Attic window installation. Skylights: rules for installation in under construction and finished roofs

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to install a roof window with your own hands. This operation will require adherence to all recommendations and maximum accuracy. Even the slightest flaws are unacceptable!

The design of roof windows has a number of features. This element is used in special conditions, because atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow, hail) will prevail on it. This requires a complete absence of crevices and seams, as well as high strength. The tilted position puts an impressive load on the frames.

Almost all manufacturers of roof windows use a suitable heavy-duty glass. It can easily withstand heavy loads. An ordinary one can simply burst when a heavy snowfall or hail falls.

Important! Be sure to ask the manufacturer about the strength level of the glass unit - there must be an inert gas inside it.

This structure consists of sash, frame and special fittings. Be sure to have a waterproof and vapor barrier apron. This element avoids leaks. The presence of additional thermal insulation is mandatory for the harsh Russian climate.

The cost of a roof window depends on several factors:

  • Glass unit thickness.
  • Profile materials.
  • The type of construction (we'll talk about this later).
  • Brand popularity. You will have to overpay a little for the products of recognized manufacturers.
  • The presence of additional elements (blinds, roller shutters, etc.).

All known classifications

By type of materials used

There are three options:

  • Wooden. Despite the emergence of more sophisticated and practical materials, wood is still widely popular. Its main plus is environmental friendliness and a more attractive appearance. The disadvantages include a low operating period (due to temperature changes and high humidity, they dry out) and fire hazard.

Advice: wood should be treated with antiseptics and protective compounds - this will prolong its life several times.

  • Plastic. The most common option today. The advantages of PVC are known to everyone - practicality, resistance to external factors, availability, etc. They are characterized by only one serious drawback - too strong tightness, due to which the ventilation process is complicated in winter (there is no natural ventilation).
  • Aluminum. They have the best technical characteristics. Moreover, their price is much higher. So far, this material has not received wide recognition, largely due to the high cost of the technology.

By design features

  • Extensions are the upper elements of the opening that create decorative outlines. They can have a non-standard shape (triangular, semicircular, etc.).
  • Additional bottom elements. They are used in cases where the height of the room is small, and one opening is not enough for normal lighting.
  • Light tunnel. It does not come into contact with the attic - a reflective tunnel runs from it into the room, and a plafond is fixed in it, which diffuses the light. Most often it is used in small attics.
  • Balcony elements. Supplement that provides access to the balcony. They are often used with a strong roof slope.
  • Cornice elements. They are installed vertically under the main roof window. The need for them arises when the wall is too high.

By the location of the opening axes

The device of roof windows is different - the opening method is different. Allocate the following varieties, relative to the location of the axis:

  • Central. The most popular option, since this design allows the sash to scroll in all directions.
  • Raised. They are used in the area of ​​the upper boundaries of the opening.
  • Combined - the upper axis only opens outward, and the central part can be turned (for example, to organize cleaning).
  • The side one is the hatches.
  • Lower (balcony).

There is one more variety that cannot be attributed to any of the categories - the so-called "smart windows". This is a system in which the leaves are opened using the remote control. Such structures are used, as a rule, in two cases: if the height of the room is too high, or for aesthetic reasons.

The main scope of work

If you want to do the installation yourself, then our installation instructions for roof windows will help you. Let's consider everything in stages.

Theoretical aspect - choosing a location

In the first step, remember a few simple guidelines:

  • Ideal if the installation does not affect the rafters and they remain unchanged. When planning, you need to strive for this.
  • The size of the opening should be at least 10% of the area of ​​the room - only in this case, favorable lighting will be provided at any time of the year.
  • The width of the opening should be 5-7 cm less than the step between the rafters. If you have them too often, you can make, for example, two small windows next to each other.
  • It is better to choose the height of the location from the angle of the slope. The steeper the roof, the lower the opening should be. Recommended height 90-120 cm from the floor.

Opening organization rules

Installation of roof windows begins with the preparation of the opening. In this case, there are several rules that must be followed:

  • Between the opening and the frame, we will subsequently put insulation in the bed. Therefore, along the entire perimeter, we leave an allowance of several centimeters (depending on the selected thermal insulation material).
  • We leave a technological gap between the roof and the bottom line of the frames (within 10 cm).
  • We leave a gap of 4-8 cm between the roof and the upper beam. This is necessary in order to prevent the structure from skewing as a result of wood shrinkage.
  • Frames must be mounted to the rafters, and not to the crate! Also, horizontal slats are organized from a bar, which is stuffed onto the rafters.

Guided by these rules, you must cut an opening (it is better to use a chainsaw). This procedure is pretty straightforward. However, if you already have roofing material installed and interior finishing done, then it will be much more difficult. You need to know the internal position of the rafters. Ideal if you have a diagram at hand.

Remember that roofing material and rafters are cut with different tools. We saw wooden elements with a simple saw, and slate or profiled sheet with a grinder with a special attachment. If you do not have the appropriate tools, or you do not know the location of the rafters, it is better to invite a specialist who will arrange the opening for you. Otherwise, you risk causing serious damage to the roof.

If the attic ceiling is finished with panels or similar material, then they can be dismantled beforehand. This will allow us to find out the location of the rafters, and also make our life easier. We mount the panels back only upon completion of the work - in this case, you will not damage them.

The specifics of the organization of the box

Making a roof window with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to constantly check the accuracy and correctness of the installation. Level (ideally laser), tape measure and plumb line should be your best friends at all stages of work.

So, you have cut an opening of the appropriate size, following the recommendations above. Next, you need to create a box - an element that will hold our structure.

