Problems of rational use of water resources. Environmental problems of water resources

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Modern water problems

Clean water and security aquatic ecosystems We are becoming more and more acute as the historical development of society, the impact on the nature caused by scientific and technical progress increases rapidly. Already in many areas globe There are great difficulties in ensuring water supply and water use due to high-quality and quantitative exhaustion of water resources, which is associated with pollution and irrational use of water.

Pollution of water mainly due to the discharge of industrial, domestic and agricultural waste into it. In some reservoirs, pollution is so great that their complete degradation occurred as sources of water supply. A small amount of contamination cannot cause a significant deterioration in the state of the reservoir, as it has the ability of biological purification, but the problem is that, as a rule, the number of pollutants discharged into water is very large and the reservoir cannot cope with their neutralization.

Water supply and water use is often complicated by biological interference: the supply of channels reduces them throughputThe flowering of algae impairs water quality, its sanitary condition, the fouling creates interference in the navigation and functioning of hydraulic structures. Therefore, the development of measures with biological interference acquires great practical importance and becomes one of the most important problems of hydrobiology. Due to the violation of ecological equilibrium in the water bodies, a serious threat of a significant deterioration in the environmental situation as a whole is created. Therefore, in front of humanity there is a huge task of protecting the hydrosphere and preserving biological equilibrium in the biosphere.

The problem of pollution of the World Ocean.

Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. By the beginning of the 80s, about 6 million tons of oil came to the ocean annually, which was 0.23% of global production. The largest losses of oil are associated with its transportation from the prey areas. Emergency situations, plums beyond the tankers of washing and ballast waters - all this causes the presence of permanent pollution fields on the railway tracks. In the period 1962-79, about 2 million tons of oil came as a result of accidents in the maritime environment. Over the past 30 years, since 1964, about 2,000 wells drilled in the world ocean, of which only in the North Sea 1000 and 350 industrial wells are equipped. Due to minor leaks, 0.1 million tons of oil is lost annually. Large masses of oil come to the sea on rivers, with household and storms. The volume of pollution from this source is 2.0 million tons / year. With the installations of the industry, 0.5 million tons of oil falls annually. Finding into the marine medium, oil first spreads in the form of a film, forming layers of different power.

The oil film changes the composition of the spectrum and the intensity of light penetration into water. Light transmission thin films Raw oil is 1-10% (280 nm), 60-70% (400 nm). The film with a thickness of 30-40 μm completely absorbs infrared radiation. Mixing with water, oil forms the emulsion of two types: straight - "oil in water" - and reverse - "water in oil". When the volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous return emulsions, which can be stored on the surface, transferred to the flow, emit ashore and settle on the bottom.

Pesticides. Pesticides constitute a group of artificially created substances used to combat pests and disease diseases. It has been established that pesticides, destroying pests, harm to many useful organisms and undermine the health of biocenoses. In agriculture, there has been a problem of transition from chemical (polluting medium) to biological (environmentally friendly) pest control methods. Industrial production of pesticides is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of by-products polluting wastewater.

Heavy metals. Heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic) belong to the number of common and very toxic pollutants. They are widely used in various industrial production, therefore, despite the sewage treatment measures, the content of the compound of heavy metals in the industrial wastewaterah is quite high. The large masses of these compounds enter the ocean through the atmosphere. For marine biocenoses, mercury, lead and cadmium are most dangerous. Mercury is transferred to the ocean with the mainland drain and through the atmosphere. When weathered sedimentary and erupted rocks, 3.5 thousand tons of mercury stand out annually. The atmospheric dust contains about 12 thousand tons of mercury, and a significant part of anthropogenic origin.

About half of the annual industrial production of this metal (910 thousand tons / year) in various ways falls into the ocean. In areas contaminated by industrial waters, the concentration of mercury in solution and suspension increases greatly. Seafood contamination has repeatedly led to mercury poisoning of the coastal population. Lead is a typical scattered element contained in all environmental components: in rocks, soils, natural waters, an atmosphere, living organisms. Finally, lead, actively, dissipates in environment in the process of man's economic activity. These are emissions with industrial and domestic runoff, with smoke and dust industrial enterprises, with exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.

Heat pollution. The thermal pollution of the surface of the water bodies and coastal marine waters occurs as a result of the discharge of heated wastewater with power plants and some industrial production. The discharge of heated waters in many cases causes an increase in water temperature in reservoirs by 6-8 degrees Celsius. The area of \u200b\u200bspots of heated waters in coastal areas can reach 30 square meters. km. More stable temperature stratification prevents water exchange with surface and bottom layers. The solubility of oxygen decreases, and consumption increases, since with increasing temperature, the activity of aerobic bacteria, decomposing an organic matter, is enhanced. Enharged species diversity phytoplankton and all the flora of algae.

Pollution of freshwater reservoirs.

