Painting paper wallpapers of water-emulsion paint. Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-level paint

In the process of staining the most difficult moment for beginners, which will be engaged in this case with their own hands, is the application of the primary layer. From how qualitatively the first layer will be applied, the final result and the final type of walls or the ceiling will depend.

But before considering the features of applying water paint with their own hands, it should be noted that the base for paint should be special. For these purposes, such a painting wallpaper will be suitable:

  • vinyl;
  • fliseline;
  • gymelomes.

Some people are wondering "Is it possible to paint liquid wallpaper." This question arose from the specifics that liquid wallpapers have. After applying to the surface, liquid wallpaper allows you to create a pleasant to the touch layer of finishing. But it will be lost, if liquid wallpaper is painted. Therefore, if you still decided to paint liquid wallpapers, weigh everything in and against. Experts recommend using as a basis for paint not liquid wallpaper, but the aforementioned materials.

Usually paint on such a basis as wallpaper (special or liquid), applied in several layers. Here, the main thing is to properly apply the first layer, and the rest will already go to bed without problems. Collecting paint technology in several layers allows you to get certain patterns and pictures on the ceiling or walls. Moreover, if you correctly master this technology, you can achieve an unusual result, not even by the artist.

To apply the first layer of paint, you should conduct special training. It implies the stuffing of all places to which paint should not fall, a special painting scotch. In addition, on the ceiling or walls you need to clean the entire working surface from dust and dirt. For these purposes, use moisturized rags.

Also before painting, it is necessary to purchase a waterfront paint with a pigment. It is necessary to calculate the flow of painting material by 1 m2 over the surface. This is necessary in order to immediately prepare the desired volume of the mixture, and so that it has the same color. Only so you can achieve a uniform shade throughout the surface of the ceiling and walls.

After the preparation was completed, you can proceed to apply the primary layer with your own hands. In this situation, the algorithm of the proceedings has the following form:

  • Initially, a bit of the dye should be applied to the wall or ceiling. This plot should be the least noticeable. So you can appreciate the final result and the correctness of the selected proportions used for the preparation of the dye.
  • If the result made you, painting the rest of the sections on the ceiling or walls should be carried out with a soft roller.
  • The first layer is applied in one direction, and all subsequent - in the other.

After that, when the first thin layer of paint was applied to the prepared surface, he needs to give time to completely dry.

Remember that after staining the walls or the ceiling of the water-based paint on them, it will be quite problematic to stick the wobbly canvas. Therefore, if the application is planned, the place of application before painting needs to be closed with painting tape.

Pictures and decoration

After the first layer of paint is dry, you can proceed to decorating the ceiling or walls by creating certain applications, ornaments and drawings on their surface.

This stage should be planned even before the start of repair and buying wallpaper. After all, today, such a finish has an extensive product range, differing in texture, patterns and other characteristics.

When creating drawings with different types of paint, you can use a hard roller and wallpaper with a pronounced relief. Thus, with your own hands, you can paint the wallpaper of water-level paint of another color and get a beautiful and unusual drawing. In addition, to obtain certain artistic effects, you can use the following tools:

  • brushes of different sizes;
  • stencils;
  • cotton swabs.

Thanks to such tools, a person will be able to qualitatively create their own hands even a complex floral ornament.

Decor and drawings are applied with dyes of other colors that contrast with the primary layer. It is desirable that the dye chosen in this situation possessed certain properties (for example, moisture resistance, mechanical resistance, etc.). For these purposes, there are a wide variety of special artistic formulations. But their cost is high enough. Therefore, usually, they are used by professionals who possess the necessary skills and knowledge.

If the paint does not have additional properties, after drying it for a longer service life, the surface of the walls and the ceiling can be covered with varnish.

The key to the successful application of the decor with water-level paint is correctly selected materials that have compatible components. Using such materials, even a beginner can achieve an excellent result and high quality work done by their own works.

What to choose paint

Choosing paint for wallpapers remember that it should have a water or alkyd base. At the same time, many people prefer precisely with water-emulsion dyes. For example, phlizelin canvas are painted only by such dyes.

Before deciding on the final kind of paint, paint a small piece of finishing and see how it will look. This is due to the fact that different compositions have varying degrees of shelterness, which can lead to unequal applying the dye to the base. So you can choose the most optimal option for your finishing.

The waterproof paint is several species, but they are all suitable for applying wallpaper.

Preparation of materials and surface

Some specialists at the preparation stage are advised on the canvas to put primer to ensure the best paint distribution over the finishing surface and preventing the formation of spots. Typically, paint stains appear due to uneven impregnation of the surface of the finish. But in this situation, when using special wallpapers and water-level paint, the use of primer is not a prerequisite. In addition, the finish itself has already high adhesion, which is not needed additionally.

It is also necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  • de-energize the room to prevent short circuit and accidents;
  • the temperature regime of the room must comply with the requirements of the dye applying technology;
  • close all windows and doors to prevent the risk of drafts (this will make it possible to achieve uniform drying of painted surfaces);
  • shipping floor, doors and windows by observing material.

In addition, you need the following materials:

  • different types of rollers for applying the primary layer and patterns;
  • tassels;
  • tray;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • ladder.

It will not be superfluous in the work of protective clothing (gloves, caps, glasses).

Phased process

The application of the water-free dye on the prepared surface of the wallpaper is no different from painting, for example, fence. The main thing to know and comply with the following provisions:

  • First, paint the corners with a brush. At the same time, it is necessary to evenly distribute the paint in the corner, avoiding its oversupply. To do this, it is distributed over the surface of the walls near the angle.
  • The first layer fall horizontally. In this case, the approach to the previous band should be 5-10 cm. This method is applicable to two-layer staining.
  • With a three-layer scrolling, the first layer is applied vertically. The last staining is carried out on top. The edge of the roller, the vertical pass should not coincide with the joint of the canvas.

As we see, the application of the water-level paint is a rather simple process. The main thing in this situation to adhere to the above provisions and the end result will be excellent.


Practical, but rather indifferent to a variety of people are interested in how to paint the wallpaper with water-level paint, pursuing several goals at once. Firstly, at least staging of wallpaper and is not too technologically difficult, but still requires dismantling (and therefore dirty and laborious) works and takes considerable time.

Secondly, it is often found situations when the coating has not turned from the walls, it did not hurt rags, but fused and faded. That is, it requires a replacement, although it is still functional.

Thirdly, it may simply want to know something new in his life, but to try global reluctance repair.

And, fourth, it is often a desire to just show their creative inclinations. This is the main value of the wallpaper under painting: once stuck - and until they break, change the interior at least every year.

We will tell in detail, but first we want to draw your attention to some subtleties.

Not all the wallpapers can be painted with water-emulsion, even if they are positioned under painting. This is explained by the water base of paint, which can soften the coating itself or dissolve glue, which it is fixed. For example, paper wallpapers can be painted only with acrylic paints.

To use water-emulsion in any case, fliseline and with reservations are vinyl. The latter must be two-layer: through one layer of material, the water emulsion is penetrating, albeit with some difficulty.

By the way, if you are going to use oil paint, then the surface cannot be placed with flieselin - it is destroyed from diluent in it.

  • Do not be upset if the glued once wallpaper is a bit damaged. The possibility of their painting is determined only only by the fortress of their adjacent to the walls. If they hold well, you need to simply make some restoration work.

  • Retired pieces of coating neatly trimmed to dense adjacent places.
  • If necessary, the edge is not torn, but a slightly desired canvase is lined up.
  • The found defects of the base (pit, cracks, chips) are putty and after drying, polished and ground.

After the listed actions, the surface should be even, and the junction of the wallpaper canvas and the exemptions are invisible.

The water-emulsion is chosen by many not only because it is cheaper than the same acrylic. Its main advantage over other options is the ability to get any conceived shade. Sold the water-level paint white in a set with a toner - dry or liquid. It is based on the right amount as the basis, until the required tone is reached. At the same time, several points should be taken into account.