  • We install a temporary support from below - any bar can serve as its capacity. The bottom of the window should be aligned strictly horizontally, so use the building level. Even a 1mm misalignment will jeopardize the success of the entire operation.
  • We fix the bottom of the box with screws. Then we fix the top corner.

Important! Do not turn the screws all the way in so that adjustments can be made if necessary.

  • So, we temporarily fixed the box and now we need to adjust it. Along the entire perimeter, estimate the distance to the roof, as well as the horizontal (vertical) position using a level or plumb line. The gap should be the same on all sides. We use special plastic wedges for adjustment.
  • Having checked the correctness of the fixation again, we install the thermal insulation - we put it in the gap between the box and the roof, without leaving even the slightest gaps! Remember that a tremendous load will be placed on the structure, therefore even minimal errors and clearances are not permissible.
  • The insulation material should overlap the window by a few centimeters - this will provide additional protection from wind and moisture. Therefore, we cut it with a margin.

How to insert a salary correctly

The salary is a structure that connects the window to the frame. It also creates maximum tightness and strength. It is installed in the following sequence:

  • First, we install the lower part of the flashing. Then the top plate is fixed. These elements are fixed with screws.
  • Then the side sections are mounted on special nails.
  • Next, insert the side parts all the way down. The sections are mounted to the crate with clamps.
  • The top and side covers are secured with screws.
  • Now we bring the roofing material to the fold on the frame.
  • We attach the upper section of the flashing to the crate with clamps. We press it onto the screws to the box.
  • If there is excess roofing, we cut it, leaving 5-10 mm.

The simplest step is to insert the frame

The most time-consuming operations are over. Now you need to insert the finished structure. If you are working alone, first pull out the frame so that it does not pop, as this can cause defects. If you have a partner, you do not need to do this, since he will hold the sash with one hand.

  • We attach the kit to the salary. It should match it perfectly. Otherwise, you need to contact the manufacturer, as this is a marriage.
  • First of all, we fix the lower part. The lower brackets must be screwed in until they stop, and the upper ones must be left in a slightly loose state. As a result, we will create a slight backlash required for adjustment.
  • At this stage, the final adjustment is carried out. You must perfectly fix the window - the distance from the frame to the opening must be identical on all sides.
  • After making sure of the correct location, "tightly" tighten all the fasteners.

At the end, we trim the outer slopes for the skylights. In particular, it is necessary to install a waterproofing apron around the perimeter of the frame (it will prevent leaks). We attach it to a construction stapler. If it doesn't work, you can use small nails or special screws.

Those who decide to rebuild the attic above the bathhouse into a full-fledged living space will need to do everything so that fresh air flows and sunlight can flow into it unhindered. To solve this problem will allow skylights, the installation of which is somewhat different from the installation of simple windows. In this article, we will talk about how to install a roof window, and also describe in detail the entire technology.

If the owner decides to install skylights in the slopes, the resulting structure should form a multi-layer roofing system. The window will need not only to be very securely fixed, but also to do everything possible so as not to change the technical characteristics of the roof. Therefore, all work must be performed with maximum literacy and accuracy.

Requirements for roof windows

A properly made roofing cake perfectly conserves heat, condensation does not collect on it, and it also serves for a long time thanks to well-organized ventilation. The same requirements apply to roof windows, which, among other things, must be easy to open and close. They, like the roof, must be able to withstand any atmospheric manifestations.

In this regard, the installed roof windows must meet the following requirements:

  • mandatory presence of tempered glass or it must be a triplex system;
  • they must have an energy-saving function and at the same time perfectly transmit the luminous flux;
  • equipped with a sturdy frame that allows constant protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • shading must be available, ease of maintenance must be ensured, and summer and winter ventilation and an insect and dust barrier are highly preferred.

So that the money is not wasted, before starting all the work, it is recommended to complete all the calculations so that the window is selected according to the needs. It must match the roof covering and be in the correct position.

Window area

It is very simple to make calculations, the final data will depend on the floor area. For every 10 m 2 of the base, 1 m 2 of glazing must be provided, regardless of the size of the window. It is worth considering the fact that the higher the window is, the more light it can let through. However, this approach can interfere with those who like to look at the surrounding nature for a long time, therefore, such installation of skylights into a finished roof is more acceptable for roofs with low slope slopes - within 15-20º.

In roofs with steep slopes, the installation of a dormer window into a soft roof is carried out in such a way that its lower border is located at a height of 100 to 140 cm. The extremely low value in this case can reach 80 cm, and the maximum - 190 centimeters. However, the height of the placement has almost no effect on the dimensions of the roof windows. Be that as it may, the total glazing area should be determined according to the proposed formula, it does not matter how many windows the owner of the house wants to install.

Which window is better to choose for the attic

On the market at the moment you can find many varieties of roof windows in terms of design and functional features. They differ not only in size, but also in the way they function, the location of the rotary mechanism and the handle. With regards to the window handle, the height of its installation will affect the installation height of the window itself.

If you set the handle very high, the window will be inconvenient to open and close, unless, of course, it has a remote control function. And if you place it too low, it can be dangerous for children resting in the attic. Also, the type of installed roofing will affect the choice of the roof window. The height of the external window flashing will be the greater, the higher the relief of the roofing material. Some window manufacturers mark their products with data, which indicates the roofing materials with which it is preferable to install windows.

Keep track of the complete set of windows sold. It is necessary that they contain all the fasteners, mounting corners, a moisture-proof apron, as well as sealant and adhesive tape.

It should be noted that if the kit does not include a drainage gutter, it is advisable to make it yourself, for example, from a piece of waterproofing material folded in half.

Determine the installation site for roof windows

It is very important that the installation of the attic roof window is done in the correct place, so that the lifespan of the entire roof can be maximized.