Circulation of water, this long path of her movement, consists of several stages: evaporation, clouds formation, rain falling, runoff in streams and rivers and again evaporation, throughout its path the water itself is capable of cleansing contaminants in it - rotting products organic substances, dissolved gases and mineral substances suspended solid material. In places of large cluster of people and animals, natural clean water is usually lacking, especially if it is used to collect uncleanness and transfer them away from settlements. If there are not many unclean in the soil, soil organisms recycle them, re-using nutrientsAnd in neighboring watercourses, clean water is already selected. But if uncleanness gets immediately into the water, they rot, oxygen is consumed on their oxidation. The so-called biochemical need for oxygen is created. The higher this need, the less oxygen remains in water for living microorganisms, especially for fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all lives die.

Water becomes biologically dead in it only anaerobic bacteria remain; They flourish without oxygen and in the process of their livelihoods, hydrogen sulfide is isolated - poisonous gas with a specific smell of rotten eggs. And without that lifeless water acquires a rotten smell and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This may occur during an excess of such substances such as nitrates and phosphates; They enter the water from agricultural fertilizers in the fields or from wastewater contaminated washing agents. These biogenic substances stimulate the growth of algae, algae begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes not enough, they are dying. IN natural conditions The lake before hesitating and disappear, there are about 20 thousand years. An excess of biogenic substances accelerates the process of aging, and reduces the life of the lake. IN warm water Oxygen is worse dissolved than in cold. Some enterprises, especially the power plant, consume a huge amount of cooling water. The heated water is reset back into the river and also disrupts the biological equilibrium of the water system. The reduced oxygen content prevents the development of alive species and gives the advantage to others. But these new, thermal-loving species also suffer greatly as soon as water heated.

Organic garbage, biogenic substances and heat become an interference for the normal development of freshwater environmental systems only when they overload these systems. But in recent years on environmental systems Huge amounts of absolutely alien substances have collapsed, from which they do not know the protection. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial sewage managed to penetrate the food chain aquatic environmentWhat may have unpredictable consequences. Species standing at the beginning of the food chain can accumulate these substances in dangerous concentrations and become even more vulnerable to others. harmful influences.

Polluted water can be cleaned. Under favorable conditions, this occurs naturally in the process of natural cycle of water. But contaminated basin-rivers, lakes, etc. - for recovery requires significantly more time. In order for the natural systems to manage to recover, it is necessary, first of all, to stop the further flow of waste into the river. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. In spite of everything, some urban farms and industrial enterprises are still preferred to discharge waste into neighboring rivers and are extremely reluctant to refuse it only when water becomes completely unsuitable or even dangerous.

In its endless circuit, water is capturing and transfers many dissolved or suspended substances, then cleared from them. Many of the impurities in the water are natural and get there along with rain or groundwater. Some of the pollutants associated with human activity pass the same way. Smoke, ashes and industrial gases, together with the rain, settle on the ground; chemical compounds And the sediments made to the soil with fertilizers fall into the rivers with groundwater. Some waste follow artificially created paths - drainage canvas and sewer pipes. These substances are usually more poisonous, but their reset is easier to control than those that are transferred during the natural cycle of water.

The global water consumption on economic and household needs is approximately 9% of the total flow of rivers. Therefore, not direct water consumption of hydroresours causes a shortage of freshwater in certain regions of the globe, and their high-quality exhaustion. Over the past decades, an increasingly large part of the freshwater cycle began to be industrial and utilities. About 600-700 cubic meters are consumed for industrial and household needs. km of water a year. From this volume, 130-150 cube is irretrievably consumed. km, and about 500 cubic meters. CM, so-called wastewater is reset in the rivers and the sea.

Water purification methods.

An important place in the protection of hydroresources from high-quality exhaustion belongs to sewage facilities. Claimed facilities are different types Depending on the main way to neuropsychotics. In the mechanical method, insoluble impurities are removed from wastewater through the system of sumps and various types of traps. In the past, this method found the wider application for industrial wastewater treatment. The essence of the chemical method is that reagents are introduced in the wastewatering stations. They react with dissolved and undisputed pollutants and contribute to their fallout in sumps, from where they are removed by mechanical path. But this method is not suitable for the purification of effluents containing a large number of heterogeneous pollutants. For cleaning industrial effluents complicated composition Apply electrolytic (physical) method. In this method electricity They passed through industrial drains, which leads to the fallout of most pollutants into the sediment. The electrolytic method is very effective and requires relatively low costs for the construction of sewage stations. In our country in Minsk, a whole group of factories with the help of this method achieved a very high degree Purification of wastewater.

When cleaning household wastewater, the best results gives a biological method. In this case, aerobic biological processes carried out using microorganisms are used to mineralize organic pollution. Biological method Apply both under conditions approximate to natural and in special bioferous structures. In the first case, household drains are served on the irrigation fields. Here, wastewater is filtered through the soils and take off bacterial purification.