Wallpaper under sticking can have their own shade, which can affect the ultimate color, especially if the gentle-pastel is selected. If there are strict requirements for the tone of the design, it is originally necessary to glue a white base.

Paint the room is preferably at a time. Even if you do not have time to do this in a day, the paint with a toner must be diluted immediately in the volume that is enough for the entire surface, and the next day you carefully wash it. For the second time, you can not precisely guess the desired dye volume, and the walls will be painted inhomogeneously. To calculate how many paints will need, specify its consumption on the bank and take on top, especially if you can not paint with a roller, and a brush is such a method of applying less economical.

If the wallpaper was previously painted, you can't take the color not combined with the previous one, and the new shade should be a bit darker.

Each person painted something - at least a fence, at least once in life. Painting on the wallpaper is not much different from other surfaces. General provisions are such.

  • First of all, the angle is scratched, because the roller will not get there, there will be a tassel, and therefore there will be an excess paint that needs to be distributed along the walls nearby.
  • If staining is assumed in two layers, the first is superimposed horizontally, with a roller coming on the previous lane of centimeters by 5-10. If you are going to apply the paint three times, the first time the motion should be vertical. The bottom line is that the last staining should certainly be top down.
  • The edge of the roller should not, with a vertical pass, coincide with the junction of wallpaper cloths.
  • The next layer is applied perpendicular and only after drying the previous one. Most time producers are given for 4 hours.

RemindIt is categorically contraindicated when using water-free drafts during drying. By the way, the first, primer, layer can be applied and without a flaper, but then the final will be a lighter with a tint than the intended initially, so that the dye needs to be added more.

The use of water disposal when painting wallpapers is interesting in that it provides the ability to get patterns or pictures on the walls. It is possible to achieve the desired in several ways.

  • If the textured, with convexities, wallpapers, first they are scratched into one tone with a soft roller, which will apply paint and in the depressions. Then the hard roller is taken, thanks to which the paint of another color (for example, golden) will be lying only on the hilly.
  • The drawing can be applied on some other part of the wall stencil. It can be bought in the interior store, can be made independently.
  • The same pattern can be made over the entire surface, if you purchase a roller with a relief pattern. Then the second layer of paint will repeat the same element.
  • To create the effect of sepia, use a round brush, which does not miss the wall, and often touch it.

You can come up with their ways how to paint the wallpaper of water-emulsion paint with different visual effects. For example, a very interesting view, they acquire, if the second layer is applied with a roller, which is chaotically wound with a rag, or with fragmentary use of tampons. Perhaps you will think of your own, the original way that allows you to paint as artistic as possible.

Completing the repair, where on a well-prepared surface is competently pasted wallpaper for painting, it is important to bring the walls and the ceiling to perfection. From the correspondence of the type of wallpaper, the type of paint and the method of its application will depend on the overall impression of the design of residential or office space. But it is important not only to know which paint is painted wallpaper under painting, but also to perform this stage in compliance with all the subtleties of technology.

  1. Features Painting
  2. Final coating
  3. Tips for correct coloring wallpaper
  4. Two sides of the medal

What is the difference between the basis for painting from ordinary roll materials?

The modern market offers a huge selection of finishing materials for outdoor and interior decoration. The color and drawing of rolls has long been determining, since it can be varied by adding any pigment to the color base. Wallpaper under painting is the easiest way to interior transformation, thanks to a multiple repainting of the same surface.

Many are interested in how many times paint wallpaper for painting? It is difficult to give an answer without seeing the sealed surface. Gymelomes are most durable - without loss of texture, they are repainted to 20 times. This applies to a large drawing and convex relief. Paper wallpapers for painting More than 4-5 staining are not used, they are generally not intended for multiple color shift. But the main difference between wallpaper under painting - they are designed specifically for multiple surface staining.

Sometimes they are trying to paint the dense vinyl wallpapers pasted on the surface with the addition of PVA glue. However, this is a risky undertaking, even if it turns out not bad. Such experiments are possible only when it is urgent to paint some defects or children's drawings on the wallpaper. If it does not work well, you will have to remove wallpaper and make full repair. But there is no such risk if you immediately refuse ordinary wallpapers in favor of rolled materials under painting. Although their cost is higher than conventional paper wallpapers, but during the next repair it is not necessary to change the basis.

Wallpapers for painting have a more noble appearance, but, given their durability, it is necessary to decide for themselves as much as the texture like:

  • smooth;
  • with small pattern;
  • with a large pattern;
  • with a spectacular structure.

Tip: If you do not know what to choose wallpaper for painting, how to glue and paint, you should not refuse them. Paper rolls will soon lose the relevance, because their more practical - for multiple dyeing.

The base has different specifications, it is classified depending on the material of the base and the bulk surface under the staining of the walls:

  • fiberglass;
  • fliselin;
  • vinyl;
  • dense paper with impregnation;
  • linker (bulk relief is applied with a special mixture based on wood flour, chalk and wax).

Rolled base for painting will last at least 15 - 20 years, especially with careful care. It is desirable to do the first tone as light as possible, because the wallpaper even after applying the coloring composition is slightly shining. Wallpapers and themselves are light - colorless, white or translucent, but there is a color base. The shade of paint is better to choose a darker base on the tone.

Normal Wallpaper was not recommended. If you are interested - it is possible to paint the wallpaper not under painting, then experts advise it to do it carefully, only rolls with protective coating. The advantage of the foundation for painting - you can wash and repaint, which is especially important in the children's room and on surfaces that are often dirty. For this, not all paint is suitable, but only a special base for wallpaper coloring. Flizelin can not paint heavy paint or based on aggressive solvents - spoil the volumetric pattern.

ATTENTION: Wallpaper for painting can also be made multicolored, for this, the vinyl rolls from the inside are impregnated with one color, and after the surplus, the volumetric pattern is painted with a sponge. But with this way it is better not to experiment on the walls without prior experience.

How to calculate paint consumption for wallpaper?

In order for the coloring wallpaper to do without rest, the paints may not be enough, the correct flow rate is important, which is calculated on the basis of:

  • total area of \u200b\u200bthe painted surface;
  • collapse of paint per 1 sq. M.;
  • the ability of the foundation to absorb paint.

Painting area is the sum of all the perimeters of the walls plus the ceiling if it is intended to be assumed. The perimeter is the length multiplied by the width, the value obtained and there is an area of \u200b\u200bpainted surfaces. But from these indicators, the sizes of window and doorways are deducted, before painting wallpaper for painting, a little stock is added to an unforeseen case - overrun, the paint is strongly absorbed, etc.

Paint consumption per 1 sq.m. Indicated in the manufacturer's instructions or on the package. The same kind of paint will differ from different manufacturers on consistency (density), respectively, will be absorbed differently and spent. Standard consumption does not exceed 180 g / sq. M in 1 layer and up to 250 g / sq. M. in 2 layers. At the same time, each material absorbs paint in its own way - paper and fliesline absorbing it much more than fiberglass or vinyl.

Look at the units of measurement because 1 kg / sq.m are indicated. and 1 ml / sq. M. The standard paint density for wallpaper weighs about 1.5 kg, that is, one and a half glad is heavier than 1 liter of water. If the wallpapers are already paste, but the paint has not yet purchased, it is not necessary to hurry with this - you can not paint the wallpaper for some time, nothing happens to them. But painting is also an additional protection of the surface from contaminants.

How to choose a suitable paint and prepare for painting?

When choosing and buying colors for wallpaper, different factors are taken into account, including the material of the base and functionality of the room.

Each type variation involves its paint type:

  • for paper rolls - water-emulsion;
  • for painting phlizelin - water-dispersion;
  • for fiberglass - acrylic or latex;
  • linker - liquid oil, acrylic and wax paste.

1. For washable surfaces (bathroom and kitchen), acrylic and latex paints are preferable. They form a film, "breathe" worse, but they are not afraid of the effects of steam and gentle cleaning.

