How they remake the roof of the house: turning the attic into a cozy attic. Is it possible to legalize an attic in an apartment building Re-equipment of an attic in a private house

The portal often argues whether an attic is needed or not in our climate. The arguments of the supporters of the attic floor are additional space and a beautiful architectural solution. Opponents of the attic argue that the attic is too difficult to operate and often has to be repaired. Why is this happening? The reason is banal - the grossest violations during the construction of an insulated roof. People lose sight of the fact that every element of the attic - steam and waterproofing, insulation, air gap and finishing roofing - work as a single system. Therefore, in this article, we, with the help of a Dörken specialist, will tell you how to avoid mistakes when building an attic and reconstruct it using modern materials.

  • The main mistakes in the construction of the attic
  • What layers does the roof of the attic floor consist of?
  • The two best ways to reconstruct the attic
  • How adaptive vapor barrier works

3 classic mistakes when building an attic floor

In most cases, either the customer, who did not understand the topic, or the builders who built it with violations of technology, are to blame for the “tarnished” reputation of the attic. The most common mistakes can be divided into three groups:

  1. Wrong design pie.
  2. builders mistakes.
  3. Incorrectly selected and mounted steam and waterproofing.

Consider classic examples based on the experience of FORUMHOUSE users.


I have a house with an attic. Roofing - metal tiles. After 4 years, I noticed that the attic floor began to leak heavily along the valleys. The roof on the house is gable. A window protrudes from one corner into the roof. This is where the valleys flow. Logs, with a section of 20x5 cm, rest against the Mauerlat, which lies on the wall. Along the logs, close to the insulation, a moisture and windproof membrane is spread. There is a crate running along it. The corners of this crate are stuck in the valley. There is no vent. After analyzing the situation, and having studied the attic construction technology, I identified 3 main problems:

  • There is no counter-lattice and ventilation of the under-roof space. The condensate does not evaporate. Because of this, the membrane gets wet, and the boards rot.
  • The valley is mounted incorrectly. Due to the crate, laid in pieces, the condensate does not flow down, but slows down on it. The film has turned into a rag and constantly leaks water.
  • The roof has no extensions, so the walls are constantly wet.

House with an attic close-up.

Construction jambs in the construction of the attic.

The moisture and wind protection membrane along the entire length of the valley is simply nailed to the boards with a stapler. And the film ends in the middle of the wall. Because of this, water also flows through the holes punched by the stapler and floods the wall, getting inside the house.

At one object, the main mistakes of builders are collected when installing insulated pitched roofs.

The user decided to repair the attic on his own, for which he had to remove the metal tile, crate, moisture and windproof film and replace it with new ones.

Let's consider the second case.


A team of coven workers made an attic for me. They “forgot” about the ventilation gap. While I lived with my family on the first floor, I did not know about the problem, but as soon as I began to heat the second floor, it started. The condensate poured in a stream, at least take a shower. The heater is wet. The wooden rafters were blackened. I think the whole roof will have to be redone. What is the best way to do this? Which superdiffusion membrane should I buy for moisture and wind protection of the attic floor?

The problem is aggravated by the fact that the house is residential, and the alteration of the roof must be done as soon as possible, without the family leaving the “box”.

Third case.


I also have a house with an attic. The problem is that condensation appeared in the cold triangle of the mansard roof in the spring. There is a ventilation gap, but apparently, between the metal tile and the waterproofing, the air flow is insufficient. How to fix it? Roof dismantling is not recommended. The house is already finished.

Roof of the house morelato at the construction stage.

Fourth case.


I have an attic. I want to reconstruct it - replace the old roofing and increase the thickness of the insulation. The vapor barrier is mounted to the crate from the inside of the room. I heard that the film should fit snugly against the thermal insulation. The builders suggested laying the second layer of thermal insulation directly along the rafters, rounding them, as in the figure below. Is it possible to do so? After all, at the top point, the vapor barrier and the diffusion membrane will lie on top of each other. I can’t redo the attic from the inside, the finishing has already been done.

If we summarize the information above and analyze user requests on the portal, then the majority are interested in three things:

  1. How to repair the attic if the house is already inhabited, and the finish coating is mounted on the ceiling.
  2. What is the right way to lay steam and waterproofing.
  3. How to reconstruct the attic if the insulation has become unusable (wet), or you need to increase the total thickness of the heat-insulating layer.

