment. Most visitors will prefer to work on modern equipment.
  5. Strong coach. Attracting a strong coach, preferably a media person, people will come to the gym who want to get to know him or participate in bodybuilding competitions.
  6. Personal approach to lessons. The task of the coach is to motivate to do the right thing and to find a personal approach to each person. People are more willing to return to the gym with good motivation and interaction with the coach.

Advertising campaign

When compiling a business plan for a gym, it is necessary to provide for the costs of conducting advertising campaign.

  • external;
  • internal.

outdoor advertising

To get their attention, use:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • design of the facade of the gym;
  • email distribution;
  • distribution of brochures and flyers.

Internal advertising

Inside the hall you can place:

  • motivational posters;
  • leaflets;
  • branded products;
  • someone else's advertisement.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a gym

To open a gym, it is not necessary to contact specialized companies, just follow the instructions:

  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Create an opening schedule.
  3. Make a financial plan.
  4. Attract investments (bank, borrower, investor).
  5. Decide on the form of ownership of the business (IP, Company).
  6. Buy/rent premises.
  7. Furnish the room.
  8. Get approved by the inspection bodies (Rospotrebnadzor, fire department and etc.).
  9. Hire staff.
  10. Launch an advertising campaign.
  11. Open a gym.


You can open your own gym in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a company (joint stock, limited liability).

  • simplified taxation system;
  • simplified reporting system;
  • the ability to work with small orders.
  • opportunity to work with large clients;
  • the possibility of using VAT.
  • it is impossible to conclude large contracts (over 100,000 rubles);
  • restrictions on activities (it is necessary to select several OKVEDs to expand the list, which affects taxes).
  • the need to frequently submit reports to inspection bodies;
  • the need to hire a full-time accountant;
  • a more complex system of taxation and deductions to off-budget funds.
List of documents to open
  • an application indicating the data of the entrepreneur and the selected OKVED codes;
  • photocopy of passport (full);
  • check for payment of state duty; application for the transition to the simplified tax system in 3 copies (simplified taxation).
Before you need:
  • open a current account;
  • calculate and pay the authorized capital.

The following are submitted to the tax office:

  • application P11001;
  • decision of the meeting of founders or one founder;
  • 2 copies of the charter of the LLC;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • document on registration of the name of the legal entity;
  • a document confirming the legal address of the LLC;
  • OKVED activity codes.

For the work of the gym, the codes of the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED) are suitable:

  • 85.51 Individual sessions with trainers and teachers;
  • 93.11. Activities of sports facilities;
  • 93.13 Activities of fitness centers.

If necessary, you can choose one code, or you can choose all. The more codes, the higher the tax base. Often, entrepreneurs prefer to write an application for payment of 6% of income (simplified taxation).

Vyacheslav Khokhryakov tells how to register an IP on your own.

Also, to open a gym, you will need to conclude agreements with Rospotrebnadzor for servicing:

  • air conditioners;
  • fans;
  • ZhEKa;
  • recycling light bulbs.

Before opening, you will need to obtain permissions:

  • at the fire department;
  • in sanitary and epidemiological services;
  • with the local property management authority.

Room and design

For the successful operation of the fitness center, it is necessary large room with an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m. The best option is to buy. Renting such a room can be more expensive than purchasing it, especially considering the need for its equipment.

In addition to the main hall, the room should be equipped with:

  • dressing room;
  • shower cubicles;
  • visitor area.

Often gyms also install:

  • sauna;
  • swimming pool;
  • sports bar.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • good ventilation;
  • the ability to control the temperature (17-19 degrees in the hall, 21-26 in the locker room);
  • air humidity 40-60%.

The premises for the hall must comply with the norms of SNiP:

  • 2.04-05-91;
  • 11-12-77;
  • 23-05-95;
  • 2.04.01-85.

Apart from technical requirements aesthetic requirements are placed on the premises. The hall with simulators should be spacious and equipped with mirrors.