In the field of irrigation accumulates a huge amount organic fertilizersThat allows you to grow high yields on them. A complex system of biological purification of contaminated Rhine waters for the purposes of water supply a number of cities of the country has developed and used the Dutch. On the Rhine built pumping stations with partial cleaning filters. From the river, water is pumped in shallow ditch to the surface of the river terraces. Through the thickness of alluvial deposits, it is filtered, rolling soil waters. Groundwater is served on wells for additional cleaning and then enter the plumbing. The treatment facilities solve the problem of preserving the quality of freshwater only until a certain stage of development of the economy of specific geographic regions. Then the moment occurs when local hydro resources are missing for dilution of the increased amount of purified waste. Then the progressive pollution of hydroresours begins, their high-quality exhaustion comes. In addition, at all cleaning stations as the drain growth, the problem of placing significant volumes of filtered pollutants is faced.

Thus, the purification of industrial and utal drains gives only a temporary solution to the local problems of water protection against pollution. The fundamental paths of protection against pollution and the destruction of naturally accumulable and conjugate natural territorial complexes are to reduce or even complete discontinuation of waste in the reservoirs of spent, including purified wastewater. Perfection technological processes Gradually solves these tasks. For all more Enterprises use a closed cycle of water supply. In this case, the waste water takes place only partial cleaning, after which they can again be used in a number of industries.

The complete implementation of all measures aimed at stopping the discharges of uncleanness in rivers, lakes and reservoirs is possible only in the conditions of the established territorial production complexes. Within the production complexes for organizing a closed water cycle, complex technological links between different enterprises can be used. In the future, the sewage treatment plants will not reset the waste water in the reservoirs, and become one of the technological links of the chain of closed water supply.

Progress of technology, thorough accounting of local hydrological, physicome and economic and geographical conditions When planning and forming territorial production complexes, it allows in the future to ensure the quantitative and qualitative preservation of all units of a fresh water cycle, turn freshwater resources into inexhaustible. More often to replenish freshwater resources, other parts of the hydrosphere are used. So, developed enough effective technology Ored waters. Technically, the problem of the desalination of seawater is solved. However, this requires a lot of energy, and therefore the desalinated water is still very expensive. Significantly cheaper to make saltwatened groundwater. With the help of helination, these water is designed in the south of the United States, on the territory of Kalmykia, Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd region. At international conferences on the problems of water resources, the possibilities of transit of fresh water, was discussed in the form of icebergs, are discussed.

For the first time, offered to use icebergs for water supply of arid areas of the globe American geographer and engineer John Isax. According to his project from the coast of Antarctica, icebergs should be transported by the courts in the Cold Peruvian current and further on the flow system to the shores of California. Here they are attached to the shore, and fresh water formed by melting will be supplied by pipes on the mainland. Moreover, due to the condensation on the cold surface of the iceberg, the amount of fresh water will be 25% large than it is contained in them.

Currently, the problem of pollution of water bodies (rivers, lakes, seas, groundwater etc.) is the most relevant, because Everyone knows - the expression "water is life." Without water, a person cannot live for more than three days, but, even understanding the importance of the role of water in his life, he still continues to firmly exploit water objects, irrevocably changing their natural discharges and waste mode. Fabrics of living organisms are 70% consisting of water, and therefore V.I. Vernadsky determined life as live water. There are many water on earth, but 97% is the salt water of the oceans and seas, and only 3% - fresh. From these three quarters are almost not available to living organisms, since this water is "wasteled" in the glaciers of the mountains and polar caps (Arctic and Antarctic glaciers). This is a reserve of fresh water. From water, affordable living organisms, the main part is enclosed in their tissues.

The need for water in organisms is very large. For example, for the formation of 1 kg of biomass of wood is consumed to 500 kg of water. And therefore it needs to be spent and not polluted. The bulk of the water is concentrated in the oceans. Water evaporating from its surface gives lifeless moisture natural and artificial sushi ecosystems. The closer the area to the ocean, the more precipitation falls there. Sushha constantly returns water to the ocean, part of the water evaporates, especially forests, part is going to rivers in which rain and snow waters come. The exchange of moisture between the ocean and the land requires a very large amount of energy: it is spent up to 1/3 of what the Earth receives from the Sun.

The cycle of water in the biosphere to the development of civilization was equilibrium, the ocean received so much water from the rivers as it consumed during its evaporation. If the climate did not change, then not melli rivers and did not decrease the water level in the lakes. With the development of civilization, this cycle began to be violated, evaporation from sushi increased as a result of watering crops. The rivers of the southern regions of the roughness, pollution of the World Ocean, and the appearance on its surface of the oil film reduced the amount of water, evaporated by the ocean. All this worsens the water supply of the biosphere. Droughts become more frequent, foci of environmental disasters arise. In addition, and fresh water itself, which returns to the ocean and other reservoirs from sushi is often contaminated, the water of many rivers of Russia has become practically not suitable for drinking.

