We calculate the ideal size of skylights. Sizes of roof windows and their cost Standard sizes of roof windows fakro

Before buying a FAKRO roof window, you need to decide on the size of the window, the useful area of ​​​​glazing, the purpose of the room and the method of opening. Specifications windows reviewed in.

1. Selecting the window size

The optimal width of the future window depends on the distance between the rafters:

  • for installation on rafters, this distance should be 2-5 cm more than the width of the window. For example, if the distance between the rafters is 80 cm, then the nearest width of a suitable window is 78 cm (Fig. 1);
  • if the distance between the rafters is greater than the width of the selected window, the FAKRO roof window can be installed on the batten thanks to the universal mounting system (Fig. 2);
  • if the distance between the rafters is less than the width of the window, a partial change in the design of the rafters is possible (Fig. 3).

The choice of window size in height provides for a number of conditions (Fig. 4):

  • Installation height from the floor (optimum height - 120 cm).
  • The angle of the roof (the smaller the angle of inclination, the greater the height of the window should be).

2. Selecting the number of windows

The number of windows required to illuminate the attic is determined by the ratio of the usable area of ​​the window glazing to the floor area. The recommended ratio is 1:10. Example: if the attic area is 25 m², then the total usable glazing area should be approximately 2.5 m². The usable glazing area is shown in the price list in the rectangle below the window size. If you use a 78x118 cm window with a usable glazing area of ​​0.59 m², then for a room with an area of ​​25 m² you will need four such windows (4x0.59 = 2.36 m²).

The higher the roof window is from the floor level, the more light it gives. That is why in FAKRO windows the handle is at the bottom. This makes the operation of the installed optimal height windows more convenient and simple.

3. Selection according to the purpose of the premises

To install roof windows in living rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms, it is recommended to purchase skylights made of the most environmentally friendly material - pines of the highest grade, winter harvested (class 1A). For rooms with high humidity air (bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pool) are ideal roof windows. PVC windows are durable, do not require special care and easy to wash.

4. Choice by opening method

To make roof windows as user-friendly as possible, FAKRO has provided several ways to open them:

The salary for the window is obligatory element for installation and is selected depending on the type of roof. Provides watertight connection of the roofing material and the window unit, being a protection against rain, snow and wind.

Reduces the access of light and heat, complements the interior of the attic.

Roof windows and accessories can be controlled in two ways: manually using the window handle, or remotely for even more comfortable operation.

Manual control.The higher the roof window is from the floor level, the more light it gives. That is why in FAKRO windows the handle is at the bottom. This makes the operation of the window installed at the optimal height more convenient and simple. For windows located high or in hard-to-reach places, it will be optimal to use the universal telescopic .

Automatic control windows and accessories to them is possible thanks to , whichcarried out using the wall keyboard or remote control.Z-Wave can be integrated into the system " Smart House", and also connect additional elements e.g. rain and/or wind sensor.

In case of strong wind or rain, the Z-Wave system will automatically close all windows connected to it.

The service life of the window and the tightness in the area where the window is installed in the roof directly depend on correct installation- this operation must be carried out by a qualified are specialists. Contact official service centers FAKRO andcertified installation teams .

Lifetime Warranty

We are confident in the quality of our products, which is confirmed by many years of successful sales experience all over the world, and we want our customers to have this confidence, not only at the time of purchase. skylights FAKRO, but also during all further operation. That's whydouble-glazed windows and any spare parts for FAKRO windows are provided absolutelyis freeregardless of the cause of damage and the date of purchase.

In modern private homes you can often see residential attics, arranged on the upper floors, roofs and in the under-roof space. Premises are the same as others living rooms, require lighting, with the exception of pantries, dressing rooms, toilets . What sizes of roof windows you need to choose, what area to allocate for glazing, how many windows need to be built into the attic can be determined using regulatory framework and GOSTs, and expert advice will help determine the number of windows and their location. There are high requirements for the design of roof windows. The window must be strong enough to withstand gusts of wind and precipitation. Provide the necessary degree of illumination, maintain ventilation of the room and at the same time not violate the aesthetics and overall architectural appearance of the building.

There are various types of window structures built into the roofs of buildings. Major division window openings in the roof of buildings occurs on the auditory and attic. By auditory means structures arranged in attics in order to give access to air and light. Basically, openings dormer windows arranged vertically and require the construction of a truss structure.