When deciding on the installation site, keep in mind that you should not do this in such places:

  • on the slopes of the valley, as moisture and other precipitation will collect in its corners;
  • near ventilation ducts, chimneys, because condensation often occurs in such places;
  • close to horizontal walls where precipitation collects and there is a high likelihood of shading.

There are no strict technical standards for the location of roof windows, so when choosing them, be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The most important thing is the type of roofing. Roll roofing material can be easily cut at the place of interest. For ceramic tiles, this approach will not work. The window will need to be positioned in such a way that its lower part is located on top of a row of continuous tiles. If this cannot be done, the tiles will need to be disassembled, and at the end of the window cut-in, fit the fitted parts of the material over the window flashing.
  • The step of the rafters is also considered important. Ideally, the structure of the rafter system should remain unchanged. Try to buy windows with dimensions that allow you to effortlessly mount them between two adjacent rafters, while there should be a margin of 7-10 cm. An additional gap is needed for the subsequent laying of thermal insulation. If the gaps between the rafters are too small to fit a large window, it is best to buy two or three smaller windows and install them side by side.
  • It is worth noting that if it is necessary to remove a small section of the rafter for the subsequent installation of the window, an additional horizontal bar is mounted in the opening for it in order to strengthen the rafter system.
  • You need to pay attention to whether the handle is attached at the top of the window or at the bottom. In the first case, roof windows are mounted at a height not exceeding 110 cm, and in the second case - up to 170 cm

When deciding where and how to install the dormer window into the finished roof, it is necessary to provide for the installation under the window of the heater, thus, it will be possible to exclude the appearance of condensation.

Sequence of installation of a window on a mansard roof

Work on installing a window in the attic consists of the following steps:

  • an opening is made under the window to be mounted;
  • install a frame with a pre-removed double-glazed window;
  • produce insulation and moisture insulation;
  • installation of the gutter on top of the window frame;
  • fixing the elements of the salary;
  • installation of a double-glazed window;
  • interior finishing, including the installation of vapor barrier and the creation of slopes.

As a rule, all manufacturers of roof windows attach complete instructions, according to which you can do all the work yourself. There are a number of nuances, taking into account which the installation of windows will be of the highest quality.

We make an opening in the roof according to the rules

The opening device must comply with the following rules:

  • Due to the fact that thermal insulation will need to be laid along the entire perimeter of the frame opening, a gap of 2-3.5 cm will need to be left. This value depends on the thickness and density of the insulation material.
  • A technological gap must also be provided between the lower part of the window and the roof covering. The gap is determined based on the type of roofing material. If this is a tile, then the indent in this case will be 9 cm.
  • A clearance of 4-10 cm should be left between the roof covering and the upper assembly bar. In this case, the gaps are necessary to prevent skewing of the window as a result of the possible shrinkage of the rafter system.
  • The window frame will be fixed to the rafters or rails fixed at the same level horizontally. The slats are made from a bar with a section similar to the crate.
  • From the inside, on the moisture-repellent material or on the finish, an outline is drawn according to predetermined distances.
  • Pieces of waterproofing material are cut around the perimeter of the window so that a so-called "envelope" is obtained, that is, overlaps of 20-25 cm must be provided. Subsequently, they will need to be turned out, fixed with a stapler to the frame or crate, and the excess parts can be removed. In the upper part, a moisture-repellent apron will be placed on them so that the insulation shell becomes completely sealed.

How to install a window box correctly

Manufacturers recommend that the mounting brackets be secured to the frame. For example, the manufacturer Fakro recommends removing the glass unit before installing the brackets, while the manufacturer Velux recommends removing it after the brackets are installed.

It is best to lay and fix the thermal insulation at the top and bottom of the window with a stapler before installing the frame in the opening.

Frame installation and adjustment

Installation and adjustment of the frame is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The lower brackets are fixed tightly, and the upper brackets are twisted only partially, so that in the future it will be possible to make adjustments.
  • At the next stage, the frame is aligned vertically and horizontally, and if any deviations were found, then an adjustment is made with the help of plastic corners. It is recommended to temporarily install the sash in place to be able to control its correct fit to the frame. It is better to check the accuracy of the installation of the frame now, since later this will not work.
  • The indentation from the opening to the frame on both sides must be the same.
  • When the adjustment is completed, all the bolts can be tightened completely, a moisture-repellent apron can be laid around the frame perimeter, and the thermal insulation material can be fixed with a stapler on all sides.

To install the drainage gutter, cuts are made in the crate above the window with dimensions equal to the parameters of the drainage device. According to these dimensions, a piece of moisture-proof material is cut off. The gutters are threaded through the remote part of the waterproofing and fixed to the crate. It is worth noting that the drain should be placed at an angle so that moisture does not collect, but flows by gravity into the ventilation opening of the roof.

Finishing work on the installation of roof windows

It is also worth remembering that the installation of the frame must clearly comply with the manufacturer's recommendations. Adhere to the rule - always start fixing the lower element first, while threading all the flashing nodes through flexible insulation. Then the frame is installed back, a vapor barrier is laid from the inside and slopes are made.

So we figured out the question of how to install a window in a mansard roof. All the nuances were given, the knowledge of which will help prevent mistakes in the installation process. Ideally, you need to adhere to all recommendations, regardless of the design features of the purchased windows. Consider the technology of their installation and then you can do all the operations yourself.

The roof window is a very important part of the roof structure. Improper installation or poor waterproofing will negate all roof construction efforts, jeopardizing a comfortable existence not only in the attic, but throughout the house.

That is why it is not recommended for beginners to undertake self-installation of roof windows, it is better for them to contact specialists. For those who already have experience in construction work, subject to the instructions and the rules set out below, this task will be quite capable.