Formerly, an inexhaustible resource - fresh clean water - becomes exhausted. Today, water suitable for drinking, industrial production and irrigation is lacking in many parts of the world. Today it is impossible not to pay attention to this problem, because If not for us, then all the consequences of anthropogenic water pollution will affect our children. Already, due to dioxin pollution of water bodies in Russia, 20 thousand people die every year. Due to the residence in a dangerously poisoned habitat, cancer and other environmentally dependent diseases of various organs are applied. Consequently, this problem must be solved as soon as possible and radically revise the problem of cleansing industrial discharges.

pollution release freshwater reservoir

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Specifications on situational analysis « Global problems water resources. "

Currently, the population of the world is used about 54% of the total flow of surface water (suitable, renewable fresh water). Taking into account the growth rates of the global economy, the growth rate of the population of the planet (an increase of 85 million people / g.), And other factors are expected that by 2025 this figure will increase to 70%.

According to the UN, more than 18 countries there is a shortage of water (level of 1000 or less cubic meters. M per 1 person / g.), In which it is almost impossible to meet the needs of national economies and communal needs of citizens. According to forecasts, the number of such states by 2025 will grow to 33.

At a critically low level of water availability, there are: Middle East, North China, Mexico, North African countries, Southeast Asia and a number of post-Soviet states. According to the Institute of World Resources (World Resource Institute), Kuwait are in the most difficult position, where there are only 11 cubic meters per capita. Meters of surface waters, Egypt (43 cubic meters) and United Arab Emirates (64 cubic meters). On the 8th place in the ranking of Moldova (225 cubic meters), and on the 9th -Turkmenistan (232 cubic meters).

The Russian Federation has a unique water-resource potential. The total resources of freshwater of Russia are estimated at 10803 cubic meters. km / year. Renewable water resources (the volume of the annual flow of rivers in Russia) are 4861 cubic meters. km, or 10% of world river flow (second place after Brazil). The main disadvantage of Russian water resources is their extremely uneven distribution through the country's territory. The magnitude of local water resources South and Far Eastern federal Districts Russia, for example, differ in almost 30 times, and on the water availability of the population is about 100 times.

Rivers are the basis of the Water Fund of Russia. Over 120 thousand large rivers (more than 2 km long) with a total length of more than 2.3 million km flow across its territory. The number of small rivers is much larger (over 2.5 million). They form about half of the total volume of river flow, up to 44% of the city and nearly 90% of the country's rural population live in their pools.

Groundwater, which are used mainly, for drinking purposes have potential operational resources exceeding 300 cu. km / year. More than a third of potential resources are concentrated in the European part of the country. Departed to date underground water There are summary operational reserves of about 30 cubic meters. km / year.

In general, the country total water intake on economic needs is relatively small - 3% of the average long-term flow of rivers. However, in the Volga basin, for example, it is 33% of the total water intake, and for a number of river basins, the indicator exceeds environmentally admissible amounts of seizures (Don - 64%, Terek - 68%, Kuban - 80% of the average annual flow). In the south of the European territory of Russia, almost all water resources are involved in national economic activities. In the basins of the rivers of the Urals, Tobol and Ishim, water tension became a factor, to a certain extent restraining the development of the national economy.

Almost all rivers are subject to anthropogenic effects, the possibilities of extensive water intake for household needs in many of them are generally exhausted. The water of many Russian rivers is polluted and unsuitable for drinking purposes. A serious problem is the deterioration of water quality of surface water objects, which in most cases does not respond regulatory requirements and is estimated as unsatisfactory almost for all types of water use.

There is a degradation of small rivers. They are excited, pollution, clogging, collapse of their shores. Uncontrolled water seizure, the destruction and use of water protection and zones on the economic purposes of water and zones, the drainage of the rigging swambs led to the mass death of small rivers, thousands of which ceased to exist. Their common stock, especially in the European part of Russia, decreased by more than 50%, resulting in the destruction of aquatic ecosystems, and makes these rivers unsuitable for use.

Today, according to experts, regulations do not correspond from 35% to 60% drinking water In Russia and about 40% of surface and 17% of underground sources of drinking water supply. In the territory of the country, over 6 thousand sections of groundwater pollution were revealed, the largest number of which falls on the European part of Russia.

According to the existing calculations every second resident Russian Federation It is forced to use water for drinking purposes that are not appropriate for a number of indicators established standards. Almost a third of the country's population uses water sources without appropriate water treatment. At the same time, residents of a number of regions suffer from a lack of drinking water and the lack of proper sanitary and living conditions of residence.

In particular, drinking water consumes part of the population in the republics of Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Karelia, Karachay, Kargan, Saratov, Tomsk and Yaroslavl regions in the Arkhangelsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Republic District and the Chukotka Autonomous District.

The cause of the problem lies in the mass pollution of river basins and lakes. At the same time, industrial enterprises, facilities of the fuel and energy complex, enterprises of the municipal economy and the agro-industrial sector, create the main reservoir load. Annual volume of discarded effluents in recent years almost does not change. In 2008, for example, he amounted to 17 cubic meters. km. However, it should be noted that in this background there is a decrease in the volume of resetting of normative-purified wastewater, which is due due to overload claimed facilities, their poor-quality work, violations of technical regulations, lack of reagents, breakthroughs and volley discharges of pollution.