  • receiving visitors;
  • cardio training;
  • strength training;
  • fitness.

The reception or reception area should be equipped with an administrator's desk and a soft seating area for visitors to the hall.

Equipment and inventory

The success of the gym directly depends on the equipment installed in it. If the hall is equipped with old exercise equipment, it will be difficult to attract visitors who are willing to pay money.

For those who came to the gym for cardio training, you need to put:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • stepper;
  • elliptical trainer.

For strength exercises you will need:

  • bars (minimum 3);
  • squat racks;
  • dumbbell complex (from 2 to 25 kg in increments of 1.5 kg);
  • bench for bench press;
  • press bench;
  • inclined bench.

Also, visitors will need auxiliary equipment:

  • deadlift belt;
  • wrist bandages;
  • weighting agents.

In addition, separate muscle simulators are purchased for the gym:

  • press;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • back;
  • chest.

Often put in the hall:

  • Swedish wall;
  • boxing bag.

For sports, you will additionally need to buy:

  • fitness ball;
  • fitness mats;
  • mats;
  • ropes;
  • gymnastic tape;
  • expanders.

You can save on the purchase of equipment if you purchase it from a bankrupt fitness club.


To ensure the operation of the gym, employees are needed:

  • director;
  • administrator;
  • trainer;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman.

For coaches, it is necessary to provide for a rolling schedule, which will ensure the constant presence of one or two specialists in the hall. To reduce the cost of their salary, you can set a salary and a percentage of personal training. He will be motivated and will try to keep clients in the room. However, personal training should not be free.

According to the requirements of the legislation, the employees of the sports club must have:

  • medical books;
  • certificates and permits to teach fitness.

Financial plan

The financial plan for opening a gym includes the costs of:

  • initial;
  • regular.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

The cost of opening a gym is calculated based on the planned costs of its operation. In order to calculate how much the opening costs at the first stage, consider the option of buying a room. Renting may be impractical due to its high cost.

At the first stage, to open a gym, you will need to spend at least 7 million rubles on premises and equipment.

Cost itemEstimated prices in rublesSource of funds
Purchase of premises4 000 000 Own
Hall equipment2 000 000 Borrowed
Changing room equipment250 000 Borrowed
Shower equipment150 000 Borrowed
Sports bar equipment150 000 Borrowed
Reception area equipment150 000 Borrowed
Renovation of premises500 000 Own
Permits from regulatory authorities50 000 Own
Advertising campaign100 000 Own
Total7 350 000 Own funds: 4,650,000 rubles

Borrowed funds: 2,700,000 rubles

Recurring costs

Recurring costs include:

Estimated monthly labor costs:

To reduce costs, the position of director can be retained.

Costs for utilities, security, purchase of goods for a sports bar:


The fitness center is normally open on weekends and holidays, so staff are advised to have a staggered schedule.

To determine the profitability of a business, the following parameters are taken as a basis:

  • the cost of a monthly subscription to the gym - 2000 rubles;
  • the cost of a fitness subscription is 1500 rubles;
  • gym visitors per month - 80;
  • visitors to fitness classes per month - 40;
  • one-hour subscription - 150 rubles;
  • 30 such subscriptions are sold per month;
  • the monthly revenue of the sports bar is 300,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Risks and payback

The main risks of opening are the lack of customers. Therefore, before launching the simulator, it is important to assess the intended target audience and its ability to pay.

If we take the above financial parameters:

  • the monthly profit of the hall is 159,500 rubles;
  • the annual profit of the hall is 1,914,000 rubles.

With such a profit, it is possible to cover all initial expenses by the end of the third year. If the hall gains popularity - sooner.

How often do you visit the gym?