"Pie" of the attic floor

  • vapor barrier from inside the room;
  • roof structure;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roofing waterproofing;
  • crate and counter-crate, forming a ventilation gap for ventilation of the under-roof space;
  • roofing.

Renovation of the attic floor with adaptive vapor barrier

For the reconstruction or repair of the attic floor, two types of vapor barrier films are used from the outside:

  1. Adaptive vapor barrier with variable vapor permeability.
  2. Classic vapor barrier with high vapor permeability.

How to do it?

Mikhail Pisarev

Plus, the renovation of the attic outside - the owners of the house do not need to leave. All work is carried out on the roof, of course, in the warm season. Workers dismantle the roofing, lathing, remove the old waterproofing film and insulation. It is not necessary to remove the old vapor barrier. They use adaptive vapor barrier, which is laid directly along the rafters, bending around them. Advantages of this method:

  • High speed and ease of installation, because the material is laid in a single and continuous layer.
  • Due to the continuous and airtight layer of vapor barrier, heat loss is reduced.
  • The roof is immediately protected from leaks already in the course of roofing work.

Overlaps of rolls are glued with one-sided tape. This will provide airtightness and protect the insulation from water vapor from inside the attic. Also seal all the cracks and joints between the rafters. After installing the adaptive vapor barrier, roofers lay heat-insulating material on it - mineral wool in slabs or rolls. A diffusion membrane is spread over the insulation. They nail the counter-lattice and the crate and mount the finishing roofing.

Repair of the attic with the use of adaptive vapor barrier.

Features of vapor barrier with adaptive properties

Many people have a question, how adaptive film with variable vapor permeability works, and will the wooden rafters rot under it?

The main feature of this vapor barrier is that its vapor permeability depends on the humidity of the air. In a dry state, it does not allow water vapor to pass through, and with an increase in air humidity, it becomes vapor-permeable. For example, in a dry state, the S d index of the film = 5 m, and when moistened, S d decreases to 0.2 m.

Those. adaptive vapor barrier in conditions of high humidity works like a diffusion membrane. It freely removes excess moisture from the structure and prevents the formation of condensate on the surface of the rafter legs and insulation.

Mikhail Pisarev

Sd is the equivalent water vapor diffusion resistance thickness. This is the product of the water vapor diffusion resistance coefficient μ and the material thickness d, expressed in meters. Sd = μ d (m). This value indicates which layer of air the material is equivalent in its ability to pass water vapor due to diffusion.

Important! It is forbidden to mount ordinary vapor barrier according to the above method., because wooden rafters, "wrapped" in a material impervious to water vapor, will begin to rot.

Attic renovation using adaptive vapor barrier is allowed only for rooms with normal operation. Vapor barrier wet rooms and kitchens with standard films.

Attic renovation with classic vapor barrier

With the classic method of repairing the attic from the outside, builders also dismantle the roofing, insulation and old films. The difference with the first method is that the usual vapor barrier is laid with a "trough" between the rafter legs so that their upper and side faces remain open for water vapor to escape.

Mikhail Pisarev

For a reliable connection of the film at the junction with the rafters, the width of the roll or cut of the vapor barrier should be 100-200 mm more than the distance between the rafter legs. Film overlaps must be glued with sealing tape. The vapor barrier is attached to the rafters with synthetic rubber glue and additionally fixed with a pressure rail. The slats themselves are fixed with self-tapping screws or nails with a pitch of no more than 250 mm. After laying the insulation, a diffusion membrane is mounted on top, which will protect the thermal insulation from rain, blown snow and condensate.

Repair of the attic from the outside with a classic vapor barrier film.

Due to its high vapor permeability, the diffusion membrane provides a complete and rapid removal of moisture accumulated in the thermal insulation and roof structure. During reconstruction, as well as during new construction, durable and high-quality roofing films should be used - this will guarantee the protection of the insulation from ingress of external moisture and heat loss.

To protect the house from rain, dust and dirt during the repair work, use covering films.