In Russia, especially in its European part, there are unacceptably large water losses. On the way from the water source to the consumer, for example in 2008, with the total volume of water intake from natural sources equal to 80.3 cubic meters. km, losses amounted to 7.76 km. In industry, water loss is achieved more than 25% (due to leaks and accidents in networks, infiltration, imperfection of technological processes). In housing and communal services is lost from 20 to 40% (due to leaks in residential and public buildings, corrosion and wear of water supply networks); In agriculture - up to 30% (polishing in crop production, overestimated water supply rates for animal husbandry purposes).

The technological and technical lag of water management is growing, in particular, in the study and control of quality of water, preparation of drinking water, processing and disposal of precipitation formed during the purification of natural and wastewater. The development of the promising schemes for the sustainable water supply of promising schemes for the use and protection of water is discontinued.

Global warming and climate change, as specialists noted, will lead to an improvement in the water supply of the Russian population as a whole. Increased this indicator can be expected in the European territory of the country, in the Volga region, in the Non-Black Center, in the Urals, for the most part of Siberia and the Far East. At the same time, in a number of densely populated regions of the Black Earth Center of Russia (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kurskaya, Lipetsk, Oryol and Tambov region), South (Kalmykia, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, Rostov region) and the southwestern part of the Siberian (Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk Region) of the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation, which in modern conditions have quite limited water resources, in the coming decades should be expected to be further reduced by 10-20 %. In these regions, a serious water deficiency may be noted, which can be a factor restraining economic growth and improving the welfare of the population, and the need to strict regulation and restriction of water consumption, as well as attracting additional sources of water supply, may arise.

In the Altai Territory, in the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Tomsk regions, a decrease in water resources, apparently, will not lead to critically low values \u200b\u200bof water availability and to high load on water resources. However, given the fact that it is now very important here. serious problemsIn the future, they can acquire special sharpness, especially in low-water periods. This is primarily due to the large variability of water resources in time and through the territory, as well as with a tendency to increase the intensity of using the flow of transboundary rivers in China and Kazakhstan. To solve these problems, it is necessary to consider the possibility of regulating the drain and the conclusion of international agreements on the joint use of Water resources Irtysh.

Given the increasing influence of the climate and its changes to the sustainability of the development of the economy and the social sphere of the country, it seems necessary in the development of state water policies to provide for the inclusion of tasks related to climate change.

In general, the main reasons for negative trends in the field of water resources and possible restrictions on their use, experts consider natural disasters, population growth, resource-proof industrial and agricultural production, pollution by waste of natural reservoirs, coastal territories, soil and groundwater. In this regard, one of the primary tasks is the protection of water ecosystems of the country and promoting the rational use of water in agriculture, industry and everyday life.

This acquires particular relevance, since under large natural resources of surface and groundwater of Russia, the predominant part of which is located in the Eastern and Nordic regions, economically developed European regions with high levels The integrated use of water resources has practically exhausted the possibility of their development without rationalizing water use, saving water and restoring the quality of the aquatic environment.

- River stock. Its defining value in constant renewal. Of great importance are the stocks of water in the lakes and, in addition. Our country has considerable reserves. At the same time, per unit of Square, the provision of the territory of Russia is a layer of runoff, it is almost 2 times lower than the average operators. However, the problem of water in our country is due not to so much a common shortage of water resources as the natural features of objects, as well as the features of human activity.

The uneven placement of water resources

Most of the water resources of Russia (9/10) are concentrated in the pools and, where less than 1/5 of the country's population live. At the same time, most and economic potential of the country are concentrated in black basins, and, to a lesser extent,. These territories account for less than 10% and the lack of water resources is most clearly manifested.

Seasonal river flow fluctuations

In Russia, constant quality control of surface and groundwater is conducted. On 1300 water bodies there are about 4.5 thousand special tracking items. Despite this water quality in most of the rivers, lakes and reservoirs do not meet the relevant standards. A significant part of polluting substances enters rivers and lakes with atmospheric precipitation and thawed snow waters. They carry from, from fields, streets of cities dust particles, salts, oil refining products, mineral fertilizers, pesticides. In addition, about 60 cubic meters are reset in the reservoirs annually. km of wastewater without proper degree of cleaning. They also contain a huge amount of harmful substances. Water in all the largest rivers of Russia - Volga, Don, Obi, Yenisei - is estimated as "contaminated", and in some of their tributaries as "very contaminated." At the same time, the degree of pollution of rivers is increasing from the upwards to the lower reaches. For some consumers of water resources (river transport, electric power), the quality of water consumed does not have a determining value. But in most cases, water quality limits its use. It is a particularly alarming that more than half of the population of Russia is forced to drink polluted water.

Modern water problems

The problems of clean water and the protection of aquatic ecosystems are becoming increasingly sharp as the historical development of society, the influence of the nature caused by scientific and technological progress is rapidly increasing.

Already in many areas of the globe, there are great difficulties in ensuring water supply and water use as a consequence of high-quality and quantitative exhaustion of water resources, which is associated with pollution and irrational use of water.

Pollution of water mainly due to the discharge of industrial, domestic and agricultural waste into it. In some reservoirs, pollution is so great that their complete degradation occurred as sources of water supply.