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Even during a crisis, people try to look beautiful and be healthy, despite the high prices of gym memberships. We will write a business plan for a gym based precisely on the fact that this business has a large number of potential customers - medium and upper classes population will be happy to visit the new gym. The fact that even despite the huge number of halls already open, you can easily open your own business and quickly accumulate a sufficient number of visitors cannot but please the new entrepreneur. The main thing, as always, is to advertise your establishment correctly and try to reduce costs to a minimum in the beginning, so that it would be easier to pay for yourself. We will tell you how to open a gym so that it not only pays off, but also generates income.

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First of all, it is worth evaluating your capabilities - opening a huge fitness club with all the services that are available will not work for a novice businessman, there will not be enough money. We will open a gym, without unnecessary services and functions. Opening such an institution is easier, cheaper, and you will immediately understand which audience you need to target with your advertising campaign. In the future, if you have a stable income, no one forbids you to open additional gyms and provide clients with more opportunities for training and recovery, but for now, let's consider the easiest business option in this area.

Where to open a gym

The owner of his own premises, of course, will receive more income due to savings on rent. We don't have such a place, and buying a place is a very costly business. Our gym business plan will be written based on renting a room. Now we will describe the process of finding premises with optimal characteristics for our business.

Decide on the quantity square meters for our business – to install everything necessary equipment we need 30-40 square meters, there will be exercise machines, weights and so on. In addition to the main hall, we cannot do without a dressing room and a shower room. A dressing room of 10 square meters will be great solution, the same amount is needed for a shower room. There is one secret here - we do not need to look for a room where there is already a shower, you can buy and install several showers. It is cheaper, easier to install and connect the water supply. When you decide on all these indicators, you can start searching for a room.

Many businessmen go to realtors with a request to find premises for a certain type of business and overpay from 50 to 100% of the rental price for the search. Why spend such a sum when we have in our hands the most productive tool in the world - the Internet. Enter the desired query in the search box and you will find many sites where you can find a room based on the area, quadrature and other indicators. Try, experiment in a set of parameters. We need to keep the gym costs as low as possible, so don't aim for downtown. There, rent is more expensive and all the premises have long been occupied. Look for free place in sleeping areas, basements. Searching for the most the best option may take your time, but it's worth it. The average price for 50 square meters in the basement is 30 thousand rubles.

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How to open a gym: buy equipment

First of all, you need to renovate your premises so that customers can comfortably study and enjoy it. Most likely our basement will be in poor condition, need to spend redecorating, run water into the shower and install several light sources. The repair of the entire gym will cost us 50 thousand rubles, a big expense, but it will quickly pay off. Only when the hall was repaired and the light installed, you can start looking for equipment. It is very difficult to understand for a person who has never worked in this field. You need to take the advice of a specialist.

Using the services of a specialist in this field, we will be able to arrange our gym as optimally as possible for the client in order to maximize the income of the gym. The services of a professional will cost us 5 thousand rubles.

A good gym with a sufficient number of treadmills, bicycles, barbells and other exercise equipment brings a lot of profit, but not everyone can afford to buy everything at once. To equip the hall will cost you from 150 thousand rubles. You can, of course, save on some simulators, but people who do this will immediately notice cheap simulators and go to another gym where they don’t save on them. Let's write this figure into the costs of the gym and move on to the next item in our business plan.

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Gym business plan: staff search

A small gym needs a person who will take payment, memberships and show the price list to new visitors, as well as a trainer whose services visitors can use. We'll go into detail on how to find it easier. the right person for these occupations and how you can save a little on the wages of workers. Let's not forget that we also need to clean the gym after training - this also needs a person.

The hall can be cleaned by a hired cleaner who will wash the hall once a day - after class. A cleaner earns 15,000 rubles a month on a permanent basis, we will find a person who wants to clean the hall once a day for 5,000 rubles. Don't think that this is too little - you need to save on everything in order to reduce the costs of the gym.