Auditory window openings are made triangular, arched or trapezoidal, glazed entirely in a vertical plane. Depending on the type of roof, windows are also divided into:

  • windows in a shed roof;
  • windows in a gable roof;
  • windows in the hip roof;
  • arched structures (having a semicircular or bow arch);
  • flat French.

Dormer windows differ from dormer windows in that they were originally inclined, built into the roof surface and provided more illumination. At present mansard type spreads wider and along with the classical design appear:

Advice! It is recommended to choose the type and placement of roof windows, taking into account the style of the building and the location of conventional window openings. Otherwise, the view of the house will not be aesthetic, and attic openings will bring disharmony. In this case, one should not deviate from GOSTs.

Roof window selection

The decision on the choice of design, as well as on the number of attic window openings, should ideally be made at the stage of creating a project and building a house. Since the width of window openings directly depends on the design truss system, then it is the design specialists who should give a recommendation on the size of the openings of the attic window structures. If you have to rebuild existing roof When constructing an attic in a finished house, it is necessary to carefully examine the roof device. In old buildings, it may not be possible to build in a window opening of the desired parameters, since the roof rafters will not allow such a structure to be embedded, you will have to be content with a dormer window. In relatively new houses, the restructuring of the attic for living quarters will make it possible to build in a roof window that is suitable according to the standards.

Design features

Most often, the fastening of attic window structures is made between the rafters. The frames should not let water through, the amount of which is much greater on the roof, so the structure must be airtight. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made double-glazed window from the manufacturer, which will protect the room from cold and leakage.

Roof window structures are fastened with the help of a support plate. Moisture removal is helped by a frame salary in the form of a metal frame. To open the double-glazed window, friction hinges are provided above the central axis of the window. The location of the hinges is arranged in such a way that, when opened, moisture flows onto the roof, and not into the room.

How to design

Designers when planning the design of the attic must adhere to building codes and rules and requirements and GOST. The main ones are SNiP II-26 and SNiP 21-01, adhering to these standards it is possible to ensure the reliable and long-term operation of skylights, at the same time, without violating the technical and operational characteristics of the roof and the entire building.

The main requirements of GOSTs and SNiP for window structures arranged in the roof include:

  • requirements for the angle of inclination of the slopes, which should not exceed 35 degrees;
  • the location of the superstructures must withstand the regulatory distances from the external walls of the house;
  • opening sashes cannot be less than 0.60x0.80 m;
  • allowable size 1.20 × 0.80 m;
  • openings on a 4-corner opening should not be located on facades that are a continuation of the wall of the house.

Facing materials according to GOST can be used in various types: copper and metal sheets, tiles, plastic elements. There are no strict requirements for design characteristics in GOSTs. Skylights can have ledges or recessed inside, have their own visor and gutter. Large window openings can have a balcony design, which adorns the architectural appearance of the building. Lucarne windows, which are characterized by the presence of side walls, also take place and organically fit into facades with continuous glazing.

How to determine the area of ​​​​glazing

The dimensions of the glazed surface in attic rooms, as well as in all residential areas, are determined mainly by the area of ​​​​the rooms. According to GOSTs that exist in construction, the ratio of the living area of ​​​​the room and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindow glazing should be 1:10, i.e. 1 square meter of windows should correspond to every 10 m2 of the room. For children's rooms, as well as living rooms arranged in the attic, it is recommended to choose a ratio of 1:8. All rooms, excluding toilets and utility rooms (pantries, wardrobes) must have at least one window opening.

Where to place

Skylights differ from ordinary ones in that, due to their sloping arrangement, they provide more illumination. So they got wide use. When designing the location of the attic window openings, one should take into account the principle according to which two spaced apart different places windows will give better illumination than one of the same area. The level of the lower end of the opening recommended by GOSTs is 85 - 125 centimeters from the level of the floors. The upper edge should not be arranged more than 195-225 centimeters from the floor level. Thus, the size of the slope depends on the angle of the roof - the smaller the slope, the longer the opening.

The size of window openings in accordance with GOST should not be more than 10% of the area of ​​the plane below. If the window openings in the attic are too large, this can lead to excessive heat loss. In addition, glass is less durable than roofing and big square glazed surface may not hold back natural precipitation and strong gusts of wind. The optimal solution the location of the openings is strictly in the center between the roof rafters.