Set of tools

Before starting work, a home craftsman should stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • Hammer
  • Plumb line
  • Nail puller
  • Hacksaw
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Construction stapler
  • Level
  • Marker
  • Nails
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Edged board, the section of which corresponds to the section of the rafter leg
Part of tools for the installation of metal roof windows

Installation location and window dimensions

The maximum permissible width of the roof window should be 80 - 120 mm less than the opening between the rafters. If the rafter legs are located with a small step, two windows are installed in adjacent niches or through one.

The height of the window installation is determined based on the method of its opening and the angle of inclination of the roof. In steep roofs, it is better to place it in the lower part, in shallow ones - in the upper part. Windows with a bottom arrangement of fittings are installed at a height of 1200 - 1300 mm, with an upper one - at a height of 1000 - 1100 mm.

Work order

Opening preparation

The installation of the roof window should be started after the installation of the roofing cake, but before the interior decoration of the room is completed.

First of all, the boundaries of the future opening should be marked with a marker on the waterproofing film. In this case, at least 40 mm should be retreated from each rafter leg, and if possible - 60 mm or more.

When the boundaries of the installation are drawn, 200 mm retreat from them and only now they make a cutout. This leaves a 20 cm headroom on each side of the hole. It should be bent inside the room.

Securing the mounting bar

The mounting bar is made from the same board from which the roof rafters are made. It is fixed between the rafters under the window opening, while the gap between the timber and the lathing should be 80 - 100 mm.

The mounting bar must occupy a strictly horizontal position, therefore, the correctness of its installation is controlled using a building level.

After fixing the bar, the lower edge of the waterproofing film is nailed to it with a stapler.

Frame installation

Before starting the installation of the frame, the side edges of the waterproofing film should be pulled outward, and its upper edge should be nailed with a stapler to the crate above the opening.

The frame is freed from the sash and frame, after which a piece of mineral wool insulation is nailed to its upper part with a stapler. A fragment of a heat insulator, designed to insulate the lower part of the window, must be fixed to a mounting bar. The frame can now be installed in the opening following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Tip: Leave the top brackets slightly loose when installing the frame. In the future, this will make it possible to correct its position.

After installing the frame, the insulation attached to the mounting bar must be firmly pressed against the opening and secured with a stapler.

Sash installation

The order of installation and dismantling of the window sash is described in detail in the instructions from the manufacturer.

After installing the sash in place, check how well it adheres to the frame. The detected distortions are eliminated by correcting the position of the frame, after which all brackets are securely fixed.

At the final stage, on both sides of the opening, insulation is laid and fixed, and the side fragments of waterproofing are nailed to the frame, removing excess material.

External waterproofing

In the upper part of the window opening, the crate is removed so that a drainage gutter can be installed in the vacant space. A pre-cut roof waterproofing is introduced under it. If everything is done correctly, then in rainy weather, water from the roof section located above the opening will drain from the waterproofing into the gutter, without falling on the window.

Tip: only use accessories that are specifically designed for your window model. Even minor inconsistencies, subtle at first glance, in the future can lead to the appearance of leaks.

The apron is attached to the frame with a stapler, then it is brought into the attic and attached in the same way to the rafters, mounting bar and crate. The top edge of the waterproofing apron must be under the drainage channel.

The finishing touch is the restoration of the roofing at the bottom of the window.

Setting the salary

The installation of the flashing begins with the installation of the lower corrugated apron, which is attached around thereafter. Then the same apron is installed on top and only then on the sides. When everything is ready, the overlays are fixed on the window. All flashing elements should be attached to the batten and frame.

This operation largely depends on the design of the window and flashing, therefore, its implementation should be coordinated as closely as possible with the manufacturer's instructions.

Advice: use only special roofing sealants to seal the gaps between the frame and the opening. Conventional polyurethane foam quickly degrades under the influence of UV radiation, while losing its waterproofing properties.

Installation of slopes

The circulation of warm air in the window area depends on the correct installation of the slopes inside the attic room.

The lower slope should be placed vertically, that is, perpendicular to the floor. The top is horizontal.

If the technology is violated, the window will not be blown by a stream of warm air, which will lead to the formation of condensation on the glass. After installation, the slopes should be properly insulated.

Advice: insulating slopes should be quite effective; it is best to use a good layer of mineral wool for this. Novice craftsmen often underestimate this point, preferring to make do with materials such as penofol. It can also provoke the process of moisture condensation on the surface of the slopes.

As you can see, the installation of a roof window does not include any super-complicated operations. The main rules remain unchanged: thoroughness, accuracy, lack of haste and compliance with all points of the instructions. Stick to them, and there will always be enough light, warmth, and therefore comfort in your attic.

After installing the roof window, you can proceed to the installation of other elements. Required. Because it is an important roof element that provides ventilation to the roof.

Next, it is necessary to carry out the installation of snow holders on the metal tile. the process of its installation is described. Snow guards on the roof ensure safe snow removal. They are also necessary so that the roof does not deform under the mass of icy snow.

Video about the installation of a roof window in a metal tile

Two videos. The first shows the installation of the window into the finished roof, the second shows the installation instructions in stages.

In the attic, as in any living space, natural lighting should be organized. For this, roof windows are used that are built into the roof slope. Due to special operating conditions, they surpass conventional facade counterparts in complexity and make higher demands on the quality of installation.

