Curtain wall construction. What are the options for finishing the facade in a private house: methods and cost

V Lately many people want to build a ventilated facade for a private house with their own hands. The main task of such a mechanism is to insulate and ventilate facades. Speaking about what a ventilated facade is, it is worth knowing that the structure is a multi-layer coating for the outer walls of the building. You will definitely need to organize an air gap between the insulation layer and the topcoat. In this case, the air will be able to freely enter the walls of the room, as a result of which they will be able to "breathe".

Moisture exchange occurs naturally, so condensation will not form. As a result, the wall covering will not be damaged. The device of a ventilated facade is carried out according to the instructions, which will be described below.

Today in building supermarkets you can find a large selection of ventilated facades, materials for topcoat and insulation of facade elements.

You need to choose based on personal needs and finances that can be allocated.

The main advantages of a ventilated facade that you can build yourself:

  1. The design is fireproof, as it is made of non-combustible components. However, the manufacture of such structures often involves the use of windproof films, which are classified as materials of the G2 flammability group. To exclude the appearance of problems in the future, it is important to perform a competent design.
  2. The design allows to reduce heat losses, to prevent the influence of temperature drops on the bearing walls.
  3. The ventilated facade, the design of which provides for the use of various decorative elements, will make it possible to realize design ideas.
  4. Facade structures of this type can be used both for new buildings and for the renovation of old buildings.
  5. If you arm yourself with the necessary knowledge, you can build such walls with your own hands. This will save money and time.
  6. The ventilated façade, the design of which is easy to implement, allows you to transform appearance buildings and fix external defects.
  7. Such a protection system has a service life of about 50 years. If you choose high-quality parts and follow the instructions for the construction of the building, then the service life can be extended to 100 years.
  8. High soundproofing characteristics.

Such advantages make the ventilated facade, the installation technology of which requires a minimum amount of effort, a popular product among owners of private houses.

Materials that can be used to create ventilation facades

There is different types ventilated facades, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. To do right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the main components of each type of ventilated facades of houses.

A hinged ventilated structure is a product that consists of a cladding and a metal frame. The production of ventilation facades of this type consists in the reliable fixation of the subsystem to the outer part of the room. The structure, which is produced in this way, is able to pass air and retain it.

This is facilitated by ventilation gap.

Today, in the decoration of the external walls of the premises, you can use not only standard materials, but also those that are designed specifically for the ventilation facade system. The most common ones are the following:

  1. Porcelain stoneware. This material is durable and monumental. The disadvantages include the high cost. This is due to the fact that in order to fix the parts, it is necessary to equip a reinforced frame substructure of ventilated facades. Porcelain stoneware is not afraid of environmental influences.
  2. Composite parts, which are plastic sheets with a thickness of 2 mm. The material is framed by an aluminum plate, which can enhance the appearance of the room.
  3. Siding. This material is used most often. Available in aluminum, wood or vinyl. Each raw material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Previously, this material could not be replaced, but today there are more modern and high-quality coatings for the front of the premises.
  4. Fiber cement panels. Innovative material for finishing ventilated facades. In the production process, nanotechnology is used, which allows you to create special granules. Such elements can release excess moisture or absorb the missing. This property is useful in the manufacture of materials for finishing the exterior of the building. Fiber cement panels are covered with a special layer that is able to protect them from the sun's rays. Therefore, such a detail will not fade after a certain period of time. Parts warranty - 60 years or more.
  5. Facade panels for ventilated structures. The material can be square, rectangular, or any shape you want. It can be used to create seamless coatings.

All types of materials that have been listed make it easy to create ventilated facade systems. They are able to provide durability and strength to the walls of buildings.

The main requirement for facing material in damp climates is corrosion resistance. Steel cassettes are one of the most reliable materials, but the part can rust over time. Recently, steel parts with polymer coating, which are able to extend the life of the walls.

List of elements that will be required in order to complete the installation of a ventilated facade:

  • finishing material;
  • insulation;
  • cladding material for a ventilated facade;
  • fasteners;
  • steel guides;
  • components for ventilated facades;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • brackets;
  • horizontal jumpers;
  • puncher;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal;
  • plumb line;
  • mallet;
  • grinder or angle grinder;
  • ladder;
  • polymer coated steel sheets.
  • rope;
  • wooden bars;
  • facade system.

How to create a reliable ventilated structure?

The ventilated facade, the types of which can be different, has an average service life of 50-100 years. Everything will depend on how competently all stages of the construction were performed.

Work must begin with the marking of the future structure. To do this, using a plumb line, you need to determine the maximum deviation along the entire length of the walls, and then mark the horizontal lines along the height of a private house.

The marking step should be proportional to the size of the insulation.

  • installation frame structure, on which all elements will be fixed;
  • wall insulation;
  • facing the product with finishing material.

How to build a supporting frame?

The type and strength of the frame structure of the ventilated facade will depend on the material chosen for finishing. The greater the weight of the material, the more powerful and rigid the frame structure should be. For example, for porcelain stoneware, steel guides should be used, which are not only fixed in a vertical position, but also connected to each other by horizontal jumpers.

If siding is selected, you can use a metal profile that is designed to fix drywall sheets indoors. The profiles are fixed to the walls with dowels and self-tapping screws, which are inserted into a special bracket for ventilated facades. In most cases, they are mounted vertically, at a short distance from the eaves. The distance between the metal profiles must be equal to the width of the insulation board. In this case, it will be possible to easily carry out the installation of ventilated facades.

If the siding is lightweight, it is allowed to use wooden blocks. They can be used for wooden walls... This design option is budgetary.

The fixing of the profiles should be started from the corner of the room. First of all, the bracket is fastened in height. Next, the first profile for ventilated facades is fixed. Another profile should be fixed on the opposite corner of the room. The distance from the wall in these places must be identical. Next, the brackets are fastened along the remaining wall area, while window openings are excluded.