How to choose an opening system

The window control system - opening and closing, depends on the design and, first of all, on the frame opening axis. The axis of rotation of the frame can be located:

The most common control scheme has a central axis location, since such designs are the most simple and affordable. Choosing a window opening system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lwYg9VfSk0 Window handles are usually located at the bottom of the frame, but the location can be changed at the request of the customer. If children grow up in the family, care should be taken to install a lock against arbitrary opening. If available in attic room several openings, a blind construction is allowed on some of them, i.e. without opening/closing function. Expensive designs of dormer window openings are equipped with remote control and the opening is performed by an electric (rarely pneumatic) drive. Such a system allows you to easily and quickly ventilate the room.

In order for the attic of your house to be well lit, it is necessary to correctly calculate the size of the windows and their number. Having calculated the required glazing area, you can easily select the size of the roof windows and their number. But it should be understood that bedroom lighting and lighting winter garden will be different. This fact must also be taken into account in the calculations. Roof windows are distinguished by size and price, shape and manufacturer. Compared to conventional windows, skylights have the following features:

  • since skylights are inclined, they give 40% more light compared to conventional ones;
  • because of their inclined position, windows for attics have a special, different from vertical windows opening system (with top opening, with access to the roof, combined opening, with remote control and windows for special purposes);
  • attic windows provide for special brackets for curtains;
  • only roof windows of standard sizes are produced, custom-made production is not provided;
  • windows for attics due to the peculiarities of operation are tested in the most extreme conditions.

Dimensions of Velux roof windows

There are two leaders in the building products and materials market: Velux and Fakro. Velux roof windows are presented in our catalog, window sizes and prices are varied. Velux standard roof windows are available in 9 options. They are designed in accordance with the norms of the roofing of the building.

Dimensions 55×78 66×118 78×98 78×118 78×140 78×160 94×140 114×118 114×140

The dimensions of Velux skylights allow you to perform installation work, both on the roof sheathing and on the rafters. The calculation is carried out as follows: the width of the window should be less than an average of 5 centimeters than the distance between the two beads of the tree, the height depends on your preferences, the angle of inclination and the height above the floor.

Dimensions of Fakro roof windows

You can easily pick best option for your premises. There are two types of these products on the market: opening and deaf. There are standard Fakro roof windows, the sizes are presented in 13 options.

Dimensions 55×78 55×98 66×98 66×118 78×98 78×118 78×140 78×160 94×118 94×140 114×118 114×140 134×98

Products of this manufacturer are tested in 70 stages, which guarantees their high reliability and durability.

Until recently, the attic was associated only with a place to store old and unnecessary things. Today, in rooms under the roof, called attics, cozy living rooms are equipped, gentle bedrooms, cabinets.


The word "attic" comes from the name of the French architect of the 17th century, Francois Mansart, who was the first to decide to make a living space out of the attic. There were no holes for the penetration of light in such a room, darkness and closeness were constant companions of the person who lived there. It was only during World War II that the Danish engineer Villum Kann Rassmunsen proposed to make glazed openings in the roofs, allowing fresh air and natural light to enter the stuffy attic.

So, the main function of skylights is lighting. Experts believe that they right choice and high-quality installation increases the amount of transmitted light by 40%. Due to the possibility of ventilation, air quality is significantly improved. The rooms are filled with comfort and mystery. If necessary, an opening in the roof makes it possible to get out of the house or, conversely, get inside.

Types and characteristics

The first skylights were glazed openings. The variety of models that exists today is the result of many years of development, the use of new technologies and the wishes of customers.

On the gables or in specially made external structures of the roof slope (the so-called "birdhouses"), vertical openings are made. They are easy to install, they decorate a cottage or cottage, but, however, they let in little light. Among the advantages are the absence of extreme loads acting on them and a variety of sizes.

The location of vertical windows in the lower part of the room prevents heat leakage. The "birdhouse" allows you to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper room, but, on the other hand, complicates the rafter system and can lead to possible leaks at the points of attachment to the main roof.

Facade (cornice) windows are installed at an angle of 90 degrees directly under the roof. They allow you to make an exit to the terrace or balcony, enjoy a beautiful panoramic view, decorate the house with flowers. A small amount of natural light is the main disadvantage of these elements.

More common are inclined models installed in line with the ramp. It is believed that they let in up to 30% more light. The advantages are optimal use useful area and space saving.

One of the key differences between skylights is how they open. The most popular are mid-turn models. The only leaf opens by turning around its axis, located either in the center or 3/4 closer to the upper edge. Such models are easy to operate and maintain. However, full access to the outside can be difficult.