A small amount of contamination cannot cause a significant deterioration in the state of the reservoir, as it has the ability of biological purification, but the problem is that, as a rule, the number of pollutants discharged into water is very large and the reservoir cannot cope with their neutralization.

Water supply and water use is often complicated by biological interference: channeling of channels reduces their throughput, algae bloom degrades water quality, its sanitation, the fouling creates interference in navigation and functioning of hydraulic structures. Therefore, the development of measures with biological interference acquires great practical importance and becomes one of the most important problems of hydrobiology.

Due to the violation of ecological equilibrium in the water bodies, a serious threat of a significant deterioration in the environmental situation as a whole is created. Therefore, in front of humanity there is a huge task of protecting the hydrosphere and preserving biological equilibrium in the biosphere.

The problem of pollution of the World Ocean

Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. By the beginning of the 80s, about 6 million tons of oil came to the ocean annually, which was 0.23% of global production. The largest losses of oil are associated with its transportation from the prey areas. Emergency situations, plums beyond the tankers of washing and ballast waters - all this causes the presence of permanent pollution fields on the railway tracks. In the period 1962-79, about 2 million tons of oil came as a result of accidents in the maritime environment. Over the past 30 years, since 1964, about 2,000 wells drilled in the world ocean, of which only in the North Sea 1000 and 350 industrial wells are equipped. Due to minor leaks, 0.1 million tons of oil is lost annually. Large masses of oil come to the sea on rivers, with household and storms.

The volume of pollution from this source is 2.0 million tons / year. With the installations of the industry, 0.5 million tons of oil falls annually. Finding into the marine medium, oil first spreads in the form of a film, forming layers of different power.

The oil film changes the composition of the spectrum and the intensity of light penetration into water. Transmission of light with thin films of crude oil is 1-10% (280 nm), 60-70% (400 nm).

The film with a thickness of 30-40 μm completely absorbs infrared radiation. Mixing with water, oil forms the emulsion of two types: straight - "oil in water" - and reverse - "water in oil". When the volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous return emulsions, which can be stored on the surface, transferred to the flow, emit ashore and settle on the bottom.

Pesticides. Pesticides constitute a group of artificially created substances used to combat pests and disease diseases. It has been established that pesticides, destroying pests, harm to many useful organisms and undermine the health of biocenoses. In agriculture, there has been a problem of transition from chemical (polluting medium) to biological (environmentally friendly) pest control methods. Industrial production of pesticides is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of by-products polluting wastewater.

Heavy metals. Heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic) belong to the number of common and very toxic pollutants. They are widely used in various industrial production, therefore, despite the cleaning measures, the content of the compound of heavy metals in industrial wastewater is quite high. The large masses of these compounds enter the ocean through the atmosphere. For marine biocenoses, mercury, lead and cadmium are most dangerous. Mercury is transferred to the ocean with the mainland drain and through the atmosphere. When weathered sedimentary and erupted rocks, 3.5 thousand tons of mercury stand out annually. The atmospheric dust contains about 12 thousand tons of mercury, and a significant part of anthropogenic origin. About half of the annual industrial production of this metal (910 thousand tons / year) in various ways falls into the ocean. In areas contaminated by industrial waters, the concentration of mercury in solution and suspension increases greatly. Seafood contamination has repeatedly led to mercury poisoning of the coastal population. Lead is a typical scattered element contained in all environmental components: in rocks, soils, natural waters, an atmosphere, living organisms. Finally, lead is actively scattered into the environment in the process of man's economic activity. These are emissions with industrial and domestic runoff, with smoke and dust of industrial enterprises, with exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.

Heat pollution. The thermal pollution of the surface of the water bodies and coastal marine waters occurs as a result of the discharge of heated wastewater with power plants and some industrial production. The discharge of heated waters in many cases causes an increase in water temperature in reservoirs by 6-8 degrees Celsius. The area of \u200b\u200bspots of heated waters in coastal areas can reach 30 square meters. km. More stable temperature stratification prevents water exchange with surface and bottom layers. The solubility of oxygen decreases, and consumption increases, since with increasing temperature, the activity of aerobic bacteria, decomposing an organic matter, is enhanced. The species diversity of phytoplankton and the entire algae flora increases.

Pollution of freshwater reservoirs

The cycle of water, this long path of her movement consists of several stages: evaporation, formation of clouds, rain falling, runoff in the streams and rivers and again evaporation, on the whole path the water itself is capable of cleansing contaminants in it - organic matter dissolved gases and mineral substances suspended solid material.