Before fixing the profiles in the window openings, a rope must be pulled between the extreme guides. If the wall length is more than 8 m, then the metal profiles are aligned in small sections. The profiles are fixed with self-tapping screws on the brackets, while the distance from the wall is adjusted with a rope. As a result, you get a single plane.

In the same way, you should assemble the frame structure for the remaining walls.

To impart integrity to the frame at the corners, the elements should be connected to each other.

How to fix insulation material

Choice of the method of fixing the slabs insulation material to ventilated building facades will depend on which type has been chosen. Under any insulation material is laid vapor barrier membrane... If this is not done, then the soaked insulation will lose its properties and will not be able to retain heat inside the room. The membrane should be laid according to the instructions. It is important not to mix up the side of the film.

If you plan to use mineral or basalt wool, then you can fix it with plastic dowels. They look like fungi with wide caps. Holes for fasteners must be drilled with a hammer drill to a depth of 4–5 m inside the wall. Fasteners are inserted into them, and special spacer nails are driven into it. The insulation material is pressed by the caps of the fungi.

6 dowels are required for 1 m².

Expanded polystyrene is fixed with an adhesive mixture. The material is laid in several rows to exclude the appearance of cold bridges. All joints must be filled with polyurethane foam. Some types of foam have a stepped end. Such elements can be overlapped. On top of the insulation material, you need to attach a membrane for waterproofing. It will protect the structure from moisture penetration into the mechanism. As a result, the insulation should be packed in a bag made of membrane, which will facilitate ventilation of the facade of the building.

How to perform cladding work

The method of fixing the veneer to the frame structure will depend on the material used. If siding is selected or composite materials, then fastening is done using self-tapping screws. For this, technological recesses should be made in the guides for ventilated facades. Some elements can be fixed with special clamps.

Fastening of a certain material is carried out according to the instructions that come with the cladding. You can also find products with hidden fasteners on sale.

The first step is to secure the elements at the bottom. The sheets are fixed row by row. At window openings, the material will need to be cut along required dimensions... The main advantage of ventilated facades is the air gap between the insulation material and the cladding. To create a layer on the guides, you need to fix an additional crate, to which the finishing material will be attached.

After fixing all the slabs, you need to complete the final stage of installing the ventilation facades. To do this, you need to close all the corners with additional details that can give the integrity of the structure.

How to calculate the ventilation facade yourself

The technology of installing a ventilated facade involves calculating the amount of required materials.

A feature of ventilation facades is the impossibility of copying the version that was calculated earlier. Specifications air gap is required to be selected by performing the necessary calculations. It is important to take into account not only the geometric and heat engineering parameters of a private house, but also take into account its location in space.

During the construction of ventilation facades in an aggressive environment, it will be necessary to use materials with increased resistance to corrosion. The elements supporting frame must be made of powder coated galvanized steel. Another option is stainless steel parts. It is worth remembering that the reliability of the frame is the guarantor of the durability of the facade of the building.

As an example, a ventilated facade will be considered, the calculation of which will be carried out for a private house with an area of ​​80 m². The initial data will be as follows:

  1. One-story private house 10x8 m, which is built of foam blocks. Two walls have 2 windows with an area of ​​2 m². One of the walls has an area of ​​4 m². There is no window on the fourth wall, but there is a door with an area of ​​2 m².
  2. The height of the walls from the base of the building to the eaves is 3 m.
  3. It is planned to install ventilated facades from metal siding... Penoplex 5 cm thick will be used as insulation.

First of all, you need to calculate the surface area that is covered by the facade of the building. To do this, calculate the area of ​​the walls and subtract from it the sum of the areas of all openings. The formula will be as follows: S = Sst. - Sp. As a result: S = 2 * (10 * 3) + 2 * (8 * 3) - (2 + 2 + 4 + 2) = 60 + 48 - 10 = 98 m². If rounded off, the surface to be covered by the ventilated façade is 100 m². The number of elements is calculated individually, it all depends on what material you plan to use and what dimensions it has.

You will need 100 m² of siding, insulation material, vapor barrier and waterproofing film. Dowels need to be purchased at least 600 pcs. When calculating the ventilation facade, the quantity additional elements of various types determined for each corner separately.

Recommendations for the construction of structures of this type with your own hands

In the process of installing ventilation facades, mistakes are often made. Therefore, it is important to take into account the advice of specialists:

  1. Before the installation of ventilated facades is carried out, you will definitely need to draw up detailed project, which will allow you to independently make the correct calculation of the ventilated facade and the required amount materials. During the installation of ventilated facades of buildings, all work should be carried out in stages, while it is important to control the quality of the work done.
  2. The thermal insulation material is installed in accordance with the instructions on the package. The seam between the slabs changes vertically.
  3. To choose the right fasteners, you will need to test them on the available surface. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the purchase of low-quality fasteners for ventilated facades.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the mounting of the brackets. If you deviate from the level by even a few centimeters, the surface may turn out to be uneven.
  5. It is not recommended to install ventilated facade systems on walls that are constructed from hollow core products. This often results in damage when dowels are driven in. As a result, cracks are formed into which cold air will enter.
  6. A paronite gasket should be installed under each bracket for the ventilation facade. This will protect the structure from heat loss in the rooms. Such elements also compensate for the deformation movements of structures after a certain period of time.

To clean the walls from salt deposits and dirt, which reduces the duration of the building's operation, it is imperative to wash the surface every spring and summer. This will allow for a long time maintain the original appearance of the walls.

It is not difficult to build ventilated facades for cottages and private houses on your own. It is important to follow the instructions and building rules... All stages should be performed sequentially, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Right installed structure a ventilated facade is a way to improve the look of a private house, to create warmth and coziness in it, as well as to raise the owner's self-esteem.

Not so long ago, nothing was known about the systems of hinged ventilated facades, but today these structures are increasingly used in the construction of new buildings and the decoration of the external walls of structures that have already served. Ventilated facade technology is widely used by both large construction companies and private developers.