Window selection balcony type- the desire to create a charming, beautiful mansion, unlike others. When folded, the design resembles a double sash, and when unfolded it looks like small balcony. The top opens up and the bottom opens to the side. Balcony models can only be installed on a floor with a slope angle of 35-55 degrees.

Sometimes architectural features roofs do not allow the installation of full-size models. Then great solution there will be skylights with a "light tunnel". They are a tube, one end of which goes up, the other remains in the room.

Installing a "light tunnel" requires a large space between the attic ceiling and the roof.

Such hatches are also used in non-residential premises, but without a "light tunnel". The design consists of one sash, which rises to the top.

Swing models are another popular option for the attic. However, using them is not very convenient - in order to wash them, you must either stretch out a lot or go onto the slope.

The roof window can be equipped with a rain sensor and an electric drive. Technology remote control provides the ability to adjust the structure without getting up from the sofa and even staying on the lower floor of the house. Wall switches can be used instead of remote control.

The choice of the type of window depends on the purpose of the room in which it is installed, the goals and aesthetic wishes of the residents. It is more expedient to determine how this architectural detail should look at the time of construction - this will avoid unnecessary costs associated with the reconstruction of the slope. Mounting this product in a private house it is quite possible to do it yourself.

It is important to decide which window options are right for you, for example, deaf, transformer, oblique or non-opening. Each of them has both its pros and cons.

Mounting Features

Skylights are located in such a way that external factors - wind, precipitation, snow and ice pressure, heat - have a strong influence on them. The process of their installation requires attention, knowledge and skill.

The most common mistakes during installation on metal tiles are incorrect installation of insulating salaries, poor insulation of slopes and the use of mounting foam. Anyway, Before starting installation work, read the installation instructions.

For a better understanding of the installation process, it is necessary to understand the structure of the window: a double-glazed window is inserted into the sash with an inert gas contained inside - argon, which provides excellent thermal insulation. The standard package includes aprons for waterproofing and vapor barrier, drainage gutter, salary, thermal insulation material and internal slopes.

Before starting the installation work, it is necessary to prepare the tools: tape measure, building level, electric drill and scissors for cutting metal, hacksaw, electric scissors, stapler, screwdriver, tongs.

Installation is carried out on a beam laid below, or rafters. It is important to ensure that the gap on each side of the frame is at least 3 cm. The frame is installed at a height of 80 to 130 cm from the floor level. Several factors determine the installation height: handle position, type of roofing material, design features roofs, wishes of the customer. If the handle is at the bottom, the frame is placed higher, if at the top - lower.

The sheet covering can be cut in any part. If the surface is covered ceramic tiles, it cannot be cut, and a hole can only be made over completed rows.

Marks are made on the waterproofing material where the holes will be located, the cut is made taking into account the margin - about 20 cm on each side. A waterproofing apron is placed on top of the waterproofing for complete tightness. Next, the roof covering is removed, the crate is cut, stepping back 2 centimeters from the support, and a beam is nailed from below - about 10 centimeters from the crate.

When performing work, it is imperative to use a level. The upper edge of the waterproofing is attached to the crate, and the lower edge to the beam. The side parts are pulled out to the outside.

Before installing the frame, it is necessary to remove the double-glazed window and the salary. Mounting brackets are placed on the box. It is important to remember that models different manufacturers can have a different shape and be attached in different ways: only on the rafters or on the rafters and the crate. A heat-insulating material is attached to the upper part of the box, which is later pressed against the beam. Once the bottom edge is adjusted, tighten the bottom brackets firmly.

To improve waterproofing, a waterproofing apron is laid around the perimeter of the window opening. Usually it is included in the package, but you can make it yourself. Above the frame, a part of the crate is removed along the width of the drainage gutter. The gutter is carried out under waterproofing material, trimmed in the middle, and installed around the perimeter of the frame. The top of the apron is pulled under the gutter, and its edges - under the crate. The apron itself is attached to the box with a stapler. The design ensures that moisture flows exactly into the gutter.

Upon completion of the laying of the waterproofing, the installation and fastening of the protective salary is carried out. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: below - a corrugated apron, then - the side parts and finally - top element. In conclusion, put the lining to the auditory click. The bottom apron is attached to roofing material, and parts of the salary - to the grate and box. The sash is returned to the frame, protective film are removed.