In places of large cluster of people and animals, natural clean water is usually lacking, especially if it is used to collect uncleanness and transfer them away from settlements. If there are not many unclean in the soil, the soil organisms recycled them, re-using nutrients, and clean water is already searched into neighboring watercourses. But if uncleanness gets immediately into the water, they rot, oxygen is consumed on their oxidation. The so-called biochemical need for oxygen is created. The higher this need, the less oxygen remains in water for living microorganisms, especially for fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all lives die. Water becomes biologically dead in it only anaerobic bacteria remain; They flourish without oxygen and in the process of their livelihoods, hydrogen sulfide is isolated - poisonous gas with a specific smell of rotten eggs. And without that lifeless water acquires a rotten smell and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This may occur during an excess of such substances such as nitrates and phosphates; They enter the water from agricultural fertilizers in the fields or from wastewater contaminated with detergent. These biogenic substances stimulate the growth of algae, algae begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes not enough, they are dying. In the natural conditions of the lake before you stumbling and disappear, there are about 20 thousand years. An excess of biogenic substances accelerates the process of aging, and reduces the life of the lake. In warm water, oxygen is worse dissolved than in cold. Some enterprises, especially the power plant, consume a huge amount of cooling water. The heated water is reset back into the river and also disrupts the biological equilibrium of the water system. The reduced oxygen content prevents the development of alive species and gives the advantage to others. But these new, thermal-loving species also suffer greatly as soon as water heated. Organic garbage, biogenic substances and heat become an interference for the normal development of freshwater environmental systems only when they overload these systems. But in recent years, enormous quantities of absolutely alien substances have collapsed on environmental systems, from which they do not know protection. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater managed to penetrate the food chain of the aqueous medium, which may have unpredictable consequences. The species standing at the beginning of the food chain can accumulate these substances in hazardous concentrations and become even more vulnerable to other harmful effects. Polluted water can be cleaned. Under favorable conditions, this occurs naturally in the process of natural cycle of water. But contaminated basin-rivers, lakes, etc. - for recovery requires significantly more time. In order for the natural systems to manage to recover, it is necessary, first of all, to stop the further flow of waste into the river. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. In spite of everything, some urban farms and industrial enterprises are still preferred to discharge waste into neighboring rivers and are extremely reluctant to refuse it only when water becomes completely unsuitable or even dangerous.

Abstract of world economy topic: "Problems of use of water resources"





The organization of rational use of water is one of the most important contemporary problems of protection and conversion of nature. Intensification of industry and agriculture, the growth of cities, the development of the economy is generally possible only under the condition of preservation and multiplication of fresh water reserves. Costs for the preservation and reproduction of water quality occupy the first place among all the costs of humanity on nature conservation. The total cost of fresh water is much more expensive than any other type of raw materials used.

Successful conversion of nature is possible only with sufficient quantities and water quality. Usually any project of conversion of nature is largely associated with one or another exposure to hydroresources.

In connection with the development of world economy, water consumption is growing rapid pace. It doubles every 8-10 years. At the same time, the degree of water pollution increases, i.e. they occur their high-quality exhaustion. The water volume of the hydrosphere is very large, but humanity directly uses only a small part of freshwater. All this, combined, and causes the sharpness of the tasks of water protection, their primary importance in the entire complex of problems of using, protection and conversion of nature.

Water resources sushi and their distribution on the planet. Water supply of countries of the world

Water occupies a special position among the natural wealth of the Earth. Famous Russian and Soviet geologist Academician A.P. Karpinsky said that there is no more precious fossil than water, without which life is impossible. Water is the main condition for the existence of wildlife on our planet. No water can live a person. Water is one of the most important factors determining the placement of productive forces, and very often a means of production. Water resources are the main living resource of the Earth; Waters suitable for their use in the people's world economy. Waters are divided into two large groups: sushi water, ocean water. Water resources are located on the territory of our planet unevenly, the update is due to the worldwide water cycle in nature, as well as water is used in all sectors of the world economy. It should be noted main feature Water is the use of it directly on the "place", which leads to the shortage of water in other areas. Difficulties of water transportation into dry areas of the planet are associated with the problem of financing projects. Overall volume Water on Earth is approximately 13.5 million km cube., That is, one person accounts for an average of 250-270 million cubic meters. However, 96.5% is the waters of the World Ocean and another 1% are salted underground and mountain lakes and water. Freshwater reserves make up only 2.5%. The main stocks of fresh water are contained in glaciers (Antarctica, Arctic, Greenland). These strategic objects are used slightly, because Transportation of ice is expensive. About 1/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bsushi occupy arid (arid) belts:

· North (deserts of Asia, Sahara desert in Africa, Arabian Peninsula);

· South (Australia deserts are a large sandy desert, Atakama, Kalahari).

The greatest volume of river flow falls on Asia and South America, and the smallest thing is to Australia.

When evaluating water availability per capita, the situation is different:

· The most secured river flow resources are Australia and Oceania (about 80 thousand m 3 per year) and South America (34 thousand m 3);

· The least provided asia (4.5 thousand m 3 per year).

The medium-stage is about 8 thousand m 3. World countries provided by river runoff resources (per capita):

· Excess: 25 thousand m 3 per year - New Zealand, Congo, Canada, Norway, Brazil, Russia.

· Average: 5-25 thousand m 3 - USA, Mexico, Argentina, Mauritania, Tanzania, Finland, Sweden.

· Little: less than 5 thousand m 3 - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, etc.