Roof repair from the inside

At the end of the article, we will consider the method when the roofing works reliably and does not require replacement, but it is necessary to replace the damaged waterproofing film and poorly installed insulation. Also, this method is useful for those who want to turn a cold attic into an insulated attic.

Mikhail Pisarev

When repairing the attic from the inside, builders work from the inside. Therefore, the work does not depend on weather conditions, but residents will have to put up with noise, dirt and dust, or move for the duration of the repair. The work is divided into a number of successive steps:

  1. Builders are dismantling the interior decoration of the ceiling.
  2. Remove the old vapor barrier, insulation and cut off the waterproofing film.
  3. To form a ventilation gap, from the inside, to the step roof lathing, in the middle of the inter-rafter span, a spacer bar 50-60 mm thick is attached.
  4. Then, stepping back from the top of the rafter leg 40-50 mm, the diffusion membrane is mounted by rolling the roll between the rafters. The film is fixed on the rafter legs with clamping rails with nails or self-tapping screws. Because the spacer bar has a slightly greater thickness, it will form a ventilation gap and a slope of the film from the rafters to the middle of the inter-rafter span.
  5. Further, thermal insulation is mounted between the rafters and a vapor barrier film is laid with gluing overlaps and junctions to the walls.

Reconstruction of the roof from the inside.

Important! The method is suitable for repairing pitched roofs of a simple form without valleys.. Provide ventilation of the under-roof space through eaves or additional ventilation elements of the roof. For this repair option, only films with high strength should be used.


The construction market offers a variety of building materials for the renovation and repair of insulated roofs. When choosing a vapor barrier and moisture and windproof films, be guided by solutions that have been tested by time from well-established manufacturers. Do not forget about sealing complex knots and overlaps. To do this, use sealing tapes and adhesives. Only in this way will you build a comfortable and durable attic.

Among the various projects of houses, buildings with a mansard roof have long become familiar. Their popularity does not decline for one simple reason: it is in houses where the roof slope consists of two parts that a voluminous room is formed in which literally every meter can be used as rationally as possible.

This architectural solution was popularized by the French architect Francois Mansard. In relation to the current Russian conditions, the attic has come a long way, having undergone significant structural changes.

Temperature fluctuations are not uncommon in our country, snowfalls pour tons of snow on the roofs, so reinforced is used.

Differences from the French attic of the 17th century are also in the use of modern heat-insulating materials, the arrangement of ventilation - in a word, today's superstructure differs very seriously from its foreign "great-grandmother".

To remake the roof in, first of all, you need to determine the degree of its suitability. To create a living space under the roof, it is suitable in which the rafters are located at an angle of 45 degrees to the base, or.

There are other types of roofs in which you can use the under-roof space rationally. All are presented according to the size of the resulting room, and the main indicator is the height of the ceilings.

Minimum height for room arrangement:

  • 1.2 m - at 30 degrees of inclination;
  • 0.8 m - at 45-60 degrees;
  • not limited - at 60 degrees and more.

If the rafter structure allows you to create a room of the required size, the coating can not be dismantled.

All structural elements, connecting nodes should be carefully examined, and if in order, you can proceed to the next step. In case of detection of rotten or damaged bars, they are replaced.

Next, the inner lining of the rafter legs is removed, the floor is laid, communications are laid. Walls are installed and insulated in specially made openings. Thermal insulation material is usually laid between the rafters. Before its installation, the windproof film is strengthened, after laying the insulation, the vapor barrier is fixed.

And then the interior decoration is done. It is important not to forget about ventilation: without a gap between the roof and the insulation, the life of the roof is drastically reduced.

What to look out for

The emergency condition of the roof does not mean that it was built a very, very long time ago. This may be evidence of errors made during the design and at any stage of installation.

The mansard roof is distinguished by a number of features.

It performs not only the function of weather protection, but also prevents. When the so-called cold attic is used, only it is thermally insulated. Here, both the ceiling and the gables will require insulation, and a heat insulator must be laid between the rafters - that is, the material consumption increases greatly.

In addition, moisture affects the roofing cake, which is much more in the living room than in the cold attic.