From the inside, it is recommended to install slopes - strips framing the frame. An opening stick must be present. Properly installed slopes (the upper one is parallel to the floor, and the lower one is vertical) help to carry out soft air circulation and natural heating. In addition, they perform an aesthetic function.

It is quite difficult to mount a triangular window, so it is better to entrust this work to a professional.


Skylights are made from various materials. Depending on preferences, possibilities and goals, you can choose wooden, plastic or metal products.

In country-style mansions and chalets, small houses and cottages look great wooden structures. The main raw material is northern pine. The high density of glued wood makes the products flexible and allows the use of fewer fasteners. The great advantage of wood is the production of the most different forms and sizes - arched elements, balconies.

Wooden products are susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, however, if you cover the frame water varnish once every 2-3 years, their service life will increase.

Wood is an ecological, natural, breathable material. IN wooden house it is much easier to breathe, which affects the level of comfort of living.

Products made of plastic profiles, unlike wooden profiles, do not require special care. It is waterproof, does not rot and deteriorate under the influence of water and dirt, and can last 40-50 years. The issue of ventilation is solved with the help of special valves. Resistant to adverse conditions environment, as well as low price made such products very popular. The problematic point is that when heated, a plastic profile can release vinyl chloride - a gas harmful to living organisms.

The plastic profile looks great in mansions, regardless of what they are built from. A special film makes it possible to adapt the color of the frame to the overall appearance of the building.

Sometimes skylights are made on the basis of aluminum profile. This material is resistant to corrosion and deformation, allows you to make products of various shapes and sizes. Aluminum products can be used for a long time (at least 80 years) in aggressive environmental conditions at a variety of temperatures. They are unpretentious in care, have protection from precipitation and ultraviolet rays. A wide choice of colors allows you to adapt the profile to any design of the roof and the house itself.

Products made of aluminum profile are cold and warm. Cold ones are used for glazing openings in non-residential premises. Warm structures are installed in the attics of residential buildings. Their profile consists of three parts with a thermal insulating insert. This structure prevents the penetration of cold air inside, and warm outside. The space between the thermostats is filled with polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene.

On sale there are windows made of wood-aluminum profile. The outer side is made of aluminum, and the inner side is made of wood. Thus, external unfavourable conditions do not significantly affect the profile.

One of the requirements for structures installed under the roof is low weight. Often they consist of a 1-chamber double-glazed window with four types of glass: thermally polished (float glass), with a transparent metallized coating, tempered and triplex. Thermally polished glass prevents optical distortion. Glass with a metallized coating reflects ultraviolet rays.

When tempered glass cracks, many small particles with blunt edges are formed, which helps to avoid cuts. Triplex is a two-layer glass with special film, which holds the cracked fragments.

Reflective double-glazed windows, which help to keep cool in constantly lit rooms, are made to order.

There are also self-cleaning double-glazed windows - their outer surface is covered with special tool which destroys organic pollution under the influence of the sun.

When choosing windows for the attic, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material from which the frame is made. It is important to make sure that the fittings are of good quality - handles, hinges and others. It is preferable that the fittings used be original and made of stainless steel.


The choice of the size of the roof windows must be approached very carefully. Lighting, the appearance of the house, its perception will largely depend on this. Aesthetic preferences alone in determining the size are not enough. The area of ​​​​the room and the possible location of window openings should be taken into account.

In accordance with accepted standards, the window area should be at least 1 square meter per 10 square meters premises. For the living room, studio and bedroom, the proportions may be different, for example, 1 to 8. Smaller proportions are possible for the toilet, bathroom, wardrobe, pantry and other utility rooms. However, the given proportions can be implemented different ways: in some cases, to create a sense of beauty and freedom, you can install one big window, in others, several small ones will create coziness.

When designing an attic, it should be remembered that, according to experts, two or three window openings on opposite sides of the bevels will give better lighting than one. big toy same area.

The gaps between the openings and their width depend on the distance between the rafters. Usually it is 80 cm, because standard width roof windows is 78 cm. For a rafter system with a larger step, frames with a width of 94, 114 cm are used. If the distance between the rafters is small, products with a width of 55 or 60 cm can be purchased.