Ways to solve the problem of water supply:

· Conducting water supply policies (reduction of water losses, reducing water capacity)

· Attracting additional resources of fresh water (seaweed desalination, reservoir construction, transportation of icebergs, etc.)

· Construction of sewage treatment plants (mechanical, chemical, biological).

Three groups of countries in the most secured water resources:

· More than 25 thousand m 3 per year - New Zealand, Congo. Canada, Norway, Brazil, Russia.

· 5-25 thousand m 3 per year - USA, Mexico, Argentina, Mauritania, Tanzania, Finland, Sweden.

· Less than 5 thousand m 3 per year - Egypt, Poland, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Germany.

Water functions:

· Drinking (for humanity as a vital source of existence);

· Technological (in the world economy);

· Transport (transportation river and sea);

· Energy (HPP, PES)

Structure of water consumption:

· Reservoirs - about 5%

· Communal and domestic economy - about 7%

· Industry - about 20%

· Agriculture - 68% (almost all water consumable resource is carried irretrievably).

Several countries have the greatest hydropower potential: China, Russia, USA, Canada, Zaire, Brazil. The degree of use in the countries of the world is different: for example, in the countries of Northern Europe (Sweden, Norway, Finland) - 80-85%; in North America (USA, Canada) - 60%); In Foreign Asia (China) - about 8-9%.

Modern large thermal power plants consume a huge amount of water. Only one station with a capacity of 300 thousand kW spends up to 120 m 3 / s, or more than 300 million m 3 per year. Gross water consumption for these stations in perspective will increase by about 9-10 times.

One of the most significant water consumers is agriculture. In the water management system, this is the largest water consumer. Wheat growing is required for the growing season of 1500 m 3 of water, 1 tons of rice - more than 7000 m 3. High productivity of irrigated lands stimulated a sharp increase from the area around the world - it is now equal to 200 million hectares. By drawing up about 1/6 of the entire area of \u200b\u200bcrops, irrigated land give approximately half of agricultural products.

A special place in the use of water resources is occupied by water consumption for the needs of the population. For economic and drinking purposes in our country accounts for about 10% of water consumption. In this case, the uninterruptedness of water supply, as well as strict observance of scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards.

The use of water for economic purposes is one of the links of water cycle in nature. But the anthropogenic link of the cycle differs from natural the fact that in the process of evaporation, the part of the water used by man returns to the atmosphere of the desalinated. Another part (component, for example, in the water supply of cities and most industrial enterprises, 90% is discharged into water bodies in the form of wastewater contaminated by production waste.

The world ocean - the storehouse of mineral, biological, energy resources. The world ocean is the richest part of the planet in a natural resource attitude. Significant resources are:

· Mineral resources (iron-manganese concretions)

· Energy Resources (Oil and Natural Gas)

· Biological resources (fish)

· Sea water (salty salt)

The mineral resources of the World Ocean Foundation are divided into two groups: the resources of the shelf (coastal part of the ocean) and the resources of the bed (deep-sea areas of the ocean).

Oil and natural gas are the main types of resources (more than half of all world stocks). More than 300 deposits have been developed and their intensive use is maintained. Main areas of oil production and natural Gas. The shelf is 9 major marine waters:

· Persian Bay (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia)

· South China Sea (China)

· Mexican Bay (USA, Mexico)

· Caribbean sea

· North Sea (Norway)

· Caspian lake

· Bering Sea (Russia)

· Okhotsk Sea (Russia)

The world ocean is rich in stocks of such an amazing mineral as amber, which is mined on the Baltic Sea coast, there are deposits of precious and semi-precious stones: diamonds and zirconium (Africa - Namibia, South Africa; Australia). Looking for chemical raw materials Phosphorites (USA, South Africa, DPRK, Morocco). In deep-water areas (ocean bed) mining iron-manganese concretion (Pacific, Indian Ocean).

Energy resources of the World Ocean are expressed in the use of marine tides and sings. Tidal power plants are built on the coast of those countries every day the "Tide-Sweep" mode is carried out. (France, Russia - White, Okhotsk, Barents Sea; USA, United Kingdom).

The biological resources of the World Ocean are diverse in the species composition. These are various animals (zooplankton, zoobentos) and plants (phytoplankton and phytobenthos). The most common belongs: fish resources (more than 85% of the ocean biomass used), algae (brown, red). More than 90% is mined fish in the shelf zone in high (Arctic) and moderate latitudes. The most productive seas are: Norwegian Sea, Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas. Sea water reserves are great. Their volume is 1338 million km cube. Sea water is a unique resource of our planet. Sea water is rich in chemical elements. The mains are: sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, bromine, iodine, copper. All of them are more than 75. The main resource is a cook salt. Leading countries are: Japan and China. Besides chemical elements And trace elements, in the depths of sea waters and the shelf produces silver and gold, uranium. The main thing is the fact that marine water is successfully designed and consumed in those countries that lack fresh inland waters. It should be noted the fact that not all countries of the world can afford such a luxury. Intensively used desalinated sea water Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, in Cyprus, Japan.