Figure 1. Scheme of heat exchange between a wall and a ventilated facade.

The thing is that modern ways finishes allow improving the efficiency of energy saving in the building, and when erecting its walls, a lighter and cheap stuff... Thanks to the systems of hinged ventilated facades, old houses become not only warmer, but also much more attractive in appearance. It should be added that by facing facades, a single architectural style whole blocks.

Advantages of ventilated facade systems

Figure 2. Arrangement of a ventilated facade.

But not only for its design and heat-saving characteristics, the construction of a ventilated facade attracts builders, because one of its main functions is to protect the house from exposure external environment... Previously, others coped with a similar task. Construction Materials, but their disadvantage was the same "effective protection" against condensate drainage from the premises. Perhaps the most good example unsuccessful finishing of external walls can be cladding with air-tight materials (roofing material or metal sheets) of wooden or clay structures, which was used quite often in the past.

By protecting the house from moisture outside, the homeowners doomed the walls to accelerated destruction due to condensation that could not be discharged through them from the inside. Ventilated facade systems are designed in such a way as to provide between them and load-bearing wall air circulation, which is necessary for efficient removal of internal moisture and creates an additional air cushion to keep warm in the house. The principle of operation of a ventilated facade is clearly shown in the figure.

Figure 3. Suspension structure for a ventilated facade.

"Breathing" the wall provides a gap between it or the insulation and the facing material. Without this gap, vapor removal would be difficult, since many modern cladding(made of PVC or metal, for example) cannot pass air. The width of the gap depends on the material of the cladding and external walls, the operational characteristics of the building, and climatic conditions. The gap width range is 20-120mm. All of the above factors also affect the overall thickness of the "cake" of the ventilated facade.

Depending on the climatic conditions, on how thick the walls are and what material they are made of, the required heat insulator is selected. Its thickness is 50-150 mm. To the thickness of the "pie" you need to add transverse dimensions lathing and cladding panels.

Disadvantages of wood lathing

It is worth telling in more detail about the crate itself. Two types of material are used for laying insulation and ventilating the facade - wooden beams and a metal profile. True, the use of wood blocks is limited by some conditions. So, they should not be used when cladding plinths ( high humidity), the creation of a system with a heater thicker than 50 mm (unjustified cash costs for the timber, the overall weight of the structure). In addition, when choosing wood for the crate, you need to pay attention to how dry it is. Insufficiently dried beams can subsequently deform the finishing layer of the ventilated facade. On the other hand, timber battens are ideal for ventilated facades in wooden houses.

How does a ventilated "pie" work?

Now is the time to find out what the structure of a ventilated facade is. In this fig. 1 shows the construction without insulation.

Everything here is quite simple: panels are hung on a profile or beams attached to an external wall. The lathing step should not exceed 600 mm. Such cladding of buildings suggests that they do not require additional insulation, and its entire role is reduced to the external design of the building and its protection from external influences. To such a finish, one could add the need to hang a vapor-permeable membrane on the wall under the frame - a film that will become an additional obstacle to external moisture, but will freely drain internal vapors.

The structure of the ventilated facade, where the walls were pre-insulated, turns out to be much more flaky. In fig. 2 shows the structure of this "pie".

A crate is attached to the wall for laying a heat insulator (rolled or sheet mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.). For better waterproofing it is necessary to hang the vapor-permeable film with the smooth side outward even before installing the first layer of profiles. In addition, the membrane webs on the surface are joined in a horizontal overlap (the edge of the upper strip overlaps the edge of the lower one). After the insulator is laid, a membrane is hung on it, which is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws or a stapler.

Additionally, dish-shaped dowels are driven into the wall through the film, which will reliably fix the heat insulator to the surface. A water-repellent compound is applied to their caps, and the fastenings of the membrane to the profile are closed with tape or foil tape. After that, a second layer of lathing is installed, the thickness of which will provide a gap for air circulation, and cladding panels are already attached to it.

Diagram of the ventilated facade base / plinth arrangement with various attachment points.

In general, the construction of ventilated facades is not particularly difficult. But in order for the house not to look lopsided after finishing, and the heat insulator to be securely fixed on the wall and, therefore, to properly perform its functions, you need not dismiss the recommendations, which at first may seem insignificant. Any work begins with a preparatory stage. Preparing for the device of a ventilated facade, you need to:

  • clean the walls from dust, dirt, paint, crumbling plaster fragments and parts protruding from the surface;
  • door and window openings are freed from low tides, platband slopes;
  • depressions and cracks on the surface are sealed with mortar;
  • the wall is treated with a primer;
  • the lathing is set at a level and a plumb line in order to provide an ideal plane (it is better to create a system of sags stretched along the perimeter of the wall through steel rods of threads driven in at its corners, connected by transverse cords).


  1. If insulation is carried out with mineral wool, then the distance between the guide profiles should be slightly less than the width of the insulation sheet.
  2. Before laying the insulator, level the starting plate, which should correspond to its thickness.
  3. Start insulation in those places where you need to use whole pieces of insulation, place the fragments last.
  4. Do not allow gaps between adjacent sheets of insulation.
  5. The glue that will hold the insulation on the surface will not be able to cope with the task on its own, therefore, additionally fasten the insulation with disc dowels (the method of fastening is described above).

Not every wall can boast of a perfect vertical or flat surface. Proceeding from this, it is often not worth wasting cubic meters of solution on its leveling, because the costs will turn out to be "cosmic". After rough preparation of the wall, you can build a vertical plane from the profile using U-shaped fasteners. This is where the sag system comes in handy. Focusing on the threads, attach a bar or profile to the P-suspensions. You can use the factory hanger (fig. 3) or make it yourself.

The main thing is to provide it reliable fastening to the wall with dowel-nails. The step between the U-shaped elements should not exceed 400 mm.