The high window allows you to enjoy the beautiful view. However, the choice of height depends not only on beauty. The main influence is the layout of the roof. On a flatter roof, a hole of greater length is made. For a roof with a slope of 35 degrees, the optimal length is 160 cm, for a roof with a slope of 70 degrees - no more than 120 cm. The length is also determined taking into account the fact that the lower edge of the structure should be at least 1 m from the floor.

So, standard sizes frames are as follows: 78x118 cm, 78x140 cm, 78x160 cm, 94x140 cm, 114x118 cm, 114x140 cm. Non-standard glazing options are made to order.


Roof windows are an interesting architectural solution. Their design can be original, attractive, and an excessive number of additional decorative elements, in turn, can harm the external and inner image Houses. Properly selected design gives a sense of organicity, romance, freedom, comfort, grace. But before choosing a design, you should figure out whether it is needed to provide protection from burglary, from the sun, or simply as a decorative element.

External shutters, so-called roller shutters, are usually used to protect mechanical damage and excessive sunlight; they provide sound insulation. It is better to install them outside, because being installed inside, they contribute to additional heating of the glass and the entire internal space of the attic.

External shutters, however, are not very beautiful and elegant and are more suitable for people who prefer functionality.

Another option for sun protection are thin nets, the so-called awnings. They allow light to pass through, scattering it and thereby reducing heat gain. Separately installed awnings also perform the function of a mosquito net.

Curtains are the classic way window openings. On the vertical structures use ordinary curtains, on inclined ones - two cornices. The first cornice is installed on top, and the second is placed where it is convenient - it will not let the canvas fall and keep it in the desired position. Velcro, eyelets, braid, clips, tacks are used to fix the canvas. These elements are also used as decoration. Curtains bring elegance and tenderness to the visit.

Less original and aesthetic are blinds. However, they are easy to install and adapt to openings. various shapes, which makes them a fairly popular attribute.

For non-standard forms window openings are indispensable pleated. The canvas is held by a special cord or electric drive, which allows you to collect the curtain or hold it in the desired position.

In the interior, you can decorate windows exclusively to your liking. All decoration and finishing can be done independently.

Manufacturers and reviews

Most well-known manufacturers skylights presented on the Russian market are the Danish company Velux, the German Roto and the Polish Fakro.

The Danish company Velux has been manufacturing window products for over 70 years. Today, this manufacturer offers wooden profiles made from especially durable northern pine impregnated with an antiseptic. On the finished product a special varnish or monolithic polyurethane is additionally applied. Double-glazed windows are made using the "warm perimeter" technology - a separating bar made of solid steel is used, rounded at the corners, which reduces the amount of condensate.

The inside is filled with argon, and silicone is used for sealing, the service life of which reaches up to 20 years. Three-level sealing around the perimeter allows you to keep warm and eliminate drafts. The design uses a unique ventilation device and a removable filter that provides protection against dust and insects. Velux windows are operated under the most low temperatures. Smoothed, streamlined shapes allow them to harmoniously fit into any architectural solution.

The lineup This manufacturer is represented by four centrally swivel and two top-swivel models, balcony and other structures. The standard warranty period is 5 years.

Among the shortcomings are the high cost of products and the location of the handle at the top of the frame, which can be very inconvenient with a high window location.

Roto products have been on the world market for over 50 years. The company is a leader in the production of fittings for windows and doors. innovative idea this manufacturer is to create a design with a rotary axis located above the center. Since the 1990s, the company has been producing plastic profiles in 6 colors: white, golden oak, black oak, walnut, mahogany, pine.

The model range is represented by four models: with a central axis, an elevated axis, two axes of rotation and a PVC model for rooms with high humidity. Handles are installed at the bottom of the frame. Product operation is possible at low ambient temperatures. The company supplies a model with an electric drive and a rain sensor.

Other advantages of Roto products include a double-circuit seal, a special block for thermal insulation, the ability to adjust the gaps between the frame and the sash. The good quality of Roto makes the products popular among customers. The warranty is valid for 5 years.

Polish manufacturer Fakro produces windows from glued laminated timber, which is impregnated with an antiseptic and varnished. In double-glazed windows, argon is also used, a durable tempered glass that is resistant to adverse environmental factors. Special fuses prevent the double-glazed window from being squeezed out. The ventilation valve eliminates the accumulation of condensate and provides fresh air. The handle is at the bottom. Hardware fixes the sash in 6 positions. The products have more low price compared to their competitors.

The warranty terms are also valid for 5 years.

For owners of a sufficient level of income, the Frank brand is suitable. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality.