If the roof of the superstructure is steep, maximum attention should be directed to the choice of material and the quality of work to ensure water tightness and protection against heat loss. Any omission during the production of roofing work can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Note that there are mistakes that builders make only when building a mansard roof or reconstructing it. But many basic mistakes are typical not only for the construction or reconstruction of the attic, but also for other types of roofs.

We will analyze the main flaws during the construction or reconstruction of the truss system and the roofing pie.

Selection and storage of lumber

If it was decided to build a new roof, then, intended for this purpose, should be well dried,.

In no case should you use unbarked trunks for rafters (some unfortunate installers do this, after which the larvae of woodworms under the bark quickly “crack down” on the rafters).

Boards, logs should be stored stacked, in a place protected from moisture. The use of wet wood has the most negative effect on the geometry of the slopes.

Mauerlat mount

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so a roof begins with a Mauerlat. Unreliable - and the roof literally flies away with the first strong wind, to which there are many sad confirmations.

Cross section of rafter legs and their step

These indicators are set by the project, the calculation is carried out taking into account weight, permanent and temporary loads and other factors.

A common situation is when experienced builders neglect the calculated data and expose the rafter legs to the eye, with an “approximate step”. As a result, this leads to deflection and even to the complete destruction of the roof - the results of this flaw will appear especially quickly in the case of a heavy roofing or in a snowy winter.

Uneven roof slopes not only visually look unpresentable, but also entail additional troubles.

At the very least, if the distortions in the truss system will not allow you to install.

The cross section of the main elements of the frame must necessarily correspond to the project. If it is less, then the rafters may not withstand the load, if more, the weight of the roof structure will create additional pressure on the walls and foundation.

But it happens that "specialists" mount a vapor barrier film ... with the wrong side inward.


The main advice when installing roofing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations exactly.

For example, do not use a grinder to cut metal tiles - this will significantly extend the life of the material.

During installation, builders can move on the surface, which leads to deflection or scratching of the surface. To prevent such situations, you need to step on the roof with extreme caution and only where the crate is stuffed under the coating, and also use shoes with soft soles.


The first and main mistake is an attempt to reduce the cost of everything due to a smaller number of funnels and the choice of pipes of a smaller diameter. Because of this, the system will not be able to perform its functions and cope with the flow of water during a heavy downpour.

Often the gutters are installed strictly horizontally, which leads to the accumulation of water and the occurrence of ice plugs in the cold season.

Fasteners experience serious loads, and therefore must be of high quality - this is an immutable law. Products are selected according to the material for which they are intended. Ideally, if the elements that come with it are used to fix the roofing.

The main enemy of metal fasteners is corrosion, which over time can destroy the attached material.

Specialists must know all the nuances, even in small things: for example, plate-shaped dowels, often used to fix insulation, become so-called cold bridges.

The location of light openings should be carefully considered. Attic residents will feel some psychological discomfort if, for example, a window is installed at a distance of 150 cm from the floor: then the view for a person sitting on a chair will be difficult. The optimal distance of the lower part from the floor is 90-110 cm.

The joints between the window and the frame must be carefully sealed. Some models of windows come with special insulating aprons.

Common mistakes include poor-quality adjoining to the frame of under-roofing waterproofing, and the use of mounting foam as an insulator, and fuzzy exposure of the sash relative to the frame, which leads to skew. The last problem can also appear as a result of shrinkage at home.

To access the under-roof space, converted from a cold attic into a living room, you need to make an entrance - most often it is a hatch from a sliding or folding type.

Quite often there is an incorrect approach to installation, or even more correctly, to the assembly of such a structure.

The hinges that connect the parts of the folding structure must be fixed correctly, otherwise the staircase will simply open in the wrong direction. Also, sometimes buyers do not take into account the height of the stairs when unfolded.

Modern people try to use the area of ​​their home as efficiently as possible. Therefore, the proposal to equip additional space under the roof is always met with enthusiasm. It is much easier to plan the construction of an attic at the stage of building a house, but you can make an additional superstructure above the old building.

How to make an attic on an old house

The presence of an attic not only increases the living space, but also gives the building a colorful look.

The attic turns a country house into a fabulous building

An old house can be updated by building a superstructure in accordance with existing standards.