Everything is not as difficult as it seems

In addition to the difficulties, in this process there are some nice "little things":

  • the second crate does not require the construction of a plane, if the first one was set correctly;
  • the work of creating a ventilated façade system can be done by one person.

After final finishing your home will not only be better at keeping warm during the cold season, but also to protect from the heat during the hot season.

You will feel the advantages of a ventilated facade almost immediately, as soon as you go to the electricity or gas meters to take readings for payment.

To maintain the right temperature regime in the House heating system or the air conditioning system may operate at a lower intensity.

If you want to make your home more comfortable, then you should insulate its facade. A zealous owner will not place a layer of thermal insulation only inside the premises. This is due to many factors. Firstly, this will make the interior space less spacious. Secondly, external insulation allows you to move the dew point outside the facade. Thirdly, such work can be done without causing harm. interior decoration... The main thing in this case is only to choose a method of thermal insulation and cladding of external walls.

You may prefer the installation of which involves the installation of panels or porcelain stoneware. Some people prefer wet technology. It involves the use of plaster. In order to determine the choice, you must consider these options, having familiarized yourself with the technology of the work.

Porcelain stoneware facades: preparation

The porcelain stoneware device starts from the preparation stage. On the surface, you should mark the points by which you will be guided when installing the brackets. Beacon lines are initially determined. The bottom horizontal mark will need to be drawn.

You can determine the extreme points using a level. Vertical lines are marked along the facade. For this, the plumb lines must be lowered from the parapet. Then you should start installing the brackets. With the help of a perforator, holes are made in the wall, where the paronite gasket is installed. You will also need a screwdriver to fix the supporting brackets.

Installation of wind and thermal insulation

The technology of the device at the next stage provides for the installation of a layer of thermal insulation. An insulation plate is hung through the holes for the brackets. Next comes the windscreen, which will also play the role of waterproofing. These layers are temporarily fixed. It is important to observe the overlap of the canvases, which is 100 mm.

Holes in the wall must be drilled through the windproof film and thermal insulation in order to install the disc dowels. You need to start from the bottom row. Insulation plates are first installed on the base or starting profile. Then you can follow from bottom to top.

The canvases should be arranged horizontally in a checkerboard pattern. There should be no through gaps between the elements. If necessary, the slabs are trimmed hand tool... When the project involves laying insulation in two layers, disc dowels are used. With the help of them, the inner plates are fixed to the wall.

Installing the guides

The device of the facade of the house using the technology of a ventilated system at the next stage involves the installation of guides. Attached to the brackets vertical profiles... They are fastened with rivets. The profile is freely installed in the support brackets. This will ensure that it moves vertically if thermal deformations occur. In places where the profiles are vertically joined, it is necessary to leave 10 mm gaps. This will eliminate deformation due to moisture fluctuations.

Wall cladding with porcelain stoneware

Facade construction technology consists of several stages. On the next one you can start facing. You can mount in one of two ways - visible or invisible. In the first version, the elements of the fastening system will protrude beyond the cover. At the same time, the frame is made of metal and will be profiles on which the panels are attached using self-tapping screws.

Installation can be carried out on:

  • clips;
  • rivets;
  • kleimers.

After finishing work, the fasteners are painted in the color of porcelain stoneware. Facade construction using porcelain stoneware panels is usually accompanied by the use of invisible fasteners. This allows you to do external walls monolithic in appearance.

Mounting methods can be different. Sometimes glue is used. In this case, the slabs are installed on the bearing profiles. If the fastening is mechanical (hidden), then holes are pre-drilled in the products for installation on anchor dowels. But if profiles are used, then cuts are made at the ends of the finish.

Another method is to use dowels that replace dowels. The mount can be combined. It allows you to achieve the greatest reliability. The technology is a combination of mechanical and adhesive fasteners. The boards are glued to the profiles and additionally fixed with mechanical fasteners.

Facade technology using panels

When deciding to use panels for decoration, you will need to choose a material. It can be single layer. In this case, it is based on polyvinyl chloride, imitating brick or masonry... PVC panels have fillers that allow you to increase performance characteristics cladding.

Multilayer products are also called thermal panels. They should not be confused with sandwich panels, which are used for the construction of partitions and walls. It is based on solid insulation and a protective outer layer. The following can act as thermal insulation:

  • basalt or mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foam glass.

The device of facades from panels provides for the observance of several stages, at the first of which it is necessary to check the condition of the walls. On a well-prepared surface, the panels are fixed without glue or polyurethane foam... You can use self-tapping dowels or anchors for this.

If the base is rather uneven, then the panels can be installed with foam or glue. The method of installation on the frame is also used. It consists in creating a facade covered with metal profiles or wooden slats... This technology provides for insulation. The device of the facade involves the installation of thermal insulation, and then the panels themselves are mounted. This technology also allows you to create a system. A narrow layer of air will remain between the plates and the thermal insulation.

If you want to use thermal panels, then you can cut them with a grinder with diamond disc... A starting profile is installed at the lower elevation of the facade, which is fastened with a self-tapping dowel. Installation should start from the corner. For fixing the panels, flat-head disc dowels are used. Under each dowel in the insulation, holes are drilled for the diameter of the head. It is important that after installing the fasteners, it is flush with the thermal insulation and does not interfere with the joint of the cladding products.

Additionally, the panels can be fixed with self-tapping dowels. For them, holes are drilled, which should be placed in the seams between the tiles. After the completion of the work, the traces are hidden with the help of putty. It will need to be matched to the color of the wall.

Plaster facade technology

Finishing wet way so popular because of the minimum number of cold bridges. On the preparatory stage the basis should be assessed. The wall is cleaned of dirt, and then checked for bearing and adhesive characteristics. Damaged trim areas are removed and replaced with new ones.

If the facade is uneven, then the errors can be eliminated with the help of plaster mortar. The technique provides for the installation of a profile bar. She will help even distribution loads from thermal insulation slabs that follow.

The profile is fastened at a height of 0.4 m from the ground level. Self-tapping screws or dowels can be used as fasteners. Then you can start installing the thermal insulation layer.