2. In open areas and in the sun, the latex paints are used, which are not faded under the right rays.

3. Each paint has its own reflection coefficient:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • satin;
  • coin.

4. Satin paint with moderate glitter - an excellent choice for the kitchen, bathroom or bathroom, it is most durable.

5. Matte paint hides the defects of the ceiling and walls well, perfectly copes with excess lighting.

6. Glossy paint glitters and increases lighting with its lack of. Sometimes a sponge dipped in this paint, crosses the relief on a matte background - for jacquard effect.

7. The most simple in paint is a water-level, the most durable and universal in use is acrylic. But it is impossible to use any type of paint on wet wallpaper, they must dry 2-3 days.

8. Before painting a painting wallpaper, you should try the intensity of the color on the control sample, if a pigment is added too pale shade - add a pigment (kel). The concentration of pigment in each package must be the same, with the exception of a special coloring of the "gradient".

9. First of all, the ceiling is painted, then open walls, then minor, for furniture. All furniture items need to be taken out, the floor is closed with newspapers, other open surfaces to cover with film and painting scotch.

10. Bank with paint dries quickly, so it is not recommended to open it in order to see it in advance. Immediately before applying, the packaging is discovered, diluted, poured into a special cuvette and paint with paint roller.

11. The water-making paint has a white color, but pigment makes any shades, but in a diluted form it looks lighter than after drying on the wall.

How to choose a roller and other paint tools?

The paint roller is the most convenient tool for painting, because they can even roll in the cuvette with the finished paint and roll over the surface of the walls can even begin. But there are different types of tools, for example:

  • with a long pile;
  • velor roller;
  • with a short pile.
  • foam roller;
  • fur roller.

Each of them gives its effect when staining. A short pile with a short pile is easy to roll only a relief pattern, and long deeply paints the entire texture. The foam surface gives unpainted bubbles, if the walls are slightly relaxed without relief. Replacement nozzles on the roller are well rolled and check, does not climb and pile, which can remain on the surface.

Paint brushes are used in hard-to-reach places where the roller cannot get the perfect staining - corners, gaps, gaps, places behind pipes and radiators.

In a special cuvette, the paint is poured so that the roller is wetted evenly and without surplus. But it is better to stir paint in a separate container, such as a plastic bucket, and then add to the cuvette. Be sure to follow the proportion in the ratio of water and dye, for example, 10% of the volume. Divorced paint is better absorbed by roller and applied evenly.

Tip: If there are difficulties on choosing a tool, do not know what roller paint the wallpaper for painting, check with a consultant in the building of building materials.

Features of painting Flizelin wallpaper

Fliseline Rolled Malarny (Wallpaper) is an excellent base for the dischargeable ceilings and walls, so do not cause difficulties with how to paint fliesline wallpaper. The smooth bottom side passes on the walls, and the upper embossed color. This base simulates a more expensive surface, looks great on the wall and without staining.

If cleaning painted wallpaper is assumed, experts recommend using only paint with a protective composition based on latex. Wallpaper is best to cry in 2 layers of a roller with a fur nozzle, and for sophisticated places to use a brush. It is not recommended to drive a roller for a long place at one place and soak wallpaper to an excess.

Features of painting paper wallpaper

Dense two-layer paper wallpapers with special impregnation - the cheapest base under painting, looks good at the ceiling. Due to the fact that the paper is afraid of water, the question arises - how to paint the wallpaper properly? Any specialized paint is suitable, but also you should not soak up to excess - one uniform standing is quite enough.

The second layer is possible if the first is applied with divorces or oscillates. On paper wallpaper, it is extremely undesirable to leave glue that could come between the seams of the cloth - it reduces the quality of work.

Features of painting glass windows

Gymelomes - the most durable layer under painting, because consists of fiberglass based on quartz sand. Popular textures - "Christmas tree", "Track", "Pautinka", etc. suitable for multiple repainting, the most resistant basis that hides all defects. The paint does not absorb, but it deeply turns away between the wallpaper fibers. Gymelomes - the same glass gamble, which is unpleasant for the skin, so it is necessary to work in protective clothing.

Fiberglass assume primer before painting, but be sure to read the instructions. Acrylic or latex paint is an excellent choice for this basis. Typically applied in 2 layers, but the second is possible only after drying the first.

Features of painting vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers on a paper or flieslinic basis give a rich multi-layer texture. Collect paint - strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Before painting, it is assumed to be primer and acrylic paint for wallpaper, which is applied with a long-sized roller and a painting brush. After a minor drying, the second layer is immediately applied, including decorative - for the embossed surface. Use minimum paint.

See how to paint wallpaper for painting - video at the end of the article.

Most often, when painting wallpapers, the following questions arise:

  • How to paint the wallpaper for painting?

This factor depends on the type of wallpaper. So for paper wallpapers, water-dispersion paint is suitable for fliseline and vinyl - water, for glazes - acrylic paint and latex colorful compositions.

  • How to paint the wallpaper with water-emulsion paint?

This is a difficult process. Previously, furniture and objects should be protected in order to avoid pollution. In order not to damage the skin, you need to use gloves and closed clothes. Uneven walls need to be aligned with a primer or putty (at the same time, the paint will need to be applied in three layers). It is necessary to carefully interfere with the paint. Start painting is necessary from the window, from the light source. From the corners it is easy to paint with a brush, then roller. The stripes that are applied with roller must be vertical, and the strips applied to the brush must overlap each other (applied vertically and horizontally). From the wall, the solution is washed off with clean water.

  • Is it possible to stick the wallpaper to the painted wall?

If we are talking about sticking wallpapers on the painted wall, then, first of all, you need to talk about risk. The consequence may be dug wallpaper, the appearance of bubbles and irregularities. But you can try. For better effect, it is recommended to progress the walls. You can stick on the painted surface any wallpaper, except vinyl. You can also try to handle the painted surface with sandpaper so that the wallpaper is better glued.

  • Is it possible to paint the wallpaper?

You can paint vinyl and phlizelin wallpaper. It is not advisable to paint paper wallpaper.

  • How to paint wallpaper on the ceiling?

If glass plates are pasted on the ceiling, then any paint is suitable, and only water paint is suitable for wallpaper on a fliesline basis. It is also not recommended to paint the ceiling of residential areas with oil paint. Before the painting ceiling, it is necessary to de-energize the wiring in order to avoid closures and accidents. It is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts, store the floors and protect furniture. You need protective glasses, headdress and work tools: roller, brushes, staircase, paint tray. The corners are painted with a brush, and the rest of the surface roller.

  • How to paint the wallpaper for the second time?

Reject wallpaper for painting can more than 5 times (up to 15, depending on the manufacturer and type of wallpaper). You can repaint in any color, regardless of the previous one. When repainting the darker color in bright, you must first paint it pure white paint, and then apply the desired color.

Features Painting

All types of painting wallpapers require compliance with certain rules and knowledge of secrets for the best results. At the same time, first take into account the composition of the surface, as it is better to paint the glassy latex, and the flieslinic bases are better than water-emulsion paint. It is always necessary to draw a sample: first on a separate piece of the canvas, then on the site of the web, which will close the furniture.

It should be noted that it is diluted with paint only to create the first primer layer (add 10% of water from the total volume). However, this is not done for glass windows, as it is better to paint the glassy with two dense layers. At the same time withstand the interval at least 12 hours. That is why they can apply the maximum number of layers compared to other materials.

In total, any type of wallpaper under painting withstands 5-10 new layers. Then they can start lagging behind the wall, and not to wait for it, you should remove them if you need to paint the surface again. Then the wallpaper is bought again, and pasted on the walls according to the standard rules. It can be painted only after complete drying, which lasts about 12 hours.

Final coating

After drying, the main coating occurs time for the embodiment of creative gusts. On walls and ceiling, you can apply patterns or pictures. In addition, the surface can be covered with colorless varnish. It is especially important in the children's and bathrooms, as well as in the kitchen. Such a coating is less prone to pollution. At the same time, it can be washed with an ordinary wet sponge.

The algorithm of work is the same as when painting paint. The choice between glossy and matte varnish depends only on personal preferences. However, it is worth considering that even a matte varnish will add surfaces light glitter.