The attic superstructure begins with calculations of the strength of the old house

First you need to decide whether the existing foundation and walls can withstand the load of the attic floor and the new roof. If they have a sufficient margin of safety, then you can start remodeling the house. Otherwise, they should be strengthened.

Old brick walls sometimes seem strong, but with additional stress, cracks may appear in the mortar over time. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consider their condition, and, if necessary, tie them with a rigid belt. This is done as follows:

  • metal poles with a section of 10x10 cm are inserted into the foundation with the lower edge, and connected with the armored belt of the first floor with the upper edge. Installed around the perimeter of the house every 2 meters;
  • metal fittings with a cross section of 12 mm are placed in strakes and tie the house along the walls: from the bottom of the window every 2 meters up;
  • a metal mesh with a cell size of 2x2 cm is laid on top of the reinforcement, which, after completion of all work, is covered with plaster.

Strengthening the foundation is carried out by tying with a reinforcing belt from all sides.

If the old foundation cannot withstand the attic, then it must be sheathed with reinforcement

Having decided on the strengthening of the building, you can proceed to the choice of the project of the future superstructure. It should look harmonious against the background of other buildings and match the style of the whole house.

The type of mansard roof will determine the calculation of the dimensions of the inner upper room and the necessary materials for construction

There are several types of attics:

  • single-level with a gable roof - low ceilings with a small living space;

    A single-level attic with a gable roof is the simplest type of superstructure for small buildings

  • single-level with a sloping gable roof - increased interior space, but serious costs and time for construction;

    A single-level attic with a broken gable roof is usually built on a brick house

  • single-level with cantilever extensions - a complex structure that allows you to get even more area, since the attic frame extends beyond the building, and the windows are installed vertically;

    A single-level attic with cantilever extensions allows you to get a lot of internal space by increasing the upper structure

  • multi-level with mixed roof support - used in the construction of a new house, built only by specialists.

    A multi-level attic with a mixed roof support on old houses is usually not installed due to the complexity and large amount of work.

Video: converting half of the old roof into an attic - an easy way

Alteration of the roof under the attic is a relatively cheap way to increase living space. In a private house, a pitched roof is usually placed, so you can make an additional spacious and bright room with your own hands.

Internal wood paneling makes the attic warm and bright

And if the house is large enough in length, then the attic can turn into a real floor: with several rooms and even a balcony.

A large attic allows you to divide the area into different residential areas

Advantages of creating an attic:

  • the possibility of arranging one or more new living rooms;

    An attic with low ceilings under a gable roof is most conveniently furnished with low sunbeds

  • low costs compared to the construction of a full-fledged floor or a side extension to the house;
  • renovation of the exterior of the building;

    A house with an attic under construction always attracts the eyes of passers-by and is interested in the final result.

  • the opportunity to observe a beautiful view from the attic window.

    A lot of sunlight comes through the windows in the attic, illuminating the room all day

However, this solution also has certain disadvantages that must also be taken into account:

  • the need for insulation and soundproofing of the ceiling and a new roof, the installation of several double-glazed windows;
  • the difficulty of conducting additional heating and lighting in the upper part of the old house - you will have to combine it with home wiring or use an autonomous connection;

    To heat the attic with access to the balcony, you can use a potbelly stove

  • layout of a part of the home space under the stairs leading to the attic;

    The stairs leading to the attic must be fenced for safety.

  • the need to purchase special furniture for a sloping roof or purchase squat models: low cabinets, sofas and tables.

    Low furniture is best suited for attic interiors

The presence of sloping walls makes the room unusual and romantic, but with this decision you will have to take a more responsible approach to design development. You can make furniture for an inclined superstructure yourself or assemble a single complex from existing multi-level models, painting everything in one color.

Furniture that repeats the slope of the attic can be made independently

So, the main disadvantage of converting an attic into an attic is the need to invest, but it's worth it.

Building an attic will cost much less than creating an additional floor, regardless of what materials will be used to build the walls. Indeed, to create them, you will need the main material, insulation and decoration, while for the attic superstructure you only need roof insulation and a new truss system.

The superstructure is made in a symmetrical or asymmetrical shape. Internal walls are designed both inclined and vertical.