Device plaster facade usually involves the use of expanded polystyrene boards or mineral wool. Installation of thermal insulation is carried out on the basement profile. It is necessary to step back 3 cm from the edge of the plate and apply a glue solution around the perimeter. In the central space, the glue is applied pointwise. You should fill about 40% of the slab area.

The insulation adheres well to the wall and adjacent slabs. Excess glue is removed. 3 days after these works, the thermal insulation layer is additionally reinforced with dowels. Then you can start installing the reinforcing layer.

Facade device involves processing the corner bevels of the door and window openings... The reinforcement process will look like this: the insulation is applied adhesive composition, in which the reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass is recessed. A covering layer of the same composition is applied on top of it.

Stage of finishing

After the reinforcing layer has dried, which will happen in about a week, it is applied on top finishing layer plaster. The mixture must be moisture-proof, vapor-conducting and resistant to mechanical stress. The basement part should be waterproofed. Additionally, this area of ​​the building is insulated using materials with a reduced moisture permeability coefficient.

When to start finishing

Facade construction using wet technology is carried out after the installation of the roof and wiring, as well as the installation of doors and windows. Work must be carried out in warm time of the year. Protect the base layer from direct sunlight, otherwise the material may crack. This also applies to atmospheric precipitation, they can wash off dry plaster. She is covered for about a day. Matte polyethylene is ideal for this.


The device of the facade using this technology can provide for the application of a decorative layer after the plaster has dried. As a material for this, a water-based emulsion is usually used acrylic paint... It is also applied for a primer, after diluting it with water. Cement-based mineral plasters are slightly more expensive. They give the surface a different texture like "bark beetle" or "fur coat".

What composition to choose for the finish

Even more expensive are silicone compositions with a filler in the form of fine-grained granite chips. The most expensive decorative layer will become Its high cost due to the presence of stone colored chips and transparent resins in the composition. After hardening, the mixture forms a glassy smooth top layer.


Facade construction is carried out today different technologies... This can be a ventilated system or wall decoration with plaster. You can choose the technique that you can handle on your own, because this will save you money.

This article will consider a ventilated facade. The technology of its device, the main constructive schemes. We will analyze important points and the main units of the ventilated facade.

Ventilated facade system, design highlights

Figure 1 below shows general scheme ventilated facade.

Let us analyze which design features are typical for a wall with a ventilated facade. This must be understood in order to correctly execute the wall and its outer part (facade). If the wall is a wall with a ventilated façade, then it must be structurally correct accordingly. If the wall is a wall without a ventilated facade, then it must also be structurally correct, so you need to understand the difference. We will talk about two types of ventilated facades:

  1. without insulation, shown in Figure 2;
  2. with insulation, shown in Figure 3.

A wall can be considered as a wall with a ventilated facade without insulation (Figure 2) if:

  • The wall is made of vapor-permeable materials (with a vapor-permeability not lower than 0.05 mg / (m * h * Pa)).
  • There is a ventilation gap (3-4 cm) between the wall and the cladding.

A wall can be considered as a wall with a heat-insulated ventilated facade (it is also a ventilated facade with an insulation, Figure 3), if:

  • outside the wall there is a vapor-permeable insulation (with a vapor permeability of at least 0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa));
  • this insulation is closed with a superdiffusion membrane (with a vapor permeability of 800 g / m2 per day and above);
  • after the superdiffusion membrane, a ventilation gap is made, 4-6 cm.

For clarity, I will designate the signs of a wall, in which the wall, although it resembles a ventilated facade, is NOT. So if:

  • the wall is insulated from the inside and there is a gap between the insulation and the inner lining;
  • the wall is insulated from the outside with a vapor-permeable insulation (with vapor permeability, lower than that of cotton wool, below 0.1 mg / (m * h * Pa));
  • the wall is insulated from the outside with a vapor-permeable insulation, and the insulation is closed with a material with a vapor permeability below 800 g / m2 per day (these materials can be vapor barrier film, waterproofing film and low-quality superdiffusion membrane);
  • the wall is insulated from the outside with a vapor-permeable insulation, the insulation is closed with a superdiffusion membrane, but there is no ventilation gap of 3-4 cm between the membrane and the cladding;

then the wall is not a wall with a ventilated façade by design, and, accordingly, should be arranged like a completely different structure.

The main layers of the ventilated facade (non-insulated and insulated)

Whether the ventilated facade is equipped with insulation or not, its design will depend (the number of layers, the design of the lathing, etc.). For a ventilated facade without insulation, we will analyze the main layers, and their features. For a ventilated facade with insulation, we will analyze the features, varieties of such a facade and the main layers. The device (how to perform) both types of ventilated facade will be discussed in a separate article.

The main layers of a ventilated facade without insulation:

  • Bearing wall made of wall materials.
  • Lathing.
  • Ventilation gap.
  • Facing.

The load-bearing wall, ventilation gap and cladding for a ventilated facade without insulation are the same as for an insulated ventilated facade, you can read about them in the next paragraph. A lathing for a ventilated facade without insulation will differ from a ventilated facade with an insulation, and the structure and structure of the lathing will be described in detail in a separate article.

We found out above that we will consider only a wall insulated from the outside with a vapor-permeable insulation with a superdiffusion membrane on top of the insulation and a ventilation gap as a wall with an insulated ventilated facade. Let's consider in more detail the components of the insulated ventilated facade. The insulated ventilated facade can be "with a wall" and "without a wall" (aka frame). The ventilated facade "with a wall" is shown in Figures 2 and 3. In Fig. 2 - a non-insulated ventilated facade with a wall, in Fig. 3 - an insulated ventilated facade with a wall. The ventilated facade "without wall" (frame) will be considered in Figure 5.