Features of roof windows

The differences between the roof window and the usual one are as follows:

The dormer window is facing upwards at one angle or another, which means that:

  • it is necessary to have a gutter, through which the water flowing from the roof will be directed around the window;
  • requires the use of special types of glass, resistant to impact or at least not posing a threat when cracking. Armored glass is a very expensive type. Triplex glass consists of several layers with a polymer film located between them, which, when cracked, holds the fragments in place. Tempered glass with a strong impact does not break into large fragments, but crumbles into small ones without sharp edges;
  • a very reliable sealing is required both for the window structure itself (the gap between the frame and the opening sash) and the place of its abutment to the roof. In view of this, it is recommended to purchase aprons and other elements for sealing complete with a window, making sure that they are intended specifically for this model. Parts from another model may look very similar in appearance, but due to slight deviations in dimensions, they will not be able to provide proper tightness, which will lead to leaks.

When choosing a roof window, you need to consider the type of roofing. If it is profiled, the height of the profile matters: the larger it is, the higher the outer window flashing should be. Usually, manufacturers with a separate index in the marking indicate what kind of roofing material this model is designed for - ondulin, tiles, corrugated board or soft roofing.

Choosing a place for a roof window

Before proceeding with the installation of the window, you should determine the optimal height of its location. It depends on the following factors:

It is advisable to place the window at a distance from all kinds of roofing nodes, especially the valleys (there is always a lot of water in bad weather, and the snow lasts the longest), chimneys and ventilation outlets (moisture will condense on the window), the places where the roof joins the walls (shading).

Also, when choosing a place, you need to remember about the need to install a heater under the attic window, otherwise the glass will fog up.

Installation technology

Installation of the roof window is carried out in the following order:

  1. From the inside, on the waterproofing film, they mark the border of the opening with a marker, then two intersecting cuts are made in it from corner to corner. The resulting triangular valves must be bent inside the room and temporarily fixed, for example, with tape, so that they do not interfere with further work.
  2. Further, the crate is cut out according to the size of the opening. From the lateral surface of the rafter leg, the cut line should be 2 cm apart.
  3. If the installation is carried out in a finished roof, an opening is cut out in the roof covering. In width, it should exceed the window frame by 3–6 cm on each side, the upper edge of the opening should be 6–15 cm from the frame (depending on the window design).
  4. The rafters are tied with two horizontal mounting beams, which limit the opening from below and from above. They are needed to support the roof window. As the beams, you should use the same board from which the rafters are made. They should be 8-10 cm away from the crate. The horizontal level should be checked with a level. With a large slope, only the lower mounting bar is installed, while on top the window is attached to the crate.
  5. The lower and upper waterproofing valves are nailed to the mounting rails with a staple (in the absence of the upper film, it is nailed to the crate). The excess film is cut off. Side flaps extend outward.

    Side waterproofing valves extend outward

  6. Fragments of mineral wool mat (thermal insulation) are shot to the mounting beams with a stapler. If there is no upper mounting bar, the corresponding piece of insulation will need to be shot to the window frame before installing it.
  7. Proceed with the installation of the frame, from which you need to remove the sash and flashing. The procedure for dismantling the sash depends on the design of the window - you need to follow the instructions. The sash should be removed very carefully and in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, otherwise the hinges can be damaged with a high probability.
  8. The brackets supplied in the kit (mounting angles) are screwed to the frame.
  9. The frame is installed in place by screwing the brackets to the mounting bars with self-tapping screws. There is no need to completely tighten the screws right away - at first they are just baited. The mounting holes are oval in shape, which allows you to move the structure slightly, achieving a perfectly level position. Having set the frame so that it is exactly in the middle between the rafters (the distance to the right and left should be the same and constant along the entire length), and after checking the horizontalness with a level, set the sash in place. They check whether the sash fits snugly, if there are distortions, the frame is corrected (plastic corners can be used to correct the position), after which it is screwed on completely.

    When installing the frame, the brackets are not completely screwed to the mounting bars with self-tapping screws, so that it is possible to move the structure

  10. The valves of the waterproofing film released outward are shot to the frame on the sides, the excess is cut off.
  11. To the right and left of the frame, strips of mineral wool are laid, targeting them to the frame or rafters.
  12. A crate is cut above the window, so that an opening is obtained for installing a drainage gutter. If this part was not included in the kit, it can be made from a strip of waterproofing material by simply folding it in half lengthwise.
  13. The gutter is installed in place, leading it under the waterproofing film and screwing it to the crate. If done correctly, the water flowing from the side of the ridge will flow around the window along the gutter.

    If the roof window is placed under the ridge, the gutters do not need to be installed.

  14. Fix the condensate drainage gutter. It is important that it is located with a certain slope, which ensures the drainage of condensate into the ventilated under-roof gap.
  15. Next, a waterproofing apron framing the frame is laid, leading its upper edge under the drainage gutter. One side of the apron is aimed at the frame with a stapler, the other is threaded under the window and is aimed at the mounting rails, rafters and crate (if there is no upper bar).
  16. The roof covering is restored below the dormer window.

    The roof covering around the window is restored after the completion of installation work

  17. Roofing material is laid around the window.
  18. Begin to install the salary. The procedure depends on the design of the window, so there is no universal instruction. You need to carefully study the one supplied by the manufacturer. Usually, the installation of the flashing starts from the bottom lining, while all its components must be brought under an elastic seal. The installation is completed by attaching the flashing to the window frame and lathing.
  19. All gaps between the window and the borders of the opening are filled with a sealant for outdoor use.
  20. Next, they move on to the internal work, which begins with the installation of slopes. Slopes perform not only a decorative function, but also direct the flow of warm air, so it is very important to install them correctly: the lower one is fixed vertically, the upper one - horizontally. If this rule is not met, there will be no full blowing of the glass with warm air, which will lead to the appearance of condensation on it.

    If the order of installation of structural elements is violated, it will be impossible to operate the roof window

At the end, the slopes are insulated with strips of mineral wool, on top of which a vapor barrier apron is attached.