  • Before starting work, remove all oversized items from the room. Large furniture Cover the film or old sheets.
  • The floor is also to close the film or newspapers.
  • Close the painting of the walls of walls that do not need to paint (plinth, sockets, switches).
  • Wash the paint roller abundantly and evenly. At the same time, it should not drip.
  • The perfect color of the wallpaper under painting is white or bright shades.
  • Use a pulverizer for an absolutely smooth painting.
  • Flizelin wallpaper can be painted on both sides. The use of a snow-white putty will emphasize the color depth.
  • Matte paint helps to hide the flaws of the walls and the traces of old wallpaper.
  • It is strictly forbidden to paint the surface that did not dry the wall.
  • The use of brush and roller wear the base, reducing the amount of possible repainting to 6-8 times. To achieve a 10-fold repainting without loss of quality, you need to use the paintopult.
  • Do not leave wallpaper without coating. Paint provides them with resistance to damage and durability.

Two sides of the medal

Although this method of updating the interior deserved a lot of compliments, any medal has two sides. Before making a decision, we should weigh all the "for" and "against".

Arguments "For":

  • Allow you to embody any idea. If the appropriate color is not available, you can use the tinting service and create the necessary manually.
  • The painted surface is easy to clean from dirt with wet cleaning.
  • The emerging defects (spots, children's drawings) are easy to eliminate the tassel. You do not have to cross the piece of wallpaper, or even a whole wall.
  • Paint the wallpaper is easier than to cross. Flizelin wallpaper can be replicated up to 10 times.
  • It is easier to work with arches, angles and other non-standard forms.

Arguments "Against":

  • For a qualitative result, you need to prepare the walls.
  • The perfect effect will be done only with the competent choice of paint and tools.
  • Most of the paints absorbs dust.
  • Paints protect against small mechanical damage. But a serious blow will apply to them visible damage.

Original ideas for painting wallpaper

The use of wallpaper under painting gives limitless space for experiments. You can use one of the following techniques:

  • By applying on the walls of paint horizontal or vertical bands, you can visually adjust the parameters of the room. To do this, draw the stripes using a conventional pencil and ruler, and after the painting scotch tape. Do not be afraid to intercede it in the process! The boundaries of the bands will still be smooth if they give them to dry completely.
  • Before sticking the wallpaper, you can paint in the bright color of the surface of the walls. Then you will get a noble muted matte tint.
  • Slide uniformly relief wallpapers, and then spend the soft surface with a soft cloth. It will remove the paint from the protruding parts, thus emphasized the pattern.
  • New ideas for staining wallpaper can be emphasized from the photo of ready-made interiors.

How to paint: the choice of "wallpaper" paint

Now it is necessary to decide which paint paint wallpaper. From what colorful materials you will use depends the wear resistance of the finish, its appearance and durability of repair.

Wallpaper coloring is carried out only by water-based paint substances. You can use acrylic paints to work, as part of which solvents or other harmful components are not present, as well as water-emulsion paints.

When using water-emulsion, it is possible to choose any shade of the tinting. But before starting to paint the walls, it is necessary to practice it on a small area, and, just making sure that you have it well, and the color and properties of paint meet your requirements, you can start working.

Many specialists recommend using latex dispersion paint. This is a safe, eco-friendly material. But when it is used, it must be remembered that after depressurizing the package, its contents dry after a few hours, it must be immediately breeded with water and apply to the surface. The wall covered with this paint will dry no earlier than for three days.

Before use, latex paint is diluted with water. Six meters square requires liter of diluted paint. In most cases, it is not necessary to primitive wallpaper for painting, the main thing is that they are clean and dry.

How to paint: technology

In the production of flieslinic wallpaper, cellulose processed by special technologies is used. The canvas itself consist of two layers. To the surface of the wall, they are glued with the inner layer consisting of floselin. The outer layer of this finishing material is made of foamed polyvinyl. Fliselin wallpapers produce two types: do not require painting and painting.

Wallpaper with a homogeneous structure usually color only with the front surface applying a brush, a roller or a spacing. However, fans of experiments can produce phlizelin painting and more original way. In this case, the paint method is applied from the wrong side of the canvas directly before sticking. Due to its hygroscopicity, the fluelinine layer is soaked with a roller through and paint sticks out from the front side. In addition, the base roll itself is well painted, it is impossible to erase the paint from it, and from the polymer layer, the dye on a water-based is erased easily.

Idea: If the wallpaper is non-unique and you want to achieve an original contrast pattern on it, you can only paint the inner layer, then in places on the wallpaper where the top layer of the polymer is missing, the painted flieslinic substrate will be visible.

Tip: Flizelin wallpaper will look aesthetic if you first apply one layer of paint, and on top of it add another layer of another shade.

How to paint the wallpaper to everyone to solve yourself, all methods do not represent much difficulty, and anyone who does not even have professional skills in this matter can master them.

Types of wallpaper in painting and their features

Under painting you can use not only flieslinic wallpaper, but also paper, and fiberglass. Designed for dyeing rolls of different species have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Paper wallpaper with embossed texture is impregnated with water-repellent compositions that allow them to be painted several times. It is an environmentally friendly and affordable material that is easy to glue and looks impressive on the ceiling, and on the walls. The disadvantage of paper wallpapers under the color can be called sensitivity to mechanical damage. In addition, they can not be washed.
  • Fliseline - easily glued, well hide the irregularities of the surface of the walls, it can be repainted several times, besides, they can be cleaned with a wet cloth. At the same time, their cost is relatively low.
  • Fiberglass - distinguished by high strength and durability. Made them from quartz threads. With such material it is possible to imitation of different textures.

The painted wallpaper is well absorbed by the sound, create the facilities, protect the walls from damage. The relief of the surface of wallpaper under painting can be chaotic or monotonous with the correct ton pattern. A chaotic drawing gives the wall a deliberate careless look. With a monotonous pattern, the wall surface looks strictly and officially. But you can always choose a gold middle. There are monotonous drawings that do not look even. You can also choose the wallpaper with a chaotic pattern that will be perceived not defiantly.

What and how to proper wallpaper for painting? We have to familiarize yourself with the key features of the dyes used, the varieties of the wallpaper themselves, paint technology and tools used for this. So, on the road.

Choice of wallpaper


Do you remember thin paper wallpapers that the children's room in your parents was saved?

Do not think that the compression of the roller against the wall will improve the paint better. You will leave the following traces and drain the liquid. Just slide the tool on the wall and do it yourself. If you use multiple colors of the same color, try mixing the paint of two cans when you finish the first. This will eliminate small differences in color, which can exist between the boat and the other, and the wall will be completely homogeneous.

As soon as you dry the last layer of paint, you will give it to dry, and you can remove the artist's tape. Remove the artist's tape until the wall is still wet, because otherwise the paint solidifies and dries on the tape. If this happens, the way to remove it, without tearing off the paint piece, it is moistened with its turpentine or another solvent.

So, paper wallpapers for painting do not have anything in common with them, except for the production of raw materials - cellulose.

We have absolutely another material.

  • Paper - double. The back surface is smooth; The embossing embossing is embossed, is present only on the front side.
  • Due to the solid thickness, the material is quite durable.
  • The waterproof impregnation of the front surface allows you to repaint the coating several times.

Useful: Do not overestimate its water resistance. Make paper with washing material She alone can not.

Nevertheless, the work is completed. Now you can screw the plugs again and hang everything you have on the walls. If you apply a bath, wait 3 days before using it again so that the soul moisture does not interfere with the drying of the walls. Clean the wrap of the boat before storing the paint so as not to get dry paint, which makes it difficult to use it.

  • If the paint sheds, wipe it with a damp cloth and soap until it cools.
  • After drying, you must scratch and sand.
Now you will enjoy the room with an updated view of a simple and economical way.

The main advantage of the material is a low price. Disadvantages - limited resistance to high humidity and wear.


Its properties - somewhere between paper and polymers; Actually, both is included in its composition. The material is suitable exclusively for dry rooms with a small patency.