That is, if the insulated ventilated facade is "with a wall", then the insulation, membrane and cladding are attached to the load-bearing wall made of wall materials. If the insulated ventilated facade is "without a wall", it is a frame one, then the insulation layer is the wall, and there is no load-bearing wall made of wall materials in the structure. In detail, the question of the structure of a frame wall is disclosed in the article. In this article, we will not consider a frame wall, but will only consider the construction of a heat-insulated ventilated facade "with a wall", when all layers are attached to load-bearing wall from wall materials. Such a design can be provided initially, during the construction of a house, or it can be the result of the reconstruction of the facade (if the finished load-bearing wall made of wall materials is insulated or revetted already during the operation of the house). Whether the ventilated facade is made immediately during construction or is the result of reconstruction, the design and the rules for its construction do not change. Let's move on to the main layers of the insulated ventilated facade, consider how each layer affects the structure as a whole and highlight the points that are important for correct design... First, I will list the main layers of the insulated ventilated facade, in the order in which they will be considered.

  • Bearing wall.
  • Lathing.
  • Insulation.
  • Super diffusion membrane.
  • Ventilation gap (ventilation gap).
  • Facade cladding (facing).

Bearing wall

Such a wall can be made:

  • brick,
  • from blocks (any, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, foam concrete, shell rock, cinder block, etc.),
  • from timber or logs, or from a board;
  • from adobe,
  • made of stone.

The following parameters of the ventilated facade will depend on what the load-bearing wall is made of:

  • Insulation thickness. The warmer (the lower the thermal conductivity) wall material, the less the thickness of the additional thermal insulation will be needed.
  • The type of lathing (wood or metal) and fasteners of the lathing (dowels, self-tapping screws, and which ones, about this - further, in the paragraph about the lathing).
  • The design of the lathing will depend on how flat the load-bearing wall is (how it will be attached to the wall, directly or through a U-shaped suspension, more on this later, in the paragraph about the lathing).

Ventilated facade lathing

I will call a crate a system of elements that secure a heater and a membrane to the wall. The trim of the ventilated facade is also attached to the battens.

The figures above show that the “first” and “second” battens are involved in the construction of the ventilated facade. This is a conventional, accepted in this article, designation of fasteners, Figure 5. The first lathing, I call the lathing that is attached to the wall (regardless of its material, construction). I call the second crate the fasteners that are attached to the first crate and to which the cladding is attached (again, the name "second" does not depend on the material and design of the elements).

First crate may be:

  • from wooden blocks,
  • from U-shaped suspensions,
  • from a homemade fastener (cut from the CD 60 profile).

Second crate may be:

  • from a wooden block;
  • from the CD 60 profile.

The choice of the lathing design (both the first and the second) will depend on the following parameters:

  • Is the wall insulated or not;
  • If the wall is insulated, then what is the thickness of the insulation (100 or 50 mm);
  • The wall is even, or there are irregularities (more than 1 cm per 1 m2).

I will describe in the article how the choice of the first and second crate in each of the three above-mentioned cases occurs.

Sheathing material. First of all, the material of the lathing (wood or metal) is dictated by the chosen structure of the lathing (and the design depends on the three parameters given above). Once a design has been selected, the availability of that material must be considered to determine the material. It depends on the region of construction. In some regions, it is easy to buy a normal dried bar on a crate, while in others it is easier to put metal profiles. It should also be borne in mind that when buying a non-dried bar, you need to fix it immediately so that it dries already in a fixed position, otherwise it will lead it.

Note. When determining the material of the second lathing, it is advisable to take into account such a moment. If the cladding is made of something wooden (for example, cladding from OSB or blockhouse), then it is better to make the second crate of wood. Is not mandatory requirement, it's just better (the second lathing and cladding with the same material are easier to attach to each other and work better.

Insulation for a ventilated facade

For a ventilated facade, you need a heater with the following parameters:

  • with a vapor permeability of 0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa) and above;
  • with a certain density. For mineral wool 30-50 kg / m 2. For fiberglass wool - 20 kg / m2 and more;
  • the insulation should be in slabs (not rolled).

The thickness of the insulation is determined by calculation and depends on the material of the wall and the construction area. Optimal choice for insulation - mineral wool or fiberglass wool. These heaters are used in 99% of cases.

Note. The thermal insulation performance of a ventilated facade is influenced by those materials (and their thicknesses) that are located BEFORE the ventilation gap (from the inside). Any insulation, any thickness, located after ventilation gap, for thermal insulation indicators does not affect... For example, if the OSB is located after the ventilation gap, then there were cases when the builders advised from above on the OSB to arrange foam or EPS, and plaster that it would be warmer. This is not true, by installing insulation after the ventilation gap, the facade cannot be additionally insulated. An example of such a design (with useless insulation after the ventilation gap) is shown in Figure 6.

Super diffusion membrane

As mentioned above, the membrane must have a vapor permeability of 800 g / m2 per day and above. Membrane overlap 10-15 cm (both horizontally and vertically). The membrane joints can be fixed with a construction stapler; it is not necessary to glue them.

Ventilation gap

The size of the gap is 4-6 cm. This gap can be performed:

1. Due to additional lathing (in the case of wooden lathing).

2. Due to the U-shaped profile (in a structure with a crate made of a metal profile).

Figure 8 shows that the ventilation gap is formed due to the length of the U-shaped suspension, on which cotton wool is put on, as well as due to the second crate made of the CD 60 profile. This is the case when both the first and second crate are metal. Figure 9 below shows how the ventilation gap is formed when the first batten is metal and the second is wooden.

3. Due to the length of the self-made fastening metal element(in construction, when the first lathing is a self-made fastener cut from the CD 60 profile). In this case, the second lathing can be made of a metal profile (shown in Figure 10, below) and can be made of a wooden bar (shown in Figure 11, below).

More about how exactly the ventilation gap is organized when various designs lathing, you can read in the article. The design and implementation of a self-made fastener from a cut CD 60 profile will be discussed there.


The type of cladding depends on:

  • material of the second lathing,
  • lathing step (first and second),
  • details of fastening the cladding to the second crate.