Having studied the schemes of single-level attics with different types of roofs, it is easier to make a choice when planning

Alteration of the attic into an attic does not require the dismantling of all existing structures. But you need to make sure that the ceiling is reliable: check its condition, reinforce it with wooden or metal beams, sheathe it with a new board. Then it will be able to withstand the weight of furniture and people.

For frequent climbing to the attic, you will need to make a comfortable staircase, provide for the installation of ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, and perform interior decoration - all this will create a cozy and comfortable room.

The sloping roof superstructure, decorated in light colors, visually enlarges the space, while splashes of color add brightness to the interior.

When building an attic floor, the following conditions must be met:

  • rafters are made of glued timber with a thickness of at least 250 mm so that the required amount of insulation can be laid;
  • foamed polystyrene is used for insulation due to its low weight and high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • a gap is left between the thermal insulation and the roofing material to provide natural ventilation;
  • a hydro- and sound-proof layer must be laid.

Alteration of the roof under the attic do it yourself

During the construction of a house, there is usually not enough money, so many refuse to build a second floor. Or another situation may arise when an old one-story house of a small area is purchased along with the site. In both cases, there is an affordable option for increasing the place to live - do-it-yourself restructuring of the attic space into an attic.

Create a project

Before starting work, you need to draw up a plan and develop a project with accurate drawings. The correct calculation will allow you to get a cozy, durable and reliable room. You can perform all the calculations yourself or entrust it to specialists.

You can draw a plan and develop a draft design yourself by studying various options on the Internet

Strengthening the walls and foundation may be necessary in the event of a complete replacement of the rafters. If the roof is partially redone, then reinforcement may be needed only for overlapping. You also need to immediately decide what types of windows will be used in the attic: the reinforcement in the truss system will depend on this.

The location of all windows in the attic roof must be thought out in advance and this data entered into the project plan

truss system

Rafters can be layered or hanging. The former rest on the inner walls of the house or additional supports, and the latter on the outer walls.

In the attic, layered and hanging rafters are used.

Hanging rafters are best suited for the attic.

An attic with hanging rafters looks prettier and wins in the size of the internal area

The attic usually occupies the entire space of the attic, and its walls are combined with the outer ones.

The best option for creating an attic is a layered truss system.

The rafter system consists of different load-bearing bars. To understand the structure of the entire structure and build it correctly, you need to understand the purpose and operation of its individual elements.

The image of the individual elements of the truss system helps to understand the structure of the entire structure

Refurbishment of the premises

With a sufficient height of the attic, the truss system does not need to be redone. It is enough to inspect the old rafters, identify possible flaws and eliminate them.

If the truss system is in good condition, you can proceed to the arrangement of the floor. Insulation is first laid between the lags, after which the surface is sheathed with ordinary boards or sheets of OSB, chipboard.

The floor in the attic is insulated and covered with boards

Before laying the insulation, all necessary communications are mounted between the rafters, places are cut in the roof for installing windows. carried out before warming.

All wires and pipes of communications must be placed in special corrugations

Care must be taken to create natural ventilation of the under-roof space through the vents so that moisture does not accumulate inside the room.

Roof insulation

It is necessary to insulate the roof correctly and efficiently - the microclimate under the roof will depend on this. Typically, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam is used as insulation.

A thick layer of heat insulator is tightly laid and fixed between the rafters so that there are no gaps or gaps anywhere. On the upper part of the roof - between the roof and the insulation - waterproofing is mounted, then heat-insulating material is laid from the side of the room. Then from the inside the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film.

For better ventilation, a small distance is left between the roofing material and the insulation: this is how air circulates through the holes in the cornice and ridge. If the roof is covered with corrugated sheets, then the thickness of the gap should be 25 mm, if with flat material, then it should be increased to 50 mm.

When creating attic thermal insulation, it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of layers

When planning an ascent to the attic, you need to take care of the convenience and safety of movement. Therefore, the ladder is usually mounted inside the house. It is constructed from wood or metal: it can be either a screw or a marching structure.

The staircase to the attic can be of different types and designs, which allows it to fit into any interior.

An opening is cut in the ceiling of the first floor, which is reinforced along the perimeter with metal or wooden strapping.

The design of the stairs to the attic must be durable, reliable, safe and beautiful.