Vinyl wallpapers for painting are made of foamed plasticized polyvinyl chloride; Raw materials makes them resistant to high humidity, and a porous structure provides a beautiful grip with paint. The wear resistance of the material, however, cannot boast: in places of permanent contact with clothing, it will quickly be wound.

Try to wash the dishes with warm water and soap or oil essence. Wipe your hair with a brush crest, shake and hang tools so that the water disappears. I hope you liked this article on how to draw a room. And if you need a quote to draw your apartment in Coruna and inform you about some professional painters who will leave your home flawless. Picture and decoration wallpapers are two error-free technologies that give new air to your home without the need for expensive and complex reforms.


Glassy - the most durable solution, resistant to any unfavorable factors. Resistance to abrasion, water and aggressive detergent - above all praise. The only complaint against them is some limited selection of textures resulting from the production technology of woven material.

Secrets Wallpapers as an expert

And do it as an expert is easier than it may seem. It is easier if you choose vinyl or vinyl paper with woven nonwoven base. They are thicker and more stable, and they only need to be in a queue on paper or wall. But if you do not want to touch the wall, you can decant paper with relief, which is better hidden irregularities. To find out how much paper is cut. Measure the wall and leave 5 cm above and below. Stick paper, and then cut with a cutter. If paper has drawings. After gluing the first sheet, place a roll next to him to see how it fits each other. So you will spend less paper. To avoid bubbles. Place the paper from top to bottom and smooth the brush, and then rag. It does not allow it to take off. To do this, glue the parties and ends together. So that the connections were not seen, connect the sheets without assembling and checking using the roller. If you are mistaken, lift them before the tail is driving. And for possible repair. It is advisable to keep the spare sheet with the motive of a full drawing. Thus, if there is a break in paper, you can repair it with the right side of the imprint, where damage.

  • Paper type.
  • You can cover them with splock and grinding.
  • And so the paper then captures better, gives the primer.
Paper glue: Look, which one is most suitable on a paper label according to your choice.

In the photo - several options for the texture of glasses.

Selection of paint

What properties should paint possess?

  • Harmlessness. It is still going about a residential room.
  • Drying speed. We do not want to wait for the end of the repair for weeks.
  • Moderate content of solids at maximum shelterness. The dye layer must paint the surface of the walls, and not completely hide their texture.

Do not forget: It is understood that the wallpaper will be repainted several times. 10-15 thick layers of a viscous dye hardly leave the volumetric pattern visible.

Brush, roller and fabric to smooth out. And cutter, and ruler, or tape to cut over. Pour them out a little spatula and fill them with mastic or cover them with strips of fiberglass. Seals without putty. Remove the remaining part, clean the surface and fill it with seal again. Remove your finger or spatula. Paint without contamination. To be able to drain the brush without the danger of floor staining, place the paint container on the plate or cardboard tray. Protect the frame and windows from the door and windows. Before painting, apply a liquid soap with a brush next to the frames and on the jokes of the glass. Wait until it dry and flies calm. But if you want more protection, protect them with a thick ribbon.

  • Wake up before painting.
  • Prepare a mixture of hot water and vinegar in equal parts and rinse the roll with it.
  • Skip it on the wall, as if you painted.
  • Strips will come entirely.
  • Cracks in ceilings and walls.
To reduce the smell of paint, throw a few vanilla drops and delete.

All requirements are responding with water-dispersion dyes based on acrylic resins. Their consumer properties can vary greatly depending on some specific additives.

Probably, information about some of them may be useful.

  • The addition of latex gives the paint an increased adhesion to complex surfaces and water resistance. Acrylo-latex formulations are ideal for Fliselin.
  • Acrylo silicone dyes also perfectly carry long-term contact with water and are not afraid of wet abrasion. They can be safely used on vinyl and glass kits-free wallpaper in the bathrooms and in kitchens.
  • Finally, they are able to securely protect any coating (even paper) from the water contact. Above, we mentioned that moisture-resistant impregnation does not allow washing paper wallpapers; However, after the color of the rubber paint, the removal of flows from splashes and minor contaminants will cease to be a problem. The only limitation concerns the limited mechanical strength of the paper: to rub the wallpaper with a rigid brush is still not worth it.

When you go to draw, remember that it is advisable to start and finishing the cans of paint always in the corners. Sometimes there may be a small change in step from one boat to another, and it will be barely noticed. You will prevent the deceleration of shocks. If you draw walls white. Before adding, add a good amount of bleach for linen. The wall will give up you. White enamel. So that white cabinets and doors do not become yellow, which often happens often in the kitchen, a few drops of blue enamel are added to synthetic enamel. If you have paint. Pour the chipidar into the boat before you close it. It will be well saved, and you will not be surprised if you find it dry when you return to him.

  • Color corners.
  • Good draw the ceiling.
  • When you draw it, apply paint in the direction of the window.
This is a question that we all ask ourselves when it comes to painting.

Nuance: Paint protects the surface from direct contact with water; However, it is vapor permeable and does not place high humidity affect the condition of glue and substrate. It is still not to glue the paper in the bathroom.

All water-based dyes are conserved into an arbitrary color with water-soluble pigments.


Wallpaper painting with their own hands begins with the preparation of the dye.

You may like wallpapers, drawings and repetitive drawings, but for some reason you do not want or can not decorate the walls with both. Nothing happens, without problems, with painting we can also imitate the decoration of the wall, as if it were wallpaper. If you do not imagine how this happens, because you have not seen these ideas that we have prepared.

Basically, most wallpapers have a repeating pattern. Choose one, as in the picture above, cactus, for example, and repeat it on the wall until you cover it entirely. If you know how to draw well, look at the miracle of the drawings that you can print on the wall.

  1. The paint is powered by adding one or more pigments and is thoroughly mixed. The tool is a building mixer or drill with an appropriate nozzle.

Capper needs the entire volume intended for repairing paint; Moreover - it is better to leave a small supply for the future repair of the walls.

The fact is that the slightest change in the percentage ratio of pigments will lead to a noticeable change in the shade; Repeated the same color you can not.

Obviously, with a small body ribbon and the previous sketch in a pencil or on a computer, a picture can decorate the wall as if it had wallpaper, as we see in the image above or below. A good way to divide the plinth into the wall with paint. Random geometric patterns, like some wallpaper, we can also make them on the wall with a body ribbon and paint different colors.

Or just take the brush, rinse it with paint and draw it with a free hand. If you draw a wall with shale paint, you can create a beautiful painting or a wall with an accent as if it were wallpaper. Triangles, one on top of another to complete one row, and then another to complete the wall.

  1. After it is diluted with water to the consistency of oily milk and again, it is thoroughly mixed. As we remember, excessive viscosity will lead to the clogged texture of the wallpaper.

Does the preparation of walls required? Only in the event that after their pasting passed considerable time. Dust will prevent the grip of the paint with the surface; It is removed by a conventional vacuum cleaner with a nozzle, plated by painted scotch tape (so as not to damage the texture).

How to paint paper wallpaper?

See what idea to draw a wall, as if it has a wallpaper. Diagonal stripes are made of paints. Very subtle way to add color to any room. Many wallpapers have letter design. There is no need, as we see in the image above, on paper with paper with letters in its design, we can do it using a marker.

If you like this idea, do not miss these. Another great idea to decorate the wall, as if she had a wallpaper. Triangles of different colors. This other way to decorate the wall is something more complicated, but you can always ask for help to a professional if you want to do something relatively difficult, and you do not decide.

What to paint? Roller with medium pile. In addition to him, you will need a paint tray: to obtain a uniform painting, the roller is pre-rolled up, and in no case on the walls.

Painting itself is rather standard: the dye is applied in two or three layers; In this case, each layer is superimposed perpendicular to the previous one. The last layer is possible to lie down in parallel to the direction of the fall of light. Each wall is painted in one reception: otherwise the boundary of the raised areas will be noticeable.

Problems that you need to decide before applying paint on wallpaper

Do you have many years wallpaper on the wall? You decided that it was time to draw on the wallpaper, because it no longer goes with your style, but you do not know how to do it? Before painting on the wallpaper, it is important that the area is in good condition. If you do not notice this, you can be with a rather ugly or erroneous result. These are the most common problems, please pay attention.