How exactly depends, we will analyze in the same paragraph, below.

The main cladding options:

  • Siding (PVC).
  • Various slabs: magnesite, glass-magnesium (MSL), OSB.
  • Block house.

Now about how exactly the material depends on the type of cladding, the step and details of the fastening of the lathing.

  1. If the cladding is made of something wooden (for example, cladding from OSB, lining, or a blockhouse), then it is better to make the second crate of wood. It's not a requirement, it's just better that way.
  2. The step of the lathing depends on the cladding, on its material and size. I will give the step of the lathing for the main cladding materials. These are indicative, recommended values, since for precise definition each case must be considered separately. So:

    The above dimensions are general recommendations... For greater confidence, it is advisable to check before fastening empirically how appropriate the preselected step is. To do this, on the wall of the house or even on the wall of any outbuilding, fill the beams with the selected step and fix 1-2 elements facing material... Try to lean on. It so happens that the step can be increased (and at the same time save materials and installation time), or the step needs to be reduced, since the cladding bends.

  3. The type of cladding depends on how it will be attached to the crate.

    To the wooden crate:

    Siding. Can be fixed with a professional (not simple) stapler. This is a pneumatic stapler with large staples, it is also used in the manufacture of furniture.

    OSB, LSU. With a sheet thickness of up to 12 mm - self-tapping screws of 25 mm, with a sheet thickness of more than 12 m - self-tapping screws 35 mm.

    Block house. With a blockhouse thickness from 2 to 2.5 cm - a thick self-tapping screw. With a blockhouse thickness from 1.6 to 2 cm - a thin self-tapping screw with a narrow head in a flush or a nail with a thin head in a flush. Self-tapping screws are yellow or galvanized, we do not recommend black ones, as they rust. Fastening can be carried out "in a thorn" so that the screws are not visible, but it can be "in the forehead", then the screws will be visible. And since the screws are visible, it is better to fasten them along the lace (we pull the lace along the line of the screws and then fasten the screws strictly along the lace line).

    To the metal profile:

    Siding. Self-tapping screws 9 mm long (popularly called "flea") with a drill at the end.

    OSB, LSU. Regular self-tapping screw(without a drill at the end) 25 or 35 mm long, better for metal, but also for wood.

    Block house. Self-tapping screw for wood 25 or 35 mm.

    To a homemade fastener:

    A bar (section 40x30, 40x20) or a metal profile is inserted into this element at the end, as can be seen in Figures 10 and 11, above. If a profile, then it (profile) is attached to the fastening element with a self-tapping screw with a drill (flea) 9 mm long. If a wooden block, then it (a block) is attached to the fastener with a self-tapping screw for wood with a length of 25 mm. And already to the cladding, the profile or bar is attached as described above, in the paragraphs "to the metal profile" and to the "wooden crate".

    Note. I deliberately do not cite in this article the step of fastening the cladding to the second crate (through what distance the self-tapping screws are attached). The fact is that the magnitude of this step varies greatly depending on the cladding material. And for each type (for OSB, siding, etc.), you can make a separate article with installation details.

About vapor permeability of a wall with a ventilated facade

I would like to analyze this point in more detail, since there are many different misconceptions about this. The very name “ventilated facade”, as it were, conceals a certain “promise of vapor permeability” (“vent” means ventilated, which means it breathes, etc.). Let's see if this is so. This is important to understand, since the required ventilation power depends on which walls (facade) in the house. For vapor-permeable walls, this power is less, for vapor-tight walls it is more (on average, by 15-20%, it is necessary to determine by calculation for each situation). So, a wall with a ventilated facade is vapor-permeable if all layers of this wall are vapor-permeable. That is, if there are no materials with vapor permeability in the composition of the wall, lower than the values ​​given by me, I repeat: lower than 0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa) for insulation and vapor permeability not lower than 0.05 mg / (m * h * Pa) for the remaining layers of the wall. For example, a wall with such a structure (from the inside to the outside), drywall, brick, insulation, superdiffusion membrane, ventilation gap, cladding. This is a vapor-permeable wall, shown in Figure 15.

Fig 16. Example of a vapor-tight wall with a ventilated facade

Thus, the presence of a vapor barrier material from the inside of the wall or in the thickness of the wall can make a wall with a ventilated facade vapor-permeable (if there is no vapor barrier material) and vapor-tight (if there is such material). The very meaning of the ventilated façade does not change. In short, the meaning of a ventilated facade is to properly ventilate the material in which the dew point is located. This material can be a wall (in the case of a non-insulated ventilated facade), or it can be a heater (in the case of an insulated ventilated facade).

Note: In this article, we do not touch on the construction of a frame wall, which, most often, is a ventilated facade. But it should be noted that in frame wall the presence of a vapor barrier is required, which means that the walls are correctly executed frame house- vapor tight. You can read more about the walls of a frame house in the article

The hinged ventilated facade is based on the principle of ensuring natural circulation air between the wall and the finishing material. This helps to eliminate moisture, which in turn allows you to use insulation, as well as extend the life of the facade of the house.

The main properties of a ventilated facade are reflected in its name:

  • hinged- reveals the essence of the installation, which is performed on a subsystem of bearing profiles and fasteners;
  • ventilated- reflects its ability to remove condensate from the insulation using an air stream.

The functioning (action) of the ventilation facade is carried out in winter. During the heating season, there is a significant temperature difference between the facing material and the building wall. This leads to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation or on the supporting wall, which is eliminated due to the presence of a ventilation gap.

Benefits of a ventilated facade

  • universal mounting technology. Installation of a curtain facade is possible on buildings of any number of storeys, state and purpose;
  • speed of work;
  • protective properties;
  • aesthetic properties;
  • maintainability;
  • durability. At correct installation and the choice of materials, the service life of the ventilation facade will be more than 50 years;
  • thermal insulation of the building;
  • high cost justified by durability.