Any gym needs to have a trainer helping clients with advice. Professionals in this field will ask for too much wages for us to pull it. We will find a specialist in universities training trainers for gyms. Young students with bright eyes and a lot of energy will work tirelessly even for a small amount. By the way, it is best to offer the coach a piecework wage. Thinking through the gym business plan, add the price of a personal trainer to the price list. The average price for a personal trainer per month is 1500 rubles. For each client that the coach will involve in personal training, the coach himself will receive the full amount - 1500 rubles. This encourages the person to work, and if they fail, you won't pay the person for something they don't do.

You can put any person, including yourself, in the position of accepting payment - you will tell better than any employee about the advantages of your gym, how you can have a great time in it and what promotions, coaches, services are. Given that the salary of this type of activity reaches 15 thousand rubles, it is better to work on your own - and save money, and work with clients.

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Our potential clients are office workers, wealthy students, entrepreneurs. Almost anyone who can afford a gym membership is our client and we need to find as many people as possible who want to give us their money, raising the income of the gym. We will use two types of advertising - distribution of leaflets and advertising on the Internet.

We will distribute leaflets during the lunch break near large office buildings, near educational institutions, shopping centers. There will always be large crowds of people who have enough income to pay for classes in the gym. Make your flyers colorful, interesting and with a clear price for a one-time lesson and a subscription for a month. Clients do not like when there is no specifics.

very cheap and effective way advertising is advertising on the internet. Find the city's website and add information about your gym there, find the Vkontakte groups associated with your city, and write advertising posts there. Together with the distribution of leaflets, advertising will cost you 5 thousand rubles, but the income of the gym will increase significantly.

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Today, a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the image successful person. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch is of interest to many. V major cities there are enough large fitness clubs and it is quite difficult to compete with network monsters there. But if your city is small, then this article is just for you.

Fitness club

What does it take to open a fitness club, provided you have start-up capital?

  1. Decide on the services of the future fitness club.
  2. Prepare a business plan.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Find a room.
  5. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  6. Run an advertising campaign.
  7. Hire qualified personnel.

Fitness club services

The fitness club can provide a range of services:

  • fitness;
  • shaping;
  • aerobics room;
  • gym;
  • swimming pool;
  • massage;
  • solarium;
  • manicure;
  • bar.

You can provide all of these services or choose some of them. It is worth starting with a small number of services, with the subsequent expansion of the range.The presence of the pool will increase the status of the club, but will also lead to a decent increase in the required start-up capital. In addition, most likely, you will have to build your own building in order to get a pool.

Business plan

The first thing any one starts with successful business is a good business plan. In general, it can be ordered from professionals, but this will require additional costs, but save time. Or you can take as a basis a ready-made business plan for a fitness club and adapt it to your conditions. Consider an example of a business plan for an economy class fitness club with calculations, which you can, if necessary, remake for yourself. Consider the example of a club that provides fitness services and a gym for training on simulators.

We draw up a business plan

Basic costs

  1. Fund wages personnel - 85,000 rubles / month.
  2. The cost of purchasing simulators and equipment is 250,000 rubles.
  3. Expenses for paperwork - 20,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses - 15,000 rubles / month
  5. The cost of renting a room is 50,000 rubles per month.
  6. Utility fee - 20,000 rubles / month.

Total per month: 190,000 rubles. plus the purchase of simulators 250,000 rubles. Thus, it turns out that the opening of a fitness club will cost us 440 thousand rubles.


The cost of a monthly subscription is 2500 rubles.When selling 100 subscriptions per month, the profit will be 250,000 rubles.Accordingly, our fitness club will pay off in 4 months, provided that we can ensure the implementation of the specified number of subscriptions.

You need to understand that the above plan is ideal. In reality, it must be taken into account that additional costs may be necessary, it is necessary to pay tax. Therefore, you should not count on payback earlier than in 6-8 months.

When choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay more attention to durability and reliability. You should not buy expensive brands of exercise equipment, especially if your future club will be an economy class.