You identify it with small air pumps that you notice when you start your fingers. Before you do anything else, moisten the paper and the pin removes the air inside. Then neatly launch your hand palm to smooth this section. Raise the paper section, apply some glue and let dry. To make sure that the glue is dry and that the paints will not be damaged, let it go out 24 hours before the color.

Useful little things

  • Fliselin and vinyl on the phliselin substrate wallpaper can be painted from the back before the sticker. In this case, their texture will stand out by smaller color intensity.
  • Select a color texture with color will help another simple instruction. Collapsing the walls over the entire area, ride them without pressure with a foam roller with paint of another color.
  • To obtain a multi-colored strip or geometric pattern, a greasy tape is used. They are stuck in the sections to be covered with different color; After the main area of \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper is painted and dried, tape is protected from paint already painted surface. The pattern is applied with a brush or a narrow foam roller.

Dirty wallpapers with lots of sand, dust and dirt

The painting on the wallpaper that was broken can leave the scattered sections that will clarify the problem. To avoid this, use sandpaper to eliminate irregularities. Although it seems insignificant, the difference in completion is huge. It is believed that the paper cannot be easily cleaned, but it is not. To avoid uneven results, take a wet sponge and clean the surface.

Get sealant and paint

It is always recommended to use a sealant before applying paint. It will not allow you to notice the motifs of paper that you cover. It is necessary to calculate the amount of paint required for the full coating. If you do not want to hire a professional artist, make sure you appreciate the surface well and ask the store of the paint for the correct amount.


Wallpapers Painting is a great way to create a unique interior for a relatively short time interval. But in the pursuit of beauty, it should be remembered that the usual paint for this type of work is not suitable, because it is known to distinguish into the air, which we breathe, having harm on health.

Prepare the surface for drawing on the wallpaper

It is advisable to buy enough paint for two layers. Note that the paper will absorb a little more than the usual wall. Within the surface that you want to draw, you must put the ribbon. The paint should be brushed and in places where it does not reach the roller, for example, corners. In small spaces, such as current switches, you need a small thin brush or brush.

Let the first layer dry dry and check at the same time that the paper does not seep through the paint. When the first layer is driving, you can apply the second to see that the area is covered according to your desire. In most cases, two layers of paint are enough. If the result is not the one that you expect, apply the third layer.

Therefore, thinking to make repairs, you should first determine which paint to paint the wallpaper.

Choose paint

The coloring substance should be selected taking into account a number of properties, the main of which are protective and decorative functions. For each surface there is a special, which is characterized by a special chemical composition.

Solving what paint to paint wallpaper should take into account the following functions:

  1. Resistance to mechanical stress, which will affect the durability of the coating.
  2. Resistance to the effects of household chemicals.
  3. Ecology.
  4. Fast drying.
  5. Resistance to the effects of sun rays.
  6. Shelterness, which lies in the ability to quickly overlap another color.

Given the above characteristics, it can be concluded that the best choice for such work is water-dispersion paint.

It is perfect for the interior, and there are several obvious reasons:

  1. Absolute safety and environmental cleanliness. It can be used even in children's rooms, because it does not contain and does not highlight any harmful connections into the air.
  2. Very fast drying process. For an hour, your walls will be fully prepared for further operation.
  3. Water dispersion formulations do not distinguish any smell. Thus, neither in the process of repair, or at its end, you will not experience discomfort from the unpleasant odor.

There are several varieties of such paints:

  1. Acrylic is the most universal option, perfectly suitable for any kind of surfaces, including wallpapers. The surface will not fade even with constant exposure to the sun and is perfectly clean. However, this species is distinguished by the highest price, therefore, before thinking about its application, count how much such repairs will cost you.
  2. Adhesive - moisture is afraid, because it is not very good.
  3. Latex is most often used to work with glass and textural surface. Very waterproof, in connection with which most specialists are considered the most successful option for painting wallpaper.

In order not to make a mistake in the selection, be sure to check out the product label.
An excellent choice for wallpaper is a water-dispersion composition, which is marked with VD letters.

Selection of paint to determine the texture of the coating

Acrylic paints are:

  1. Glossy. Pretty rarely used to finish residential rooms. Are an excellent choice for dark premises.
  2. Semi-man. Such covers are very easy to clean and perfectly reflect the light. Perfect choice for children's room, bathroom, kitchen. The compositions are applied on an exceptionally smooth surface. Otherwise, all defects and disadvantages of the coating are emphasized.
  3. Matte. Excellent choice for large, bright rooms and hols.
  4. Semimatic. Used in bedrooms, giving a little glitter interior.
  5. Satin. They are distinguished by a smooth structure and wear resistance, and therefore are suitable for any premises.

How to apply paint on wallpaper

Instructions for applying paint with their own hands is quite simple, so that you will not need a lot of experience or any skills.

Works are carried out according to the following rules:

  1. You can finish only a day after the walls of the walls wallpaper.
  2. Before starting to work, make sure the surface is clean and dry. Only in this case the layer will be smooth and beautiful.
  3. If the room is saved with relief wallpaper, paint should be applied in two stages: First we apply the first layer, and after its complete drying - the second.
  4. All works of water-level paint should be carried out using the middle length. This will make it possible to achieve a uniform distribution of the coloring substance over the entire surface, without leaving the bunches or drowshes.

It is not advisable to use a roller from the foam rubber, because here it will not allow to apply a smooth and smooth layer.

What wallpaper can be painted

Today you can buy several types of wallpaper under painting. If you wish, you can even paint color wallpapers, but for this paint should have enough coverage, in order to disguise the previous color.

Consider what wallpaper without pages can be used under painting, and which is still not desirable:

  1. Paper. If we are talking about wallpaper specifically designed to paint, then you are not for anything. Such rolls usually have a relief pattern and consist of several layers. At the same time, the first one is necessarily covered with a special water repellent composition, because the layer falls very well. In addition, they are environmentally friendly and fully safe for human health, and their value in general is not high.

The only disadvantage of such wallpapers is that over time they may be forging.

  1. Vinyl - are dense and elastic, they do not fade and wash perfectly. Experts do not recommend using them in rooms in which air exchange is difficult, since the walls need to breathe.
  1. Liquid - create an ideal surface: smooth and smooth. A significant minus is the fear of dampness. They can only be painted by a special composition. If, for example, use the can, then such wallpaper is simply absorbed color, because you may need a large amount of paint.


Wishing to make your interior original, many "come" to the option of painting wallpaper. Such a solution can be very successful if you come to the case responsibly. Manifest a fantasy by combining, for example, several combined colors. To learn more, watch the video in this article.

Repair is a creative process. You can even say a spontaneous creative process. After all, it is during repair that a suddenly changed mood changes the color or form of space. By the way about color. The color solution in the design of rooms depends on our hobbies and fantasy, from the side of the light on which the windows or the color of the furniture. Given all this, you can create a motley box or a pretty and cozy room.

Painting walls can resolve many tasks:

  • transform the room beyond recognition;
  • paint stains or scuffs;
  • to functionally divide the room into the zone;
  • select creative zones or thematic areas indoors.

Like any other type of work, painting wallpapers using water-based paint requires careful preparation, otherwise you can get a completely opposite effect.

Preparation of premises for paint

Preparation of the premises and inventory will protect you from unnecessary spending time and cleaning facilities for repair. Shipping gender and furniture film items. And the inventory prepared in advance will save you from the need to interrupt work and run behind the needed thing.

To avoid unnecessary paint recalculation, crack the walls. The primer, not only doubly reduce the costs of water-emulsion paint, but also make the surface stronger. The primer is applied with a roller on the surface of the walls, using a brush for hard-to-reach places.

Painting wallpaper

Not all types of wallpaper are suitable for painting, but only two-layer and resistant to different kind of influence. Wallpaper of other types can, and do not fall to your feet, but the view will be far from perfect.