Interior decoration

For wall cladding, in most cases, gypsum boards are used, the seams between them are plastered. Wallpaper is glued on top or decorative plaster is applied. An alternative option is lining or natural wood.

If some rafters protrude through the walls into the attic, then they can be designed as decorative elements and even used as a horizontal bar for hanging a hammock, swing, chandelier and other fixtures.

The design of the visible parts of the rafters in the interior of the attic is an interesting and creative business.

It is not recommended to use heavy finishing materials in the attic, as they increase the load on the walls, ceiling and foundation of the building.

There are many options for interior decoration of the attic, but it is advisable to use only light materials.

To cover the floor, you can use a laminate or linoleum, and it is better to refuse tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Roof of the attic floor

The roof of a residential superstructure should consist of the following layers (in order - from the street to the interior):

Video: why and how to properly lay layers on the roof of the attic

Mansard roof calculations for a house

Determination of the total weight of the roof

To calculate the total weight of roofing materials, it is necessary to multiply the specific gravity of one square meter of coverage by the total area of ​​​​the attic roof. To obtain the weight of one square meter, it is necessary to add up the specific gravity of all the materials that make up the roofing cake, and multiply it by the safety factor (1.1).

If the thickness of the lathing is 25 mm, then its specific gravity is 15 kg / m 2, a 10 cm thick insulation has a specific gravity of 10 kg / m 2, and ondulin roofing material has a weight of 3 kg / m 2. It turns out: (15 + 10 + 3) x1.1 \u003d 30.8 kg / m 2.

According to existing standards, the load on the ceiling in a residential building should not exceed 50 kg / m 2.

Roof area determination

To calculate the surface of a sloping roof, you need to break it into simple shapes (square, rectangle, trapezium, etc.) and determine their area, and then add everything up. To determine the surface of a gable roof, it is necessary to multiply the length by the width, multiply the resulting value by two.

Table: determination of the attic roof area

When calculating the angle of inclination, the climatic zone in which the house is located is taken into account, and that it is convenient to move in the attic in full growth

It is also necessary to calculate the slope of the roof. Usually the angle is 45–60 degrees, but when determining it, one must take into account the climatic zone in which the house is located, the type of attic construction, snow, wind loads, and the architectural design of the house.

The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the less will be the load on the truss system, but the consumption of materials will increase.

Calculation of the truss system

When choosing a truss system, you can stop at the following options:

  • hanging rafters;
  • oblique type;
  • skating run;
  • combined design.

If the length of the roof is more than 4.5 m, then support runs and struts can be used for reinforcement. With a length of more than 7 meters, a ridge beam is installed.

For wooden rafters, a bar with a thickness of at least 70 mm is used. The step of their installation should be 50 cm.

On a large area, it is better to fix a metal truss system: due to the increase in the distance between the rafters, the absence of spacers and struts, the weight of such a structure will be less than that of a wooden one, and the strength will increase significantly.

If the attic area is large, then it is better to install metal rafters

Calculation of the required amount of materials

To carry out the calculation, you need to know the following parameters:

  • width, thickness and pitch of the rafters;
  • distance from the edge of the roof to the rafters;
  • the size of the boards for the crate and the step between them;
  • size, type of roofing material and overlap between its sheets;
  • type of steam, hydro and thermal insulation material.

The roof is divided into simple shapes and the required amount of each of the materials is determined. For this, simple mathematical formulas are used.

The results obtained are converted into standard values: for wood - in cubic meters, for roofing materials, steam, hydro and thermal insulation - in square meters. And you can go to the store.

Common Mistakes

Most often, with self-calculation, errors are obtained during the determination of the required amount of insulation. If the climatic conditions are severe, then its volume will have to be increased, otherwise it will not be possible to create comfortable living conditions in the attic. The insulation is laid on the floor of the house, the walls of the gable and the slopes of the roof. But everywhere the thickness of the insulation can be different.

Video: calculation of a mansard roof with diagrams and loads

The attic floor allows you to get additional living space and gives the private house a modern attractive appearance. It is not difficult to create an attic with your own hands, you just need to draw up a project correctly, perform calculations and carry out high-quality installation of all materials. And the result will please the owners for a long time.