Ventilation facade device - types of hinged facade systems

Ventilated facade without insulation

There are no thermal insulation materials or there is no ventilation gap between the insulation and the finishing material.

In the latter case, the wall is insulated, but it is impossible to talk about the device of a ventilated facade.

Ventilated facade with insulation

An insulated ventilated facade must meet the following conditions:

There is a vapor-permeable insulation (vapor permeability -> 0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa));
- the insulation is covered with a film (vapor permeability -> 800 g / m2 per day);
- equipped with a ventilation gap (size - 40-60 mm).

A clad wall cannot be classified as a ventilated facades if:

  1. there is a gap between the wall and the insulation;
  2. using thermal insulation material with low vapor permeability (< 0,1 мг/(м*ч*Па));
  3. a heater is used with specified parameters of steam transmission (0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa)), but it is covered with a film with a low vapor transmission capacity (<800 г/м.кв. за сутки);
  4. there is no ventilation gap, subject to the requirements for vapor permeability of the heat-insulating material and film.

In these cases, other methods of facade cladding are used.

Ventilation facade construction

How the curtain wall is arranged, from which components and structural elements the system is assembled, how it is installed and how it is attached to the wall.

1. Subsystem for ventilated facades

The fastening system for the ventilation facade combines:

  • aluminum, metal or galvanized sub-systems of bearing profile guides;

The main horizontal bar - the price is 65-105 rubles / r.m. depending on the thickness of the metal;

T-shaped profile - the cost is 125-172 rubles / r.m. Used for facing high-rise buildings;

U-shaped profile - the price is 110-160 rubles / r.m. The main element during installation.

  • Fasteners. These include dowels, anchor elements, brackets (8-80 rubles / piece). The price depends on the configuration, metal thickness, system complexity.

The most stringent requirements are put forward for brackets for a ventilated facade, because their task is to cope with static and dynamic loads, level the unevenness of the wall and adjust the distance between the guide profiles and the wall. The larger the outreach of the supporting structure, the more rigid the bracket must be.

  • Kleimers (7.41-33 rubles / piece). The need for their use is determined by the type of facing material.
  • Basement profile (946 rubles / 2.5 m, width 180 mm). In fact, it is not a mandatory element in the ventilation facade, but it prevents small animals from entering the ventilation gap.
  • Additional materials: corners, end inserts, rivets, sealing strips, etc.

A distinctive feature during the installation of the subsystem is the absence of wet works, the units of the ventilation facade are fixed mechanically.

2. Insulation for ventilated facades

Installation of ventilation facades is not necessarily carried out using thermal insulation materials. However, insulation is a modern requirement in terms of improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

What insulation for a ventilated facade is better to choose?

The optimal solution when choosing a heater would be to use materials with the following indicators:

  • degree of hardness: flexible materials (mineral wool or glass wool). Cotton wool is used in 99% of cases of ventilated facades with insulation. It is recommended to use mineral wool in slabs, not in rolls;
  • thickness. Depends on the region, for example, for Moscow and the central zone of the Russian Federation, a thickness of 50-100 mm is sufficient. For northern regions - more than 150 mm;
  • vapor permeability index -> 0.1-0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa);

3. Membrane for ventilated facades

Designed to protect the insulation from the destructive air flow and atmospheric moisture. Vapor permeability index - over 800 g / sq. per day.

  • Izospan, Russia (density 64-139 g / m2, price - 1,500-4,500 rubles / roll 50 lm);
  • Juta (Utah), Czech Republic (density 110 - 200 g / m2, price - 1,359-6,999 rubles / roll 50 lm);

Also positive feedback on geotextile

  • DYUK, Russia (density 80-230 gr./sq.m., Price 1,580-2,598 rubles / roll 50 lm).

The maximum vapor permeability for the membrane is> 1200 g / m2 / 24 h.

4. Air gap in ventilated facades

It is precisely the opportunity natural ventilation informs the ventilation facades of their properties. Thanks to the presence air gap the design takes on the properties of a thermos.

Note. The size of the air gap is 50-60% of the thickness of the thermal insulation material. With a building height of more than 4 lm. it is necessary to equip intermediate ducts.

5. Decorative cladding for ventilated facades

The ventilation facade can be finished with various facing materials: siding, metal cassettes, porcelain stoneware, block house, etc. The task of finishing materials is to protect the system, insulation, reflection of sunlight and decor (aesthetic functions).

Note. The type of facing material affects the strength of the frame.

Ventilated facade calculation

The calculation is based on the performance of strength and thermophysical calculations and includes:

  • determination of stresses and deflections of structural elements (profiles and brackets);
  • checking the fastening nodes of the ventilation facade (the test takes into account the static load, double-sided icing, wind load);
  • calculation of humidity, air permeability, taking into account the size of the gap and the type of heat-insulating material.

The calculation of the ventilation facade can only be performed by a specialist on the basis of the recommendations of the manufacturers of hinged systems, using computer programs. This is due to the fact that increased requirements are put forward for ventilated facades of houses. bearing capacity, mobility of units, resistance to corrosion.

Note. The ventilated facade system is not installed on houses built with aerated concrete(except for structural foam concrete, which has a density of more than 800 kg / m2), hollow bricks, etc. materials of low rigidity.

Before starting work on the arrangement of a ventilated facade of a private house, you need to prepare: a perforator, a screwdriver, a plumb line, a building level, a hammer, a grinder, a stepladder, construction stapler, gloves, goggles.

Installation of ventilated facades

The technology of the device of the curtain facade implies the execution of work sequentially in several main stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Wall surface preparation

The level of evenness of the wall is not taken into account. The main thing is that there are no strongly protruding elements, as well as heavily damaged areas. It is mandatory to apply a primer to the wall surface.

Wall marking

The marking step is determined by the type of heat-insulating material. This type of work must be treated responsibly, because it determines the quality of the installation of the frame and general form facade.

Stage 2 - main