There are special wallpapers for painting water-resistant paint in any store, and their color, texture and drawing will pleasantly surprise the most sought-after buyer. Although it is worth noting that the painting is preferable to take wallpaper white or pastel shades.

If you are not afraid of experiments, you can shook such a wallpaper on the ceiling and show your creative abilities and there. The ceiling, like the walls, needs priming.

The process of painting wallpapers should be started with an accurate calculation of the paint consumption, so that it is not to run in the search for the desired shade. This is facilitated by the exact instructions of the manufacturers in tanks with paint. It is necessary to take into account that the first layer of paint has a greater flow than each of the subsequent layers. Before painting, the water-level paint is thoroughly stirred, if necessary, a small amount of water is added and poured into a special tray.

Work should be started with the procession of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface.

After drying, appreciate the color and tone of the painted surface. If everything satisfies, you can start painting wallpaper. As a rule, work starts from the far corner of the room, gradually approaching the neighboring corner. Basically produce progressive movements from top to bottom, 30-40 centimeter steps, avoiding the formation of inches. Painting is done until the paint remains on the surface of the roller. Then the roller will plunge into the water-emulsion paint again.

Usually, painting the wallpapers of water-emulsion paint is made in two layers. The second time the crockery starts no earlier than four hours after applying the first layer of paint. If the paint applied diagonally, then the second layer is applied in the same direction.

If the paint was prepared for work in full, and a kel was used to create the desired shade, the paint before re-use should be filtered. If the kel was not used, just prepare a new portion of paint.

In any case, staining is not hurrying and neatly, otherwise, they will be able to know themselves after drying, so they should be very good to decide. It should be noted that hard-to-reach places are stained with a brush in the first of all, further produce painting with roller. To avoid unexpected defects and difficulties, the occurrence of drafts during operation should be avoided during operation and during drying painted surfaces. The final shade of the painted surface manifest only after complete drying. It usually takes about a day. The main advantage of water-resulted paint is the ease of cleaning it. Spots from such paint are easily flushed with water.

Lighting the room and putting the furniture, you can enjoy the creation of your hands. Create! Give joy and positive emotions yourself and your loved ones!

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Approaching the finish of the repair work and saving well-prepared surfaces of the wall or the ceiling by the corresponding material, it remains only to perform the painting of wallpapers with water-level paint, giving the interior to the interior.

The overall impression of the design of the room depends on a considerable number of factors: varieties of coating, type of decor and method of applied. In this case, it is important not only to understand which paint is suitable for wallpapers of one or another type, but also understand the subtleties of application technology.

Assortment under painting

On the shelves of building materials stores a huge range of wallpaper: traditional, liquid, special fliseline under the coating. It is the last of this number that are bought most often, because they make it possible to modify the design of the plated cauldons through new staining without global repair work.

Please note to avoid color distortion, choose one-picture rolls when painted. But it is best to give preference to white canvas.

How to choose?

The painting of wallpapers of water-emulsion paint is a serious task, which is necessary to carefully prepare. Before starting to work, it is worth determining which kind of paint is suitable under the selected type of cauldron. Consider more.

The use of certain materials for painting wallpaper directly effectively affects the quality. It, in turn, determines the durability of coatings, their wear resistance and appearance.

For painting wallpapers, it is recommended to use only those coloring substances that are produced on a water basis. Not only the water-emulsion is suitable for work, but also acrylic dispersion paint, which is environmentally friendly and is suitable for treating dry residential premises with normal and slightly increased levels of humidity.

Water-emulsion paint for wallpaper under painting can be diluted with a caliber of any shade.

Features latex coating

In addition to water-free or acrylic paints, many experts recommend to use latex dispersion paint. This is a material characterized by security and environmental friendliness. However, applying it, do not forget that the depressurization of the packaging leads to a very rapid drying of the content. Therefore, it is worth painting the wallpaper immediately after printing the container. Pre-composition are bred by water.

Before the complete drying of the wallpaper, impregnated with paint, will have to wait until 72 hours. Consumption is one liter of diluted composition for six square meters of the square.

The use of this type of paint to cover the walls does not require prior impregnation of the primer. The main thing is to clean the surface and apply it on dry wallpaper.

When to start painting

After salasing surfaces (walls or ceiling) let them dry, leaving for a couple of days. Only then proceed to painting with water-emulsion paint wallpaper. This is a prerequisite, otherwise the canvas can fall off.

For fluiseline coatings, it is better to take a rigid brush to achieve better processing of embossed surfaces. Before proceeding with work, experts recommend to store the floor with a plastic film. So you will avoid unnecessary work in the form of cleaning it from dried paint.

How to prepare for the upcoming repair

Before proceeding directly to paint wallpaper or ceiling with water-level paint, we recommend stretching on a plot of a small area. Only after make sure that you all turn out (the color is monotonous, and the paint itself falls smoothly), proceed to work.

How to cover paint liquid wallpaper?

Masters often hear such a question. It is connected with the fact that people are worried about how safe it is to paint liquid wallpaper, and in general whether it is possible to do it. Will there be any irreparable effects related to damaging coverage? Unambiguously answer this question can not be any repairman, and even experts doubt.

In fact, the work associated with painting liquid wallpapers of water-emulsion paint is not distinguished by complexity. It all depends on the quality of the coating and the correct choice of decorating composition.

There is no separate type of product, referred to as paint for liquid wallpaper. But this does not mean that they are not subject to such a coating. Most of the masters consider such a type of work unjustified, because liquid wallpapers are initially characterized by a beautiful structure that does not require add-on or decoration. Why spoil what is so created for the decor?

Some features of liquid wallpapers like surfaces under painting

Note that the quality described below must be taken into account when painting with water-emulsion paint wallpaper:

  1. This is a material with an interesting structure, and this fact must necessarily take into account. If the layer is fat, the texture may hide behind it; Original colors and splashing of sparkles, silk screening, adding the structure even more exclusive, will no longer be visible after processing.
  2. The liquid wallpaper is a material that is easy to remove from the walls, just diluing with water. And here it is worth thinking how practical the painting of such walls or the ceiling will be, if a partial update of the interior is required.

Please note that a sprayer can be used to paint ceiling wallpapers of water-mounted paint or liquid wallpaper wallpapers. This will give the opportunity to update the interior, modify the shade of the coating and at the same time do not report the structure of the wallpaper. This process is no difficulty. It will cope with such treatment of surfaces decorated with liquid wallpaper, even a person without experience in this area.

Before making a decision regarding painting wallpaper, weigh everything for and against such actions. Only after that make a decision.

Pluses of coloring wallpaper

From among the main positive factors, those who had to face such work, allocate the following:

  1. Ability to hide pollution and stains that appeared on the surface of wallpaper for many years of operation. This is the easiest and budget option to modify the interior.
  2. The chance to make the coating fresh, updated appearance, if it has fallen under the influence of sunlight.
  3. Numerous processing if necessary.
  4. Painting wallpapers with water-emulsion paint makes it possible to choose any shade to create a harmonious balanced interior design in the shower.
  5. Work is characterized by simplicity.

Technological features of staining of modern wall and ceiling coating

Having understood with the subtleties of staining of liquid and flieslinic wallpapers, we turn to the description of the technology itself. It looks like this process as follows:

  1. In the first stages, prepare the surface.
  2. Further work with paint: Add the desired shade of the koller (it is recommended to take the darker of the wallpaper for 1-2 tones), bring it to a homogeneous color and consistency. Choose for painting liquid or flieslinic wallpapers, water-emulsion or acrylic paint.
  3. For application, use a roller, and if work require urgency, you can resort to the process automation, armed with a spray gun.
  4. Give the surface to dry well.

As you can see, painting flieslinic wallpapers of water-emulsion paint, wall and ceiling surfaces decorated with liquid wallpaper is not a problem. This is a very real and affordable option to decorate a room that does not require special temporary, financial and labor costs.

Please note that monophonic flieslinic wallpaper can be painted by walking with a special roller leaving the prints. This option is interesting looks in the interior.

Everyone can cope with such work, even if you have never come across repair work, after all, it was necessary to paint or bleach the inner premises of the house exactly at least once in life.