Video: installation of a roof window using the example of the Fakro structure

Features of installing a skylight on roofs with different roofing

The installation technology of roof windows depends on the type of roofing.

Soft roof

The size of the technological gap that is left between the lower edge of the window and the roofing made of soft materials should not exceed 4 cm.

After installing the window, the soft roofing material is laid around it as follows:

Video: installing a window into a soft roof

Metal roofing

The technological gap between the lower edge of the window and the metal tile, as well as other profiled materials, is:

  • with a low profile height - 10 cm;
  • at a high height - 12 cm.

For the installation of a window on a roof with a profiled coating, manufacturers supply a corrugated waterproofing apron that will tightly fit the corrugated sheets.

  1. The apron is laid after installing the frame, but before installing the flashing.
  2. To fasten the apron under the window, 10 cm from the frame, a rail is nailed, the ends of which should protrude 30 cm beyond the opening on each side.
  3. First, the lower part of the apron is laid, then the upper one and only then the side ones.
  4. Then a roofing material is laid around the window, which must be cut so that a whole wave falls on the frame.

The corrugated waterproofing apron will tightly fit the corrugated sheets of metal tile

Do not forget that different flashing options are available for profiled and flat roofs. A profile with a height of more than 4.5 cm under the window must be cut or riveted, otherwise it will damage the lead apron. Similarly, a roof window is installed with a coating of ordinary tiles, corrugated board, etc.

Video: installation of a roof window on a metal roof

Slate roof

Installation of a roof window on a slate is done in the same way as on any other profiled covering. But there is a nuance: the instruction from the manufacturer prescribes to dismantle the slate sheets in the opening area before installation, and this makes the whole process very time consuming. There is a way to get by with less hassle.

  1. First of all, you need to choose a salary that best matches the profile of the slate. For example, in the Fakro line (one of the most famous manufacturers of roof windows), this is the S type frame.
  2. The opening must be cut so that the top sheet of the slate remains intact, that is, the edge of this sheet will represent the border of the opening. From the inside, the slate is not visible behind the waterproofing film, so you need to act like this: knowing the height of the slate sheet, we roughly determine the position of the opening and then cut out a hole, but with smaller dimensions. Looking outside, it will be easy to understand how the sheets lie, in which direction and how much the opening should be expanded. Having made the first cut in the slate sheet, the fragment to be cut must be attached with a wire so that it does not accidentally fall from the roof (it can damage something or injure people). The final dimensions of the opening should be approximately 2 cm larger than the dimensions of the window on each side.

    Two pieces of wire will not allow the cut piece of slate to fall inside the room

  3. The cut slate sheet located under the opening must be removed and replaced with a bent, slate-like galvanized steel insert. The insert is wound under the slate and fixed with self-tapping screws. There is usually enough space under the slate to fit a window frame under it.

    The distance between the rafters and the slate allows you to install the flashing without removing the roofing material

  4. To get this opportunity, the nails holding the slate must be slightly loosened. This must be done very carefully, since slate is a fragile material and can be easily pushed through. It is best to use a nailer with a hinge mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of the "foot".

    Adjustable nailer - ideal tool for working with fragile slates

  5. Moving from the bottom up, we mount the flashing (its elements are overlapped). It turns out that the window is installed in the reverse order: first - the frame, then - the frame with the sash. The frame is installed in the traditional way - on mounting bars.

Do not think that a dormer window will look ridiculous on a simple slate covering. It can be painted, so that the roof will hardly differ from the "branded" metal-tile.

Painted slate takes on a presentable look

The roof should be painted with a special enamel for slate. The coating is preliminarily cleaned of moss and lichens, then treated with an antiseptic, a water repellent and a primer.

Typical mistakes when installing skylights

Sometimes it happens that when installing roof windows, unscrupulous installers want to save their time or material. This can lead to disastrous consequences.

Poor insulation

One of the miscalculations that inexperienced installers make is the insufficient insulation of the slopes. Instead of a thick layer of mineral wool, some people use a material like Penofol, which, due to its small thickness, has a much lower thermal insulating effect. The consequence of this approach is moisture condensation on the slopes.

Penofol of small thickness has high thermal conductivity. Its use will lead to the formation of condensation on the slopes.

Insulating the gaps between the window frame and the rafters should be just as effective. If you do not pay due attention to this, again you will have to face an excess of condensate.

Another common mistake is aprons and other waterproofing elements from another window model. At first glance, it seems that the part is ideally suited to this window structure, but in fact, due to a slight discrepancy in size, leaks may appear during the first rain. To prevent anything like this from happening, it is advisable to purchase the window and all related parts in one set.


We must not forget that the roof window is allowed to be installed with a slope of 15 0. In a flatter roof, the window structure, even with absolutely correct installation, will very soon leak. On flat roofs, skylights should be used.

It is very important to correctly adjust the gap between the sash and the frame. Sometimes installers who do not have sufficient practice neglect this, as a result of which a closed window becomes leaky.

Special attention should be paid to the device for adjoining the window to the roof. Many problems arise due to the fact that installers, instead of adhering to the technology provided by the manufacturer, chose to take a simpler path and perform the junction at their own discretion. For example, here is how the roof window was installed.

The roof should not be brought close to the window, but a gap should be left for water to drain

The decision to use construction nails and clamps is also not the best.

Construction nails and clamps must not be used to fasten the frame.

Here the frame and cover were connected with clamps. Not only are they located outside (the clamps must be protected with an apron or roofing material), but also ordinary nails were used for fastening, and not self-tapping screws with elastic washers. Obviously, the clamps will rust quickly, and water will flow under the nails.