If you are going to open a fairly large and modern business or elite class fitness club, then the required start-up capital will increase tenfold. You will need to build a new building, in which a pool will need to be provided at the design stage. The equipment will need modern and new, which will need to be changed at least once every 1-2 years.

Required documents

First you need to choose and register the legal form of your future business in the tax office. At first, it will be easier and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will help to avoid additional costs for accounting and make it possible to use a simplified taxation scheme.When registering, you must indicate the codes of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED) for the services that you will provide. Here is an example list of codes:

  • physical culture and health-improving activity code 93.04;
  • other activities in the field of sports code 92.62;
  • activity of sports facilities code 92.61.

The only thing to remember is that if in the future you will expand the range of services (for example, add a massage, solarium or manicure), then you should indicate this in advance, noting the OKVED of additional services.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. This will require the availability of medical documents from employees, a contract for the maintenance of the premises, a passport for a sports facility and a production control plan (PPC).


If you plan to rent a room, then you need to choose a place with a lot of people traffic. It can be a room in the center or not far from any university. You can open the doors of your fitness club in a residential area, where the cost of rent will be significantly lower than in the city center.

It is important to choose the right room

Do not forget about the convenience of potential customers. It is convenient for people to play sports near the house or on the way from work.It is worth using your premises if its location meets the requirements that apply to rented premises. Roughly speaking, if your premises are located in an industrial zone, then opening a fitness club there is unlikely to bring profit. Even though there are no costs for renting a room.

It is necessary to pay attention to the ventilation and air conditioning system of the hall where the training takes place. It must be well ventilated and provided high-quality ventilation. It should be possible to maintain a pleasant temperature for training.It is also worth noting that in addition to the training room, locker rooms, toilets and showers are also needed. Hot and cold water is required.

The area of ​​​​the premises can be roughly determined based on the calculation that each potential client should have at least 4-5 square meters. m.


Classes in the fitness room involve training on various equipment such as a fitball, a step platform will also need dumbbells. If there is a gym in the club, then simulators are needed to work out various groups muscles, so the choice of equipment should be approached with this in mind.

Fitness club equipment

The minimum equipment that is good to have in a fitness club is:

  • fitballs;
  • step platforms;
  • horizontal bench;
  • bench with a leg machine and a barbell rack;
  • press simulator;
  • simulator for the development of chest muscles;
  • Smith machine;
  • Treadmill;
  • leg press machine;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, disks and other trifles.

Naturally, the number of simulators and shells should be selected depending on the desired client traffic. For example, fitballs and step-platform should correspond to the expected number of participants in the fitness group. The number of treadmills should be at least two, and it is better to have more barbells and dumbbells.

Attracting the first customers

At this stage, it is already necessary to think about conducting an advertising campaign for your business. It would be nice to print flyers with an invitation and announce the imminent opening. They can be distributed in public places.You can advertise in local newspapers. TV advertising is quite expensive and makes sense if your club is in the high price segment.You can think of a loyalty system for customers - discount cards.It is possible to launch a promotion like "Come with a friend and get two classes for free."Think about the possibility of visiting your club for mothers with small children. Organize a small playroom with a babysitter, or make exercise programs for toddlers.


When all the previous points are completed, you should start recruiting. It is desirable to select trainers with experience and sufficient knowledge to conduct effective training. The best option they will have the necessary education and work experience.The minimum number of staff when opening a small hall, subject to shift work:

  • administrator 2 people;
  • trainer 2 people;
  • cleaning lady 2 people;
  • accountant (when opening an LLC) 1 person

If we open a small sports business, then for a start it will be enough for us to hire seven people. With further expansion of the range of services, the number of staff will need to be increased.

An important member of the team of the future team are the coaches. Their choice should be approached with the greatest responsibility. It is worth considering the candidates of former athletes, teachers physical education at school or university. It is desirable that the trainer has a specialized education.In the case of opening a large club, the number of staff will, of course, be much larger. An additional trainer, nurse, massage therapist may be required.