One of the options for changing the interior is painting wallpaper. Manufacturers offer smooth and structural coatings from different material. Knowledge of the main equipment of painting will help achieve a stunning result.

What types of wallpaper can be painted?

Wallpapers under painting are produced white. They are also longer and wider than ordinary rolls. Manufacturers offer several types of coatings that can be painted:

  • Fliseline. Wallpaper on a fliesline basis is ideal for painting. The coating looks stylish and masks the wall defects. Fliseline canvases transfer multiple repainting, but the relief will become less noticeable. They can be painted from the wrong side, and after glue.
  • Gymelomes. In essence, these are anti-vandal wallpapers made of durable material and resistant mechanical damage. On the wall of the glassy look like a seamless fabric, hide surface irregularities. Coverage durable, you can paint many times. Before painting the canvases are processed by primer.
  • Paper. This is a special structure-processed canvas, smooth or embossed. They are able to withstand 2-3 repainting without loss of the original view. The dye is applied with a thin layer, no need to impregnate the canvas. When detecting proper and divorces, you need to paint the second layer.
  • Linker. The wallpaper is produced in neutral, then staining or artistic painting. Painting is recommended for a day after pasting, or wait 2-3 days. The second layer is applied in 4-5 hours if necessary. Features linker - original patterns, they can be distinguished on a general background.
  • Washable. Wallpapers are treated with a special water repellent composition to protect the coating from the effects of steam and moisture. After staining, the wallpaper lose the protective properties, so varnish is applied on top of the paint. From the category of washable coatings, you can paint vinyl wallpapers. Most often washable wallpaper are used in the kitchen interior.
  • Liquid. In essence, this is an analogue of plaster. Liquid wallpapers are sold in the form of a finished mixture or dry matter (it is divorced in water before work). Acrylic varnish is often applied to the liquid wallpaper - it provides coating durability and cleaning resistance. The coating itself looks original, nice to the touch. After painting, all effects disappear. You can change the color when applying a mixture on the wall, adding a kel in the mixture.

What wallpaper can not be painted?

It is important to take into account that not all wallpaper can be painted.

  • Single-layer paper wallpaper - quickly floss and slide from the wall;
  • vinyl on paper basis;
  • textile;
  • the washable wallpaper based on acrylic - paint does not dry out, leaves the drums and divorces;
  • flat vinyl;
  • wall mural.

Self-painting tools

For painting you will need a greasy inventory.

  • The first, and the most important tool - a langer roller. The final result depends on it. With the councils of choice, you can find in the relevant section.
  • For the roller need Pressure tray.
  • You can breed paint in pallet or any other capacity.
  • You will need a small brush to paint the corners, sites along the ceiling and floor plinths.
  • For shelter floor, windows, windowsill need a film.
  • Plinth and minor elements are stuck painted scotch.
  • Come true rag or sponge To remove splashes.
  • It will take for work telescopic handle for roller, stepladder or stool.

Painting technology do it yourself

Painting wall cover does not differ from other painting works. The main thing is to correctly pick up paint, prepare the room and another inventory

Preparation before coloring

Before work, you must prepare a room and walls to painting. What needs to be considered:

  • It is necessary to paint the wallpaper after a complete drying of the glue.
  • Gymelomes are pre-processed by primer.
  • From the fliesline wallpaper, remove the traces of glue, otherwise the defects will pop up after painting.
  • Paints have a property quickly suck. It is recommended to pour a bit into the pallet, but to keep the jar closed.
  • The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Before use, thoroughly mix it until the homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • If not satisfied with the tone, you can add a keler. The composition is preparing immediately to the entire room, otherwise different shades will turn out.
  • Gymelomes need to paint at least 2 layers. Interval is required between work 10-12 hours.
  • The optimal temperature for painting is 17-25 °.
  • You can not paint wallpaper with open windows - due to drafts, sheets can fall off.

Painting process

When the inventory and walls are ready, you can start painting.

Step by step guide

Video instructions

Many are overcome by doubts, especially if a person is not painted. Video with explanations will help you understand the technology of painting wall coverings.

Finish design

The most important stage of staining, but there are simple methods for the beautiful design of the walls with their own hands.

To underline individual elements on wallpaper or making the scope pattern, the textured selection technique is practiced. Without waiting for a complete drying of the wallpaper, the drawing area gently flush with a damp cloth or a sponge, removing the dye. After complete drying of the surface, the figure is given the desired shade.

There are wallpapers on a fliesline basis under painting from the wrong side. To highlight the textured element, the selected pattern is painted in the desired color or remains in natural (usually white) tone.

Combining 2 or more colors

For the selection of individual zones, a combination of colors is practiced. There are several options: a combination of related shades, a gradient (using one color with a smooth transition from a light shade to a dark, or vice versa) and a combination of two contrasting colors.

It does not prevent the knowledge of the rules of color. Otherwise, it is not recommended to use more than two colors to avoid chainlessness.

The combination is possible in any direction:

  • horizontally,
  • vertical
  • diagonal.

Drawing pictures on your own hands

A popular way to design wallpaper after painting is drawing. Modern tools will help to cope with the task even inexperienced masters. Mass drawing options, consider some of them.

Painting wallpapers has its tricks. To achieve an ideal result without flutters, it is worth considering the recommendations of experienced rapids:

  • You need to paint dry and clean wall.
  • Use rollers with natural pile.
  • If old paint is used, first tested it on unnecessary sheets - it is unknown how she behaves.
  • To apply paint with a thin layer and well distributed on the surface.
  • Inaccessible places to paint with a brush.
  • It is good to heat a roller dye.
  • If possible, use a pulverizer or spray gun.

What paint is better to paint?

By purchasing the dye, it is necessary to repel from the coating and the appointment of the room (apartment, office, etc.).

The basic rules for choosing paint

What you need to consider when choosing paint:

  • For the premises on the sunny side, latex paint is recommended - it does not fade with regular exposure to sunlight.
  • For the kitchen and bathroom, the right solution is latex or acrylic paint. They are resistant to moisture and steam.
  • Matte paint disguises the defects of surfaces, muffles bright lighting.
  • Satin paint is distinguished by durability, recommended for bathroom and kitchen.
  • Glossy paint compensates for lack of lighting in darkened rooms.
  • The waterproof paint is quickly washed off. Not suitable if the run is planned frequent wall washing.
  • For painted bathroom and kitchen, water-dispersion composition is suitable - it is not afraid of water and cleaning.

What roller is better to paint?

Everyone who plans to paint wallpaper manually, it is better to use a paint roller. There are several types of tools, the difference in the length of the pile and the width of the device.

  • Vellar roller With a short pile good painting smooth wallpaper. It will also help slightly roll the drawing, for example, when the element is textured.
  • Deep relief is better to paint fur longline roller. Persons are able to penetrate the entire depth of the invoice, painting the most hard-to-reach places.
  • Smooth canvas can be painted poropolone roller. But he leaves bubbles on the wallpaper, reducing the quality of work.

Features Painting Ceiling

Ceiling pasting with wallpaper is popular when finishing the premises. The algorithm of action when painting the ceiling of the tittle, however there are nuances that are important to consider:

  • Cover the floor, window sills, furniture as possible to endure.
  • Ceiling plinth to paint into one color with a ceiling. To protect wallpaper on the edge of the plinth, paste the greasy tape.
  • It is better to work in a daytime day to assess the result in day and electric lighting.
  • If the primer treatment is required, it must have the same with the paint base. You can start painting the ceiling after complete drying of the primer.
  • After applying the first layer, turn on the light and inspect the ceiling. If there are passages - paint.
  • Painting the ceiling is carried out in 2 layers. The first is distributed in parallel to the window, the second is perpendicular.
  • New wallpapers on the ceiling can not be painted 1-3 days until the glue gets off.

Paint Consumption Calculator

The dye consumption is calculated on the basis of the painted area. Typically, the manufacturer on the bank indicates the amount of alleged work. In order to avoid errors and extra spending on painting, you can use the paint consumption calculator.