Roof installation errors

Not only the window, but the entire roof must be installed correctly. Sometimes you can observe the following picture: due to errors in the installation of the vapor barrier (sometimes they simply forget to put it), waterproofing (ordinary plastic film was used) and coatings, water accumulates in the roofing pie, which flows into the attic room in the area of ​​the window slopes.

A roof without steam and waterproofing leads to leaks in roof windows

Seeing leaks in this place, the user associates them with improper installation of the window, while in fact, a reconstruction or at least a major overhaul of the roof is required.

Use of polyurethane foam

Another beginner trap is related to the use of polyurethane foam. Everyone knows that during the polymerization process this sealant adds a lot in volume, but not everyone realizes that at the same time it creates a rather significant effort. If the cracks are blown out with foam too generously, it will cause a distortion of the structure with subsequent leaks or even destruction of the frame.

Excess foam can destroy the frame structure

To prevent this, polyurethane foam must be applied in layers in small portions, each time waiting for the previous layer to dry completely.

There are types of polyurethane foam that do not create high pressure during polymerization. Example: Macroflex 65 foam.

Uneven window installation

When installing, make sure that the window is level. Here are some examples of what happens when you install a skewed window:

Installation of a roof window is by no means a simple task. For lack of experience, it is better to turn to professional installers. But you need to understand the technology - this will help control the actions of the master, who may well turn out to be unscrupulous.

Hosts who want to turn the attic above the bathhouse into a functional living space need to take care of the free flow of fresh air and daylight. These tasks will be solved by the installation of skylights, the rules of which differ from the standard technology of installation of facade counterparts. If the owner of the bath decides to equip the slopes with windows, and not the gables, the structure with the light-conducting element should become part of the multi-layer roofing system. The window needs not only to be securely reinforced, but also to ensure the preservation of the technical characteristics of the roof, which guarantees a competently performed installation.

Tasks of roof window structures

The complex "pie" of the roof, built according to the rules, retains heat, does not accumulate condensate on the surface, and serves for a long time thanks to the perfectly working under-roof ventilation. Equivalent responsibilities are placed on the "fragile shoulders" of roof windows, which, moreover, must open freely and not cause difficulties in closing. The windows, along with the roofing system, will have to repel atmospheric attacks. Therefore, it is recommended to equip the attic with special structures:

  • with tempered glass or triplex glass;
  • with an energy-saving light-transmitting element;
  • with hermetic seals and overlays;
  • with a sturdy frame protected from constant exposure to moisture and UV rays;
  • with devices providing shading, easy operation, ventilation in summer and winter mode, protection from insects and dusty suspension.

If you want to look at projects of baths with an attic, we advise you to read the article

It is advisable that the use and maintenance of them is not difficult, so that the fogging and damp finish does not irritate the owners. All requirements will be met by accurate selection and flawless installation of roof windows, carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and generally accepted technological standards.

Pre-planning and calculations

Installation without calculations is a waste of money. In order not to waste money, you first need to calculate everything, select windows in accordance with the tasks to be solved and the type of roofing material and determine the place for their installation.

Calculating the glazing area

The formula is extremely simple, the result depends on the floor area. Every 10 m² should be illuminated by 1 m² of glazing regardless of the size of the window. There is a nuance that slightly corrects the amount of light penetrating through the attic window. The higher the window opening, the more daylight passes through it. However, too high an arrangement will interfere with admiring the surrounding nature and such an installation is more suitable for flat roofs with slope angles of 15-20º.

Roofs with steep slopes unspoken laws and architectural aesthetics force to equip with windows, the lower line of which is on average from 1.00 to 1.40 m.The lower limit is 0.80 m, the upper limit is 1.90 m. However, the height of the location is practically does not affect the size of the roof windows. In any case, the total area of ​​light transmitting elements should be calculated using the above formula, and the owner wants one, four or two windows - a choice based on personal preference.

Which window to buy?

The buyer is now offered a lot of different designs with numerous functions, which are not worth listing in this article. The difference is not only in dimensions, but also in the mechanisms of action, in the location of the pivot axis and the window handle. The latter characteristic affects the installation height of the window in the attic. The handle is too high - it is inconvenient to open if the remote control is not attached to the window, too low - it is dangerous if children are resting in the sauna attic. In addition to the handle as a point of application of constant forces, the type of roofing material influences the choice of the window. The higher its relief, the higher the height should be at the outer window frame. Products with the Fakro brand, for example, have a special marking, according to which windows are selected for attics with tiles, ondulin, metal profiles or smooth roll coating.

Typically, the factory contains fasteners, mounting angles, a waterproofing apron with a vapor effect, a special sealant and adhesive tape. Of course, it is better to purchase a complete kit with all the accessories necessary for installation. However, in the absence of insulation, waterproofing and a corrugated vapor barrier membrane, all this can be bought separately or made from materials offered by construction stores.

Important! The installation of a shower drain above the upper line of the roof window is a prerequisite. If it is not included in the kit, you can make a gutter from a piece of waterproofing material folded in half.

It is difficult to say what initially needs to be decided by the owner of the bath, who wants to install skylights with his own hands. The determination of the installation site should be carried out in parallel with the selection of the optimal design. More precisely, these issues are addressed together.

Choosing a place for installing windows

Location is an important factor in determining the service life of the entire roof, interior decoration and the aesthetic data of the building. Before figuring out how to install a roof window, you should find the optimal place for its device.

Valuable professional advice. No need to arrange window openings:

  • on the slopes of the valley, since precipitation will accumulate in the inner corners formed by it;
  • next to ventilation outlets, chimneys, the operation of which will cause condensation;
  • near abutments to horizontal walls due to accumulation of precipitation and possible shading.