You can be sure that skylights are a complex product, the quality of which determines the comfort of living. Properly selected dimensions, configuration and appearance create harmony with the surrounding world. It is pleasant to be in such a room, meet guests, admire nature and just have fun. When choosing windows, one should not chase the price, ignoring the quality and compliance of products with specific conditions.

Poor quality, inappropriate dimensions, material can bring a lot of unpleasant moments and possibly lead to additional costs that will exceed the initial cost of the product.

When installing a window, be sure to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Only this will ensure the quality and durability of the structure, avoid unnecessary conflicts with the supplier and manufacturer. It is desirable that all elements of the product, including fittings and insulating materials, be original and comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. Lack of a waterproofing apron or incorrectly selected salary, plastic fittings reduce the quality of the product.

Everything window elements require additional care during the entire service life, especially for wooden parts.

Roof windows will help you significantly insulate your home. Their repair and replacement will not require much effort if you have a work plan and drawings on hand.

A careful approach to the design of skylights is important. Location on the roof, openness to the aggressive influence of the environment imposes additional requirements on the installation of shutters, the choice of decor elements: curtains, blinds, roller shutters.

The idea of ​​creating an additional floor by refurbishing the attic appeared in the 17th century, when it was first brought to life by the Frenchman Francois Mansart.

Nowadays, the creation of "penthouses" - full-fledged premises located directly under the roof of the building, has become commonplace.

The presence of a room in the attic - attic, allows you to effectively solve the following problems:

  • Create additional usable space
  • Reduce the cost of heating the main premises
  • Improve building design
  • Create extra comfort

And all this at minimal cost.

Windows in the attic as a necessary design element

As a rule, the attic occupies most of the attic space. Modern, light and high-tech materials are used for its construction. An important and one of the main issues in the design of the attic is the task of creating maximum level natural lighting. The optimal solution would be the use of special skylights, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern building.

It is believed that the ratio of the glazing area of ​​the room and the floor area is basically 1:10. For a nursery, living room or studio, this proportion should be higher - 1:8.

The location and dimensions of skylights are of particular importance. So, the width uniquely depends on the distance between the rafters, and for obvious reasons, it cannot be more. The length depends on three indicators:

  • Bottom box (mostly 90-120cm)
  • Top border box (200-220cm)
  • roof pitch

Based on these parameters, the length of the roof window is selected. The number of windows must be at least one per room. (The technical premises are an exception.) Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the illumination from several windows will be higher than one with the same glazing area. It would be even better if the windows are located on different walls.

Types of skylights

Until recently, blind roof windows were widespread, which were a common wooden window carved into the roof. As a rule, they did not open. Approximately 10 years ago, thanks to the explosive development of building technologies, there was a qualitative change in these structures.

Today, roof windows are made of glued laminated timber (and other types of wood) or plastic.

  • The double-glazed window of a plastic roof window consists of at least two glasses, between which an inert gas is pumped to reduce thermal conductivity. Some manufacturers make the outer glass 4 mm thick and make it tempered for strength, while the inner glass passes special treatment so that in the event of its destruction, the sheet breaks up into small pieces that do not have sharp corners.
  • The roof window frame has the ability to rotate along any axis, even in the middle or 2/3 from the top. Moreover, rotary devices can be operated both manually and with the help of a remote control.

Additional accessories for roof windows:

  • Roller blinds
  • Mosquito net
  • curtains
  • Micro-slit ventilation devices
  • Window flashings (for water drainage)

Types of skylights:

  • Vertical arrangement.
  • Inclined.
  • For flat roofs.

Skylights - dimensions and installation

Among the leading manufacturing companies in Russia, it is worth highlighting Velux, Fakro, Roto, which produce really high-quality window structures.

Standard sizes of skylights, unlike usual ones, are not arbitrary, but have a well-defined set of values. Their number for each type of windows ranges from 6 to 15. Also, each manufacturer is characterized by a difference in accessories.

In order for you to have an idea of ​​how to choose the right roof windows, immediately decide on the requirements that you impose on them. Will they be wooden or plastic, what will the double-glazed window be like: ordinary or reinforced. What accessories are necessary in your case. In connection with the conditions you need, you will select a specific manufacturing company.

Installing roof windows is not an easy task. Therefore, we recommend that you entrust their installation to the company that you have chosen. This will give you a guarantee not only for the windows themselves, but also for the entire list of work performed.