Professionals advise not to get carried away at all by the proximity of any nodes of the roofing system.

The limits of the height of the opening for the attic window have already been mentioned. There are no clear technical guidelines on this matter, therefore it cannot be said for sure which has more impact on the choice.

  • Definitely the type of roofing material. Any soft roll variety can be cut anywhere. Shingles are not allowed! It should be positioned so that the bottom line of the window structure is above the row of “uncut” whole shingles.

Attention. If it is not possible to arrange an opening over a row of solid tiles, it will have to be disassembled, and after installation, cut or shaped elements must be laid on top of the window frame.

  • A significant criterion is the step of the rafters. It is advisable not to violate the integrity of the rafter system. It is recommended to buy windows, the size of which allows them to be freely installed between two adjacent rafters with a margin of 7-10 cm. The stock is necessary for laying the thermal insulation layer. If the step of the rafter system is not enough for a large window, it is better to purchase and install two or three small ones next to it.

Note. If it is necessary to remove a part of the rafter for mounting a window to increase the strength of the rafter structure, a horizontal bar is installed in the window opening.

  • Top or bottom handle. Skylights with upper handles are arranged at a height of up to 1.10 m, with lower handles - at a height of up to 1.70 m.

The owner choosing a place for installation should take into account that a heating device must be installed under the glazed structure, because rational heating of the roof windows will exclude the formation of condensation. This factor also affects the installation height. And one more thing: the buyer of remote control windows needs to worry about the cable routing.

Stages of the attic window arrangement

The whole process of installing a window in the attic can be divided into a number of technological stages:

  • preparation of the opening for the installed window;
  • installation of a frame with a pre-dismantled glass unit;
  • laying of insulating material, waterproofing;
  • fastening the factory gutter above the upper line of the window structure or constructing it from a piece of waterproofing;
  • installation and fastening of flashing parts;
  • return to the place of the dismantled glass unit in the reverse order;
  • interior decoration with vapor barrier and slope construction.

The manufacturer's instructions describe in detail the installation of dormer windows: the owner of the bath, who does not have experience in this area, will be able to carry out the installation with his own hands, exactly following the instructions. We will only note the key points that may be overlooked. But accounting for them is a guarantee of a quality installation.

Opening device rules

  • Since insulating material is to be laid between the frame and the opening around the entire perimeter, an allowance of 2-3.5 cm must be left on each side of the rectangle, depending on the thickness and density of the insulation.
  • A technological gap must be left between the bottom line of the window structure and the roofing material, the size of which depends on the type of roofing. For an attic with tiles, for example, you need to leave 9 cm.
  • 4-10 cm are left between the upper mounting beam and the roofing material. They are necessary so that the window does not "warp" in the event of shrinkage of the wooden truss structure.
  • The window frame will be attached to the rafters or to special slats, fixed in level in a strictly horizontal direction. The slats are made from a bar with dimensions equal to the sheathing bar.
  • From the inside, on the waterproofing or on the existing finish, draw an outline according to the calculated distances.
  • Waterproofing is not cut along the contour of the window! You need to cut it with a kind of "envelope" so that overlaps of 20-25 cm remain. The overlaps are then turned outward, fastened with a stapler to the frame or to the crate, cut off the excess. On top of them, a waterproofing apron will be "put on" so that the insulating shell is completely sealed.

Specificity of window frame installation

Mounting brackets are attached to the frame according to the manufacturer's instructions. The manufacturer of windows Fakro advises to dismantle the glass unit before fixing the brackets, the manufacturer Velux recommends removing the glass unit after fixing the brackets and "baiting" the frame in the opening. It is more convenient to lay the heat-insulating material along the upper and lower lines of the window system and fix it with a stapler before installing the frame into the prepared opening.

Advice. The thermal insulation can be laid in the opening before installing the frame and attached to the upper and lower mounting bar.

Frame installation and mandatory adjustment

  • The lower brackets are secured firmly, and the screws of the upper brackets are not fully tightened. A slight backlash is required for adjustment.
  • It was during this period that the horizontals and verticals are adjusted, and adjustment is made using plastic corners in case of deviations. Experts advise putting the sash back in place temporarily to check how it will fit into the frame. There is no need to be lazy, after fixing the salary, it will be impossible to correct the shortcomings and serious mistakes.
  • The distances between the opening and the frame on the left and right must be equal.
  • After adjustment, all fasteners can be tightened firmly, a waterproofing apron can be laid around the frame, and thermal insulation can be stapled along the side lines of the frame.

To install a drainage gutter in the crate above the window, you need to cut out two pieces, the size of which is equal to the height of the drainage device, and cut out a piece of waterproofing according to these dimensions. The gutter must be placed under the cut-out section of waterproofing and attached to the crate. Note. The condensate drainage trough is positioned at an angle so that moisture does not linger, but spontaneously flows into the roof ventilation gap.

Completion of assembly operations

The penultimate touch - the installation of the salary must thoroughly comply with the manufacturer's instructions. As a general rule, they always start with the fastening of the lower element, and all the details of the flashing are brought under the elastic seal. Then, in the reverse sequence to dismantling, the frame is put in place. On the inside, a vapor barrier material is laid and the roof window is decorated by installing slopes.

Important. The plane of the lower slope must be installed strictly horizontally, that is, perpendicular to the floor surface. The upper slope must be perfectly vertical.

This is not a complete, but rather "detailed" list of nuances, according to which the installation of dormers is carried out. More precisely, the article is a list of general recommendations that must be followed regardless of the specific features of window structures from a particular manufacturer. A strict rule is compliance with the installation technology attached to the product. It will help the self-installer to eliminate errors, the customer of services will allow to competently control the process.